Program Guide

Welcome to City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation!
We equitably enrich community well-being by providing quality parks, trails, facilities, programs and services, and through the stewardship of natural spaces.
We equitably enrich community well-being by providing quality parks, trails, facilities, programs and services, and through the stewardship of natural spaces.
General Information.....................................1–3
Inclusive Recreation.........................................3
Cascades Golf Course.......................................6
Rentals......................................4–11, 14–15, 18
Switchyard Park............................................8–9
Community Gardening..................................10
Gardening Classes..........................................10
Frank Southern Ice Arena........................11–13
Twin Lakes Recreation Center....14–15, 30–33
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve.............................7
Facilities, Trails, and Parks with map......16–17
Shelter House and Ballfield Rentals..............18
Community Events...................................19–21
Nature and the Outdoors.........................28–29
Adults—Twin Lakes Recreation Center....................14–15, 30–33
Volunteer Opportunities.........................36–37
Sponsorship/Parks Partners..........................38
Memorial/Honorary Benches and Trees.......39
Bloomington Parks and Recreation Staff.................inside back cover Index 50+ Expo..........................................................21 Active&Fit........................................................30
Adult Winter Recess.......................................20 Arctic Adventure.............................................20
Banneker Carnival..........................................22
Baseball, Youth...............................................27
Basketball Future Stars..................................23
Basketball, Bloomington Youth Middle School......................................26
Basketball, Bloomington Youth Season III.........................................................26
Basketball, Friday Lunchtime Pickup...........35
Basketball, Pickup for Cis Women, Transgender Women & Men, Non-binary People & Underrepresented Genders...........................35
Bee a Good Neighbor.....................................29
Beginning Yoga..............................................31
Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market ....19
Bloomington Trivia Championship Series....20
Boot Camp.......................................................31
Children’s Expo...............................................21
Cold Weather Night Hike...............................28 Creek Critters..................................................29
DIY Hydrogen Line Radio Astronomy...........28
DIY Jar Ecosystems.........................................29
Earth Week Creek Cleanup............................29
Excel Tae Kwon Do..........................................33
Fitness Assessments.......................................30
Fitness Classes at Switchyard Park...............35
Flower Power..................................................29
Free Programs for Adults...............................30
Frog Songs......................................................29
General Admission Public Ice Skating..........11
Group Exercise..........................................31-34
Hatha Yoga......................................................32
Hockey Initiation II.........................................11
Holiday General Admission
Public Ice Skating...........................................11
Insurance-Based Fitness Programs.........30-31
International Festival.....................................21
Kid City Break Days........................................22
Kid City CIT (Counselor in Training)..............25
Kid City Summer Camps...........................24-25
Lunar Skating..................................................11
Mad Paws Doggie Egg Hunt..........................21
Maple Syrup Made Easy.................................28
Nature Sounds................................................21
Night Owl Skating..........................................11
One Pass..........................................................31
Personal Training...........................................30
Pet Expo...........................................................20
Physical Fridays..............................................22
Planting for a Rainy Day.................................10
Preschool Story Hour.....................................22
Recycle That!...................................................28
Roving Naturalist............................................28
Seasonal Soups: A Cozy Cooking Class.........34
Seed Starting for the Home Gardener..........10
SilverSneakers Circuit....................................31
SilverSneakers Classic....................................31
SilverSneakers Yoga.......................................31
Skating School................................................13
Softball, Spring/Summer Adult League........35 Soup-Herb Kitchen.........................................10
Special Olympics Indiana-Monroe County...34
Spring Awakening..........................................28
Spring Break Luck o’ the Irish........................20
Spring Ice Show..............................................12
Tennis Lessons, Adult.....................................34
Tennis Lessons, Youth....................................27
Toy Time..........................................................22
Turf Time for Toddlers...................................23
USA Softball Umpire Class............................. 34
Wholesome Heart-Healthy Cooking.............34
Winter Palooza................................................19
Winter Wander Challenge..............................19
Women in Nature Gaining Skills (W.I.N.G.S.)..............................28
Yoga Stretch....................................................32 You Too Can Canoe!.......................................29 ZUMBA.............................................................32 ZUMBA Gold....................................................32
City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department
City Hall, 401 N. Morton St., Ste. 250 Phone: 349-3700 Fax: 349-3705
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Closings (entire City Hall is closed):
Christmas Day Monday, December 26 New Year’s Day Monday, January 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, January 16 Spring Holiday Friday, April 7
Services offered: Program/event registration, scholarship and fee waiver applications, shelter rentals, ballfield rentals, maps, brochures, sponsorship inquiries (see page 38), and community relations.
Parking: Designated visitor spaces available in lot on north end of City Hall. Metered parking on Morton Street and in the Morton Street parking garage located at Seventh and Morton Streets (entrance on Morton Street).
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in North and South lots, ramp/sidewalk access from parking lots, automatic doors at south entrance, elevator located inside main entrance, restrooms available on ground and second floor level.
Community Events Movies in the Parks Performing Arts Series Peoples Park Concerts 349-3754
Outdoor Sports (Tennis, Softball, etc.) 349-3610
Aquatics—Bryan Park and Mills Pool and Community Foundation Switchyard Plaza Spray Pad (May–September)
Frank Southern Ice Arena (October–March) 349-3741
Maintenance Headquarters Rose Hill and White Oak Cemeteries 349-3498
Inclusive Recreation Services 349-3747
Urban Forestry 349-3716
To receive the program guide, or if you do not wish to receive the program guide, call 349-3700 and ask to be added to or removed from the mailing list.
The Board of Park Commissioners holds regular meetings the fourth Tuesday of every month, which are open to the public. Meetings begin at 4 p.m. Citizens of Bloomington are invited to visit the Board of Park Commissioners meetings either in person or online via Zoom, with questions or concerns regarding city parks and recreation programs, events, and facilities. For more information visit bloomington.
This program receives federal funds from the National Park Service. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental federally assisted programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility operated by a recipient of federal assistance should write to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, P.O. Box 37127, Washington D.C. 20013-7127
Parks and Recreation staff may videotape or take photos of participants in programs and at special events or of people in parks or on park properties. These photos may be used in future program guides, brochures, fliers or other materials used to promote Parks and Recreation.
This guide is printed with soy-based ink on 10 percent postconsumer recycled paper.
Mayor of Bloomington Board of Park Commissioners John Hamilton Kathleen Mills Israel Herrera Ellen Rodkey Jim Whitlatch Parks and Recreation Department Administrator Paula McDevittNo refunds are provided after the first day of a program. All refunds are subject to a $2 administrative fee. If the $2 charge does not cover costs incurred by the Department, the refund may be pro-rated in addition to the $2 charge. There are no refunds on season passes or punch passes. Full refunds are given for all classes canceled by Parks and Recreation. Allow four weeks for refund requests to be processed.
The Bloomington Parks Foundation provides youth scholarships to offset certain fees and charges. Scholarship applications can be obtained at the Parks and Recreation office, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., at any Department facility, or online at Scholarship applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the start of the program for which applying. Monroe County residency is required. For more information, call 349-3700.
Most programs have limited space available as well as registration deadlines. After the registration deadline please call for space availability. Register online at, or by sending in the enrollment form in this guide, or in person from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at City Hall, 401 N. Morton St.
A Park Special Use Permit is required to hold a large-scale event in Bloomington’s beautiful city parks. A Park Service Permit is also required to hold a race, walk, run, or other event on the B-Line Trail, Clear Creek Trail, Jackson Creek Trail, or any other trail owned and managed by the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department. For more information, contact Hsiung Marler, Switchyard Park General Manager, at
Mobile Stage Rental: Groups may apply to rent Bloomington Parks and Recreation’s mobile stage for performances within the City of Bloomington city limits. A refundable deposit is required. For more information, call Crystal Ritter, Community Events Coordinator, at 349-3962.
Hourly Park Use Permit: Instructors of classes or personal trainers who charge clients a fee for their activities must obtain a special use permit to hold classes in City Parks. The Hourly Park Use Permit provides guidance for hourly use of parks spaces for various groups. The Hourly Park Use Permit accommodates for fitness, art, and music classes, as well as sport practices/clubs or sport specialized coaching. For information on applying for a permit, contact Emily Carrico, Health & Wellness Coordinator, at or 349-3771.
Approval for Alcohol Sales: Groups may request to serve beer and/or wine at an event, once the group has successfully applied for a Park Special Use Permit. Beer and/or wine ONLY may be served in city-owned parks, trails, and facilities, and ONLY with approval.
Noise Permit: Bloomington Municipal Code 14.09.140 provides specific information about the city’s Noise Ordinance. Depending on the nature of an event, a Noise Permit may be required. The Parks and Recreation Department is authorized to review and approve Noise Permits for events that take place on Parks properties. For more information about applying for a Noise Permit, contact Hsiung Marler at
Permits for Filming: For more information about obtaining a free permit for commercial filming in city parks, contact Julie Ramey, Community Relations Manager, at 349-3719.
Detailed information and forms are available online at
Bloomington Parks and Recreation is committed to an inclusive approach to recreation. Inclusion is individuals with and without disabilities participating in recreation activities together. Reasonable accommodations are individualized techniques and resources used to enhance program participation without fundamentally altering a program. How to request reasonable accommodation: 1.When you register, mark “yes” in the inclusive service request section. At least two weeks notification prior to the registration deadline for each program is required. In some cases reasonable accommodation may take longer. 2. Request and complete an inclusion questionnaire. 3. Inclusive Recreation Coordinator will contact participant to establish an individualized inclusion plan.
Special Olympics Indiana—Monroe County, see page 33.
For more information, contact Amy Shrake, a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, at 349-3747 or Support
Bloomington Parks and Recreation offers a variety of programs for all ages and interests. If you are trying to reach youth, families, young adults, or adults over age 50 yrs., we have the medium to promote your product or service. If your business believes in supporting the community, quality of life, and environment, we have many sponsorship options to choose from. See page 35 for more information.
351 S. Washington St. • 349-3731
Hours: Call 349-3731 or email for facility hours and times for scheduled classes or programs.
Coordinator: Amy Shrake, CTRS
Bus Line: #1 South
Facility information: Two large activity rooms, restrooms, and a full kitchen are available for rental. Rental hours are 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Call 349-3731 or email for reservation and availability.
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in rear/southeast side of building, accessible restrooms.
The playground and swing set at the Waldron, Hill and Buskirk Park were removed in February 2021 to accommodate the City of Bloomington Utilities Department’s Hidden River Pathway Project. Bloomington Parks and Recreation collected input from playground users and other stakeholders for the design and elements to be included in a new playground.
Playground installation is underway! For more information about the Waldron, Hill and Buskirk Park playground, visit
Ten tables and 50 chairs are available for use. Twenty-two free parking spaces, and three free accessible parking spaces, are available behind the building. Available for rent daily between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. Call 349-3731 or email for reservation and availability. All room rentals require a 50% deposit.
The “Carpet Room” (carpet flooring)
1,500 sq. ft. (62.5' x 24') maximum capacity 50 people.
The “Tile Room” (vinyl tile flooring)
1,150 sq. ft. (48' x 24') maximum capacity 80 people.
Endwright East inside the College Mall is a free senior community center for Monroe County residents.
Monthly program offerings include balance classes, floor and chair yoga, euchre club, knitting and fiber arts club, Mall Walkers, biweekly hike and bike rides, local meetups and more.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 10 a.m.–3 p.m. 2894 E. Third Street at the College Mall For more information, call 812-272-4808 or visit
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 11 a.m.-2 p.m. By appointment only.
Need help with Zoom? Having trouble sharing photos you’ve taken on your phone? Have a new iPad that you never set up? Have some other technology concern?
Make an appointment to get some help. Thanks to Smithville Charitable Foundation & the City of Bloomington’s Digital Equity Grant for making this program possible.
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.
Socialize with friends while enjoying a meal and participate in games or other programs. A $2.50 donation for each meal is requested, but not required, of participants over 60 years of age. Donations go directly back into the meal program and help us provide meals for more people.
Endwright East is a partnership with: Area 10 Agency on Aging, Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, Commission on Aging, and IU Health Bloomington Alzheimer’s Resource Services.
BCT Management, Inc. 114 E. Kirkwood Ave. Bloomington, IN 47408 812-323-3020 •
Break Days See page 22.
Summer camp registration opens March 3. See pages 24-25.
A 600-seat, historic theater in downtown Bloomington, the theater is currently managed by a private non-profit organization, BCT Management, Inc. The theater is a valued community resource, available for public or private events. For more information, contact the theater at 812-323-3020 or email
930 W. Seventh St. • 349-3735
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
Closings: December 19–January 3 (Winter Break), Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 16), Spring Break (March 13–17), Spring Holiday (April 7), Memorial Day (May 29)
Coordinator: Kevin Terrell
Specialist: JP Ford
Bus Line: #3 drops at Fifth and Elm Streets
Ages: All ages are welcome. Children under age 10 yrs. must be accompanied when in the facility by a responsible caregiver age 18 yrs. and up.
