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MOA #270 BMW RA #319

JUNE 2016


2016 Club Officers: President: Brad Hoy 970-618-4417 bmwrider-r1200rt@hotmail.com Vice President: Dwayne Hall 970-285-0275 dwayneh@gjpipe.com Treasurer: Orrin Beckner 970-250-0478 obeckner@gmail.com Secretary/Editor: Jeff Smith 970-208-3930 rjspoa@yahoo.com BMW Riders of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502 On the web at; https://bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/

BMW Club Events!! •July Club Events • July 7, 8, 9, 2016 United Sidecar Association “Rigs in the Rockies” Hotchkiss CO Info:http://www.sidecar.com/ rally.asp • July 7, 2016 Thursday Club Social meet at 4:30 pm at the Park and Ride on US 50 South; Ride to Hotchkiss for dinner and scope out the Sidecar Rally • July 16, 2016 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Crossroads Blvd. Grand Junction for a business meeting. Ride ???

•August Club Events • August 4, 2016 Thursday Club Social meet at 6 pm at Kannah West 456 Kokopelli Blvd. Fruita for dinner and conversation. • August 20, 2016 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Crossroads Blvd. Grand Junction for a business meeting. Ride ???

• September Club Events • September 1, 2016 Thursday Club Social meet at 6 pm at Famous Dave’s 2440 Hwy 6 & 50 Grand Junction for dinner and conversation. • September 17, 2016 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Crossroads Blvd. Grand Junction for a business meeting. Ride??? • September 23-25, 2016 Thunder Mountain Rendezvous join your club in Hotchkiss for this great annual event. Check it out here: https:// bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/index?p Register online at: www.bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com or fill out the form in this newsletter.

There’re back! • Club stickers $2 each 3-$5 see Orrin or Jeff.

• BMW Riders of Western Colorado on Facebook!! •Join our Club Facebook page, (you have to be a member of Facebook). Check it out: https:// www.facebook.com/pages/BMWRiders-of-Western-Colorado/ 256767474377500

Have you checked out the Club website? https:// bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/ Send your comments and suggestions to Jeff

Pass Bagger contest President Brad Hoy has announced a contest to ride the most passes and the most states in 2016! $100 to the winner of each endeavor. Here is a list of passes:http:// passbagger.org/ get going!


MOA #270 BMW RA #319

JUNE 2016

Minutes of the June 18, 2016 Business Meeting BMW Riders of Western Colorado Inc. President Brad Hoy called the meeting to order at 9:06. There were 10 members present. During the meeting several members received a picture and text message from the Alaskan adventurers. They report they are in Fort St. James British Columbia. Their departure was delayed a day by a cracked valve cover on Mark’s F800 GS and a battery had to be replaced in another bike somewhere along the route. Joe reports the group stayed in a nice KOA campground in Montpelier Idaho. Officers reports: Treasurer Orrin Beckner reported a bank balance of $4120.72. He also has arranged for rally insurance through the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America, and provided a Certificate of Liability Insurance. Secretary Jeff Smith reported on another new member, Cindy Robbins from Granby. Welcome Cindy we look forward to riding with you. Jeff also submitted a bill for the newsletter and movie projector rental for the rally. ATS, the rental company offered a $20 discount if a projector was ordered by the end of last Friday. Because this was a scheduled rally expense it meets the notification requirements of our Bylaws. Jeff rented the projector for a total cost of $129.00. The projector is an Epson Powerlite Presenter. Jeff also passed around a renewal form for our club charter with BMW Motorcycle Owners of America and several members added their MOA membership numbers to the form. Brad Hoy will mail the form, Orrin Beckner wrote a check for the $15.00 fee. Rally: Door prizes were discussed. Brad will coordinate. Jeff will ask Bob’s BMW, MOA and RA for door prizes. Brad will ask Monte to ask Motorcycle Accessories for a door prize donation. Terry will ask Grand Junction BMW. Jeff will send a list of door prizes to Brad. Brad will organize the Sunday Rider’s breakfast. Paul and Mary Hughes will do beans for Saturday night. Gary plans to precook 16 pounds of spaghetti for the Cincinnati chili Friday night, and then reheat it in the big pot at the rally. Brad will go over to the BMW Club of Colorado and talk up our rally. Their “Top O’ the Rockies rally is July 21-24 in Paonia, (see below). The meeting was adjourned at 9:51. Nine members rode to the Vega Lodge for lunch. Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Smith Secretary/Editor

Summer Heat! Road construction season has started! Watch out in the Cone Zones. Look for mag chloride, gravel, ROCKS, and hot tar snakes. Check for weather, construction delays and closures on state websites. Colorado road conditions are available at www.cotrip.org . Other nearby States can be checked while planning a trip to minimize delays and torn up roads. Utah construction can be checked at www.dot.state.ut.org/construction , New Mexico at www.nmshtd.state.nm.us and Wyoming at http://wyoroad.info/ Have fun out there.

BMW Rallies and Coming events BMW MOA International Rally July 14-17 Hamburg Fairgrounds, 5820 South Park Avenue, Hamburg, New York 14075 45th Annual Top O’ the Rockies Rally Please join us July 21 - 24 in the small town of Paonia Colorado for the rally that offers something for everybody. To pre register visit our website at BMWMCC.Org . The fee is $50 until July 1st and $60 after then.


MOA #270 BMW RA #319

JUNE 2016

13th Thunder Mountain Rendezvous September 23-25, 2016 Rally registration is $40.00 before August 15th, $50.00 after August 15th or at the gate. MAIL REGISTRATION AND CHECK PAYABLE TO:

BMW Riders of Western Colorado #270 P.O. Box 3271 Grand Junction CO 81502 To ensure correct address, please print legibly or type Name/First/Last








cell phone number email address: Passenger/second rider Name/First/Last

Address if different




Emergency contact: Name/First/Last

Phone #

Total enclosed:

Disclaimer: I hereby release and hold harmless the sponsors, owners, promoters, and tenants of the premises for any loss or injury to myself or property in which I may become involved by reason of my voluntary participation in this event. This release and hold harmless shall also be binding on my heirs, assigns, successors, and all other persons who may claim through me. I understand that I must sign a complete waiver at the time of registration. Participants under the age of 18 must have the signature of a parent or guardian. Printed name;________________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________


MOA #270 BMW RA #319

JUNE 2016

Alaska 2016 Member Mark Lickers is leading the planning of the Alaskan adventure this summer. The riders left Sunday June 12 and sent this picture of the group from Fort St. James B.C. on Saturday June 18,2016. The outline for the trip is here: https:// bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/blog/

BMW Riders of Western Colorado POB 3271 Grand Junction CO 81502-3271

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