The MASSIVE 64-page end-of-year edition of BMA Mag is here! Featuring:
- The last weeks of the Australians & Hollywood exhibition at the NFSA
- The Mark of Cain hones classic album Ill At Ease to perfection
- Hard-Ons beat off stiff competition
- Kate Miller-Heidke's magical musical melange
- Venus Mantrap delivers fright & delight to your Friday nights
- OFF! is ON!
- Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs (so nice they named them, errr, seven times)
- SLAM! Pro Wrestling - the mega slap-it-all in the capital
- The Dalmatians - generation-spanning CBR folkies
- Ben Drysdale - beloved CBR singer-songwriter mainstay's bold new solo venture
- DISCRIMINATE - an exhibition By John Brookes that's able to disable media's ableism
- The Best Canberra Music Part 1
- Fantastical comedy columns with Chris Marlton, Suma Iyer and, to a much lesser extent, From The Bossman
- Extensive Arts & Music Guide
- Year-In-Review Locality, Punk & Disorderly, and Metalise columns
So much. So, SO much. I need a lie-down.