Our Town May/June 2017
Town of Wake Forest 301 S. Brooks Street Wake Forest, NC 27587 919-435-9400
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News highlights Sprayground construction is underway at Taylor Street Park » The Town’s first sprayground is expected to be ready by midsummer. Located at Taylor Street Park, 416 N. Taylor St., the new park area offers interactive water play features. The project was made possible by a Community Development Block Grant through Wake County. n n n
Six Sundays in Spring and Friday Night on White begin the last weekend in April.
WAKE FOREST LIVE! Outdoor concerts are now in full swing
n case you haven’t noticed, Wake Forest is rapidly becoming a hotbed for live music. An effort that began with the annual Six Sundays in Spring concert series and Concerts in the Park has expanded to include Friday Night on White, Rockin’ the
Forest, Music at Midday, and more. To keep you informed about these and other live music events offered by the Town of Wake Forest, Wake Forest Downtown, Inc., and/or the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre for the Arts, we’ve created “Wake Forest Live” at wakeforestnc.gov – your one-stop source for news and information about live music events in Wake Forest. Browse the next few pages to view dates and performers for these events.
Wake Forest Town Hall closed on Memorial Day: Town hall and all administrative offices will be closed Monday, May 29, for Memorial Day. For a complete list of town holidays and any changes to town services, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “holiday schedule.”
37th Annual Meet in the Street is May 6 » Meet in the Street will take place Saturday, May 6, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. in historic downtown Wake Forest. Presented by the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce, Meet in the Street offers a day filled with food, fun and entertainment, including live music and children’s activities. Admission is free. Park & Ride. A free shuttle service will be provided again this year in conjunction with Sam’s Club and Kerr Family YMCA. Visitors will be able to hop on one of two YMCA buses at the Wake Forest Sam’s Club, 11460 Royall Cotton Road, for the short trip into downtown. The free shuttle will drop off visitors in many locations in downtown Wake Forest. The shuttle will run continuously beginning at 9:30 a.m. The final shuttle will depart from downtown at 5:15 p.m.