The Healing School Magazine - April 2018 Edition

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“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man” (Ephesians 3:14-16). The word ‘might’ is the Greek ‘dunamis’. It means miracleworking ability; the ability to make supernatural things happen. It refers to a supernatural ability to do the impossible. This might, which God desires for you to be strengthened with, is for the transcendent life. It isn’t according to human ability, but according to God’s own ability expressed through you.

you can’t declare it out loud, whisper it. If it’s so serious that you can’t even whisper, think it in your mind! When you whisper or contemplate it long enough, the Holy Spirit will overshadow you as He did the dead body of Jesus, and bring life to everything that was dead, paralyzed or broken in That’s why, through the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:11, the your body. He will revitalize your entire being. Spirit prayed for God’s children to be, “Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience This is something that God has done for you. He has and longsuffering with joyfulness.” Since it’s the Spirit’s strengthened you with might in your inner man; you have prayer, it means it’s already been answered. However, to been energized with supernatural abilities in your human experience this blessing in your life, you have a part to play. spirit. Embrace this mentality as a Christian; it’s the mentality The missing link for many is how to make that which God has of a victor, the mindset of courage and strength, where you given them a vital experience in their personal lives. How can know that come what may, you’ll always win. No wonder the you make contact with the power He’s made available to you? Bible says, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think How do you make His Word effective in the ‘now’ of your life? anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God” (2 The answer is simple: walk in God’s Word. Corinthians 3:5). Faith in the Word of God is how you appropriate the blessings The Apostle Paul, with this understanding, made a remarkable therein to your life. You’ve got to accept and trust the Word of claim in 2 Corinthians 12:10, when he said, “When I am God in its simplicity. Hebrews 13:5-6 says, “…for he hath weak, then I am strong.” In other words, when he was said… So that we may boldly say…” Whatever God says bruised, battered and broken down by external forces, he was to you is for your benefit, and requires the right response. So, made even stronger by the power of the Holy Spirit; he was respond by a rming what He’s already said concerning you.empowered with might from within. He knew his strength was Seize what He’s made available and live by it. the Holy Spirit that resided in him. That’s why He also said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” If you’re suffering terribly with sickness and disease today, act (Philippians 4:13). on the Word. The miracle-working ability to make you whole isn’t coming from heaven; it’s already in you. Speak divine The Holy Spirit is your ability; He’s your strength and your health to your body; say, “The Holy Spirit lives in me and has strengthener! Therefore, no matter what happens and given life to my physical body. My whole being is vitalized irrespective of what’s going on around you, you’re so invigorated and energized by the divine power of the One who with miracle-working ability that you’re neither troubled nor perambulates in me!” It makes no difference perturbed. Oh! What a glorious and triumphant life we have in what the case is; if the health Christ! It’s a life without impossibilities or limitations! condition is so bad that 02 | The Healing School Magazine


arlene Van Wyk grew up living with pain and intense discomfort. Having suffered insomnia since early childhood, as well as migraines and depression from her teenage years, she had spent decades trying to cope with life by using medications. An accident that occurred when she was 19 years old left her with a fracture in her neck, and another one a few years later caused injuries to her spine. Time wore on and the situation only worsened for Marlene. Eventually, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a medical condition without cure, arising from the various issues she had endured over time. Over the years, Marlene underwent many surgeries and extreme treatments like shock therapy, but nothing worked. She spent a lot of money trying to find a solution to her many problems, yet the pain persisted. She became anxious and depressed as the illness shrouded everything in her life with misery. Unable to relate properly with her family and forced to stop working since the pain made her unproductive, Marlene found the circumstances of her life too much to bear; she couldn’t see a future beyond the hurt. Thankfully, her three suicide attempts failed.

Amidst the despair and desolation, light and hope came to Marlene when she heard of a place where her troubles would come to an end – a place of love and God’s manifest presence. The Healing School provided the lifeline that Marlene so desperately needed, and she grabbed the opportunity for a change. She was 63 years old when she came to the Healing School, but she came with an open mind. Her expectations were exceeded when she encountered the power of the Holy Spirit. With one touch from God, fibromyalgia was gone; and insomnia, migraines and all sorts of pain disappeared permanently. It was an experience that transformed her situation and forever altered her life. A radiant Marlene returns to the Healing School a year later, to bear witness to the goodness of God in her life, and the new chapter that’s opened up since she got healed. Marlene reminisces about being in that condition, “It was a time of sadness because it seemed I had been taken captive,” she says. “I came to the Healing School because I suffered from fibromyalgia, which was diagnosed as a result of so many years of acute insomnia, migraines and pain. I had headaches and sleeplessness since before I was 11 years old, but the condition worsened when I was 19 years old. I had an accident and hurt my neck, but they couldn’t operate because I was pregnant. That was when the depression started. Years after, I was in another accident and my back was broken. I had one surgery on my neck and two more on my back. They put in pins and screws, but I still had very bad pain in my neck, hands and legs. 04 | The Healing School Magazine

“Where there was hopelessness before, I now happily look forward to the next 64 years.” “Over time, I just got used to living with it. Sometimes, when I complained about my neck, the doctors told me that it was just stress and depression, and put me on heavy stress medication and antidepressants. I was operated on several times, but the condition kept on, with me taking more and more pills over time, usually in handfuls – at least 4 pain pills every 3 hours; these pills did my body much harm. I had severe kidney problems due to high level of toxins in my blood, and also developed allergies – there were sores and my body itched all the time, making me scratch till my skin blistered. One time, I was rushed to the hospital because I was severely anemic. An ulcer caused by the pain meds had led to internal bleeding. They even put me in institutions where I was treated with electric shocks to try to treat the depression, but this didn’t help at all. “I felt useless; there were so many things I couldn’t do because the pain was too severe, like lift my hands or sleep properly. My back was sore and my bladder was leaking. It was difficult to get on or off the bus; if I walked for more than 5 minutes, the pain worsened. Using a back brace and neck collar for many years didn’t do much to help. The sickness deprived me of life, and cost me time with my family, especially my children. I spent so much time in and out of hospitals while they grew up and changed. It eventually led to my divorce. Life was a struggle. I went through a lot of things trying to solve this problem; despite spending so much money, it wasn’t solved, there was no change. “Then the guilt and self-condemnation started. Every day was blank – there was no tomorrow, so there were no dreams and I didn’t make plans. I couldn’t decide what to do, even if it was just a few hours ahead. Every day of my life was managed because there was always pain. At some point, all the things happening made me decide that life wasn’t worth living like this. In this period, I attempted suicide three times, but God didn’t let me go.” Indeed, God has proved His graciousness and lovingkindness in Marlene’s life, and He’s given her a remarkable testimony and a new song to sing: “When I heard about the Healing School, I just knew I had to be there. As I stepped through those doors, I felt the love of God. When Pastor Chris entered the room, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. When he touched me, it was like something burst out from inside me. I felt joy explode and I was just laughing and jumping and running. I checked myself after and I could pick up stuff and turn my neck. I’d been healed completely. “I don’t use any pain medications or sleeping tablets anymore. I don’t need ulcer or kidney or allergy tablets anymore. I can turn my neck, bend, walk five kilometers and back. I can carry my own grocery bags and sit on the beach and play with my grandchildren. My miracle is obvious for everyone to see and I’m shining now. Now, I tell everyone about the Healing School and share the Word of God with them. This miracle has changed my whole life and brought me a new future. Where there was hopelessness before, I now happily look forward to the next 64 years. Glory to God!” Wrapping up her incredible testimony, Marlene gives a special message. To Healing School partners, she says, “I thank you. In Jesus’ Name, I bless you. I’m so excited that I, too, am a partner now.” To Pastor Chris: “Thank you sir, for your zeal and love, for holding nothing back. God bless you so much.” Her advise to intending students of the Healing School, “The key to healing and divine health is doing the Word of God; it is a gift that contains all you need to live the godly life of victory.” To be a part of the ongoing Healing School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa, please visit www.enterthehealingschoolorg/session/autumn. Healing School Magazine The

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• A Time of Inspiration • A Time of Impartaton • A Time of Increase 1st Batch: 12th April to 19th April 2018 2nd Batch: 26th April to 3rd May 2018 06 | The Healing School Magazine

or nearly a decade, the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, has ardently influenced the spread of the Gospel in many nations of the world by impacting men and women of various divides with the infallible Word of God. Through the Ministers’ Visitation Program, many ministers of the Gospel have experienced a special impartation that has propelled them to achieve more and accomplish much exploits for the Kingdom of God.


