Our Town T O W N o f WA K E F O R E S T Holding Park Pool offers open swim The Town’s 50-meter swimming pool is open to the public weekdays from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. and weekends from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. The fee is $1 (ages 2 & younger), $3 (ages 3-12), and $4 (ages 13 & older). Lap swim passes and parent/toddler swim passes are available. Holding Park Pool is located at 133 W. Owen Ave. The pool is open daily through Sunday, August 26, after which it will close until next summer. For more information, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/ parksrecreation.aspx or call (919) 435-9560. ■ ■ ■
Receive notice of game cancellations on your smartphone
Residents that download the Town of Wake Forest app can receive athletic game cancellation notices on their smartphones. To download the app, search for “Town of Wake Forest” on iTunes, in the iPhone app store, or in Google Play. For more information about the Town of Wake Forest app, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/app.aspx.
Fourth of July Celebration Fireworks, games, a parade and live entertainment await you July 3-4
ow in its 40th year, Wake Forest’s Fourth of July celebration serves up two daysworth of fun and excitement. The Independence Day event is organized and produced by the all-volunteer Fourth of July Planning Committee. Activities are
funded by gate receipts from the previous year’s celebration, along with the generous contributions of area businesses and the Town of Wake Forest. For maps and details about each of the events, visit www. wakeforestnc.gov/july4.aspx.
Ju ly /Aug us t 2 012
Spectacular Tues., July 3; gates open at 5 pm Heritage High School 1150 Forestville Rd. Live performances by the Band of Oz, Don Carrington’s parachute team, a spectacular fireworks show and more! Picnic baskets are permitted. Please note: No alcoholic beverages, smoking or pets permitted on the school campus. Admission is $5 per person. Children ages six and under are admitted free.
Children’s Parade
Wed., July 4; 10:30 am North Main Street to Holding Park Parade lineup begins at 10 a.m. at the intersection of North Main Street and West Juniper Avenue. All area youngsters are invited to hop on their bicycles or be pulled in a wagon as part of the parade. No registration is required. Free.
and Art-in-the-Park Games-in-the-Park Wed., July 4; 11 am Holding Park, 133 W. Owen Ave. Join in games including sack races, watermelon seed spitting contest, a pie eating contest and arts and crafts activities. Wake Forest police will offer a K-9 unit demonstration, while the Wake Forest Fire Department will have a fire truck on display. Free.
Glad You Asked
Men’s Basketball Registration: Registration for adult leagues will be held Aug.
1-19. League play begins in September. Pick up a team registration form at town hall or www.wakeforestnc.gov/parksrecreation.aspx. For more information, call (919) 435-9560.
Q: Four out of every five car seats are installed incorrectly. How can I make sure my child’s car seat is installed properly? Keeping children safe is an important priority for the Wake Forest Police Department. For this reason, the department now offers a child seat inspection station at the Wake Forest Police Department, 225 S. Taylor St. During your scheduled appointment with the inspection station, a nationally certified technician will show you the right way to buckleup children on every ride. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Sgt. R. Brown at (919) 4359619 or rbrown@wakeforestnc. gov. Additional information is available at www.wakeforestnc. gov/residents/police_ childsafetyseats.aspx.
Police Department unveils new look
Q: Where can I pay my parking ticket? Parking tickets may be paid by mail or in person at the Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St., Wake Forest, NC 27587. Town hall is open Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit www. wakeforestnc.gov/residents/ police_parkingtickets.aspx. Do you have a question for the Town? Email us at gladyouasked@wakeforestnc. gov or call (919) 435-9400. We’ll publish questions in each edition of this newsletter. All questions and answers will be posted at www.wakeforestnc.gov/ gladyouasked.aspx.
Sprayground in the works for Holding Park
he Wake Forest Kiwanis Club and the Parks & Recreation Department are partnering to build the town’s first sprayground at Holding Park.
A sprayground is a playground that uses fountains of water that can be manipulated for a creative play experience.
For the first time in 14 years, the Wake Forest Police Department is sporting a new look. In May the department introduced a new design for its fleet of patrol vehicles featuring a new color, bolder graphics, and a new logo. Most notably, the makeover includes a transition from dark blue vehicles to black cars. According to Police Chief Jeff Leonard, the redesign will result in long-term cost savings. Since black is a less expensive color than the current shade of blue, the move will save the department approximately $500 per vehicle. The new design will be introduced incrementally according to an established maintenance schedule. As a result, it will take several years before the changeover is complete.
Fundraising efforts to build the sprayground are underway. To reach its goal nnn
of $50,000, the Kiwanis Club is accepting monetary contributions. Donations can be mailed to Wake Forest Kiwanis Club, PO Box 927, Wake Forest, NC 27588. Donations will also be accepted at town hall. Checks should be made out to the Wake Forest Kiwanis Foundation—Sprayground Project. Contact Kiwanis Club Member Tom Dimmock at (919) 622-5401 or Ruben Wall at (919) 435-9561 or rwall@wakeforestnc.gov for more information.
Save the date for the Wake Forest Christmas Historic Home Tour. Saturday, Dec. 1, 2-8 p.m. The tour occurs on even numbered years only.
Wake Forest Power linemen perform well at 2012 NCAMES Lineman’s Rodeo
From left: Skeet Wester, Jason Shambley, Scott Abbott and Hugo Mier.
Four Wake Forest Power linemen participated in the 15th Annual North Carolina Association of Municipal Electric Systems (NCAMES) Lineman’s Rodeo on May 24 in Boone, NC. Scott Abbott, Skeet Wester, and Jason Shambley competed against 26 other linemen
in the Journeyman division. Abbott came in second overall and qualifies to participate in the national competition in Florida next year. Hugo Mier competed in the Apprentice division where he finished third overall out of 14 competitors.
