BLVDS Family & Kids June 2009 issue 14

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issue 14






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Explore, Play and Learn on 180 acres of green museums, gardens, theaters and animal habitats habitats. The Springs Preserve isn’t your ordinary attraction. After all, it’s Vegas baby—feel the rush of a 5,000-gallon flash flood, virtually suspend yourself over Hoover Dam or take in the views from the balcony of the Springs Cafe by Wolfgang Puck. You’re in the middle of the action and at the heart of the world’s premier attraction for sustainable living.

The Springs Preserve—another side of Vegas

c o m m u n i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 S p o t l i g h t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 D i a n e H u g h e s - P o l l a r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 P h i l i p F o r t e n b e r r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 A a r o n “ W h e e l z ” F o t h e r i n g h a m . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 C h i l d r e n ’ s M i r a c l e N e t w o r k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 S m i l i n g S o l e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 O u t o n t h e B L V D S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7


w h a t ’s i n s i d e

ArTicLeS & highLighTS c u l t u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 S p r e a d t h e W o r d N e v a d a , K i d s t o K i d s . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 G r e e n V a l l e y C h a m b e r M u s i c F e s t i v a l . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 L V C C L D S u m m e r R e a d i n g P r o g r a m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 A r t s & E v e n t s C a l e n d a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 d e s i g n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 E x t r e m e M a k e o v e r : H o m e E d i t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 A l e x a n d e r D a w s o n S c h o o l E n g i n e e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0

ON THE COVER: The Speiser Family © Stuart Townsley, Dahl Photography THis pagE fROm lEfT: Philip Fortenberry at Liberace Museum;

Aaron Fotheringham © Grace Rakich

f l a v o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 S a n d o u T h e a t r i c a l C i r c u s S c h o o l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 L i e d “ I t ’ s Y o u r C h o i c e ” N u t r i t i o n E x h i b i t . . . . . . . . . 5 9

i love summer! As a kid i remember the long days, sleeping in until noon, staying up late and watching old movies with my sisters and brothers, swimming until our skin was totally puckered and just before the 4th of July the sound of cicadas. This summer i will be enjoying some of these memories with my son ian who just turned five. ian was on the cover of our first Family and Kids issue two years ago. Unlike when i was growing up, we now have so many more kid-friendly things to do in Las Vegas. ian and i will be visiting Lied Discovery children’s Museum. They are opening their new “grossology” exhibit in June. The Springs Preserve also has so many fun things planned over the summer including the Las Vegas Philharmonic performing there on the 4th of July…and of course, we’ll enjoy staying up late and swimming until our skin is puckered. have you received your “Out on the BLVDS” e-newsletter yet? if not, please sign up by sending an email to We send them out twice a month to keep you abreast of all of the cultural and community events in between magazines. it will be a great resource for finding more summer fun. So grab a bottle of water, slather on some SPF 50, and we will see you out there!

— Jan craddock, Publisher

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Debra March


Randi Chaplin-Matushevitz

Kelly McLendon

Kimberly Maxson-Rushton

Grace Rak ich

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blvdslv .com Copyright 2009, by BLVDS, Inc ., all rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from BLVDS, Inc . Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, however, BLVDS, Inc . assumes no responsibility for errors, changes or omissions . BLVDS, Inc . accepts editorial and photography submissions . Please send all submissions to: editor@blvdslv .com .

the children’s Miracle network has raised More than $9 Million for pediatric healthcare in southern nevada, helping kids to overcoMe disease and injury, and providing charity care and health education. the goodie two shoes foundation and the 2008 leadership las vegas class joined forces to present the sMiling soles giveaway event, providing disadvantaged children in clark county with new shoes and socks.

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commun it y

the local spotlight

ARTICLES Spotlights Diane Hughes-Pollard Fostering a Brighter Tomorrow for Local At-Risk Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Philip Fortenberry Making Music, Making Memories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Aaron “Wheelz” Fotheringham Taking a “Can Do” Attitude to the Extreme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Children’s Miracle Network Helping and Healing Valley Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Smiling Soles Goodie Two Shoes Foundation Holds Event to Bring Shoes, and Smiles, to Local Children in Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Out on the BLVDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

facing page: volunteers at smiling soles © Kelly McLendon

diane hughes-pollard

fo s t e r i n g a B r i ghte r toM or r ow fo r lo c a l at-r i s k yo uth local community leader diane hughes-pollard has recently been recognized with a governor’s points of light award for service to the community, but at the end of the day, it’s the children that are her real motivation. as founder and president of the local charter school rainbow dreams academy, pollard has no trouble summing up her reason for creating this rapidly growing school: “all kids deserve the same opportunities, so maybe we can have an alternative to what’s already out there. rainbow dreams academy is that alternative.” currently in its second year, the academy provides schooling for students in kindergarten through grade three, with a focus on small classes and literacy— rare features in the school’s troubled neighborhood. with the rainbow dreams academy, hughes-pollard has taken an active hand in making sure that west las vegas youths will receive the elementary school education they deserve. as a non-profit charter school, the academy offers an education rich in science, mathematics, reading, and the cultural arts that is usually unavailable outside of the private school sector.

the rainbow dreams academy set out with a goal to expand by one grade level each school year. after beginning with kindergarten to second grade in the 2007-2008 school year, it will next year expand to accept fourth graders, culminating in a 2010-2011 school year serving kindergarten through fifth grade. for more information on enrolling children in the academy, or to find out how to help out through fundraisers or other events, visit with whom would you like to trade jobs? Maybe the education secretary. then i could put more money into education!

the pollard family’s history of philanthropy stretches back to the 1999 debut of the anthony l. pollard foundation, named for diane’s husband, founder of the las vegas valley’s rainbow Medical centers. the foundation was created to serve underprivileged las vegas youths, particularly through the benefits of a fine education. the foundation’s first major contribution was the after-school academy, which currently provides third, fourth, and fifth grade students at kit carson elementary with after-school, weekend, and summer programs and resources. the rainbow dreams academy begins with kindergarten, offering full-day activities to children of parents unable to provide childcare for half-day students. “the kids are learning. the kindergarteners are reading. that’s our goal, early childhood education. there’s so much to do and so little time,” pollard says. in a low-income, high-crime neighborhood, pollard explains, it’s critical to get children into a positive environment as soon as possible to instill a love of learning from a young age.

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what’s your greatest indulgence? i like candy. the little tootsie roll bar, that’s my favorite. and i do like shoes; i try to stay out of the shoe store, that’s a big one for me. what makes you say “wow?” one thing is seeing children learn. My principal, Mrs. green, says i’m a marshmallow because i’m always amazed at what they can do. you know, they want to perform unconditionally for you. they want to read. they want to do things to please you. what’s next? as soon as i can take care of my financial responsibility with the school and find a successor, i’d like to be able to go to oklahoma or texas and sit and fish, or sit on a back porch like my grandmother and grandfather did when i was growing up.

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coMMunit y the local spotlight

philip fortenBerry

Making Music, Making MeMories

with extraordinary gifts come the extraordinary challenges of learning how to use them. for philip fortenberry, it has taken his entire life to reach a point where he feels he fully understands how best to use his. fortenberry grew up in the small town of hub, Mississippi, where he began to play the piano at the age of four having never played before and having never been given a single lesson. he was at home playing in the backyard when “something came over me, and i don’t know what it was. i felt like inside me i had been gripped by an electrical current. and i had to go play the piano. i made a beeline into the house. i sat down, and i could play. everything i had ever heard.

are able to commemorate a special occasion such as the birth of a

it just had to be played through me,” he recalls.

child or to provide solace when a loved one is lost. “it’s about the messages inside us.” fortenberry plans to pursue more fully his gift

fortenberry has played for numerous Broadway productions and their

of interpreting the emotions of others through his music after his

national tours including Cats, The Lion King, and Jesus Christ Superstar.

engagement at the liberace Museum ends. if you would like to learn

his career includes his debut performance at carnegie hall with

more, please visit

eartha kitt and accompanying charlotte church at avery fisher hall at lincoln center. fortenberry now makes his home here where he has

what’s one thing you want to do before you die?

played or conducted for Hairspray, We Will Rock You, and Mamma Mia!

i would like to jump out of an airplane. that’s something i think about,

he is now the associate conductor of Jersey Boys at the palazzo.

but i think i would be too scared to do it.

in addition, fortenberry will finish his run in the liberace cabaret why do you get out of bed every morning?

at the end of june.

My mind is so active early in the morning. when i wake up, the first But it’s what’s next where fortenberry will begin to use his gift in

thing i need to do while i’m having my coffee is to play music.

the way he thinks it was intended. “it’s been a process, but only in the last year or so do i feel that i have grown into the truth of my

if you could have a “do-over,” what would it be?

sound. i needed to live long enough and hard enough to own that.

it would be to play with eartha kitt at carnegie hall one more time.

only now do i feel like i am ready to step into what its true purpose may be.” that purpose is to offer his musical talent in service to others

when you lay your head on the pillow at night, what do you think?

through what he terms “portraits in Music” that can he can produce as

almost every night, i look at this one quote from Illusions: The Adventures

a painter would a commission for a client.

of a Reluctant Messiah by richard Bach: “here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t.”

as a visual artist would strive to capture the essence of an individual, so fortenberry does through music. “My medium just happens to be playing piano. what’s different and special about it, it’s in a moment. as we change, our sound changes.” so his musical portraits

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United Way of Southern Nevada



Want to make a difference? Find out how at UwsN.ORG.