Facility information: Gymnasium, restrooms, full kitchen, library, third floor activity room
Accessibility: Designated parking space on west side of building, ramp and elevator on ground floor, gym entrance is accessible.
Recent enhancements to the Banneker Community Center make each space multi-purpose! Improvements include a projector and speakers in the gym, all-new furniture, a commercial kitchen, and more. Schedule a visit and check out this new twist on our historic building.
Looking for a break in the middle of your Friday? Come to Banneker and play some pickup basketball! Adults can swing by and organize informal games each week. Fridays, 1/13–4/28 • noon–2 p.m. $5/person, cash only For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Pickup Basketball for Cis Women, Transgender Women & Men, Non-binary People & Underrepresented Genders
Weekly full-court basketball games for cis women, transgender women, transgender men, non-binary people, and those who are otherwise underrepresented. All skill levels are welcome for an hour of fun and fitness.
Wednesdays, 1/11–4/26 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. $5/person, cash only For ages 18 yrs. and up.
The Banneker Community Center is proud to host the Evans-Porter Memorial Library. The library offers fiction and nonfiction books for adults, teens, and children. Recent encyclopedias and other reference materials are available to help with homework. A focus on Black history and culture reflects the library’s location in a historically significant building and neighborhood.
Family Resource Center
Located on the third floor, this is a place where families can gather information, network with others, build a support system, and enjoy their children in a fun, safe space.
See page 22 for preschool programs at Banneker Community Center
The Banneker garden has been transformed, and we look forward to involving our community! Follow us on Facebook to find out how you can grow with us in 2023!
City of Bloomington, INBanneker Community Center
Gymnasium (First Floor)
Family Resource
Entire building (gym, kitchen, Family Resource Center) N/A
$150/hr for-profit $100/hr non-profit
3550 N. Kinser Pk. • 349-3764
Call for seasonal hours. Visit us online to reserve a tee time!
Cascades Golf Course
Season Passes
18 yrs. and younger Student$450/$475
18 yrs. and up—with valid student ID
Adult spouse $250/$275 Senior$550/$590 Senior spouse $250/$275 62 yrs. and up Family$900/$1,000
18 Holes green fees $24
9 Holes green fees $16 Senior green fees $22 Ages 62+, M–Th Student green fees $22 With student ID, M–Th Twilight green fees $22 9-hole 10-Play Pass $140
18-hole 10-Play Pass $210 Range Balls, large $7 Range Balls, small $5 20-Bucket Range Balls $120 9-hole cart fee $8/person 18-hole cart fee $16/person
9 Hole spectator cart rental $15
18 Hole spectator cart fee $30 Locker rental $100
Staff: Aaron Craig, PGA Golf Facilities Manager
Jason Sims, PGA Golf Programs Coordinator James Richardson Golf Course Superintendent
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in lot. Restrooms and main entrance all accessible.
Cascades Golf Course consists of three nine-hole courses, which can be combined to create three separate 18-hole configurations. The Quarry Course is the oldest of the three courses, dating back to 1928. The Quarry Course is a par-35, playing a maximum of 2,995 yards. The Pine Course was constructed in 1931 and is a par-36, playing a maximum of 3,135 yards. The Ridge Course is the newest course, opened in 2000. The Ridge Course is a par-36 which plays a maximum of 3,086 yards.
Individual or group golf lessons may be scheduled with our on-site golf pro by calling 349-3764. Beer and soft drinks are available for purchase from concessions. Individuals may not bring their own alcoholic beverages onto the golf course.
The Clubhouse at Cascades Golf Course boasts a towering ceiling and a room surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the driving range, putting green, and rolling hills of Cascades! Overhead doors on the southeast wall can be opened onto the attached patio (47' × 19'). A warming kitchen and restroom are both located inside the Clubhouse.
For more information about renting the Clubhouse or to check availability, contact Megan Stark at 349-3770 or
Boathouse, 3400 N. Headley Rd.
Scenic woodlands teeming with wild flora and fauna surround the 109-acre Griffy Lake at this 1,220-acre nature preserve. Swimming is prohibited. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has stocked the lake with bluegill, redear sunfish, largemouth bass, channel catfish, and crappie. Kayak, canoe, and stand up paddleboard rentals are available seasonally at Griffy Lake boathouse. To protect wildlife and visitors, all dogs must remain leashed while in the preserve. Nearby Ferguson Dog Park (4300 N. Stone Mill Rd.) accommodates dogs off-leash. For more information, call 349-3700. The surface of the lake often freezes in winter with varying ice conditions that can be hazardous. The City of Bloomington assumes no responsibility for accidents resulting from individuals venturing onto the ice.
Canoe/Kayak/SUP Rental
(Two-hour limit on holidays/weekends) $9/hour 10-Rental Pass ..............................................................................$80 Available for purchase at the boathouse during regular business hours.
Groups (10+) wishing to make boat rental reservations Monday through Friday may do so by emailing Rebecca Swift at rebecca. Rented watercraft returned to the boathouse after closing are subject to a minimum $20 late fee. A minimum $50 replacement fee is charged for lost, stolen, or damaged rental items.
Privately owned boat launch fees: $90/season, $9/day Boat motors are limited to electric trolling motors only. Boathouse hours: April and October: Saturday and Sunday only, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. May–August: Daily, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. September: Daily, 9 a.m.–6 p.m. November–March: Closed Boathouse phone: 349-3732 Boathouse email: griffy.boathouse@
Griffy Lake Trails: Trail guides are available at the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office and the Griffy Lake boathouse. Please respect this fragile environment by remaining on the marked trails. Mountain biking, horseback riding, and off-road vehicles are strictly prohibited.
AMENITIES: Seasonal restrooms and picnic tables next to boathouse. (Accessible fishing pier and path along Griffy Lake.)
PARKING: Available by the boathouse
TRAILS: 10+ miles total, wood chip and natural: Wetlands Trail .2 miles, Nature Trail .5 miles (loop), Griffy Creek Trail 1.5 miles, Hiking Trail 1.7 miles (loop) Lanam Trail .6 miles, West North Shore Loop 1 mile, East North Shore Loop .5 miles *Accessible .3-mi pathway along Griffy Lake includes file fishing access points and connects users to north and south shore hiking trails.
ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible canoe and kayak launch.
Eco Outpost: Visit the Eco Outpost to check out our display of natural objects like fossils, pine cones, seashells, and more. Borrow an Explorer Backpack and take a fun-filled trek through the woods or your own backyard. The Eco Outpost is open during boathouse hours.
See pages 28-29 for Nature and the Outdoors programs.
Discover new places, navigate scenic trails and make the most of your time by finding City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation on the OuterSpatial mobile app. Ready to begin your adventure?
See pages 28-29 for Nature and the Outdoors programs. See page 10 for Community Gardening.
For more information about reserving any Switchyard Park facilities for an event or program, contact Hsiung Marler at 349-3761 or
Switchyard Park, a 65-acre city park on Bloomington’s south side, served as a hub for railroad operations for more than 100 years. Formerly known as the McDoel Switchyard, railroad operations permanently ceased in 2004.
The City of Bloomington first purchased a total of 18 acres (3.1 miles) of abandoned railroad corridor from Adams Street south to Country Club Drive. A mile of the current, paved B-Line Trail runs through Switchyard Park. After the B-Line Trail opened, the city set its sights on transforming the former switchyard into a destination community park.
Construction of the new Switchyard Park began in 2017 with a year-long project to install critical infrastructure in the form of a 40” sanitary sewer line. Construction of the current Switchyard Park features and amenities began in 2018, and the park was officially unveiled to the public in November 2019.
Switchyard Park, and its indoor and outdoor facilities, plays host to numerous events including Food Truck Fridays, the Tuesday Market, fitness classes, the summer Performing Arts Series of free concerts in city parks, and countless private functions such as weddings, birthday parties and gala dinners.
Amenities include:
•basketball court
•4 pickleball courts
•3 bocce ball courts
• skate park
•fitness stations
•community gardens with 39 raised beds
•open greenspace
•stream and wetland
•performance stage with lawn seating for 5,000
•Pavilion indoor event space
•picnic shelter
•shaded bosque seating
•Community Foundation Switchyard Plaza Spray Pad
•4.7-acre dog park with fenced areas for large and small dogs
• paved, accessible trails around and through the park
•3.1-mile paved, accessible B-Line Trail through the park
•vehicle parking lots at Rogers Street, Grimes Lane, and Walnut Street offer a total of 400+ spaces
Pavilion—11,000 sq. ft., available for rental 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Rental—four-hour min. (weekdays M–Th) $65/hr Rental—six-hour min. (weekends and holidays) $80/hr
Pavilion Attached Patio (per day) $100
Pavilion AV/General Serup (per event)
Riser Stage $100 Projector/screen use, per day $50
Pipe and Drape $100
Pavilion Alcohol Service Fees
Pavilion Service and Consumption $50 Patio Consumption (no service) $100
Pavilion Closed Contaner Sale (no consumption) $50 Pavilion Lawn (per day) 17,586 sq. ft.
Rental (weekends and holidays) $120
North Activity Lawn (per day) 29,795 sq. ft.
Rental (weekdays M–Th) $90
Rental (weekends and holidays) $120
South Activity Lawn (per day) 30,301 sq. ft.
Rental (weekdays M–Th) $90
Pavilion Lawn Rental $120
Main Stage and Performance Lawn (per day)
Lawn: 30,301 sq. ft. Stage: 60' x 40'
Hourly practice use (per hour) $50/hr
Non-profit—without theatrical lighting + $125 deposit$250
For-profit—without theatrical lighting + $200 deposit$400
Secondary Performance Lawn (per day) 123,840 sq. ft.
Rental (weekdays M–Th) $90
Rental (weekends and holidays) $120
Switchyard Park Community Gardens, see pg. 10.
•Community Foundation Switchyard Plaza Spray Pad restrooms open seasonally, April-October.
•Bloomington Police Department at Grimes Lane public restroom open year ‘round.
Memorial Day–Labor Day: Open daily, 10 a.m.–8 p.m.
Labor Day–Sept. 30: Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Admission is free. Spray pad operating hours are subject to change. For updates, call the Aquatics Hotline at 349-3741.
For a complete list of rules guiding use of the spray pad, visit
Switchyard Park - City of Bloomington, IN
The Bloomington Community Gardening Program provides the infrastructure so that you can grow your own food, flowers, herbs and more.
We provide:
• fencing to keep deer and other animals out of the garden
• access to water
• communal tools
• composting
• k nowledgeable garden staff who are ready to help you
• a monthly garden newsletter
To ensure gardening opportunities are available to all members of the Bloomington community, financial assistance is available to help cover garden plot rental fees. For more information or to receive an application, call the Parks and Recreation office at 349-3700.
Gardeners in Good Standing
2022 gardeners in good standing can register for the same plot they used in 2022 from February 15-24, 2023. Registration for gardeners wishing to switch plots, and all new gardeners, begins on March 1. Garden plots are available to rent throughout the season or until all plots are rented.
Visit or contact for more information.
Nestled in the southwest corner of Rev. Ernest D. Butler Park at the intersection of West Ninth and North John Streets, Butler Park Community Garden includes 53 organic in-ground plots (available in two sizes), as well as six raised beds.
Code Annual cost Description
165201-A$58/in-city, $67/non-city Organic Large Plot (approx. 140 sq. ft)
165201-B$45/in-city, $52/non-city Organic Small Plot (approx. 90 sq. ft)
165201-C$45/in-city, $52/non-city Organic Raised Bed (approx. 32 sq. ft)
Located at the north end of the park, accessible by the B-Line Trail or the Grimes Lane parking lot, Switchyard Park Community Garden is a place to try your hand at organic gardening in rented raised beds.
Code Annual cost Description
165203-A$45/in-city, $52/non-city Organic Raised Bed (approx. 24–32 sq. ft)
Located in Winslow Woods Park on South Highland Avenue. Willie Streeter Community Gardens include in-ground plots (available in two sizes), as well as raised beds.
Code Annual cost Description
165202-A$80/in-city, $92/non-city Organic Large Plot (200 sq. ft)
165202-B$45/in-city, $52/non-city Organic Small Plot (100 sq. ft)
165202-C$45/in-city, $52/non-city Organic Raised Bed (32 sq. ft)
For more information, contact Sarah Mullin at 349-3704 or Children under age 12 yrs. must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Starting your garden from seed is a way to bring the joy of gardening to the dark of winter. It helps you get a head start on the gardening season, allows you to grow unique varieties of plants, and is an affordable way to fill your garden. Without a greenhouse, a simple grow light setup will help you raise healthier, stronger plants and create less waste than growing in a windowsill. We will discuss materials needed to design a simple grow space for a small garden, and different budget-friendly methods of raising healthy seedlings. Instructor: Sarah Mullin Th 1/19 • 5:30-7:30 p.m. • Register by 1/18 • 165204-A $10/in-city, $12/non-city • For all ages.
