The Healing School Magazine - June 2019 Edition

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“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).


omeone once asked me, “Is it really possible to be full of joy all the time?” Very quickly, I responded, “I’m joyful all the time!” Then, he said, “Don’t you think that’s a bit unrealistic?” “It depends on what reality is to you,” I responded. For some people, the reality is their human experience, but our reality is Christ. In Christ, it’s possible to be joyful all the time. You can be joyful every day, and be successful every day, irrespective of what happens to you or around you because that’s God’s desire for you. He wants you to be joyful and successful. The Bible says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 1:2). Jesus came, lived, died, was buried, and resurrected; all for your sake! He sufered that you might live in the glory of His suferings. That means you should live joyfully every day, enjoying your life.

The Lord always wants us to rejoice in whatever state we ind ourselves. Philippians 4:4 (AMPC) says, “Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice!” Notice that this doesn’t say anything about what you’re going through. He didn’t say you should rejoice only when things are going on well or when everything is moving on smoothly. No, it says to rejoice in the Lord always. You may say, “Well, I’m going through a hard time right now, so I can’t rejoice.” The Scripture we just read isn’t a suggestion from the Lord, but an instruction! The Lord wouldn’t instruct you to do anything He hasn’t given you the ability to accomplish. So when He told you to rejoice always, He knew you could do it. 02 | The Healing School Magazine

That’s what He died for: for you to live the best life, be the Father’s dream, and be a success in life and in everything you do, irrespective of the challenges that you might face. James 1:2 says, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.” The challenges that come your way are described in God’s Word as “light alictions:” “For our light aliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (2 Corinthians 4:17). Paul and Silas could have been the saddest people on earth when they were imprisoned after being falsely accused. Instead, they rejoiced, singing praises unto God in their prison cell. Though their hands and feet were chained, they sang aloud and other prisoners heard them. Guess what? A miracle happened! (Acts 16:25-26). There’s no telling what God can do when you forget about yourself; your pains, discomfort and inadequacies, and set your focus on the Holy Spirit. He’s inside you to help, build, strengthen, encourage, lead, and guide you. There’s nothing that can overwhelm you. The distress is for a moment; it’ll surely turn out for your good! The problems you encounter that seem to be contending with your joy are temporary; they’re the springboards for your promotion and the next level of glory. Therefore, refuse to yield to pressures and adversities; subdue them with the Word. Stir up the joy of the Lord from within your spirit and laugh on in victory. Satan and his demons are discomited in an atmosphere of joy, love, and laughter. So, live at the top all the time by maintaining a joyful heart.

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!”

The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833

If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you.

hat do you do when everything humanly possible has been done, and yet there is no change? This was the situation that Bruce Mbuli found himself in. Though he was in his ifties, he was full of strength and had a sound work ethic that distinguished him from his peers. Within a short space of time, however, this vibrant man was in a position where he was no longer able to live a normal life due to much pain and tiredness. Getting weaker by the day, he could feel his life ebbing away. He sought help from the doctors, but he could see the hopelessness in their eyes. Help wasn’t coming from anyone or anywhere for him, and he continued to grow worse until someone introduced him to the Healing School of Pastor Chris.


Bruce’s story began from the latter part of the year 2015 when he observed that he was getting tired quicker and more often than was normal. He attributed it to stress from working too many hours and thought nothing of it. “I thought it was because I was a workaholic and I was pushing myself too hard,” he says. Time wore on, but the symptoms did not abate, and a few months down the line, Bruce says, “I began to feel that something was terribly wrong.” Still believing that his work habits were taking a toll on his body, he decided to cut down on his workload but that changed nothing. Despite the worsening symptoms, Bruce was reluctant to take the matter seriously. As a lecturer and a mechanic, his job

