The Glory of Shirdi Sai Eighth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly ~ an affiliate of
श्रद्धा CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Navavidha Bhakti Shirdi Sai Baba's Sermon The Dreams Train Devotees Corner NEW
Children Section
Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita JAI SAI RAM
2 0 1 0 — I S S U E
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1 2 - A U G U S T - 2 0 1 0
गुरुब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु: गुरुर्दे वो महे श्वर: |
गुरु: शाऺात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः:||
FROM THE SATSANGS OF SAIBANISA JI Surrender to Guru Faith is of great importance. The human mind might find it difficult to believe in the Master‟s way, but we should lead our aspiring heart towards the direction of our Guru‟s feet. We can and should love Sai for he is the most lovable being. Spontaneous love for Divine is surrender, and this surrender is the greatest gift in life. Surrender is a spiritual miracle. It teaches us how to see Shri Sai, and how to communicate with him. Fear enters into our being only when we withdraw ourselves from the process of surrender. When you surrender to Sai, you can leave all your problems behind because He will take the burden on himself which keeps you under stress. We should know what does the word surrender imply. It is a state of attitude or the mind, you completely surrender your will to the will of Shri Sai. You do everything for Him with Him. You accept every result as his will and know that He is the one who knows everything that is to happen in this world. Once you surrender, you will experience absolute freedom from worries, and problems in this world. You can be happy in even adversity. He will take care of you and all your needs. The choice is yours and timing is yours. Doubts and difficulties surround us, just to move us and confirm our faith. We are always tested. If we only hold on steadily to Baba, with full faith and continue our endeavors, our efforts will ultimately be crowned with success. ~~ Satcharita Ch. XXIX
SAI’S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 1842 - 1854: Sai baba spent 12 years with his Guru, whose name is not exactly known. Baba practiced penance at the tomb of His Guru in the cellar under the neem tree in Shirdi. 1908 - Gurupoornima: Prompted by Baba, Dada Kelkar, TatyaSaheb Noolkar, MadhavRao Deshpande and others started Guru worship on that day.
NAVAVIDHA BHAKTI (Source: Sai Leela Magazine July-Aug 2004)
Fifth Step – Archan Bhakti
Puja and Archana for the love of God are the ways to express devotion, as preached by Parashar (father of Vyasa) and Vyasa (compiler and arranger of Vedas). That is also another form of worship. For the sake of the Guru, collect flowers such as the Parijat and others, from the garden, sweep the courtyard of the Guru‟s abode and sprinkle water and smear it with the wash of cowdung. ll89ll At the outset, bathe and chant the morning mantras; make fragrant paste and annoint the Gurudev with sandalwood, bathe him with the fine nectarial substances (milk, honey, ghee, curd and sugar), burn incense and light the lamp. ll90ll Afterwards offer naivedya (offering of food, such as milk, fruits, honey etc.), then do arati with the lamp and the incense. In this way, doing all the services with love, is called „archana‟ (worship). Begin the worship by making your heart and intelligence pure and sinless, having an unsullied disposition and invoke the power of the deity within yourself. Then recall that divine feeling after the „archana‟ is concluded, and in your heart restore the former state (state of purity and sinlessness) and establish it firmly within you.
Though immutable, He accepted the worship and honours (rituals), according to the faith of the devotees. He accepted (the devotion) in all the different ways. Some waved the whisks - some fanned - some played shehnai or drums and auspicious musical instruments and some offered puja. Some would lave His hands and feet (to drink the water as tirth) - some annointed Him with attar and sandalwood paste - some offered Him betelnuts made out of thirteen ingredients (supari, white kat, cloves, nutmeg, saffron, dry coconut, camphor, kankol, Jaipatri, cardamom, almond, kasturi, lime) - some offered mahanaivedya (wide variety of delicious foods, which could be as many as sixty items). Some applied gandh paste, with two fingers, horizontally across the forehead, as it is done for Shiva linga, without a break - some applied kasturi mixed with perfume - and also, applied sandalwood.
I think of my people day and night. I say their names over and over. ~Baba.
To be continued….
SHIRDI SAI BABA’S SERMON (Four Chapters on Shirdi Sai Baba by Dasganu Maharaj) The four Chapters are Chapter 31, 32 and 33 from Shri Bhakta Leelamrut and Chapter 57 from Shri Sant Kathamrut.
