1 minute read
1 Sensory input
Sensory input
Sensory input refers to any information that the brain receives from the senses. The brain constantly receives sensory inputs from the body and the environment. These include messages received from the important, but lesser known, proprioceptive and vestibular senses.
Teaching tip
Ask your pupils what sensory inputs they notice in the classroom. Do they notice the projector whirring? Are they distracted by the display board? Their answers may surprise you!
Taking it further
Some pupils may not be able to ignore sensations as readily. Consider the impact extra sensory input may have on their learning and attention and what you might change. Sensory inputs ooze from every part of your classroom. There are wall displays, there are the sounds of pupils and adults, there are different materials to feel and work with and there is the constant movement of books, pens and people. In addition to this, each pupil is processing the sensory inputs from their own body (Idea 7). Sensory inputs are essential for learning, but can also be a source of distraction and for some a barrier to success.
When you have a moment, sit in your classroom and pay attention to every sensory input that occurs. What can you see, hear, touch and smell? As you move through a typical day, really consider how your senses are helping, or not helping, you to be successful. Your touch sense helps every time you use the smart board. Your vestibular sense (Idea 6) helps you to keep your balance when you sit up and move about. Your proprioceptive sense (Idea 5) helps you to know how much pressure to use when you write. You’re constantly looking at and listening to your pupils. This book explores different ways your pupils may process sensory inputs occurring in your classroom and within their own bodies. Throughout the book, you must always start by thinking about sensory inputs, because these are the key to selecting the right support.