The Glory of Shirdi Sai Eighth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly ~ an affiliate of
श्रद्धा CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Navavidha Bhakti Shirdi Sai Baba's Sermon The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Sai With Children Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita
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गरु ु ब्रह्मा गरु ु र्विष्ण:ु गरु ु र्दे वो महे श्वर: |
गरु ु : शाऺात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगरु वे नमः:||
सबरु ी
FROM THE SATSANGS OF SAIBANISA JI Human perceptions Human perceptions are so different and powerful. Positive perception motivates a different approach to viewing life. If a class of students is presented with a glass filled to half with water, and asked to comment on it, I am sure that no two answers would be the same. It is the matter of perceiving, some could say the glass is half empty or the others could say it is half full. Though both describe it correctly it is how we view it is significant. Those who describe the glass as half full have a positive, and optimistic view in life. There are certain assertive sayings which show us the value of positive perception. Your life is governed by what is true, but your experience of life is governed by what you believe. You choose the meaning or purpose of everything and every event in your life, and it becomes that for you. Success is not determined by what you can get from, but what you can give to. Your very life is your thinking and the result of your thinking process. Your flesh, bones, and muscles can be reduced to 70% water and a few chemicals of small value, but it is your mind and what you think that makes you what you are. The secret to success in life lies not with out, but within the thought of mankind. All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a human speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. But if the same human speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows them, like a shadow that never leaves them. On this Thursday, with the guidance of Shri Sai make sure we think about the heights we could reach with positive perception and follow this ideal path to reach our goal.
SAI’S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 1903: Das Ganu left the government service and according to Baba's instruction, settled at Nanded, and started performing keertans and writing life histories of saints. 1916: Baba averted Gopal Narayan Ambadekar's effort of suicide by prompting to read an appropriate incident form Akkalkot Swami's Chaitra.
NAVAVIDHA BHAKTI (Source: Sai Leela Magazine July-Aug 2004)
Third Step – Smaran Bhakti
In the Kaliyuga, there is only one means of liberation, which is the remembrance of God and Guru’s feet. Thereby the fear of worldly existence is destroyed. This is the only protection for those who have surrendered. “Watch the chanting of the Lord‟s name in My heart by placing the hand on it. Wake Me up if he finds Me sleepy.” These are the orders given to him. – Chapter 45
Krishna Himself was the Supreme Brahman.Yet He bowed at Sandipani‟s feet, and said : “Remembrance of the Sadguru is the surest way to please Me, Who is Narayana.‟‟ “Repetition of the name „Sai‟ will burn away all the sins of Kaliyuga.....‟‟ - Chapter 3
Baba loved the Nama-smarana. He Himself constantly repeated the words ‘Allah -Malik’. He would arrange for a seven day ceaseless chanting of the Nama in His presence, day and night. – Chapter 4
“Always remember Me only. Believe in Me heart and soul. Pray without selfish motives and you will attain your welfare. Make Me ever remember your name and forget all other things. Remove the restlessness of the mind and make it steady and calm. -- Chapter 25
Abandoning all the million clever and cunning ways, recall always “Sai, Sai”. You will be able to cross the worldly ocean. Have no doubts. By merely remembering Him, the riddle of life and death is resolved. This is the best Sadhana for which one does not have to spend a single pie (coin of small denominational value of British India). – Chapter 10
...God has agents everywhere and their powers are vast ....
Baba listened with full attention to this pure-hearted invitation and said : “He who remembers Me is always in My mind.” – Chapter 40
“If you recite „Sai, Sai‟ always, I will take you beyond the seven seas. If you believe in these words, you will be certainly benefitted.” – Chapter 13
Considering her service, Baba was pleased with her and softly told her to keep on repeating “Rajaram, Rajaram‟‟. “Keep chanting this always. Oh, mother, your life‟s objective will be achieved, your mind will be at peace, and you will be immensely benefitted.” – Chapter 27
“Sai, Sai‟‟ is the name that we remember and it is the ‘mantra’ to propitiate all Gods. This is our meditation and this is our repetition. Whole heartedly surrender to Him. – Chapter 37
To be continued….
