MOA #270 BMW RA #319
MARCH 2019
BMW RIDERS OF WESTERN COLORADO Inc. 2019 Club Officers: Co-Presidents Paul Hughes 985-514-0096, Mary Hughes Vice President:Randy Schwartz 970-773-1961 Treasurer: Gary Campbell 970-210-2604 Secretary/Editor: Jeff Smith 970-208-3930 BMW Riders of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502 On the web at;
BMW Club Events! Time to renew, the form is in this newsletter send it in or pay at a meeting. • April Club Events • April 4, 2019 Thursday meet at 6:00 pm at Suds Brothers 127 E Aspen Fruita for dinner and conversation • April 20, 2019 Saturday meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction for a business meeting. After the meeting Pat Jacques will conduct a “Dead bike Drill” demonstrating off road riding with a static motorcycle. Pizza will be served. • April 27, 2019 Moab Car show ??? • May Club Events • May 2, 2019 Thursday meet at 6:00 pm at 357 Main St. Palisade for dinner and conversation • May, 18, 2019 Saturday meet at City Market 2770 US Highway 50 at 8:30, Kickstands up at 8:45 Ride to “Starvin Arvins” 204 Ute St. Delta Colorado for breakfast at 9:30 followed by a business meeting. • June Club Events • June 1, 2019 Saturday Unknown Motorcycle Show, 10-3 Main St Palisade Meet for breakfast before? • June 6, 2019 Thursday meet at 6:00 pm at a location TBD for dinner and conversation • June 15 2019 Saturday meet at a location to be determined for a business meeting. Club stickers $2 each 3-$5 Club hats $18.50 reserve your hat today We have 6 black hats and one red left contact Jeff
• BMW Riders of Western Colorado on Facebook!! •Join our Club Facebook page, (you have to be a member of Facebook). Check it out: https:// 256767474377500
Have you checked out the Club website? The membership list is there. The password is letmein
May 18, 2019 meet at City Market 2770 Hwy 50 at 8:30 kickstands up at 8:45 ride to Starving Arvins in Delta for breakfast followed by a short business meeting
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
MARCH 2019
Minutes of the March 16, 2019 Business Meeting of the BMW Riders of Western Colorado, Inc. The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Randy Schwartz at 10:04. There were 10 members present. Officers Reports; Treasurer Gary Campbell returned from Arizona and brought the bank statement. The club has $6774.65 in the bank. Jeff gave Gary three membership checks and a deposit slip from a deposit made in Gary’s absence. Secretary Jeff Smith also gave Gary the bill from Grand Junction BMW for the Grand prize tires we awarded at the rally last year. Gary will write a check for the tires. Gary wrote a check for $15 to renew our club charter with the BMW Riders Association. Jeff will mail it in with the renewal. Jeff also gave Gary his bill for club expenses. A discussion of club members authorized on the club bank account. Currently Gary Campbell and Monte Potter are on the account. Monte, Gary, and the group agreed to keep the signers as is. The pizza following Pat Jacques’ event at Grand Junction BMW on April 20 was discussed. There has been some interest about the event on our Facebook page and it is also on the dealer Facebook page. Concern was expressed about spending club funds to promote a business. After discussion a motion was MSP to affirm the maximum expenditure on pizza is no more than $100.00. After the meeting Randy confirmed with Colby Higgins the Marketing Manager for Grand Junction Harley Davidson that they will provide a tub of soda and water for the event. Rally, A rally committee was discussed. Members volunteering to serve on the committee included Monte Potter, Jeff White, Randy Schwartz, and Jeff Smith. Kerry Dolan missed the meeting but will be included in the group. If any member wants to volunteer to serve on the rally committee let a committee member know and we will include you in our discussions. The rally committee will bring a monthly report to the business meeting. Door prizes were discussed. Randy Schwartz will contact Brad Hoy to coordinate and begin the process of solicitation. Randy will also check with Irma of the Backcountry Discovery route movies to inquire about a showing of the Colorado BDR movie at the rally. Old business; Randy will also let Suds Brothers in Fruita know about our social there on April 4. New Business, Randy talked to Paul Hughes about the locations of the first “ride to” meetings. The group will meet and ride to Starvin Arvins in Delta on May 18, and to Vega Lake Lodge on June 15. Club pins were discussed. Jeff will bring prices for a club pin to a business meeting. Jeff will miss the April 20 meeting. Gary Campbell will take minutes. The meeting was adjourned at 11:03. Respectfully submitted, Jeff Smith Secretary/Editor
Rally Committee A rally committee has been organized to meet and plan the details of the ThunderMountain Rendezvous this year. Committee members will plan the food, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and Saturday dinner, entertainment, marketing, and activities. The committee will bring a report to the business meeting each month. Send an email to an officer and volunteer to take charge of something! PAGE 2
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
MARCH 2019
Application/Renewal for Membership and Name Tag Order Form BMW Riders of Western Colorado, MOA #270 RA #319 Name(s):_________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code:________________________________________________ Telephone Number:__________________________________________________ Email Address:______________________________________________________ Motorcycles:_______________________________________________________ MOA/RA Number:______________________________________________________ Other Associate members in family:______________________________________ Receive newsletter by email only?
Dues are $15.00 annually payable in January of each year. Make check payable to BMW Riders of Western Colorado.
Club Nametags!!
Member Nametags are available to Club Members for $5.00. Please complete this form and include payment for pins desired and “options” with your renewal. Nametags will include the club logo and the member’s name and office if an officer. Name on Pin:________________________________ Title:_______________________ Add $1 for Clutch Back (double stronger pin) Add $2 for Magnetic Back Name on Associates Pin:___________________________________ Add $1 for Clutch Back (double stronger pin) Add $2 for Magnetic Back Total included $15 renewal + $5 for each Pin + Options= ________________________ Where should we go to attend a rally this year? Are you thinking about proposing and planning a club ride? Please submit your date, route and other particulars and the club will get it in the newsletter and on the website and on our Facebook page.
Suggestions, complaints, or other comments?
Return to: BMW Riders of Western Colorado PO Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
Moab Car Show April 26, 27, 28, 2019 Moab Utah The Moab car show is a spectacular display of creative restoration and hot rodding. Now in its 27th year, it is a Western Slope tradition. Put on by the Moab Rotary Club in the Moab town park it is great fun. . More info here; The Unknown Motorcycle Show Formerly known as the Western Colorado Vintage Motorcycle Show this display of all things motorcycle happens June 1 from 10-3 at 3rd and Main in Palisade Colorado. Info;
41st Annual Chief Joseph Rally June 27-30, 2019 Grant County Fairgrounds, John Day, Oregon Early registration: March 1 through June 15 Includes 3 nights tent camping, showers, as well as dinner Friday and Saturday. BMWRO members - $55 Non-members - $70 Late registration at the Gate Includes 3 nights tent camping, showers, but no meals. A limited number of dinner tickets will be available at $15 per meal. BMWRO members - $45 Non-members - $60 To register or review details, please visit the BMW Riders of Oregon website: March Rocks!Rocks! FLOODS! Watch out for distracted drivers, who continue to wreak havoc and destruction on our roads. Common road hazards include, gravel, ROCKS, frost, ICE, and MUD. Check for weather, construction delays and closures on state websites. Colorado road conditions are available at . Other nearby States can be checked while planning a trip to minimize delays and torn up roads. Utah road conditions can be checked at 0:::1:T,V:1673 , New Mexico at and Wyoming at http:// Stay safe out there!
BMW Riders of Western Colorado POB 3271 Grand Junction CO 81502-3271