entailed building people and ixing things; admitting that he was sick would be a sign of weakness. “My students knew that something was wrong, but I was in denial and wouldn’t accept that I wasn’t strong,” he recalls. As fate would have it, Bruce was involved in an accident that led to his becoming hospitalized. While there, his sister visited him and noticed that there was a swelling in his neck; she brought it to the doctor’s attention. Immediately, a battery of tests and examinations were ordered, including a CT scan and biopsy. The results returned afterward with a conirmed diagnosis that Bruce was sufering from lymphocytic leukemia, a type of cancer in which the bone marrows produce too many white blood cells, causing the lymph nodes to swell and resulting often in fatigue and easy bruising. Upon discharge from the hospital, Bruce was referred to an oncologist for further treatment. The cancer was in its irst stage, and immediate treatment included chemotherapy and several medications. For months, he made the bi-weekly appointments to the clinic for chemo treatments in the hope that it would make him better. The reverse was the case, however, as his condition went from bad to worse, deteriorating to a point where it became diicult to carry out his day-to-day activities. This afected him, and Bruce’s life nearly ground to a halt. “Before the accident, the tiredness had gotten so bad that I couldn’t walk or drive long distances,” Bruce recollects. “My teaching involved both theory and practical sessions, but I had since resorted to sitting to do my lectures, and I could no longer have practical sessions. As a mechanic, being unable to stand long hours meant I couldn’t ix cars; I could only work on one car a day, and I couldn’t inish the job most times because I always needed to rest. I couldn’t do any of the things I would normally do. It was a terrible and shocking time in my life. “When I started the chemo, instead of becoming better, it became worse. I had chemo appointments on Wednesdays, but weakness and nausea remained from Wednesday through Saturday; this meant that I was dysfunctional––I mean my life stood still––for half a week each time. On those days when I could neither walk nor drive, I would call my son to come and take me home. No matter what I had planned for a day, I couldn’t accomplish it because I was just too tired to do

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anything aside lying down.” About three months into chemotherapy, the oncologist reported that there wasn’t any signiicant change in the growth. She referred Bruce to yet another specialist, who reviewed the case and decided that the treatment dosages had to be increased. “Already, I had thirty-four tablets to take every day, but he increased them to ifty-two tablets, some of which tablets were very large and diicult to swallow. There was also talk of radiation and possible surgery,” Bruce stated. Despite the treatments and medications, Bruce’s health wasn’t improving and this caused a lot of frustration. “My medications were so many that I had to carry them around like a bag of groceries, and I was tired of it because they didn’t seem to be working,” he said. This was a sign to Bruce that his answers lay elsewhere, so he went to church and illed his pastor in on all that had been happening. In response, the pastor directed Bruce to make arrangements and head to the Healing School. The Healing School is a place of hope and restoration, where many come to receive answers and miracles in the Name of Jesus. Bruce airms, “I started to have hope, even though I had never heard of this place before. I believed in God and I wanted Him to heal me, and I was sure that He would do it through Pastor Chris.” “As I walked through the Healing School entrance, I could feel a diference.” This was Bruce’s testimony of his experience at the Healing School. On healing service day, the atmosphere was supercharged with the healing power of God as people worshipped the Lord in anticipation of the mighty things that were about to happen. Waiting expectantly, Bruce praised the

Name of the Lord for His marvelous works. The man of God ministered to the people with so much power and authority; all manner of sicknesses bowed to the wonderful Name of Jesus and all were made free from whatever condition had plagued them, with many rejoicing for their miracles. “I had come to understand that the Word of God was the medicine that my body needed. I knew, too, that if I could see Pastor Chris, I would partake of the atmosphere of healing that he carries,” Bruce says. When the man of God gave the word, the power of God came upon Bruce mightily, and he received his healing in an instant, according to his faith. It’s been one unending celebration for Bruce ever since. He attests to the wonderful life he enjoys now, “I’ve had my life back since I received my healing. When I got back home, I started on the cars that were in my garage, and I ixed them. Then I resumed my lectures and practical sessions with my students. I work as long as I want to now.” To many who are in need of healing, Bruce says, “I was once like you, but know that God works through His Word, so when the Word is spoken, hold on to it.” He also thanks the man of God, Pastor Chris, and the Healing School partners, “Pastor Chris, I love you so much; may God pour blessings into your life so you can keep doing these marvelous things. Partners, keep doing what you’re doing; you are changing people’s lives and it will impact your life in many tremendous ways. God bless you.” See for information on how to participate in the upcoming Healing School Summer Session in Canada. The Healing School Magazine | 05

ccording to the World Health Organization, cancer is the second leading cause of death across the globe, as it accounted for the death of over 9.6 million people in the year 2018. Nonetheless, amidst this major health setback in a sick and hurting world, the Healing School of our man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, has brought answers to the cries of millions who are sufering from this deadly ailment.