Allison-Jukebox Community Center
Rain gardens add beauty to your home and provide wildlife habitat while reducing the flow of stormwater from your property to storm drains. Rain gardens protect waterways from pollutants washed from roofs and paved areas, and may also help reduce water in basements and pooling in yards! Join the City of Bloomington Assistant Director of Environmental Programs to learn how to build effective rain gardens and learn about the city’s Residential Stormwater Grant program. Instructor: Katherine Zaiger W 2/15 • 5:30-7:30 p.m. • Register by 2/14 • 165205-A $10/in-city, $12/non-city • For all ages.
Allison-Jukebox Community Center
Discover what growing a few herbs in a container can do for your cooking! Discuss how to successfully grow and sustain a miniherb garden in containers, both indoors and outdoors, using common culinary herbs such as parsley, cilantro, basil, thyme, oregano, and mint. We will also discuss basic ways to incorporate more herbs into your cooking with our registered dietitian and health & wellness coordinator. All participants will take home an herb-centered giveaway as well as handouts to guide new herb gardening endeavors.
Th 4/6 • 6-7:30 p.m. • Register by 4/3 • 165206-A $15/in-city, $17/non-city • For all ages.
Banneker Community Center (kitchen)
See page 34 for Seasonal Soups and Heart Healthy Cooking.
Sports Facility Manager: Dee Tuttle
Sports Facility/Maintenance Manager: Hsiung Marler
Facility information: Ice pad, party room, locker rooms, restrooms, concessions, lobby, skate rental, skate sharpening
Accessibility: Accessible lobby area and restrooms
Public Skating: October 15 through February 18
Monday through Friday: Noon–2:30 p.m.
Friday: 7–9 p.m.
Saturday: 1:30–3 p.m. 7–9 p.m. (Lunar Skating) 9:15–11 p.m. (Night Owl)
Sunday: 3–5 p.m.
General Admission: $6
Skate Rental: $3
New Skate Sharpening: $10
Skate Sharpening: $6 and $7 (immediate service)
Economy Pass: $54 (10 sessions, excludes skate rental)
Skate in a specially lit, lunar-like arena while listening to the best hits of the ’80s, ’90s and today courtesy of the Arena’s super-watt sound system. Groups of all sizes and skaters of all ability levels are welcome! Lunar skating involves the use of strobe and other special-effect lighting. Lunar Skating does not take place 12/17, 12/24, or 1/1.
Sa 10/15–2/18 • 7–9 p.m. $6 admission, $3 skate rental
Enjoy late-night skating at the Frank Southern Ice Arena. Night Owl Skating does not take place 12/17, 12/24, or 1/1.
Sa 10/15–2/18 • 9:15–11 p.m. $6 admission, $3 skate rental
Rinkside Party Room: Rent the rinkside party room for your next birthday, holiday, company party, or just for a group of friends. This climate-controlled room with a panoramic view of the rink is the perfect size for up to 20 guests. Call Dee Tuttle at 349-3762 to reserve your date! Group rates (10 or more people) $5 (includes skate rental) or $4 (bring your own skates).
•Chillin’ Party package: $60 Includes use of party room during public session, and cleanup.
•Cool Party package: $100 Includes use of party room during public session, 10 admissions with skate rental (additional skaters are $5/person), and cleanup.
Arena Rental: $240/hour
The Arena may be rented for exclusive use during unscheduled times. Rental includes the use of the lobby, sound system, ice pad, and locker rooms. There is an additional fee for skate rental. Reservations must be made at least 10 days prior to the requested date.
All participants at private hockey functions must wear protective gear.
This program follows the USA Hockey curriculum to teach fundamental skating and hockey skills while providing a positive experience for beginning hockey players. The primary focus of instruction is on correct skating, puck introduction, active games, and hockey basics. Equipment required: a bicycle helmet, hockey stick, and a pair of any type of gloves. Participants prepared to move to the next level are invited to join a House Hockey team. Registration for the House Hockey program continues throughout the ice season. Su 1/15–2/19 • 1:45–2:45 p.m. Register by 1/13 • 125017-A $55/in-city, $60/non-city • For ages 5–14 yrs. Frank Southern Ice Arena
The Skating School curriculum is a combination of the best attributes of the Ice Skating Institute’s Learn-to-Skate Program and the U.S. Figure Skating’s Basic Skills Program. The program helps skaters progress from level to level at a steady pace. Skaters will feel a sense of accomplishment as they master the skills necessary to become confident skaters in any ice sport.
All classes are 30 minutes in length and each session is eight weeks. In addition to class time, each skater is allotted 30 minutes of ice time for independent practice. Details on practice time will be given during the first week of lessons. Registration fee includes skate rental. Classes begin promptly at the listed times. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to put on skates. Non-registered individuals are not permitted on the ice at any time. All Tot skaters should have a safety (bicycle or skating) helmet.
Youth scholarships available from the Bloomington Parks Foundation! Families are invited to apply for scholarships for any Parks and Recreation program. Take part in Kid City Break Days, play an exciting season of Bloomington Youth Basketball, learn to ice skate at The Skating School, and more! For more information about how to apply for a scholarship, contact Bloomington Parks and Recreation at 349-3700 or visit Scholarship applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the program registration deadline.
Thursdays: January 5–February 23
Fridays: January 6–February 24
Saturdays: January 7–February 25
$80/in-city, $90/non-city for all sessions
Register by 1/3.
Ages 2–5 yrs. For beginning skaters who need the security of having a parent on the ice. The parent must be on the ice during the class. Skaters build confidence through games and basic instruction. Skaters learn pre-swizzle Vs.
F 3:50–4:20 p.m. 125001-A Sa 11:05–11:35 a.m. 125001-B
Ages 3–6 yrs. No previous skating experience required. Participants must be able to separate from parents. Learn to fall and recover, march in place and forward, pre-swizzle Vs, beginning two-foot glide, and dip in place.
Th 5:30–6 p.m. 125002-A
F 3:50-4:20 p.m. 125002-B Sa 10:30–11 a.m. 125002-C
Sa 11:40 a.m.–12:10 p.m. 125002-D
Sa 12:15–12:45 p.m. 125002-E
Private and semi-private lessons are available for basic ice skating and figure skating. Lessons are 30 minutes long with a certified coach. Coaches are paid directly by the student, and are not employed by the Frank Southern Ice Arena for private instruction. Specific lesson times are scheduled based upon coach availability.
Lesson availability is generally Fridays between 9–11:30 a.m. and Mondays during General Admission Public Skating from noon–2:30 p.m.
Skaters pay the coach’s fee (rates vary from $20-$26 per 30 minutes), $6 daily ice arena admission, and $3 for skate rental (if needed).
For more information about private lessons, contact Dee Tuttle at
Ages 3–6 yrs. For the skater who has passed Tot 1. Forward two-foot glide, dip, swizzles, backward wiggles, and hop.
Th 6:05–6:35 p.m. 125003-A
F 3:50–4:20 p.m. 125003-B
F 4:25–4:55 p.m. 125003-C
Sa 11:40 a.m.–12:10 p.m. 125003-D Sa 12:15–12:45 p.m. 125003-E
Ages 3–6 yrs. For the skater who has passed Tot 2. Improve forward skating, swizzles, and backward wiggles. Learn rocking horse, stop in place, and glide turns. Upon passing Tot 3, skaters proceed to Level 2.
Th 6:05–6:35 p.m. 125004-A
F 3:50–4:20 p.m. 125004-B
F 4:25–4:55 p.m. 125004-C
Sa 12:45–1:15 p.m. 125004-D
Ages 6–14 yrs. For the beginning skater. Learn marching, forward two-foot glide, dip, swizzles, glide turns, backward wiggles, rocking horse, and stop in place.
Th 5:30–6 p.m. 125005-A
Th 6:05–6:35 p.m. 125005-B
F 4:25–4:55 p.m. 125005-C
F 5–5:30 p.m. 125005-D
Sa 10:30–11 a.m. 125005-E
Sa 11:05–11:35 a.m. 125005-F
Sa 11:40 a.m.–12:10 p.m. 125005-G
Sa 12:15–12:45 p.m. 125005-H
For the skater who has passed Tot 3 or Level 1. Improve forward skating, swizzle, and rocking horse. Learn one-foot glides, backward swizzles, alternating pumps, moving stop and hop.
Th 5:30–6 p.m. 125006-A F 4:25–4:55 p.m. 125006-B F 5–5:30 p.m. 125006-C Sa 10:30–11 a.m. 125006-D Sa 11:05–11:35 a.m. 125006-E Sa 12:45–1:15 p.m. 125006-F
For the skater who has passed Level 2. Improve backward swizzles. Learn T-pushes, slaloms, forward pumping, beginning spin, backward alternating pumps, and forward stroking.
Th 5:30–6 p.m. 125007-A F 5–5:30 p.m. 125007-B Sa 10:30–11 a.m. 125007-C Sa 11:40 a.m.–12:10 p.m. 125007-D Sa 12:15–12:45 p.m. 125007-E
For the skater who has passed Level 3. Learn backward two-foot glide, forward edges, two-foot turns, lateral marching, and two-foot spin entry.
Th 5:30–6 p.m. 125008-A F 5–5:30 p.m. 125008-B Sa 11:05–11:35 a.m. 125008-C Sa 11:40 a.m.–12:10 p.m. 125008-D
For the skater who has passed Level 4. Learn forward beginning crossovers, moving two-foot turns, backward stroking, one-foot glides, and stops and side-toe hops. Continue two-foot spins.
Th 6:05–6:35 p.m. 125009-A F 4:25–4:55 p.m. 125009-B Sa 10:30–11 a.m. 125009-C Sa 12:15-12:45 p.m. 125009-D
For the skater who has passed Level 5. Learn advanced forward crossovers, backward pumping and edges, two-foot turn sequence, and beginning T-stop. Continue two-foot spins.
Th 6:05–6:35 p.m. 125010-A F 4:25–4:55 p.m. 125010-B Sa 10:30–11 a.m. 125010-C Sa 12:15–12:45 p.m. 125010-D
For the skater who has passed Level 6. Learn beginning backward crossovers, two-foot turns from backward to forward, forward outside three-turns, lunge or shoot-the-duck, bunny hop, T-stops, and beginning spiral. Continue two-foot spins.
F 5–5:30 p.m. 125011-A Sa 11:05–11:35 a.m. 125011-B
For the skater who has passed Level 7. Learn advanced backward crossovers and landing position, forward inside three-turns, mohawks, hockey stops, spirals, and connecting sequences. Continue two-foot spins.
F 5–5:30 p.m. 125012-A Sa 11:05–11:35 a.m. 125012-B
For the skater with little or no on-ice experience. Learn basic forward and backward skating, swizzles, glides and stops.
For the skater who has passed Adult 1. Learn advanced forward skating, backward glides and stops, forward jumps, edges, crossovers and two-foot turns.
Th 6:05–6:35 p.m. 125013-A Sa 12:45–1:15 p.m. 125013-B Sa 12:45–1:15 p.m. 125014-A
For the skater who has passed Adult 2. Learn backward pumps, edges, crossovers, three-turns, mohawks, advanced edges, spin and sequence.
Sa 12:45–1:15 p.m. 125015-A
•Adults ages 18–59 yrs.: $8
•Youth ages 7–17 yrs. and adults ages 60 yrs. and up: $7
•Youth ages 6 yrs. and younger admitted FREE when accompanied by a participating parent or legal guardian.
HOURS September 1–May 31:
Monday–Friday: 6 a.m.–10 p.m.
Saturday–Sunday: 7 a.m.–10 p.m.
Christmas Eve (December 24): 7 a.m.–1 p.m.
Christmas Day (December 25): Closed
New Year’s Eve (December 31): 7 a.m.–1 p.m.
New Year’s Day (January 1): Closed
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 16): 6 a.m.–10 p.m.
Spring Holiday (April 7): 6 a.m.–10 p.m.
Easter (April 9): Closed
SUMMER HOURS June 1–August 31:
Monday–Friday: 6 a.m.–9 p.m.
Saturday–Sunday: 7 a.m.–9 p.m. FACILITY
The Twin Lakes Recreation Center provides members with many choices to create a wellness plan that offers variety and challenge. Stop by and see how the TLRC can be a part of your fitness goals.
