Avicenna,and the book al-Qanun al-saghir, Prof Kadircan Keskinbora

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IBN SINA and THE LİTTLE BOOK OF CANON «KÂNÛN-u SAGÎR» Kadircan KESKINBORA M.D., Prof., Ph.D. Bahcesehir University School of Medicine Istanbul, TURKEY


• The foremost physician • al-Sheikh al-Rais (Leader among the wise men)

• and the foremost philosopher of his time • Hellenistic Islamic tradition that also includes al-Farabi • His philosophical theory is a comprehensive, detailed and rationalistic account of the nature of God and Being, • he finds a systematic place for the corporeal world, spirit, insight, and the varieties of logical thought including • dialectic, / rhetoric /poetry

IBN SINA He was also an • astronomer, • chemist, physicist, • geologist, mathematician, • logician, • paleontologist, • psychologist, • scientist and teacher.


developed a medical system that combined • his own personal experience with that of Islamic medicine, • the medical system of the Greek physician • Galen, • Aristotelian metaphysics (Avicenna was one of the main interpreters of Aristotle),

• ancient Egypt, Persian, Mesopotamian, • Uigur, Chinese and Indian medicine

IBN SINA and KANUN • The best-known amongst the books written by Ibn Sina that to which Ibn Sina owed his European reputation • 5-volume The Canon of Medicine • It was a standard medical text in Europe and the Islamic world up until the 18th century.

The main topic of my speech is the presentation of The Book Of Ibn Sina, Kânûn-u Sagîr (The Little Canon) which was translated in Turkish.


All books that written by Ibn Sina are in Arabic but one (Danishname- in Persian). Arabic was accepted as the scientific language at that age and writing in Arabic was a scientific tradition.

• The original copy of this book is at • Bayezid State Library, Istanbul • section of hand-written books • recorded in Catalogue of Veliyuddin Efendi, nr. 2529. • This book was translated in Turkish by a committee under the head of mine and • published in 2013 June, • by Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları (University Press)

• Ibn Sina systematizes the subject of the book in coherenece as he does in the Great Canon. • Kânûn-u Sagir consists of ten separate articles. • At the beginning of every article he gave a short information and divide the article into chapters.

In the first section Ibn Sina summarize the creation of the human being, the segments of medicine.


(7 Chapters - bâb)

1) Creation the human being 2) The structure of the human body from seperate organs (parts) 3) The structure of the body from compound pieces (organs in groups) 4) The different sections of the science of medicine, their descriptions and importance 5) The flow of the blood through the vessels (pulse) 6) Urine 7) Information about the other parts of the body

• The second article is about the functions and energy of food, beverages (drinks), and clothes (fabrics). There are twenty chapters. • Ibn Sina says that the foods and drinks affect the body by three ways: 1) quality, 2) elements, 3) the nature

The functions and energy of the foods/beverages and clothes 20 chapters 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Bread and types Meat and Egg Fish Milk, Butter, Cheese, Skimmings Leguminous plants Basic legumes Fresh fruits Dried foods Lipids Aromatic (odourous) plants

11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

Fragrances (Fine odours) Clothes (fabrics) Spices Vinegar, Zythum (boza), Olive, Pickle, Marmalade (jam) Water, Snow, Ice Wines Beverages, fizzy drinks Drinks made of medicines Grills and boiled foods Sweets and Desserts

• In the third article (10 chapters) he address how to deal with newborns, especially the actions necessary at the time of the birth, and he advises the breast feeding from the mother. • Then he cites the conditions that must be available in nursing woman, and how to manage the nurse when she needs. • Then he ensures about taking care of children's training through six years of his/her age. Then he talks about keeping adult's health, and defines sports.

Hygiene, Training The Children, Moderation of The Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women 1) Doing Sports 2) Things to be done in bathroom / hamam 3) Eating and drinking 4) States of sleeping and wakefulness 5) Sexual potency 6) Psychologic behaviors 7) Moderating the pregnant women 8) Moderating the breastfeeding mother 9) Moderating the children untill puberty 10) Moderating the human being from 14 years old to the end of the life

• After the fourth article he address the diseases as a sequence from the head to the feet. The fourth section consists of 18 chapters • Some kinds of headache, eye ache, epiphora, influenza, ear ache, nose ache, teeth problems, engrowths of the epiglottus, tonsils and the mouth are main topics. • The beginning of the throat is the last segment of the fourth section.

