Body that flees fight and celebrates - 2015 - Performance art documented in photography
Diógenes M. Potiguara Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A body turns its back on us, extending its whole being towards the inner backdrop of a dark wood. There is a performative quality to the work that asserts its own autonomy against the observer’s desire to see. Through this corpographic narrative of ‘the body on the run,’ we can trace
bluebee •M a g a z i n e •
how wounds persist but are also, in a cyclical fashion, healing. Diógenes is inspired by Grada Kilomba, Jota Mombaça and Pedra Costa de Solange tô Aberta. As a queer performing artist, Diógenes explores what it means to be
Indigenous and queer. By divulging the experiences of the anti-colonial body, Diógenes opens a discourse on displacement and resistance.