• Indoor 1⁄5-mile rubberized track
• Five basketball courts
• Indoor turf field
• Expanded weight room
• Cardio studio
• Two group exercise studios
• FREE group exercise for members
•Discounted personal training packages
*There is a one-time capital fee of $20 for each new member.
**Automatic Monthly Debit requires a 12-month commitment. Canceling before the 12-month commitment is reached will result in a $20 early termination fee.
***Automatic Monthly Debit, six-month and 12-month memberships can be put on freeze for up to three months in a 12-month period.
Party Room rental includes tables and chairs. Decorating, setup, and cleanup must be done during the rental time, or additional time can be added. Renters are responsible for their own decorations, party supplies, tableware, food service utensils, and equipment (e.g. basketballs, footballs, and soccer balls).
$45/hour for use of the party room only $70/hour includes use of one basketball court $80/hour includes use of Studio A or B $105/hour includes use of the turf (April–September) $130/hour includes use of the turf (October–March)
The studios offer wood floors and full-length mirrors. Court, turf, and studio room rental time runs simultaneously with the party room rental time. For more information on booking a party, call 349-3720. Rental fees MUST be paid in full at the time of the reservation to secure the date.
Drop-in, Pickup Volleyball takes place every Thursday from 7-10 p.m. Participation fee is $8 per player per night. Informal teams and games are organized by volleyball participants each night. A second court is added when possible.
As the cost of health care continues to grow, companies are exploring ways to prevent illness and reduce health risks for their employees while realizing the overall benefits of a healthy workforce. From a healthy lifestyle to a healthy workplace, the TLRC staff is here to help you customize a wellness program that fits your company’s goals and health care mission. For more information, contact our Membership Coordinator, Megan Stark, at 349-3770 or
Give a gift that will make a difference in someone’s life. A gift certificate to the Twin Lakes Recreation Center opens the door to fitness and fun! With a full fitness center, group exercise classes such as ZUMBA and Boot Camp, five basketball courts, an indoor 1⁄5-mile track and indoor turf field, your special someone will have access to a whole world of wellness. Gift certificates are valid for 90 days from the date of purchase
See page 30.
Admission $8 per day; participation is free with Twin Lakes Recreation Center membership. Occasionally, alternate programs are scheduled in the space ordinarily reserved for Pickleball. Contact the Twin Lakes Recreation Center at 349-3720 or stop by the front desk for updates on Pickleball schedule changes.
M, W, F and Tu, Th (when available)
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center—Court 4
Facilities—Twin Lakes
Recreation Center
Building Trades Park 619 W. Howe St. 3.3
Rev. Ernest D. Butler Park and Community Gardens 812 W. Ninth St. • Storywalk Trail 9.7
Crestmont Park 600 W. 16th St. Has an 18-hole frisbee golf course. 14
Ferguson Dog Park 4300 N. Stone Mill Rd. Has dog rinse and waste bag stations. 18.5
Goat Farm 2000 E. Winslow Rd. 10 acre native prarie. 31.5
20 Griffy Lake Nature Preserve 3400 N. Headley Rd. • 349-3732 (see page 7) • trails and boating 1,191
21 Highland Village Park 950 S. Harvey Dr. 6.2
23 Latimer Woods 3200 E. Buick Cadillac Blvd. 10 •• 24 Leonard Springs Nature Park 4685 S. Leonard Springs Rd. 84.8
25 Lower Cascades Park 2851 N. Old State Rd. 37. 62.4
26 Miller-Showers Park 100 W. 17th St. 9
Olcott Park 2300 E. Canada Dr. 41.5
29 Park Ridge East Park 4221 E. Morningside Dr. Native pollinator garden. 4.5
30 Park Ridge Park 3421 E. Longview Dr. .5
Peoples Park 501 E. Kirkwood Ave. • Little Library .3
32 RCA Community Park 1400 W. RCA Park Dr. Has six pickleball courts. 47.9
Rose Hill Cemetery 1100 W. Fourth St. • 349-3498. Has dog waste bag stations. 26.3
Schmalz Farm Park 3010 E. Daniel St. 6
Seminary Park 100 W. Second St. 1
Sherwood Oaks Park 1600 E. Elliston Dr. 15.8
Skate Park at Upper Cascades 2602 N. Kinser Pk. Has bowl, ramps, rails, and skating terrain. 32
Southeast Park 1600 Sycamore Ct. 8.9
Shelter house reservations may be made online at or in person at the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office, Monday–Friday, from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Shelters are available for rental April 1 through October 31. Reservations are accepted year round on a first-come, first-served basis.
Weekdays are Monday–Thursday, and weekends are Friday–Sunday.
Bryan Park—Henderson Shelter
$59 weekdays/$62 weekends and holidays
This shelter is near Henderson St. and has a grill and water. Maximum 30 people.
Bryan Park—North Shelter
$59 weekdays/$62 weekends and holidays
This shelter is located near the north side of the park and has a grill, water, and electrical outlets. Maximum 30 people.
Bryan Park—Woodlawn Group Shelter
$72 weekdays/$87 weekends and holidays
This shelter is near Woodlawn Ave., is wheelchair accessible, and has grills, electrical outlets, lights, and water.
Maximum 72 people.
Building Trades Park Shelter
$59 weekdays/$62 weekends and holidays
Across from IU Health Bloomington on Second St. It is wheelchair accessible, and has a grill. Maximum 30 people.
Lower Cascades Park—Sycamore Shelter
$82 weekdays/$97 weekends and holidays
Located in the lower portion of Cascades Park. Bathrooms (open seasonally) are a part of the building, and the shelter has grills, electrical outlets, lights, fireplace, water, drinking fountain, playground access, and a large parking lot. It is wheelchair accessible. Maximum 75 people.
Lower Cascades Park—Waterfall Shelter
$72 weekdays, $87 weekends and holidays
This shelter has electrical outlets, lights, a fireplace, playground access, grills, drinking fountain, and a volleyball court nearby. Maximum 75 people.
Olcott Park—Young Pavilion
$72 weekdays/$87 weekends and holidays
This round pavilion is wheelchair accessible, has picnic tables, a group grill, and electrical outlets. Maximum 60 people.
RCA Community Park—Small Shelter
$59 weekdays/$62 weekends and holidays
Located off Rockport Rd./Countryside Ln. on RCA Park Dr., this accessible shelter has a grill. Maximum 30 people.
Upper Cascades Park—Lions Den Shelter
$72 weekdays/$87 weekends and holidays
This accessible shelter has an accessible playground nearby, with adult and children’s picnic tables, electrical outlets, lights, two grills, and a drinking fountain located at the shelter. Maximum 99 people.
Winslow Woods Park Shelter
$67 weekdays/$77 weekends and holidays
Located off S. Highland Ave., this accessible shelter has grills and an accessible playground, electrical outlets, lights, and a drinking fountain. Maximum 99 people.
Bryan Park Fields 1 and 2
Bryan Park ballfields 1 and 2 are available for rent Saturdays and Sundays for baseball and softball practices. These fields are unlighted and rent for $10/hr. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or pederses@
Bryan Park Field 3
Bryan Park ballfield 3 is available for rent seven days a week for baseball or softball practices. The field is unlighted and rents for $10/hr. Reservations can be made by calling 3493720. For more information, contact Scott Pedersen at 3493774 or
Butler Park ballfield is available for rent seven days a week. Butler has a 200' fence. The field is unlighted and rents for $10/hr. Reservations can be made by calling 349-3720. For more information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or
Lower Cascades Park has two 200' fenced fields with lights. Lower Cascades ballfields are located at 3601 N. Old State Road 37. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or
Olcott Park has two multi-purpose fields that can be used for a variety of activities including soccer and football. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or
Twin Lakes has four 300' fenced fields with lights. For reservation information contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or
Winslow Sports Complex
Winslow Sports Complex has four 200' fenced fields with lights. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or
City of Bloomington, INParks and Recreation btownparks BloomingtonParks
Twin Lakes Sports ParkApril–September • 8 a.m.–1 p.m.
October–November • 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Showers Common Tuesdays
June–September • 4–7 p.m. Switchyard Park
Nestled in picturesque downtown charm, the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market is a vital part of the local food culture. Market goers can expect to find a wide assortment of goods from the farm and field, including fruits and vegetables, eggs, meats and cheeses, honey, seasonal flowers, and annual and perennial plants. Food and beverage artisans provide a tasteful variety of satisfying breads, drinks, pastries, and savory dishes. This weekly gathering provides individuals the opportunity to connect with their community in meaningful ways while supporting small farmers and businesses.
Visit and support local farmers and small businesses at the Tuesday Market, held every Tuesday, June through September, at Switchyard Park. Park in the Rogers Street parking lot (bike racks as well as vehicle parking) at Switchyard Park for the closest access to the Tuesday Market. Market-goers can enjoy all the amenities of Switchyard Park and the B-Line Trail while shopping for fresh, nutritious, locally grown and made produce and artisanal foods.
Use your Hoosier Works Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card to exchange Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for Market Bucks. We double the value of your EBT/SNAP purchase at both Tuesday and Saturday Markets. Spend up to $27 with your EBT card and get up to $54 of fresh food per visit. Market Bucks are available in $3 increments inside City Hall during Saturday Market hours and at the info tent during Tuesday Market hours. Market Bucks can be used like cash to purchase eligible items including fruits, vegetables, eggs, breads, honey, maple syrup, meat, cheese, and other dairy products from participating Market vendors.
Can’t find a gift for your freshest friend? Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market has you covered. Farmers’ Market gift certificates are redeemable with most Market vendors. Purchase gift certificates at the Info tent during both Saturday and Tuesday Market hours, or weekdays in City Hall.
The Farmers’ Market Advisory Council consists of 11 members representing Market customers and vendors, and food and beverage artisans. The Council acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Park Commissioners and Market staff on policy matters relating to the Farmers’ Market. Meetings are usually held at 5:30 p.m. the third Monday of each month and are open to the public. For more information about the FMAC, contact
Keep up to date on Farmers’ Market information online at, or follow the Market on social media.
January 1-March 31
Bloomington Parks and Recreation encourages physical activity of all kinds to help support healthy habits through the winter. Jumpstart your January and New Year’s goals by joining the Winter Wander Challenge. Visit 12 city parks or trails between Jan. 1 and March 31! The first 40 participants receive the exclusive Winter Wander Challenge (adult size) beanie!
Guided hikes and walks will be offered by Parks and Recreation staff throughout the Challenge!
1/1–3/31 • Register by 1/31 • 110102-A $20 • For all ages.
For more information about the Winter Wander Challenge email
Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of winterthemed crafts and activities. If there is no natural snow, we will create our own!
Forages21yrs.andup. Identificationisrequiredforadmission. Beat the wintertime doldrums with some fun competition and play!
The event features recess games like four square, kickball, dodgeball, giant lawn games, a throwback video game lounge, music from the 80s, 90s, and 00s, and a photo booth. Beer and wine will be available to purchase.
For more information, contact Crystal Ritter at 349-3725 or
For weather-related updates, call the Community Events Hotline at 349-3754.
Sunday, February 26 • 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Switchyard Park, Pavilion
Make a trip to the Expo for a shopping experience for pets of all kinds! Visit local vendors who have products and services for the pets in your life, and talk with local experts who will answer your toughest questions about training, food, pet health and wellness, toys, and more! Well-behaved pets on leashes, or secured in appropriate carriers, are welcome.
For more information, contact Bill Ream at
Brave February’s frigid temperatures like true arctic explorers, and puzzle out the clues throughout Switchyard Park during three epic scavenger hunts! Seek out “treasures” related to the winter season; find arctic animals; and solve riddles about structures and amenities that can be found in Switchyard Park. Successfully complete the scavenger hunts to win prizes!
Visit the annual Children’s Expo to find Bloomington’s best resources, services and programs just for children and families! The Expo features dozens of exhibitor booths, free wellness screenings, active fun for elementary school-age children, and more!
For more information contact Amy Shrake at
Acoustic musical performances and educational nature presentations.
Musical guest: Eric Zhong, handpan drums
Friday, April 28 • 6:30–7:30 p.m. Clear Creek Trail Church Lane Trailhead
Relax near the banks of Clear Creek, where the water murmurs, gurgles and splish-splashes to the accompaniment of live acoustic music! A Parks and Recreation naturalist will expound on the crucial role of watersheds in keeping our creeks singing!
FREE • Bring your own seating.
For more information, contact Crystal Ritter at 349-3725 or For weather-related updates, call the Community Events Hotline at 349-3754.
Sunday, April 16 1–4 p.m.
For all ages • FREE Fourth Street
The International Festival promotes cultural awareness, encourages cross-cultural engagement, and celebrates the diverse backgrounds of the residents of our community. Visit booths of art sales and displays, and experience the sounds and sights of a variety of cultures.