Chapter - 57 from Shri Sant Kathamrut Shri.Ganeshayanamah. Oh Lord Lambodar your form is the Truth. Oh Generous One, you are the Origin. Please hold my hand and help me write. Oh Listeners, please listen to this Sant Kathamrut -a book comparable to spring. The stories of the saints are the mango trees here. They have the branches of miracles performed by the saints. The poetic arrangement is the foliage of the tender leaves and the advice given by the saints is the fruit. I beg you to become a cuckoo and enjoy the sweet juice of the fruit. This book is the Manas Sarovar. The stories of the saints are the fully bloomed water lillies. The pure honey of advice is contained in them. Oh Listeners, enjoy this honey like humble bumble bees. I have narrated the life of Sainath of Shirdi in Chapter 31,32 and 33 of Bhakta Leelamrut. He is the Kalpatam (The Divine Tree). He is the ship to cross the ocean of the mundane world, he is very generous. He is the ocean of mercy. He loves his devotees.Sai's devotees went to Shirdi at the time of Dhanu Sankraman in the month of Pausha. Listeners may think that the Dhanu Sankranti is not as important as the Makar Sankranti. Why should, then, the devotees choose a less important day for the Darshan? On Dhanu Sankranti. people offer the Naivedha to the Sun and take their meals at sunrise. A similar situation is here too. I shall try to explain it to you. The worldly miseries froze the devotees with cold. They donned themselves with the warm clothing of devotion and rushed to see Baba -their Sadguru. Shirdi is the mountain from where rises Sai the Sun. Sai's grace is the dawn. The devotees bathed themselves in the Ganga of faith and went for his darshan. The Lord, then, offered them a meal prepared from Self realization. This is Dhanurmas in Shirdi and hence the devotees gathered in Shirdi in anticipation of the meal. Narayan, the son of Shri.Govind born in the family of Chandorkar Haripant, a pious devotee and a firm believer in the teachings of the Vedas. Beray, Nimonkar, Laxman Maruti and other great devotees gathered there. All of them sat in the mosque and were as glad as the children are to see their mother. Chandorkar folded his hands in reverance and said, "I asked you a question. Baba: but you did not answer it then. Please tell me why you are annoyed with us and then, explain to us who the God is and where He lives. Maharaj said. "Nana, anger does not stay in my heart. You are all my children. Whom do I get angry with? Of course, you have the right to show the false anger with me. Had Shri.Venkusa been around, I would also have had shown this kind of false anger expressed to him. Anyway. I have given two discourses to you earlier. You must remember the advice therein and listen to me. If you assimilate the knowledge I have given you earlier, it will equip you with four instruments. When a devotee is equipped thus, then only, the knowledge of Bramhan is related to him for self realization. The ways followed to procure the desired are known as the instruments here. Concentrate on my speech. I will relate those four instruments to you. Remember the subject is very deep. Will be continued…...
THE DREAMS TRAIN (Dreams Of Saibanisa after Undergoing Bypass Surgery on 17-5-1996) Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury 16-11-1996:
Before going to bed I prayed Sai to throw some light on the aspect of death. Sai appeared as care taker in the burial ground and said:
Lead the life taking Meghasyam from Sri Sai Satcharita as an example. Do not think about how your physical body will merge with the five basic elements after death. I will look after that job. Live the life like all jeevnadhis (life rivers-the Ganges). Once that is done, no matter where your ashes are immersed as you have lived a holier life.
Committing suicide is a sin.
“My treasury is open but no one brings carts to take from it. I say, „Dig!‟ but no one bothers.”