On the Calendar J U LY & A U G U S T
Fourth of July Celebration See front page for details.
Wake Forest Farmers Market
Open Saturdays, 8 a.m.-noon and Wednesdays, 4-7 p.m. at the OneCare parking lot, 150 N. White St. www.wakeforestmarket.org, (919) 671-9269.
View Town’s annual budget online
Art After Hours
Music and art openings in downtown Wake Forest. Friday, July 13 and Friday, August 10, 5-9 p.m. www.wakeforestdowntown.com, (919) 570-1372.
The Fiscal Year 2012-13 Annual Budget serves as the Town’s financial and spending plan for the year. Interested citizens can view the budget, the town manager’s budget message, and the 2012-13 budget highlights by visiting www. wakeforestnc.gov/residents/ finance_budget.aspx.
National Night Out
See back page for details.
For a full listing of community events, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/ communitycalendar.aspx.
Your Government
Do you know a ‘good neighbor’? The Wake Forest Human Relations Council (HRC) is soliciting youth and adult nominations for the second annual Good Neighbor of the Year Award. The award is designed to recognize Wake Forest residents who work to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods without seeking or receiving recognition for their efforts. In order to qualify, a nominee must be a Town of Wake Forest resident who has made a significant contribution to the community between Sept. 1, 2011, and Aug. 31, 2012. The HRC will announce one youth and one adult winner during this year’s Good Neighbor Day scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 16 from 1-4 p.m. at Holding Park.
Board of Commissioners Work Session The bear tree sculpture at Holding Park was carved from a willow oak tree that needed to be removed. Cameron Day, a local student, submitted the winning design for the sculpture in a contest held by the Town earlier this year.
First Tuesday | 5:30 p.m. Town Hall Board Room
Planning Board Meetings First Tuesday | 7:30 p.m. Town Hall Board Room
Board of Commissioners Meetings Third Tuesday | 7:00 p.m. Town Hall Board Room
New interactive map tool allows citizens to view Wake Forest transportation projects The Town’s Planning, Engineering and MIS staff have developed an online tool that makes it easier to access information about active transportation projects. Active transportation projects include construction and enhancements to roads, sidewalks, greenways, bridges, bike lanes, and other parts of the transportation system. The new map has several features that show active
construction sites as well as projects under design or funded for future design. Major transportation projects that are being completed by public, private development, subdivision, or commercial construction sites are also shown on this map. To view the map, go to www. wakeforestnc.gov/residents/ transportationmap.aspx.
100 Years of Wake Forest History Pictorial history book available for $20 Filled with photos and stories recounting the stories of the past century, Connections...100 Years of Wake Forest History makes a beautiful gift. Purchase your copy at town hall, Sunflower Studio and Gallery, The Cotton Company or the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce. Or order it online at www.wakeforestnc.gov/2009centennial_connections.aspx.
n Watch
meetings live on Community Channel 10. n Watch re-broadcasts of meetings on Community Channel 10 at 9 a.m., 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. daily for up to two weeks after the meeting. n Watch meetings live or ondemand in streaming video: www. wakeforestnc.gov/Government/ boardofcommissioners.aspx. Have agendas delivered directly to your inbox. Sign up at: www. wakeforestnc.gov/enotifier.aspx.
Independence Day Holiday Schedule Wake Forest Town Hall and other administrative offices will be closed Wednesday, July 4, for Independence Day. Police service will not be affected, but bus service and sanitation schedules may be altered. Any changes to the schedule will be posted at www.wakeforestnc. gov/holidayschedule.aspx approximately one week before the holiday.
Great ways to stay informed about the Town of Wake Forest
Wireless Research Center of NC video now available The Town of Wake Forest
Sign up for E-News and E-Notifier
has partnered with the Wireless Research Center of North Carolina (WRCNC) to produce a threeminute video that highlights the center’s mission and primary areas of focus. Located in Wake Forest at 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Suite 101, the WRCNC is poised to become a global center of wireless excellence. Financed by the Town of Wake Forest and a grant from the Golden LEAF Foundation, the center supports its mission of economic development by providing three categories of assistance—regulatory, research and development, and testing. The WRCNC video airs daily on Community Channel 10 at 8:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. It is also available in streaming video at www.wakeforestnc. gov/business/wireless-researchcenter.aspx.
Receive Town news and notifications by email. Sign up for both electronic services at www.wakeforestnc.gov/ communications.aspx.
Tune in to Channel 10. Focus on Wake Forest airs at the top of the hour. To see a complete programming schedule for Wake Forest’s community channel, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/ channel10_ schedule.aspx.
Download the Town of Wake Forest app. Access information quickly and easily from your smartphone.
Visit our website. www.wakeforestnc.gov
Find us on Facebook. Search for Town of Wake Forest, NC.
Watch a landing and take a peek inside an Army National Guard helicopter.
National Night Out Tuesday, Aug 7; 5 pm-9 pm Wake Forest SuperTarget
esidents are invited to join the Wake Forest Police Department, Target, and thousands of communities across the country for the 28th Annual National Night Out Parking Lot Party. The event features fire, police, and EMS vehicle displays, as well as food and special prizes. The Faith Baptist Church and Friendship
Chapel Church choirs will perform. The police department will also offer a K-9 demonstration and D.A.R.E. presentation, and share information on upcoming Community Watch initiatives. Information about crime prevention will also be available. For more information, contact Officer S. Graham at (919) 435-9599 or visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/ residents/police_nationalnightout. aspx.
Wake Forest’s Beauty is Everyone’s Duty
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