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aaron “wheelz” fotheringhaM

taking a “can do” at titude to the eXtreMe

on any given day at any local skate park, it’s not uncommon to see young people performing mind-boggling stunts on skateboards, inline skates, and bikes. hours of practice have been put into perfecting their techniques for the simple satisfaction gained from mastering something new. if you’ve ever tried your hand at any of these so-called “lifestyle sports,” or know someone who has, you know how challenging they can be. now imagine setting to the task of learning to ride a skate park

chair is still functioning, and goes right back at it. it’s determination like this that helped him to land a back-flip, setting a world record

in a wheelchair. that’s just what aaron fotheringham did after

for being the first person ever to do this in a wheelchair. and more

watching his brother, Brian, ride BMX bikes in las vegas skate parks.

than just empowering himself, his accomplishments have been a

aaron has spina Bifida and has used a wheelchair full-time since the

source of inspiration to many.

age of three. By his early teens, he spent enough time watching the fun from behind the fences of area skate parks and then, after some

“i’ve noticed that my riding has an encouraging effect on people.

coaxing from Brian, he decided to “drop-in” and try for himself.

i’ve gotten emails where people are like, ‘thanks for motivating me.’

now, several years later, aaron fotheringham is a bona fide pioneer of

me about it. i try not to get a big head.”

and that’s awesome. i love to inspire people, but i hope no one tells the sport which he calls “hardcore sitting.” though he’s determined to remain modest, he is not one to back down “it’s kind of like an addiction,” says aaron. “if i don’t ride, it can put me

from a challenge. he is constantly learning new tricks and wants to

in a bad mood. the skate park is where i am happy. out there, i feel

share his sport with other people who use wheelchairs. aaron is learning

weightless.” indeed, watching him roll over and across the curves and

to weld and hopes to start his own company designing and building

banks of the valley’s skate parks can give you the same feeling you

wheelchairs specifically made for the sport of hardcore sitting.

might get from watching a bird take flight from a cliff, soaring on a briskly moving wind.

for more information on aaron and hardcore sitting, check out

like the skateboarders and BMXers who inspire many of his moves, aaron has to work hard at finding out which tricks will work and

what makes you say “wow”?

which won’t. when a trick doesn’t work out or just goes wrong for

watching jim dechamp try a front-flip on a dirt bike at the X games.

whatever reason, aaron ends up sliding across the concrete on his elbow pads. he says he goes through a lot of elbow pads, more

what’s one thing you want to do before you die?

than any other piece of gear he uses. and actually, that’s a good

jump the mega ramp at the X games.

thing. watching him take a fall is wince-inducing at first. But then a remarkable thing happens: you see that he’s figured out a way of

if you could have a “do-over,” what would it be?

dealing with it and that he’s okay. he dusts himself off, makes sure his

nothing. i am happy with the way i’ve lived my life.

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facing page: Marie osmond performs at cMn Mardi gras Ball © Paul Rich

coMMunit y the local spotlight pa m l a n g

children’s Miracle net work helping and healing valley children

L E x y C A P P S I T S I N H E R B R I g H T A N D C H E E R F u L O F F I C E AT N A N N I E S & H O u S E k E E P E R S W I T H A S k E T C H O F A FA M O u S N A N N y D I S P L Ay E D B E H I N D H E R . A S L A S V E g A S ’ V E R y O W N M O D E R N - D Ay M A R y P O P P I N S , S H E H E L P S C H I L D R E N A N D FA M I L I E S E V E R y D Ay W I T H T H E k I N D O F S u N N y O u T L O O k A S S O C I AT E D W I T H S O M E O N E I N H E R I N D u S T R y.

But at no time was that disposition more challenged than in 2007,

founded in 1983 by Marie osmond and her family, along with john schneider,

when her own child, joshua, was diagnosed with a rare, genetic condition

Mike shannon, and joe lake, children’s Miracle network (cMn) has two

that required hours of brain surgery and a long and painful recovery.

simple goals: to provide the best in pediatric care and to help as many children as possible by raising funds for children’s hospitals and to keep

joshua was 17 at the time and had been experiencing headaches

those funds in the communities where they are raised.

and fatigue. when his normally good grades began to fall, lexy knew

what started out as a televised fundraiser has grown into a non-profit

something wasn’t right. joshua went through numerous tests, and it

organization that raises funds for more than 170 hospitals. donations given

was determined that the base of his brain was actually too large for his

to cMn create miracles by funding medical care, research, and education

skull. lexy was partly relieved to know the reason behind the unrelenting

that saves the lives of 17 million children each year in communities

symptoms, but mostly terrified that her son would need to undergo

around the globe.

brain surgery. this experience would become the catalyst for lexy capp’s

in las vegas, cMn has partnered with st. rose dominican hospitals

dedication and commitment to children’s Miracle network.

since 2005. according to debi walsh, director of cMn southern nevada,

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coMMunit y the local spotlight clOcKWiSe fROm lefT: joshua capp presents flowers to the osmonds; © Paul Rich; lexy capp at cMn gala; capp and co-chair jay Barnett © Children’s Miracle Network

about 25,000 children are treated every year at the non-profit hospital.

it is cMn’s belief that every child deserves the hope and healing

in 2008, st. rose provided $65 million in charity or uncompensated care.

provided by children’s hospitals. children of all ages and backgrounds, disease or injury are welcomed at cMn member hospitals to receive

“all the money raised here, stays here,” explains walsh. one of the unique

the vital services they require.

things about cMn in las vegas is that not only does one hundred percent of all local fundraising stay here, but one hundred percent goes directly to

the organization helps hospitals achieve lofty goals such as purchasing

the program. walsh’s salary is paid by st. rose and does not come out of

state-of-the-art equipment for pediatric units, but also supports families

revenue from fundraising. all dollars raised help support the children

with smaller gestures. capp explains that these are the things that help

in the pediatric and neonatal units at the hospitals.

families keep their spirits up during such a stressful time. “when your child is ill or injured, it affects the entire family.”

during the last fiscal year, fundraising increased from $684,000 to $980,000 through special events, donations, and the recognizable

the capp family was fortunate to have excellent health insurance, but

red and yellow Miracle Balloons purchased for $1 by patrons of local

credits cMn with being there for support and expertise. cMn assisted

businesses. walsh and capp both agree that those numbers are

the family by having special snacks and games available for josh’s

remarkable, especially in today’s economy and they refer to one of

younger brother, checking in frequently with the family, and offering

joe lake’s quotes, “that’s why it’s called a miracle.”

help wherever they could.

another astounding aspect of cMn is that no child is ever turned away.

one of the most challenging aspects of joshua’s recovery was the

“if someone comes in without the money to pay for treatment or needs

severe pain resulting from the surgery. every whisper and slight sound

a procedure that is not covered by insurance,” explains capp, “children’s

was magnified. in addition, the part of his brain that was operated on

Miracle network is there to serve that child . . . no matter what.”

triggered nausea. his doctors had warned that there were occasions

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THiS page: donny and Marie perform at the Mardi gras Ball © Children’s Miracle Network

when these patients needed to be put back under anesthesia just

got back to normal, she threw herself into getting involved. “it was such

to relieve the pain. “it was such a terrifying time for all of us,”

a perfect tie-in for me,” she says.

remembers capp. “i don’t know what i would have done without the caring way that cMn embraced us.”

capp’s business, nannies & housekeepers, usa, gives a percentage of the proceeds from babysitting registry bookings to cMn. she was the

one of the most memorable moments was when the reigning Miss america

co-chair for last february’s children’s Miracle Mardi gras Ball that raised

visited joshua and other patients on behalf of cMn. “here is this teenager,

an impressive $631,000. she was overwhelmed by the support offered by

with a shaved head, struggling through this ordeal and in walks Miss america

Marie osmond and donny osmond who performed at the sold-out event.

and puts her crown on his bald head,” capp laughs. “she spent time talking

“we honored the osmonds at the gala,” explains capp. “they were so

with him and ended up taking his mind off everything for a little while.”

gracious, not only to lend their continuous support, but to also bring their

one thing capp really wants local residents to know is that the medical

incredible talent to the evening with a performance.”

care provided at st. rose hospitals, and the doctors affiliated with them,

in a touching moment during the evening, joshua played the piano to

are something for which las vegans should be grateful and proud.

accompany Marie osmond’s performance of a song he wrote about the

“sometimes i hear comments that people are traveling to different states

experience he had with his surgery and cMn that brought everyone to tears.

to seek medical care,” she says. “after my experience with joshua, i know firsthand that we have talented, extraordinary medical providers and care right here in our own community.”

a portion of the lyrics from the song are: “Open up your eyes

during joshua’s hospital stay, capp was so grateful that she made a

What are you trying to find,

commitment to herself to volunteer for this organization that gives so

Running from the world around you?

much to the community she calls home. as joshua recovered and life

Looking deep inside

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coMMunit y the local spotlight THiS page: joshua capp performs © Paul Rich

