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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Ninth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||

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CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy

The three letter word - EGO Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Quintessence

Ego, this three letter word is so short, but yet very powerful. It can make even a learned man fall on his face. We should always be aware of this emotion. Let not the worldly honor and pomp get into our heads. We sometimes get so entangled in the verbal praise and honor bestowed upon us. Let us drive this out of our head and always keep praying to be humble and show respect. Let us understand that nothing is possible unless Guru blesses us. So we need to pray unanimously. Sri Sai Maharaj, on this beautiful Thursday we stand with our arms spread, we acknowledge that we are nothing, we are nobody. You are absolute and real. If we are to ask You anything for self, then let it be humbleness and humility. Give us the patience to take everything - praise or insult as Your blessing. Please help us understand that You love an egoless person. Aid us be that person. This body is a shell created to only carry on your will. May this Thursday bring us Strength and Success to be worthy of your blessings.




10th December, 1909: Devotees began to offer regular worship to Baba in the Chavdi, where Baba slept on alternate days. 25th December, 1909: Baba gave darshan in the form of SriRama to a doctor who was an ardent devotee of Sri Rama who came with a Mamlatdar to Shirdi. 10th December, 1910: 1. Hon'ble Dadasaheb Khaparde of Amraoti first visited Shirdi. 2. Foundation stone of Dixit Wada was laid with Baba's permission.

One should never permit carelessness in one's adherence to God.

1911: 17 December Saturday, Shirdi My cold is a little better this morning but not much, but my health looks worse. Mr Shingne gave me some soda & acid powder and I put it in milk & drank it. It relieved my bowels & I felt better. My wife is confined to bed on account of pains in the back & legs. After prayer I saw Sayin Maharaj go out & then again after he returned. He was in very good mood, & we enjoyed very much the jokes made by him. The breakfast was late as Megha raj had gone out to bring Bel leave. He came back a little late. In the afternoon I sat talking with Hajisaheb Falke, Dr Hate, Mr Shingne & others. Gokhale went away today. He has on him & in his general conduct all the indications of a spy. He gave out here that he was a friend of Atre sub judge Nagpur. Towards evening I went to Masjid but Sayin Maharaj asked me & my companions to bow from a distance. He however called my son Balvant near & told him to bring Dakshina. We all saluted him opposite the Chavdi & again at night at Sheja-Arti. Tonight Sayin Maharaj sleeps at the Chavdi.










Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945. 

If one utters the dissylable Sai even once, he has girded up his loins for his marching on to Heaven (Vaikuntam).


Any body that always and with devotion repeats the dissylable "Sai" attains Liberation (Mukthi). In this Kali Age, as people's hearts are tainted with evil (desires) they are not competent to take to any other means.


The good must always remember the name Sai Sai Sai. That Sai Nama Confers boons and is equal in worth to a Sahasranama (or thousand names).


The dissylable Mama i.e., mine is sinful.. By the eight syllables, (all) distress vanishes. The eight syllables "Sayeesah Saranam, Mama " form a mantra that achieves all objects.

Guru Mahima 

The truths enshrined herein (i.e. in Swetasvatara Upanishad or Sainatha Manana) will shine bright and clear (i.e. be realised as matters of direct perception or intutuion) to one, who has supreme faith in his own personal God (Ishta Devata) and the same faith in his Guru (treating him as that God).


If one considers the Guru who is the present God that confers on one the Torch of Jnana as merely human, all his scripture study is as vain and useless as the bath given to an elephant.


Lord Venkatesa (of Tirupathi) is Lord Sai. There is no difference between the two. By constantly dwelling on their identity, one reaches their state.


I serve and worship the Guru who confers both temporal and spiritual blessings..(of enjoyments and liberation) who is of esteemed and charming form and affectionate towards devotees, who is steady and include within his body all the crores of creatures that exist, who protects Righteousness(Dharma) roots out the ways of unrighteousness, releases people from the bonds of karma and gives them Bliss.


Let dullards blame. Still the adept devotee goes on with his worship of the Guru-- (Just as) the bee goes on sucking honey from the lotus despite the croaking of frogs (by its side). ...will continue.....