SHIRDI SAI BABA’S SERMON (Four Chapters on Shirdi Sai Baba by Dasganu Maharaj) The four Chapters are Chapter 31, 32 and 33 from Shri Bhakta Leelamrut and Chapter 57 from Shri Sant Kathamrut.
Chapter - 33 I have explained these four states to you. You must think over this. Everything, living and non-living, is a form of the Lord. There is nothing without Him. He is everywhere. Everything is filled with Him. Due to the Illusion (Maya), we cannot understand his existence. You, Madhav, Maruti, Pandharinath, Mhalasapati, Kashinath, Adkar,Haripant, Sathe, Tatya, Ganesh Beray, Venu, Bhalchandra and I are the parts of the Lord. Therefore, no one should hate anyone. One should not 'forget that the Lord is present in every person. Knowing this, a person reaches the state of being devoid of enmity. At this state, everything follows automatically. The human mind, then, is unrestrained. One must try to stabilize it. . A fly sits on everything but when it sees fire, it moves away from its direction. Similarly, the human mind is delighted with everything but at the sight of Brahman (Knowledge) it turns its face away. Oh Narayan, unless this mind is united with the Brahman, the cycle of birth and death cannot be avoided. One must free oneself from this cycle in this human birth because there is no better chance except in this birth. To stabilize the mind, one must perform Idol Worship though an idol is not the God. When such worship is performed, the mind is concentrated. Without the concentration of mind, it cannot be stabilized. After this, one should read holy books and think deeply and try to act accordingly. Will be continued…
THE DREAMS TRAIN (Dreams Of Saibanisa after Undergoing Bypass Surgery on 17-5-1996) Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury
“Spend money in charity; be generous and
20-10-1996: Sai appeared as a fakir and said few words and I felt happier: 1. Amount of breeze depends upon the size of the tree. Following the same analogy, I am giving you messages and you are able to understand them. Be happy with that. 2. There goes the sayings that even a crow loves it‟s small ones. How can I not like my devotees? 3. You are slowly getting rid of your bad habits, one after another. That is what I like and wanted. 4. Do not under estimate my other devotees. Only I can differentiate varying amounts of devotion of my devotees towards me. 5. Everybody should follow his or her own set of rules to reach God. There are different ways to express devotion and reach God
munificent but
not extravagant
I gained my eye sight (Courtesy I would like to share with you a small miracle, or shall I say, Divine help that came to me a week back.
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As you must be aware, Glaucoma in the eye is a very serious disease and it is hereditary. Since my mom lost her eyesight because of this dreadful disease, the doctors had advised me to check my eyes regularly. For months I have been thinking of doing that, but never pushed myself to go to an eye doctor although my visit was long overdue (last checkup was 3-4 years back). I have a very bad habit of keeping myself miles away from any doctor. I know I have suffered, but I hate going to doctors or taking medicines unless and until it is very, very essential. Now here comes the divine help. A week back somebody kept an invitation on our door step regarding the opening of a new clinic close to our house. My husband said that, since it‟s close by, we should get our eyes checked to see if our numbers have increased or not. As usual, my first reaction was “NO” but later on I agreed to go and check my eyes for Glaucoma (I don‟t know what
made me change my mind). When we went there, the doctor checked my eyes and gave me the sad news – that Glaucoma has already started and that the damage on my left eye is already 24% and right eye is 15%. That was a shock! He asked me to come the next day in order to do a more detailed check up. He said that, if I waited for another month, Glaucoma attack would have really ruined my eyesight. I knew right away that there was a Divine hand in this. How many times I told Dr. Bajaj (the eye doctor who stays in my building) that I would come one day to his clinic to get my eyes checked, but that day never came. Now as I contemplate, I know that my Sai was making me meet Dr. Bajaj quite often to warn me of my coming illness, but I failed to get that signal. We are at times so ignorant that we fail to catch the warning