The Healing School Magazine - May 2019 Edition

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“And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (1 John 5:11-12).


ome Christians think they’ll begin to live eternal life when they get to heaven. If you think that, you’ll miss out while you’re here on earth! Eternal life starts right here on earth. John said this life–eternal life–is in God’s Son, Jesus, and whosoever has the Son also has this life. He was simply reiterating the words of the Lord in John 5:24-26 where He said, “…as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.” If you’ve confessed Jesus Christ and made Him Lord of your life, then His very life has been imparted to you and will dominate you. When Jesus came into your life, light came in and all the darkness left. Now that He resides in you, your life has ceased to be an ordinary human life. For you, eternal life has already begun right here on earth. This is what we have; this is who we are, and we must always be conscious of this identity. We’re not ordinary people. We are born in God’s class of being; we have an inheritance in God. We have the essence of divinity, which is the eternal life of the Almighty God, in us. Hallelujah!

All we need to do now is stick with God’s Word and keep saying it. 1 Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good ight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” The underlined portion of that verse, as rendered in the Greek, is ‘epilambanomai’. It means to take hold of something without letting go. Here, the Apostle Paul is saying, “Don’t just be aware that you have eternal life; seize eternal life; take possession of it.” In other words, don’t let it be merely theoretical knowledge to you. 02 | The Healing School Magazine

Someone may be singing, “I’ve got the life of God in me…” but he’s not walking in the consciousness of that life, nor acting like it. Every now and then, he gripes, “You know, I’ve had this migraine headache that has been with me for ifteen years.” No one who’s taken a hold of eternal life talks like that. Eternal life is the God-life; it’s incorruptible. It can’t be tainted, deiled or corrupted by sickness, disease, failure, death or the devil. It’s divine life. In God’s eyes, you are already perfect, even though you might be going through trials, pains, and diiculties. To Him, you’ve been perfected in Christ Jesus. He sees you the way He sees Jesus. In His sight, there’s nothing wrong with you. Therefore, align yourself with His thoughts and visions, through the Word, and declare, “I’m perfected in Christ Jesus; I refuse to accommodate any sickness, disease or pain in my body because I have the life of God in me! I’ve taken hold of eternal life.” You’re an associate of the Godkind; the life and nature of God have been imparted into your spirit. Now that you’re born again, you have eternal life in you. You’re not going to have it after you’ve prayed and struggled to please God. It’s in your spirit now! Live in this consciousness and stand up to who you are in Christ. Keep declaring what you have and, before long, it will become evident for all to see. Notice that ‘saying’ or ‘declaring’ is a continuous process, it’s not something you do just once, a few times or once in a while; there must be a consistency to it. No heir says he is an heir one day and tomorrow forgets his heritage. He maintains that consciousness and that way, nobody can deny him his inheritance. You are an heir of God and eternal life is your inheritance.

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!” If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you. The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833

o God’s children, the Bible says in Proverbs 21:18 (Ampliied) that, “Surely there is a future [and a reward], And your hope and expectation will not be cut of.” This word was proven at the irst healing service of the 2019 Healing School Autumn Session with Pastor Chris in South Africa, where dreams were fulilled and expectations surpassed.


several people who had received their healing at previous sessions showed up to testify, it was a spectacular episode of faith-building, breathtaking and awesome testimonies. God had turned their sorrows to joy, their pain to praise and their despair to delight. These testiiers radiated happiness and unusual conidence as they provided proof that the Word of God works.

Coming from all corners of the world, thousands congregated at the Healing School for a truly resplendent time in fellowship with the Spirit of God. From the outset, it was evident that this was going to be a unique, epochal meeting. Sounds of worship and exaltation illed the auditorium as the people lifted their hands and raised their voices in praise and awe of the Master. When it was time to pray, all joined in with fervency and thanked the Lord for the marvels that they would witness at this service.

Alice Boyer, a 23-year-old lady, sufered from spiritual attacks characterized by strange feelings, nightmares, anorexia nervosa, and insomnia. Life became unbearable for her and she couldn’t see light or joy in her future until she heard about the Healing School. She said, “My life was unpleasant and I just wanted to die. But the day the man of God, Pastor Chris, ministered to me, my life took on a whole new meaning.”

The moments progressed and it just kept getting better. When 04 | The Healing School Magazine 0 | The Healing School Magazine

Cerebellar syndrome plagued Annah Chigwa for many years. In due course, she became irritable as she found herself unable to walk or sleep normally, or have a normal life in any

way. All that was made history with one touch from God at the Healing School, and Annah was full of praise as she testiied. “My testimony indicates that Jesus is alive; that I live above sickness. Now, I’m at peace with myself. I can sleep normally and my life keeps moving from glory to glory,” Annah enthused. Inspired and hungry for more demonstrations of the power of God, everyone in the arena thanked the Lord for His marvelous wonders and praised the Name of Jesus. There was a distinct shift in the atmosphere, a conirmation that it was time for the miraculous. The man of God, Pastor Chris, entered the hall full of purpose and commanding authority. In no time at all, the hall was illed with shouts of exultation and triumph as many were healed and freed from all that had alicted them for so long. It made no diference whether the problems were of medical, psychological or spiritual nature, all conditions bowed to the Name above all names as Pastor Chris ministered to the sick. Sufering from trigeminal nerve compression for three years, Sam Hu Sang went through recurring bouts of severe, shocking pain, as well as spontaneous pain attacks that were triggered by simple things like talking, chewing or even touching her face. This condition rendered Sam Hu helpless as she could barely move for fear of triggering the pain. When the man of God got to her, he laid his hands on her and declared her free. Sam Hu rose from the stretcher, crying tears of joy and praising God with lifted hands as she rejoiced for her miracle.

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Diabetes mellitus and hypertension marred the quality of life for Anthony De Silver. For four years, he endured the constant fatigue, severe headaches, visual problems, chest pains and other symptoms that came with these conditions. Hoping for a miracle, he made his way to the Healing School, and his expectations were exceeded after the ministration from the man of God, Pastor Chris. He regained his strength immediately and was full of thanksgiving as he walked once again without any pain or discomfort. Hallelujah! Thirty-eight-year-old Andile Buthelezi struggled with pain and weakness for more than nine years as a result of osteoarthritis and chronic backache. Wearing a back brace and walking with the aid of a crutch limited her life severely, and made things very diicult for her. At the Healing School, she encountered the power of God when Pastor Chris ministered to her. The pain disappeared, and the weakness was instantly replaced with divine energy, causing Andile to run like never before as she lifted the crutch above her head. There was celebration all over the place, and the hearts of the people were full. What a joy it was to behold such a magniicent display of God’s love. Following the ministration, Pastor Chris especially welcomed ministers of the Gospel from various countries and partners who were present at the service, ministering to them with prophecies and heartwarming messages as he was led of the Holy Ghost. The man of God led the congregation in joyous airmations of divine health and the Salvation Call thereafter yielded much harvest as many gave their hearts to Christ, proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus over their lives.

In closing, Pastor Chris expressed gratitude to partners of the Healing School and declared glorious benedictions upon the congregation! What an extraordinary service it was, full of the ministry of the Spirit. Assuredly, everyone present received a special blessing. Glory be to the Lord, who is ever gracious and kind.

For more updates and reports from the 2019 Healing School Autumn Session, visit God bless you.

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or thirty-two-year old Ajithra Sherlikumary, life was plagued with multiple health conditions that left her completely helpless. Having sufered seizures that led to a series of accidental falls and resulted in multiple injuries, life was full of pain and unbearable. Her mobility was restricted with the aid of a wheelchair and her life deteriorated as she could no longer do all the things she used to do. Time wore on and the situation only worsened, with the list of medical conditions piling up, one after the other. Over the years, Ajithra underwent many treatments and had to take numerous medications, but nothing worked. She spent a lot of money trying to ind a solution to her many problems, yet the pain, weakness, and discomfort persisted. Physical contact aggravated her pain, so Ajithra was secluded and unable to relate or communicate with the people in her life. Isolated and restricted, she became anxious and depressed as the illness shrouded everything in her life with misery. Amidst the despair and desolation, light and hope came to Ajithra when she heard of a place where her troubles could come to an end–a place where complete transformation was a possibility. The Healing School provided the answer that Ajithra so desperately needed, and she came with anticipation and a fervent desire. At the Healing School, her expectations were exceeded when she encountered the power of the Holy Spirit. With one touch from God, all her problems vanished; heart disease, back pain, aching joints and every form of weakness in her body disappeared permanently. It was an encounter that changed her and forever altered her life. An ecstatic Ajithra returns to the Healing School a year later to bear witness of what the Lord has done in her life, and to talk about the awesome transformation that is her story.