(Dreams Of Saibanisa after Undergoing Bypass Surgery on 17-5-1996) Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury


Mukti (Liberation) is synonymous with the Self

Sai appeared as a saint (sanyasi ) and said: 1. People will come to your house with variety of difficulties. Offer them the required succour on my behalf. You will only be a witness to such events 2. More than the education imparted by mother or the security under father, or the divine lectures by servants of God, it is me who can drive you on the path of salvation to reach God. 3. Speak about me with equanimity to all those visiting you without any discrimination. 4. Do not adopt pomp and show in spreading my philosophy and also do not indulge in extra expenditure more than what you can afford. 5. Adhere to your own faith in my service. 6. I live with those who befriend good people and engage in conduct of Satsanghs. Simplicity is the best appealing tool.

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Leela of Shri Shirdi Sai baba Happy Baba’s day to all readers.We all know that Baba is very compassionate, extremely merciful and the greatest healer. The only requirement to experience the ultimate prowess of Sai Baba is His two axioms, Shraddha and Saburi. If one has the unquestioned faith on Baba and has patience, Baba takes off all the maladies of His bhakta no matter how grievous the sufferings are. The following leela beautifully illustrate how Baba came to rescue to HIS devotee who has left all his hopes. Here's a leela of Baba which I intend sharing with the world at large through your blogs The purpose of sharing the leela is to re-enforce Shraddha, Saburi and the importance of Sri SaiSatcharitra reading. My cousin sister, Pallavi, who is like my daughter, is married to Sri Jatin. They got married about 5 years ago and have a 2 years old daughter. Jatin had developed severe pain in his left knee in July 2008. All sorts of tests were conducted but could not prove anything. Later MRI and biopsy was conducted which