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DEVOTEES CORNER DEVOTEES EXPERIENCE Om Sai Ram We have been ardent devotees of Baba for few years now. Baba has helped/guided and supported us in several situations. I would like to share one of the recent leelas that I experienced. We applied for US citizenship and got a call for finger prints appointment. Just an hour before heading to the appointment, my husband and I had a very heated argument over a really petty issue. We stepped out of the house without prostrating before Baba's idol, which is our usual practice. My mind was really perturbed as we had not taken Baba's blessings before heading out and also because we were in such a bad mood when we were going for an important appointment. I usually play a Ganesha CD whenever I need some peace in the car. The CD which is always very handy was surprisingly not to be found that day. I searched in every corner I could reach while driving the car but to no avail. I slowly started chanting, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai still continuing to search for the CD. I wasn't soliciting any help from my husband who was sitting right next to me. He then asked, what I was looking for and I mentioned the CD, he searched for it but couldn't find it either. Instead he said he found a Baba CD. I do have Baba song and bhajan CDs in my car, however, at that very moment I only wanted to hear some chanting to calm my mind. Since, I couldn't find the CD I was looking for I asked him to play what he found. To my utter surprise, the CD started playing Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.. Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha..repeatedly. The whole CD was nothing but these 2 chanting. I never knew this CD existed in my car. Tears started rolling out of my eyes
ARTICLES FROM DEVOTEES involuntarily. I felt the presence and energy from Baba, it was a very electrifying moment for me. It proved to me once again that Baba is Omniscient and is watching out for his devotees always… Sai Devotee ( ART OF SPEAKING To speak means express thoughts aloud or to say things. In the following lines an attempt has been made as to how we should speak. It is very important for all spiritual Sadhaks. Sai declared " He who carps and cavils at others pierces Me in the heart and injures Me, but he who suffers pleases me most" (Chap 44 of SSSC).If we analyse the above we will be convinced that Saima is correct. The sixth nama in the 108 Glorious names of Sainath is "OM SRI SAI SARVA HRUNNILAYAYA NAMAHA" It means I bow to Sai who is seated in all hearts. As He is seated in all hearts arrows of sarcastic and offensive words against others will certainly pierce His heart Baba wants us to see Him in all. If once we develop this attitude ie., Sai dwells in the hearts of others, we will be pleasing Him to the maximum extent as we cannot hate or be jealous of Baba and talk in a discourteous way. Baba cautioned regarding our behaviour and how to talk in Chap 2,19,21,33 and 44. He says we should not hurt others by our speech, not to indulge in scandal mongering, always to speak truth etc., Now the topic for discussion is 'How to speak' Let us see the invaluable advice given to King Janaka by Sulabha, a sanyasin. She observed the King was restless when she wanted to argue with him. The essence of her advice is as follows when we want to convey any message through argument or speech, both the speaker and the listener should have a calm and composed mind with a sense of equality, devoid of anger, ahankara selfishness etc., Man has two qualities latent in him, he can attract or repel another by his talk. There are three categories of men: Superior, equal and inferior whom we come across. The power of attraction if shown towards an equal develops into friendship, if shown towards superiors it turns into devotion and respect, if shown towards inferiors it develops into compassion. Dear readers, the best course will be to think that the other person is as nearer to Baba as we are. Our ego should not play any role so that the real purpose for which we talk to others is defeated. If we think superior to the other man the language will be different and will not enter into is ears. The golden rule is 'You treat others as you wish to be treated by others' This is possible if we adopt the rule of Three C's ---- Never Complain, Never Comment and Never Criticize. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI!!! D.Sankaraiah. (from archives of
सत्सङ्गत्वे ननस्स्ङ्गत्वं
ननस्सङ्गत्वे ननमोहत्वम ् |
ननमोहत्वे ननश्चलतत्त्वं ननश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मक्ु तः ||
SaidarbarUSA conducts bi-weekly satsang in Greater Philadelphia area. For more information please visit Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. ( Temple is open on Thursdays and Sundays after 2:00 pm. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities. For more info please visit Sai Palkhi Utsav at Boston on Aug 14, 2010 at Chinmaya Maruti, Boston. For more detail, please visit
ARTICLES FROM DEVOTEES BABA'S MIRACLE - 6 " When truth is stranger than fiction.” ~ The Upanishads A record of thrilling experiences of (Late) DR.P.S.Ramasami -An ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai) BABA APPEARING AS BLACK DOG TO BESTOW POWER OF SPEECH TO BOY BORN DUMB
“My people do not come to me of their own accord; it is I who seek and bring them to me. ”
~ Baba
