蔡守瑋作品集二0一 0 至 二 0 一 一 Joe's Portfolio 2010-2011
TSAI,SHOU-WEI, Male, born in January 22, 1986, Taichung, Taiwan. A
typical Aquarius, often have unusual ideas in my brain. I live in Taiwan
and have unimaginable, unparalleled passion for this island. Love it's
culture and beautiful, dream that one day can let the world know this
beautiful and lovely island. Graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University
Department of Applied Art in June 2008,majoring in graphic design,
specialized in posters, books art and paper-cut illustrations. One and
a half year working experience in commercial design company as art
黑色 的書 當中 的作 品大 多為我的創 作、或是比 較藝術性 的作品 。
designer. Most of my customer were government agencies. Beside my daily work, I've also done a lot of small but creative programs. Because
most of the works were created during evening, so this black book
2 00 5 故 宮 時尚T恤 設 計比賽佳 作
majority for my creative works, or artistic works.
2 00 8新一 代設 計展 平面 類金獎 (上 上籤) 2 01 0 紅 點 ju ni or de si gn er awar d
Aw ar d s
台灣 國際 學生 設計 大賽 T IS DC入 圍
2005 Won Short-List Prize for National Palace Museum T-shirt Graphic
第六 屆全 國技 專校 院平 面與廣告設 計競賽 海峽 兩岸 優秀 設計 師海 報作品邀請 展,廈門, 台灣
Design competition; based on「Old is New 時尚故宮」theme“Old is new – Fashion in National Palace Museum” 2008 Participated 2008“Young Designers' Exhibition”in Taiwan and “CHANCE”- awarded for“Gold Prize”
2010 red dot communication design - junior designer award
2 00 8新活 水雙 月刊 19 期封 面插畫 天 下雜 誌台灣一 個 驚喜 書籍 封面 繪制 2 00 9華航 機身 插圖 設計
2010 National Technological University and College graphic and advertising design competition - Jury Award 2010 Taiwan International Student Design Competition finalists TISDC nominated 2010 Outstanding poster designers in Taiwan & China - Exhibition, Xiamen, Taiwan 2010 Kan Tai-Keung Design Award - nominated 2010 Taiwan Poster Award -“Silver Prize”
TERS OM 2009-2010
Posters of global warming In Chinese culture , monsters are considered to be responsible for disasters. That is to say, the evil spirits which cause Àoods, conÀagrations as well as earthquakes in Shan hai jing are also the ones to be blamed for global warming. This series of posters try to alert us to the fact that the monsters are the products of human beings, so as global warming. Actually,the monsters of the books are the embodiment of human creature.
中國文化中,常常認為天災是由怪物所引起的,截取了這個概念, 把山海經(中國文化中記錄所有鬼怪的書)中所描述的引起火災、水災、 與地震的怪物,與全球暖化所出現的情況相呼應,試圖提醒人類,鬼 怪是人創造的,暖化的問題也是人類製造的, 那些書籍中的怪物,其實都是人類的化身。
全 球 暖 效 應 山海經精怪旱火 其首曰招搖之山,臨于西海之上,多桂,多金玉。 有草焉,其狀如 韭而青華,其名曰祝余,食之不饑。 有木焉,其狀如谷而黑理,其 華四照,其名曰迷谷,佩之不迷。 有獸焉,其狀如禺而白耳,伏行 人走,其名曰其首曰招搖之山,臨于西海之上
,佩之不迷。 有獸焉,其狀如禺而白耳,伏行人走, 其名曰其首曰招搖之山,臨于西海之上
人 走 ,
, 其
多 金 玉 。 有 草 焉 ,
其 狀 如 谷 而 黑 理
多 桂 ,
, 伏 行
有 木 焉
臨 于 西 海 之 上 ,
, 其 狀 如 禺 而 白 耳
食 之 不 饑 。
其 首 曰 招 搖 之 山 ,
有 獸 焉
其 名 曰 祝 余 ,
佩 之 不 迷 。
韭 而 青 華 ,
其 名 曰 迷 谷 ,
臨 于 西 海 之 上
其 名 曰 其 首 曰 招 搖 之 山
華 四 照
其 狀 如
山全 海 球 經 精暖 怪 效 罄 地應
,佩之不迷。 有獸焉,其狀如禺而 白耳,伏行人走,其名曰其首曰招 搖之山,臨于西海之上
山全 海 球 經 精暖 怪 效 暴 水應 人 走 ,
其 狀 如 谷 而 黑 理 其
多 桂 多 金 玉 。 有 草 焉 ,
,佩之不迷。 有獸焉,其狀如禺而
有 木 焉
, 伏 行
食 之 不 饑 。
臨 于 西 海 之 上 ,
, 其 狀 如 禺 而 白 耳
有 獸 焉
其 名 曰 祝 余
其 首 曰 招 搖 之 山 ,
佩 之 不 迷 。
韭 而 青 華 ,
其 名 曰 迷 谷 ,
臨 于 西 海 之 上
其 名 曰 其 首 曰 招 搖 之 山
華 四 照
其 狀 如
Protect animals Protection of animals is the obligation of all people, using the peacock's Dishes to express that people should not killing the animals just for their own desires.