After that was the severe backache, and I was diagnosed with rheumatic arthritis and polyarthralgia. I had severe pain radiating through my limbs and all over my body. Then the rheumatic heart disease was discovered when I started having intense heart palpitations and recurrent loss of consciousness. The conditions worsened because I had so many falls, hitting my back and neck. In 2007, I became completely bedridden. I was restricted to the bed and things just kept going on, with new and additional diagnoses every time. “As a result of these conditions, it was diicult for me to stand, sit, jog or walk. After trying for ive minutes, it always became too diicult. I couldn’t even study because it was diicult for me to hold something in my hand. My own self-care was impossible. My backbone was painful and it was limiting. It was also diicult for me to change position in bed, and I couldn’t sleep well or enjoy a good night’s rest because I had to lay on a lat wooden platform. I couldn’t even sit because my head hurt when I did. So I just lay down for many days. “Living like that was no life, I had no life. I was unable to go out without support, I couldn’t travel or communicate with my peers or enjoy life. Whenever I tried something new, it was stressful and my condition would become very critical. Nobody could touch my body or even hold my hand because it was very painful. I was isolated and conined; no socialization, no fellowship, no travel. I couldn’t do anything alone. The doctors recommended steroids and so many other medications, along with physiotherapy. Over the course of twelve years, with so many diagnoses and medications, hospitalizations and treatments, nothing worked. In 2018, surgery was advised, but I didn’t do it because I was tired of it all. I wanted a change. I wanted to be healed of these conditions.”

“I thought that if I came to the Healing School, this power and authority of God would heal me and put a full stop to the bad experiences.”

Ajithra recollects what it was like to be in that condition. “Being in that state pushed me into a room–both mind and body. I couldn’t live like a normal human. I felt like I was a medical textbook, people could use me to study all manner of diseases and conditions,” she says. “I came to the Healing School because of several health conditions, including injuries to my spinal cord, neck and lumbar region, as well as disc prolapse, disc degeneration, rheumatic heart disease, arthritis, polyarthralgia, and several others. These conditions started in 2006, with swelling from my right knee to the hip. 08 | The Healing School Magazine

That’s all in the past now, and Ajithra has a brand new life, a divine transformation that could only have been by the power of God. Indeed, God has proved His graciousness in Ajithra’s life, and He’s given her a remarkable testimony: “My pastor told me about the Healing School and started showing me the testimony videos. While watching one day, I saw the man of God, Pastor Chris, ministering to the people and he said, “never again.” It struck me then that it was possible for the pain to go without any recurrence. I thought that if I came to

the Healing School, this power and authority of God would heal me and put a full stop to the bad experiences. “So, I came with great expectations that the man of God would say never again and it would be over. My time at the Healing School was beyond my expectations. When the man of God came into the room, I was praying in the Spirit. Then he came to me and I was completely enveloped by the power of God. Pastor touched my back and I fell down. My body was shivering, and some cool sensation came into my brain and my heart and my lungs. All the bones in my body were vibrating. After that, I was jumping and full of joy. Now, I can walk and go anywhere I want to go. I can handle my responsibilities. I had a life where nothing was possible, but now, everything is possible with God. I can do whatever I wish to do. My testimony is everywhere in all parts of India; I tell them my story and they are amazed at my miracle. I have had people come to the Healing School because of this miracle. I’m a living testimony. Glory to God!” Wrapping up her incredible testimony, Ajithra gives a special message. To Healing School partners, she says, “Thank you, partners. It’s because of you that I am alive.” To Pastor Chris: “I simply love the man of God, Pastor Chris. Through him, so many lives have been saved. In my case, I thought a lot about suicide, even though I didn’t have the strength to commit suicide. But there’s a new life for me now. Thank you, sir.” Her advice to intending students of the Healing School: “This is the right place to be. The Word of God is airmed by miracles and wonders here. Have faith like a child, and you will receive your healing when you meet the man of God.” You too can receive healing and divine transformation today. To attend a Healing School session, or to participate in any other way, please visit God bless you. The Healing School Magazine | 09


