EXHIBITOR NAME BADGES LIST Please email this form to connect@nybqe.com no later than February 15, 2015. Name badges are required on the day of the show for you and all of your staff members who are working in your booth. We will provide name badges, free of charge, for two (2) of your employees. You may have up to four (4) staff members per booth and each additional badge is $25. These name badges can be picked up at Exhibitor Check-In. Please fill out the form below, clearly printing all the first and last names of the people who will be working in your booth. You do not need to include the names of people who are only assisting with move-in and move-out, nor should you provide the names of employees who will be arriving once the show begins. Company Name: Main Contact: Email Address: Telephone Number: Exhibitor Personnel: 1. 2. 3. 4.