Pablo Doblado Herrero Sevillian writer, works and lives in Barcelona, Spain. Pablo Doblado Herrero was born in Seville and studied Social Work at the university of Pablo de Olavide, Seville. He is currently living in Barcelona and works in a minors’ centre. Pablo began to write in 2014 and since then has written several short stories with a poetic nuance about different topics. For Pablo, writing is a form of therapy and above all, a form of expressing all that he cannot say with his mouth. In September 2019, he took part in the First Contest of European Stories “Professor Juan Bosch” organized by the “Rovira i Virgili” University
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(Tarragona) where his story “Sin Nombre” was selected to be included in the “Poesia Cercenada y otros Relatos” anthology, which is now being sold in Europe and South America. The same year two of his stories, “Mia” and “Seres del Buen Querer” were chosen to be included in the anthology of short tales and stories “Dona que Dona”, that was organized to commemorate the 25th of November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women