1 minute read
Your peers
All entries are first voted for online by our international readership. This allows for informed peerto-peer recognition. Those eligible to vote are our readers – the buyers and suppliers of onboard hospitality – the people we believe are best placed to recognise a good product or service, or a true innovation. These are the people –you and your industry colleagues – who really are in the know; industry insiders with expertise in the field.
Following 15 years as crew for British Airways, Shelley has extensive experience of inflight service and a clear understanding of what passengers and crew want.
Expert conclusions
Our thanks go to all those who got involved and voted online. Together you help make these awards the most authentic and accountable in the business. The results of the online votes were collated and fed into the work of the judging panel. Our judges then combined the results of the online vote with their own assessments, made when they met in person as a distinguished panel. At this day-long judging event they also had the chance to see entry samples first hand. They formed a powerful knowledge bank, with a wealth of expertise around the user experience and onboard service practicalities. We thank them for their support and dedication to the often difficult task of identifying the very best products.