Over the years, we have received people from all walks of life who had been given up on by medical sciences following their diagnosis of cancer, and were miraculously healed by the power of God. These students-turned-ambassadors, have not only retained their testimonies, but have also shared their stories with others. In commemoration of the 2019 World Cancer Day, which held on fourth of February 2019, Healing School ambassadors in The Netherlands, India, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Canada, Mauritius and Zimbabwe organized various outreach initiatives to individuals, including cancer patients, in homes and hospitals where they extended the liquid love of the Father to them.

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During this series of outreaches, many were sensitized on the importance of healthy living and eating, as key ways to cancer prevention. The ambassadors also ignited faith in the hearts of those diagnosed with cancer through the ministration of the Word and their exciting healing testimonies, thus restoring their hopes for speedy recovery and healing. At the end of these initiatives, several copies of ministry materials, including the Healing School Magazine and Healing From Heaven, were distributed; many were led to Christ and registered to attend the then upcoming Healing School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa. What a most glorious day it was for these beneiciaries, for their lives will forever remained transformed by the Word of God that has taken root in their spirits. Glory to God! For more news and victory reports on the impact of the Healing School around the world, please visit God bless you.

hen I conceived my younger child, one of the scans when I was three months along showed that I had placenta previa (or low-lying placenta). The doctor told me how to manage the situation, which included not traveling at all. The situation remained under control until I entered the eighth month of my pregnancy. I suddenly started bleeding heavily, and it was so severe that the doctors insisted that I be put on one month’s bed rest immediately.


It was a scary time for me. Lying about with nothing to do, various negative thoughts attacked my mind and I kept seeing black shadows all around me. Eventually, I had my babies, but we realized after the delivery that I had received the wrong medications, which started to afect me negatively. My sight became blurry and I felt dizzy and weak. Things were bad and I needed to put a stop to them permanently. In need of a miracle, I got on the internet and started searching for answers. After some time, I found the Healing School Cyber Church, and I immediately signed up to become a member. I started attending the church services, and I followed every message, every worship session, and every confession. As I did, I began to notice tremendous changes in my body. The blurry vision cleared, my body received strength, and I became alive to God. Every hint of pain has left my body, and I feel so good. I am very healthy now, and so are my children. Thank you, Pastor Chris, for the Healing School Cyber Church. - Nutan Nuel from India.

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herefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19 NIV).

This great commission is the driving force of the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris. For several years, the reach and inluence of his ministry has steadily increased in many nations of the world, by the Spirit of God. The Ministers’ Visitation Program of the Healing School has provided a platform for pastors and leaders from various ministries in diferent countries to be impacted with the message of the Gospel. At the recently concluded 2019 Autumn Session of the Healing School, ministers from over 76 countries participated in the Ministers’ Visitation Program. Regardless of what continent or country they came from, all the ministers came with one expectation – to witness the power of God’s healing and salvation, and to receive a special impartation for their lives and ministries. Highlighting her expectations, Maggie from Sion Church in Hong Kong, China, had this to say; “Being here at the Healing School Ministers’ Visitation Program broadened my horizon. I saw so much that we are doing in God’s Kingdom when I interacted with other ministers. So, I want to receive more revelation from the Word of God, to receive the Spirit of wisdom. I want to learn more, so that I will be able to teach my people more about God’s Word and do more exploits.” Full of delight and awed anticipation, the ministers arrived at the Healing School for a time of unlimited, life-transforming and highly powered fellowship with the Holy Ghost. First up was a visit to the Healing School for the healing service with Pastor Chris, where these men and women of God were enraptured by the miracles and wonders that were wrought by the Holy Spirit through the man of God. Pastor Cyril Sirigwani from Home of Salvation Ministries in Zimbabwe testiied thus, “The atmosphere at the Healing School was saturated 08 | The Healing School Magazine

