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MOA #270 BMW RA #319

JUNE 2018


2018 Club Officers: President: Monte Potter 970-250-6407 potter_monte@hotmail.com Vice President: Dwayne Hall 970-285-0275 dwayneh@gjpipe.com Treasurer: Gary Campbell 970-210-2604 gcampbell44@yahoo.com Secretary/Editor: Jeff Smith 970-208-3930 rjspoa@yahoo.com BMW Riders of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502 On the web at; https://bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/

BMW Club Events! • July Club Events • July 5, 2018 Thursday Meet at I70 Exit 42 gas station at 5:30 Ride toVega Lodge for for dinner and conversation. They are expecting us • July 21, 2018 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction for a business meeting. RIDE?? • August Club Events • August 2, 2018 Thursday meet at 6:00 pm at Suds Brothers Brewery, 127 E Aspen Ave Fruita for dinner and conversation • August 18, 2018 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction for a business meeting. RIDE?? • September Club Events • September 6, 2018 Thursday meet at 6:00 pm at a location to be determined for dinner and conversation • September 15, 2018 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction for a business meeting. RIDE?? • September 22-23, 2018 15th Thunder Mountain Rendezvous Delta County Fairgrounds, Hotchkiss CO Register online at BMWRidersofwco.squarespace.com Register soon,————— the price goes up to $50 on August 16. Club stickers $2 each 3-$5 see Gary or Jeff. Club hats $18.50 reserve your hat today We have 7 black hats and one red left Contact Jeff

• BMW Riders of Western Colorado on Facebook!! •Join our Club Facebook page, (you have to be a member of Facebook). Check it out: https:// www.facebook.com/pages/BMWRiders-of-Western-Colorado/ 256767474377500

Have you checked out the Club website? https:// bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/ The membership list is there. The password is letmein

2018 Contest April 21- November 1 ,2018 Accumulate points by taking a picture of your motorcycle with a Colorado feature; Courthouses, river crossings, (one picture per crossing location), or Historical Markers Winner gets a $25 gift card to the November social dinner


MOA #270 BMW RA #319

JUNE 2018

Minutes of the June 16, 2018 Business Meeting BMW Riders of Western Colorado Inc. The meeting was called to order by President Monte Potter at 9:00. There were four members present. Treasurer Gary Campbell reports the club is still solvent with an entry for the Thunder Mountain Rendezvous crediting to the account this month. Secretary Jeff Smith reported that the club has 36 members. Monte reported that the planned ride North was cancelled because of turnout. Jeff checked with the Vega Lodge for the July 5 social. They are expecting us. The August social will be at Suds Brothers Brewery in Fruita. Rally: Jeff sent two gift certificates to the Land of Enchantment BMW Riders for our 2018 rally. Gary reports he still has to select a couple worthy clubs to send rally gift certificates to. Gary reports he is expecting mail from the MOA about rally insurance. Jeff checks the mail regularly. The group noted that members were out recreating on a summer weekend. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30. Respectfully submitted, Jeff Smith Secretary/Editor Some Girl on a Bike My daughter decided to learn to ride motorcycles this year and is documenting her adventure by making videos and posting them on YouTube. Check them out and subscribe . Here is one fun short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq-CnhnKaus