Isn’t there anything . . . Anything you can do? Open up your heart, What sets you apart From everything around you?” joshua is now 19 and attending college, with plans to pursue a career in film and music. “i think the whole experience really changed him,” says his mom. “he has this amazing, giving spirit and has taken what he has been through and applied that to his music.” capp encourages everyone to talk about cMn and the invaluable service they offer in our community, and to purchase those paper balloons at places like wal-Mart, costco, sam’s club, green valley grocery, and other local retailers. as a business owner herself, she challenges other businesses to get involved. “it’s not just about making money with your business,” she explains. “it’s about making a difference and giving back to a city that has been good to so many of us.” for more information about getting involved or donating to children’s Miracle network, please visit their website at and

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Cox employees at Cox Connects Day to benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs

issue 14

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YMCA performers at Cox Neighborhood Celebration

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coMMunit y the local spotlight THiS page: shopping for new shoes © Kelly McLendon

a p R i l m ccOy

sMiling soles

goodie two shoes foundation holds event to Bring shoes, and sMiles, to local children in need I M A g I N E T H E PA I N O F N O T B E I N g A B L E T O A F F O R D S H O E S F O R y O u R C H I L D R E N . I M A g I N E k N O W I N g T H AT y O u R C H I L D H A S T O S T u F F H I S O R H E R F E E T I N T O S H O E S T H AT A R E T W O S I z E S T O O S M A L L j u S T T O g O T O S C H O O L E A C H D Ay. N O T O N Ly I S I T u N H E A LT H y F O R T H E C H I L D ’ S A N D PA R E N T ’ S S E L F - E S T E E M , I T ’ S u N H E A LT H y F O R P R O P E R g R O W T H . I T ’ S N O T A S I T u AT I O N T H AT I S O N Ly I M A g I N A R y. I N FA C T, I T I S A R E A L I T y F O R M A N y R E S I D E N T S R I g H T H E R E I N T H E L A S V E g A S VA L L E y. according to the clark county school district, there are almost 5,000

a 501(c)3 non-profit that allowed them to expand their mission and set

registered homeless children living in clark county, and more than

goals to partner with other local non-profits.

121,000 kindergarten to 12th grade students on the free or reduced lunch program, meaning that their family income falls at or below

“we wanted to provide a basic necessity in a fun and exciting atmosphere,”

the federal poverty line.

nikki says. “But we didn’t want to just give the children a pair of shoes.”

in 2003, former nfl offensive lineman tony Berti and his wife, author nikki Berti, co-founded the goodie two shoes giveaway, a one-day

the couple wanted to create a sense of empowerment by giving the children the opportunity to select any pair of shoes they wanted from

event to provide disadvantaged children with new shoes. and in 2007,

the stock of traveling inventory. children are paired one-on-one with

the giveaway officially grew into the goodie two shoes foundation (gtsf),

volunteers who make them the center of attention as each child enjoys

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clOcKWiSe fROm lefT: firefighters greet the children at smiling soles; check out those new shoes; a truly smiling soul © Kelly McLendon

the experience of “shopping” for a brand new pair of shoes. the organization

health care issues.” More than 900 community leaders have graduated

gives away 1,500 pairs of shoes annually.

from the program since its inception.

“our class was required to complete a class project as part of the program,”

on March 20, the partnership between the leadership las vegas 2008

says tony, a member of the 2008 leadership las vegas class and

class and goodie two shoes foundation launched smiling soles. so many

co-founder of gtsf. “the class was familiar with my personal foundation—

school-aged children in the valley have never had a new pair of shoes of

we voted and determined to partner with gtsf and outfit 500 clark county

their own and some share a single pair with a sibling, or even a parent.

children in need with shoes, socks, and more.”

Many of these children do not participate in physical education classes

leadership las vegas, a program created by the las vegas chamber of commerce in 1986, is dedicated to developing leaders committed to improving our community through service. chamber members are

and even skip school because they don’t have shoes or clothing that fit, contributing to education deficiency and drop-out rates among children in an already vulnerable population.

encouraged to apply and take part in this ten-month program devoted

the giveaway day was a fun-filled event with over 70 volunteers on-hand

to strengthening and educating current and future community leaders.

to size each little foot and to assist the children as they chose from the

leadership las vegas provides in-depth insights into a variety of issues

wide selection of shoes. gtsf purchased the shoes at a discounted price

impacting residents of southern nevada including, “the history of las vegas,

from local business each child also received 6 pairs of shoes,

gaming and tourism news, government and politics insights, media and

a new toothbrush, and toothpaste. in addition to shoe-shopping excitement,

entertainment scene, business outlooks, technology growth, local education

the children were treated to lunch donated for the event by port of subs.

infrastructure, growth forecast and real estate, construction trends, and

the children also enjoyed spending time with las vegas fire fighters.

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coMMunit y the local spotlight THiS page: smiling soles’ volunteers and shoes © Kelly McLendon

“it was just such a great energy there that day,” says lorraine phelps who was on hand for the event.

to learn more about the goodie two shoes foundation, check out their web site at for more information about the

so, how are the children selected to receive shoes? children who receive shoes and participate in the fun-filled experience of the giveaway event are

leadership las vegas program and its goals and application process, visit the las vegas chamber of commerce web site at

simply selected based on need. “the primary qualifier is a child being on the free or reduced lunch program,” says nikki. “then, individual teachers, counselors, and principals who are familiar with each child’s personal situation help to determine those children who are most in need.” More than 7,500 children in need have been outfitted through the goodie two shoes foundation. “the community really came together in support of this event and many people, organizations, and corporations contributed to its success,” says tony. the goal of the leadership las vegas class of 2008 is not only to provide disadvantaged children with much-needed necessities, but to leave a lasting impression with the participating children that the community really does care. with such great involvement and support from the las vegas community, the event, along with its partners, will be able to fulfill its goals and the hopes of many children in need for many years to come.

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OuT On The

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SuSan G. KOMen race FOr The cure For the second year, BLVDS was proud to be among the many community sponsors of the Susan G. Komen race for the cure Southern nevada. The 14th annual event was held Downtown on May 2nd. This year’s race for the cure was again an emotional and uplifting event with over 15,000 registered participants who walked and ran to raise money to help the organization realize its “vision of a world without breast cancer.” Our loyal readers know that this event holds a special place in the hearts of all of us here at BLVDS. President and Publisher Jan craddock’s twin sister, ann was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and throughout her treatment she has truly been an inspiration to us. For more information about Susan G. Komen race for the cure Southern nevada or to make a donation, please visit their website

TraVeL ISSue Launch ParTy It was an evening of fabulous gourmet wine and cheese tasting in honor of the publication of BLVDS Travel issue. On april 14th we enjoyed the company of many friends and associates at Valley cheese & Wine in henderson. This charming establishment’s generous proprietors Bob howald and his wife Kristen Sande were kind enough to host the event and to guide our guests on a gustatory expedition around the world. We are sincerely grateful to them and to all of you who joined us for this lovely evening. We also want to extend a warm welcome to Kristen as one of our newest editorial Board members. Be sure to bring your family and join us to celebrate the publication of our Kids & Family issue. We’ll be having a kid-friendly good time at the Lied Discovery children’s Museum on Saturday, June 13th at 10:30 am.

Would you like BLVDS to join you at your event? Send us an email at b l vd s l v. c o m

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Learn aBOuT The WOrK OF SPreaD The WOrD neVaDa, KIDS TO KIDS, a LOcaL OrGanIzaTIOn ThaT WOrKS WITh VOLunTeerS anD cOMMunITy ParTnerS TO FOSTer a LOVe OF reaDInG anD BOOK OWnerShIP FOr LOcaL SchOOLchILDren. chaMBer MuSIc haS Been caLLeD The MOST PerSOnaL FOrM OF MuSIcaL exPreSSIOn FOr PerFOrMerS anD auDIenceS aLIKe. LOcaL STuDenT PerFOrMerS GeT a VaLuaBLe OPPOrTunITy TO Learn anD exPreSS TheMSeLVeS MuSIcaLLy DurInG The Green VaLLey chaMBer MuSIc FeSTIVaL. The LaS VeGaS-cLarK cOunTy LIBrary DISTrIcT’S Free SuMMer reaDInG PrOGraM InVITeS KIDS TO Be creaTIVe aT yOur LIBrary!


b l v d s


e n T e r Ta I n M e n T & a c T I V I T I e S

ARTICLES Spread the Word Nevada, Kids to Kids Grass Roots Organization Shares the Joy of Reading with At-Risk Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Green Valley Chamber Music Festival Intimate Musical Form Transforms Young Classical Musicians . . . . . . . . . . . 34 LVCCLD Summer Reading Program Be Creative At Your Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

facing page: Green Valley chamber Music Festival concert © GVCMF

c u LT u r e e n t e r t a i n m e n t & a c t i v i t i e s clOcKWiSe fROm lefT: choosing books; happy young reader; anticipation © Spread the Word Nevada

pa m l a n g

SPreaD The WOrD neVaDa, KIDS TO KIDS GraSS rOOTS OrGanIzaTIOn ShareS The JOy OF reaDInG WITh aT-rISK STuDenTS

E V E R y W E D N E S D Ay, AT A L o C A L E L E M E N TA R y S C h o o L , A N E I G h T - y E A R o L D G I R L K E E P S o N E E y E o N h E R A S S I G N M E N T A N D T h E o T h E R o N T h E C L A S S R o o M D o o R . S h E I S WA I T I N G F o R A F R I E N D T o A R R I V E .