As if to prove paradoxically that the law of compensation works itself out to perfection in nature, the most handsome of my children, a boy, and the most cheerful withal, was born dumb. This was confirmed when he failed to gain the power of speech as he grew up to complete his fifth year. His heroic efforts to make himself understood through gestures and unintelligible blabber only lent poignancy to the situation, Yet, he was the least perturbed. It was an object lesson in philosophic reconciliation. Being feminine in my attitude to life and, thus though endowed with the characteristics resilience to bear "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune", I could not help giving way to tears every time I saw him. It was the optimism of my wife, Kamala, derived from her steady faith in Baba's never failing Grace, that helped me sustain myself. She was never tired of iterating and reiterating the incredible miracles worked by Baba in our life: how He had helped me in a hopeless condition to regain health: how His udhi' (Vipudhi), the sacred ash, from the perennial fire (dhuni) at Shirdi first kindled by His Yogic power, and used as a panacea for all bodily and mental ills, had enabled her without any medical help to deliver her twin child in a matter of seconds, though the seasoned midwife had averred it would not be for another six hours; how He had re-incarnated Himself and came as Bikshapati to revive our dead first-born son, aged ten years; how He had enabled me to obtain employment in the Central Government though I was past 42 years, and retain it in the face of difficulties inherent as well as created by jealous elements; how He was continuing to fulfill Himself according to His Charters granted for all time to His children, by saving us from want and imminent dangers time and again, and so on, and so forth. All this was, no doubt, true. But I was a doubting Thomas, besides being a veritable woman at heart, wanting and in need of constant and renewed proof of the Solicitude of my Lord and Master at every stage. Thus, I felt that in this boy's case something had gone wrong somewhere. Else, why this tantalization in His fulfilling the first half of the Upanishadic Axiom when He had so readily rushed in answer to my challenge to fulfill, the other half? If the dead could be made to come back to life, then what could stand in the way of the dumb being made to talk? Of course, I was aware of the Biblical Dictum that the sins of the fathers are visited on their children. Thus, it may be that some past bad 'karma' of mine had descended as the curse of
dumbness on this innocent boy. Even so, how many a time has He not rescued His devotees by transmuting their accrued sufferings resulting from 'runanubandha' into lightly borne ones, or, not un often, taken them upon Himself and sublimated them? I could not forget the fact that spiritually I am wedded to Him, my Lord and Master, and have taken refuge in Him. In the words of Robert Southey, "In Him I take delight in weal, And seek relief in woe; And whenever I understand and feel How much to Him I owe, My cheeks are often bedewed With tears of thoughtful gratitude!" (with apologies to Robert Southey for changing 'them' into Him) In the spiritual sense, there is no alternative to being prepared, to be passive, naked and unashamed! The beauty is the LOVED ONE does not let it come to pass. Is this not the lesson to be learnt from the wonderful manner in which He saved Draupadi's threatened nakedness? "Even as obedience to an earthly ruler makes life under it easier, mute and humble submission to the Divine will makes life on earth easier". However, all this wisdom was yet a long way off. For the time being, I could not free myself from a nagging doubt that the boy might for ever be condemned to a silent existence. But my wife had no qualms at all about his being able to speak in God's own good time. With a woman's instinct, she knew this in her heart. I now realise that I was like a forward child crying 'mother, mother' while being in her lap all the time! I was yet to be familiarised to Baba's wonderful' 'Sutradhaari' ways; yet to learn to be content to remain wherever and in whatever capacity or circumstances He chooses to place me; yet to appreciate that what is, is the best; that, in His infinite Wisdom as the Great mathematician, He sees to it that the sum total of a person's happiness and misery is always 'K' (a constant) whether a saint of a sinner; a nawab or a fakir; man, woman or child; yea, any living creature for that matter! Now, to hark back to the scene to see how Baba in inscrutable Wisdom designed to convert the gloom of despair into the bloom of hope-fulfilled. As my son was entering his sixth year, we were shifting to a different house, now he had become like the favorite lamb of the shepherd perched on his shoulder. Holding him by my left and with Baba's portrait in my right, as I was setting my foot on the first step, Baba alone knows from where, a black. dog appeared, and, coming close, licked him. It occurred to my mind later that a black dog has been instrumental in one of Baba's Leelas. In my eagerness and anxiety to pacify him lost sight of the fact that he had spoken! The others were somewhat behind me. Presently, when all of us were in, as is our custom on entering a house for residence for the first time, we offered freshly boiled milk with sugar to Baba and worshipped Him. As soon as we had partaken the 'Prasaadam', wonder of wonders! The boy began to speak, the words tumbling out of his mouth, vying with one another WORDS! Oh, how they came; brothers and sisters, nephew and nieces, uncles and aunts, even distant cousins, in truth the whole tribe of them came, thus constituting in the course of an hour the full vocabulary of a normal five year old boy, flabbergasting all of us, making us astonished and delighted by turns! Then, all at once, I felt the full impact of Baba's incredible 'Leela'. It was too great for words. I could only "Let my blood speak in my veins".