proved that he was suffering from Ostero Sarcoma of the left knee. In simple English its cancer on the left knee. Various doctors gave various opinions and a treatment of chemotherapy was drawn. One can imagine what would have been the atmosphere at home. Everyone was shattered. Like most Mumbaites, Jatin was also aware of Baba and had visited Shirdi too but he wasn't a real devotee of Baba. I was luckily then in Mumbai so I went to visit Jatin after a prayer to Baba. There after meeting I announced to him that Baba is his in-charge and I asked him to have the sacred udi and the holy abhishek jal from Panvel darbar. Also I asked him to read Sri Sai Satcharitra everyday. I sent him the udi, the abhishek jal and a copy of Sri Sai Satcharitra along with a framed picture of Baba which was taken after we had made offering of a poshak to Baba in Shirdi in Novemeber 1997. I have always maintained that this picture of Baba is rare with that unique smile on his face. I had shared this picture and a small write up on Manisha's blog on 31 December 2008. I prayed to Baba again and again and said, " Baba, I have assured Jatin and Pallavi on your behalf, please help them" Baba kept His words...read on..... The treatment began and Jatin started following my instructions. Since Jatin had progressed two steps towards Baba with complete Shraddha and Saburi, Baba moved many more steps closer to Jatin. Now the leelas of Baba begin. Jatin in his dream gets Baba's darshan and the usual conversation of a personal suffering with his God takes place. Baba why me? What have I done to deserve this life threatening disease? Baba with love in his eyes and voice replies," Its all due to your karma of the past life. Do you want to see what you had done and why are you suffering now?" And then Baba unfolds some of the deeds on Jatin's past life. Jatin says to Baba that he can not recall any of those acts of his but now what to do? Baba replies, " You are under my care, so why worry?" Mark those words of Baba. Couple of days later, Jatin had the second dream in which he is sitting at Baba's feet. Baba asks Jatin to stand up and go along with him for His round of bhiksha. I think this is one of the rarest thing to happen. During Baba's days till 1918, Baba had asked only two devotees to go for Bhiksha round on behalf of Him. Baba and Jatin set off for seeking bhiksha and once they are through with two devotees, Jatin says, " Baba, we have now got enough for both of us, whay ask for more?" Baba replies rather angirly, " I know what I am doing, you just follow me". They then go to few more houses and collect lot of food. Thereafter they return to Dwarkamai. Soon after that few bullock carts loads of people arrive for Baba's darshan. Baba asks all of them to eat and looks at Jatin smilingly. Yes He knows everything and cares for everyone. Jatin bowed to Baba's lotus feet. By this time two rounds of chemotherapy were through and Jatin was beginning to get weak. he continued taking udi and the holy water from Panvel. Although, not a routine, the doctors suggested to do another round of MRI and biopsy on Jatin's knee. The doctors were completely puzzled and surprised with the results. There was no infection. The doctors had never expected such results and they frankly could not explain such fast progress. How could they? Where science stops, faith begins and we become one with Him. The doctors as per their books have continued further treatment. Baba and Jatin have continued their dialogue. Just two days back, Jatin was again admitted again for a check up with high fever. He told the doctors not to worry with medication as he has Baba's udi and the abhishek jal. He took both and the fever vanished after some time. In the early hours of morning when he was fast asleep, Baba again appeared in his dream. Jatin asks Baba, " Baba I have only half an hour before the hospital staff comes and collects my blood sample, can I please have a divine experience?" Baba says, "why not and disappears". Jatin begins to search Him and finds himself in a bylane in Shirdi. The bylane leads to Dwarkamai. Jatin reaches there and finds Baba sitting at his usual place opposite the Dhunimai. Jatin asks Him, where did He disappear? Baba replies, "I have look after others as well and I was required here".Jatin then asks Him if he could sleep in His lap. Baba replies, that is the purpose of my lap, all are welcome to rest here. Come and get some sleep" Jatin said as soon as he put his head on Baba's lap, he went into a blissful state which he could not describe. I think it was the state of Samadhi. he continued to feel the bliss and became aware that he was in his hospital bed with Baba stroking his head. In that state the hospital staff appeared. Jatin says he did not open his eyes he did not want this state of samadhi to get over. He offered his hand for taking the blood sample. As soon as 30 minutes got over, the dream ended but that blissful state lasted for hours. Baba has not only kept His words to me and Jatin, he has once again shown us the path of coomplete Shraddha and Saburi. Jatin's complete surrender to Baba and his Faith in Him has brought these happy moments in their life. When we all break down and think of the end of the world whenever we hear about such problems, Jatin and Pallavi have shown us the right way of Bhakti. I am at a loss of words to express my gratitude to Baba for showing me the way. Sri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. - by G.P.Sinha ~ Courtesy: http://www.saibabaofindia.com




Baba’s Close Devotees G. G. Narke

Professor Of Geology & Chemistry In College Of Engineering, Deccan Gymkhana, Age 53, Brahmin, Poona.

Baba's Guru Continued from last issue...

Self-inquiry must be done continuously . It doesn't work if you regard it as a part-time activity .

Baba's real nature and greatness are seen from an incident known to me. I realised that Baba was God from the devotees' point of view, and yet, a man seen in the flesh and with limitations to which an individual embodied soul is subject. The two co-exist and are both true each in its way. But my friends (i.e., some of the devotees) at Shirdi did not agree with me or relish this view of mine. They once talked of 6 crores of islanders in Dwaraka at Shree Krishna's time and I then disputed that estimate of the population, as now we are about 33 crores in all in India and India is so overpopulated that we have to tread on each other's heels. Then they asked me if I would agree to abide by Baba's decision on the matter. I agreed. We all went to Baba. Madhava Rao and other devotees asked Baba: Baba, are the Puranas true? Sai Baba: Yes, True. Devotees: What about Rama and Krishna? Sai Baba: They were great souls. Gods they were. Avatars. Devotees: This Narke will not accept all that. He says you are not God. Sai Baba: What he says is true. But I am your father and you should not speak like that. You have to get your benefit and everything from me. Sai Baba thus admitted his limitation. He was God no doubt, in the experience of the devotee. But because the devotee felt that, Sai Baba did not assert himself to be, in fact, nothing but God; he did not draw logical corollaries from it, nor use that position to help himself to the wealth etc., of the devotees. Sai Baba did not use the fact of his devotees viewing him as God to declare for Antinomianism, i.e., setting himself up as above law. On the other hand, Sai Baba never disobeyed either the moral law or the law as it prevails in the country. He was never indecent in dress or behaviour and was very reserved with women. Sai Baba's Moods No doubt, in certain ecstatic moods, he said (and I heard this myself) 'I am God.' But this was once in a way. His usual - almost invariable - role was that of a devotee of God entrusted with vast powers to carry out what God (the "Fakir") directs. "Allah Malik". God is the master. "Allah Bhale Karenga", "God will bless" were constantly on his lips. Also, I am










