Volume 2011-17

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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Ninth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||

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CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Quintessence


TALK TO HIM EVERYDAY......... We as human have the boon to forget things. So use this quality wisely and forget the worries you have in life, forget the things that make you crazy and upset, forget the stress you go through in life. Forget anything you would like to forget, BUT there's one thing you should never forget.......PRAYING TO SHRI SAI. Don't forget to talk to him everyday. HE wants to hear you and HE likes you talking to him about your life, it is a simple conversation which can help you lead a fruitful life. HE loves to be your friend, philosopher and guide. As we lead this life, the world is becoming more and more complicated. You must have Shri Sai to get through this complicated path. Also get His help and guidance. He can show you the things that you are not aware of. So never be afraid to talk to Him. He will answer all your queries. Have faith that He is always listening to you and in turn you always listen to Him too, as Sai has a lot to say to you too. The only way this communication link is going to be active between you and HIM is by the talk you have with HIM everyday. You will always be in His heart and thoughts. ***



Raghuvir Bhaskar Purandare heard first of Sai Baba in 1909 and wanted to see him. He appeared in R.B.Purandare’s dream and called him to Shirdi. At that time his elder daughter (aged then six months) was very ill and so his mother objected to his going to Shirdi. Purandare still persisted in going to Shirdi and took his wife, that child and his mother with him to Shirdi. He remained there (first visit) for thirteen days. On the third day of his visit, the child got alright. Baba did not permit Purandare to go back till the thirteenth day. Saibaba told Purandare’s mother that for seven centuries, Sai Baba was connected with her son.

My treasury is open but no one brings carts to take from it. I say, “Dig!” but no one bothers.

1911, 9th December Saturday Shirdi I was late in getting up & finishing my prayer. Mr Chandorkar came today with a servant. Many others also came & some that were already here went away. Mr.C. is a very nice simple man, very pleasant in conversation & plain in his dealings. I went to the Masjid & sat long listening to things said there. Sayin Maharaj was in a pleasant mood. I took my Hukka there and Sayin Maharaj had a smoke out of it. He looked wonderfully beautiful at Arti time, but dismissed every one very soon after it. He said he would come to dine with us. He calls my wife “Ajibai ”. On returning to our lodging we learned that Mr Dixit ’s daughter who was ill passed away. The deceased dreamt a few days ago that Sayin Maharaj kept her under the Nim tree here. Sayin Maharaj also said yesterday that the girl was dead. We sat talking about the sad event. The child was only seven years old. I went & saw her mortal remains. They were very beautiful and the expression on her face, after death, was peculiarly charming. It reminded me of the pictures of Madonna that I saw in England. The cremation took place behind our lodging. I attended the funeral & did not break fast until 4 P.M. Dixit bore the blow wonderfully well. His wife naturally broke down under grief. Every body sympathizes with her. In the evening I went to Chavadi to see Sayin Maharaj both at sunset and later on at Shejarti time. At night I, Madhavarao Deshpande Bhishma & others sat talking till late, all about Sayin Maharaj. Thosar got permission from Sayin Maharaj to return to Bombay. He will return tomorrow morning.










Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM.

General Invocation: O, Mind! Be devoted to Narayana. ..O Mind! be devoted to Sri Sai feet. For overcoming all obstacles, let one meditate on the white robed, all pervading fourarmed one, moon like in colour and of gracious mien. I bow to Lord Sai, that dweller in Shirdi, whose mercy cures dumbness and revives the dead. I bow to the best of Sants, Sai, who is (but) the Ancient Narayana Deva who has visited the Earth to bless (His) devotees. Again and again do I prostrate before Lord Sai, who is God (Brahman) taking up form and attributes and going down to dwell on the banks of the Godavari to protect (His) devotees. Prostrate myself unto Lord Sai on whose head, the Ganges was conquered, from whose feet, the Ganges flowed and who lives on the bank of the Ganges (Godavari). Prostrations to Thee, O Sainatha whose nature is Triune, being Brahma,(the Creator) at the beginning, Vishnu(the Sustainer) thereafter and finally Mahadeva or Shiva(the withdrawer) I bow to Sai, who is Sesha-Sayee(i.e God recumbent on the Serpent) by remembering whom one is released from the bondage of births and Samsara. I bow to Sai, the Imperishable by remembering whom and repeating whose names, one's efforts at Austerities(Tapas), Alms(Dana) and other observances(Kriya) , are successful. ....will continue.....




(Dreams Of Saibanisa after Undergoing Bypass Surgery on 17-5-1996) Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury

12-03-1997: Sai appeared as a saint and said:

All that is seen is my form: ant, fly, prince, and pauper

True love within you will not want to see a person dying. Such a desire is devilish. Calling for happiness for every body is humane. Divinity so pleasant to God is derived from this very humanity. The other name for this is Spirituality. Reach God taking support of this cause. Always wish welfare for all.

DEVOTEES EXPERIENCE Dear all, I have been a Sai devotee since a young girl as my mother is a devotee of Lord Sai and we praise baba for all his protection towards our family. This incidence below demonstrates the protection of Baba towards his devotees. Please tune in and listen to non-stop bhajans at: www.saibhaktiradio.com

Now you can view this eNewsLetter from iPhone at http://worldofsai.com.


There is one experience that I should share with you the power of Lord Sai's protection to all his devotees. It was one night that myself, husband and my two boys went to sleep in our House in London. About 5 am in the morning my husband heard a noise in the kitchen and he heard some one in our house. He woke me up very slowly and we were really scared as we had an intruder in our house, I immediately carried my boys out of their room and locked them in a smaller room, whilst my husband was preparing for this intruder coming up the stairs. I prayed to Baba to help us, I then climbed out of the window onto the extension of our kitchen and to our surprise my neighbour was out in his garden - that really surprised me at 5 am in the morning, nobody would have been around. (Baba heard me) so I asked the neighbour to









call the police. He did not delay - but meanwhile this intruder was robbing us and he would not go. I started to move around upstairs and then I think he saw me - so he ran out of the garden. Thank Baba that he went away and did not come in confrontation with us. Anyway he went away but stole our valuables from us, the police did not catch him but a few days after he was caught with my work Laptop and my lap top bag containing my address details. The amazing aspect of this incidence is that the My Laptop Password was 'Sai baba'. This was amazing as it just shows the power 'Sai baba' protection towards his devotees' - I had many other items stolen 2 laptops and cameras, but the item that came back was the one laptop with my password as 'Sai Baba'. This intruder also got 3 years in prison as he committed several other crimes in around the area. Baba please protect all your devotees as you graced me with your protection that day protecting all my family. Thank you Baba for that day. Jai Sai Ram Sai Sister Jagruti, UK (Courtesy: http://www.shirdisaibabaexperiences.org/)

Dear Readers, We request you to submit your experiences to this newsletter so that we may share them with many other devotees around the globe. Please email your submission to editor@saidarbarusa.org.

Om Sai Ram English and Telugu Version of SHIRDI SAI NATHUNI MADHURANAMAMRUTHAM (Prema Maniharam) is now available.

Diamond Necklace to Shirdi Sai Baba Publisher: Sterling Publishers This book is about 108 names of Shirdi Sai with Detailed Meaning + Miracles + prayer for each name

Please contact: Sai Giridhar Ari http://www.shirdisaiashtothara.com/ http://shirdisaimadhuranama.blogspot.com/ http://www.sterlingpublishers.com/bookinfo.asp?na=9788120758681




Baba’s Close Devotees G. G. Narke

Professor Of Geology & Chemistry In College Of Engineering, Deccan Gymkhana, Age 53, Brahmin, Poona. Continued from last issue...

However distant my people may be, I draw them to me just as we pull a bird to us with a string tied to its foot.

The first impression I got of Sai Baba was from his eyes. They pierced me through and through. And his image as seated at the Chavadi has left an indelible impression on my heart. As for the inner experiences they gradually grew upon me. First, I fell in with the current and did my Seva (i.e., service) to Baba and attended the Aratis, etc. At an Arati in my early visit Sai Baba was in a towering passion. He fumed, cursed and threatened for no visible cause. I doubted if he was a mad man. That was a passing thought. The Arati was completed in the usual way. In the afternoon (of that day), I went and massaged his feet and legs. Then he stroked my head and said, "I am not mad". Lo! He is seeing my heart. Nothing is concealed from him. He is my Antaryami - the inner Soul of my soul," I thought. Thenceforward, numerous instances occurred in my own experience of his Antaryamitwa When he talked, he spoke as one seated in my heart, knowing all its thoughts, all its wishes, etc. This is God within. I had no hesitation in deciding that he was God. I tested him at times. Each test produced the same conviction that he was all-knowing, all-seeing and able to mould all things to his will. A few instances out of hundreds may be cited here which showed that nothing was beyond Him or concealed from Him, in the past, present and future. In 1913, Baba told me that my father-in-law would build a Dagdiwada, (i.e., a stone edifice) at Shirdi and that I would be in charge of it. It was only in 1915-16 that my father-in-law began to build it (i.e., the building in which Baba's tomb is erected) and it was after 1918-19, I was










one of the Trustees in charge of that tomb. My mother was anxious about my employment. I was ever tossing from place to place and often had periods of unemployment. I was trained in England as a Geologist, Mining Engineer; and here in India I was on the look out for prospecting jobs advertised in the press and took up one job after another finishing each in a short time. My first stay at Shirdi was only for three or four days and I then went back to Balaghat and Burma. After three months my work under B.O.C. ceased, and I went back to Nagpur and thence to Shirdi and stayed four months there with my wife and went back to Nagpur. Again as I got a letter from Madhava Rao that Baba wanted me, I went to Shirdi alone and stayed thirteen months. I was without employment and I did not care. Sometimes, I had stray fancies that a fakir's life was good for me. It was a day in 1914. Baba had got ready a number of Kupnis (somewhat like gowns or togas which are worn by fakirs) and presented a number of people with them. I was watching the distribution from a distance and hoped that one might be conferred on me, to be kept with me and worn on special occasions, e.g., Bhajans in honour of Sai Baba. Baba stopped distribution even when many Kupnis still remained with him. He beckoned to me a little later and placing his hand kindly on my head stroked it and said, "Do not blame me for not giving you a kupni. That Fakir (meaning evidently God) has not permitted me to give you one." Will be continued....

Perseverance in (seeking to gain) the knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, and perception of the gain that comes from knowledge of the truth: This is called knowledge : all that is contrary to this is ignorance. Bhagavad Gita 13:11


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Stories for this Week: “The Musical Donkey” Here is one more interesting story from the Panchatantra collection. Once upon a time, there lived a washer man in a village. He possessed a thin donkey by the name of Udhata. The donkey used to work for the washer man and carry loads of clothes to the river bank by the day. The donkey was not satisfied with the food that was provided by the washer man. In the nights, he usually wandered in the fields nearby and ate the crops stealthily. One night, he met a jackal and made friends with him. Both of them went out in search of food. They found a field full of cucumbers and had them to their full. They were happy to found a nice place for their food and decided that they would come daily to eat cucumbers. Now daily, they came to the field to have cucumbers. Soon, the donkey started looking healthy and fat. Once, after a tasty meal of cucumbers, the donkey was extremely happy. He was so happy that he got an intense desire to sing a song. He told the jackal that he was overwhelmed and wanted to express his happiness in a melodious song. The jackal immediately replied, "Don't be a fool. If you sing, the guards sleeping in and around this field will wake up and beat us black and blue with sticks”. The donkey insisted on singing. The jackal again warned him not to do any foolish act. The donkey said, “You are a dull fellow. Singing makes one happy and healthy. No matter what comes, I'll definitely sing a song." The jackal told him that his voice THE





was not sweet. The donkey thought that jackal was jealous of him. The jackal once again warned him that if he would sing, the guards would come and reward him in the way, might be that he would not like. But the donkey could not stop himself from singing. Seeing the donkey singing, jackal said to the donkey, "Friend, wait a minute. First, let me jump over to the other side of the fence for my safety." The jackal decided to wait outside the garden. On hearing a donkey braying in the field, the guard woke up from his sleep. He picked up his stick lying by his side and rushed out to beat him. The donkey was braying happily, unknown about the danger. The angry guard found the donkey and beat him so mercilessly that the donkey was physically incapacitated temporarily. Somehow, the donkey managed to drag himself out of the field to the waiting jackal. The jackal looked at the donkey and said in a sympathetic tone, “I am sorry to see you in this pathetic condition. I had already warned you, but you didn't listen to my advice." The donkey realized his mistake and felt sorry for not listening to the good advice of jackal.

Moral: Think before you act.



CHAPTER 43 AND 44 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com

continued from last issue..

Baba's Nectar-like words

I cannot do anything without God’s permission

The kind and merciful Sai Baba, said many a time the following sweet words in the Masjid - "He who loves Me most, always sees Me. The whole world is desolate to him without Me, he tells no stories but Mine. He ceaselessly meditates upon Me and always chants My name. I feel indebted to him who surrenders himself completely to Me and ever remembers Me. I shall repay his debt by giving him salvation (self-realization). I am dependent on him who thinks and hungers after Me and who does not eat anything without first offering it to Me. He who thus comes to Me, becomes one with Me, just as a river gets to the sea and becomes merged (one) with it. So leaving out pride and egoism and with no trace of them, you should surrender yourself to Me Who am seated in your heart." Sai Ram. We should thank Sai for the wonderful assurance that removes all fear from our minds. Let us prostrate ourselves to the feet of Sadguru Sai. Sai Ram. Who is this ME? Sai Baba expounded many a time Who this ME (or I) is. He said "You need not go far or anywhere in search of Me. Barring your name and form, there exists in you, as well as in all beings, a sense of Being or Consciousness of Existence. That is Myself. Knowing this, you see Me inside yourself, as well as in all beings. If you practise this, you will realize all-pervasiveness, and thus attain oneness with Me." Sai Ram. All his miracles, all His teachings are directed towards this Atma Jnana only. This is the highest knowledge and all realised sages / saints gave the same upadesha. Only a pure mind and the keen intellect can absorb this knowledge and abide in it. Sai Ram. Will be continued‌

Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all THE







(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) ~ Contribution by "Shashank"crazydiode@gmail.com, Mrs and Mr Anand Chapter 36: The Value of Human Birth Continued from the previous issue‌ Your heart is the land where you have to sow seed of that which is given to you by your Guru-God. Don’t allow it to stagnate. Let it flow and overflow. You need not construct a dam around it, as it is perennial. Once you develop and taste it, you will understand its real sweetness. You will be blessed with the grace of God and a true vision of Divinity. Then you can save yourself and others from everlasting ignorance and selfishness. There is no virtue like doing well to others and there is nothing so abominable as doing injury to others. The constant utterance of the Holy Name of Sai purifies the mirror of human soul and the restless mind becomes quite. The mind becomes free from baser desires and all sufferings. We are then in a position to realize that love is the summation of life without which life is a desert. Love is the very life of Soul and the very light that enlightens the subtle spiritual sign for the full revelation. The more we love, the more we live. Will be continued...

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on Thursdays and Sundays after 2:00 pm. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities. For more event info please visit http://www.saitemplepa.com/. UDI Prasaad From Shirdi Now Available in Canada for Distribution : Devotees of Greater Toronto Area can visit Sai Darbar and receive UDI from Baba with His Blessings - Darbar is open for DARSHANbetween 10:30am to 4pm every Thursday. (visits after 4pm pls call to confirm). Devotees in the OTHER PARTS OF CANADA can receive UDI PRASAAD by submitting their request by email at saileela99@gmail.com orSubmit your willingness by visiting www.shirdisainath.org giving your full family name - Phone number postal and email address.






Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line ‘Subscribe’ to members@saidarbarusa.org. To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to members@saidarbarusa.org with the subject line ‘Unsubscribe’. Please send your feedback to feedback@saidarbarusa.org From the Editor’s Desk "Not the mere indulgence of thought (in curiosity) but the constant concentration of the intellect (or the affirming faculty) on the ever-pure Brahman, is what is called Samadhana or self-settledness.

~~ Vivekachoodamani (26) Sai devotees may continue to write about their Sai-related activities, essays, articles or poetry and send to the email id editor@saidarbarusa.org. We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the upcoming newsletter. Unless the author of the articles explicitly instructs not to publish his/her email id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. JAI SAI RAM

Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Sneha Narasimhan Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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