Community Events Hotline: 349-3754
Wednesday, May 10
3–6 p.m. • FREE
Switchyard Park
The 50+ Expo is the community’s premier showcase of businesses and organizations whose products and services are geared toward Baby Boomers, seniors, caregivers, and their friends and families. The event includes:
Let your pooches follow their noses to the Switchyard Park dog park for a special canine egg hunt. Plastic eggs filled with dog treats and prizes are scattered throughout the dog park for your canine friends to find. After the hunt, visit exhibitor booths for valuable information and special treats, and register to win a dog-themed door prize basket. Canine costumes are welcome!
Well-behaved dogs, attached to their owners with leashes no longer than six feet, are welcome. All dog park rules apply. Visit for a list of dog park rules.
• A large number of exhibitors
• Free health screenings by local health care professionals
For more information about the 50+ Expo, contact Bill Ream at 349-3748 or
City of Bloomington, INBanneker Community Center
Banneker Community Center offers programs and space rental. For more information, please see the facility listing on page 5.
The Banneker Community Center’s third floor is open for free, drop-in play time. Banneker provides toys for preschool-age children, and updated seating for the grownups! Toy Time does not take place when the Banneker Community Center is closed.
M–F • 9 a.m.–noon
FREE • For ages newborn–5 yrs. w/parent. Banneker Community Center
Storybooks come alive on Wednesday mornings with music, movement, and making new friends. Crafts and hands-on activities extend the fun and learning. Participation is free, and registration is not required. Preschool Story Hour does not take place when the Banneker Community Center is closed.
W • 10–11a.m.
FREE • For ages 2–5 yrs. w/parent. Banneker Community Center
Physical Fridays are back in the Banneker gym! Bring your little ones to get out the wiggles with plenty of space and toys to enjoy. Physical Fridays does not take place when the Banneker Community Center is closed.
F • 9–11:30 a.m.
FREE • For ages 5 yrs. & under w/parent. Banneker Community Center
Brighten your midwinter week with an indoor carnival! Bounce house, face painting, carnival games, colorful crafts, and snacks await you in the Banneker gym!
F 2/24 • 5:30–7:30 p.m. $5 per family • For ages 2 to 12 yrs. w/parent. Banneker Community Center
Summer fun ... when school’s out!
Kid City is dedicated to serving youth and families in our community by offering opportunities for recreation and social engagement to youth! Break Days are for students in grades K-6. Campers engage in outdoor play and other camp activities on-site at the Allison-Jukebox Community Center (near the Bloomington Police Department and The Waldron, Hill and Buskirk Park.)
Mon., March 13345101-L$40$453/6
Tue., March 14345101-M$40$453/6
Wed., March 15345101-N$40$453/6
Thur., March 16345101-O$40$453/6
Fri., March 17345101-P$40$453/6
Allison-Jukebox Community Center • 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Break Days are for students in grades K–6.
Lunch is not provided.
Cancellations incur a $5 administrative fee, and must be requested prior to the registration deadline.
Scholarships are available to assist with Break Days registration fees. Scholarship applications are available online, or at the Parks and Recreation main office. The deadline to apply for Break Days scholarships is one week prior to the registration deadline. Proof of income and Monroe County residency is required.
For more information about applying for a scholarship, call 349-3702. Break Days are inclusive, serving camp-ready children with and without disabilities. Reasonable accommodation requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
For more information about Break Days, contact Amy Shrake at 349-3747 or
City of Bloomington, INParks and Recreation kidcitybloomington
The indoor turf field at the Twin Lakes Recreation Center provides you and your young child with ample space to run, play, and practice ball throwing, catching and kicking skills. This free-time play is parent or caretaker supervised physical play. TLRC staff does not supervise this area during the program and children cannot be dropped off without supervision. For more information, contact the TLRC at 349-3720.
Tu, Th • 9:30–10:30 a.m. $5, FREE for TLRC members • For ages 1–6 yrs. w/parent.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
Future Stars is an introduction to basketball for preschool children. The focus is on learning how to dribble, pass, shoot, play defense, team play, and, of course, lots of fun! Parent participation is welcome and encouraged. Future Stars is canceled when MCCSC classes are canceled.
W 2/1–3/8 • 4:45–5:30 p.m. Register by 1/27 • 150303-A
$55 • For ages 3–5 yrs. w/parent.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
For Bloomington Soccer program updates, visit
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
City of Bloomington, INParks and Recreation
Find us on OuterSpatial.
City of Bloomington, INBanneker Community Center
Banneker Community Center offers programs and space rental. For more information, please see the facility listing on page 5.
For more information about how to apply for a scholarship for any Parks and Recreation program, contact the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office at 812-349-3700, or visit Scholarship applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the program registration deadline.
It can take kids up to 20 exposures to a new food for them to like it. If they don’t enjoy it the first time, try again!
Campers explore the world around them with field trips and special events. Daily programs give campers the chance to try specialized activities in the areas of nature and the outdoors, sports and games, and arts and media. We give every child a summer to remember. Staff-to-camper ratio is 1:6 for grade K. Staff-to-camper ratio is 1:8 for grades 1–4.*
In order to support the success and safety of all individuals registered and participating in Kid City summer camps, it is important that participants are indeed “camp ready.” To assist in determining if your child is “camp ready,” the following criteria have been developed:
• Participant is able to participate in the camp program independently or with reasonable accommodations.
• Participant is age appropriate (ages 5–12 yrs.) Participants may be aged up or down one grade level with director approval.
• Participant is able to use the restroom independently or with minimal verbal prompting.
• Participant is comfortable with, and able to interact in, a group environment.
• Participant interacts and participates in camp in a manner that is physically and emotionally safe for themselves and others.
Our camps are inclusive, serving children with and without disabilities. Inclusion services are available for accommodation needs and support options for your child. Reasonable accommodation requests and registration must be made at least two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
For more information, contact the Inclusive Recreation Coordinator, Amy Shrake, Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, at 349-3747.
Youth in grades 5–7 want a different kind of camp experience, and they get it in Kid City Quest! Quest campers are actively engaged in activities separate from younger Kid City Original campers. Space is dedicated to Questers where they can hang out with their friends and be themselves. Camp offers a break from technology, replacing it with participation in the community. Kid City Quest also keeps campers involved in traditional camp favorites such as swimming, crafts, library time, games and field trips! Staff-to-camper ratio is 1:10.
Want to be a Kid City staff member? The Counselor-inTraining program is the first step in becoming a camp counselor. In addition to working with children, gaining leadership experience and receiving great job training, CITs are also involved in planning and implementing camp special events. Applications are available after Jan. 24 at the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office or online at Applications are accepted until April 8. Interviews begin in May.
6/5–6/16 • Register by 5/30.
6/20–6/30 • Register by 6/12. 7/10–7/21 • Register by 7/3. $175/in-city, $180/non-city
Submitting an application does not guarantee a candidate will be accepted into the program, nor does it commit a selected candidate to participate. Candidates who are accepted into the CIT program will receive notice of acceptance and pre-approved session dates. For more information call 349-3731.
*Denotes maximum staff-to-camper ratio in accordance with the American Camp Association National Standards.
Our camp staff are enthusiastic, well-trained adults.
All staff are CPR and First Aid certified and adhere to the highest professional standards set forth by the American Camp Association and the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department.
Parents are responsible for transporting their child/ren to and from camp each day.
Once at camp, city buses and passenger vans are used to transport campers to and from field trips that are not within walking distance. Only trained, licensed drivers transport campers. Please bring: a sack lunch and water bottle, a swimsuit and towel, and any special sunscreen, bug spray or medications.
All Kid City Original and Quest programs are proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association. This nationally recognized accreditation focuses on program quality, health and safety issues, and requires us to review every facet of our operation. Kid City has voluntarily submitted to this independent appraisal done by camp experts and has earned this mark of distinction.
For information about the league or season, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or
This league focuses on basketball fundamentals and the application of learned skills during games for players in grades K through 6. All leagues are coed through grade 3; girls play in a girls-only league beginning in grade 4. Season includes weekly practices and games one night a week. The season will conclude after seven games, with no postseason tournament. Teams practice twice a week before games begin, then one night a week for the remainder of the season. Expect to play on Saturdays throughout the season in an effort to finish prior to Spring Break. Practice times and days are determined by the coach.
•Registration deadline is Thursday, Dec. 29. Registrations are not accepted after the deadline.
• Season runs Jan. 16–March 9.
• Practices begin the week of Jan. 16.
• Games begin the week of Jan. 23.
Boys and girls in grades 7 and 8 play on separate teams in this league, which focuses on basketball skill development and applying skills in game situations. The season includes a weekly practice, a weekly game, and concludes after seven regular season games. Practice days and times are determined by the coach. Expect to play on Saturdays throughout the season in an effort to finish prior to Spring Break. Player/parent requests for placement on specific teams are not accepted.
•Registration deadline is Thursday, Dec. 29. Registrations are not accepted after the deadline.
•Season runs Jan. 16–March 9.
•Practices begin the week of Jan. 16.
• Games begin the week of Jan. 23.
Game days are on Thursdays.
Grades 7–8 Girls • 150302-A
Grades 7–8 Boys • 150302-B
$95 • Register by 12/29.
REQUIRED Evaluation Day: Jan. 3 at 7:30 p.m.
Spaces are limited to a maximum number of players per age group. Once the maximum number of players is reached for each league, registration for that league will close. If your child’s league fills, you may opt to place your child’s name on a wait list. We will contact you if space becomes available.
Grade K • W • 150301-A
Grade 1 • M • 150301-B Grade 2 • Tu • 150301-C Grade 3 • W • 150301-D Grade 4 Boys • Tu • 150301-E Grade 5 Boys • Tu • 150301-F Grade 6 Boys • M • 150301-G Grades 4–6 Girls • Th • 150301-H
$95 • Register by 12/29.
To ensure a fair and equitable distribution of skills per team, we will conduct a coach’s draft. Each player must attend a skill evaluation session:
Grade K • 1/2 • 5:30 p.m.
Grade 1 • 1/2 • 6 p.m. Grade 2 • 1/2 • 6:30 p.m. Grade 3 • 1/2 • 7 p.m.
Grade 4 Boys • 1/3 • 6 p.m.
Grade 5 Boys • 1/3 • 6:30 p.m.
Grade 6 Boys • 1/3 • 7 p.m.
Grades 4–6 Girls • 1/3 • 5:30 p.m. Make-up session • 1/4 • 6 p.m.
National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) Coach Training & Membership Program at
coaching, visit
contact Emily Buuck at
to be a volunteer coach is Dec. 29.
See page 30.
Public play on tennis courts at Winslow Sports Complex, Bryan Park, Southeast Park, Park Ridge East, Sherwood Oaks Park, and RCA Community Park; and public play on pickleball courts at RCA Community Park and Switchyard Park, is permitted whenever the courts are not being used by Bloomington Parks and Recreation. Available hours are posted at each site.
See page 34
The Bloomington Junior League Baseball Association (BJLBA, ages 5–12 yrs.) and the Monroe County Senior League Baseball Association (MCSLBA, ages 13–18 yrs.), in partnership with Bloomington Parks and Recreation, announces the opening of baseball league registration for players of all skill levels. Regular season practices and games take place at the Winslow Sports Complex. Registration for Buddy Ball, BJLBA’s inclusive recreational baseball program, is also open.
To register for any BJLBA or MCSLBA program, visit or The websites will be updated with registration dates and costs for each program.
For more information about managing a team, contact or
Visit for updates.
See page 33.
See page 6.
For Bloomington Soccer program updates, visit
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
Looking to save a trip to the ER? Bike helmets are 85-88 percent effective in mitigating head and brain injuries. Encourage helmet wearing among your friends and families.
For all Nature and the Outdoors programs: Price is per person. Children under age 12 yrs. must be accompanied by a registered adult. Activities may be both inside and outside, so please dress for the weather.
See page 7.
Discover new places, navigate scenic trails and make the most of your time by finding City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation on the OuterSpatial mobile app. Ready to begin your adventure?
Come see how easily obtainable materials can be used to build a radio telescope capable of observing 21cm/1420MHz Hydrogen Line radio signals naturally emitted by the Milky Way! Participants will meet outside at the Switchyard Park picnic shelter, so please dress accordingly.
Instructor: Jason Burnfield
Sa 2/11 • 7:45–8:45 p.m. • Register by 2/3 • 140011-A Rain Date 2/18
Sa 3/11 • 6:45–7:45 p.m. • Register by 3/3 • 140011-B Rain Date 3/18
FREE • For ages 8 yrs. and up w/parent Switchyard Park, picnic shelter.