保護動物是所有人應盡的義務,用孔雀的食器來表達人們不應該為了 自己的私慾,而剝奪了動物生存的權利
This poster reorganization Traditional Aboriginal
symbols and make it like two growth ring.
Growth ring of Aboriginal
Tree growth ring record the changes for each year, and this Aboriginal ring is record the indigenous
people for thousands of years Aboriginal spiritual
and cultural.
Global Warming impact glaciers, CO2 emissions
Stop climate change now
which is a response indicator. If we didn't do something, allowed nvironmental degradation.And
the amount of greenhouse gases will be 132% by
2050.We must do some benefaction ,and help the
earth .Reduce the destruction of glaciers on the
降低對地球冰川的破壞,大自然反撲將影響人類的未 來,就看我們如何眼光如何選擇
Earth,nature will strike back affect the future of mankind, our future is on our hand.
日行一善 Everyday bene¿tion
地球是我們的根,最近的全球暖化嚴重,所以更應該要好 好的保護地球,這系列海報用佛陀的手象徵我們對地球 的善意,做一些隨手可以做且愛護地球的善行,例如隨手 拔插頭,用淋浴代替泡澡,或是搭乘大眾運輸工具等... 希望這樣可以幫助到我們的地球,減緩暖化
Earth is the root. Recently global warming are grtting more serious,so we should protect of the Earth. This series of posters use Buddha's hand as a symbol of our kindheart to the planet. Do some benefition for the earth that we can do anytime,such as pull plug, take a shower instead of take a bath,, or take public transportation, etc. ... Hoping that can help our planet, slow the global warming.
近年天災人禍戰爭不斷,我們樸實 真摯的合十雙手祈導世界萬物的和 諧無爭,人最小盼望也是最大心 願,人與之人間至環境世界共存。
Natural disasters increase in recent years.I sincere clasped my hand ,and pray to the god. Hopeing there is no more war, pain,and all the living creature in the earth can Peaceful coexistence.It's the hardest hope in the earth,but it is the most important one.
「動」意指妄念,「靜」意指無念. 闡述「無意無念,萬事自畢;意有百念,萬 事皆失」的道理。 現代人汲汲營營的索求,造成無形的火氣由 然而生,用一片竹象徵"禪" 提醒人,百動不如一靜,靜下來,火氣自然 消失,不所求,地球也許也不會加速暖化
searching for a safe haven 科學家統計,如果人類繼續消耗地球資源,未來不久地 球將不可居住,以此為概念,將地球比喻成蒲公英,而 未來孩子將像浦公英的種子一樣,從地球出發,然後在 宇宙中飄盪,直到找到下一個可以居住的地方,用此來 提醒人類 地球是人類的的根本,所以應該好好愛惜地 球。
The scientists suggest that if humans continue to consume resources of the earth, the earth will not be living in future.Interception of this concept, if earth is Dandelion,the next generation will be like the seed of the Dandelion.When they are baby ,they Start from the earth, and then Àoating in the universe,until they ¿nd the next plant can live.This poster try to remind human beings Earth is the root of all creatures,so we should take care of the Earth,and be kind to the earth.
砍的是樹葉,倒的是腦葉 The lives of trees and mankind are tightly linked
教育是人類的根本,樹也是地球的根本. 教育和樹一樣,都是需要長時間的培養,所以用一顆樹, 來表現出人的腦和脊椎. 砍掉的是樹 但倒下的是文化 這張海報結合人和樹,是想要強調環保教育的重要性,通過教育,我 們才能夠讓民眾知道我們的浪費,是如何的與地球習習相關,相反 的,我們如果珍惜資源,地球會美好許多. 讓環保不是口號,而是真正的行動
Education is a fundamental of human, tree is the root of Earth. Both Education and trees takes a long time to Growing. So make human brain and spine like a tree. What has been hacked down is the tree,but what falls down is our culture. This poster combine tree and the humen,because I want stress the importance of environmental education. Through education, we can let people know that how intimately bound up with the Earth if we waste. On the contrary, if we cherish the resources,the earth would be much better. Let environmental protection is not a slogan, but real action.
