October Issue

Page 1

blue&gold Friday, October 22, 2010


Nightmare on Mendon Road page 5

Volume 88, Issue 2 Findlay High School 1200 Broad Ave., Findlay, Ohio, 45840


Concussions end senior’s season

Catch the

Trojan fever

page 8

From wacky Spirit Week outfits to the Friday night crowning ceremony, read senior Tyler Campbell’s first-hand account of the Homecoming experience. page 6



Sunny High: 62 Low: 48



Few Showers High: 67 Low: 54

Showers High: 68 Low: 55

NEWS page 6

seniors Andrew Varney and Morgan Winans

page 8

Challenge Day encourages acceptance, compassion page 4

INDEX Editorial...............2 Entertainment....3 News/Feature.....4

Feature................5 Photo essay........6 Feature................7 Sports..................8

senior Larissa Van Der Molen

Stressing the test Assessment

Chamberlin Hill Intermediate School third grader Morgan Kline practices for the state proficiency test. All third graders took the proficiency test Wednesday, Oct. 13. photo by Taylor McGonnell

State standards dominate classroom instruction n

By Michaela Marincic A




Four little letters that stress students to the max. Picking one is easy; picking the right one might not be. The task of choosing a letter doesn’t seem so simple when you’re taking a standardized test, especially the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) to determine whether or not you receive a diploma. With such high stakes, teachers need to prepare students to pass the test, especially when school ratings depend on scores. This pressure can result in “teaching to the test,” or covering material that likely is on the test but necessarily relevant. However, some argue the tests are helpful, leading to a conflict that has caused to debate over standardized tests.

Benefits of testing According to Ohio Department of Education representative Julie Daubenmire, the main reason for standardized testing is to check if students learned the information outlined in state standards. “We want to make sure every student has access to a rigorous curriculum,” Daubenmire said. “By having content standards, what you learn is the same as what students in other districts learn, so you will

not have a better or worse education depending on where you live.” Before state-mandated exams and standards, teachers had less direction in what material to cover. Now test results show which subjects need more coverage in class and who teaches this material effectively. “We analyze the scores like crazy,” Jenna Potteiger, Washington Intermediate School teacher, said. “That way we can share strategies because we know who to go to get ideas (for teaching certain topics) because we know whose kids scored higher in those areas.”

Negative consequences On the other side of the debate is the argument that standardized testing limits what teachers can cover in class. Some teachers say they focus on helping students feel comfortable with the tests, while others argue they teach to state standards, not tests. “I don’t directly teach to the test because we don’t know what will be on it, but I teach to the standards,” Julie Miller, Chamberlain Hill Intermediate School teacher, said. “The district purchased reading and math book series with everything we need to meet standards, but people who like to be creative don’t have as much flexibility.” Not only do testing and standards force teachers to cover certain topics, but they can also take time away from other material.

“I could cover more if we didn’t have the test,” math teacher Karen Ouwenga said. “I don’t always agree with what the state wants me to teach; instead I would spend more time preparing students for their next math class and honing their skills.” Some students also think they are missing out on more important topics when the focus is on the OGT. “The OGT was a waste of time,” junior David Siebold said. “It wasn’t something I needed to be preparing for. That time in class could have been spent doing more valuable work.” English teacher Maribeth Geaman wishes standardized tests would evaluate students in a variety of ways. “So much of the OGT is assessing students in a multiple-choice question format,” Geaman said. “In an ideal world, there would be more authentic means of assessing. “It should not be so much whether specific answers are right or wrong but what something means as a whole.” Many teachers agree that having to focus on test subject matter takes time away from more engaging projects. “Before the test we did more fun things because we had time for things that weren’t necessarily what the state wanted,” Janine Gilts, Washington Intermediate School teacher, said. “We still have some fun, but it’s not like it used to be.”

Casts prepare for fall plays n


Senior Lindsey Greer, junior Arden MacDonald and senior Sarah Black rehearse for the junior/senior fall play, The Odd Couple. The female version of the play debuts November 5 in R. L. Heminger Auditorium. photo by Katie Logsdon

BLAST from the PAST By the time current seniors were in preschool, Hey Arnold! was becoming a hit on Nickelodeon after its October 7, 1996 premiere according to tvrage.com.


things that make you look smart today

By Leah Cramer

A modernized comedy and a children’s story are what’s in store for audiences the first two weekends of November. Junior and senior cast members will perform the female version of The Odd Couple the first weekend, while freshmen and sophomores will act out the story of Charlotte’s Web the next. The Odd Couple tells the story of Florence (junior Leah Cramer), a recently separated woman, and her divorced friend, Olive (junior Arden MacDonald), struggling to reconcile conflicting personalities as they attempt to live as roommates. “The interaction between Florence, who is very neat and uptight, and my messy, laidback character makes a good contrast that will be fun to watch,” MacDonald said. “We meet up with these two sexy Spanish guys and they try to seduce us and it’s really funny because it’s so awkward.” Since the male version debuted in the

1960s, the cast modernized some of the lines. “We’re updating the jokes so that people will understand them,” director Debbie Benson said. “We’re trying to make it easier for today’s audience, especially the high school students, to relate to.” The following weekend, freshmen and sophomore cast members will act as narrators, farmers and barn animals in the story of how Charlotte, a spider, saves her pig friend Wilbur. “We’re going to emphasize how even though the characters are animals, they have human emotions,” freshman Makenna Fox said. “Although it is a children’s story, teenagers and adults will find it entertaining too because there are so many characters and so much going on. “The whole play is really about friendship, which is something people can relate to.” The Odd Couple will be Nov. 5 and 6 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 7 at 2 p.m. Charlotte’s Web will be Nov. 12 and 13 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 14 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $5 at the door.

Olive Madison junior Arden MacDonald Florence Unger junior Leah Cramer Manolo Costazuela senior Isaac Steinhour Jesus Costazuela senior Andrew Varney Charlotte sophomore Rachel Cruea Wilbur freshman Makenna Fox


1. Jersey Shore and Lady Gaga inspire the most Halloween costumes.


2. Entertainment Weekly named Johnny Depp the most powerful entertainer of 2010. 3. Two Texas school districts monitor students with the same technology used to track cattle. 4. Youtube.com opened online auditions for its Symphony Orchestra. 5. Head-to-head collisions between NFL players are equivalent to being hit with a sledgehammer. sources: money.cnn.com, AP Texas News, espn.go.com



Students in Fashion Design class are making dresses for girls in need. “In this class we all have a skill, so why not use it for a greater good?” senior Daila Moore said.


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