God's slave. I remember God, etc. Baba and the Sex Question Baba's was Askhalita Brahmacharya and his glittering eyes spoke it out. He kept women at a distance. During the day, a very few women were allowed to massage his legs - and that only up to the knee. He was always clad and never indecently exposed himself. Baba's Virtues He was impartial and just. I have seen rich and highly placed persons going to him, being practically ignored by him, as he saw through the outside, into the real nature, or the heart of the person approaching him. I have also seen him pay great regard to and speak enthusiastically of some poor man that came to him, saying "He has much money" (“pica”') i.e., much of punya accumulated. Stern Justice A saint should not be judged by the character of those that gathered round him. Prostitutes, women hunters, avaricious people and sinners of various sorts came to him with a view mostly to gain material advantage. But when they failed to take advantage of his presence to improve themselves but fell into sins, he let them suffer. His justice was severe. "You have to cut your own child, if it falls athwart the womb", he had said. Baba's boldness was based on "Foreknowledge" or "Perfect Vision". Baba was bold in his dealings with persons, with the forces of disease, etc. unknown to us but evidently well-known to him. He occasionally infused faith in his devotees by such bold defiance of sanitary precautions. I will mention some instances known to me. Baba used to get sweetmeat from a Halwayi for Naivedya. One day in 1916, he lay a corpse, a plague stricken corpse. Plague was raging at Shirdi. Baba asked me to go and get the sweetmeat from his shop. I went and told the wife (who was weeping) of Baba's order. She pointed to the corpse and said that I might take the sweetmeat from the almirah. I took it, trembling with the fear that by this I might catch the infection and others too. That was given as Naivedya. Baba told me, "You think you will live if you are away from Shirdi, and that you would die if you stay at Shirdi. That is not so. Whosoever is (destined) to be struck, will be struck; whosoever is to die will die; whosoever is to be caressed will be caressed". He encouraged me similarly when cholera raged in Shirdi. He had lepers around him who massaged his legs. One of them got cured. Baba made a leper take the udhi and gave it as prasad to the devotees. The Udhi is put into the mouth of sick people. And the leper gave it to all by Baba's order! Yet no harm has resulted so far as I know. ***


n o i t c e S s ’ Children

Lear arn Le n an andd Parti rtici cippa atte e Pa

Stories for this Week: “Think before you act” Once upon a time, there lived a washer-man in a village. He had a donkey by the name of Udhata. He used to carry loads of clothes to the river bank and back home every day. The donkey was not satisfied with the food, which was given to him by his master to eat. So he wandered into the nearby fields stealthily and ate the crops growing there. Once, the donkey, while wandering around, happened to meet a fox. Soon, both of them became friends and began to wander together in search of delicious food. One night, the donkey and the fox were eating water-melons in a field. The water-melons were so tasty, that the donkey ate in a large quantity. Having eaten to his appetite, the donkey became so happy that he was compelled by an intense desire to sing. He told the fox that he was in such a good mood that he had to express his happiness in a melodious tone. "Don't be a fool. If you sing, the people sleeping in and around this field will wake up and beat us black and blue with sticks:' said the fox worriedly. "You are a dull fellow", the donkey said hearing the words of fox. "Singing makes one happy and healthy. No matter what comes, I'll definitely sing a song."

The fox became worried to see the donkey adamant to sing a song in the midst of the field, while the owner was still sleeping only a little distance away.






