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MOA #270 BMW RA #319



2016 Club Officers: President: Brad Hoy 970-618-4417 bmwrider-r1200rt@hotmail.com Vice President: Dwayne Hall 970-285-0275 dwayneh@gjpipe.com Treasurer: Orrin Beckner 970-250-0478 obeckner@gmail.com Secretary/Editor: Jeff Smith 970-208-3930 rjspoa@yahoo.com BMW Riders of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502 On the web at; https://bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/

It’s time to renew your membership! The form is included in this newsletter. Fill it out and return it. Do It now! BMW Club Events!! •March Club Events • March 3, 2016 Thursday Club Social meet at 6 pm at Rib City 455 Kokopelli Blvd #5 Fruita for dinner and conversation. • March 12, 2016 Saturday Meet at BMW Store at 9:00 and ride 141 to Norwood for lunch at Lone Cone Cafe. • March 19, 2016 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Crossroads Blvd. Grand Junction for a business meeting. Ride to lunch in Moab after the meeting. (Note earlier meeting time)

•April Club Events • April 2, 2016 Thursday Club ride Meet at BMW store at 9:00 Group chooses destination • April 7, 2016 Thursday Club Social meet at 6 pm at Outback Steak House 2432 US 6 Grand Junction for dinner and conversation. • April 16, 2016 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Crossroads Blvd. Grand Junction for a business meeting. Ride over the mesa after the meeting possibly to a campout in Cotopaxi to watch a Trials competition at Turkey Rock on Sunday. • April 17, 2016 Sunday Turkey Rock Trials competition Info:http://www.rockymountaintrials.org/schedule.html • April 19-20 campout at 3 steps Hideaway Info: http:// www.3stephideaway.com/index.php contact Joe Branson 970-261-6511 • April 30, 2016 Meet at Colorado Welcome Center in Fruita at 9:00 ride to Moab car show.

• BMW Riders of Western Colorado on Facebook!! •Join our Club Facebook page, (you have to be a member of Facebook). Check it out: https:// www.facebook.com/pages/BMWRiders-of-Western-Colorado/ 256767474377500

Pagnol Jacket •

Check out this video my daughter Kirsten made for my son:https:// www.youtube.com/watch? v=1w8XDEIZzNg&feature=y outu.be

They didn’t win.

Pass Bagger contest President Brad Hoy has announced a contest to ride the most passes and the most states in 2016! $100 to the winner of each endeavor. Here is a list of passes:http:// passbagger.org/ get going!


MOA #270 BMW RA #319


Minutes of the February 20, 2016 Business Meeting BMW Riders of Western Colorado Inc. President Brad Hoy called the meeting to order at 10:00. There were nine members present. Officers reports: Treasurer Orrin Beckner reports a bank balance of $4239.16. He also reported on a bill introduced in Colorado to allow lane splitting. It was rejected in committee. The AMA led lobbying efforts for the bill. Orrin also mentioned the adjustment in the quantity of fuel blended with ethanol. The battle over ethanol continues to rage with more pressure for E15 blends. This blend contains 15% ethanol and is illegal to use in motorcycles or ATV’s. E10 fuel is approved for modern motorcycles, but vintage bikes and many older fuel systems require E0 fuel which is becoming harder to get. In fact the current production quotas have reduced E0 production from 9.2 billion gallons to only 130 million gallons in 2016. These changes in the ethanol program will make higher ethanol blends more common. When gas is delivered by a pump as much as the first quart of fuel may be from the previous purchase. So with the small tanks of motorcycles the effects of higher ethanol fuels will be increased. To avoid this risk, fill up after your riding buddy and make sure that first quart is E10. There is a hearing in the senate this week about the issue. Secretary Jeff Smith mentioned that the club has 22 members and several members still have not renewed. Social locations for March and April were chosen by the group. Jeff reported that Mary Hughes had talked to Christy with the Hotchkiss Booster Club about the Saturday morning breakfast and they agreed to our date of September 24, 2016. The website can now accept credit card payments for rally registration. Jeff charged his $40 entry and Orrin confirmed the money minus fees of $2.66 was deposited to our bank account. Jeff reports that former member Terry O’Brien sends his greetings and is looking for an Airhead project bike. New business: President Brad Hoy passed around a list of club rides for the Spring of 2016. Jeff will post the list on the website. Members discussed ride ideas including the “codgers” ride to be held on Thursday’s before the social, an Aspen house tour, and a Lake City ride. A ride in May to the Glenwood Caverns and a possible swing ride for Joe. Planning is underway for Joe Branson’s ATV camping trip for April 19-20 at 3 Steps Hideaway near Lasal Utah. It is $22/night for camping. Information 970-261-6511. Here is a link to the property. http://www.3stephideaway.com/index.php Bill from Grand Junction BMW/KTM stopped by the meeting to discuss the group tire buy. Please commit to Bill by February 28 so we can get a deal! We need ten sets; we have four sets committed now. email bill@gjharley.com and commit to some tires. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15. Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Smith Secretary/Editor

• Club stickers $2 each 3-$5 see Orrin.


MOA #270 BMW RA #319


Application/Renewal for Membership and Name Tag Order Form BMW Riders of Western Colorado, MOA #270 RA #319 Name(s):_________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code:________________________________________________ Telephone Number:__________________________________________________ Email Address:______________________________________________________ Motorcycles:_______________________________________________________ MOA/RA Number:______________________________________________________ Other Associate members in family:______________________________________ Receive newsletter by email only?



Dues are $15.00 annually payable in January of each year. Make check payable to BMW Riders of Western Colorado.

Club Nametags!!

Member Nametags are available to Club Members for $5.00. Please complete this form and include payment for pins desired and “options” with your renewal. Nametags will include the club logo and the member’s name and office if an officer. Name on Pin:________________________________ Title:_______________________ Add $1 for Clutch Back (double stronger pin) Add $2 for Magnetic Back Name on Associates Pin:___________________________________ Add $1 for Clutch Back (double stronger pin) Add $2 for Magnetic Back Total included $15 renewal + $5 for each Pin + Options= ________________________ Where should we go to attend a rally this year? Are you thinking about proposing and planning a club ride? Please submit your date, route and other particulars and the club will get it in the newsletter and on the website and on our Facebook page.

Suggestions, complaints, or other comments?

Return to: BMW Riders of Western Colorado PO Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502


MOA #270 BMW RA #319


Alaska 2016 Member Mark Lickers is planning an Alaskan trip this summer. He is thinking at least three weeks, leaving June 11, 2016. The route is to be determined. Mark has accommodations in Haines Alaska and that could be used for a headquarters to ride the area. The Alaskan ferry serves Haines, so travel back South could be on the ferry. If you are interested get in touch with Mark at melcal2003@yahoo.com The outline for the trip is here: https://bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/blog/

February; Melting snow brings rockslides! Roads closed by rockslides means spring is near. As the weather warms, watch out for mag chloride, gravel, ROCKS, and wet spots. Check for weather, construction delays and closures on state websites. Colorado road conditions are available at www.cotrip.org . Other nearby States can be checked while planning a trip to minimize delays and torn up roads. Utah construction can be checked at www.dot.state.ut.org/construction , New Mexico at www.nmshtd.state.nm.us and Wyoming at http://wyoroad.info/ Have fun out there.

BMW Riders of Western Colorado POB 3271 Grand Junction CO 81502-3271

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