Bloomsbury Academic Rights Guide July-December 2021

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CONTENTS PHILOSOPHY AND LITERARY STUDIES ����������������������������������������������������������� 1 POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ���������������������������������������������� 5 HISTORY ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 EDUCATION ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17 MUSIC AND SOUND STUDIES ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 FILM AND MEDIA STUDIES �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 RECENT HIGHLIGHTS: HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ������������ 23 CULTURAL HISTORIES ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 VISUAL CULTURE, DESIGN & ILLUSTRATION ��������������������������������������������� 25 CRAFT AND MAKING ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 FASHION AND TEXTILES ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 INTERIOR DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE ���������������������������������������������������� 33 RECENT HIGHLIGHTS: VISUAL ARTS ������������������������������������������������������������� 35


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Anarchafeminism Chiara Bottici The first introduction to anarchafeminism, setting out a manifesto that proposes how it might actually work in contemporary society. Chiara Bottici argues that feminism needs anarchism and anarchism needs feminism. Radical political movements do not exist in isolation from each other. The fight for freedom and equality needs to operate on more than one connected plane. Anarchafeminism attempts to incorporate the strategems from both feminist and anarchist theories, approaches and grassroots activism to formulate a specific anarchafeminist approach adapted to the challenges of our times. Adopting a global perspective, with examples and theories from around the world, the book introduces key thinkers and ideas, setting out a manifesto that proposes a practical way ahead for a new, more anarchafeminist society. Chiara Bottici is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research, USA.

November 2021 352 pages 216 x 138mm 9781350095878 Bloomsbury Academic Rights sold: Italian, Spanish

The Future is Feminine

Capitalism and the Masculine Disorder

Ciara Cremin An examination of how the patriarchy and toxic masculinity can be challenged by adopting traditionally feminine objects and mannerisms. Cremin illustrates that masculinity is a general disorder of a capitalist society that depends and even thrives upon its very symptoms. From the perspective of a trans woman raised to be a man, the book maps the disorder and speculates on the possible means to overcome it. Drawing on theorists such as Marx and Freud, Cremin demonstrates why there can be no future other than one in which we are all reconciled as a society with the feminine. In such a future, the terms ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ will neither define us nor determine our relationship to one another. Ciara Cremin lectures in sociology and leads the Gender Studies programme at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

June 2021 224 pages 216 x 138mm 9781350149762 Bloomsbury Academic

#MeToo and Literary Studies

Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture

Edited by Mary K. Holland and Heather Hewett The first book to consider how literary scholars and teachers can bring the energy of the #MeToo movement into their work, and use their work to amplify and inform the cultural impact of #MeToo. This collection of essays on literature, from Ovid to Carmen Maria Machado offers clear ways of using our reading, teaching, and critical practices to address rape culture and sexual violence. It examines the promise and limitations of the #MeToo movement itself, speaking to the productive use of social media as well as to the voices that the movement has so far muted. In uniting diverse voices to enable the #MeToo movement to reshape literary studies, this book is committed to the idea that the way we read and write about literature can make real change in the world. Mary K. Holland is Professor of English at The State University of New York at New Paltz, USA. Heather Hewett is Associate Professor and Chair of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and an affiliate of the English Department at The State University of New York at New Paltz, USA.

October 2021 432 pages 140 x 216mm 9781501372735 Bloomsbury Academic



Notes from the Crawl Room A Collection of Philosophical Horrors

A.M. Moskovitz A striking collection of interconnected stories that use horror to critique the absurdities of philosophy. A.M. Moskovitz employs the lens and methods of horror writing to critique the excesses and absurdities of philosophy. Each story reveals disastrous and de-humanising effects of philosophies separated from real, lived experience. From a Kafkaesque exploration of administrative absurdities to discursive violence, white supremacy and the living spectres of patriarchy, A.M. Moskovitz addresses the complex aspects of our lives. November 2021 • 224 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350191884 Bloomsbury Academic

Why Did the Logician Cross the Road? Finding Humor in Logical Reasoning

Stan Baronett How humor can help us understand logic, and logic can help us understand humor.

September 2021 • 136 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350178915 Bloomsbury Academic

Combining jokes, stories, and ironic situations, Stan Baronett shows how it is possible to ground the formal, symbolic language of logic in everyday experience. Each chapter introduces a basic logical reasoning concept based on happenings in daily life, and ideas are explained by demonstrating how an effective joke may rely on an unanticipated assumption that leads to an unexpected result. Baronett aids understanding of basic causal reasoning and provides light relief for anyone daunted by the complex world of logic. Stan Baronett is Lecturer in the Philosophy Department and Honors College at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.

The Philosophy of Matter A Meditation

Rick Dolphijn A philosophical meditation on the fate of the earth drawing upon contemporary ideas in new materialism, posthumanism and the environmental humanities.

August 2021 • 176 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350211902 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Theory in the New Humanities

This is a journey in thinking through the material fate of the earth itself. With figures such as Spinoza, Deleuze and Serres as philosophical guides and writings on New Materialism, Posthumanism and Affect Theory as intellectual context, Rick Dolphijn proposes a radical rethinking of some of the basic themes of philosophy: subjectivity, materiality, body (both human and otherwise, and the act of living. Rick Dolphijn is Associate Professor at Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Honorary Professor at Hong Kong University, Hong Kong; and Visiting Professor at the University of Barcelona, Spain.

Socrates On Trial Nigel Tubbs A lively and politicised reworking of Plato's Republic for the contemporary world. Nigel Tubbs tells of Socrates’ return to a modern city, where he finds contemporary society at war with itself. He questions this city, and the city arrests him. Facing trial he sets out his new vision for a just society. His challenge to us, and to the jury that will once again decide his fate, remains the same as before: the unexamined life is still not worth living. Nigel Tubbs is Professor of Philosophical and Educational Thought, University of Winchester, UK. October 2021 • 320 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350053717 Bloomsbury Academic




Football Mark Yakich A personal and critical exploration of the world’s most popular sport—from big data analytics to children just learning the game. Not only is football played across the world, but changes to the game often reflect or anticipate social and economic trends. As an American who has played football his entire life, Mark Yakich is both an insider and an outsider to the sport. Beyond his own experience as a player and coach, he studies the game as a cultural critic, examining its narratives, its patterns and variations, and its manifestations within communities and individuals. Mark Yakich is the Gregory F. Curtin, S.J. Distinguished Professor of English at Loyola University New Orleans, USA, where he has been editor of New Orleans Review since 2012.

January 2022 • 6 mono illus 160 pages • 121 x 165mm 9781501367069 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Object Lessons

Sticker Henry Hoke A memoir in 20 stickers that explores the intangible nature of identity, with each sticker acting as a talisman of a wider personal and social history. Stickers adorn our first memories, dot our notebooks and our walls, are stuck annoyingly on fruit, and accompany us into adulthood to shout our perspectives from car bumpers. They hold surprising power in their ability to define and provoke, and hold a strange steadfast presence in our age of fading physical media. Henry Hoke employs a constellation of stickers to explore queer boyhood, parental disability, and ancestral violence. Henry Hoke is the author of The Groundhog Forever (2021), the story collection Genevieves (2017), and The Book of Endless Sleepovers (2016). He also co-created and directs the performance series Enter>text.

January 2022 • 20 mono illus 160 pages • 122 x 165mm 9781501367229 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Object Lessons

Hyphen Pardis Mahdavi A history of a humble grammatical marker, that explores the evolution of the hyphen as well as the powerful role it has come to play in identity and sexual politics. To hyphenate or not to hyphenate has been a central point of controversy since before the imprinting of the first Gutenberg Bible. Following the history of the hyphen from antiquity to the present, Pardis Mahdavi explores how it evolved orthographically, and typographically as well as the politics of the hyphen itself. Hyphen is ultimately a compelling story about the intertwining of language and identity. Pardis Mahdavi is Dean of Social Sciences in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a professor in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University, USA.

August 2021 • 176 pages 123 x 165mm • 9781501373909 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Object Lessons

Spacecraft Timothy Morton Explores the human fascination with spacecraft, both real and imagined. What are spacecraft, and just what can they teach us about imagination, ecology, democracy, and the nature of objects? Furthermore, why do certain spacecraft stand out in popular culture? Spacecraft takes readers on an intergalactic journey through science fiction and speculative philosophy, and reveals realworld political and ecological lessons along the way. Timothy Morton is Rita Shea Guffey Chair in English at Rice University, USA. September 2021 • 144 pages 124 x 165mm • 9781501375804 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Object Lessons Rights sold: Spanish



Wole Soyinka

Literature, Activism, and African Transformation

Bola Dauda and Toyin Falola A critical biography of Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian Nobel laureate and social activist, discussing his personal life, major works, and political legacy. This biography explores Soyinka’s early life, his major texts and his place in history connect his legacy with global issues beyond the boarders of his own country, and indeed beyond the African continent. The volume looks at how Soyinka uses his writing to inform, mobilize, and sometimes incite civil action, in a decades-long attempt at literary social engineering. October 2021 • 7 mono illus 312 pages • 152 x 229mm 9781501375750 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Black Literary and Cultural Expressions

Bola Dauda is a retired scholar based in the UK who currently serves as Executive Director of the Pan-African University Press. Toyin Falola is the Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair Professor in the Humanities and a distinguished teaching professor at University of Texas at Austin, USA.

Chinese Philosophy and Philosophers An Introduction

Ronnie L. Littlejohn An introduction to Chinese philosophical thought from ancient times to the present day. Ronnie L. Littlejohn shares everything you need to know about the Chinese thinkers who have made the biggest contributions to the conversation of philosophy. Weaving together key subjects, thinkers and texts, we see how Chinese traditions have profoundly shaped the institutions, social practices and psychological character of the world we are living in. This new edition includes updated reading lists, a comparative chronology and additional translated extracts. January 2022 • 368 pages 216 x 138mm • 2nd edition 9781350177406 Bloomsbury Academic

Ronnie L. Littlejohn is Virginia M. Chaney Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Director of Asian Studies at Belmont University, USA.

Materialist Phenomenology A Philosophy of Perception

Manuel DeLanda A new intervention into phenomenology and materialism from one of the leading thinkers in the field.

October 2021 • 240 pages 198 x 129mm • 9781350263956 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Theory in the New Humanities

Bringing together phenomenology and materialism, two perspectives seemingly at odds with each other, Manuel DeLanda has created an entirely new theory of visuality. Engaging the scientific (biology, ecological psychology, neuroscience and robotics), the philosophical (idea of 'the embodied mind') and the mathematical (dynamic systems theory), DeLanda forms a synthesis of how to see in the 21st century. This is a transdisciplinary and rigorous analysis of how vision shapes what matters. Manuel Delanda is Professor at the European Graduate School and Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture at Princeton University, USA.

Capitalism and the Limits of Desire John Roberts A radical treatise exploring how loving oneself has been collapsed into loving capitalism, offering a hopeful, emancipatory message. Why does capitalism seem to be so insurmountable? John Roberts poses that it is because we love capitalism more than we love ourselves. He contends that understanding the insidious nature of capitalist thinking is the starting point to disentangling ourselves from it. Using Marx, Lacan and Spinoza as his guides, Roberts lays out a way for individuals to move forward and forge a sense of self outside the oppressive demands of platform capitalism. September 2021 • 264 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350214958 Bloomsbury Academic


John Roberts is Professor of Art and Aesthetics at the University of Wolverhampton, UK.


Undoing Privilege

Unearned Advantage in a Divided World

Professor Bob Pease An essential book for all who are concerned about developing theories and practices for a socially just world. Privilege, as the other side of oppression, has been given insufficient attention in both critical theories and the practices of social change and as a result, dominant groups have been allowed to reinforce their privilege, as demonstrated in this new edition. Undoing Privilege explores the main sites of privilege, from Western dominance, class elitism, and white and patriarchal privilege to the less-examined sites of heterosexual and able-bodied privilege. Bob Pease points out that while the vast majority of people may be oppressed on one level, many are also privileged on another. He also demonstrates how members of privileged groups can engage critically with their own dominant position, and explores the potential and limitations of them becoming allies against oppression and their own unearned privilege. Bob Pease is Chair of Social Work in the School of Health and Social Development at Deakin University in Geelong, Australia.

