October BMW Newsletter

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MOA #270 BMW RA #319



2018 Club Officers: President: Monte Potter 970-250-6407 potter_monte@hotmail.com Vice President: Dwayne Hall 970-285-0275 dwayneh@gjpipe.com Treasurer: Gary Campbell 970-210-2604 gcampbell44@yahoo.com Secretary/Editor: Jeff Smith 970-208-3930 rjspoa@yahoo.com BMW Riders of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502 On the web at; https://bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/

BMW Club Events! • November Club Events • November 1, 2018 Thursday meet at 6:00 pm at Edgewater Brewery 905 Struthers Ave Grand Junction for dinner and conversation Bring your pictures of Colorado features for a $25 gift card. • November 17, 2018 Saturday meet at 10:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction for a business meeting. RIDE?? • December Club Events • December 8, 2018 Saturday Christmas Party Everyone is invited to a potluck dinner at Orrin and Margaret Beckner’s home 773 26-1/2 Road, Grand Junction at 6 pm. The club will provide brisket, and a ham. Members should bring a side dish and their own drink. • January Club Events • January 1, 2019 Tuesday meet at Randy’s Southside Diner 2430 North Ave Grand Junction at 9:00 for the first club event of the year! They are expecting us. • January 19, 2019 Saturday meet at 10:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction for a business meeting. RIDE??

Club stickers $2 each 3-$5 see Gary or Jeff. Club hats $18.50 reserve your hat today We have 6 black hats and one red left Contact Jeff

• BMW Riders of Western Colorado on Facebook!! •Join our Club Facebook page, (you have to be a member of Facebook). Check it out: https:// www.facebook.com/pages/BMWRiders-of-Western-Colorado/ 256767474377500

Have you checked out the Club website? https:// bmwridersofwco.squarespace.com/ The membership list is there. The password is letmein

2018 Contest April 21- November 1 ,2018 Accumulate points by taking a picture of your motorcycle with a Colorado feature; Courthouses, river crossings, (one picture per crossing location), or Historical Markers Winner gets a $25 gift card to the November social dinner


MOA #270 BMW RA #319


Minutes of the October 20, 2018 Business Meeting of the BMW Riders of Western Colorado, Inc. The meeting was called to order by President Monte Potter at 9:15. There were eight members present. Traci from Grand Junction BMW asked the group to help her out by riding new 750, 850 or 1250 BMW’s to put 50 miles on the brand new bikes before the upcoming press launch by BMW in Gateway Colorado. Treasurer Gary Campbell was escorting friends around the American West but he sent his report to Monte. Gary reports that the rally made around $200 after all current expenses. The winner of the grand prize at the rally, (a set of tires from Grand Junction BMW), has been in contact with the dealership and plans on getting the tires next summer. Traci will keep us in the loop as to the actual tire cost when the tires are sold. Our half of the tire cost is not included in current rally expenses. Secretary Jeff Smith reported that the rally had 28 people preregistered, 6 no-shows, and 31 registered at the door. This resulted in 59 paid attendees and 53 people on-site. This was 20 people less than last year when the weather was bad. Club member Cindy Robbins introduced Pat Jacques to the group. Pat is from Granby and has recently retired from teaching full time adventure motorcycle training classes. She is moving to Grand Junction and wants to offer a woman’s adventure riding class in conjunction with our rally. Pat has been promoting and organizing woman friendly adventure riding for many years, and has a facebook page, ADVWoman, with 3000 followers. Check out some of the seminars, rallies and events she has been part of here ;https://advwoman.com The group was supportive of Pat’s ideas and think it could grow our rally. The club has not made a formal decision about a 2019 rally and a rally master has not stepped forward. New Business; A nominating committee for 2019 officers includes Monte, Kerry, Terry, and Dwayne. They will bring a slate of officers to the November meeting. Secretary Jeff Smith will continue his position. Please consider stepping up as an officer, your club needs you your ideas and enthusiasm. Kerry Dolan suggested a chili ride. Monte has verified with Paul and Mary Hughes the quantity of chili is adequate,(we have seven gallon bags), the planned chili will be scheduled when more members can participate. The Club Christmas party was confirmed with Margaret and Orrin Beckner hosting the event on December 8 at their house. Margaret asks that guests bring fewer desserts and more side dishes. The menu will include brisket and Joe Branson will bring a ham. The club awards the Roger Grudt Ambassador Award to a person who has contributed to motorcycling over the past year. If you know this person submit his or her name to Monte soon, and their name will be added to the plaque hanging at Grand Junction BMW. The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 and five members departed the dealership on brand new 2019 F750, F850GS and R1250GS BMW motorcycles. The only instructions being to put 50 miles on the bike and return them to the dealership. Several members rode one 50 miles and returned to ride another. It was a great day! Respectfully submitted, Jeff Smith Secretary/Editor


MOA #270 BMW RA #319


The attendance was down at the 15th Thunder Mountain Rendezvous but, we broke even financially, the weather was great, and we had fun!

The lineup of new BMW’s waiting for riders last Saturday. I rode a 2019 F850GS, it shifted smoother, and the engine response was improved at all rpm’s compared to my 2009 F800GS.


MOA #270 BMW RA #319


Bike coming on the market Our Hawaiian member, John Powley, has decided to sell his CO based 2006 R1200 Gs Adv. This is a clean, low mileage, dealer maintained bike, with lots of good accessories. Contact John at 808-268-9967 October, Ski areas open and the high country moves to winter! Animal collisions occur more frequently during October, November and December as animals are on the move!

Watch out for distracted drivers, who continue to wreak havoc and destruction on our roads. Common road hazards include, gravel, ROCKS, frost, ICE, and MUD. Check for weather, construction delays and closures on state websites. Colorado road conditions are available at www.cotrip.org . Other nearby States can be checked while planning a trip to minimize delays and torn up roads. Utah construction can be checked at www.dot.state.ut.org/construction , New Mexico at www.nmshtd.state.nm.us and Wyoming at http://wyoroad.info/ Stay safe out there!

BMW Riders of Western Colorado POB 3271 Grand Junction CO 81502-3271

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