Hundreds of ministers from 86 countries attended the 2017 edition of the Program; each came with a deep-seated hunger for growth and increase in their ministries. Coming all the way from Fiji, Claire Giraldeau’s anticipation was clearly articulated: “The first thing I put on paper and prayed about before attending the Minister’ Visitation Program was to receive clarity of God’s Word, so I can be in sync with God’s perfect will for my life.” Her expectations were far exceeded as she was mightily blessed by the Healing School experience. She had the unique opportunity to attend the healing service; there, she saw God’s Word come alive as the sick were healed and the oppressed were set free when the man of God ministered to them. Awed by this demonstration of God’s grace and lovingkindness, she expressed her amazement, “It was so powerful to see that the workings of God can be so visible; people that were sitting on wheelchairs got up, and I saw a 92-year-old lady get healed. It was amazing to me, the way Pastor Chris ministered to all the people waiting in line, regardless of their age or color.”

she said, “Pastor Chris preached about staying on top of the mountain, not climbing the mountain or staying around the mountain, but being on top of the mountain. From the mountain top, you see the world differently. This completely changed my mindset and my language. I received clarity because Pastor Chris didn’t give us his opinions or preach with ambiguity; he taught us the Word in all simplicity, making it easy to digest and apply in one’s life and ministry. This was truly a wonderful experience for me.” Having been fired up to spread the Word of God like never before, Claire returned to Fiji with a determination to publish the message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Many testimonies abound in her life and ministry as a result. The tenth edition of the Ministers’ Visitation Program will hold in March and April 2018 in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. This year’s Program promises to be ten times more impactful than ever. Extending an invitation to men and women of the God all over the world, Claire says, “To all ministers out there, I have a message for you. Information and experience are different; we may all have the same information but totally different experiences. The Ministers’ Visitation Program with Pastor Chris is a true experience of the Holy Ghost, and I invite you to attend the 2018 edition in South Africa. You will be empowered by the Holy Ghost and He will change your life forever.”

Get ready for an exciting time of impartation and uplifting. Get ready to impact the nations. Be a part of the 2018 Ministers’ Visitation Program. For booking and reservations, Claire also participated in special sessions, where Pastor kindly download the Healing School Mobile App or visit our Chris revealed deep truths from the Word of God to .website at the visiting ministers. Bearing witness to the mysteries unveiled to her through these ministrations of the Word, The Healing School Magazine | 07

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The condition that brought me to the Healing School was degenerative spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis, which started in 2008. I was told that I needed a major operation because the lower back of my spine had been injured in three places. Since this operation would not provide a permanent solution, the doctor placed me on strong medication; but rather than improve, my condition deteriorated. I had cramps and weakness in my legs and I felt burning sensations in my joints; I could not engage in strenuous physical activities. I was on and off work a lot, and this affected my family financially. After Pastor Chris prayed for me, I stopped feeling pain in my legs. Now, I can jump, squat, and I can do all the things which I found di cult to do when I was sick. I am healed! Thank you, Jesus! - Beatrice Yeabu, United Kingdom.

I am a top government o cial in my country, and I was privileged to participate in a Healing School session. I had expectations to be healed of deafness in my left ear, which had been operated on twice without success. This posed a major challenge to me because I found it di cult to interact with people; the problem affected my relationships, and also my work. While at the Healing School, Pastor Chris laid his hands on me, commanding my ear to open up. I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. I realized I was healed the following morning when I checked my ears. I can now hear clearly through the both ears. I can interact with people effortlessly and, most of all, I can carry out my ministry to prison inmates without worry. - Chaplain Pili Aitaoto, American Samoa.

I suffered from degenerative disc disease from the year 2010. There is no remedy for this disease, but my doctor recommended an operation and different therapies to suppress its effects and manage the pain. I went through a few therapy sessions, but then stopped because I couldn’t afford it. This condition affected me so much: I was always so sad and depressed, and I felt out of place because I couldn’t get involved in simple activities like walking, running or jumping. I came to the Healing School in 2016, and when the man of God ministered to me, I felt a warm sensation surge through my body and I couldn’t contain myself. From that moment, I knew I was healed and I celebrated my victory. Now, I can climb up the stairs, I can bend down, I can stand for as long as I want, and even do push-ups. Glory to God! - Painona Manyara, Zimbabwe.