December 2021 320 pages 216 x 138mm 2nd edition 9781913441135 Zed Books

Female Masculinities and the Gender Wars The Politics of Sex

Finn Mackay A contextualization of contemporary feminist fractures, toxic masculinity, and trans movements, through a specific focus on lesbian masculinity. Female Masculinities and the Gender Wars provides important theoretical background and context to the ‘gender wars’ or ‘TERF wars’ – the violent feminist fracture at the forefront of the LGBTQ international conversation. Using queer and female masculinities as a lens, Finn Mackay investigates the current generational shift that is refusing the previous assumed fixity of sex, gender and sexual identity. Uniquely, she approaches this debate through the context of female masculinity, butch and transmasculine lesbian masculinities. An increasingly important topic in political science and sociological academia, this book breaks new ground in the discussion of the politics of gender and identity. Finn Mackay is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of the West of England, and founded the London Feminist Network in 2004.

October 2021 264 pages 234 x 156mm 9780755606634 I.B. Tauris

Uncontrollable Women

Radicals, Reformers and Revolutionaries

Nan Sloane Uses inspirational, individual stories of female political pioneers from the 1800's to explore the period in which women began to enter the public space to seek change. Uncontrollable Women is a history of radical, reformist and revolutionary women between the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 and the passing of the Great Reform Act in 1832. Nan Sloane illuminates a time when the first demands were made for female suffrage, when women began to organise on their own account, and when working-class women and men began to assert their collective presence and voice. She shows how these women and many others played a part in developing political ideas and freedoms as we know them today, and the vital battles they fought which are still ongoing. Nan Sloane is an author, speaker and trainer with an interest in the role of women in the public space, particularly in politics and the Labour Party.

January 2022 304 pages 216 x 138mm 9781838606633 I.B. Tauris



Ireland and the Magdalene Laundries A Campaign for Justice

Katherine O’Donnell, Claire McGettrick, James M. Smith, Maeve O'Rourke and Mari Steed Edited by Claire McGettrick, Katherine O’Donnell, Maeve O'Rourke, James M. Smith and Mari Steed An important account of the development of the campaign for social justice around the Magdalene laundries in the Republic of Ireland. Using the Irish State’s own report into the Magdalene institutions, as well as testimonies from survivors and independent witnesses, this book gives a detailed account of life behind the high walls of Ireland’s Magdalene institutions. It offers an overview of the social, cultural and political contexts of institutional survivor activism, the Irish State’s response culminating in the The Ryan Report, and the formation of the Justice for Magdalenes campaign, a volunteer-run survivor advocacy group. The result is a damning assessment of how the Irish State continues to evade its responsibilities, not merely to survivors of the Magdalenes but also in providing a truthful account of what happened. September 2021 304 pages 234 x 156mm 9780755617494 I.B. Tauris

Claire McGettrick is an Irish Research Council postgraduate scholar at the School of Sociology at University College Dublin, Ireland and cofounder of Justice for Magdalenes Research (JFMR) and Adoption Rights Alliance (ARA). Katherine O'Donnell is Associate Professor, History of Ideas, UCD School of Philosophy, Ireland. Maeve O'Rourke is a lecturer in human-rights law at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, NUI Galway, and a barrister (England and Wales) and attorney-at-law (New York). James M. Smith is an associate professor in the English department at Boston College. Mari Steed serves as U.S. coordinator with the Adoption Rights Alliance (ARA), and cofounded Justice for Magdalens/ Research (JFMR) in 2003.

Speak Not

Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language

James Griffiths A personal and engaging account of how we can stop the race towards the extinction of linguistic diversity. As globalisation continues, languages are disappearing faster than ever, leaving our planet’s linguistic diversity leaping towards extinction. It is increasingly challenging for minority languages to survive in the face of a handful of hegemonic ‘super-tongues’. James Griffiths reports from the frontlines of the battle to preserve minority languages, from his native Wales, Hawaii and indigenous American nations, to southern China and Hong Kong. He explores the revival of the Welsh language as a blueprint for how to ensure new generations are not robbed of their linguistic heritage, outlines how loss of indigenous languages is the direct result of colonialism and globalisation, and examines how technology is both hindering and aiding the fight to prevent linguistic extinction. October 2021 264 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781786999696 Zed Books

James Griffiths is Asia Correspondent at the Globe and Mail, currently based in Hong Kong.

Against the Tide

The best of Roger Scruton's columns, commentaries and criticism

Roger Scruton and Mark Dooley Edited by Mark Dooley The definitive edition of the late Sir Roger Scruton's philosophical and political essays and reviews, now collected in one volume. Roger Scruton was the leading conservative thinker of the post-war years in the English speaking world. He was also a journalist, critic and commentator whose public pronouncements were prophetic, coruscating and provocative. In this book are assembled the very best of Scruton’s essays and commentaries, arranged thematically.

January 2022 256 pages • 234 x 153mm 9781472992932 Bloomsbury Continuum


Scruton proves himself to be at his most scintillating and controversial. He writes with passion and conviction about such varied topics as feminism, racism, fascism, Tony Blair, Jeremy Corbyn and Donald Trump. He takes aim at those who defy conservative common sense in favour of liberal falsehoods. This book shows a writer at the height of his intellectual powers whose works will provide a philosophical legacy for many years to come. Roger Scruton was Professor of Aesthetics at Birkbeck College, London; University Professor at Boston University, and a visiting professor at Oxford University and Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.


What is the Economy? And Why it Matters to You

Joe Richards and Beth Leslie An explanation of key concepts in economics in terms of the individual and everyday life. What exactly is the economy anyway? Economists and politicians would have you believe it is a rarefied topic best left to ‘the experts’. This book uncovers what people really mean when they talk about ‘the economy’, taking the word off its pedestal and showing that it is just a lens for seeing the world around us. That, at its heart, economics is about you, and the society you are a part of. Explaining key concepts in economics in relation to how they directly affect your life – from your money to your home, your workplace to your future – What is the Economy? drags the obscure world of economics kicking and screaming towards the everyday and equips you with clarity and understanding. Beth Leslie and Joe Richards work for Economy, the charity that believes economics is for everyone. October 2021 240 pages 234 x 156mm 9781786995605 Zed Books


Politics, Practice, and Theory

Eva Haifa Giraud A lively overview of the tensions surrounding veganism that makes an original contribution to these debates in relation to other social justice issues. What exactly do vegans believe? Why has veganism become such a critical and criticised social movement, and how does it correspond to wider debates about the environment and sustainability, animal studies and the media? Eva Haifa Giraud offers an accessible route into the debates that surround vegan politics, which feed into broader issues surrounding food activism and ethical consumption. Drawing on a range of examples, from recipe books with punk aesthetics to social media campaigns, Giraud shows how veganism's radical potential is being complicated by its commercialization, and elucidates new conceptual frameworks for reclaiming veganism as a radical social movement. Eva Haifa Giraud is Senior Lecturer in Media at Keele University, UK.

July 2021 • 6 mono illus 208 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350124912 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Contemporary Food Studies: Economy, Culture and Politics

Whatever Happened to Tradition? History, Belonging and the Future of the West

Tim Stanley This hard-hitting book explains why people need to commune with tradition and why they should embrace it. Civilisations go wrong: they change too fast, too far and throw out the good with the bad. This book examines what we have lost and how we can rediscover it. Focusing on utility and beauty, Stanley shows that traditions – ritual, hierarchy, codes of behaviour, the concept of sanctity – were once preserved because they were useful. Traditions are also beautiful because they enhance life and make it worth living. Drawing on a rich trove of examples from history, literature, art and architecture, Stanley demonstrates how traditions add colour and identity, tying us into our past and evoking sacred mysteries that exist beyond ourselves. Tim Stanley is a historian and journalist with a growing profile as a political commentator.

October 2021 272 pages 234 x 153mm 9781472974129 Bloomsbury Continuum



Climate Change in Human History Prehistory to the Present

Benjamin Lieberman and Elizabeth Gordon An overview of the interaction between climate and human society from prehistoric times to the present day, combining the latest findings from science and history.

January 2022 • 20 mono illus 336 pages • 234 x 156mm 2nd edition • 9781350170339 Bloomsbury Academic Rights sold: Chinese Simplified, Korean, Spanish

This concise introduction illustrates how natural climate variability affected early human societies and how human activity is now leading to drastic changes to our climate. This 2nd edition includes a new chapter on the explosion of social movements, protest groups and key individuals since 2017, an improved introduction to the Anthropocene, and extra content on the basic dynamics of the climate system alongside updated historiography. With new case studies and images, it also includes a glossary of terms and further reading to aid students’ understanding of this interdisciplinary subject. Benjamin Lieberman is Professor of History at Fitchburg State University, USA. Elizabeth Gordon is Associate Professor of Geoscience at Fitchburg State University, USA.

The Power of Populism and People Resistance and Protest in the Modern World

Edited by Nathan Stoltzfus and Christopher Osmar A collection of essays examining the relationship between authoritarian power and popular resistance in different national contexts during the 20th and 21st centuries.

September 2021 • 288 pages 234 x 156mm • 9781350202009 Bloomsbury Academic

The international contributors to this volume examine the complex relationship between people and their rulers. From the roots of populism in 19th-century Latin America to the last century of Turkish rule and the Arab Spring, the cases span five continents and 12 nations. Taken together, they reveal how different forms of popular opposition have succeeded or failed in unseating and replacing authoritarian regimes, as well as exposing the tactics and strategies used by regimes to repress resistance and create an image of popular support. Nathan Stoltzfus is Dorothy and Jonathan Rintels Professor of Holocaust Studies and Professor of History at Florida State University. Christopher Osmar is preparing his dissertation on forced labor in the end phase of Nazi Germany for a book.

Debating Anarchism

A History of Action, Ideas and Movements

Mike Finn An introduction to historical debates on anarchism and its influence in world history. This timely book introduces readers to anarchism’s relationship to broader history, offering not simply a history of anarchism in the modern period, but a critical introduction to debates on anarchist history by a respected scholar in the field. Here, Mike Finn treads new ground by paying close attention to both women and non-western actors. Mike Finn is Senior Lecturer in History at University of Exeter, UK. September 2021 296 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350118102 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Debates in World History •

Global War, Global Catastrophe

Neutrals, Belligerents and the Transformations of the First World War

Maartje Abbenhuis and Ismee Tames A history of the First World War as a global crisis that incorporates coverage of both belligerents and neutrals in the war. This book presents the First World War as a global catastrophe that forcibly reshaped the international system and, with it, the futures of all the world’s people. It offers an accessible overview of the major trajectories of the conflict, integrating the history of neutrality into the mainstream history of the First World War. This is an important alternative to existing belligerent-centric studies. October 2021 • 20 mono illus 304 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781474275859 Bloomsbury Academic Series: New Approaches to International History


Maartje Abbenhuis is Professor in Modern History at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Ismee Tames is Professor in History at Utrecht University and Senior Researcher at NIOD, Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Stalinism at War

The Soviet Union in World War II

Mark Edele An authoritative history of the Soviet Union in World War II. Exploring the complex experiences of both ordinary and extraordinary citizens – Russians and Koreans, Ukrainians and Jews, Lithuanians and Georgians, men and women, loyal Stalinists and critics of his regime – Edele reveals how the Soviet Union and leadership of a ruthless dictator propelled Allied victory over Germany and Japan. In doing so, Edele weaves together material on the society and culture of the wartime years with high-level politics and unites the military, economic and political history of the Soviet Union with broader popular histories from below. The result is an engaging, intelligent and authoritative account of the Soviet Union from 1937 to 1949. Mark Edele is Professor and Hansen Chair in History at University of Melbourne, Australia. September 2021 20 mono illus 288 pages 234 x 156mm 9781350153516 Bloomsbury Academic

Family Histories of World War II Survivors and Descendants

Edited by Róisín Healy and Gearóid Barry A contextualised collection of accounts of people from across Europe involved in World War II, written by their descendants. Expertly contextualised by two leading historians, this unique collection offers 13 accounts of individual experiences of World War II from across Europe. It sees contributors describe their recent ancestors’ experiences, from a Royal Air Force pilot captured in Yugoslavia and a Spanish communist in the French resistance, to two young Jewish girls caught in the siege of Leningrad. They draw upon a variety of sources, such as contemporary diaries and letters, unpublished postwar memoirs, video footage as well as conversations in the family setting. At its heart, Family Histories of World War II, concerns human experiences in supremely difficult times and their meaning for subsequent generations both at a personal and societal level. Róisín Healy is Senior Lecturer in European History at NUI Galway, Ireland. Gearóid Barry is Lecturer in European History at NUI Galway, Ireland.

