MOA #270 BMW RA #319
2017 Club Officers: President: Monte Potter 970-250-6407 Vice President: Dwayne Hall 970-285-0275 Treasurer: Orrin Beckner 970-250-0478 Secretary/Editor: Jeff Smith 970-208-3930 BMW Riders of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502 On the web at;
BMW Club Events! • November Club Events • November 2, 2017 Thursday meet at the Rockslide 401 Main Street Grand Junction at 6:00 pm for dinner and conversation • November 18, 2017 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 10:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction for a business meeting. RIDE?? • December Club Events • December 9, 2017 Saturday Christmas Party Everyone is invited to a potluck dinner at Orrin and Margaret Beckner’s home 773 26-1/2 Road, Grand Junction at 6 pm. The club will provide a turkey, and a ham. Members should bring a side dish or dessert and their own drink. • January Club Events • January 1, 2018 New Year’s Breakfast at a location to be determined. • January 20, 2018 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 10:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction for a business meeting.
Club hats $18.50 reserve your hat today We have 9 black hats and one red left Contact Jeff
• BMW Riders of Western Colorado on Facebook!! •Join our Club Facebook page, (you have to be a member of Facebook). Check it out: https:// 256767474377500
Have you checked out the Club website? https:// Send your pictures or posts to Jeff Register for the 2017 rally See whats going on
2017 Contest Ride to a feature, take a picture and get a snickers bar. Size to be determined.
There’re back! • Club stickers $2 each 3-$5 see Orrin or Jeff.
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
Minutes of the October 21, 2017 Business Meeting BMW Riders of Western Colorado Inc. The meeting was called to order by President Monte Potter at 9:11. There were 15 members present. Officer’s reports, Treasurer Orrin Beckner reported a bank balance of $6791.72. The rally made around $1200. We have received the refund of the $200 deposit from Delta county. Secretary Jeff Smith asked members for a location for the November social. The group chose the Rockslide. Orrin and Margaret Beckner volunteered to host the club Christmas party at their house on December 9! Thank you Orrin and Margaret! Joe Branson thanked members for their work at the rally. Joe singled out Chris Fitzpatrick as one of the hardest workers he noticed. Thanks Chris! Gary Campbell brought a door prize to the meeting that was donated by Sargent seats. Gary had misplaced the certificate and it was not awarded at the rally. After discussion, it was decided to return the unused certificate to Sargent seats and ask for a new door prize next year. Kerry Dolan will assume the role of rally master next year. Old business; The members discussed recognizing the BMW dealership with a pizza lunch. After discussion, a motion was MSP to authorize spending up to $200 for pizza for the BMW dealership staff. Dwayne will get withTraci to set up an appropriate date and time. New business, Paul Hughes suggested a club sponsored motorcycle MSF course. Members discussed past courses and Dwayne will contact Ray Farrell about holding an experienced rider course next spring. Brad Hoy will pursue a club group buy through Tucker Rocky . Brad also will procure door prizes for the 2018 rally. Thanks Brad! A nominating committee consisting of Brad Hoy, Orrin Beckner, and Paul Hughes was selected. They will bring a slate of Officer candidates for 2018 to the November club meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 ish. Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Smith Secretary/Editor
• Friday night at the 2017 Thunder Mountain Rendezvous
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
What do club officers do? Their duties are spelled out in the Club Bylaws. The complete bylaws are available on the website
ARTICLE 7. DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 7.1 Duties of the President: Preside over club meetings, functions and activities, and be included as a signer on the Club bank account. See to the enforcement of the objectives and purpose of this organization. Coordinate, direct, and manage the business functions and activities of the club as required to ensure continuity and success of club and the club objectives. The President shall inform the Vice President when the President is unable to preside over any club meeting, function or activity. Section 7.2 Duties of the Vice President: To perform the duties of the President in case of absence or inability of the latter. Serve as the Activities Coordinator in scheduling, planning, and ensuring proper arrangements are made for all club-sponsored activities and events. As necessary performs other duties which may be assigned by the President. Section 7.3 Duties of the Secretary: Keep a record of the minutes of the member and board of director business meetings and other events of the organization. Maintain an up to date official membership list and notify new members of their acceptance and provided with a copy of the bylaws. The duties shall be coordinated with the assistance of the Treasurer and the Editor. Coordinate and prepare communications required of the organization and maintain an official history of club documents and official actions. Maintain a tickler file for all activities and business events requiring action and ensure that appropriate persons are advised and action initiated. Coordinate and perform such other duties as assigned by the President. Section 7.4 Duties of the Treasurer: Assist the Secretary in maintaining an up-to-date membership list and provide membership materials to the Secretary as required. Ensure an adequate supply of membership items and materials are available. Coordinate reimbursement expenditures through the Board of Directors. Receive, record, and report all monies or property donated to, paid to, or owned by the club. The Treasurer or the President shall be authorized to maintain bank account(s) in the name of the club. Keep an account of all receipts and disbursements so that a statement of the financial condition of the club is available upon request by the officers or general membership. Prepare a quarterly report for the Board of Directors and an Annual Financial Report in December for all members. Section 7.5 Duties of the Editor: Collect new material for a monthly newsletter, and publish the newsletter to inform the membership of club activities and events. Maintain an adequate file of current and past club newsletters. With coordination from the Secretary and Treasurer, maintain an up to date mailing list and/or E-mail list for distribution of the newsletter. Publish the official membership/E-mail list in the newsletter at least twice annually.
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
The 14th Thunder Mountain Rendezvous is over The rally had 79 registrations, and was lots of fun even if it rained and rained. Fred Meyer donated an amazing knife Thanks Brad Hoy and Dana Williams for your presentations; they were a hit!
October; Here comes ‌‌ There are more animal collisions in September, October and November as animals migrate and are pushed around by hunting pressure. Watch out!! Road construction season is winding down but watch out in the Cone Zones. Look for mag chloride, gravel, ROCKS, and ICE, Check for weather, construction delays and closures on state websites. Colorado road conditions are available at . Other nearby States can be checked while planning a trip to minimize delays and torn up roads. Utah construction can be checked at , New Mexico at and Wyoming at Stay safe out there! BMW Riders of Western Colorado POB 3271 Grand Junction CO 81502-3271