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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Tenth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||


CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy


Sri Sainatha Mananam

During this fall, we are celebrating days of prayers and receiving blessings from our GURU to further enhance our relation with HIM. When we want to gain these blessings we should respectfully hear Shri Sai's Leela's and meditate on them. Our thoughts should be offered to HIM and help us attain peace and happiness.

The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Aditya Hridayam


We should always regard His stories, and while listening to them we need to develop sattvik tendencies and be blessed with His grace. Just consistently remember Him in everything and set our goal chanting His name and show our ultimate devotion for HIM. Whatever we do will be seen by our Sadguru and leave the results to the Lotus feet. All will be done with excellence and Baba will always look after our welfare. Let us continue to follow the teachings of Shri Sai and keep up the philosophy of growth towards HIM on this Thursday. Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All



Happiness, peace, food and clothing are bodily requirements. Sri Sai Baba has said, "In my devotees house,nothing will be wanting." So we should wish that through the parayana of this sacred Life History of Sri Sai Baba, Sri Sai Baba will be a part of our family and our lives shall be tied up with HIS existence and blessings. In all the teaching in the Satcharitra this message is emphasized in many different places with immense examples with devotees experience. Reading, following and dispensing these tremendous messages and teachings to the human kind is the best way to be taking responsibility for our existence.

 Pavanaanaghaya Namah

I got up very early in the morning and finished my prayer &all before day break. Then I Upasani, Bhishma & Bapusaheb Jog read Ranganathi Yogavashistha and later on I went to see Sayin Maharaj both when he went out &after he returned to the Masjid. A Marwadi came there & told his dream. He said he received a lot of silver & finally got bars of gold & woke up while he was in the act of counting them. Sayin Saheb that the dream indicated the death of some great man.

Please tune in and listen to non-stop bhajans at: www.saibhaktiradio.com

10 January 1912 Wednesday — Shirdi

I felt very sleepy while I was at the Masjid. I tried my utmost to keep awake but not withstanding all my efforts, my eyes kept closing every few minutes. I returned to my lodging after the mid-day arti & after food lay down for some time. Then Mr Dixit read Ramayana & we sat listening. In the evening we went to the Masjid to see Sayin Saheb stroll out as usual & later on we attended the Sheja-Arti. Bhaté, & Balakram were both absent. So the duty of holding the pea-cock fan (morchal) fell to me & I enjoyed holding it very much. At night there was the usual Bhajan of Bhishma & Ramayana of Dixit. Please LIKE below facebook pages and support SaiDarbar Movement Shirdi Saidarbar http://www.facebook.com/ShirdiSaidarbar1 Saibanisa ji http://www.facebook.com/Gurusthan Dwarakamai Geet Mala http://www.facebook.com/dwarakamai










Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945.

Prayer for acceptance of Saranagati Just like water in a porous pot, life is passing away. The glory of fresh youth is as fickle and momentary as the flash of lightning. Age advances fast like a lioness. Therefore you are now my refuge oh ! Sainatha. The source of Bhakti towards you, it is well known is Sat Sangathi, contact with saints. Alas fancying myself wise I have not secured even that and without satsang and Bhakthi where is wisdom? Therefore you are my refuge now my Sainatha. My view or attitude is not that of Samatha. I do not view all things with sameness. I always discriminate and differentiate. And in the absence of samatha how can I obtain santi or peace ? Therefore you are now my refuge my Sainatha. My senses (eyes etc ) are directed to external objects and atttached to them and not introverted. Without excluding outside objects how can there be introspection? Without you how can there be bliss? Therefore now you my Gurudeva Sai are here my refuge. I have not rendered the prescribed service so as to secure Gurus' grace which conferes Jnana. Seva is well known to be the sadhana or means for that grace. Therefore now my Sainatha, you are my refuge. Oh ! Sayeesa ! Sankara, Hari, Lord of Parvathi, Lord of Lakshmi, Sambhu, Janardhana, Girisa, Mukunda, Baba ! Excepting refuge at your feet, I have no other go. Therefore Oh ! Lord ! deign by your grace to gant me the goal. I have not got the Sadhana chathushtaya---the four means prescribed, namely Viveka, Vairagya,Samadhishatka and Mumuksha. How can I get pure Jnana? Therefore, teach me how to cross the ocean of Samsara. The wisdom of the Vedas pray extend to me by your own grace. Verily, verily, I say that by repeating the names Achyuta, Ananta, and Sayeesa- which repetition is a medicine---all diseases are cured. Will continue