November 2021 25 mono illus 256 pages 234 x 156mm 9781350201958 Bloomsbury Academic

Women Defying Hitler

Rescue and Resistance under the Nazis

Edited by Nathan Stoltzfus, Mordecai Paldiel and Judy Baumel-Schwartz A collection of essays that explores and analyses various forms of women’s rescue and defiance during World War II. This timely volume brings together leading scholars from the United States, Europe and Israel to explore the ways that women responded to situations of immense deprivation, need, and victimization within Germany and the territories it occupied under Hitler’s dictatorship. It examines the forms of women’s defiance, the impact these women had, and the moral and ethical dilemmas they faced. Women Defying Hitler features standpoints of historians as well as the voices of a survivor and their descendants, with attention to the differences that gender made. The book is relevant today for challenging discrimination against women and for its nuanced exploration of the conditions minorities face as outspoken protagonists of human rights issues and as resisters of discrimination. Nathan Stoltzfus is Rintels Professor of Holocaust Studies and of History at Florida State University, USA. Mordecai Paldiel is Adjunct Professor in Jewish History at Yeshiva University, USA. Judy Baumel-Schwartz is Director of the Schulman School of Basic Jewish Studies and Professor of Jewish History at Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

September 2021 232 pages 234 x 156mm 9781350201545 Bloomsbury Academic



In Search of the Argonauts

The Remarkable History of Jason and the Golden Fleece

Helen Lovatt The first account of the myth of Jason from its first beginnings to the present day. Few classical stories are as exciting as that of Jason and the Golden Fleece. From Pindar to J. W. Waterhouse, Apollonius of Rhodes to Ray Harryhausen, and Robert Graves to Mary Zimmerman, the Argonaut myth has inspired later interpretations as rich and diverse as the ancient versions. Helen Lovatt unravels the various strands of the tangled narrative and its numerous and fascinating afterlives in a book that will both inform and endlessly entertain all those who love classical literature and myth. Helen Lovatt is Professor of Classics at the University of Nottingham, UK.

August 2021 24 mono illus 272 pages 234 x 156mm 9781350115125 Bloomsbury Academic

The Last Witches of England A Tragedy of Sorcery and Superstition

John Callow Uncovers the forgotten history of the Bideford Witches, the last group of women in England executed for witchcraft, and charts changing attitudes towards them over time, from revulsion to celebration. On 29 June 1682, a magpie came tapping at the window of a Devon merchant. Frightened by its appearance, the family convinced themselves that the bird was an emissary of the devil sent by witches to destroy the fabric of their lives. As the result of these allegations, three women of Bideford came to be forever defined as witches. They were condemned to the gallows; the last group of women to be executed in England for the crime. In this, the first complete history of the case of the Bideford Witches, John Callow uncovers a forgotten female history and reveals the changing attitudes towards men and women and witchcraft over time. John Callow is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Suffolk, UK. October 2021 25 mono illus 304 pages 234 x 156mm 9781788314398 Bloomsbury Academic

Roma in the Medieval Islamic World Literacy, Culture and Migration

Kristina Richardson An eye-opening history of the medieval Middle East and Europe told through its most forgotten people. Kristina Richardson investigates the lived experiences of the Sons of Sasan, who changed their name to Ghuraba' (Strangers) by the late 1200s. She uses mostly Ghuraba'-authored works to understand their tribal organization and professional niches as well as providing a glossary of their language Sin, and examines the urban homes, neighborhoods, and cemeteries that they constructed. Within these isolated communities they developed and nurtured a deep literary culture and astrological tradition, broadening our appreciation of the cultural contributions of medieval minority communities. Kristina Richardson is Associate Professor of History at Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA. December 2021 256 pages 234 x 156mm 9781784537319 I.B. Tauris Series: Early and Medieval Islamic World



The Sultan's Fleet

Seafarers of the Ottoman Empire

Christine Isom-Verhaaren A history of the Ottoman Navy, from the 14th to the 18th century. Little is known about the seafarers who made up the sultans' fleet. This is a comprehensive account of the Ottoman Navy, the forgotten contingent in the empire's period of supremacy. Christine Isom-Verhaaren provides a history of the major events and engagements of the navy. She presents the Ottoman navy as an institution and reveals the personal stories of the North African corsairs and Greek sailors recruited as admirals. Christine Isom-Verhaaren is Assistant Professor of History at Brigham Young University, USA.

December 2021 • 288 pages 234 x 156mm • 9780755641758 I.B. Tauris

Peace Movements in Islam History, Religion and Politics

Edited by Juan Cole Explores peace movements in Islam from historical, theological, and political perspectives. This book explores peacebuilding in the Qur’an and Islamic scripture, the theological and juridical traditions, Muslim ethics and mysticism (Sufism), political thought, and fundamentalism. It tracks the global prevalence of peace movements in Islam by examining the West African Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba, founder of the Sufi order the Muridiyya. It also examines the surprising importance of peace in the thought of the Islamic fundamentalist Rashid Rida, as well as contemporary Islamist movements in Egypt. Juan Cole is a public intellectual, prominent blogger and essayist, and the Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan, USA.

December 2021 • 240 pages 234 x 156mm • 9780755643189 I.B. Tauris

The Clergy and the Modern Middle East Shi'i Political Activism in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon

Mohammad R. Kalantari Examines the political role of Shi'i clergy in the Middle East. This book is based on exclusive interviews with high-profile Shi'i clerics, their close associates and local policymakers in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon. It shows how Shi’i clerics view the rise of Islamic extremism and the solutions to it, and examines how the community’s situation and specific religious beliefs affects their attitudes and impetus to counter violence. Mohammad R. Kalantari is Research Fellow and Deputy Director at the Centre for Islamic and West Asian Studies, Royal Holloway, U.K.

October 2021 • 272 pages 234 x 156mm • 9781838605568 I.B. Tauris

The Words of the Imams

Al-Shaykh Al-Saduq and the Development of Shi'i Hadith Literature

George Warner The first book dedicated to Ibn Babawayh, a key figure in the Shi'ite tradition and a major hadith scholar. Ibn Babawayh – also known by his honorific title of al-Shaykh al-Saduk – was an Imami Shi'i scholar of the early Babawayh period. Until now there has been no scholarly work dedicated to this scholarly figure and his historic importance. The Words of the Shi’i Imams addresses this gap, shedding light on the richness of later Abbasid religious and intellectual culture. George Warner is Research Associate in the study of West Asian Religions at the Centre for Religious Studies at RuhrUniversität Bochum, Germany.

December 2021 • 240 pages 234 x 156mm • 9781838605605 I.B. Tauris



Islam through Objects Edited by Anna Bigelow Explores the regional, theological, and sectarian diversity of Islam through the stories of particular objects of daily use and engagement by Muslims. With contributions from leading Islamic Studies scholars across disciplines, this book broadens the scope of current analysis to illuminate how objects of everyday practice shape Muslims' experiences and conceptualizations of their faith. Each chapter focuses on a single object in daily use by Muslims, exploring the regional, theological and sectarian diversity of Islam. Including colour illustrations, this collection brings a new methodological lens to the study of Islam, which until recently has primarily focused on texts. July 2021 • 75 mono illus 264 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350138308 Bloomsbury Academic Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion

Anna Bigelow is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Stanford University, USA.

The Spirit of Catholicism Vivian Boland OP An echo of Karl Adam’s classic work The Spirit of Catholicism, for our times. Vivian Boland stresses the social, embodied character of Catholicism, crucial for understanding its particular form as well as what it offers to contemporary social and political challenges. The body of Christ in the world is the community of those who believe in him and who, living by his Spirit, seek to witness to the fraternity, to the social friendship, which the world so keenly needs. Paradoxically, such embodiment is the spirit of Catholicism. Vivian Boland OP is Professor Aggregatus in the Faculty of Theology at the Angelicum University in Rome. November 2021 • 224 pages 234 x 153mm • 9781441178022 Bloomsbury Continuum

Hope and the Nearness of God The 2022 Lent Book

Teresa White A reflection on the meaning and quality of hope for the period of Lent and beyond. Teresa White argues that hope is central to the meaning of Lent, and Easter. Hope, which is quite different from optimism, is the most precious spiritual gift. Hope is the realistic way of perceiving the scope of our real human possibilities. It implies courage and patience, accepting the things that we cannot change and living constructively. It is an entirely original approach to Lent. December 2021 • 224 pages 198 x 129mm • 9781472984197 Bloomsbury Continuum

Sister Teresa White FCJ is a member of a Roman Catholic order of nuns involved in education and social work.

Entering the Twofold Mystery On Christian Conversion

Erik Varden Following on from his book The Shattering of Loneliness, Erik Varden provides a glimpse of the value of a monastic life and a Christian calling in our troubled modern age.

January 2022 • 272 pages 216 x 135mm • 9781472979476 Bloomsbury Continuum


Erik Varden, Trappist monk and now bishop, is sensitive to the growing interest in the monastic life in these hard times of pandemic, uncertainty, and political turbulence. He invites us to observe and learn from this life. After a personal introduction, Varden follows the Church year and seasons, always inspired by scriptural reading. The tone of the book is set in a quotation from St Bernard: 'Be whole and so be happy'. Erik Varden is a monk and bishop. Before entering Mount Saint Bernard Abbey, he was a Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge.


Towards a Politics of Communion Catholic Social Teaching in Dark Times

Anna Rowlands Explores Catholic Social Teaching in terms of its background, context, and its main content. This is an accessible guide to the main periods, key figures, documents and themes of thinking developed as Catholic Social Teaching (CST). It builds an overview of its central principles, with case studies that relate to contemporary social policy themes. The volume is an incisive overview of this distinctive body of Catholic political theology, and a new and challenging contribution to the debate about the transformative potential of CST in contemporary society. Anna Rowlands is a political, moral and practical theologian based at King's College, London, UK.

December 2021 • 288 pages 216 x 138mm • 9780567242730 T&T Clark

Discourse and Ideology A Critique of the Study of Culture

Craig Martin Provides a theory of discourse and ideology that can be used to study religion as well as other aspects of culture, including race and gender. Craig Martin outlines a theory of discourse, ideology, and domination that will enable scholars and students to understand these central elements in the study of culture, whether religion, gender, race, or other critical categories for analysis. He provides a clear presentation of how poststructuralist approaches can be applied to the study of religion as well as other aspects of culture. Craig Martin is Professor of Religious Studies at St. Thomas Aquinas College, USA.

December 2021 • 296 pages 234 x 156mm • 9781350246287 Bloomsbury Academic

An Introduction to Engaged Buddhism Paul Fuller Introduces and explores the ideas, practices, and philosophy of the movement of engaged Buddhism. This textbook outlines the origins and principles of Engaged Buddhism for undergraduates. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the central themes and issues of the movement, offering new insights into the formation of modern Buddhism. The book uses case studies and examples from a range of locations to explore issues such as politics, gender, environmentalism, identity, blasphemy and violence. Discussion points and suggested further reading are included to enrich understanding. Paul Fuller is Teaching Fellow in Buddhist Studies at the University of Edinburgh, UK.

September 2021 • 20 mono illus 240 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350129061 Bloomsbury Academic

A Pilgrimage of Paradoxes

A Backpacker’s Encounters with God and Nature

Mark Clavier Uses reflection in nature to examine a series of paradoxes that lie at the heart of Christian faith. Employing a firsthand account of an overnight trek on a Welsh mountain, Mark Clavier examines a series of paradoxes that lie at the heart of Christian faith: eternity and time, silence and words, and wonder and the commonplace. The book ranges widely through history, folklore, poetry, philosophy, and theology to explore how these paradoxes offer a sacramental and ecological perspective on belonging. Mark Clavier is the Residentiary Canon of Brecon Cathedral, UK, and chair of the Standing Doctrinal Commission for the Church in Wales, UK.

December 2021 • 208 pages 216 x 138mm • 9780567703569 T&T Clark



The Wellbeing Curriculum

Embedding children’s wellbeing in primary schools

Andrew Cowley The ultimate guide for primary schools looking to develop a practical, principled and values-driven wellbeing curriculum for their pupils. Developing an explicit wellbeing curriculum for primary-aged children is crucial: when taught how to make good life choices and care for their physical and mental health, children will thrive both at primary school and beyond. The Wellbeing Curriculum covers a range of issues from self-awareness, looking after others and building trust, to exercise, healthy eating, cyberbullying, leadership, diversity and empowerment. It offers practical ideas for embedding a wellbeing curriculum into lessons, assemblies, PSHE and RSE sessions and as part of the school ethos. This is the must-have book for schools looking to put pupil wellbeing at the heart of their curriculum. October 2021 192 pages 234 x 156mm 9781472986412 Bloomsbury Education

Andrew Cowley is a deputy headteacher in London and co-founder of Healthy Toolkit, an organisation dedicated to encouraging and advancing teacher wellbeing.

Across the Spectrum

A journey towards understanding and supporting individuals with autism

Francine Brower and Keith MacKenzie Cox 'A beautifully informative and sensitively written book that will assist both parents and professionals to understand and celebrate the differences of children and young people with autism.' – Laura Watkins, CEO of The Donaldson Trust This book explores the diverse presentations of autism in children, covering a range of autism characteristics, including sensory differences, communication, behaviour and socialisation. Using real-life examples, Francine Brower and Keith MacKenzie Cox explain how to identify diverse characteristics of autism, explore key challenges that individuals and schools face and offer practical, effective strategies to support pupils with ASD. This is the ideal book for mainstream and special school teachers looking to improve their special educational needs provision, and develop the best possible learning outcomes for all pupils with ASD. August 2021 176 pages 234 x 156mm 9781472984524 Bloomsbury Education

Francine Brower is a consultant working with schools and individual children. She was previously a headteacher in an ASD specialist school and Team Leader for the National Autistic Society. Keith MacKenzie Cox has been the headteacher of three specialist provision settings for pupils with autism.

Early Childhood and Neuroscience Theory, Research and Implications for Practice

Mine Conkbayir A balanced introduction that bridges the gap between current neuroscience research and early childhood practice. This is a practical guide to understanding the complex and challenging subject of neuroscience and its use (and abuse) in early childhood policy and practice. Including a new Foreword by Laura Jana, this edition features new chapters on the effects of childhood trauma, school readiness and neurodiversity. The chapters discuss questions, such as Why should practitioners know about neuroscience? and how can neuroscience help? It explores the nature vs. nurture debate through the lens of neuroscience and how critical the first three years of life are to healthy brain development, providing a balanced overview of the debates by weaving discussion on the opportunities of using neuroscience in early childhood practice with in-depth discussion on the limitations and ethical implications. Dr Mine Conkbayir is an award-winning author and trainer. November 2021 13 mono illus 352 pages • 234 x 156mm 2nd edition 9781350176447 Bloomsbury Academic Rights sold: Chinese simplified, Turkish



Give Children the Vote On Democratizing Democracy

John Wall A comprehensive argument for why suffrage should be universal, regardless of age. Drawing on political theory and childhood studies, this book argues that it is time to give children the vote. John Wall shows why suffrage cannot legitimately be limited according to age, as well as why truly universal voting is beneficial to all. He responds to a wide range of objections concerning competence, knowledge, adult rights, power relations, harms to children, and more. The book maps out a new vision of democratic voting that is at last genuinely democratic. John Wall is Professor of Philosophy, Religion, and Childhood Studies, and Director of the Childism Institute, at Rutgers University, USA.

November 2021 • 240 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350196261 Bloomsbury Academic

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers Sensory Processing Differences

Kim Griffin A must-have book for all teachers wanting to understand sensory processing differences, identify them in the primary classroom and implement effective strategies to support their pupils. Kim Griffin introduces 100 informative, easy-to-use ideas for recognising common sensory differences, to help improve learning experiences for both teachers and pupils. Ideal for teachers, teaching assistants and SENDCos in both mainstream and special schools, this book will help teachers recognise when challenging behaviour is caused by sensory processing differences, and enable them to take the best approach. Kim Griffin is an occupational therapist specialising in helping children with sensory processing differences and motor skill challenges, and founder of GriffinOT, which offers online occupational therapy support and resources for educators and parents. August 2021 • 144 pages 198 x 129mm • 9781472986948 Bloomsbury Education Series: 100 Ideas for Teachers

50 Fantastic Ideas for Making Music Judith Harries 50 fun, easy-to-follow activities for making music with young children. This book is packed full of fun and accessible ideas for making music, exploring sounds, singing and creating instruments from recycled materials. Whether you are a specialist music teacher or a non-specialist looking for inspiration, it is perfect for anyone looking to put the magic back into music in an Early Years setting. All ideas include step-by-step instructions, tips to understand music terminology and suggestions for further development. Judith Harries has taught music and drama, as well as other subjects, at primary schools and nurseries for over 25 years. Series Editor Alistair Bryce-Clegg is a leading educational consultant specialising in the education of children in the Early Years.

August 2021 • 64 pages 245 x 170mm • 9781472984111 Featherstone Series: 50 Fantastic Ideas



Teaching for Realists

Making the education system work for you and your pupils

Omar Akbar A funny and honest guide to surviving and thriving as a newly qualified teacher, in spite of the challenges of the education system. This book presents a ground-up approach to help you manage the obstacles you might encounter and implement day-today methods to maintain your love for the profession, teach effective lessons and ensure pupil progress. Omar Akbar, author of The (Un)official Teacher's Manual, offers a wealth of hard-won practical advice for avoiding frustration and developing teaching techniques that have a real impact in the classroom. Full of hilarious anecdotes and exploring hot topics such as pupil apathy, enriching the curriculum, Ofsted, data and behaviour, this book is a refreshing and uplifting take on what NQTs can do to have a happy, healthy and successful career in education – starting now. Omar Akbar is a science teacher at a secondary school in Birmingham. July 2021 112 pages 216 x 138mm 9781472985286 Bloomsbury Education

The Emotionally Intelligent Teacher Niomi Clyde-Roberts Explores how to boost emotional intelligence to enhance teaching, improve wellbeing and dispel workplace politics in educational settings. This is a unique guide to managing your emotions in order to enhance teaching, boost wellbeing and combat power struggles in schools.



November 2021 128 pages 244 x 169mm 9781472974655 Bloomsbury Education

Using scientific research and real-life examples, Niomi Clyde-Roberts demonstrates how empathy and clear communication can make every teacher and leader feel motivated, fulfilled and respected. From knowing when to say no and responding to negativity, to working effectively as a team and letting every member know they’re valued, Niomi believes emotional intelligence in education is the key to enhanced productivity and superb teaching, benefiting both staff and students. The Emotionally Intelligent Teacher will uplift every teacher from NQTs to senior leaders, inspiring them to build positive staff relationships and paving the way for a successful teaching career. Niomi Clyde-Roberts is an assistant headteacher with a passion for effective pedagogy.

The Headteacher's Handbook The essential guide to leading a primary school

Rae Snape Offers practical guidance and advice on all aspects of primary headship to support and inspire new, current and aspiring headteachers. This is an indispensable manual to understanding the role of a headteacher as both an instructional coach and community leader. Rae Snape presents invaluable advice, models, research, motivational quotes and self-reflection questions on a wealth of topics. The book features examples from some of the most influential and forward-thinking school leaders today and is a compendium of all you need to excel as a headteacher. Rae Snape is an experienced headteacher in Cambridge, National Leader of Education and co-founder of Cambridgeshire Festival of Education. August 2021 • 320 pages 234 x 156mm • 9781472975423 Bloomsbury Education



Making It Happen

Lessons from the Frontline of Strategy Execution

Rebecca Stephens A fascinating insight into how to propel your career and productivity with purpose and conviction. Rebecca Stephens argues that the successful implementation of strategy often comes down to one individual – an individual with a clear, unswerving commitment to the cause, coupled with excellent leadership and communication skills. Stephens interviews successful individuals and uncovers the secrets behind their success, while also drawing upon her own eclectic experiences in implementing strategy – from both her corporate and journalism career and her time as a revered mountaineer. She discovers that it is a sense of purpose, conviction and optimism, through an uncommon commitment and the ability to influence and persuade that makes leads to the successful implementation and execution of strategy. Rebecca Stephens MBE is a journalist, writer, lecture and mountaineer.

November 2021 224 pages 234 x 153mm 9781472992048 Bloomsbury Busines

The Performance Curve

Maximize Your Potential at Work while Strengthening Your Well-being

Laura Watkins and Vanessa Dietzel A guide to both individual and collective performance in business and beyond, underpinned by neuroscience and psychological research. There has always been an unnecessary division between personal career guidance and advice that focuses upon the performance of an entire team or the whole organisation. For the first time, The Performance Curve unites these distinct approaches, interweaving the individual and the collective to produce a bold new holistic guide to improving business performance. The book’s practical advice on maximising performance capabilities is underpinned by a robust and unique combination of neuroscience, psychological research and mindfulness. Laura Watkins and Vanessa Dietzel draw upon their vast experience and research as consultants and leadership coaches to deliver a groundbreaking guide to enhancing your performance in your life and career. Laura Watkins has co-founded and runs two leadership businesses following on from her career at McKinsey, where she co-founded its European leadership practice. She has a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from Cambridge University. Vanessa Dietzel brings unique insight from her blend of corporate experience, coaching and teaching breathwork and yoga. She started her career with Boston Consulting Group and, for the past 20 years, has been working with leaders all over the world on their individual and organisational performance.

September 2021 304 pages 234 x 153mm 9781472985545 Bloomsbury Business

Futureproof Your Career

How to Lead and Succeed in a Changing World

Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj and Naeema Pasha The essential guide to futureproofing your career and getting ahead in the highly competitive job market of the 21st century. With the impact of the pandemic, the ongoing fourth industrial revolution, the broadening awareness of institutionalized discrimination and the concerns around an economic recession, it is an understatement to say that we are entering a 'new normal' in which working patterns and career trajectories have irreversibly changed. This book provides key insights into how this transformed landscape will impact the essential roles and functions within organisations, providing original and practical guidance for improving your career and positioning yourself for progression. It places a major focus on the changing business, economic and technological landscape and the new challenges this presents for job retention and career progression. Dr Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj is Associate Professor in Entrepreneurial Leadership at Henley Business School. Dr Naeema Pasha is Director of Careers & Professional Development at Henley Business School and Founder of World of Work, an annual conference on the future of work.

October 2021 240 pages 234 x 153mm 9781472988447 Bloomsbury Business



The Intentional Leader

How Inner Authority Can Unleash Strong Leadership

Tim Hebert An essential guide to the elements that create strong leadership, with a particular focus upon a compassionate, empathetic approach.

November 2021 • 240 pages 234 x 153mm • 9781472990075 Bloomsbury Business

Tim Herbert explores the various actions that define and shape leadership, providing practical advice and accessible guidance that will bolster business leaders across all industries. With an engaging combination of high-profile case studies, first-hand experiences and enlightening research, The Intentional Leader is the essential guide to cultivating authentic and effective leadership. Tim Hebert is a Rhode Island based business owner, keynote speaker, writer, workshop facilitator, and CEO and Founder of Trilix, a business and technology consulting firm.

Dark Social

Understanding the Darker Side of Work, Personality and Social Media

Ian MacRae An essential guide to how businesses and brands can thrive on digital platforms while also remaining protected from online scams, threats and risks.

November 2021 • 288 pages 234 x 153mm • 9781472983121 Bloomsbury Business

The negative impact of social media is becoming ever more apparent, and this can have damaging consequences for businesses. Reputations can be ruined overnight and the boundaries between professional and personal conduct can become blurred. Drawing upon case studies and organisational psychology, this is a timely and fascinating insight into social media. Ian MacRae is an organizational psychology consultant and psychometrician and writer who works internationally.

The Essentials of Contemporary Marketing Mo Willan An essential guide to contemporary marketing that demonstrates the move towards marketing techniques that better reflect consumer needs. Designed for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as those in executive education and general business, each chapter of the book includes case studies to illustrate and contextualise the topics covered. The book prioritises practicality over theory-based content, providing a comprehensive and contextualised insight into how marketing is developing in the 21st century. August 2021 • 272 pages 234 x 153mm • 9781472988577 Bloomsbury Business

Mo Willan is the Undergraduate Program Dean and Professor of Marketing at Hult International Business School.

Retail Recovery

How Creative Retailers Are Winning in their Post-Apocalyptic World

Mark Pilkington A fascinating insight into how retailers can recover and thrive in the 'new normal'. How can retailers and brands respond to the devastating effects of the internet and coronavirus on the industry? Mark Pilkington offers a comprehensive analysis of the new forces changing the way in which we buy products and experience brands. He includes in-depth interviews with some of the most innovative players and provides essential guidelines for governments, as they strive to rebuild society in the wake of recent catastrophes. August 2021 • 320 pages 234 x 153mm • 9781472992826 Bloomsbury Business


Mark Pilkington is an experienced retailer and consultant, now based in the UK.


Duran Duran's Rio

Roxy Music's Avalon

Annie Zaleski

Simon Morrison

In the '80s, Duran Duran became closely associated with new wave, an idiosyncratic genre that dominated the decade's music and culture. No album represented this rip-it-upand-start-again movement better than the act's breakthrough 1982 LP, Rio. Via extensive new interviews with band members and other figures who helped Rio succeed, this book explores how and why Rio became a landmark pop-rock album, and examines how the LP was both a musical inspiration and a reflection of a musical, cultural, and technology zeitgeist.

Having designed Roxy Music as an haute couture suit hand-stitched of punk and progressive music, Bryan Ferry redesigned it. He made Roxy Music ever dreamier and mellower—reaching back to sadly beautiful chivalric romances. The production and engineering imposed on Avalon confiscates emotion and replaces it with an acoustic simulacrum of courtliness, polished manners, and codes of etiquette. The seducer sings seductive music about seduction, but decorum is retained, as amour courtois insists. The backbeat cannot beat back nostalgia; it remains part of the architecture of Avalon, an album that creates an allusive sheen.

July 2021 • 184 pages • 121 x 165mm 9781501355189 Bloomsbury Academic • Series: 33 1/3

July 2021 • 160 pages • 122 x 165mm 9781501355349 Bloomsbury Academic • Series: 33 1/3

Donna Summer's Once Upon a Time Alex Jeffery Donna Summer’s double album Once Upon A Time stands out as a piece that delivers on its promise of an immaculately crafted journey from start to finish. As well as charting the production of the album within the legendary Munich Machine in Germany, this book digs deep into the album’s rich themes and subtexts. Approaching the book from inventive angles, the four essays within the book act as a prism connecting the reader to the classical aspirations of Eurodisco, the history of the black fairy tale and a queer knowledge that reads Summer’s Cinderella tale in some surprising ways. July 2021 • 144 pages • 123 x 165mm 9781501355462 Bloomsbury Academic • Series: 33 1/3

Sam Cooke’s Live at the Harlem Square Club, 1963

Janelle Monáe’s The ArchAndroid

Maria Callas's Lyric and Coloratura Arias

Colin Fleming

Alyssa Favreau

Ginger Dellenbaugh

Covering Sam Cooke's days with the Soul Stirrers, the gospel unit that was inventing a strand of soul in the 1950s, this book continues on to his string of hit singles as a solo artist that reveal far more about this complex man. As a writer and an agent of social change, the differences between Cooke’s true identity and what various factions of his audience wanted from him, he came to reconcile so many disparate elements on a stage in Miami that extended well into the future, beyond Cooke’s own life, beyond the 1960s, and into a perpetual here-and-now.

In Janelle Monáe’s full-length debut, the science fiction concept album The ArchAndroid, the android Cindi Mayweather is on the run from the authorities for the crime of loving a human. Taking into account the literary merit of Monáe’s astounding multimedia body of work, the political relevance of the science fictional themes and aesthetics she explores, and her role as an Atlanta-based pop cultural juggernaut, this book explores the lavish world building of Cindi’s story, and the many literary, cinematic, and musical influences brought together to create it.

September 2021 • 144 pages • 124 x 165mm 9781501355547 Bloomsbury Academic • Series: 33 1/3

September 2021 • 152 pages • 125 x 165mm 9781501355707 Bloomsbury Academic • Series: 33 1/3

Much has been written about Callas's sensational opera career and fraught private life, from her clashes with other artists, affair with billionaire playboy Aristotle Onassis, to her tragic death in 1977. And yet, the fascination with Callas's biography tends to overshadow her most seemingly superhuman qualities – her astounding voice and masterful technique. Using one of Callas’s first recital recordings from 1954 as a foundation, this book envisions each song, each aria, as a lens to examine phenomena as diverse as the operatic screaming point, feminism and the voice, and music and violence. November 2021 • 152 pages • 126 x 165mm 9781501379024 Bloomsbury Academic • Series: 33 1/3 Rights sold: Greek



Leonard Cohen

The Mystical Roots of Genius

Harry Freedman Uncovers the spiritual traditions that lie behind Leonard Cohen's profound and unmistakable lyrics. Leonard Cohen was deeply learned in Judaism and Christianity, the spiritual traditions that underpinned his self-identity and the way he made sense of the world. This book explores the mystical and spiritual sources Cohen drew upon, discusses their original context and the stories and ideas behind them. It gives us an insight into the soul and imagination of one of the greatest singers and lyricists of our time. Departing from traditional biographical approaches, Freedman explores song by song how Cohen reworked myths and prayers, legends and allegories. By the end the reader will be left with a powerful understanding of Cohen’s story, together with a far broader insight into the mystical origins of his inimitable work. Harry Freedman is Britain's leading author of popular works of Jewish culture and history. October 2021 288 pages 234 x 153mm 9781472987273 Bloomsbury Continuum


Science, Sound, and Vision

Edited by Carol Vernallis, Holly Rogers, Jonathan Leal and Selmin Kara The first book to investigate contemporary media, sound, and music in relationship with new technologies like robotics, big data, and AI. We are experiencing a time when digital technologies and advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and big data are redefining what it means to be human. How do these advancements affect contemporary media and music? This collection traces how media, specifically sound and image, engages with new technologies. Established and emerging scholars perform across-the-aisle research on facial and gait recognition, EEG and audiovisual materials, surveillance, and sound and images in relation to intrisnic and extrinsic identifiers. They cite examples in film and television including Blade Runner, Black Mirror, Mr. Robot, Morgan, Ex Machina, and Westworld. The collection facilitates interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration and provides readers with ways of responding to these new technologies. October 2021 448 pages 152 x 229mm 9781501357039 Bloomsbury Academic Series: New Approaches to Sound, Music, and Media

Carol Vernallis is Affiliated Researcher in Music at Stanford University and Visiting Professor of Music at University of California, Berkeley, USA. Holly Rogers is Reader in Music at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. Jonathan Leal is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at the University of Southern California, USA. Selmin Kara is Associate Professor of Film and New Media at OCAD University, Canada. S.

Smartphone Filmmaking Theory and Practice

Max Schleser A introduction to smartphone filmmaking, offering an overview of the contemporary film festival scene. Mobile, smartphone and pocket filmmaking is a global phenomenon with distinctive festivals, filmmakers and creatives that are defining an original film form. Smartphone Filmmaking introduces readers to mobile, smartphone and pocket filmmaking, providing a source of inspiration for outlining creative practices and principles on how to produce your first film and distribute your project via mobile social media. Filmmaker and academic, Max Schleser traces the development of mobile filmmaking over a decade from its early experimentation to films screened at international film festivals, such as Sundance or Berlin International Film Festival.

August 2021 184 illus • 264 pages 178 x 254mm • 9781501360329 Bloomsbury Academic


Unlike the the how-to guides currently on the market, this book goes beyond technical elements and focuses on the stories that were told and how they were created. Max Schleser is Senior Lecturer in Film and Television at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. He is also the Adobe Education Leader, Co-Founder of the Mobile Innovation Network & Association and Screening Director of the International Mobile Innovation Screening & Festival.


Writing for Animation Laura Beaumont and Paul Larson The definitive guide to storytelling for writers, directors, storyboard artists and animators. Authored by the writers of such programs as Thomas the Tank Engine and Bob the Builder, this book provides all the tools necessary to produce professional quality scripts that will further your career in animation. Starting with the fundamentals of ‘why animation?’, the book leads you through a series of principles that form a comprehensive toolbox to help you create stories that become more dramatic, more engaging, and downright funny. Laura Beaumont and Paul Larson are an Emmy® Award-winning writing partnership. They have written six animated features and have over three hundred TV writing credits to their name.

August 2021 • 32 mono illus 248 pages • 140 x 216mm 9781501358661 Bloomsbury Academic

Fashioning James Bond

Costume, Gender and Identity in the World of 007

Llewella Chapman The first in-depth study of the costumes and fashion of the James Bond films. Studying the costumes and fashions of the James Bond movie franchise, from Sean Connery in 1962's Dr No to Daniel Craig in Spectre (2015), this book addresses Bond girls, femmes fatales, villains and 007 himself. Llewella Chapman draws on original archival research, close analysis of the costumes and fashion brands featured in the films, and interviews with families of those who assisted in creating the ‘look’ of Bond, considering marketing strategies for the films that promoted the idea of an aspirational ‘James Bond lifestyle’. Llewella Chapman is a visiting scholar at the University of East Anglia, UK.

October 2021 46 mono and 8 colour illus 368 pages • 216 x 138mm 9781350258488 Bloomsbury Academic

Ghost in the Well

The Hidden History of Horror Films in Japan

Michael Crandol The first English-language history of the horror film genre in Japan, from the early days of cinema to the Classical period and the J-horror phenomenon at the turn of the millennium. This is a full history of the horror genre in Japanese cinema, from the silent era and Classical period movies to the contemporary global popularity of J-horror pictures. Michael Crandol draws on a wide range of Japanese language sources, considering the development of 'kaiki eiga'. The book sheds new light on one of Japanese cinema's best-known genres, while also serving as a fascinating case study of how popular film genres are re-imagined across cultural divides. Michael Crandol is an assistant professor of Japanese studies at Leiden University, the Netherlands.

June 2021 • 38 mono illus 272 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350178731 Bloomsbury Academic

100 American Horror Films Barry Keith Grant A guide to 100 of the most notable American horror movies by a leading popular cinema expert. Barry Keith Grant presents illustrated entries on 100 films from one of American cinema's longest-standing, most diverse and most popular genres, representing its rich history from the silent era to contemporary productions. The films covered are drawn from every decade of American film-making, from major and minor studios and range across all the different types or subgenres of horror. Barry Keith Grant is Professor of Film Studies and Popular Culture at Brock University, Canada. February 2022 • 70 colour illus 256 pages • 205 x 195mm 9781839021466 British Film Institute Series: BFI Screen Guides



Duck Soup

Trouble in Paradise


J. Hoberman

David Weir

Murray Smith

J. Hoberman traces Duck Soup (1933)’s reputation, from the initial disappointment of its release, to its rise to cult status in the 1960s when the Marx’s anarchic, antiestablishment humor seemed, again, timely. Placing the film in its cinematic context, alongside analogous comedies, this analysis provides a historical and political context as well as an in-depth production history.

David Weir provides an in-depth analysis of Ernst Lubitsch’s Trouble in Paradise (1932), exploring its significance to cultural and cinematic history. He also explores the other films in Lubitsch’s career that led to the making of Trouble in Paradise, the larger context in which he was directing, the development of his technique and the emergence of the 'Classic Hollywood Style'.

Brilliantly and aggressively marketed, Danny Boyle's 1996 adaptation of Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting crossed into the mainstream despite being a black comedy set against the backdrop of heroin addiction in Edinburgh. The film is crucial for understanding British culture in the context of devolution and the rise of ‘Cool Britannia’. In his afterword to this new edition, Murray Smith reflects on the original film 25 years after its release, and its 2017 sequel T2: Trainspotting Smith also considers Boyle's subsequent directorial career.

October 2021 • 40 mono illus 104 pages • 190 x 135mm 9781839022258 British Film Institute Series: BFI Film Classics

The Thing Anne Billson In her study of John Carpenter's 1982 cult horror movie The Thing, Anne Billson argues that the film brilliantly refines the conventions of classic horror and science fiction, combining them with humour, Lewis Carroll logic, strong characterisation and prescient insight. The idea of an alien species mutating and inhabiting humans resonates all too chillingly with the Covid-19 pandemic and other zoonotic diseases caused by human encroachment on natural habitats. October 2021 • 60 colour illus 112 pages • 193 x 135mm 2nd edition • 9781839023590 British Film Institute Series: BFI Film Classics


October 2021 • 55 mono illus 112 pages • 190 x 135mm 9781839022036 British Film Institute Series: BFI Film Classics

November 2021 • 60 colour illus 128 pages • 191 x 135mm 2nd edition • 9781839022166 British Film Institute Series: BFI Film Classics

Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Catherine Fowler Drawing on original footage, interviews and documents, Catherine Fowler explores the making of Chantal Akerman's 1975 film Jeanne Dielman. Analysing the performance of Delphine Seyrig in the title role, the film's unique representation of domestic space and the materiality of women's time, Fowler illuminates why the film is seen as a significant precursor for what came to be known as 'Slow Cinema' and why it continues to be seen as a landmark of feminist film-making. November 2021 • 60 colour illus 96 pages • 192 x 135mm 9781839022821 British Film Institute Series: BFI Film Classics

The Silence of the Lambs

Blue Velvet

I Know Where I'm Going!