It’s that time of year when the sap starts to flow to make maple syrup. During this hands-on workshop, discuss tree identification, equipment, collection, and sugaring techniques. Take-home instructions are supplied, along with a taste of the final product. This program is held outdoors, so please dress appropriately.
Sa 2/25 • noon–1:30 p.m. • Register by 2/17 • 140001-A $8/in-city, $10/noncity • For all ages RCA Community Park (Meet at Small Shelter)
City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation
Roving Naturalists are available for private natural resource programs. To schedule a visit with one of our Roving Naturalists, email
A cold winter’s night might not seem like ideal hiking conditions, but under the light of the stars, it can lead to some unique and beautiful sights and sounds. Come and join us on a winter wonderland experience as we stroll through the woods under the stars together. This is a night hike in February, so dress WARMLY and in layers. Bring appropriate hiking shoes and drinking water as well. You are welcome to bring a flashlight, but ideally we will not need one. Instructor: Zach Ryan
Sa 2/25 • 8–9:30 p.m. • Register by 2/22 • 140002-A $5/in-city, $6/noncity • For ages 10 yrs and up w/parent Leonard Springs Nature Park (meet in parking lot)
Women in Nature Gaining Skills (W.I.N.G.S.) encourages and empowers women through teaching skills needed to partake in outdoor recreation activities in south central Indiana. Each W.I.N.G.S. event features woman-led, hands-on training, with the goal of building a community of women interested in the outdoors. W.I.N.G.S. events take place the third Sunday of each month and are open to ages 16 yrs. and up. For more information on how to join, visit SCINWINGS on Facebook.
See page 21.
A live performance by local musicians combined with an educational nature presentation.
Nature is the ultimate zero-waste guide, and we want to learn as much from it as possible. From scavengers to decomposers to smart recycling, we will explore how nature recycles its resources and how we can better recycle our own. Instructor: Emily Gardner
Su 3/5 • 2–3:30 p.m. • Register by 3/1 • 140003-A $5/in-city, $6/noncity • For all ages.
Winslow Woods Park (Meet in Shelter)
Spring is coming! Take a break from your busy schedule to unwind a bit. Mindfulness allows us to be more present in the moment, and when we are present, we are able to soak in more of what nature has to offer us. Awaken your senses, open yourself to the new season, and experience a guided meditative walk in one of our beautiful parks. Instructor: Emily Gardner Su 3/19 • noon–1 p.m. • Register by 3/15 • 140004-A $5/in-city, $6/noncity • For all ages
Winslow Woods Park (Meet in Shelter)
Did you know that there are frogs that chirp? Others can whistle, croak, ribbit, peep, cluck, bark and grunt. Spring is a great time to appreciate the chorus of frog sounds. Learn about Bloomington’s local frogs, and how their calls are as unique as the frogs themselves! Please be prepared for a short guided hike around the Griffy Wetland Trail. Instructor: Brandon Olson
Sa 4/1 • 6:30–8 p.m. • Register by 3/29 • 140005-A $5/in-city, $6/noncity • For all ages
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve (Meet by boathouse)
Bees play a vital role in our everyday lives that many of us may not realize. In fact, much of the food we eat depends on bees, specifically honeybees. They pollinate plants and trees that produce foods such as apples, almonds, pumpkins, and so much more. Bee populations are unfortunately in decline, but we can help! Learn fun facts about honeybees and pollinators and how to make a pollinator feel at home in your backyard! Bring drinking water and be prepared to walk on paved trails to view various pollinator habitats. Instructor: Zach Ryan
Sa 4/8 • noon–2 p.m. • Register by 4/5 • 140006-A $5/in-city, $6/noncity • For all ages Sherwood Oaks Park (Meet in shelter)
As things warm up, nature becomes more alive and we can return to the streams that have been frozen all winter. Learn about local creek critters and how they might indicate the overall health of these special places. Be prepared to get your hands wet as we take an up-close look at the micro and macro invertebrates living in our waterways. Instructor: Emily Gardner
Sa 4/15 • 1–2:30 p.m. • Register by 4/12 • 140007-A $5/in-city, $6/noncity • For all ages.
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve (Meet by boathouse)
This Earth Week, spend time giving back by helping clear debris and invasive species along Jackson Creek. We’ll provide trash bags and gloves; you bring your enthusiasm and love of nature, and together we’ll help keep our waterways litter-free! To be part of the cleanup, sign up online at
Su 4/16 • 2–4 p.m. • Register by 4/12 • 140012-A
FREE • For all ages.
Sherwood Oaks Park (Meet at the shelter)
Do you love when everything starts to bloom and the world seems a bit brighter? Come learn about local wildflowers and how to ethically forage them in our parks. Be prepared for a short hike around the park. Instructor: Emily Gardner
Su 4/23 • 2:30–3:30 p.m. • Register by 4/19 • 140008-A $5/in-city, $6/noncity • For all ages. Switchyard Park (Meet at the Picnic Shelter)
Join us for a sunset tour while learning the basics of controlling your canoe. This course will teach the basics of canoe paddling and water navigation and is intended for novices with little to no experience. Participants will learn basic strokes for stopping, turning, and how to work WITH your canoe partner, before we test the waters, and launch for a sunset paddle Participants 14 yrs. and younger must be accompanied by a registered adult. PFDs are provided.
Instructor: Zach Ryan
Fri 4/28 • 6–8 p.m. • Register by 4/21 • 140009-A $10/in-city, $12/noncity • For all ages Griffy Lake Nature Preserve (Meet at boathouse)
Join our Roving Naturalist to learn about how functioning ecosystems work from water ecology to small microbes. During this program, participants will create small terrariums in glass jars to take home and enjoy! Instructor: Brandon Olson
Fr 3/10 • 4:30–6:30 p.m. • Register by 3/1 • 140010-A $10/in-city, $12/noncity • For all ages Switchyard Park
Studies show spending time in nature can reduce stress, support our immune system, improve sleep, and increase our ability to focus!
The TLRC’s personal trainers design programs that are individualized for your age, body, lifestyle and goals. TLRC personal trainers are certified, experienced, and educated.
A 30-minute wellness consultation is included as a part of each personal training package. All personal training sessions are non-transferable and nonrefundable, and must be used within six months of purchase.
For more information, contact Mark Sterner at 349-3768 or Meet our personal trainers at
3 one-hour sessions $14015 one-hour sessions $570 5 one-hour sessions $22020 one-hour sessions $700 10 one-hour sessions $41025 one-hour sessions $800
3 one-hour sessions $15515 one-hour sessions $645 5 one-hour sessions $24520 one-hour sessions $725 10 one-hour sessions $46025 one-hour sessions $895
The data collected from a fitness assessment gives you a starting point, and provides a baseline to compare to as you make progress toward your fitness goals. Contact Megan Stark at 349-3770 or to learn more about body composition tests, or to schedule a fitness assessment. Twin Lakes Recreation Center membership is not required to have a fitness assessment.
Fitness assessments include:
•Free recording of your resting heart rate and blood pressure.
• Optional tests for estimates of body composition, in particular body fat:
—Skinfold analysis: $25
—Bioimpedance analysis: $5
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
By appointment only • For all ages.
Lower Level (unless otherwise noted)
The lower level is open Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–3 p.m. The lower level is closed on weekends except for reservations and scheduled activities. TLRC membership is not required to participate. For more information about the programs, call 349-3720.
Tu • 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Th • 10-11 a.m.
See page 4.
The TLRC is an Active&Fit participating facility. Active&Fit is an exercise and fitness program designed to help you achieve better health through regular exercise. The Active&Fit program includes no- or low-cost membership at the Twin Lakes Recreation Center, website resources and support from Active&Fit’s toll-free member services hotline. If your health plan offers Active&Fit and you would like more information about the TLRC, please ask at the front desk or call 349-3720. You may also visit Active&Fit at Active&Fit is a federally registered trademark of American Specialty Health Incorporated.
The Twin Lakes Recreation Center is a Silver&Fit participating fitness facility! Silver&Fit is designed specifically to help older adults achieve better health through regular exercise and health education. Silver&Fit provides eligible members with no-cost or low-cost fitness plans. Silver&Fit is provided by American Specialty Health Incorporated. If your health plan offers Silver&Fit and you would like more information about the TLRC, please ask at the front desk or call 349-3720. You may also visit Silver&Fit at Silver&Fit is a federally registered trademark of American Specialty Health Incorporated.
A fitness program to help you live your best life. Renew Active from UnitedHealthcare is available with select Medicare Advantage plans. Designed around you and your goals, Renew Active offers access to the Twin Lakes Recreation Center as well as online brain exercises to help keep both your body and your mind active—all at no additional cost.
For more information, visit
The SilverSneakers program is the nation’s leading exercise program designed exclusively for older adults. The program offers physical activity, health education, and social events for Medicare-eligible and Group Retiree members. If you qualify, your Twin Lakes Recreation Center membership is free! Inquire at the front desk to check your eligibility or to sign up.
Combine fun with fitness to increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance power with a standing circuit workout.
Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activities for daily living.
Move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses.
One Pass™ is a single membership that gives you access to a nationwide network of fitness locations. No matter what your fitness goals are, One Pass is designed with flexibility in mind to help meet your needs. One Pass is available to eligible members as part of their Rally® experience. Sign in to your myuhc. com® account to access One Pass.
For more information, please ask at the front desk or call 349-3720.
Session I: January 2–February 19 • Register by 1/1.
Session II: February 27–April 23 • Register by 2/26. Classes do not meet March 13–19.
For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center Group exercise classes are FREE to members! Members must register at the TLRC front desk. Classes that do not meet the minimum registration requirements after the registration deadline will be canceled for that session.
Full refunds are given for all classes canceled by the Twin Lakes Recreation Center. Refund requests for any other reason must be submitted prior to the first day of class, and are subject to approval according to State Board of Accounts claim procedures. Allow four weeks for refund requests to be processed.
Use these thermometers to help you choose the group exercise class with the right intensity level for you.
This class focuses on posture alignment, freeing the shoulder girdle and pelvis, and synchronizing movement and breathing through basic yoga poses. Gain a simple foundation practice that can be useful every day and serve as a springboard to explore any style of yoga. Feel at home in your body, enjoy good health, move freely, and reduce stress. Instructor: Rivkah Moore
F 1/6–2/17 • noon–1 p.m. • 150201-A F 3/3–4/21 • noon–1 p.m. • 150201-B FREE/member, $55/non-member
Are you ready for a challenge? Take your body to the next level with this intense yet fun, fat-burning class! Combine weights, interval training and plyometrics to increase cardiovascular efficiency and overall strength. Get in and get fit! Instructor: Paetyn Denson
Tu, Th 1/3–2/16 • 6–7 a.m. • 150202-A Tu, Th 2/28–4/20 • 6–7 a.m. • 150202-B FREE/member, $85/non-member
The word hatha (lit force, sun) symbolizes a system of physical techniques integrating body, mind, and spirit. This mixed-level Hatha yoga class uses asanas (bodily postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and dyana (meditation techniques) with the goal of bringing about a healthy body and a clear, peaceful mind. The asanas work to make the spine supple, the core strong and supple and to promote circulation in the organs, glands, and tissues. Hatha yoga postures strengthen and stretch the body, promoting balance and flexibility. Great for those with arthritis. Classes end with a sweet savasana to help release stress and relax body and mind. Instructor: Rivkah Moore
M, W 1/2–2/15 • noon–1 p.m. • 150203-A
M, W 2/27–4/19 • noon–1 p.m. • 150203-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
H.I.I.T. stands for high intensity interval training. By using rigorous intervals of maximum effort and short bouts of active recovery, you can smash your goals faster! Build cardiovascular fitness while improving strength and maximizing calorie burn. You’ll be pushed to your limits and walk out feeling strong and empowered!
