MOA #270 BMW RA #319
2016 Club Officers: President: Brad Hoy 970-618-4417 Vice President: Dwayne Hall 970-285-0275 Treasurer: Orrin Beckner 970-250-0478 Secretary/Editor: Jeff Smith 970-208-3930 BMW Riders of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 3271, Grand Junction CO 81502 On the web at;
BMW Club Events!! • September Club Events • September 23-25, 2016 Thunder Mountain Rendezvous join your club in Hotchkiss for this great annual event. Check it out here: index?p Register online at:
•October Club Events • October 6, 2016 Thursday Club Social meet at 6 pm at Enzo’s Pizza Shack 3235 !-70 Business Clifton for dinner and conversation. • October 15, 2016 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Crossroads Blvd. Grand Junction for a business meeting. The group will ride to Moab after the meeting. John Brown road will be an option if dry.
•November Club Events • November 3, 2016 Thursday Club Social meet at 6 pm at the Hot Tomato Cafe 124 N Mulberry St Fruita for dinner and conversation. • November 19, 2016 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to meet at 10:00 a.m. at Grand Junction BMW 2747 Crossroads Blvd Crossroads Blvd. Grand Junction for a business meeting. Ride ???
•December Club Events
• BMW Riders of Western Colorado on Facebook!! •Join our Club Facebook page, (you have to be a member of Facebook). Check it out: https:// 256767474377500
Have you checked out the Club website? https:// Send your comments and suggestions to Jeff
• December 1, 2016 Thursday Club Social meet at 6 pm at a location to be determined for dinner and conversation. • December ??, 2016 Saturday Business Meeting Everyone is welcome to gather for a Christmas party at a location to be determined.
Pass Bagger contest There’re back! • Club stickers $2 each 3-$5 see Orrin or Jeff.
President Brad Hoy has announced a contest to ride the most passes and the most states in 2016! $100 to the winner of each endeavor. Here is a list of passes:http:// get going!
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
Minutes of the September 17, 2016 Business Meeting BMW Riders of Western Colorado Inc. The meeting was called to order by President Brad Hoy at 9:10. There were eight members present. Officers Reports: Vice President Dwayne Hall suggested the group ride to Moab after the October meeting. Both a road route and John Brown canyon will be options. Treasurer Orrin Beckner missed the meeting but submitted his report detailing income and expenses from January though the end of August. The club income and expenses balance with a net total of -$26.74 though August. We have paid some Rally expenses including the projector rental and the grounds fee and deposit. The bank balance is around $4000.00. Secretary Jeff Smith reports the club has received the Club charter from BMW Riders Association. We will award the free membership in the Riders Association included with our charter as a door prize at the rally. We also received the club charter from BMW Motorcycle Owners of America. The MOA sent a box of door prize swag for the rally. Rally; We have 24 preregistered for the rally. We had 11 ride in registrations last year. We expect no more than 50 entries this year. Mary Hughes spoke to Chrissy with the Hotchkiss Booster Club about the donation breakfast and our estimate of numbers for breakfast. Mary reports that the Booster Club needs at least $350 to make it worthwhile for them. The group discussed the amount of the donation and agreed to a minimum donation of $350 this year. A discussion will take place among members about increasing the donation depending on rally turnout. Gary Campbell asked for a lemonade volunteer. Joe Branson agreed to keep the lemonade tank full. Gary also passed around envelopes containing the dual sport ride maps that he has developed. The maps are based on a Colorado DOT motorcycle map and include a photograph of the route and map with the route description on the back of the photograph. Gary brought the route descriptions printed on sticky back paper to be pasted on the back of the route maps. Unfortunately several of the route descriptions were printed on the wrong side of the sticky back paper. The group installed the stickers that had been printed properly onto the route maps. Gary will reprint the descriptions and install them on the remaining route maps. These maps are high quality and will be in demand. We would like to manage their distribution carefully. Jeff gave Gary 60 Club stickers to pass out to rally entries. Gary has movies, and Jeff reports the projector has shipped. New Business; Brad Hoy talked about his experience this year at the Bonneville salt flats. Brad exceeded his speed of last year and qualified to run on the long track, one of only 30 to qualify. Brad rode his Suzuki to 177 mph. Running on the sand is very different than pavement. The sand changes consistency and traction varies so there are varying amounts of wheel spin during the run. Joe Branson reports you can hear the engines revving and slowing as they encounter different track conditions. Brad reports it feels like a loose rear wheel when you ride gravel. Brad plans to modify his bike adding a lead filled, longer swing arm, and a smaller gas tank. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20. Respectfully submitted; Jeff Smith Secretary/Editor
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
Rally entertainment 2016 On Friday September 23 following the chili dinner at 7. Club member Monte Potter will present a presentation about the club ride to Alaska this past summer. This will be followed by a movie. On Saturday night Edelweiss guide, world traveler and former Vice President of our club will present; Around the world with Milan Haase. Milan has been guiding motorcycle tours for Edelweiss since 2013. He has guided in Europe, South America, Alaska, and Morocco. Here is a link for more information:https:// Milan has asked Edelweiss for some swag and in addition to some swag they offered a $250 discount on any tour they offer if booked before the end of September!!
Snow on the Peaks! There has been snow on the high peaks and Trail Ridge Roads has closed due to inclement weather. Pay attention to mudslides they are happening frequently with the monsoon. Fall also put the deer and elk into stupid mode. Road construction season has started! Watch out in the Cone Zones. Look for mag chloride, gravel, ROCKS, and hot tar snakes. Check for weather, construction delays and closures on state websites. Colorado road conditions are available at . Other nearby States can be checked while planning a trip to minimize delays and torn up roads. Utah construction can be checked at , New Mexico at and Wyoming at Stay safe out there!
MOA #270 BMW RA #319
Check out the Edelweiss motorcycle tours available here:https:// www.edelweissbike .com/en/ There are some great roads out there!
Nice Bridge! BMW Riders of Western Colorado POB 3271 Grand Junction CO 81502-3271