Michael Atkinson

Pam Cook

Yvonne Tasker

Michael Atkinson’s intricate reading of David Lynch's 1986 Blue Velvet shows how the film crystallises many of Lynch’s chief preoccupations: the evil and violence underlying the surface of suburbia, the seedy byways of sexuality and the frightening appearance of the adult world to a child's eyes. Atkinson situates Blue Velvet within a culture that has changed drastically in the 35 years since its release, considering the film's lasting significance as it slowly turns from contemporary phenomenon to an interpretable artefact.

I Know Where I'm Going! (1945) is widely regarded as one of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger's most remarkable achievements and a cinematic tour de force. Pam Cook traces the film's production history, exploring its place in Powell and Pressburger's canon and showing how it wove into its narrative the memories and aspirations of an international group of film-makers working in 1940s Britain.

Yvonne Tasker explores the way Demme's The Silence of the Lambs (1990) weaves together gothic, horror and thriller conventions to generate both a distinctive variation on the cinematic portrayal of insanity and crime, and a fascinating intervention in the sexual politics of genre. She identifies the film as a key reference-point for tracking the '90s obsession with police procedure and serial killing, analysing its themes of reason and madness, identity and belonging, aspiration and transformation. October 2021 • 104 pages 194 x 135mm • 2nd edition 9781839023675 British Film Institute Series: BFI Film Classics Rights sold: Chinese simplified

October 2021 • 60 colour illus 88 pages • 195 x 135mm 2nd edition • 9781839023712 British Film Institute Series: BFI Film Classics Rights sold: Chinese simplified

November 2021 • 58 mono illus 104 pages • 196 x 135mm 9781839023811 British Film Institute Series: BFI Film Classics


So, About Modern Europe...

The Darker Angels of Our Nature

A Conversational History from the Enlightenment to the Present Day

Refuting the Pinker Theory of History & Violence

David Imhoof

Edited by Philip Dwyer and Mark Micale

In a natural, funny and engaging style, So, About Modern Europe... expertly guides readers through the good, the bad and the indifferent of modern European history, convincingly arguing the need to ‘tip the cap’ to the Enlightenment and its influence along the way. January 2021 • 21 mono illus 320 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350148680 Bloomsbury Academic Rights sold: Greek

17 international scholars interrogate Pinker’s argument that human violence is dramatically on the decline. Studying the history of violence they assert that the real story of human violence is richer, more interesting and incomparably more complex than Pinker’s simplified narrative.

Digital Souls

Prophetic Culture

A Philosophy of Online Death

Recreation For Adolescents

Patrick Stokes

Federico Campagna

Drawing on ongoing philosophical debates, Digital Souls examines how we manage the digital afterlife of dead people and what their online presence tells us about grief, identity, the moral implications of digital legacies and the threat that modern technology poses to the dead.

How are we to face the challenge of leaving a fertile cultural legacy to those who will come after the end of our future? How can we help the creation of new worlds out of the ruins of our own? Federico Campagna explores the twilight of our contemporary notion of reality, and the fading of the cosmological story that belonged to the civilisation of Westernised Modernity.

February 2021 • 208 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350139152 Bloomsbury Academic

June 2021 • 280 pages 216 x 138mm • 9781350149625 Bloomsbury Academic

September 2021 8 mono illus 416 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350140592 Bloomsbury Academic Rights sold: Korean •

People Before Tech

The Future Starts Now

Looking East in Winter

Utterly Jarvellous

The Importance of Psychological Safety and Teamwork in the Digital Age

Expert Insights into the Future of Business, Technology and Society

Contemporary Thought and the Eastern Christian Tradition

50 primary science activities you can do in a jar

Duena Blomstrom

Theo Priestley and Bronwyn Williams

Dr. Rowan Williams

Sai Pathmanathan

This is an original and illuminating vision of a Christian world still none too familiar to Western believers and even to students of theology. It shows how the deep-rooted themes of Eastern Christian thought can prompt new perspectives on our contemporary crises of imagination and hope.

This unique collection of 50 science experiments uses one household object – a jar! Covering the entire Key Stage 2 National Curriculum for science, these environmentally friendly ideas are accessible, affordable and easy to set up, while avoiding the need for singleuse plastic. Engage children in sustainable, stimulating science!

In this practical guide for business leaders, Duena Blomstrom uncovers the true potential of teams in modern organizations by highlighting the importance of psychological safety. Her ground-breaking approach leads to a powerful group dynamic that allows teams to take risks, create and innovate without fear of repercussion. May 2021 • 272 pages • 234 x 153mm 9781472985453 Bloomsbury Business Rights sold: Chinese simplified, Japanese

Featuring contributions from an international array of futurists, The Future Starts Now looks towards the various innovations and technologies that may shape our future. This is an insightful guide for business professionals looking to steer their career or their organisation with foresight and confidence. April 2021 • 272 pages • 234 x 153mm 9781472981509 Bloomsbury Business Rights sold: Audio

June 2021 • 272 pages • 234 x 153mm 9781472989246 Bloomsbury Continuum

March 2021 • 297 x 210mm 9781472984838 Bloomsbury Education



A Cultural History of Chemistry Volumes 1-6

Edited by Peter J. T. Morris and Alan Rocke The first detailed and authoritative survey of chemistry and its central role in society over the last 5000 years. From prehistoric metal extraction to medieval alchemy to modern industry, chemistry has been central to our understanding and use of the physical world as well as to trade, warfare and medicine. A Cultural History of Chemistry presents the first detailed and authoritative survey from antiquity to today, focusing on the West but integrating key developments in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Arabic-Islamic and Byzantine empires. December 2021 • 220 mono illus. 244 x 169mm • 9781474294928 Bloomsbury Academic Series: The Cultural Histories Series

Peter J.T. Morris is Research Associate at University College London, UK, and former Keeper of Research Projects at The Science Museum. Alan Rocke is Professor of History at Case Western Reserve University, USA.

A Cultural History of Genocide Volumes 1-6

Edited by Paul R. Bartrop Offers comprehensive thematic coverage of the history of genocide from antiquity through to the present day. How has human response to genocide evolved over time? What effect has it had on our understanding of the cause and consequences of genocide? Spanning 2,800 years of human history, A Cultural History of Genocide offers the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview of genocide from ancient times to the present day. September 2021 • 240 mono illus 245 x 169mm • 9781350034600 Bloomsbury Academic Series: The Cultural Histories Series

Paul R. Bartrop is Professor of History and Director of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Florida Gulf Coast University, USA.

A Cultural History of Race Volumes 1-6

Edited by Marius Turda Examines 2,500 years of the cultural history of race, from antiquity to the present day. What impact have religion, science and politics had on race throughout history, and how has our concept of it been changed as a result? 61 experts answer these ambitious questions, drawing on perspectives from history, sociology, anthropology, literature and medical humanities. They deepen our understanding of how race has developed conceptually and in reality between antiquity and the present day. November 2021 • 300 mono illus 246 x 169mm • 9781350067578 Bloomsbury Academic Series: The Cultural Histories Series

Marius Turda is Professor in Central and Eastern European Biomedicine at Oxford Brookes University, UK.

A Cultural History of Furniture Volumes 1-6

Edited by Christina M. Anderson The definitive overview of furniture through history, covering 4,500 years of furniture as material, social and cultural object.

October 2021 227 mono and 208 colour illus 247 x 169mm • 9781472577894 Bloomsbury Academic Series: The Cultural Histories Series


Furniture is an artefact so what can it tell us about culture? What social, religious, political and economic factors have shaped its form and functions? How does furniture demonstrate the transformations in private and public life across time and cultures? 70 experts explore the changing cultural framework within which furniture was designed, produced, and used in Western Europe. Christina M. Anderson is Senior Research Associate, School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London, UK


Popular Pleasures

An Introduction to the Aesthetics of Popular Visual Culture

Paul Duncum A unique approach to analysing popular visual culture, showing that its aesthetic pleasures are perennial in nature and an intrinsic part of what it is to be human. Sentimental, violent, vulgar, spectacular, humorous… Paul Duncum considers the historical, critical discourses; the lures; and socio-political issues raised by the aesthetic pleasures in 15 individually dedicated chapters. The elite discourse of condemning popular culture on the grounds of taste, as derived from the fine arts, is rejected; and much of premodern fine art is revisioned as offering the same aesthetic pleasures as today’s popular visual culture. Paul Duncum is Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois, USA, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Tasmania, Australia. He is the author of Picture Pedagogy (Bloomsbury, 2020).

September 2021 • 38 mono illus 248 pages • 246 x 189mm 9781350193390 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Information Design for the Common Good Human-centric Approaches to Contemporary Design Challenges

Courtney Marchese An exploration into how to address information design problems through visualizations while understanding and keeping the common good at the centre of the work. This book explores how the design community can address some of the world’s most difficult problems at the local, national, and global scale. Each chapter strategically combines theory and practice to examine how to identify causes and locate accurate data, truth and integrity in information design, the information design/data visualization process, understanding audiences, crafting meaningful narratives, and measuring the impact of a design. Courtney Marchese is a Connecticut-based graphic designer and educator, who teaches at Quinnipiac University.

September 2021 • 200 colour illus 216 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350117266 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

The Disobedience of Design Gui Bonsiepe

Edited by Lara Penin The first English anthology of writings by the design thinker Gui Bonsiepe from the 1960s to the present day. Addressing questions of non-Western design and a design practice that is both radical and democratic, these writings explore the importance of the Ulm design school’s approach, design’s relationship with democracy, ethics and politics, and design in relation to literacy, language, visuality and cogition. This indispensable volume includes new interviews and original, previously unpublished texts by Bonsiepe. Lara Penin is associate professor of Transdisciplinary Design at Parsons School of Design, New York, USA, where she is director of the graduate (MFA) program in Transdisciplinary Design and co-founder of Parsons DESIS Lab.

December 2021 24 mono illus, 15 colour illus 400 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350162440 Bloomsbury Visual Arts Series: Radical Thinkers in Design

Design Noir

The Secret Life of Electronic Objects

Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby A new edition of a classic work of speculative design exploring the revolutionary and uncanny impact of electronic technologies on our lives. Investigating the physical and cultural effects of the digital domain, Design Noir demonstrates that mobile phones, computers and televisions profoundly influence people's experience of their environment. This reissue features a new introduction by design critic Alice Twemlow, reflecting on the book’s contemporary relevance. This is the essential primary source for understanding the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings for Dunne & Raby’s work. Anthony Dunne is University Professor of Design and Social Inquiry and a Fellow of the Graduate Institute for Design Ethnography and Social Thought at The New School, USA. Fiona Raby is University Professor of Design and Social Inquiry and a Fellow of the Graduate Institute for Design Ethnography and Social Thought at The New School, USA.

July 2021 • 176 pages 244 x 169mm • 9781350070639 Bloomsbury Visual Arts Series: Radical Thinkers in Design Rights sold: Chinese Simplified



Design and Digital Interfaces

Designing with Aesthetic and Ethical Awareness

Ben Stopher, John Fass, Tobias Revell and Eva Verhoeven A timely text looking at digital interfaces from the perspective of the social, ethical, political and aesthetic responsibilities of contemporary designers. From domestic appliances like Siri and Amazon Echo, to large scale Facebook manipulation and Google search prediction, digital interfaces are ubiquitous in everyday life and their influences affect how people live, feel and behave. As they grow in complexity and increase integration into our lives we need to address the social, ethical, political and aesthetic responsibilities of those designing and creating the computer systems all around us. Through discussion with cutting-edge designers and thinkers and with international examples, the authors explain how we need an expanded aesthetic, critical and ethical awareness on the part of designers willing to act with sensitivity and understanding towards the people they design for and with. August 2021 30 colour illus 176 pages 234 x 156mm 9781350068278 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Ben Stopher is Programme Director: Interactive & Visual Communication at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. John Fass is course leader for Information and Interface Design at the London College of Communication, and PhD Researcher at the Royal College of Art, London. Tobias Revell is one of the course leaders for BA Information & Interface Design at the London College of Communication. Eva Verhoeven is Course Leader of MA Interaction Design Communication at the London College of Communication.

Art Nouveau

Art, Architecture and Design in Transformation

Charlotte Ashby A new study of the Art Nouveau movement, focusing on key themes in aesthetics and culture. Presenting a new overview of the international movement, responding to developments in research over the past 20 years, Charlotte Ashby explores how Art Nouveau represented the search for a new style for a new age and a new means of expression in response to the conditions of modernity. This study presents key themes for understanding the contexts behind Art Nouveau, including new materials and technologies, colonialism and imperialism, the rise of the 'modern woman', the rise of the professional designer and the role of the patron-collector. It includes 41 international case studies of artists and designers, buildings, interiors, paintings, graphic arts, glass, ceramics and jewellery.

November 2021 85 mono illus and 2 x 8pp colour plate sections with 31 colour illus 272 pages 246 x 189mm 9781350061149 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Charlotte Ashby is Programme Director and Associate Lecturer for the Graduate Certificate in the History of Art and Architecture, at Birkbeck, University of London, UK and Visiting Lecturer and Acting Programme Director for the MA in History of Design at the University of Oxford, UK.

Color Theory

A Critical Introduction

Aaron Fine A critical and historical introduction to theories of color, explaining the cultural context in which ideas about color have developed, from antiquity to the present day.

September 2021 162 colour and mono illus 376 pages 246 x 189mm 9781350027305 Bloomsbury Visual Arts


Giving an overview of the history of color theory from ancient and classical cultures to contemporary contexts, this book explores important critical principles and provides practical guidance on the use of color in art and design. Going beyond a simple recitation of what has historically been said about color, artist and educator Aaron Fine provides an intellectual history, critiquing prevailing Western ideas on the subject and challenging assumptions. He analyses colonialist and gendered attitudes, materialist and romanticist perspectives, spiritualist approaches to color, color in the age of reproduction, and modernist and post-modernist color strategies. Highlighted throughout are examples of the ways in which attitudes towards color have been impacted by the legacy of colonialism and are tied up with race, gender, and class. Aaron Fine is Professor of Art, and Chair, at Truman State University, USA, where he teaches drawing, painting, and history of design – among other topics.


Kicking Glass

A Creative Guide to Stained Glass Craft

Neile Cooper A step-by-step guide for those wanting to practise the popular craft of stained glass. From simple suncatchers and bohemian lamps to exquisite 3D constructions and delicately-poised glass butterflies, experienced artist Neile Cooper guides you through the magical world of stained glass with a creative handbook for both the novice and more experienced crafter alike. This book provides comprehensive technical instruction, covering everything from tools and supplies to exploratory techniques, alongside tutorials with photos, instructional drawings and 16 stunning patterns. Whether you’re looking to decorate your windows, create lovely gifts for friends and family or design your own epic masterpiece, Kicking Glass is the essential modern guide to stained glass making. Neile Cooper has crafted stained glass for over 20 years. Based in Sparta, New Jersey, USA, she has created everything from jewellery and tiny boxes to enormous win­dow installations.

March 2022 286 colour and 14 bw illus • 176 pages • 276 x 216mm 9781789940497 Herbert Press

Head to Toe Crochet

Beanies and Booties for Beautiful Babies

Gurinder Hatchard A unique step-by-step guide featuring 15 crochet projects to make the cutest baby accessories. This book offers bright, modern and cute projects using simple stitches. Suitable for beginners or those who have crocheted for years, Head to Toe Crochet includes 15 projects consisting of a beanie hat and matching booties in three sizes – preemie, 0-6 months and 6-12 months. Accessorise your beautiful baby with a Santa hat and matching wellies, a colourful cupcake combination for a deliciously sweet look, or opt for more traditional patterns with bee, tiger, strawberry or shark adornments. This is the perfect book for new and experienced crocheters, featuring step-by-step tutorials and photographs for each project. Gurinder Hatchard lives in London and is the founder of ‘Yay For Crochet!’, an online platform where she sells crochet items and patterns but also inspires her audience to start crochet with her ‘couch to crochet’ project.

May 2022 110 colour illus 128 pages 274 x 245mm 9781789940459 Herbert Press



How to Read a Dress

A Guide to Changing Fashion from the 16th to the 21st Century

Lydia Edwards The second edition of the bestselling guide to changing fashions now also covering 1980-2020. How to Read a Dress is the ultimate guide to how fashions change and the ideal tool for identifying historical styles. Each entry includes annotated color images of historical garments, outlining important features and highlighting how styles have developed over time, whether in shape, fabric choice, trimming, or undergarments. Readers learn how garments were constructed and where their inspiration stemmed from at key points in history. This new edition includes additional styles; larger images; examples of lower and working-class, as well as middle-class, clothing; and a completely new chapter covering the 1980s to 2020. October 2021 • 225 colour illus 280 pages • 246 x 189mm 2nd edition • 9781350172210 Bloomsbury Visual Arts Rights sold: Chinese Complex and Simplified, Japanese, Russian, Spanish

Lydia Edwards is a lecturer at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia and author of the companion book, How to Read a Suit (Bloomsbury, 2020).

The Fundamentals of Printed Textile Design Alex Russell An introduction to the creative skills, knowledge and processes required for a professional, creative and commercially-aware portfolio of printed textiles.

October 2021 • 150 colour illus 208 pages • 230 x 200mm 2nd edition 9781350116283 Bloomsbury Visual Arts Series: Fundamentals


Designer and educator Alex Russell explores creative and commercial studio practice for printed textile design, including: developing sophisticated skills with image and colour; how to make effective use of context in your work; and strategies for a career in design. You'll learn how history and technology shape print design, plus how to balance innovation with industry requirements. There's practical advice on developing a professional portfolio, and how good communication skills can get your work noticed. This updated edition includes expanded sections on digital design and social media, as well as advice on establishing an ethical, sustainable practice for the future. Alex Russell is a designer, graphic artist and creative coder, making pattern, print and generative art. He also has nearly 20 years of lecturing experience, including running BA and MA textiles programmes.


Classic Tailoring Techniques for Menswear A Construction Guide

Denis Antoine and Roberto Cabrera A new edition of the authoritative resource for custom hand tailoring production. Providing in-depth, step-by-step instructions for the processes required by bespoke and couture-level manufacturing, Classic Tailoring Techniques for Menswear retains its value and relevance for young and established tailors alike. Continuing this great tradition, the third edition introduces new discussions of traditional tailoring processes in the industry and highlights the value of hand-crafted construction in the context of environmentally-sustainable design. New features include Learning Objectives in each chapter, boxes highlighting Tricks of the Trade, end of chapter discussion questions, as well as a renewed focus on essential vocabulary, including an extended glossary. Denis Antoine is a leading practicioner and educator in the field of men’s tailoring. He has a bespoke tailoring business and teaches menswear design and construction at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Roberto Cabrera taught at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City.

January 2022 • 760 colour illus 296 pages • 280 x 215mm 3rd edition • 9781501372049 Fairchild Books

Draping for Apparel Design Helen Joseph-Armstrong and Susan Ashdown A comprehensive introduction for beginning patternmakers. This is the fully updated and revised edition of the seminal book pioneered by fashion education luminary Helen JosephArmstrong. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instruction for the beginning patternmaker and advanced techniques for the more experienced. Maintaining the vast array of examples and the book’s easy-to-read style, revising author Susan Ashdown incorporates current industry standards, both metric and imperial measurements, new sizing guides for diverse body types, and half-scale forms. New material on jackets, coats, and loose fitted knitwear add to this book’s breadth of knowledge. Helen Joseph-Armstrong teaches in the fashion department at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. Susan Ashdown has 45 years of patternmaking experience, both in theatrical costuming and patternmaking for the apparel industry, and has recently retired from Cornell University where she taught draping for the apparel industry for 27 years.

November 2021 • 1450 illus 512 pages • 280 x 215mm 4th edition • 9781501315206 Fairchild Books

Patternmaking for Dress Design 9 Iconic Styles from Empire to Cheongsam

Pamela Vanderlinde Detailed patterns and step-by-step instructions guide fashion designers through creating nine iconic dresses. Patternmaking for Dress Design covers patternmaking techniques for nine iconic dress designs, focusing not only on the concepts needed to draft patterns, but also uniquely exploring the history of each garment design to reveal what lies behind their enduring appeal today. Each chapter provides easy-to-follow patterns for the sheath, empire, shift, trapeze, wrap, strapless, shirtwaist, cheongsam and coatdress. Learn from tip boxes that will help you avoid common pitfalls and take advantage of time-saving advice. Pamela Vanderlinde is a lecturer in fashion design at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Illinois Institute of Art – Chicago, USA. Pamela is also an independent designer whose design practice, philosophy and teaching are grounded in her study of historical and contemporary bespoke fashion.

September 2021 • 650 colour illus 256 pages • 270 x 210mm 9781350094673 Bloomsbury Visual Arts



Fashion Design: The Complete Guide John Hopkins From the first sketch to handling a prototype, this is an all-inclusive overview of the entire design process. Beginning with an exploration of fashion in the context of different histories and cultural moments, fashion designer and educator John Hopkins then walks you through fashion drawing, colour, fibres, research methods, and studio must-knows such as pattern making, draping and fitting. You’ll also learn how to develop your portfolio and practice as a professional designer.

October 2021 • 150 colour illus 168 pages • 270 x 210mm 2nd edition • 9781350116573 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

John Hopkins is a principal teaching fellow of fashion design within the Winchester School of Art at the University of Southampton, UK. He has previously worked as a fashion designer for prestigious British luxury brands such as Jaeger and Burberry.

Fashion by Design Janice Greenberg Ellinwood Learn how the elements and principles of design relate to fashion. Fashion by Design focuses on the phases of the design process as well as the elements and principles of design, and how it is applied to fashion. This essential textbook is structured into three parts: stages of the design process; physical elements; and theoretical principles. The book aims to improve the designer’s eye for creating fashion; to identify terminology; and to show how factors such as the human form, clothing structure, historic silhouettes, culture, and trends can impact fashion development. November 2021 • 285 colour illus 256 pages • 280 x 215mm 2nd edition • 9781501359491 Fairchild Books

Janice G. Ellinwood is a Professor of Fine and Applied Arts at Marymount University where she has been Department Chair of Art, Fashion Design, and Fashion Merchandising for more than 20 years, while teaching fashion design and illustration.

Rethinking Fashion Globalization Edited by Sarah Cheang, Erica de Greef and Yoko Takagi The first edited volume to present decolonial critiques of fashion and globalization and explore the dynamics of ‘de-globalization’. This edited collection draws together original, diverse, and richly reflective critiques of the fashion system from both established and emerging fashion scholars, researchers and creative practitioners. Chapters straddle current calls for decolonization and inclusion, as well as reflections on de-westernization, post-colonialism, sustainability, transnationalism, national identities, social activism, global fashion narratives, diversity, and more. August 2021 • 91 mono illus 296 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350180062 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Sarah Cheang is Acting Head of the History of Design programme at the Royal College of Art, UK. Erica de Greef is Director and Co-Founder of the African Fashion Research Institute. Yoko Takagi is Professor and Programme Director of MA Global Fashion Concentration at Bunka Gakuen University, Tokyo.

Fashion and Cultural Studies Susan B. Kaiser and Denise N. Green Offers a way of understanding why people dress the way they do and what meanings we ascribe to particular fashion styles. Bridging theory and practice, this text considers fashion from both cultural studies and fashion studies perspectives, and addresses the growing interaction between the two fields. Kaiser and Green use a wide range of cross-cultural case studies to explore how race, ethnicity, class, gender and other identities intersect and are produced through embodied fashion. This revised edition includes updated case studies and two new chapters. December 2021 20 mono illus and 30 colour illus 304 pages • 234 x 156mm 2nd edition • 9781350104686 Bloomsbury Visual Arts


Susan B. Kaiser is a Professor at the University of California, Davis, in the Departments of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies; and Design. Denise N. Green is an Associate Professor at Cornell University where she also directs the Cornell Fashion + Textile Collection.


Stories of Fashion, Textiles, and Place Evolving Sustainable Supply Chains

Leslie Davis Burns and Jeanne Carver Follows five companies who have successfully implemented sustainable practices that are rooted in their place of origin. Follow the journeys of five companies with evolving sustainable supply chains in the fashion and textile industry, based around the world, in the UK, US, Mexico, Cambodia and Peru. Each of the profiled companies are committed to advancing cultural traditions of a particular place. Their unique stories highlight the conditions, risks, strategies, and successes in creating and maintaining sustainable supply chains for ready-to-wear and home fashions. Leslie Davis Burns is President and Founder of Responsible Global Fashion LLC and Professor Emerita of Apparel Design and Merchandising at Oregon State University. Jeanne Carver is an award-winning agricultural entrepreneur.