Glory be to Shri Shirdi Sai Baba - Grace be to all
t i on c e S n e r d Chil
Learn and Participate
Story for this Week: “ THE ECHO” Gopal was a young boy living in a small village. As they were very poor, Gopal‟s parents sent him to work with a rich landlord. His duties were to look after his cattle and take them out daily into the forest for grazing and bring them back by evening. The forest was in a valley surrounded by hills. One day as he was taking the cattle through the mountainous paths, he heard loud footsteps and cries calling out the cattle. Gopal thought that there might be another shepherd like him in the valley looking after the cattle. So he wished to meet the other boy and make friends with him. He called out in loud voice, “ Who is there ?”. In fact there was no one there. What Gopal heard was only the echo of his own footsteps and shouts. When he called out “Who is there?” the echo came back from all sides., “Who is there?”, endlessly, because the sound was again and again echoed. Gopal was surprised. How many persons were working in the forest? How was it that he did not meet anhy one of them so far? He cried out, “Come out and meet me.” Immediately from all directions the cries came. “Come out and meet me”, Gopal was puzzled. He asked, “Why don‟t you come and meet me?” endlessly. Now Gopal was vexed with them all and shouted in anger, “You are a rascal.” There was a deafening series of shouts “You are a rascal”, which thoroughly frightened Gopal. In great fear he quickly collected the cattle and hurried away from the forest. After two or three days the same thing happened. Now Gopal was certain that some enemies were hiding in the forest to harm him. Supposing they all joined together and beat him, how could he escape? He could not sleep well in the nights troubles by these thoughts. He wanted to stay away from work but it was not possible. Gopal‟s mother observed how her son was becoming absentminded and unable to sleep in the nights. He was much reduced also and looking sick. The mother was worried. Whatever happened to her boy? She asked him, “Why are you behaving in a strange way? Have you quarreled with any one?” Gopal burst into tears and replied with sobs, “Mother, I don‟t want to go into the forest any more. There are several wicked boys in the forest who want to hurt me.” The mother was surprised and gradually drew out the whole story from him. She understood that the boy was frightened of the echo of his own words. So she said, “Don‟t worry, my dear. They are not really bad boys. They are also afraid of you just as you are afraid of them. Today when you go, first you greet them with a salutation. They say “You are a nice boy,” and see what will happen. Gopal had full faith in his mother. When mother assured that the boys were not bad, he overcame his fear and went to the forest along with the cattle. As soon as he reached the forest valley, he said aloud, “Namaste, my friend.” From all directions it echoed the same. Assured by this response, Gopal remembered what his mother said. “You are a nice boy” From all directions it came out “You are a nice boy”. Gopal was no more afraid. From that day onwards he uttered nice words in the valley and always got back nice words. When he grew up he knew that the same method applied in the outer world too. If you are nice to others, other will be nice too. Jai Sai Ram
Response from our little friends…. Satsang is special to me cause I get to meet my Saidarbar friends in every satsang I go. I enjoy listening to the new songs that my uncles/aunts and friends sing in the satsang. They help me in learning new things that I don't know and sometimes mom explains me the meanings and stories behind each of these bhajans. I love the stories that they publish in the children magazine at our Saidarbar. These stories and songs help me in learning lessons that I should not do and also help me to behave with elders and friends. My favorite songs at satsang are "Ram Rahim ko bhajanewale...." and also " Jai Jai ram and Jai sai ram". We enjoyed the Bhajan very much yesterday at satsang at our home and this satsang will always be special to us as all my siblings(sisters and brother) were with us. - Neeharika— Age 7 Editors note: Neeharika along with her cousins, raised money in her community on Satsang day and donated to one of the Girls Orphanage in Chennai, India.
So why is Satsang important to me? When I was first asked this question, I didn’t know what to say. But after thinking for awhile, I realized- Satsang is very important! If I didn’t go to Satsang, I would miss the chance to do a lot of things.
Question for you ….
How important is Satsang for you ? share your thoughts with your other friends Send it to With a subject line: Children Section
We all learn many good things in Satsang. We learn shlokas and bhajans. We learn about the Gods, their avatars and how they saved the world when it was in peril. We also learn good character. For example, when we come to Satsang, we all come with a big smile on our face. If we ate something really good in Prasad, we look for the aunty who made it to say that is was yum. Satsang also keeps me and my Indian culture together. We all pray to different gods, speak different languages, and eat different foods. We learn a lot about our Indian culture and traditions here. Not going to Satsang would be leaving part of our heritage behind. Lastly, think about the friends we all have made at Satsang. Satsang is a great place to meet and make new friends; I myself have made many good friends along with my best friend here. Satsang is a good influence on everybody who comes. It encourages us to do good and do right. This, and all the other reasons I mentioned, are why Satsang is important to me. Shubhra Rastogi ~Age 12
Baba's Knowledge of Sanskrit Baba's Interpretation Nobody believed that Baba knew Sanskrit. One day He surprised all by giving a good interpretation of a verse from the Gita to Nanasaheb Chandorkar. A brief account about this matter was written by Mr.B.V.Deo, Retired Mamlatdar and published in Marathi in 'Shri Sai Leela' magazine, Vol IV. Sphuta Vishaya, page 563. Short accounts of the same are also published in 'Sai Baba's Charters and Sayings' page 61 and in 'The Wondrous Saint Sai Baba', page 36 - both by Brother B.V.Narsimhaswami. Mr.B.V.Deo has also given an English version of this in his statement dated 27-9-1936 and published on page 66 of "Devotees' Experiences, Part III" published by the said Swami. As Mr.Deo has got first hand information about this Subject from Nanasaheb himself we give below his version.
..All that is
seen is my form: ant, fly, prince, and pauper..
Nanasaheb Chandorkar was a good student of Vedanta. He had read Gita with commentaries and prided himself on his knowledge of all that. He fancied that Baba knew nothing of all this or of Sanskrit. So, Baba one day pricked the bubble. These were the days before crowds flocked to Baba, when Baba had solitary talks at the Mosque with such devotees. Nana was sitting near Baba and massaging His Legs and muttering something. Baba - Nana, what are you mumbling yourself? Nana - I am reciting a shloka (verse) from Sanskrit. Baba - What shloka? Nana - From Bhagawad-Gita Baba - Utter it loudly. Nana then recited B.G.IV-34 which is as follows :'Tadviddhi Pranipatena Pariprashnena Sevaya, Upadekshyanti Te Jnanam Jnaninastattwadarshinah' Baba - Nana, do you understand it? Nana - Yes. Baba - If you do, then tell me. Nana - It means this - "Making Sashtanga Namaskar, i.e., prostration, questioning the guru, serving him, learn what this Jnana is. Then, those Jnanis that have attained the real knowledge of the Sad-Vastu (Brahma) will give you upadesha (instruction) of Jnana." Baba - Nana, I do not want this sort of collected purport of the whole stanza. Give me each word, its grammatical force and meaning. Then Nana explained it word by word.
Jai Sai Ram
Will be continued‌..
Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line ‘Subscribe’ to To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to with the subject line ‘Unsubscribe’. Please send your feedback to From the Editor’s Desk The golden rule is 'You treat others as you wish to be treated by others' This is possible if we adopt the rule of Three C's ---- Never Complain, Never Comment and Never Criticize. Remember that, you can never change a person unless he wants to change himself. Yes, you can’t change him, but you can influence him in a positive way!
Sai devotees may continue to write about their Sai-related activities, essays, articles or poetry and send to the email id We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the upcoming newsletter. Unless the author of the articles explicitly instructs not to publish his/her email id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. JAI SAI RAM
Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Sneha Narasimhan Email: