Volume 2011-17

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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Ninth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||

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CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Quintessence


TALK TO HIM EVERYDAY......... We as human have the boon to forget things. So use this quality wisely and forget the worries you have in life, forget the things that make you crazy and upset, forget the stress you go through in life. Forget anything you would like to forget, BUT there's one thing you should never forget.......PRAYING TO SHRI SAI. Don't forget to talk to him everyday. HE wants to hear you and HE likes you talking to him about your life, it is a simple conversation which can help you lead a fruitful life. HE loves to be your friend, philosopher and guide. As we lead this life, the world is becoming more and more complicated. You must have Shri Sai to get through this complicated path. Also get His help and guidance. He can show you the things that you are not aware of. So never be afraid to talk to Him. He will answer all your queries. Have faith that He is always listening to you and in turn you always listen to Him too, as Sai has a lot to say to you too. The only way this communication link is going to be active between you and HIM is by the talk you have with HIM everyday. You will always be in His heart and thoughts. ***

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