he amount or concentration of sugar (or glucose) in the bloodstream is of great importance and goes a long way in preventing the development of certain health problems like diabetes, eye problems, heart and blood vessel disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, etc. An all-around healthy lifestyle is a combination of single habits and practices. So here are a few more of those to add in order to better control your blood glucose levels. Exercise Regularly Physical exercise and itness help everything. And here’s one more reason to take your routines more seriously. Regular exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight and increase sensitivity to insulin, meaning your cells can better use the sugar in your bloodstream. Control Your Diet & Portions There are many factors to consider when planning a healthy diet. Stick to a low carb diet to help control blood sugar, and increase iber intake (soluble dietary iber found in fruits and vegetables are efective for sugar control). The amount and type of carbs you consume will also determine how food afects blood sugar levels. Micronutrients like chromium and magnesium are beneicial for regulating sugar in the long-term. Chromium aids metabolism and can be found in egg yolks and wholegrain products. Magnesium deiciency raises the risk of developing diabetes; so add more ish, leafy greens, bananas, dark chocolate and avocados to your diet. Cinnamon also helps to reduce insulin resistance in the cells, and increase insulin sensitivity. Lastly, portion control isn’t just for when you’re watching your weight, it should be part of your lifestyle. Proper portion control will help you regulate calorie intake and control blood sugar levels.

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Control Stress Levels Everyone needs a little rest and relaxation once in a while. The beneits of proper rest and a balanced lifestyle are physiological and psychological. One important beneit is lower stress levels. During stress, the body secretes glucagon and cortisol, which spikes up sugar levels. So take out time to de-stress regularly. Get Enough Sleep Sleep deiciency decreases the release of growth hormones and increases cortisol levels, which in turn afect blood sugar levels. Good sleep involves quantity and quality; suicient sleep will help maintain hormonal balance, thus promoting a healthy weight and balanced body. Stay Hydrated Stay hydrated to maintain healthy glucose levels in your bloodstream. In addition to preventing dehydration, water helps your kidneys lush out excess sugar through urine. Remember that water and other non-caloric beverages are best. Sugar-sweetened drinks raise blood glucose, drive weight gain and increase the risk of diabetes. Maintain A Healthy Weight Weight control also promotes healthy blood sugar levels and has been shown to reduce risk of developing diabetes. A 7% reduction in body weight can decrease the risk of developing diabetes by up to 58%, which is a preferred alternative to medication and is more sustainable. “What gets measured gets managed.” As such, we advise that you measure and monitor blood glucose levels. Staying aware will help you adjust your diets and other habits to maintain optimal blood sugar levels. However, you should consult a professional (doctor or nutritionist) before making any major alterations to your diet; especially if you already have issues with blood sugar control.

“We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13).

od wants us to believe and live His Word. He wants us to use the Word, to take His Word and speak it. He didn’t only give us His Word to quote, memorize or recite; He gave us His Word so we can respond to it accordingly. You have to agree with the Word and speak it forth; that’s what produces results.


CONFESSION I’ve taken a hold of eternal life. Therefore, it doesn’t matter the trials, pains, and diiculties in the world, I’m unperturbed because I live in, and by, the Word of God. My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of the Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Consider the glorious words of the Psalmist penned for us in Psalm 23:1-4: “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staf they comfort me.” Here, we ind David airming God’s Word, and making his personal faith-proclamations based on that.

I’m perfected in Christ Jesus; I refuse to accommodate any sickness, disease or pain in my body because I have the life of God in me! I’ve taken hold of eternal life.

There’s no need griping over lack, your seeming inabilities, or lack of strength; there’s no need to be afraid or intimidated by the oppositions you face! There’s no need to faint or lose heart over anything! Airm the Word. Take the Word of God and speak it! No matter the evil or adversities, you’re triumphant over them because greater is He that’s in you than he that’s in the world (1 John 4:4). Christ is in you; that means glory, fulillment, joy, progress, and transcendental blessings are yours.

I am inundated with divine blessings. These blessings cause me to prosper in all that I do. Everywhere I turn, and in everything I do, the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. Yes! I have a goodly heritage. Joy, health, peace, prosperity and the good life are my birthright in Christ! The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. In Him, I have divine life–an everlasting life illed with divine health, and soundness of mind and body. My life is illed with the goodness and mercy of God. Sickness, diseases, and inirmities have no place in my life. There is no good in ill health; as such, it cannot be found in any part of my life because my heritage–my legacy and birthright–is good. I can never be disadvantaged. The good things of life are for me; health, strength, prosperity, and abundance are my lot in Christ. Indeed, all things are working together for my good and I enjoy divine favor always. Glory to God!

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