Seeing his donkey’s adamant attitude, the fox said to the donkey, "Friend, wait a minute before you start. First, let me jump over to the other side of the fence for my safety." Saying so the fox jumped over to the other side of the fence without losing a moment. The donkey began in his so-called melodious tone. Hearing, suddenly, a donkey braying in the field, the owner woke up from his sleep. He picked up his stick lying by his side and ran towards the donkey who was still braying happily. The owner of the field looked around and saw the loss caused by the donkey. He became very angry and beat him so ruthlessly that the donkey was physically incapacitated temporarily. He, somehow, managed to drag himself out of the field with great difficulty. The fox looked at the donkey and said in a sympathetic tone, "I'm sorry to see you in this pitiable condition. I had already warned you, but you didn't listen to my advice." The donkey too realized his folly and hung his head in shame.

Act with a purpose for there are many things that we do, that once done can not be recalled, they become permanent. Know the impact of your actions before they are taken.



Chapter 45

Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com


Wooden plank Baba's Bed-Stead, and not Bhagat's

When God gives us problems, it is to humble us and not to tumble us

In His earlier days, Baba slept on a wooden plank, 4 arms in length and only a span in breadth with panatis (earthen lamps) burning at the four corners. Later on He broke the plank into pieces and threw it away (Vide Chapter X). Once Baba was describing the greatness or importance of this plank to Kakasaheb. Hearing this the latter said to Baba - "If You still love the wooden plank, I will again suspend or hang up one in the Masjid again for You to sleep at ease." Baba replied "I won't like to sleep up, leaving Mhalasapati down on the ground." Then Kakasaheb said - "I will provide another plank for Mhalasapati." Baba - "How can he sleep on the plank? It is not easy to sleep up on the plank. He who has many good qualities in him can do so. He who can sleep 'with his eyes wide open' can effect that. When I go to sleep I ask often Mhalasapati to sit by My side, place his hand on My heart and watch the 'chanting of the Lord's name' there, and if he finds Me sleepy, wake Me up. He can't do even this. He himself gets drowsy and begins to nod his head. When I feel his hand heavy as a stone on My heart and cry out - 'Oh Bhagat', he moves and opens his eyes. How can he, who can't sit and sleep well on the ground and whose asana (posture) is not steady and who is a slave to sleep, sleep high up on a plank? On many other occasions Baba said, out of love for His devotees - "What (whether good or bad) is ours, is with us, and what is another's is with him." Sai Ram. Baba was indicating the sadhana that needs to be gone through by a sadhaka if he aspires for higher powers in the spiritual domain. It is also interesting to note that the same Mhalsapathi could sit with the body of Baba in his lap for nearly 3 days! That was possible only because Baba's grace was flowing through Mhalsapathi at that time. Baba also was indicating that one should not be jealous of the powers and siddhis of other aspirants but should stick to one's own sadhana and be content. Sai Ram.

Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all ...








(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) ~ Contribution by "Shashank"crazydiode@gmail.com, Mrs and Mr Anand Chapter 38: Reality About the Soul God regards the soul as his fragment. It is not all difficult to us to realize that the soul is a fragment of God. Due to inclination to mundane objects, we are feeling it difficult to know the real nature of soul. The soul is imperishable and eternal. Even God desires the arrival of God-realized soul to His abode. The soul being a fragment of God, while the senses and mind being fragment of Prakruti abides in it always. Though the soul is unconnected with the mind, senses and body etc., but it assumes them as its own, attracts them towards it. We must rectify our error and accept the reality that the soul has no affinity for the physical, the subtle and casual bodies, and the fragment of Prakruti. Then we can liberate the bondage of birth and death. Will be continued...

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on Thursdays and Sundays after 2:00 pm. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities. ****






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"Knowing that great and all-pervading Self by which one sees (the objects) both in the sleep and the waking states, the intelligent man grieves no more.” ~ Katha Upanishad Sai devotees may continue to write about their Sai-related activities, essays, articles or poetry and send to the email id editor@saidarbarusa.org. We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the upcoming newsletter. Unless the author of the articles explicitly instructs not to publish his/her email id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. JAI SAI RAM

Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Kalyan Koduri Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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