Together, the two will find a quiet place in the corner of the library,

individually with students to focus on further development of that

or on nice days, a bench under a tree in the courtyard and spend an

student’s reading proficiency, comprehension, and verbal recitation skills.

hour reading to each other.

Spread the Word nevada, Kids to Kids, is a local non-profit corporation,

Out of this new friendship sprouts a young reader that, by the end of the

dedicated to advancing early childhood literacy through various programs

school year, has gained the self confidence and skills to read closer to, or

in nevada’s at-risk communities. The brainchild of founder Laurie hartig,

sometimes even above, her grade level. For the mentor, it’s difficult to decide

almost eight years ago, it began as a way to help at-risk students own

who is getting the bigger gift, the student or herself. They are “book buddies,”

books of their own in an effort to create a solid reading environment.

part of a program implemented by Spread the Word nevada, Kids to Kids.

hartig was working as a ccSD elementary school librarian at a transitioning

Books & Buddies is a reading mentorship program that partners volunteers

at-risk school where she witnessed daily what the joy of books created

from Southern nevada’s senior centers, businesses, and communities

for children, especially for those children who were able to own books and

with children attending at-risk elementary schools. Volunteers partner

build their own home libraries. During book fairs there would always be a

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ThiS page: Spread the Word Volunteers in action © Spread the Word Nevada

few students who did not have the funds to match their desire to purchase

help and three months into the program partnered with fellow teacher,

a book. Laurie would place discarded library books on a table, allowing

Lisa habighorst, who took on the position of executive Director.

those students to choose a book to take home. at first, books were collected solely through book drives hosted at “I saw, very informally, a change in those students,” hartig remembers.

local schools. all books were “gently used,” some a little less “gently”

“I knew, just from watching them, what the ownership of books meant.”

than others, resulting in long nights of cleaning and repairing books.

around the time she left her position at the library, she ran across an

“We realized a long time ago, that we were going to need a lot of help in

article about a program based out of Massachusetts that collected new

getting these books cleaned and sorted into grade levels,” says habighorst.

and gently used books and gave them to at-risk students. “I decided

Kids to Kids now enlists the help of five local senior centers to help with

that this is what needed to happen in our area, and I began doing some

the cleaning process.

research with ccSD Library Services,” explains hartig. “We pounded out the program that exists now.” Through research of local at-risk households, they found that although

although today, there is occasional grant money to purchase new books, most books are still donated through a variety of paths. Over 20,000 books

many families took advantage of school and public libraries, most

are donated every month, partially with the assistance of schools around

had few books of their own. The flagship program, Kids to Kids,

the district participating in book drives. Students bring in the books they

reaches out to children (grades Pre-K to 5) in low income areas by

wish to contribute to the program. “This part of the program just makes

providing them with new and gently used books to develop their very

so much sense,” hartig explains. “everybody benefits because the children

own “keep at home” library. The program’s objective is to enhance the

that donate books learn about philanthropy, and they get just as much of a

reading abilities of and instill a deep appreciation for reading during

gift as the children who will receive the books . . . it’s a great circle.”

the formative stage in the lives of these children.

Goodwill has also been a vital partner from the beginning. They contribute

The simple idea of collecting and distributing books soon turned into

over a 1,000 books weekly. collection sites are set up at all local Barnes

something that was working. hartig realized quickly that she would need

& noble stores along with several other local businesses across the valley.

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c u LT u r e e n t e r t a i n m e n t & a c t i v i t i e s

David Lowe, advisor; Gene McAteer, advisor; Shane Rogers, vice president; Mark Yandric, advisor; Gerrilynn Knox, administrative assistant.

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clOcKWiSe fROm lefT: reading is fun; The joy of ownership © Spread the Word Nevada

after collection, cleaning, and sorting, books are sent back out into the

after just over seven years of dedication to eradicate illiteracy, Kids to Kids

world to schools that have been “adopted” by Kids to Kids. “We really

distributed their one millionth book in February. hartig and habighorst

intended, in the beginning, to choose one school and provide every single

give all of the credit to their dedicated board of directors and staff along

child in that school with a book to take home,” says hartig. “Soon we found

with invaluable and dedicated community partners. “We just keep moving,”

we had extra resources and slowly we began to add schools.”

says habighorst. “We never set out to reach a goal of a million books, but we

Though at-risk schools are determined by the school district to be at 60% or

are so pleased that we are able to help shape the lives of so many children.”

higher for free or reduced lunch, Kids to Kids raises that level to 80% or more.

The vision that Spread the Word nevada began with has stayed firmly in

“There are 103 at-risk schools on that list,” explains habighorst. “and we have

their view, even though they have had to overcome many stumbling blocks

23 left that we would like to adopt.”

along the way. Much like learning to read, they recognized when they

School adoption day with Kids to Kids is an experience that the organization wishes everyone could witness. assemblies are held that include every single teacher and student. The announcement that Kids to Kids is adopting the school is preceded by months of preparation by a small but very effective Kids to Kids staff. Students are absorbed in a high-spirited presentation about the adventures and the magic of reading that helps build the anticipation and excitement.

needed help, overcame those obstacles, and encouraged each other along the way. May 4, 2009, was declared Spread the Word nevada Day by the city of Las Vegas, honoring the organization for the quiet but invaluable work they do for the city. coinciding with their award, Kids to Kids adopted their 18th school this May and intends to reach their goal of serving every at-risk school in the district. If you would like to volunteer to mentor a young reader in the

“When I finally announce that we are adopting their school, and they will all

Books & Buddies program or donate books please go to

be taking home books that day, it always amazes me what the reaction is,” for more information.

laughs habighorst. “you would think I was telling them they were each getting an iPod, but they are so extremely excited that they are getting books!”

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c u LT u r e e n t e r t a i n m e n t & a c t i v i t i e s h e K T O R e S pa R z a

Green VaLLey chaMBer MuSIc FeSTIVaL InTIMaTe MuSIcaL FOrM TranSFOrMS yOunG cLaSSIcaL MuSIcIanS

J u S T F o u R y E A R S A G o T h E G R E E N VA L L E y C h A M b E R M u S I C F E S T I VA L ( G V C M F ) WA S I N I T S I N FA N C y. L A u N C h E D A S A L A b o R o F L o V E b y I N T E R N AT I o N A L Ly A C C o M P L I S h E D M u S I C I A N S E N R I C o E L I S I A N D S h A K E h G h o u K A S I A N , I T S F u T u R E WA S u N C E R TA I N .

Today it stands as a cultural gem in the Las Vegas Valley, providing students

form takes its roots from musicians who pursued its repertoire for their

ages 14-21 a unique opportunity to cultivate their talents at an extremely

own satisfaction rather than for the amusement of others.

high level. For audience members, it means getting a chance to hear some of the most devoted young players get a jumpstart on promising careers

as Shakeh Ghoukasian, dean of the nevada School of the arts explains,

in the world of classical music.

“chamber music started out as a way for musicians to gather socially,

The festival is a week-long event put on annually by the nevada School of the arts in partnership with the university of nevada, Las Vegas. auditions are held in March, and this year’s festival will be held august 10-16 at unLV.

just for fun in the beginning of the 18th century in the salons of the aristocracy.” Part of what makes it so engaging is the way this influenced the pieces of music written for the form. “Most students don’t get to experience this kind of repertoire until they get to college.”

It follows that that this festival was conceived by musicians motivated purely by the love of chamber music and the desire to share it with

“It has evolved in a very interesting way,” says Ghoukasian. “ The chamber

serious students and appreciative audiences. The intricate and engaging

music of hayden is totally different from Brahms or from Bartok.

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ThiS page: young musicians in action © GVCMF

Much of it became very challenging and complex. For concert stages you

on stage. It is really them making their own artistic decisions and yet

don’t just play Bartok for fun.”

delivering what the composer’s vision was. If you are in an orchestra, well, pretty much the conductor makes those decisions. When you are

Jason Gee, a 17-year-old violinist who has been part of the festival since its beginning offers, “The thing about chamber music is that it is just so diverse. you can play Mozart which can be really playful, or you can play very complex serious pieces or even tangos.” another returning student-performer, caitlin Stokes, says, “It is really fun because during the rest of the year I don’t play chamber music. So this is a week

in a chamber music situation, you have more freedom to contribute.” another aspect on which performers and faculty emphatically agree is the intimacy of playing in a small group. “It is much more intricate than a full orchestra. you can hear the interaction between the instruments especially if you are hearing piano and strings. you work with other players of your ability and of your age, but you are also very responsible. It’s like being a soloist because it’s such a small group,” says Ghoukasian.

when I can look forward to playing a lot of chamber music with my friends.” “It’s a happy medium between solo playing and orchestra. There is more yet as enjoyable as the whole experience is for both the students and

pressure on you because you are the only person playing a part. But sometimes

faculty, it is an endeavor not to be taken lightly. “It is very intense,” says

I like it better because there is more focus on the individual,” says Stokes.