with God’s Presence. As we interceded for the sick, tears just lowed from my eyes. The speed with which Pastor Chris ministered to the multitudes was striking.” The ministers’ sessions with the man of God were extraordinary; Pastor Chris taught them about fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He said, “Being illed with the Spirit is everything. If you want supernatural results, then be illed with the Spirit.” The man of God also expounded on developing the right relationship with God’s Word and living by the Word: “The accurate understanding of the Word of God is important. We are the ofspring of the Word, and living according to the Word is where the power of God is. The Holy Spirit acts on the Word and works with the Word. To honor God is to honor Jesus, and to honor Jesus is to honor the Word. The Word was given to us for a purpose. Jesus builds His church through His words. Know that you are your words; the words that proceed from you have transforming power.” Stirring the ministers for greater impact as they go about fulilling their calling, the man of God admonished them, saying, “Stay focused on what the Lord asked you to do. Measure your success with what He asked you to do. How much of what He asked you to do are you doing? That is what counts.” Reacting to the life-changing words she had received, Marie Fong from Church of Sion, China, enthused, “I love Pastor Chris’ teaching because it is always a higher revelation for me. Every time I listen to him, my spirit and mind are transformed, and I get this strength inside me. The wisdom of the Word of God has changed my life, and I have been lifted.” “His message was so sweet and uplifting and I enjoyed myself in the presence of God. The most profound thing was how simple it was; very easy to assimilate and put to work,” remarked Sylvia Sanford from the Ministry of Raising Deborahs in the United States of America. A major high point of the ministers’ visit was the special impartation service with Pastor Chris. The man of God demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of God as he ministered to each one of the visitors, and they were ired up with renewed passion and purpose to spread the Gospel and heal the sick. It was awesome to behold, as special gifts and abilities were imparted into the lives of the ministers. Afterwards, Pastor Jane Carace of Freedom Embassy, Kenya, attested, “I felt the power of God low through me exceedingly and I was shaking for a long time. I knew that I had gone to a higher level in my fellowship with the Holy Spirit and in the manifestation of the power of God.” “When Pastor Chris laid hands on us and ministered to us, I couldn’t think of anything at that time. I felt this vibration inside my body, and I felt this warmth in my heart as love lowed from the man of God towards me. It was so exciting,” said Marie Fong. With certainty, we know that these ministers of the Gospel will never be the same again. They departed for their respective nations with much gratitude in their hearts, enthusiastic and passionate about the next level of ministry. Glory to God! For more testimonies and reports of ministers’ visits to the Healing School, and information on the Ministers’ Visitation Program, visit The Healing School Magazine | 09


otatoes are some of the most popular foods in the world. It makes a delicious addition to several dishes, including stews, salads, pastries and a host of others. Found in nearly every food market across the globe, potatoes have become an essential food source and the world’s fourth largest food crop. Potato allergies are very rare, so nearly everyone can enjoy this amazing food. More than being delicious and handy, potatoes contain a number of vitamins and minerals, that are essential for improving and maintaining your health. Typically, 150grams of potatoes contain just about 110 calories, averagely 18% of your daily nutritional requirements for vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, folate, and calcium, as well as lots of iber and several other nutrients. Outlined in this article are some of the beneits of making potatoes an integral part of your meals. Potatoes Are Good For Your General Health Alpha lipoic acid and Vitamin B6 boost cognitive and neurological health and can be found in potatoes. Potato’s potassium content is a muscle relaxant that, when combined with its tryptophan content, promotes restful sleep. This super tuber also contains calcium, phosphorous iron, and zinc, all of which strengthen and protect the bones. Also high in iber, potatoes help digestion and aid recovery from diarrhea. Eating potatoes will also help soothe the stomach ulcers and reduce stomach acidity, thus preventing inlammation.

