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Constitutional & Administrative Law
Key Ideas in Law: The Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers
Jack Beatson, University of Oxford, UK Written by one of the leading public lawyers of our day, this book considers the rule of law and separation of powers by examining the relationships between the different branches and the mechanisms of accountability within our democracy. Prompted by events following the 2016 referendum, the book answers the following questions: How accessible is the law and how does it avoid arbitrariness? How is access to justice protected? How does our constitution reflect the separation of powers and the balance of responsibilities between law and politics? How does our democracy enable majorities and protect minorities?
UK August 2021 • US August 2021 • 224 pages PB 9781509938773 • £12.99 / $17.95 ePub 9781509938780 • £11.69 / $15.62 ePdf 9781509938803 • £11.69 / $15.62 Series: Key Ideas in Law • Hart Publishing
The Anatomy of Administrative Law
Joanna Bell, University of Oxford, UK Ambitious and thought-provoking, this book is an important new statement on administrative law. It considers the nature of administrative law doctrine and adjudication by looking at: - Administrative law’s ‘anatomy’ - by pulling the subject apart it, explores the nature of the legal structures which are in play in adjudication - The importance of recognising the complexity and variety of administrative law’s anatomy in procedural review, legitimate expectations and standing - The important but under-explored question: is it plausible and useful to attempt to make sense of administrative law doctrine by reference to a singular organising concept or principle?
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 312 pages PB 9781509943920 • £34.99 / $47.95 Previously published in HB 9781509925339 ePub 9781509925346 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781509925353 • £67.50 / $88.59 Hart Publishing
The Constitution of New Zealand
A Contextual Analysis
Matthew Palmer, High Court of New Zealand & Dean Knight, Victoria University, New Zealand This book examines New Zealand’s constitution, through the lens of constitutional realism. It looks at the practices, habits, conventions and norms of constitutional life. It focuses on the structures, processes and culture that govern the exercise of public power – a perspective that is necessary to explore and account for a lived, rather than textual, constitution. The authors skilfully introduce the reader to this fascinating constitutional system with both clear explanation and critical analysis.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 288 pages HB 9781849469036 • £60.00 / $80.00 ePub 9781849469043 • £54.00 / $71.65 ePdf 9781849469050 • £54.00 / $71.65 Series: Constitutional Systems of the World • Hart Publishing
Corruption from a Regulatory Perspective
Maria De Benedetto, Roma Tre University, Italy This book seeks to enrich and, in some cases, reverse current ideas on corruption and its prevention. It is a long held belief that sanctions are the best guard against corrupt practise. This innovative work argues that in some cases sanctions paradoxically increase corruption and that controls provide opportunities for corrupt transactions. Instead it suggests that better regulation and responsive enforcement, not sanctions, offer the most effective response to corruption. Taking both a theoretical and applied approach, it examines the question from a global perspective, drawing on in particular a regulatory perspective, to provide a model for tackling corrupt practises.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 256 pages HB 9781509929214 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781509929221 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781509929238 • £76.50 / $100.32 Hart Publishing
Constitutional Systems of the World
Peter Leyland, London Metropolitan University, UK, Andrew Harding, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Benjamin L Berger, York University, Canada, Rosalind Dixon, University of New South Wales, Australia and Heinz Klug, University of Wisconsin, USA
The Constitution of Italy
A Contextual Analysis
Marta Cartabia, University of Milano, Italy & Nicola Lupo, LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy This book introduces the reader to the Italian Constitution, which entered into force on 1 January 1948, and examines whether it has successfully managed the political and legal challenges that have occurred since its inception, and fulfilled the 3 main functions of a Constitution: maintaining a community, protecting the fundamental rights of citizens and ensuring the separation of powers.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 240 pages HB 9781509905720 • £24.99 / $34.95 ePub 9781509905737 • £22.49 / $29.96 ePdf 9781509905744 • £22.49 / $29.96 Series: Constitutional Systems of the World • Hart Publishing
The Constitution of Czechia
A Contextual Analysis
David Kosar, Masaryk University, Czech Republic & Ladislav Vyhnánek, Masaryk University, Czech Republic This important new addition to the Constitutional Systems of the World series focuses on the constitution of the Czech Republic. Providing a contextual look at Czech constitutionalism and its underlying social development, it shows how the system is built on liberal democratic values. The book introduces the reader to the key institutions and their constitutional design. It also shows the challenges that somewhat fragile constitution faces, not least from creeping capture of existing institutions and the entrenchment of private interests in the state and in party politics.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 272 pages HB 9781509920532 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781509920549 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781509920556 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Constitutional Systems of the World • Hart Publishing
Series General Editors: Peter Leyland, Andrew Harding, Benjamin L Berger, Rosalind Dixon and Heinz Klug Accessible, contextual introductions to the constitutional systems of the world.
9781509945542 JUL 2021 • £19.99
9781509947171 9781509947171 MAY 2021 • £24.99 9781509913947 9781509913947 NOV 2019 • £70 9781509927357 9781509927357 SEP 2019 • £60
9781849465359 9781849465359 MAY 2019 • £65
9781849462501 9781849462501 FEB 2017 • £75
9781509903436 9781509903436 NOV 2018 • £21.99
9781849469074 9781849469074 JUN 2016 • £19.99
9781849465861 9781849465861 JAN 2018 • £27.99
9781849465137 9781849465137 APR 2016 • £26.99
9781841137360 9781841137360 DEC 2017 • £21.99
9781849465120 9781849465120 APR 2016 • £26.99
Explore the entire series at www.hartpublishing.co.uk
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