signs given by the Masters. I feel Baba was so concerned about my eyesight that finally he had to „serve it on a platter‟ for me and got this clinic opened next to my house, plus sent an invitation! I thank my Baba from the bottom of my heart for this great blessing and miracle. He is ALWAYS with HIS devotees, helping and guiding them all the time. When I returned home I went straight to my Mandir and meditated. I did not want to allow the fearful thoughts about losing my eyesight to pollute my inner space. I opened my heart in deep gratitude, thanking Baba and all other Masters for their divine help. The following day, another miracle related to my Glaucoma issue took place. Before going for the scheduled appointment at the clinic, I was a bit nervous, of course, but then prayed to Baba sincerely. I could feel a beautiful energy and somehow my fears just vanished! As Baba always said, "Do not worry. I will be with you the moment you think about me.” After a thorough checkup, the doctor looked at me rather shocked and said: “Your left eye, which had the 24% damage, has somehow recovered to only 5%, while the right eye is completely normal!” He couldn‟t believe that the percentage of Glaucoma could fluctuate so much in just 24 hours!!! He had no logical explanation for this and agreed that it was nothing but the divine grace. I was so choked with emotion and love for the divine that I could not control my tears. I know for sure that Baba was present at the clinic when the test was going on. I couldn‟t wait to share this miraculous experience with my dear husband who was equally overjoyed – we both agreed, this can be nothing but a divine miracle! I wanted to share these two small miracles with you to inspire you all to walk the path in surrender and gratitude, and know that, once we operate from the inner space of gratitude, the grace of Baba is always with us. In Baba‟s yaad. Shernaz
ARTICLES FROM DEVOTEES BABA'S MIRACLE - 5 Divine Miracles of Shirdi Sai (A record of thrilling experiences of (Late) DR.P.S.Ramasami -An ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai)
" When truth is stranger than fiction" - The Upanishads
“See the divine in the human being.”
Yes, Baba came, dined and conversed with me (Twenty six years after His Maha Samadhi). It was about noon and Thursday too By force of habit, I looked towards the gate for some Fakir or Sadhu who might turn up for biksha. Ever since the advent of Baba into my life two years previously in 1942 through the sacred contact of His Holiness Swami Kesavaiah, I had come to observe Thursday as Baba's day. You see, it was through Swamiji's initiation into devotion to Baba and doing His 'Namasmaranam' that I was reclaimed from imminent death. On further being advised to fast every Thursday night for nine months and gave my meal to the first Fakir that might turn up, (which I accordingly did) I was gradually restored to health. Since then, I had made it a rule to feed a Fakir before taking the noon meal on Thursdays. But this Thursday was unique, a red-letter day in a long life of sojourns on earth (punarapi jananam punarapi maranam) a culmination of persistent 'tapasya' through recurrent janma of some one in the family, in all probability my wife, or one of the children or may be my own imperfect self for his 'Saakshaatkaara. For, to my utter surprise and astonishment, Baba Himself with His beatific smile was entering front enclosure! He was in same Bikshapathi pose as He manifested Himself the previous day as 'Mrutyanjaya to revive my dead son, almost within a split second of my denying His divinity and declaring Him to be a false deity! I eagerly hastened up to Him. After welcoming Him with all my heart, I begged Him to condescend to stay for food. He asked me with a twinkle in His eyes whether there was anything special that day, I said that it being a Thursday, it was our custom to offer food to a Fakir before our noon-meal. With the faintest flicker of a smile at the corners of His lips He wondered whether I would do so on Thursdays only. Being rather academic and literal in my ways, I replied, rather obtusely, that it was so. I am not ashamed to confess that it look years for me, chewing the cud of it off and on, to sense the gentle admonition enshrined in His benevolent query, as if half in jest and half in earnest, 'Why not daily', and begin doing so. Will be continued….
forget anyone, According to each one‟s prarabdha, I have to supply food every day. This is a must.”
Jai Sai Ram. You will learn from this story about our dear Lord who takes care of everyone and does “Really!” thought Lakshmi Devi, and said to herself not leave even a single creature. “I must test my husband one day and see whether He is diligent as He claims to be.” The Lord Who Gives Food The next day she caught hold of a tiny ant and kept Lord Vishnu is the sustainer of the whole world and it in a small box. She put the box inside the almirah He feeds all the living beings. Lakshmi Devi is His and waited to see when the Lord would feed the ant. consort. Daily She waits for Him to come home As usual the Lord came late in the afternoon looking after His work is finished. Every day the Lord very tired and hungry. Lakshmi Devi served the comes very late. One day the Lord was very much food and while the Lord was eating, she asked, “My delayed. Lakshmi Devi had to wait for Him for a Lord, have you fed all the being today?” The Lord long time. She even got tired while waiting for Him. nodded His head indicating that He did so. Lakshmi While the Lord was taking food she asked, “Oh, Devi laughed and said, “No, Darling, today you forLord why do you come so late? Why don‟t you got at least one being.” Shri MahaVishnu raised His come little early hereafter?” eyebrows and exclaimed, “I forget somebody? Never”. Lakshmi Devi smiled and brought out the Shri Mahavishnu looked at Her and smiled, “Devi, box from the almirah. “See, I kept an ant here in the don‟t you know how busy I am? There are millions morning. You never came near the box and fed the and millions of living beings on earth and day by ant. I had been watching the almirah since the mornday the number is going up. I have to feed all of ing.” Lord MahaVishnu thunderously laughed and them before I can think of eating.” replied, “My Dear, open up the box and see whether the ant has its food or not.” In surprise Lakshmi Lakshmi Devi opened her eyes wide in astonish- Devi opened the box. There, the ant had a bit of a ment. “Do you have to feed all of them personally jaggery in its mouth. Lakshmi Devi understood that every day? Don‟t you ever forget anyone?” the Lord takes care of all and forgets none. The Lord shook His head and said, “No, how can I सत्सङ्गत्वे ननस्स्ङ्गत्वं ननस्सङ्गत्वे ननमोहत्वम ् | ननमोहत्वे ननश्चलतत्त्वं ननश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तः
SaidarbarUSA conducts bi-weekly satsang in Greater Philadelphia area. For more information please visit Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. Please visit upcoming temple site and volunteer. For more information please visit
Kala (hodge-podge) To revert to the distribution of the naivedya. - After the arati was over and after Baba sent away all the people with Udi and blessings, He went inside and sat with his back to the Nimbar for meals, with two rows of the Bhaktas, one on each side. The Bhaktas who brought naivedya thrust inside their dishes containing a variety of food such as Puris, Mande, Polis, Basundi, Sanza, fine rice etc., and kept waiting outside for prasad consecrated by Baba. All the foods were mixed in a hotchpotch and placed before Baba. He offered it all to God and consecrated it. Then portions of the same were given to the persons waiting outside and the rest was served to the inner party with Baba at the centre. Sai Ram. Baba was indicating that we need to go beyond the duality of taste, smell, appearance etc. just as all water drops emerge from the sea and fall back in to the sea. To a query from Sri Bapusaheb Jog, Sai tells him that in due course of time, he will give up his lust and sense of taste and will be blessed by Him. See ..Meditate on me Chapter 43 and 44, Jog's Sanyas. Sai Ram. either with form The Bhaktas sitting in two rows then dined to their hearts' content. Baba asked Shama and Nanasaheb Nimonkar daily to serve the consecrated food to all the peror without form, sons sitting inside and look to their individual needs and comforts. This they did very carefully and willingly. Every morsel of the food thus partaken gave them that is pure nutrition and satisfaction. Such sweet, lovely and consecrated food it was! Ever bliss... auspicious and ever holy! Cup of Butter-Milk Once Hemadpant had eaten his full in this company, when Baba offered him a cup of butter-milk. Its white appearance pleased him, but he was afraid that there was no space inside for it. He, however, took a sip which proved very tasty. Seeing his faltering attitude, Baba said - "Drink it all, you won't get any such opportunity hereafter." He drank it off then, but found that Baba's words were prophetic, for He passed away soon. Now, readers, we have certainly to thank Hemadpant. He drank the cup of buttermilk, but has supplied us with sufficient quantity of nectar in the form of Baba's Leelas. Let us drink cups and cups of this nectar and be satisfied and happy. Sai Ram. And Sai is making this servant of His to add a little salt and sugar to the buttermilk to make it tastier so that we can enjoy the same better! I bow to Sai. Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all
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Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Sneha Narasimhan Email: