Customer Appreciation Sale!

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""4 stor.s a,e lndapondl<\1ty owned and oporntad; olfers aod/o, """ flewa,ds' benafits a,e avallablo only Ill pa,tlelpallng &tor8S. The pr1ctt In ltils a<M!rtlsamont are suggested by N;e Hardware Corporation. oak Brook. IL Pfoducl seleclion/coq, sale ttems. pices and quantities may vary by store. This ac1Ye11lsemenl may also contain clearance and oloseout �•rn• and ""'"" at A1:,.e �y low prices, Rod Hot Buys ll�d In tne -- w,11 extend through the end ol tbe month ln"""'t Savings or mall-m savings listed 111 tl'as -ent""' valld from Nowrnber 1, 2015. lhroogh NOV91T1ber 30, 2015. Cannot reoeem Install! Savings and aavlngs. on &ame proc;k.icts. Some ,toms may ..-.qu,re as�y. Aetum and "min Cheek .. po1i0ies vary by store: please see you, ke $l0!'9 f0t del4its. Ploduct ..1ec11on and prices at -ilfdw..,..oorn very lrom ltiooe In this advertisement N;e ls nol responsible lor p,lnling o,typogmpt,ical emn. Prices 819 ..lid while suppliH INt.


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