October 2021 • 94 mono illus 208 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350136335 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Fat Fashion

The Thin Ideal and the Segregation of Plus-Size Bodies

Paolo Volonté Explore the reasons why fashion producers forgo the plus-size market in favour of the ideal of thinness. In the first systematic study of fatness and thinness in the fashion industry, Paolo Volonté draws on influential literature on the body, beauty standards and the roles of clothing in society to explore the nature of the segregation of fat bodies in fashion and considers what the future may hold for consumers, designers and marketers alike. Paolo Volonté is Associate Professor of Cultural Sociology, at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where he teaches the Sociology of Fashion and is Vice-Dean of the PhD Programme in Design.

September 2021 • 9 mono illus 240 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350126930 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Byzantine Silk on the Silk Roads Journeys between East and West, Past and Present

Edited by Sarah E. Braddock Clarke and Ryoko Yamanaka Kondo An illustrated exploration of Byzantine culture, its past history and its relevance to design today. Featuring over 200 colour images, an international team of experts examine the human, zoological, botanical, geometric, and mythical depictions in Byzantine silks, revealing that Byzantine culture was ever moving and open to diverse influences across the length of the Silk Road, and still has relevance to design practice today. Ryoko Yamanaka Kondo is Emeritus Professor, Tohoku University of Art and Design, Yamagata, Japan and researcher at the Institute for European, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Sarah E. Braddock Clarke is Senior Lecturer and researcher, Falmouth University, UK.

December 2021 • 220 colour illus 368 pages • 276 x 219mm 9781350099333 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Tartan Jonathan Faiers “An outstanding and comprehensive contribution to the history of Tartan.” The Telegraph Featuring new insights and an additional chapter on masculinities, this updated edition of Tartan revitalizes discussions about the fabric’s traditional, sentimental Highland origins and its deliberate subversion by contemporary designers. This book demonstrates that tartan is no longer a Scots' textile and positions it within broader philosophical, political and cultural contexts, assessing its extraordinarily versatile and pervasive influence. Jonathan Faiers is Professor of Fashion Thinking and Co-Director of the Winchester Luxury Research Group at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, UK.

November 2021 • 163 colour illus 368 pages • 246 x 189mm 2nd edition • 9781350193772 Bloomsbury Visual Arts Series: Textiles that Changed the World




Research and Design for Fashion

Developing a Fashion Collection

Richard Sorger and Simon Seivewright

Elinor Renfrew and Todd Lynn

A 'toolkit for inspiration' introducing the research techniques fashion designers use to find and develop ideas for their original collections.

Guides fashion designers from initial concept through to the exhibition and sale of a finished collection.

This book will help you master the research process and apply it to your own designs. This fourth edition also explores how cultural events, historical anniversaries and sport influences can be the starting point for a collection. There's also more on creative ways of recording your findings and designing for menswear, childrenswear and gender-neutral clothing. Richard Sorger is an associate professor and course leader for MA Fashion at Kingston University, UK. Simon Seivewright was a freelance woven textile designer and stylist and ran the successful fashion degree at Northbrook College, UK. August 2021 • 150 colour illus • 224 pages • 230 x 160mm • 4th edition 9781350130982 • Bloomsbury Visual Arts • Series: Basics Fashion Design

From couture to high street, knitwear to accessories and covering the necessities of sustainability, there's advice on every aspect of creating your collection through 27 insightful interviews with international practitioners. This 3rd edition also covers silhouette, fittings and final samples, and how repeating styles and modifying cuts can turn one design into multiple garments. Elinor Renfrew is Honorary Professor at Kingston University after 15 years leading the Fashion Department, and is on the British Fashion Council Colleges Council Steering Committee. Todd Lynn is Associate Professor at Kingston School of Art and an internationally recognized fashion designer working in both the fashion industry and designing for the music industry’s elite. September 2021 • 150 colour illus • 192 pages • 230 x 160mm • 3rd edition 9781350132559 • Bloomsbury Visual Arts • Series: Basics Fashion Design

Fashion Styling Jacqueline McAssey, Sophie Benson and Clare Buckley A beautifully illustrated guide to assembling clothing and accessories to communicate a fashion idea, trend or theme, or to advertise a fashion product.

Sarah Bailey and Jonathan Baker A practical introduction to visual merchandising and retail display, from the initial design process through to product handling and experimentation.

Fashion Styling outlines the differences of commercial and editorial styling and what types of skills these different fields require. It offers an effective mix of key stylists' biographies, high quality images by professionals and students alike and practical advice about how to produce a photo-shoot and break into the industry. This revised edition includes new professional interviews and a new chapter on the future of the industry.

This is an introduction to the principles underpinning visual merchandising using examples from budget, mid-range and luxury brands. These real-world examples take the form of detailed case studies and interviews, providing hands-on advice from all levels of industry. This second edition includes additional coverage of online visual merchandising, lighting techniques, mannequin dressing and integrating technology into displays.

Jacqueline McAssey is a Senior Lecturer in Fashion Communication at Liverpool John Moores University, UK.

Jonathan Baker is the Course Leader for the Postgraduate Certificate in Fashion Visual Merchandising at the London College of Fashion, UK.

Sophie Benson is an Associate Lecturer on the Fashion Communication degree course at Liverpool John Moores University, UK.

Sarah Bailey is a Senior Lecturer on the Fashion Retail Branding and Visual Merchandising course at the London College of Fashion, UK.

Clare Buckley is Course Leader for Fashion Styling and Production at the London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, UK. November 2021 • 120 colour illus • 208 pages • 230 x 160mm • 2nd edition 9781350074101 • Bloomsbury Visual Arts • Series: Basics Fashion Design


Visual Merchandising for Fashion

November 2021 • 120 colour illus • 224 pages • 230 x 160mm • 2nd edition 9781350071599 • Bloomsbury Visual Arts • Series: Basics Fashion Management


Architectural Drafting for Interior Design Lydia Sloan Cline This comprehensive book provides information on hand drafting and computer rendering for architectural features in interior design. Beginning interior designers need to learn to communicate their ideas graphically with a resource designed specifically for them. This book focuses on topics needed before AutoCAD is even introduced, like drawing a floor plan, using it to create an interior elevation, and the relationship between 2D and 3D drawings. Each aspect is transferred from the initial hand drawing to a digital rendering for completion. The only book written to the standards of the National Council for Interior Design Qualifications (NCIDQ) and trade associations like the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), it gives readers a strong foundation in interior design. Lydia Sloan Cline is a professor at Johnson Community College in Overland Park, Kansas, United States. October 2021 • 750 colour illus 520 pages • 280 x 215mm 3rd edition • 9781501361197 Fairchild Books

Sustainable Building Systems and Construction for Designers Lisa M. Tucker The best resource for viewing building construction and its systems through the lens of sustainability. Lisa Tucker’s holistic approach, from the structural (site consideration and foundations) to the experiential (indoor air, acoustics, and safety), makes a clear case for interior design professionals to understand moral responsibilities to people and the environment, and follow sustainable practices. Now in its third edition, Sustainable Building Systems and Construction for Designers has been updated to reflect current CIDA accreditation standards and include industry trends for interior construction, like security and well-being. Additionally, it includes a set of new case studies. Line drawings, color photography, and sample student work also support student learning on this essential, timely topic. Lisa M. Tucker, is an associate professor of Interior Design at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), USA.

January 2022 • 400 mono illus 368 pages • 280 x 215mm 3rd edition • 9781501364778 Fairchild Books



25 Concepts in Modern Architecture A Guide for Visual Thinkers

Stephanie Travis and Catherine Anderson A guide for visual thinkers to the fundamental concepts behind architectural design. Designed to appeal to visual thinkers, this simple yet visually-powerful guide explores 25 key architectural concepts by examining 25 different masterworks of modern architecture. Understanding these concepts provides a key to demystifying the greatest works in modern architectural history, inspires new ways to think about new design projects, and reveals how drawing and sketching are used as tools for the visual analysis of architecture. September 2021 341 colour illus 216 pages 230 x 200mm 9781350055605 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Stephanie Travis is Associate Professor and Director of the Interior Architecture and Design programme at the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, The George Washington University, US. Catherine Anderson is Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture and Design at the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, The George Washington University, US.

Restorative Cities

urban design for mental health and wellbeing

Jenny Roe and Layla McCay In the face of a growing urban mental health crisis, this book provides an inspirational and evidence-based blueprint for designing cities for better mental health and wellbeing.

August 2021 • 62 colour illus 272 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350112889 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

This book explores a new way of designing cities, which places mental health and wellness at the forefront, written by a psychiatrist and public health specialist, and an environmental psychologist with extensive experience of architectural practice. It examines a range of strategies – from sensory architecture to place-making for creativity and community – and brings a genuinely evidence-based approach that will appeal to designers and researchers alike. Jenny Roe is Mary Irene DeShong Professor of Design & Health and Director of the Center for Design & Health in the School of Architecture, University of Virginia, an environmental psychologist and former head of Landscape Architecture for an international architectural practice. Layla McCay is Director of the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health, London, a psychiatrist and public health specialist.

The Color of Modernism

Paints, Pigments, and the Transformation of Modern Architecture in 1920s Germany

Deborah Ascher Barnstone Dismantling the myth that early modernist architecture was white.

January 2022 41 colour and 69 mono illus 240 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350251335 Bloomsbury Visual Arts


The Color of Modernism examines the different scientific and artistic color theories that were advanced by members of the German avant-garde, from Bruno Taut to Walter Gropius to Hans Scharoun, challenging one of the most enduring myths about modernist architecture – that it was white. Supported by introductions to the development of color theory in philosophy, science and the arts, the book explores the new ways in which color was used in architecture and urban design, addressing an important yet overlooked aspect of the period. Deborah Ascher Barnstone is Professor of Architecture, Course Director for undergraduate studies in Architecture, and Associate Head of School at University of Technology Sydney, Australia.


Survey of Historic Costume Sara B. Marcketti and Phyllis G. Tortora Learn about Western dress from the ancient world to today, with each chapter establishing the social, crosscultural, environmental, geographic, and artistic influences on what people wore. February 2021 • 600 colour illus 624 pages • 280 x 215mm 7th edition • 9781501337406 Fairchild Books Rights sold: Chinese Simplified

Swipe, Scan, Shop Interactive Visual Merchandising

Kate Schaefer A practical guide showing how retailers and brands work to inform, entice, and engage customers by incorporating new technologies throughout the shopping experience. March 2021 • 160 colour illus 200 pages • 255 x 205mm 9781350092877 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Shedding the Shackles

Grids for Graphic Designers

Women's Empowerment through Craft

Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris

Lynne Stein A celebration of female inventiveness and aesthetic sensibility, Shedding the Shackles explores women’s craft enterprises, their artisanal excellence, and the positive impact their individual projects have on breaking the poverty cycle. May 2021 • 123 colour illus 192 pages • 276 x 216mm 9781789940152 • Herbert Press

With over 200 illustrations plus six new interviews with design practitioners such as Second Story, Brody Associates and Peter Dawson, the student is introduced to the creative use of grids in contemporary practice as well as the basic principles that underlie their effective use. January 2021 • 200 colour illus 216 pages • 230 x 160mm 3rd edition • 9781474254779 Bloomsbury Visual Arts Series: Basics Design Rights sold: Chinese Simplified

The Political Power of Visual Art

Ceramic, Art and Civilisation

Liberty, Solidarity, and Rights

Paul Greenhalgh

Daniel Herwitz Connects political art from around the world to 18th-century aesthetics and the avant-gardes to tackle the age-old question of whether art can make change happen. April 2021 • 10 mono illus 216 pages • 216 x 138mm 9781350182370 Bloomsbury Academic

Color Plus Design Transforming Interior Space

Ron Reed Learn how to create unified and visually inviting spaces, understanding how color and design theory, when used together, can produce successful spaces that help designers avoid common color mistakes in a variety of residential and commercial interiors. March 2021 • 270 colour illus 232 pages • 280 x 215mm 3rd edition • 9781501362729 Fairchild Books

“Passionately written… At the end of his book, Greenhalgh writes that, ‘far more than religion, or war, or academic treatises, skill shaped civilisation’. So true, and there is no better example than ceramics. One closes this compendious history with a breathless feeling: what will potters come up with next?” Apollo March 2021 • 409 colour illus 512 pages • 276 x 219mm 9781474239707 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Hip-Hop Architecture Sekou Cooke “Hip-Hop Architecture is a call for building design to be instated as the fifth pillar of this cultural movement, joining dance, drama, fine arts and music… As idiosyncratic, challenging and genre-redefining as Hip-hop’s other cultural manifestations, Cooke’s book argues for a new approach to urban design that better expresses the Black and African American experience.” Wallpaper* April 2021 • 120 colour illus 288 pages • 246 x 189mm 9781350116146 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

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