07-11-1997 Sai appeared as an unknown person and said: You need not go to the school in Jamistanpur to know about spiritualism. Sraddha, the boy under my care had presented you with a pen. Gather all the points about my philosophy at one place and spread the contents to others with patience. Leave the result to me as good will happen to you. In youth, time is spent in profession, making wealth, and Politics. After retirement, time is whiled away in attachment towards wife, children and money. So where is the time left for God who created you to lead a peaceful life.


Spend time in refinement of society at some point or other.

Amrutamsave Namaha


Now you can view this eNewsLetter from iPhone at http://worldofsai.com.


AN INCREDIBLE MIRACLE OF BABA IMPELLING THE GOVT. OF INDIA TO MODIFY THEIR DECISION FOR THE SAKE OF HIS DEVOTEE We know how the District Magistrate of Ahmednagar, an Englishman, not knowing he was acting under the inspiration of Baba whom he had never seen, scrapped his earlier judgement even without looking at the appeal memo and orally pronounced a fresh order acquitting the appellants falsely implicated at first. What Baba Himself has given, no power on earth can take away." These, indeed, were inspired words now being uttered by one by nature given to just a few mild words of assent and quite foreign to dialectics or harangue. They stirred my blood and revived my dying hope. Here I may add that I have had ample proof, since, as on so many previous occasions (as, for example, when he granted 'Saakshaatkaaraa' and revived my dead son, coming again the next day, being Thursday, conferring unique










good fortune on my wife Kamala of serving a full to Him; similarly, upholding her firm faith when He made my dumb son speak in a split second) that He has always been specially gracious to her and, incidentally, to me, a doubting Thomas. The next morning, I went to the office with a new-found courageous and poise. The moment I stepped in, the attendant told me that there was a telegram received a little while ago on the table. I casually opened it, and was taken aback to find it was from Maj. Priestly. It read, "Withdraw my letter to Mr. Ramaswami-personally coming by the first flight". I was both thrilled and stunned at the way things were happening. How correctly my wife had forecast it; When Mr. Smith arrived, I just handed him the telegram without a word. On reading it he was absolutely floored. However, in an impassioned manner, he told me" I know he is coming in person to persuade you. Do be a good lad and agree to go. Else, I shall be badly let down." Soon Maj. Priestly came. Even as he was stepping in, he was asking with obvious impatience, "where is Mr. Ramaswami?" He was a tall, hefty, blue-eyed Scot with a noble mien, a truly imposing personality. I could see he was greatly upset. "I am here, sir," I managed to say, though highly tensed, Maj. P. "Do you know why I have come Mr. Ramaswamy?" "I don't actually know why you have come. Sir, but, I have my own guess why you must have come, You see, Sir..." Maj P. No, Mr. Ramaswami! he flared up. "YOU CAN'T. HOW CAN you guess when I myself did not know that I was to come. Something MYSTERIOUS has happened! that is why I have come". The word "mysterious" made my bloodd tingle confirming beyond all doubt that BABA HAD TAKEN OVER COMMAND! "You know", he continued, it has taken me two long years to get the 'all clear' to send you chaps to the U.K. for training. But, you upset all my plans. HOWEVER, ALMOST IMMEDIATELY AFTER POSTING MY LETTER, SOME HIGHER-UPS IN THE FINANCE MINISTRY PHONED ME TO SAY THAT THE BUDGET FOR SENDING TRAINEES TO THE U.K. IS CUT DOWN BY 25% SO THAT I CAN SEND ONLY THREE NOW ALTHOUGH THE SANCTION FOR THE FOUR POSTS IS LEFT AS IT IS. THAT MEANS YOU ARE NOT TOUCHED. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS AT ALL. I could no longer contain myself. I cut in to say, "Sir, I beg you to let me speak. You say something MYSTERIOUS has happened. You know, Sir, it is exactly for some such thing to happen that my heart has been crying out to my God. And if it had not happened, it would be mysterious to me. Sir, may I say without any breach of decorum that you are not the arbiter of my destiny. There is SOMEONE to arbiter yours as well as mine." The words spontaneously gushed out. I now know that it was Baba prompting me. Striding up to my side of the big table around which we were all standing, Maj. Priestly grabed my shoulder and, looking me straight in the face, exclaimed with some asperity, "You have the audacity and the courage to say that to my face, Mr. Ramaswami!" "It is neither, Sir", I replied calmly, returning his look. "For, devotion to Baba enables one to acquire the freedom from fear to stare the world in the face even if it should have blood-shot eyes/ It is a conviction born of faith transmitted to me in the blood from generation to generation and crying for expression." Still holding my shoulder he said, " You seem to challenge my faith in God, too!" "As a Britisher, you can't understand my faith, sir,� I said "You trust God and keep your powder dry!" mine enables me to be unarmed without any rear. It is not a half, way house but complete surrender with complete protection in return." Continued in page 7



Baba’s Close Devotees RAGHUVIR B. PURANDHARE S/o Bhaskar Purandhare, aged 60, Brahmin, Deshasth Shukla Yajur Vedi (Kelva Mahim, Thana Dist - originally) now at Bandra, Retired clerk of G.I.P. Rly, Sainath Ashram, 59-B, Perry Road, Bandra ~ POONA, 4TH MAY 1936

 Bhaskara Prabaaya Namaha

Courtesy: http://blessedones.saibaba.com/ Baba's foreknowledge of his own death:

.Once he asked me to give him all the old copper coins I had. I gave him all I had. I don't know what he did with them. He had old coins tied neatly in a cloth (so as not to make any jingling noise) and kept them in his side pockets. He asked me for Dakshina. I gave up everything. Once I thought I had nothing left of all my coins. Then Baba said, "You have still a two anna'piece in your pocket. See." I saw and found it and gave him that also. He used to completely exhaust the finances of many in this way. I do not know with what object he did that. Some people asked him why he wanted so much money. Baba replied, "I am not asking of every one. I ask only from the man whom the Fakir (God) points out. But in exchange, I have to give that man ten times" the money. I do not take money for my own use. I have no family etc." He used to give the money freely to all people, singers, tamashi, Fakirs, etc. He used to bring lots of fuel for his Dhunimayi mother fire at the Dwarkamayi. The Tulasi grove (Brindavan) at the mosque was put up after 1909, 1911 or 1912. We all helped in that. The Mantap (or Tin shed) in front of the Masjid was put up in 1912. G.S.Khaparde explained Panchadashi, etc., in Sathe's Wada. Upasani Baba also attended there. I never attended, as I was busy with works always. Balvant Ramachandra Noolkar was a retired Sub-Judge. He came, lived and died at Shirdi Sai Baba was seriously ill in 1915. He had Asthma. He would not eat anything then. He was breathing hard. I cried. Baba asked me "Why cry?" I said, "I cannot see this state of yours." Baba said, "Don't fear. In two or four days I will be alright,










Allah has given me this sickness and he will make me alright within that period. You need not cry. I was remembering you the last two or three days and told Kaka to write to you to come." Kaka did not write. Sai Baba said, "Do not write, he is coming himself. In fact, somehow I went up during his illness, not knowing he was ill. He never took medicines for his illness as a rule. Even during his illness, he was supported and carried by the devotees to his begging place. There he would beg and come back and yet not eat the food. He carried on his usual routine of begging, walking, etc., even during all that illness. One day, during his illness, he climbed up the terrace of one house through a staircase, then went over to the next house terrace and over Radhakrishna's. Then a man lifted him up and brought him down to the ground and that man was paid by Baba, 3 or 4 rupees. Baba then said, "We must not get the labour of anyone for nothing." I saw all this. Ambulance-chair was then brought for him, but he never used it. Malegaonkar Fakir Baba (called Bade Baba, Bade Mia by Sai Baba) was getting most moneys. ……...Will continue in the next issue.

Continued from Page 5…..