Ghoukasian. “Some students don’t realize how intense it is until the rehearsal week starts. It’s rehearsals and coaching every day. There are 45 students each with a separate schedule based on which ensemble they’re in, and it

“It’s really professional because you may be working with friends or with someone you just met five minutes ago and you have to make it work,” says Gee. The repertoire, the closeness, and the overall rigor have

can be very demanding.”

a real and lasting cumulative effect on the student-performers.

Ghoukasian continues, “There is something to be said for musicians who

as Ghoukasian explains, “It’s amazing how some of the students have changed.

can come and take this wonderful music and accomplish this goal together

In fact, we didn’t do auditions for two years because we just decided that

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c u LT u r e e n t e r t a i n m e n t & a c t i v i t i e s clOcKWiSe fROm lefT: On stage at Doc rando hall; young violinist; On the cello © GVCMF

we would give the previous year’s students the opportunity to come back

Both will also be held in rando hall. This week of chamber music

if they wanted to. But this year we have a new artistic director (Taras Krysa)

will finish with a gala concert held on august 16th at 3 p.m.

and we had them try out again, and it was great to listen to every one of them again. you see a different person emerging with different abilities.

For more information about the Green Valley chamber Music Festival including concert schedules and application process, please visit

That is exciting from an educator’s perspective.”

their website at at the end of the week there is traditionally one faculty concert and at least two student chamber ensemble concerts. These are formal recitals followed by one big finale that is a chamber orchestra concert performed exclusively by the students. as Stokes boasts, “I have seen it grow over the years. I have definitely noticed that there are much more than just family and friends in the audience. The people that come really enjoy it. I just want more people to know about it because it is truly a wonderful week of music.” GVcMF performances begin on august 10th at 7:30 pm with an opening violin recital featuring Byung Lim at Doc rando recital hall in the Beam Music center on the campus of unLV. The faculty recital will be held on august 14th at a soon to be announced location in Summerlin. Two young artist concerts will take place on august 15th at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

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p aT m a R v e l

LVccLD SuMMer reaDInG PrOGraM Be creaTIVe aT yOur LIBrary!

Studies suggest that children who read as few as 20 books over the summer

60 short films from around the world including animation, live action,

maintain the level of reading skills they achieved during the preceding

and documentary clustered in one-hour blocks for different age groups.

school year. Summer reading also encourages children to read for fun, and

admission to all Library District programs is free.

there’s no better way to encourage summer reading fun than to have your child participate in the Las Vegas-clark county Library District’s free,

“express yourself @ the Library” is the Summer reading Program for teens

annual summer reading program, June 1 through July 31.

in grade six and up. For every five books or five hours read, teens can select

Kids who sign up will receive a reading log to track their accomplishments. For every five books or five hours of reading, kids can select a prize from the summer reading treasure chest. When they reach 20 spaces, each child will earn a gold medal.

a prize from the treasure chest. When they complete 20 hours of reading or 20 books, they earn a final prize and a chance at the grand prize of a $50 gift certificate from Target. a grand prize winner will be drawn at each of the Library District branches.

Programs include puppet shows, sing-alongs, crafts, music and dance, and a

For more information about the 2009 Summer reading Program, visit the

magic show. Mad Science will offer a scientific concoction of fun and learning.

web site at, call 734.reaD, or pick up informational materials at

The Las Vegas International children’s Film Festival will showcase more than

your favorite library.

Find Your Passion! Cedar City

Our 2009 Season

As You Like It • Henry V • The Comedy of Errors Private Lives • The Secret Garden • Foxfire Tuesdays with Morrie • The Woman in Black The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)

JuneÊ 29Ê Ð Ê OctoberÊ 17 800-PLAYTIX • Michael David Edwards in Cyrano de Bergerac, 2008.

viSiT BlvDSlv.cOm fOR mORe DeTailS On all evenTS c u LT u r e e n t e r t a i n m e n t & a c t i v i t i e s

clark county centennial celebration: 1909 – 2009

evenTS june

NoW - DECEMbER 31, 2009 Clark County Museum

The Buddy holly Story

NoW - JuNE 20, 2009 Super Summer Theatre Spring Mountain Ranch State Park 895-2878,

The 11th annual cinevegas film festival

gallery exhibit – ed Klein

NoW - JuNE 26, 2009 City of Henderson Henderson Multigenerational Center

“liberace and me” cabaret Series featuring philip fortenberry

NoW - JuNE 27, 2009 T-W-SAT 1:00 p.m. Liberace Museum Cabaret Showroom 798-5595,

Warner, Watkins: new Work and collaborations by mary Warner and helga Watkins

NoW - AuGuST 07, 2009 Rosemary’s Restaurant 869-9002,

gROSSOlOgY: The (impolite) Science of the human Body

NoW - SEPTEMbER 07, 2009 Lied Discovery Children’s Museum 382-KIDS,


NoW - oCTobER 14, 2009 Tuacahn Amphitheatre St. George Utah 435-652-3300,

NoW - oCTobER 16, 2009 Tuacahn Amphitheatre St George Utah 435-652-3300,

L a s Ve g a s

JuNE 17, 2009 11:30 a.m. & 2 p.m. City of Las Vegas Charleston Heights Arts Center 229-6383,

percival irish Dancers JuNE 17, 2009 1 p.m. City of Las Vegas Reed Whipple Cultural Center

Reggae in The Desert

JuNE 13, 2009 2-11 p.m. Clark County Special Events Clark County Amphitheater

frank marino and friends

JuNE 13, 2009 3 p.m. Las Vegas Clark County Library District West Las Vegas Library

jazz on the green

JuNE 13, 2009 7 p.m. Centennial Hills Park Amphitheatre 229-1087,

2nd Sundays music in the museum JuNE 14, 2009 12-4 p.m. Liberace Museum 798-5595,

las vegas Youth camerata concert


40 B L V D S

JuNE 10 -15, 2009 CineVegas Palms Casino Resort and Brenden Theatres 888-8VeGaS8,

michael cooper masked marvels & Wondertales

JuNE 14, 2009 2 p.m. Clark County Winchester Cultural Center

kids & family

issue 14

Backyard farmers market

JuNE 20, 2009 8 a.m. - noon Clark County Winchester Cultural Center

World vibration Kaminari Taiko

JuNE 21, 2009 Clark County Winchester Cultural Center

father’s Day Brunch

Ringling Bros and Barnum Bailey “The greatest Show on earth!” JuNE 18 - 21, 2009 Orleans Arena

las vegas philharmonic pops goes to the extreme...with artist jean francois JuNE 20, 2009 8 p.m. City of Henderson Henderson Pavilion 267-2171,

vino di lago JuNE 20, 2009 7-10 p.m. MonteLago Village mdavinodilago

a One night Stand with augusten Burroughs JuNE 20, 2009 7 p.m. Las Vegas Clark County Library District Clark County Library

JuNE 21, 2009 noon - 4 p.m. Las Vegas Springs Preserve 822-7705,

The Secret garden

JuNE 27, 2009 8 p.m. CineVegas Las Vegas Springs Preserve 822-7705,

a Tribute to judy garland

JuNE 28, 2009 2 p.m. Las Vegas Clark County Library District Whitney Library

Ribbon of life

JuNE 28, 2009 1 p.m. Golden Rainbow Las Vegas Hilton

utah Shakespearean festival Summer Season JuNE 29 - AuGuST 29, 2009 Southern Utah University 800-PLayTIx,

b l vd s l v. c o m

viSiT BlvDSlv.cOm fOR mORe DeTailS On all evenTS j u lY

first friday las vegas

JuLy 03, 2009 6-10 p.m. Downtown Las Vegas

independence Day

JuLy 04, 2009 6-9 p.m. City of Henderson Henderson Events Plaza

4th of july fireworks & jazz

JuLy 04, 2009 MonteLago Village

Star Spangled Spectacular

JuLy 04, 2009 6 p.m. Las Vegas Philharmonic Las Vegas Springs Preserve 822-7705,

61st annual Boulder city Damboree celebration

JuLy 04, 2009 Boulder City

gallery exhibit – gary Reese

JuLy 06 - 31, 2009 City of Henderson Henderson Multigenerational Center

West Side Story

The 25th annual putnam county Spelling Bee JuLy 10 - 26, 2009 Las Vegas Little Theatre

3rd annual chefs Wine & Spirits Too

AuGuST 13, 2009 5:30 p.m. University of Southern Nevada Ritz-Carlton Lake Las Vegas 968-2055,

lift Your Spirits

JuLy 11, 2009 7-10 p.m. The District at GVR

vino di lago

JuLy 18, 2009 7-10 p.m. MonteLago Village mdavinodilago

an afternoon with norm clarke and Tony curtis

JuLy 19, 2009 2 p.m. Las Vegas Clark County Library District Clark County Library

Tears of joy Theatre performing Stellaluna

JuLy 23, 2009 2 & 7 p.m. City of Las Vegas Historic Fifth Street School 229-2496, auguST

first friday las vegas

AuGuST 13 - 29, 2009 Super Summer Theatre Spring Mountain Ranch State Park 594-PLay,

