Paul Hughes
Committee Reports Vice President’s Report
o the year has got off to more of the same from 2021. The committee is well aware of the various scenarios facing all of us and will continue to make decisions based on the best outcomes for the membership.
The month has been a combination of wet weather, long periods at home and some bike cleaning. Have managed some local rides and I am constantly amazed at what I see people do on our roads. Leaving aside the stupid acts on bikes on the close-by mountains, I witnessed a rather soul uplifting experience the other day. Merging traffic on a motorway. Bike in front and merging with indicator on. Four wheel drive without indication , screams across 3 lanes of traffic to push in front of the bike. Some obvious distress from the bike rider who is now behind the offending four-bee. Then behold the 4x4 driver gives the bird to the rider on the black BMW RS. Just at that moment the party lights on the bike come on and the 4x4 is pulled over by the officer on the unmarked bike. Officer looks purposeful when I pass him (lol). There is a god, is all I can think of at the time. Maybe there is a purpose for unmarked authority bikes after all. February will mark our first membership longevity awards presentation and I would urge everyone to get involved and turn up. The facility needs numbers for catering purposes, so if you intend to come along please indicate so two weeks prior. There have been several updates released on the BMW National Motorrad Rally in June. Info is in the this journal, Facebook and the web forum. Sounds like a fun time. The committee continues to provide great opportunities for riding, social and learning experiences. Get amongst it and get the best value from your membership. Ride safe and watch those black BMW RS’s. Cheers Paul