He suddenly softened. Relaxing his hold and pattinq me gently on my back he remarked, "AH right, all right. I can see you are sincere. Though for the time being your position appears to be safe, let me warm you it may not be so for long. I am going back by the return flight to see the Defence Minister and tell him that I must have four U.K. trained men to being with and the cut must be restored. If I succeed as I hope to, you will have to go down." "I have no qualms about it now, sir," I said. "If you succeeded. I shall bear no ill-will against you. God bless you". "For a man in your predicament, it is, indeed, a grand thing to say. Good-bye", the great man concluded, kindling in me warm admiration and regards for his openness and magnanimity. How wonderfully Baba solved the bristling problem without embarrassment to any one concerned will now be seen. As soon as Maj. Priestly reached Delhi, some mysterious, though not serious, illness overtook him, and he was airlifted to the U.K. We were happy to know later that it did not take long for him to become all right, though he chose to terminate his contract to settle down in England. A committee Naval Armament Officers, satisfied with the standard of my performance, recommended to the Naval Headquarters about my competence to continue in the department without any need for further training. Thus, what threatened as a Himalayan avalanche, vanished in to time through Baba's grace like the morning mist before the rising Sun. Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All


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Stories for this Week: “Children’s Sai Baba” All knowing Baba Just as Baba knew the present, so he knew the past and future too. Such a person is known as Trikal-gyani or Siddha. This will be clear from the following stories. A certain lady was a life-long devotee of Baba. Once she came to Baba and bowed at his feet. Stroking her head, Baba said "Ma, you have a bad headache, isn't it ?" Looking up in surprise, she said, "Baba, it was aching till this moment, but there is not a trace of it now." "Well, it will never ache again," said Baba. The fact was that the lady's head was aching for the last six years. However, she had not come to Baba so that it could be cured by his grace. Yet Baba recognised her ailment and cured it by his miraculous touch. At her residence, the lady used to offer naivedya (prasadam) to Baba thrice a day. Baba told her that he visited her house thrice daily to accept her offerings. Baba also told all the details about her house and the inmates. A certain lady in Bombay asked her husband for a rupee to be offered to Baba in her house. The husband was in a hurry to go to his office. He opened his purse, but found only a ten-rupee note and no rupee coin. So he said, he would get the change in the evening and then give her the rupee she wanted. The gentleman descended the staircase and, feeling his other pockets, found a rupee therein. But, instead of going back and giving the coin to his wife, he proceeded to the office. But in the evening, none remembered about it. A few days later, they both went to Shirdi. As thev were sitting before him, Baba said, "Ma, people have now-a-days become liars, isn't it ? Even though they have a rupee in their pocket, they say they don't have it. The lady could not understand the meaning of THE





these words. But the gentleman at once knew what Baba was saying. He fell at Baba's feet and asked for pardon. At Nanded, there was a wealthv merchant, named Ratanji. He had several daughters, but no son. He was therefore very, dejected. Das Ganu had advised him to go to Shirdi and have a darshan of Sai Baba. Ratanji earnestly wanted to do so, but due to pressure of work, he had not been able to go. Once a local Saint, Mouli Baba by name, came all of a sudden to Ratanji's house. Ratauji treated him with utmost respect and offered him flowers and sweets. Mouli Babe blessed him. A few months later Ratanji went to Shirdi. As he sat before Baba with hands folded, Baba said to him, "you have already offered me a dakshina of Rs 3-14-0 and now you have yourself come to this Masjid. So don't worry. Allah will grant your wishes." So saying, Baba applied Udi to Ratanji's forehead. Ratanji returned with satisfaction. But he was puzzled as to the dakshina of Rs. 314-0 which Baba had referred to. He told about it to Das Canu. But he too couldn't make out anything. Then, in the course of conversation, Mouli Baba's visit cropped up and just for fun; they made a list of all the expenses done on that occasion. And what a wonder! The expenses added up exactlv to Rs. 3-14-0. it was clear that things offered to Mouli Baba in Nanded had reached Sai Baba in Shirdi ! The next year Ratanji was blessed with a son. Another merchant. Seth Hariischandra Pitale, had gone to Shirdi for the first time. His infant son was also with him. Baba gave him three silver rupees aiid said, "I have already given you two rupees. Keep these three with them and worship them together. They will lead to your welfare." Pitale returned home with satisfaction. But since he had gone to Baba for the first time, he could not understand Baba's words, 'I have already given you two rupees'. He asked his mother. She thought deeply and, as in a flash, she exclaimed, "Ah, I got it. When you were young your father had gone to Akkalkot Swami, who had given him two rupees for worship. Your father worshipped them in his lifetime. But, after him, they have been lying uncared for. Now the Swami is re-born as Sai Baba in Shirdi, and that is why he reminded vou of the 'two rupees already given and gave you three more. Henceforward, worship them all with devotion." These incidents show how Baba was a Trikal-gyani Siddha. Will continue‌..



Chapter 50 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com .. Stories of (1) Kakasaheb Dixit (2) Shri Tembye Swami (3) Balaram Dhurandar Chapter 50 of the original Satcharita has been incorporated in Chapter 39, as it dealt with the same subject matter. Now, Chapter 51 of the Satcharita has been treated here as Chapter 50. This Chapter gives the stories of (1) Kakasaheb Dixit (2) Shri Tembye Swami (3) Balaram Dhurandhar.



Victory be unto Sai Who is the main-stay of the Bhaktas, Who is our Sadguru, Who expounds the meaning of the Gita and Who gives us all powers. Oh Sai, look favourably on us and bless us all.

Brahma charya tapas charyadi suvrataya Namaha

The sandal-wood trees, grow on the Malaya mountains and ward off heat. The clouds, pour their rain-water and thereby, cool and refresh all the people. The flowers, blossom in the spring and, enable us to worship God, therewith. So the stories of Sai Baba come forth, in order to give solace and comfort to the readers. Both, those, who tell; and those who hear the stories of Baba, are blessed and holy, as also the mouths of the former and the ears of the latter. Sai Ram. Telling the stories of Sai Sadguru is Kirtan and hearing them with sraddha (faith, reverence) is Sravan. Thus, both those who tell (write) and those who hear (read) are blessed. This is a form of satsang and Sri Adi Sankara says – “Satsangatve Nissangatvam, Nissangatve Nirmohatvam, Nirmohatve Nischala Tatvam, Niscala Tatve Jivan Muktih, Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam …" – Satsanga means good company and that leads to nissangatva, detachment, detachment leads to nirmohatvam, removal of all delusions and illusions, nirmoha (removal of moha or getting clarity of perception) leads to nischala tatva, steady state of mind (equanimity, accepting everything equally) leads to liberation (mukti) while still alive in the body. The stories given below are good aids to improve our nirmohatva, and help remove our illusions and delusions. Sai Ram. Will continue...








Source: http://devotionalonly.com/aditya-hridayam-stotram/ Continued from last issue… नक्षऽमहताराणामिधपो िवश्वभावनः। तेजसामिप तेजःवी द्वादशात्मन ् नमोऽःतु ते॥ १५॥ 15. Nakshatra graha taaraanamadhipo visvabhaavanah | Tejasaamapi tejasvi dvadash aatman namostute || Nakshatra graha taaranaam Adhipah Visvabhaavanah Tejasamapi tejasvi Dvadashatman Te Namah Astu

= Asvin, Chandra and for planets of the constellation; = Lord; = The thought of origin of creation; = Even for the great brilliant one; = more brilliant; = The twelve parts of Bhagavaan Surya; = for you; = Salutations; = Be it like that.

He is the lord of the stars, planets and constellations and the origin of every thing in the universe, the resplendent among the splendid. Oh! God, appearing in twelve forms (in the shape of twelve months of the year) salutations to you. Will continue…

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on all days. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities.






Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line ‘Subscribe’ to members@saidarbarusa.org. To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to members@saidarbarusa.org with the subject line ‘Unsubscribe’. Please send your feedback to feedback@saidarbarusa.org

From the Editor’s Desk

A worker free of attachment is in the mode of goodness, a worker blinded by personal desire is in the mode of passion, and a worker who has completely forgotten how to tell right from wrong is in the mode of ignorance. But a worker who has taken shelter of Me is understood to be transcendental to the modes of nature. ~Uddhava Gita Quotes Dear Sai Devotees, We encourage you to continue writing about your Sai-related activities and experiences in essay, article, or poetry form and email it to us at editor@saidarbarusa.org. We will put in our best efforts to include as many of your submissions as possible in the upcoming newsletters. As previously done, we will publish the author’s email id with the respective entry. If you would like to stay anonymous, please explicity state this request in your submission email. JAI SAI RAM Kindly send your comments or suggestions to Editorial Team Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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