Instructor: Paetyn Denson
M,W 1/2–2/15 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 150204-A
M,W 2/27–4/19 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 150204-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
This class is accessible and needed by all: Athletes, advanced practitioners, weekend warriors, first-time yoga students and everyone in between. It is an active stretching class that targets primary muscle groups surrounding the hips, hamstrings and upper and lower back. Focused stretching allows muscles to relax and lengthen, which puts less strain on the skeletal system and reduces tension throughout the body. Neither experience nor flexibility are required, just an open mind and a willingness to have fun while trying something new. Instructor: Emily Tally
Tu, Th 1/3–2/16 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 150205-A
Tu, Th 2/28–4/20 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 150205-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s exactly what ZUMBA is all about. It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness party that is moving millions of people toward joy and health. Instructor: Morgan Banks
M 1/2–2/13 • 6:45–7:45 p.m. • 150206-A Th 1/5–2/16 • 6:45–7:45 p.m. • 150206-B
M 2/27–4/17 • 6:45–7:45 p.m. • 150206-C Th 3/2–4/20 • 6:45–7:45 p.m. • 150206-D
FREE/member, $55/non-member
ZUMBA Gold is a class of Latin-inspired dance aerobics for seniors and those new to ZUMBA. ZUMBA Gold goes at a slower pace, with more breaks and more instruction, but uses the same zesty ZUMBA music. You can’t help but move in this class, and whether you choose a low-intensity or high-intensity option, it’s a great workout! Can’t stand for the whole program? Seated participants are welcome! Instructor: Morgan Banks Tu, Th 1/3–2/16 • noon–1 p.m. • 150207-A Tu, Th 2/28–4/20 • noon–1 p.m. • 150207-B FREE/member, $85/non-member
Most adults need seven or more hours of sleep per night. Improve your quality of sleep by avoiding electronics an hour before bed.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
This class focuses on coordination, discipline and selfconfidence in a fun and safe environment. Excel TKD is taught by Master Emeline O’Connor, a 4th degree black belt with more than 20 years of experience. Assistant instructors include black belts Neumiro Dasilva, Alexus McLeod and Alice Day. The ultimate goal of Excel TKD is to mold future black belts into the best martial artists they can be.
Beginner—Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m.
1/3–2/16 • Register by 1/1 • 150213-A 2/28–4/20 • Register by 2/26 • 150213-C
Advanced—Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45 p.m. and Thursdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m.
1/3–2/16 • Register by 1/1• 150213-B 2/28–4/20 • Register by 2/26 • 150213-D $65 • For all ages.
Classes do not meet March 13–17.
Admission $8 per day; participation is free with Twin Lakes Recreation Center membership. Occasionally, alternate programs are scheduled in the space ordinarily reserved for Pickleball. Contact the Twin Lakes Recreation Center at 349-3720 or stop by the front desk for updates on Pickleball schedule changes.
M, W, F and Tu, Th (when available) 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center—Court 4
Outdoor Pickleball courts are also available at RCA Community Park and Switchyard Park. Outdoor courts are available for use on a first-come, first-served basis.
Drop-in, Pickup Volleyball takes place every Thursday from 7-10 p.m. Participation fee is $8 per player per night. Informal teams and games are organized by volleyball participants each night. A second court is added when possible.
For Bloomington Soccer program updates, visit Twin Lakes Recreation Center
Special Olympics Indiana—Monroe County offers year-round sports training and athletic competition for children (ages 8 yrs. and up) and adults with intellectual, cognitive, and learning disabilities. To find out if you or a family member are eligible to participate, call 812-325-1548 or email or write to 6180 N. Bottom Rd., Bloomington, IN 47404.
For optimal health, adults should do muscle-strengthening exercises, such as lifting weights, twice or more per week.
This course encompasses USA Softball rules, mechanics, and positioning for anyone interested in becoming a certified USA Softball umpire. The class runs Wednesday evenings for four weeks and participants must attend all four sessions. Graduates of this class are qualified to umpire in adult and youth softball leagues offered by Bloomington Parks and Recreation. Registration fee includes USA Softball umpire registration and state umpire school fees.
Wednesdays, 3/22–4/12 • 6-9 p.m.
Twin Lakes Sports Park Register by 3/22 • 170101-A
$80 • For ages 18 yrs. and up. For more information, contact Brandon Chambers at
Visit for updates.
Public play on tennis courts at Winslow Sports Complex, Bryan Park, Southeast Park, Park Ridge East, Sherwood Oaks Park, and RCA Community Park; and public play on pickleball courts at RCA Community Park and Switchyard Park, is permitted whenever the courts are not being used by Bloomington Parks and Recreation. Available hours are posted at each site.
You asked, we answered! Bloomington Parks and Recreation is offering INDOOR drop-in fitness classes at Switchyard Park Pavilion, hosted by some of Bloomington’s favorite instructors. Classes include ZUMBA, Tai Chi, and more. No pre-registration required; just show up and pay $10 per person, per class with cash or credit card. New this season: Goat Yoga! Goat Yoga is $25 per class; pre-registration is required. Follow City of Bloomington, IN - Parks and Recreation on Facebook for updates.
Tu 1/10, 1/24, 2/7, 2/28 • 7:15 p.m.
$10 • For ages 18 yrs. and up Switchyard Park
Tai Chi
Tu 1/17, 1/31 • 7:15 p.m.
$10 • For ages 18 yrs. and up Switchyard Park
Goat Yoga
Su 1/22 • 1 p.m. • Register by 1/13 • 110104-A
Su 1/22 • 2:30 p.m. • Register by 1/13 • 110104-B
$25 • For ages 18 yrs. and up
Switchyard Park
Tu 1/24 • noon
$10 • For ages 18 yrs. and up Switchyard Park
Tu 2/21 • 7:15 p.m.
$10 • For ages 18 yrs. and up Switchyard Park
Taking care of your heart starts with eating right and learning about your heart! In honor of Black History Month and Heart Health month, come and learn about cooking traditional African American cuisines with a healthy twist while learning how to take steps to prevent cardiovascular disease.
Th 2/16 • 6-7:30 p.m. • Register by 2/13 • 110103-A
Sa 2/18 • noon-1:30 p.m. • Register by 2/13 • 110103-B
FREE • For ages 18 yrs. & up Banneker Community Center
Join our Registered Dietitian for a cozy session of soup making! Soup is one of the best ways to feed the family, or meal prep for later. With our tips and tricks, learn the basics of healthy and affordable soups. All participants will leave with a take home meal and some delicious knowledge!
Th 2/9 • 6-7:30 p.m. • Register by 2/7 • 110104-A
$10 • For ages 18 yrs. and up
Banneker Community Center
Looking for a break in the middle of your Friday? Come to Banneker and play some pickup basketball! Adults can swing by and organize informal games each week.
Fridays, 1/13–4/28 • noon–1 p.m. $5/person, cash only
For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Banneker Community Center
Weekly full-court basketball games for cis women, transgender women, transgender men, non-binary people, and those who are otherwise underrepresented. All skill levels are welcome for an hour of fun and fitness.
Wednesdays, 1/11–4/26 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. $5/person, cash only
For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Banneker Community Center
Bloomington Parks and Recreation offers USA Softball Association-sanctioned leagues designed to accommodate all levels of play. USA Softball rules apply with local modifications as stated in the Adult Softball League Handbook. The Adult Softball League Handbook and other valuable information can be found at
Co-Rec, Men’s, and Women’s leagues: $675 for 10 games Games are played at Twin Lakes Sports Park.
March 1–April 5: Managers register their teams online.
For weather related cancellations, call the weather hotline at 349-3610 Option 1. Rain makeups will be done on Monday evenings if necessary.
Go to and click on the “Register Now” link. Choose day and league (see below). Staff reserves the right to adjust league placement if necessary. Final roster due date and master game schedules will be sent via email or Google doc.
League play begins the week of April 16. For more information about adult softball leagues, contact Scott Pedersen at or 349-3774.
Su M Tu W Th
Co-Rec Comp (formerly Rec)
• 3 HR
•Men bat weak-hand
Men's Comp • 3 HR Men's Comp • 3 HR Co-Rec Rec (formerly Lower)
• 0 HR
• Men bat weak-hand
Men's Rec • 0 HR Men's Rec • 0 HR Women's • 0 HR
Su 4/23–7/23 • 5:10–10:30 p.m. • CoRec Comp 3 HR • 170102-A
Su 4/23–7/23 • 5:10–10:30 p.m. • CoRec Rec 0 HR • 170102-B
Tu 4/18–7/18 • 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Rec A 0 HR • 170102-C
Tu 4/18–7/18
• 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Rec B 0 HR • 170102-D
W 4/19–7/19 • 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Rec A 0 HR • 170102-E
W 4/19–7/19 • 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Rec B 0 HR • 170102-F
Th 4/20–7/20 • 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Men’s Comp 0 HR • 170102-G
Th 4/20–7/20 • 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Women’s 0HR • 170102-H
•Teams playing in Co-Rec Rec or Mens Rec leagues are allowed no more than two male players with a USA Softball player classification of D or higher on the roster.
•Women’s league uses a weighted schedule (higher level teams will play each other more often.)
Look for the volunteer symbol throughout this program guide.
To register for these and additional volunteer opportunities, visit
For additional information regarding volunteer opportunities, email
All volunteer opportunities include on-site orientation/training, unless noted otherwise.
September: Margaret Dalle-Ave
October: Don Cing November: Susie Sullivan
First Saturday Weed Wrangles
March 4, April 1 | Location varies by month.
Our Weed Wrangles are monthly volunteer opportunities to learn about invasive plant species affecting Bloomington’s local ecosystem, how to properly remove and dispose of them, and how to put that knowledge into action.
Duties: Help control invasive plant species in our natural areas during this monthly work day. Work with experts in the field to create a healthier native plant habitat.
Volunteer shift(s): 1–4 p.m.
Age of volunteers: 12 yrs. and up (Volunteers under 14 yrs. must be accompanied by an adult.)
Number of volunteers: 30
Other: Wear sturdy shoes and bring a water bottle. Gloves and tools will be provided.
Tuesdays, March 28, April 4, April 11 (rain date)
Leonard Springs Nature Park
Volunteer to teach local sixth-grade students about our awesome natural heritage through multiple natural resource stations, including karst, creeks, wetlands, and forests. Volunteers can sign up for one or multiple days.
Duties: If you have an interest in the outdoors and enjoy working with children, sign up for our Leonard Springs Nature Days. Station facilitators and group leaders are needed.
Volunteer shift(s): 9:45 a.m.–2 p.m.
Training: Online video training sessions are available for review. On-site training is provided.
Age of volunteers: 18 yrs. and up.
Number of volunteers: 20 per day
Sunday, April 16 | Sherwood
This Earth Week, spend time giving back by helping clear debris along riparian corridors at Jackson Creek. We’ll provide trash bags and gloves; you bring your enthusiasm and love of nature, and together we’ll help keep our waterways litter free!
Duties: Help clear away litter from the creek along the Jackson Creek Trail.
Volunteer shift(s): 2–4 p.m.
Age of volunteers: 12 yrs. and up. (Volunteers under age 14 yrs. must be accompanied by an adult.)
Number of volunteers: 25
May 2023–April 2024 | Various locations
Monthly visits/One-year commitment
Adopt-a-Greenspace is an all-volunteer program that gives the public the opportunity to actively address Monroe County’s invasive plant issues. Parks and Recreation staff provide the necessary training in invasive plant identification and equip volunteers to proactively monitor and remove impeding plants within their adopted areas. Various parcels of land are available for adoption and are customizable by request. Adopting individuals/groups are encouraged to select a parcel of land that is of personal interest or value to them.
Duties: Inspect and make progress in removing invasive plants from assigned adopted area a minimum of once a month. Complete and submit monthly reports.
Timeline: Volunteers must submit an online application by Monday, March 13. A general orientation for all “Adopt” programs takes place in late March and an outdoor interactive training with staff takes place in April. One-year appointment starts May 1.
Volunteer shift(s): Inspections and progress visits can be completed at your leisure.
Age of volunteers: 12 yrs. and up. (Volunteers under 14 must be accompanied by an adult)
Number of volunteers: Individuals and groups of varying sizes are welcome.
Other: Learn more at adopt-a-greenspace.
May 2023–April 2024 | Various locations
Monthly visits/One-year commitment
Adopt-a-Stream is an all-volunteer program that gives the public an opportunity to be actively involved in conserving and maintaining the natural wealth and beauty of streams that run through public park property owned by the City of Bloomington and Monroe County. Staff provides training and equipment for monthly stream monitoring and annual stream maintenance.
Duties: Inspect adopted stream at least once a month. Complete and submit reports on stream condition. Provide general maintenance such as removing debris and litter. Attend a Hoosier Riverwatch workshop and perform water quality monitoring tests at the stream at least four times per year. Staff works with you or your group to formulate a work plan.
Timeline: Volunteers must submit an online application by Monday, March 13. A general orientation for all “Adopt” programs takes place in late March and an outdoor interactive training with staff takes place in April. One-year appointment starts May 1.
Volunteer shift(s): Stream inspections can be completed at your leisure.
Age of volunteers: 12 yrs. and up. (Volunteers under age 14 yrs. must be accompanied by an adult.)
Number of volunteers: Individuals and groups of varying sizes are welcome. Recruitment class determined by number of streams available.
Other: Learn more at adopt-a-stream.
Monthly visits/One-year commitment
Adopt-a-Trail is an all-volunteer program that gives the public an oppor tunity to be actively involved in inspecting and maintaining over 30 trail miles within Bloomington’s city parks in order to remain safe and usable. Parks and Recreation staff provide training and equipment to individuals or to volunteer groups of any size for monthly trail monitoring and annual trail maintenance.