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Potatoes Are Good For Your Heart Potatoes naturally have zero fat and zero cholesterol, making them very safe for your heart’s health. It’s the oil and additional ingredients used for preparation that makes them unhealthy. In addition to being cholesterol-free, potatoes also contain vitamins C and B6, potassium, and dietary iber––all of which are great for heart health. Potatoes also contain antioxidants and other chemicals that help regulate blood pressure, and L-tryptophan––an amino acid that helps calm the nerves. Potatoes Are Good For Your Skin Potatoes have excellent collagen-boosting properties, which makes them good for your skin in many ways. Uses range from mashing up for a facial mask to treat simple skin conditions like acne, to using its juice to reduce wrinkles, and placing peels and slices on afected areas to remove blemishes and dark spots, and repair skin damaged by sunburn. Its vitamin C content will reduce visible signs of aging and treat dry skin, and its antioxidant-rich peels can help with exfoliation. How To Prepare There are so many ways to enjoy this superfood. We highly recommend steaming for salads and baking. Keep the skin on when eating potatoes to get the most of its nutritional qualities, especially when boiling. We urge you to avoid frying because it increases calories by nearly three hundred percent and raises fat content from zero to ifteen percent. Remember that everything in excess is bad. Potatoes still contain a high amount of carbohydrates, so moderation is key.

“And my worst fears have all come true” (Job 3:25 CEV).

any have erroneously thought that it was God who permitted the devil to bufet Job and make him sufer so he would be humble. That’s not true! Job’s fear was his undoing! By voicing his fears, he created a platform for satan to come in and mess things up in his life. Job was a man whom God greatly blessed and protected and satan knew this (Job 1:10).


Job’s problem was his fear, and fear hinders faith. Fear is actually negative faith; it’s a demonstration of faith in the ability of the adversary to hurt you. The moment Job started talking about his fears, he began digging holes in the protective hedge God had built around him. Job delivered his goods to satan by talking and acting fear.

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; I am superior to all forms of sicknesses and diseases. Divinity is at work in me; I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me. I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I’m dead to this world but alive to God. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness; therefore, sin or sickness has no dominion over my body. Hallelujah!


The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and strong. I am getting stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord!

The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He vitalizes my mortal body. Health, Satan had hitherto tried to attack Job and found that strength, victory, and prosperity are mine now by the power in the the man was heavily fortiied by God; there was a name of Jesus. spiritual hedge of protection around him. The Bible reveals that Job allowed the spirit of fear to take hold I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance or limitation in my life. of his heart. In Job 3:25-26 (CEV), Job lamented, I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated and I refuse to be sick! I refuse “And my worst fears have all come true. I have no to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more peace or rest––only troubles and worries.” than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Amen!

Never talk fear or give voice to words inspired by fear. Continually ill your heart with the Word of God, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). When you ill your heart with the Word, your mouth will speak from the rich deposits of the Word in your spirit. That way, in moments of crises, you’ll ind yourself uttering God’s Word of faith and power that’ll change things in your favor.

I choose to not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word and the law of life inundate my being completely. I refuse to cower in fear of what the adversary may do because I know who I am. I stand as a king and I reign in life victoriously. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I refuse to be moved by any symptoms that may show up in my body. I have the imperishable life of God in me, causing me to walk continually in divine health and strength. Praise God forevermore! The Healing School Magazine | 11

SOUTH AFRICA Christ Embassy Healing School 303 Pretoria Avenue (Cnr. Harley and Bram Fischer), Randburg, Gauteng P. O. Box 323, Randburg 2125 Tel: +27 11 326 2467 +27 799 675 852 +27 799 675 853

NIGERIA Christ Embassy Healing School 21/23 Ize Iyamu Road, Ikeja, Lagos P. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: +234 808 684 4104 +234 808 027 2995 +234 808 678 3344

UNITED KINGDOM Believers’ Loveworld Central Oice UK Ltd Units 402-3 Cannon Wharf Business Centre Pell Street London SE8 5EN Tel: +44(0)1708556604

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