Disney’s high School musical: Summer celebration

AuGuST 14 - 15, 2009 7 p.m. City of Henderson Henderson Pavilion

vino di lago

AuGuST 15, 2009 7-10 p.m. MonteLago Village mdavinodilago/

SEPTEMbER 12, 2009 SEPTEMbER 13, 2009 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. City of Henderson Henderson Events Plaza 267-2171,

2009 Spread the Word nevada Storybook gala SEPTEMbER 12, 2009 5:30 p.m. Spread the Word Nevada The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino

SEPTEMbER 12, 2009 5:30 p.m. Opportunity Village The Bitter Root Ranch

AuGuST 21, 2009 AFAN

elton john and Tim Rice’s aiDa

AuGuST 25 - oCTobER 17, 2009 Tuacahn Amphitheatre St. George, Utah 435-652-3300,

nevada State fair

AuGuST 26 - 30, 2009 Reno Livestock Events Center 775-688-5767,

David chicken The live Show

green valley chamber music festival


b l vd s l v. c o m

prince Kuhio ho’olaule’a pacific islands festival

miss Kitty’s jeans to jewels Black & White party

AuGuST 07, 2009 6-10 p.m. Downtown Las Vegas

AuGuST 10 - 16, 2009 Rando Recital Hall

SEPTEMbER 11, 2009 6:30 p.m. The Godfather of Las Vegas and Big Brothers Big Sisters LAVO inside Palazzo

Once upon an island

JuLy 09 - 25, 2009 Super Summer Theatre Spring Mountain Ranch State Park 895-2878,

JuLy 09, 2009 2 & 7 p.m. City of Las Vegas Historic Fifth Street School

The BiX mix


mutts on main Street SEPTEMbER 12, 2009 11a.m. - 2 p.m.

utah Shakespearean festival fall Season SEPTEMbER 18 - oCTobER 17, 2009 Southern Utah University 800-PLayTIx,

Reasons to be pretty

SEPTEMbER 11 - 26, 2009 Super Summer Theatre Spring Mountain Ranch State Park 895-2878,

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SEPTEMbER 18 - 27, 2009 Nevada Conservatory Theatre Black Box Theatre 895-arTS,

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ExtrEmE makEovEr: HomE Edition pRoVIDED thE cERDa famILY wIth a BRaND-NEw homE to REpLacE thE pooRLY-BUILt StRUctURE whoSE moLD BUILD-Up waS DamaGING thEIR chILDREN’S aLREaDY fRaGILE hEaLth. LEaRN aBoUt thIS ExtRaoRDINaRY famILY aND thEIR EffoRtS to aDVocatE foR othERS IN oUR commUNItY. ENGINEERING StUDENtS fRom thE aLExaNDER DawSoN SchooL compEtED, aND woN, REGIoNaLLY aND NatIoNaLLY wIth cItIES thEY DESIGNED wIth thE fUtURE IN mIND.

thE LocaL SpotLIGht

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aRchItEctURE & StYLE

ARTICLES Extreme Home Makeover Local Family Proves that Doing Good is Good for You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Alexander Dawson School Engineers Students Engineer City Life as it Might Be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

this page: Let the demolition begin © kelly mcLendon

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faciNg page: Raise the roof © kelly mcLendon

sara NuNN

ExtREmE homE maKEoVER

LocaL famILY pRoVES that DoING GooD IS GooD foR YoU O n T H E M Ay 1 0 T H E p I S O D E O f p O p u L A R A B C p R O g R A M E x t r E m E m a k E o v E r : H o m E E d i t i o n , v I E w E R S L E A R n E D A B O u T T H E p L I g H T O f L A S v E g A S ’ O w n C E R D A fA M I Ly.

A S I T T u R n E D O u T, T H E R E A L H E R O E S w E R E n ’ T j u S T T H E


the long move toward getting on the show began over three years ago,

immune systems, molly and maggie are so vulnerable to disease that even

with a nomination via YahooGroups from a group focused on people with

a cold can be life-threatening, as such mild illnesses can easily progress to

immune deficiency illnesses. the cerdas, parents terri and chuck and

pneumonia. this prevents them from engaging in ordinary activities ranging

children molly and maggie, were initially rejected for the show. “we’d been

from going to school to even taking a trip to the grocery store without needing

disqualified for Extreme makeover,” terri explains. “they’d called and said

to wear a mask. mother terri suffers from a milder version of the disease.

‘your house looks too nice.’ they couldn’t get past the fact that cosmetically the house looked very nice.” Viewers of the show will recall the parallel drawn with the family itself: while on the outside the cerdas look like a typical happy, attractive family, a closer look reveals what’s going on

It’s particularly unfortunate then that the cerdas were sold such a poorly constructed home in 2004 while molly was in intensive care. In their time in that house, the cerdas dealt with structural problems that led to flooding

beneath the sunny exterior.

and the buildup of mold, with damage so extensive that an engineer said

maggie, 7, and molly, 8, have both been diagnosed with combined Immune

In addition to the impossible expense of such an operation, the cerdas

Deficiency Disease (cIDD). this immune disorder echoes the symptoms

faced a much more immediate problem—the house was damaging their

known colloquially as the “boy in the bubble” syndrome. with deeply troubled

children’s already fragile health.

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their only course of action was to tear the house down entirely and rebuild.

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DESIGN architecture & style clockwise from left: the cerda family; Goodbye hugs from the cast; ty pennington rallies the troops © kelly mcLendon

But the cerda family wasn’t just a great match for the show due to their

“Districts have homebound programs that are typically three hours a

circumstances. the show’s focus on volunteerism and community service

week of school, and when you have a kid that’s long-term homebound,

is echoed in their own lives. chuck cerda currently works for homeland

like molly and maggie, we don’t know if they’ll ever be able to go to school.

Security as a police officer, while terri spent many years working for

You can’t educate a child in three hours a week. homebound Kids is a

global relief efforts, including search and rescue and disaster relief.

program designed to advocate for those children and help bring the

these days terri stays at home with the children, home-schooling them

classroom to them and give them a really rich educational experience.”

as well as running two charitable foundations. one, artful hearts, calls on

terri brings up a poignant point about the difficulties faced by families

terri’s talents as an artist: she paints murals in hospitals, focusing on

like hers, and the reasons she does what she does: “they’re trying to

children’s wards where her bright, cheerful art can best be appreciated.

keep their child alive. they’re trying to spend sometimes their last days

In addition to this, she calls on an even more unique talent: “I build Native

with their child, and they are trying to be a nurse, and they don’t have

american-style flutes from scratch,” terri explains. “many of the flutes are

the energy to fight for their child’s education. So they figure they’re

actually gifted to the children themselves, so some of the really high end

dying anyway, so why give them an education and fight for that. we want

flutes go to the older kids who are hospitalized. they’re great because it’s

to spend their dying days teaching them how much we love them, and

not only something very spiritual that helps their soul a lot, but for kids who

spending that time with them. homebound Kids is all about realizing that

have respiratory problems, it helps to keep their lungs clear. ” additional

those kids are very worthwhile, and that for their self-esteem, being actual

flutes go to auction, the proceeds of which go back to the foundation.

functioning people in society, that they need to feel like they have a place,

terri also recently launched the National homebound children’s Education foundation, which seeks to advocate for families like hers. “a lot of children,

and not just be told that they’re dying, to give up, that we’re not going to teach them anymore.”

when they’re diagnosed with cancer or other physically disabling diseases

Not surprisingly, Extreme makeover: Home Edition brought about great

that prevent them from being able to go to school long term, the school

things for others beyond just the cerdas. the show’s week-long stay in

districts and education system don’t work with them really well,” terri says.

Las Vegas was a boon for the city, with over 1,000 hotel rooms rented by

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DESIGN architecture & style this page: move that bus! © kelly mcLendon

staff and volunteers, along with the attendant meals and entertainment.

So at the end of the day, it’s natural that terri’s thoughts and thanks turn

In addition to the tourism boost, helped along by the free shuttle provided

outward to the community responsible for her family’s beautiful new

by the city to take curious tourists and locals to the building site, local

home and increased quality of life. “there are not enough ‘thank yous’

companies pitched in to offer services and products to the family. the home

for what happened here,” she says. “I’d heard that the crowd that was out

was put together by wright custom homes and wright Engineers, who used

front was full of people who had lost their jobs, who had lost their homes,

the enthusiasm of hundreds of local volunteers to build the cerdas their

even a family who was a finalist for the show came out and built this

real dream home. Raising cane’s and the Bank of Nevada also accepted

house for us. the stories are just absolutely amazing. I have been told that

donations for the cerdas. the last two days of filming even saw a blood

normally that they have a really hard time pulling a big enough volunteer

drive set up with an influx of volunteers.

group together for these builds, but in this situation they turned around

this all echoes the cerdas’ approach to philanthropy: doing good is good for you. “one thing for our family, when we advocate for something like the Immune Deficiency foundation, or for my children for an education or for my children to continue to receive the medication they receive, it isn’t

and had 3,700 people that they couldn’t give volunteer opportunities to. It’s the smallest house, the smallest lot, but the biggest heart came out of this community. they said they had never had a community go nuts the way the Las Vegas community went for this.”

only about my children,” terri says. “we look at it from a broad perspective

If you missed the cerdas on Extreme makeover: Home Edition as aired on

and say, ‘okay, how can we set an example and make a change for all kids

may 10, check it out for free at

who are affected by this, not just my children?’ I have a lot of energy that I think most parents who are fighting the things my kids are fighting don’t have, but the focus on those things is what makes me more able to live

find out more about the cerdas’ foundations, artful hearts and homebound Kids, as well as how you can help, by visiting

with the things we live with as a family. It takes the focus away from our own selfish problems and puts it somewhere else, so that we can think of someone else instead.”