Visit for more amazing testimonies. The Healing School Magazine | 09


ood personal hygiene is very important, not just for keeping up your good looks, but also for maintaining good health and overall wellbeing. By observing good hygienic practices daily, you can avoid infectious diseases, and even prevent its spread to others around you. 1. Drink more water: Increased water intake promotes a healthy immune system and is crucial to good hygiene. Drinking the recommended minimum of eight glasses of water daily will help you maintain your skin’s healthy glow and avoid bad breath. 2. Shower daily: Take a shower at least twice, it’s guaranteed to rid your body of any dirt, sweat and/or germs accumulated during the day or night, and will prevent acne and other skin diseases. Of course bathing daily helps you feel, look, and smell your best throughout the day. 3. Wash your hands with soap and water: This is one of the most important ways to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Wash your hands after using the restroom or caring for someone who is sick, before preparing food, and at regular intervals throughout the day. 4. Wear clean clothes: Dirty clothes breed bacteria and will make you smelly and uncomfortable. Wash your clothes, or at least air them, after each wear. Never put on sweaty or wet clothes. 5. Wear deodorant: Antiperspirants serve the purpose of controlling too much sweat, while deodorants help avoid the unpleasant smell caused by bacterial activity that occurs when you perspire. Aluminum-free deodorants are safer and come highly recommended. 6. Wash your mouth: Regular teeth-brushing helps prevent gum disease. Floss your teeth every night to prevent gingivitis and tooth decay. Regular brushing also wards off mouth odor. 7. Sleep well: Regular, consistent sleep every night will keep you refreshed and fit for each day. Inadequate sleep may ruin your day or negatively affect your productivity at work. At least 6 hours sleep is recommended for adults. Give your body the rest it deserves. 8. Keep your beddings clean: Washing your beddings (bedsheets, pillow cases, blankets, etc.) will aid better sleeping conditions by removing dead skin cells, sand and dirt, as well as dust mites and other bugs that cling to your sheets. Not washing your sheets will cause build-up of oil from the body, which may result in skin irritations and acne. Get extra sheets, so that you can alternate sets. 9. Don’t Share Personal Hygiene Items: It is inadvisable to share towels, razors, combs, sponges and items from your makeup purse, as this can increase the likelihood of contracting infections from affected persons. 10. Trim your nails: Regularly cut your nails; this helps you keep your hands clean, and will also prevent hangnails and infected nail beds. Trim your nails at least once monthly. Also soak your fingers in warm soapy water weekly (at least once) to release dirt and residue from beneath the nails. It is advisable to moisturize your cuticles and nails regularly. Start with a new habit for improving your personal hygiene. Start today. Stay clean, stay healthy. 10 | The Healing School Magazine

“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11).


he Name of Jesus is the name of the Godhead; it’s the name that the Father and the Holy Spirit answer to! That means the Father didn’t reserve for Himself any higher name than the Name of Jesus, He chose to invest all His authority in that Name! Ephesians 1:21 (AMP) talks about the resurrected Christ, and lets us know that He’s seated in the heavenly places, “Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age {and} in this world, but also in the age {and} the world which are to come.”

CONFESSIONS Father, I thank you for the power in the Name of Jesus, and the authority I have to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease and the crises of life. I declare that I am sustained by the power and authority of the Name, and that I live the higher life of glory that you prearranged for me, in Jesus’ Name. Divine health is at work in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and every bone of my body! I live the supernatural life, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet! The Word of God is quick and active in my body. I live healthy and strong in the Name of Jesus. I manifest the virtues, perfections and excellencies of your righteousness, continually walking in glory and dominion. There is no imperfection or weakness in my life, for I’ve been fashioned for divine health and strength. No sickness can a x itself to my body because the life of Christ in me produces total health and soundness.

In the above Scripture, the word ‘rule’ means two things. Firstly, it is the authority that governs; secondly, it is the decrees by which that authority governs. It refers to rulership and its rules. This means that it doesn’t matter what rule has been made, Jesus is far above all rules. He’s set far above all rule, authority, power and I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural dominion. So, be confident to use the Name of Jesus. supply and supernatural abilities every day. I live in, and by, the Name of Jesus today. I declare that I make progress with giant strides as I Every Christian has the God-given right to use the fulfil the ministry and destiny that You’ve given me, in Jesus’ Name. Name of Jesus. You have the power of attorney to rule in Jesus’ stead. When you stand in that Name, life’s crises I take possession of my healing, health, prosperity, and victory today and the cohorts of darkness will respond to you just as as provided for me by God in His infallible Word. I am free from if the Lord Himself stood before them. Live everyday sicknesses and diseases of any kind, for the life of God is in me. I live in, and by, the power of the Name of Jesus; it’s your a successful and inspiring life because I function in, and live by the birthright as a child of God. Use His Name today! Name of Jesus. Amen. The Healing School Magazine | 11

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