美好時代 Back to the good old days
電能與人類生活密不可分,但也造成污染 問題,期盼提醒人類舉手之勞拔插頭、關 燈、減少冷氣使用,一年四季都節約能 源,保護日漸枯竭的資源,喚起人的美德 及對地球的同理心,讓環境更加合諧,彷 彿回到了美好年代。
Electricity are inseparable in morden day, however it also cause pollution problems, this poster want remind people do things that seemed insigni¿cant ,like pulling the plug, Turn off the lights, reducing air conditioning use, save energy all year round to protect the depleting resources. Arouse people Virtue and empathy on the planet, make the environment more harmonious, as if back in good old days.
消逝的名字 The dying name
台灣原住民是少數族群,百年來日 常生活在的漢化演變,許多原住民 甚至忘了自己的母語和名字,因此 運用九族中常見大族的名字,喚起 人們重視且善意尊重這正在消逝的 文化,也提醒原住民反思,別遺忘 最傳統的情操,須永遠記得自己的 根本。
Taiwan aborigines is ethnic minorities in Taiwan. Because the aborigines usually work or live together with Han Chinese,so most of the Taiwan aborigines have chinese name , or even forget their mother tongue or name. This poster use the common aboriginal name. To remine aborigines,if you forget your roots,if you forget your aborigines name,then the Taiwan aborigines people will disappeared just like the women in the poster. Do not let your name die,always remember your fundamental.
善的美好沒有國界之分,對「善」的理解也不會有所不 同,運用中文「善」字與英文「KIND」相互融合於一 字,雖然我們閱讀書寫方向相異,但對於字的本意是有 相同共識,闡述人們對世界上人與人、人與環境中仁慈 的真諦、寬容的價值是一致的體悟。
Kind have no national boundaries, the understanding of "Kind" is same meaning all over the world.Useing the Chinese "kind" word with the English "KIND" mutual integration in to one word. Represent that although the direction of our reading and writing are different,but the words meaining is same,and the Mercy to the earth is also the same.This poster describes people in the world share the same value of the true meaning of kindness.
瀆水 The Stained Water
水是萬物的根本,但因為人類的不當使用,造成水源污染,用這 廢水組成台灣特有物種的型狀-台灣梅花鹿,用此來提醒人類,當 我們制造出水污染時,其他的生物也在飽受毒害。
Water is the fundamental element of creature.But the improper use of water, causing water pollution.Useing the stained water to create native and unique creatures of Taiwan----Formosan sika deer.To remind human beings when we stain water, other creatures are also stained.
OKS 2008-2009
上上籤 在台灣媽祖是最普遍的信仰,人們有疑惑的時後會向媽祖請求旨示,而媽祖則用籤詩向祈求的 民眾解答疑惑,籤詩大多用隱喻的方式承現,這個案子就是重新利用舊有的60個籤詩,加上新 一代的解釋,呈現新舊融合,把舊的文化重新包裝。 60張籤詩用60個剪紙來承現新的詮釋,其中用黃、綠、藍、桃紅、橘,來表現其中的金、木、 水、火、土,表現出籤詩中五行的概念。
為了提升作品的完整性,製作了香袋與金色的杯,(在拜拜的時後會出現的器具與用品),又加 上平安袋(台灣人在摩拜後,會在布袋中裝取一些香,帶在身上,祈求平安),始其完整的表現 中國的信仰特色。
本籤詩用經折的方式承現,不只是因為這是中國最古老的裝禎方式,也是因為中國傳統信仰中 的書籍都是使用此種方式裝禎,另外封面中的金箔則是表現出了這是神的器具(中國人相信, 金色是代表神的顏色,而銀則是給鬼的顏色)。
Chance - Fortune stick Goddess Matsu has become the most widely worshipped deity in Taiwan. When people pray to Goddess Matsu and ask what they need to know, the God would answer them through fortune sticks. The read-out mainly comes out through poetic expression. This project is planned to combine the former sixty fortune poems with a new one. We created something by fusing the old culture and the new comer in to one. 60 fortune poems are shown with 60 paper-cut models which have the ¿ve different colors - yellow,green,blue, pink,orange to imply the image of metal, wood, water, ¿re and earth -- the ¿ve elements in ancient Chinese philosophy and fortune-telling. The poems on the fortune sticks are taken down to the writing folds, not only because it is the most traditional way of bookbinding in Chinese culture,but also a manner used by our old ancestors to publish their books. Besides,the gold foil plated on the cover of the ¿le is a symbolism in appliance with the holy spirits. (It is believed that gold is the color for the Goddess and silver is for the ghost ) For the purpose of having this subject close to perfect,we have made something really different,such as: sachets in addition to golden tea cups(a kind of offering),and charms against evils(after greeting a god,the Taiwanese may put some ashes of burned out incense into a bag to pray for safety). This completely shows the characteristics of Chinese people's belief and faith. This work also won the gold award in the New Generation Design Competition 2008 and red dot junior award 2010.