The Diseases Of The Body Region From The Head to The Border of The Chest. 1) Headache, semiheadache, Facialgia (facial pain) 2) Drowsiness with fever 3) Depression /Melancholia 4) Epilepsy 5) Love (infatuation) 6) Stroke 7) Facial palsy, numbness, chilling cramps 8) Catarh 9) Eye pain

10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

Weakness of the eye, Epiphora Ear ache The pain of the nose Cleft lip The pain of the Teeth, Gingiva and Molar Teeth Oral acnes Polishing the teeth, betterment of the foul breath Turgescence on the Uvula, Tonsils and Throat Adhesive mucus in the throat

• The throat diseases comprises the fifth article. • Divided into four chapters: • Cough, pleuresy, influenza • Asthma • Palpitations • Hemopthisia (Blood in the saliva)

• The sixth article consists of the gastrointestinal system diseases. consists of 14 chapters. • The topics begin with nausea and the ache resembles colic. • The arrange in a row finishes at the anus. • The liver ache, spleen ache, kidney ache, icterus are in this section.

About The Abdomen (Stomach) And Food Tools (Gastrointestinal System) Diseases 1) Debility of stomach (atony?)

8) Worms (consisted in abdomen)

2) Nausea

9) Pain of the liver

3) Colic

10) Pain of the spleen

4) Hiccups (singiltus)

11) Icterus (jaundice)

5) Diarrhea

12) Kidney diseases

6) Dysentery

13) Bladder diseases

7) Cramps (severe pain)

14) Anus diseases

The seventh article is about the urinary and sexual organs (6 chap.) Ibn Sina tells about other issues related to the maintenance of health, about the benefits of sexual intercourse, and its harms, conditions, and bad types, and the proper times in relation to eating and sleep and other conditions, to avoid damages of the sexual intercourse.

About The Genital Organ Diseases 1) Diseases of penis 2) Outputting of semen and spermatic fluid 3) Diseases of testis 4) Hernias 5) Diseases of uterus 6) Intercourse

The eighth article is belong to • the gout disease, • ischialgia (schiatica) • the pain of the joints.

In the ninth article (consist of 16 chapters) Ibn Sina tells about • the dermal eruptions, and some dermatologic diseases, • some infectious diseases, • poisons, • drawing blood, • vomiting

Diseases Seen on The Skin, Stings of Poisonous Insects, Drawing Blood 1) Hair diseases 2) Cleaning the fleck and flickers 3) Herpetic and fungal diseases 4) Whiteness of the skin (vitiligo) 5) Itching 6) Variola, rubeola, urticaria and impetigo 7) Warts (verruca) 8) Boils (carbuncle)

9) Tumors around the nails 10) Fissures in the heels and edges of the finger and toe 11) Fire, water and oil burns 12) Poisoning 13) Drawing blood 14) Cupping 15) Diarrhea, scours 16) Vomiting

In the tenth article the main subject is febrile disease. 7 chapters: 1-Temporary daily fever, 2- The fever which comes every day flegm origin, 3- The fever which comes in intervals from yellow bile, 4- The melancholic fever continues 1 or 2 days, 5- Blood fever which covers all the body, 6-compound fevers, 7-short duration daily fever

Pulse (Kinds And Subtypes) (1st Article- chap.5) 1) Related with expansion and contraction of the vessels. 3 subtypes 2) Related with movement of the pulse .

3 subtypes

3) Related to the force of the pulse.

3 subtypes

4) Viscosity of the physical structure of the artery

3 subtypes

5) The fatigue and tiredness of the pulse movement

3 subtypes

6) Regularity of the pulse 7) Irregular pulse,

faulty maintenance of the pulse

8) Lingering pulse 9) The heat and the coldness of the artery

3 subtypes

10) Materials at the border of the artery.

3 subtypes

EL-KÂNÛN fi’t-TIBB Great Canon Of Ibn Sina; 5 Volume 1. Vol. (Külliyat el-Kanun): Anatomy and physiology 2. Vol. (Müfredat): The simple drugs used in treatment in alphabetical row 3. Vol. (Mualecat): systematically from the head to the foot, the diseases of the organs of the body 4. Vol. (Hummiyat): Diseases with fever , minor surgery, fractures, luxations, diseases with skin eruptions like rubeola, variola etc.. 5. Vol. (Mürekkebat / Akrabadin): Recipe of compound drugs and instructions of preparing


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