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My child:

needed greater flexibility.


My choice:

is Odyssey Charter School. FOR MANY FAMILIES, following their passions is a way of life. That’s why parents find that their children need more time to pursue interests that they really care about – like theatre, music, arts or sports – they choose Odyssey Charter Schools. Through an innovative online learning platform combined with intensive personal instruction on a weekly basis, we provide families the flexibility they need for their children to learn at home. That way, there’s more time for what they’re passionate about – and more learning too. And because we’re sponsored by the Clark County School District, the curriculum is high quality and is provided at no cost. It’s educational freedom that’s absolutely free.


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DESIGN architecture & style this page: and the winners are . . . © the alexander dawson School

Jessica campBell


p E R H A p S I T I S D I f f I C u LT f O R S O M E p E O p L E T O I M A g I n E L I f E I n T H E 2 2 n D C E n T u R y, B u T n O T f O R T H E S T u D E n T S O f C A M I L L E M c C u E ’ S E n g I n E E R I n g C L A S S AT T H E A L E x A n D E R D Aw S O n S C H O O L AT R A I n B O w M O u n TA I n . n O T O n Ly H Av E T H E S E S T u D E n T S T H O u g H T A B O u T w H AT L I f E w O u L D B E L I k E I n A f u T u R E C I T y, T H E y H Av E B u I LT E L A B O R AT E M O D E L S O f H O w T H E C I T y M I g H T L O O k A n D f u n C T I O n , D O w n T O T H E M O S T S p E C I f I C D E TA I L S .

the students in grades 7 and 8 work in teams to conduct research and make

nothing is wasted. Each city is self-sustaining and each element of the

their future city come to fruition. first, they use a computer program to

city functions realistically. this requires the students to think about their

shape and mold the city’s infrastructure. ms. mccue urges the students

cities scientifically, mathematically, and practically. the students work for

to envision clean sources of energy and solutions that will better the

months on their individual concepts, with the help of ms. mccue and input

environment and slow the rate of environmental decline. Students were

from their mentor, local engineer and Dawson parent himself, Dr. David

also given the challenge to create a closed-loop water system, which

James, who is particularly helpful when it comes to making sure things

would allow each future home to save, treat, and reuse water efficiently.

are accurate and of proper scale.

once the computer models have been designed, the actual cities

the next step is the regional future city competition in which each

themselves are built by hand from mostly recycled materials.

group showcases their creations. here in Las Vegas, regionals were held

Students must carefully consider how they use their space so that

in January and the Dawson students’ hard work paid off as they swept

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clockwise from left: alpha Luna prime; Building bridges; Young engineers at work © the alexander dawson School

the awards. the four competing cities from Dawson were: aqua Nova—

when asked if their experiences with the engineering class at Dawson and

a manmade city at sea by chase LaBar, Justine Leavitt, and Sean Kirmani

the future city competition have made the students consider possible

which earned them two awards, including “most Efficient water Distribution

careers in engineering some day, each student said it is a definite possibility.

System;” petville, a city designed with animals in mind by Jennifer Rose,

“I would like to be an engineer or a writer,” says annie Youchah of the

Kelly martin, and Stetson alexander which won “Best Use of Natural Resources;”

aqua Nova team, “and I think that everyone should know how fabulous

New Las Vegas—a future model of how our very own city might look in the

our teacher, ms. mccue, is. She is really amazing.”

22nd century by Ellie crawford, alex fike, and annie Youchah, which won “Best presentation” and “Best model;” and finally, alpha Luna prime— a moon colony by Dayne fernandez, michael Kwok, and Zachary Shaffer which won “Best computer model” and the esteemed award of first place. their win gave the alpha Luna prime students a chance to compete at the

the Dawson team is confident that at next year’s competition they will go even further than they have before. with such intelligent and talented students, dedicated and invested teachers and mentors, it is certain that real-life future cities will be shaped by the visions of these bright young minds.

national competition in washington, D.c., in february. the students created a very impressive moon colony, fully equipped with maglev trains, anti-matter collection facility, hydroponics facility, mineral processing center, oxygen processing and Distribution center, and water processing facility. the students even took part in a teleconference with scientists from NaSa and Biosphere II to help their model become as scientifically accurate as possible. though they did not win first place at the national competition, the team brought home an award for “Best Use of aerospace technology in a future city” from the american Institute of aeronautics and astronautics.

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F L AV O R d i n i n g & r e t a i l 52 B L V D S

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iF yOu’Ve eVeR DReAmeD OF jOining the ciRcuS, yOu’LL Be thRiLLeD tO knOw it’S nOt tOO LAte! the SAnDOu theAtRicAL ciRcuS SchOOL OFFeRS ADuLt wORkShOpS, cAmpS, BiRthDAy pARtieS, AnD cLASSeS in juggLing, cLOwning, gymnASticS, AnD mORe. it’S hARD tO mAke heALthy chOiceS with SupeR-SizeD pORtiOnS AnD FASt FOOD AROunD eVeRy cORneR. the LieD DiScOVeRy chiLDRen’S muSeum’S new exhiBit, “it’S yOuR chOice,” uSeS inteRActiVe cOmpOnentS tO teAch kiDS (AnD theiR gROwn-upS!) ABOut the impORtAnce OF nutRitiOn AnD heALthy eAting hABitS.

the LOcAL SpOtLight

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D i n i n g & R e tA i L

ARTICLES Sandou Theatrical Circus School Making Childhood Dreams Come True . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Lied “It’s Your Choice” Nutrition Exhibit New Exhibit Encourages Healthy Eating Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

facing page: Sandou clown in action © Scalia Family

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facing page: clowning around © Scalia Family

K i m B e R LY s c h a e f e R

SAnDOu theAtRicAL ciRcuS SchOOL mAking chiLDhOOD DReAmS cOme tRue

W h E N Y o u W E R E A C h I L d, d I d Y o u E v E R d R E A m o f R u N N I N g AWAY T o j o I N T h E C I R C u S ? W h AT I f Y o u S T I L L C o u L d d o j u S T T h AT ? A N d W h AT I f Y o u C o u L d TA k E Y o u R o W N C h I L d R E N W I T h Y o u o N Y o u R A d v E N T u R E ? W o u L d Y o u ?

Realizing this childhood fantasy is possible right here in Las Vegas at the

After landing in Las Vegas, the brothers started their own production

Sandou theatrical circus School. Founded by two brothers who really did join

company, Sandou productions, which creates circus shows and offers up

the circus in their youth, Sandou is the first and only school for circus arts in

the talents of a long roster of international performers for parties,

Las Vegas and one of only a few located in the united States. the school is

events, and even nBA half-time shows. the brothers have also worked

housed in a 7,000-square-foot warehouse space with soaring ceilings that

in other shows here in town, around the country, and recently returned

allow for the bravest students to partake in high-flying acts of circus daring.

from months of performances on the north American portion of Britney Spears’ Circus concert tour. the brothers will rejoin the tour for

Brothers Sergei and konstantin Sandou began their own careers in the circus world when they attended circus school in their home country of

Spears’ summer european appearances including stops in London, paris, helsinki, warsaw, and their former home base of moscow.

moldova. they began their professional performing careers as members of the moldova State circus. eventually Sergei and konstantin moved on

Despite a long and varied career in an industry synonymous with fantasy

to perform with the moscow State circus. they came to the u.S. in 1992

and dreams, the founding of Sandou theatrical circus School three

as part of the Ringling Brothers circus. “After two years touring with the

years ago was truly the realization of a life-long dream. it offered the

Ringling Brothers, i woke up in Las Vegas,” says Sergei with a smile.