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This book was written by a lady.She is the wife of a Japanese
ambassador .The writing tells us about the cultures, the customs,
and the traveling spots in Taiwan and is published by a well-known
publisher in Taiwan. 用最傳統的剪紙體現台灣的義含,
Presented are Taiwan's features of its own cultures(ex:temple,lion dance),fruits(ex:banana,pineapple),tasty food(steamed dumpling, zongzi),as well as animal species(Sika deer,Taiwan orchid, Milkweed butterÀies). With the most traditional paper-cutting technique to form the shape of Formosa.
用台灣特有的文化(如廟宇、舞師)、 以及台灣的水果(香蕉、鳳梨)、 美食(小籠包、肉粽)、 及特有的原生物種 (台灣梅花鹿、台灣蘭、台灣斑蝶) 組成一個台灣島嶼的型狀
Zhou Gong Jie Meng
( Duke of Chou Dream Analysis)
The book has classi¿ed dreams, and tells the reader
about the meaning of them.
Why does it have to be in black and white
colors?The black color represents the night ,while
而白色的書則以夜光油墨印刷, 這樣晚上一夢到夢時, 即可不開燈也能查詢夢境的意義, 而黑色的書是白天觀看的, 白色的書是晚上看的, 這個行動也代表了晝夜輪迴的概念。
the white color represents the daytime. The reading in black is printed in transparent ink, while the one in white is done with Àuorescent ink. So we can look up what the dream is about in the book without turning on the light. We should also know the black one has to be read in the daytime,and the white vice versa. It is also a conception of the circulation of day and night.
Books “re-made” The exhibition was held by a publisher and many artists were on their guestlist.The artists were advised to re-create books they had published before.For this purpose ,I cut the pictures out of the my former books then added some cloth to the ¿nished one. I successfully have my books re-made with “cloth”. 書籍再造 此次展覽是出版社邀請多位藝術家重新改變他們所出版的書 籍”re”,為此,我重新的用拼貼的方式,剪下書籍中的圖片加上 布料的拼貼,重新做出一本用”布”做成的書。
OM 2009-2010
USbillion. The ratio
Attractive marketplace for investors.e Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the en Stock Exchange, and ten Stock Exchange, and ten Stock Exchange, and tT
Mo de rn Dance
20 10
USbillion. The ratio
In the early 1900s the American dancers Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis and the German dancer Mary Wigman started to rebel against the rigid constraints of Classical Ballet. Shedding the authoritarian controls surrounding classical ballet technique, costume, and shoes, these early modern dance pioneers focused on creative self-expression rather than on technical virtuosity. Modern dance is a more relaxed, free style of dance in which choreographers use emotions and moods to design their own steps,
1 無透明片封面(前前頁文字部分附蓋透明片)。 2/3 特別企劃!"#$%&'(()*#+,-$%t。 4 誠品選書中文館。 2.
Taipei Nightlife Guide
2. 3. 4. 1.
3+.(/#0*+,-*.(%。 4!"#$%'"10*+,-*.(%。
使用煙霧和紫光燈相互運用,海報中使用了玫瑰花正在消耗著色彩隨煙飄逝, 像是燃燒著青春似的,但也垂敗美麗著。
OTO 2008-2009
概念 此系列用掃瞄機掃瞄人體,在小框框中扭曲的人體,其實代表 了在社會壓力下的人類,但是縱使如此,還是不可以忘記自己 的純真與熱情,所以用玫瑰代表熱情、百合代表純真,希望那 些特質一樣在人心中成長、茁壯。
Concept This series of pictures are made with a scanner. The distorted human body in the little frame is on behalf of the people under social pressure. Even though, the passion and the innocence should always be remembered. So I decorated the painting with roses of passion and lilies of innocence Wish those two virtues could always be kept in everyone's mind and grow to maturity.