MOA #270 BMW RA #319

JUNE 2018

FACTORS THAT INCREASE OR DECREASE MOTORCYCLE CRASH RISK This Virginia Tech Transportation Institute / MSF safety study was a comprehensive study of the causes of motorcycle crashes. The study equipped 100 motorcycles with five video cameras, and kinematic data instrumentation systems to collect data. The owners of the motorcycles rode their bikes for between 2 months and two years for the study. They recorded over 9300 hours and 366,667 miles of motorcycle travel. There were 30 crashes and 122 near crashes recorded. The full study is here:https://www.msf-usa.org/downloads/msf100_2016/ Risk_Factors_From_MSF_100_Study_Paper.pdf Some Factors that increase motorcycle crash risk Intersections are dangerous. It doesn’t matter if there is a stop sign, or a traffic light, or an uncontrolled driveway. The study revealed that your risk of a crash is 40 times greater at intersections. II. Bikes rear ending cars. This may not be a risk factor that we worry about much, but it turns out that running into the vehicle ahead of you was responsible for 35% of the moving crashes in the study. III. Bikes run off the road. 55% of the crashes resulted from the rider either riding off the road or across the centerline. Speed is often a contributing factor in these crashes. IV. Where you ride matters. You would think that urban areas are most dangerous but country roads are the bigger risk. Keep your head in the ride and pay attention. V. Ride aggressively and increase your risk immensely, 18 times. If you are an inexperienced rider it increases your risk by a factor of 30! VI. Road debris contributes to a risk factor of 12 if traveling in a straight line. But if the debris is on a curve and startles the rider the risk rises further. I think of rocks and debris every time I go around a blind corner. VII. The road surface contributes to an increase of risk of a crash. Gravel or unpaved roads increase the risk of a crash by a factor of 10. VIII.The “tip over” is a risk. Of 30 recorded incidents in the study, 17 (56%), were tip overs when stopped. The conclusion is that over the course of two years 50% of riders will tip over while stopped. The take away from this study is that training and practice reduce risk, and knowing when, and where, to focus your attention while riding will make your ride safer. I.

Some Great Western Rallies • Top O The Rockies July 19-22 Paonia CO https://bmwmcc.org/top-o-the-rockies-rally/ • Stanley Stomp August 9-12 remote Idaho http://www.idahobmwriders.com/stanleystomp.html • Beartooth Rendezvous August 16-19 Red Lodge MT http://beartoothbeemers.org/ • Bavarian Mountain Weekend September 6-8 Sipapu NM https://loebmwr.org/TheRally/ AboutTheRally.aspx


MOA #270 BMW RA #319

JUNE 2018

September 21-23, 2018 CO 15th Thunder Mountain Rendezvous BMW Riders of Western Colorado MOA #270 Come join us at the Delta County Fairgrounds in downtown Hotchkiss on Color weekend on the Western Slope of Colorado. Our rally offers great camaraderie, a beautiful venue, and the greatest riding in Colorado. It also helps us raise money to support motorcycle safety and the local Booster Club. Our low elevation venue includes a large meeting hall, restrooms with showers, plenty of grassy camping and the convenience of walking to downtown restaurants, stores and motels. Your rally fee of $40 before (Aug 15),$50 at the gate, gets you dinner Friday and Saturday nights, H.S. Booster Club fundraiser pancake breakfast available Sat AM, continental breakfast Sunday morning, camping, free coffee and tea, door prizes, ride presentations and movies both Friday and Saturday nights inside Heritage Hall. GS rides, (all abilities), scenic rides and mileage rides will be mapped out and waiting for your enjoyment. No camping on the grass before 5:00 p.m. Thursday September 20. Information: Kerry Dolan 970-985-1274, dolankm@gmail.com register online at: www.bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com Follow this link for a state map with Hotchkiss marked. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zXYGReVw579w.kK7CmbQGEOSk

June; Summer, Construction, smoke and fires! Watch out for distracted drivers, who continue to wreak havoc and destruction on our roads. Common road hazards include, gravel, ROCKS, frost and ICE, and now, distracted pedestrians on cell phones. Check for weather, construction delays and closures on state websites. Colorado road conditions are available at www.cotrip.org . Other nearby States can be checked while planning a trip to minimize delays and torn up roads. Utah construction can be checked at www.dot.state.ut.org/ construction , New Mexico at www.nmshtd.state.nm.us and Wyoming at http://wyoroad.info/ Stay safe out there! BMW Riders of Western Colorado POB 3271 Grand Junction CO 81502-3271

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