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7 Interoception

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‘It’s all about what is going on inside. It’s strange that we don’t immediately think about the huge impact this has on behaviour and self-regulation. Sometimes we look for complex reasons, but actually it may be a simple answer.’

Interoception refers to the sensory input that the brain receives internally from the body. The information comes from the organs and internal receptors. It includes sensations regarding hunger, needing the toilet, tiredness, sickness and internal pain such as a stomach ache or headache. It is very important as it facilitates the awareness and regulation of one’s internal state.

Teaching tip

If there is a significant change in a pupil’s behaviour in a short space of time, it is useful to consider their internal sensations. They may be getting sick, or may be tired, or could have a toothache. Sometimes, it might be an internal, rather than external, sensation. The receptors for interoception are in the internal organs, nerves and pain receptors. Because this sensory feedback is received internally from the body, it is much harder for educators to see or notice and it can sometimes be overlooked.

If pupils are not processing this internal information very well, or at all, they may not recognise when they are hungry or if they need to go to the toilet – or they may recognise too late and then it’s a rush to get there! They may be in discomfort or pain but not identify that this is occurring. A pupil might not recognise that they are too hot; therefore they won’t take their jumper off and they will be uncomfortable. Like all of the senses, awareness or lack of awareness of the interoceptive sense can have a big impact on attention and focus, and subsequent ability to participate and engage. If pupils are not processing this internal information accurately, they may appear to have an emotional reaction without any warning. This is especially important to consider for pupils who are non-verbal or who have reduced communication as they have even less capacity to explain what is going on.

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