Sandous the opportunity to pass down their centuries old skills to a new

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F L AV O R d i n i n g & r e t a i l This page: Lauren and Billy enjoy the show © Scalia Family

generation. in addition to the Sandou brothers, coaches and instructors

in a brand new way. the Sandous’ workshops offer benefits such as

at the school are “among the circus world’s most gifted performers” and

“team building, communication, and working with others to achieve a

include a former Romanian Olympic gymnast and a former member of

common goal” along with the development of “respect for the skills of

the u.S. national gymnastics team.

others, whatever they may be.”

initially the studio was intended as rehearsal space for the Sandou brothers

circus camps are offered in summer, winter, and spring at Sandou and

because they needed a high ceiling to practice their signature skill,

are a fun and exciting way to keep busy children busy—especially during

the Russian bar. the Sandous also offered their studio as a place to

hot Las Vegas summers that limit outdoor time. campers learn tumbling,

be rented by other performers including people from cirque du Soleil

gymnastics, tight wire walking, aerial silk and loop, juggling, unicycle

productions here on the Strip. “then we started getting calls from parents

riding, and stilt walking, all under the supervision of professional circus

about classes for kids,” Sergei explains. “then we saw that we could do

artists. the coaches work with the kids according to their individual

something fun for kids in the community. that was the beginning.”

abilities and, no doubt, level of fearlessness. Says Sergei, “they have so

the school is a colorful, inviting place where children, teens, and adults

much fun, at the end of the day they don’t want to leave.”

can participate in workshops, camps, and classes and perform skills they

Summer camps for children ages five and up at Sandou begin in early june

never thought imaginable—all while safely under the guidance of

and run through August. camps are weekly and each day the children begin

experienced professionals. workshops are available for private events like

at 9 a.m. and finish at 1 p.m. prices begin at $125 for the first week. Additional

corporate team building, conventions, and conferences as well as school

weeks are offered at discounted prices, as is registration for additional

groups or parties. the workshops can last up to a full day and can feature

children. extended care is available until 5 p.m. for an additional charge.

learning opportunities in a broad selection of basic circus skills, or participants can focus on a specific skill such as juggling, clowning, tight rope walking,

when mysty cain-Scalia began looking for indoor activities that would be

or gymnastics. Facing unfamiliar situations requires groups to work together

appropriate for her then two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, isabella, she

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cLocKwise fRom LefT: isabella performs; nicole bungees; Lauren spins © Scalia Family

discovered Sandou theatrical circus School online. She got isabella signed

loved it so much. they were just really helpful with letting us customize the

up for camp and was pleased that registration could be done on a weekly

party and make it exactly the way we wanted,” says cain-Scalia. isabella’s

basis which allowed for flexibility with summer vacation plans. eventually

sixth birthday party included a special circus act by the birthday girl and

isabella began taking weekly classes to supplement her gymnastics class.

Sandou performers doing what they do best including balancing box,

“i did trampoline, tumble track, and trapeze. i also got to do the bungee,”

Russian bar, trapeze, aerial silk, clowns, and plate spinning.

isabella says about her classes. Aside from the other benefits of an active childhood, cain-Scalia recognized another: “Because it was so different, it gave her a nice healthy boost of esteem because she was able to participate in something that not everyone else was doing. to say ‘i’m going to circus school’ is something of an oddity.” She also says that another attractive aspect of Sandou is that “everyone there is just so supportive of the kids no matter what level they’re at.” Sandou also offers birthday parties for kids of all ages. All parties include supervised time on the circus gymnastics equipment, obstacle courses, and lots of fun games. Saturday and Sunday packages allow parents to choose

to get your own circus adventure started, or for more information including class schedules, camp registration forms and directions, please visit Sandou theatrical circus School 6375 South Arville Street, Suite 7B Las Vegas 89118 454.5005 monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

the number of instructors available and range in price according to the number of children attending. “Like most parents we were looking to do something different for isabella’s birthday. it was a natural fit since she had been taking classes there and

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The 10th Annual Southern Nevada Light The Night Walk Saturday, October 3, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. Kellogg Zaher Park Join us for an amazing evening of celebration including food, festivities and fun! Register yourself and your team by phone or online: 702-436-4220 x 104

cLocKwise fRom LefT: Let’s make a meal Deal; Opening of Lied’s new exhibit; “it’s your choice” © LDCM

L auReL RusTemeYeR

LieD “it ’S yOuR chOice” nutRitiOn exhiBit new exhiBit encOuRAgeS heALthy eAting hABitS

g R o W I N g u p T o b E A h E A LT h Y, R E S p o N S I b L E A d u LT I S A L L A b o u T L E A R N I N g T o m A k E S m A R T d E C I S I o N S . T h E N E W E x h I b I T AT L I E d d I S C o v E R Y C h I L d R E N ’ S m u S E u m L E T S C h I L d R E N d o j u S T T h AT.

the “it’s your choice” exhibit, sponsored by the epicurean charitable

tifferney white, the director of education and programs, explains that

Foundation, helps children learn about the importance of developing

the goal of “it’s your choice” is not to tell children what they should eat.

healthy eating habits.

instead, it simply shows children the consequences of their decisions.

Located on the second floor, “it’s your choice” was created primarily

“hopefully, they will choose healthy options,” white says.

for children ranging in age from eight to twelve years old. even so,

Another activity, “Seeing Spots”, reinforces this by asking children to decide

younger children will still be able to enjoy certain features of the exhibit.

whether a given food—doughnuts for example—is a green (eat as much as

“it’s your choice” is divided into seven components, each of which focuses

you want), yellow (eat occasionally), or red (eat only on special occasions) item.

on a different aspect of nutrition. For example, the activity “Let’s make a

physical activity is another important aspect of good health, and children

meal Deal” allows children to create their own menu for a day. After they

will get some exercise with the “Find your Balance” component. in this active

have made their selections, they learn whether or not any of the choices

and educational game, children jump from circle to circle while learning

are unhealthy and should possibly be reconsidered.

the relationship between serving size, nutrition, calories, and energy.

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F L AV O R d i n i n g & r e t a i l This page: Learning in action © LDCM

Located in Downtown Las Vegas, Lied Discovery children’s museum

the Riviera hotel & casino and eFc board member. “with all the buffets and

has 22,000 square feet of exhibit space. the approximately 100 exhibits

the fast food . . . the kids in many cases don’t get a proper meal,” wentzell

focus on arts, sciences, and the humanities. Since opening in 1990,

adds, explaining why the exhibit is so important.

the museum has been dedicated to helping children learn through hands-on exploration—and have fun while they’re doing it.

in light of its importance, the eFc did not simply provide the money for the exhibit, it also played a very active role in developing the attraction.

2009 has been a year of big changes, making it an excellent time to visit,

“we wanted to be hands-on,” says wentzell. “we were in the meetings

or revisit, the museum. “its your choice” is the second new permanent

with the designers.”

exhibit to open this year. “green Village,” which guides children through everyday activities like grocery shopping while being environmentally

For more information about Lied Discovery children’s museum and the

aware, opened in February. “grossology: the (impolite) Science of the

“it’s your choice” exhibit, go to Admission is $8 for adults and

human Body” opens june 6th as a temporary exhibit.

$7 for children. Annual membership is $50.

the epicurean charitable Foundation contributed $250,000 to fund the

Lied Discovery children’s museum

“it’s your choice” exhibit. Over 40 food and beverage executives throughout the Las Vegas area participate in the nonprofit organization which was founded in 2001 by Rino Armeni. the ecF provides support to a number of worthy causes, including the nevada cancer institute and the make-A-wish Foundation, and helps students who are interested in hospitality and culinary arts through scholarships and internships.

833 Las Vegas Blvd. north Las Vegas 89101 382.kiDS Summer hours june 1 through Labor Day monday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

“Being in the food and beverage industry, nutrition is definitely part of our business,” says Lloyd wentzell, the Vice president of Food and Beverage at

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Red or white? The wine (or coffee or tea!) is pouring at Durette Studio every Wed. afer 4pm. Drop by and browse through the showroom. See what’s new. Relax in our wine cellar. Stimulate your design senses. Pick up some ideas and products for your design projects or find a gift for that someone special.


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Habitat For Humanity’s ReStore sells new and used donated building materials at approximately 50% of retail. Open Monday & Saturday 9-4 Tuesday-Friday 9-6.

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702 graphics.cOM

Nestle under the stars and share a

702 graphics is a full service graphics shop. Whether on the track, in the water or stuck in traffic, we turn heads. Our creative team of experts specializes in Graphic Design for Retail Visual Marketing, Custom Vehicle Wraps and Racing Graphics. We’re also known to turn out insane Trade Show Booths, Wall Murals, Signs and Banners. We’re here to help you create distinctive products that will draw attention to your business. We deliver quality products, on time, at affordable prices, “Nationwide”.

while listening to the sounds of a cascading waterfall on our private patio. Our Amenities Include • Luxury thread count linens • In suite double whirlpool tubs • Milo’s Cellar cafe & wine bar and much more.

Offering special discounts for Las Vegas Valley Not-for-Profit Organizations.

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New Location In The Vegas Club 18 Fremont Street Convenient Valet Parking

Contemporary Italian cuisine Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Artistic surroundings Private dining room

For Reservations 380-5735

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Where do you turn if... You are a victim of domestic violence and need a divorce to protect you and your children? You are a child who has been abused and neglected, you have been placed in foster care and you need a voice to be heard? You are denied Social Security beneďŹ ts that you are lawfully entitled to? You have a garnishment on your paycheck for a debt that is not yours? You are a victim of a payday loan or home foreclosure scam? You purchased a used car that was misrepresented to you?

We can help.

Providing access to justice for low-income residents of Southern Nevada for more than 50 years.

To determine if you or someone you know qualiďŹ es for legal aid, or to learn more about LACSN, please visit our Web site at

This ad sponsored as a community service by EMBARQ.


July 4, 2009 - 8:00 pm

Amphitheater at Springs Preserve, 333 South Valley View Blvd.

Join us at the beautiful Springs Preserve as we celebrate our country’s birthday with a fun and rousing line-up of patriotic music performed by our own Las Vegas Philharmonic under the direction of Conductor David Itkin.

Tickets now on sale. Prices start at $1750

For more information, visit or call 702-822-7705.

Gates open at 6 p.m. with seating assigned on a first-come basis. No outside food, beverages, chairs or blankets allowed. Food and beverages will be available for purchase on site.

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