Duties: Inspect adopted trail at least once a month. Complete and submit reports on trail status. Provide basic maintenance during each visit as needed.
Timeline: Volunteers must submit an online application by Monday, March 13. A general orientation for all “Adopt” programs takes place in late March and an outdoor interactive training with staff takes place in April. One-year appointment starts May 1.
Volunteer shift(s): Trail inspections can be completed at your leisure Age of volunteers: 12 yrs. and up. (Volunteers under age 14 yrs. must be accompanied by an adult.)
Number of volunteers: Individuals and groups of varying sizes are welcome. Recruitment class determined by number of trails available. Other: Learn more at
Season III and Middle School
January 16–March 9
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
BYB Season III focuses on basketball fundamentals and the application of learned skills during game participation for players in grades K-6. All leagues are coed through grade 3; girls play in a girls-only league beginning in grade 4. BYB Middle School focuses on basketball skill development and applying skills in game situations. Middle school boys and girls (grades 7–8) play on separate teams. Practice days and times are determined by the coach.
Duties: Enjoy making a difference in the lives of kids, and help develop our next big IU basketball star.
Timeline: Prospective coaches must register to volunteer by Thursday, December 29. Coaches must attend the mandatory coaches’ meeting—see page 26 for full details.
Volunteer shift(s): Practice days and times are determined by the coach. The season includes a weekly practice, a weekly game (on Thursdays), and concludes after seven regular season games.
Training: Coaches must complete an online coaching certification from the National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) at by first practice—see page 26 for full details. Contact Scott Pedersen at 3493774 or for more information.
Age of volunteers: 18 yrs. and up.
Number of volunteers: 50
Other: Player/parent requests for placement on specific teams will not be accepted. Volunteers should commit for the entire season.
Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of winter crafts and activities!
Duties: Assist with setup and teardown of the event and activity areas.
Volunteer shift(s): 2–5:30 p.m.
Age of volunteers: 16 yrs. and up.
Number of volunteers: 10
Brave February’s frigid temperatures like true arctic explorers, and puzzle out the clues throughout Switchyard Park during three epic scavenger hunts!
Duties: Assist with general event support and help distribute prizes.
Volunteer shift(s): 2–5:30 p.m.
Age of volunteers: 16 yrs. and up.
Number of volunteers: 3
The Children’s Expo is a parent’s treasure trove for informational, educational, and recreational resources for school-age children. The Expo continues to offer free health screenings by qualified healthcare professionals for children ages 10 yrs. and under.
Duties: Help supervise activities, provide general event support, and assist with vendor hospitality.
Volunteer shift(s): Shift #1, 11 a.m.–2 p.m./Shift #2, 1:30–5 p.m.
Age of volunteers: 16 yrs. and up.
Number of volunteers: 10 per shift
Wednesday, May 10 | Switchyard Park
50+ Expo is the community’s premier annual showcase of businesses and organizations whose products and services are geared toward baby boomers, seniors, and caregivers.
Duties: Assist with setup and teardown of the event, as well as greeting people at the welcome table and inviting people to complete event surveys. Responsibilities vary based on shift.
Volunteer shift(s): Shift #1, 11 a.m.–2 p.m./Shift #2, 2:15–4:15 p.m./Shift #3, 4–5:30 p.m.
Age of volunteers: 16 yrs. and up.
Number of volunteers: 10 total (6 for Shift #1, 2 for Shift #2, and 2 for Shift #3)
AMI Roofing Contractors
Anthony’s Lawn Care
Aqua Pro Pool & Spa Specialists
Baked! of Bloomington
Bloomington Figure Skating Club
Catalent Indiana
CFC Properties
Comfort Keepers
Commercial Service
Culver’s of Bloomington
Davey Resource Group
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Elder’s Journey Home Care Fire Dawgs Junk Removal
First Command
Gables Bagels
Green Hat Media
H. Michelle Gregory, J.D.
Horizon Bank
IU Health - Bloomington Community Health
Keystone Construction Company
Lentz Paving
Lisa J. Baker, DDS
Mariner Finance
Niese Agency State Farm
Monroe County United Ministries Move Bloomington
Old National Bank
Peterman Brothers
Regional Land Title Rock 96.1 FM The Quarry Roto-Rooter
Rundell Ernstberger Associates
Sandi Taylor Hometown Insurance
Scout’s Honor
Smile Doctors
Starr Oral Surgery
T&T Pet Food and Supply
The Dog House, LLC
The Production House
UnRivaled Electric Youth Services Bureau/Safe Place
Reach your target market at the Twin Lakes Recreation Center, our multi-purpose facility offering programs and services that help make Bloomington a healthy, active community. This 100,000 sq. ft. sports, fitness and recreation complex serves thousands of diverse customers each year, from elite youth basketball teams to preschool soccer players. It is the perfect place for you to share your company’s message and reach your target audience.
Reach these target markets
•300,000 annual visits
•1,200+ active adult members
•more than 800 SilverSneakers members (ages 55 yrs. and up)
•400+ Bloomington Youth Basketball players
•local and regional basketball and other sports tournaments
Custom opportunities to connect with your market
•Our custom advertising packages can give you more than just signs!
•Set up a display at the TLRC during tournaments or peak visitation.
•Place coupons, menus, or brochures in our literature display areas.
•Run a custom TV spot on our four closed-circuit TV screens all day, every day.
•… and more!
Price points for 96"× 42" banners (per year)
Court 1: $1,200
Courts 2–5: $1,000
award recipients:
September: The Dog House
October: Green Hat Media December: T&T Pet Food & Supply
For more information, contact Julie Ramey at 349-3719 or
Thanks to Summer Star Foundation for Nature, Art and Humanity for supporting outdoor learning opportunities for area youth.
Memorialize or honor a loved one with a bench in a beautiful city park.
The Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department's Memorial/Honorary Bench Program provides an opportunity to honor or memorialize a loved one by placing a bench in or along a beautiful City of Bloomington park or trail.
The cost for one memorial/honorary bench ranges from $1,900 to $2,400. This includes the bench and plaque, shipping, labor, and installation, as well as a concrete bench pad.
All benches are a specific type and style, purchased directly by the Department from a predetermined manufacturer of the Department's choosing. Benches are constructed of slatted steel, a material that has proven to be attractive, durable, and resistant to vandalism. A 2" x 10" personalized plaque is mounted to the back of the bench. The final cost of the bench is determined after the bench color is selected by the donor, and after the donor's text and layout for the plaque has been quoted by the bench manufacturer.
For more information about the Bloomington Memorial/Honorary Bench program, contact: Barb Dunbar, Operations Coordinator
Bloomington Parks and Recreation
Memorial/Honorary Bench PO Box 848
Bloomington, IN 47402 Phone: 812-349-3498 FAX: 812-349-3744 Email:
Bloomington Parks Foundation
Remember a loved one or honor someone with a donation to the Bloomington Tree Fund, or with the purchase of a tree to be planted in one of Bloomington’s city parks. The Memorial/Honorary Tree package includes one tree, a 16"× 16" engraved limestone plaque, and maintenance of the tree after it is planted.
The Parks and Recreation Department provides maintenance for the lifetime of the tree, and will replace trees if they die within 15 years after planting, or are damaged. Plaques are warranted for five years against theft or damages.
Memorial/Honorary Tree orders received between June 1 and September 1 will be planted that fall. Orders received during other times of year will be planted in the spring.
For more information about the Bloomington Tree Fund, or about purchasing a Memorial/Honorary Tree, contact:
Barb Dunbar, Operations Coordinator
Bloomington Tree Fund
PO Box 848
Bloomington, IN 47402
Phone: 812-349-3498
FAX: 812-349-3744
Email: Website:
Online registration available 24-7. Secured for credit card payment. VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER
Complete the registration form and send it to Bloomington Parks and Recreation 401 N. Morton St., Ste. 250 Bloomington, IN 47404 Registrations must be received before the deadline.
Register in person by coming to the atrium of City Hall at 401 N. Morton St., Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, CASH, CHECK, or MONEY ORDER
A convenient drop box is located outside City Hall, at the “401” address doors. Drop off your registration after hours or whenever it’s convenient for you. Make sure you drop off before the registration date.
For information about resident status, fees and charges, liability waivers, registration, and refunds, visit:
City StateZip City of Bloomington Resident? Yes No (If you are unsure of your residency status, please call 812-349-3700)
Inclusive Service Request:
Reasonable accommodations are needed to participate in above program(s) related to specific needs associated with a disability. (circle one) YES NO
If YES, please complete an Inclusion Assessment and the Inclusive Recreation Coordinator will contact you. We request at least two weeks notification for reasonable accommodations requests. In some cases reasonable accommodations may take longer.
The undersigned is the adult program participant, or is the parent or legal guardian of the program participant. The undersigned hereby states that s/he understands the activities that will take place in this program, and that the program participant is physically and mentally able to participate in this program. The undersigned recognizes, as with any activity, there is risk of injury. In the event that the program participant sustains an injury in the course of the program, and the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department is unable to contact the appropriate person(s) to obtain consent for treatment, the Department and/or its employees or volunteers are authorized to take reasonable steps to obtain appropriate medical treatment. The program participant and/or his/her parent or legal guardian shall be responsible for the cost of such treatment. The undersigned now releases the City of Bloomington, the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, its employees, agents, and assigns, from any claims including, but not limited to, personal injuries or damage to property caused by or having any relation to this activity. It is understood that the release applies to any present or future injuries and that it binds the undersigned, undersigned’s spouse, heirs, executors and administrators. The Program Participant may be photographed and videotaped while participating in Parks and Recreation activities and while attending Parks and Recreation events, and consent is given for the reproduction of such photos or videos for advertising and publicity.
Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is highly contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, the Department cannot guarantee that the program participant, or the program participant’s household members will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending the program could increase the risk of the program participant, or the program participant’s household members of contracting COVID-19. By signing this agreement, the undersigned acknowledges the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assumes the risk that the program participant, or other members of the program participant’s household may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 as a result of attending the program and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. The undersigned also acknowledges and understands that all of the risks of COVID-19 are not known and that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at the program may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of the program participant and others, including, but not limited to, Bloomington Parks and Recreation employees, volunteers, and other program participants and their families. The undersigned voluntarily agrees to assume all of the foregoing risks, known and unknown, and accept sole responsibility for any injury or loss to the program participant, and other members of the program participant’s household. The undersigned hereby waives, releases, discharges, and agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and not sue Bloomington Parks and Recreations Department, its employees, agents, officers, directors, affiliates, members, volunteers, and representatives (collectively, “Releasees”), of and from any and all claims, liabilities, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. The undersigned further agrees that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Releasees, whether such claim arises before, during, or after participation in any Parks and Recreation program. I have read and understand all of the foregoing terms. I agree with the terms and sign voluntarily.
Paula McDevitt
Emily Buuck
Kim Clapp
Missy Grabowski
Tiffany Hall
Ethan Philbeck • 349-3711
Relations Coordinator • 349-3739
Manager • 349-3710
Service Representative • 349-3700
Service Representative • 349-3702
Service Representative • 349-3701
Julie Ramey...................................................Community Relations Manager • 349-3719
Michele Wilson
Tim Street
John Barnes
Jon Behrman
Steve Cotter
Barb Dunbar
Service Representative • 349-3757
Haskell Smith
Joanna Sparks
Scot Sturrock
Rebecca Swift
Forester • 349-3716
Landscaper • 349-3497
Greenspace Working Foreperson • 369-7537
Resources Coordinator • 349-3759
Rob Turpin...................................................................Operations Crew Leader
Becky Higgins
Clarence Boone
Leslie Brinson
Emily Carrico
JP Ford
Hsiung Marler
Sarah Mullin
Bill Ream
Crystal Ritter
Services Division Director • 349-3713
Events Coordinator • 349-3738
Events Manager • 349-3715
Coordinator • 349-3771
Specialist • 349-3738
Manager Switchyard Park • 349-3961
Events Program Specialist • 349-3704
Events Coordinator • 349-3748
Events Coordinator • 349-3725
Amy Shrake........................................................Program/Facility Coordinator • 349-3747
Kevin Terrell
Maggie Tull
Satoshi Kido
Aaron Craig
Daren Eads
Chris Lamb
Scott Pedersen
James Richardson
Brad Scroggins
Coordinator • 349-3735
Park Foreperson
Services Division Director • 349-3712
Facilities Manager • 349-3791
Coordinator • 349-3772
Fields Working Foreperson
Coordinator • 349-3774
Course Superintendent • 349-3764
Motor Equipment Operator
Jason Sims..............................................................Golf Programs Coordinator • 349-3782
Megan Stark
Mark Sterner
Coordinator • 349-3770
Manager Sports • 349-3768
Dee Tuttle.................................................Sports Facility/Programs Manager • 349-3762