The Glory of Shirdi Sai Eighth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly ~ an affiliate of
श्रद्धा CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Navavidha Bhakti Shri Sainath Stavan Manjari The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita JAI SAI RAM
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गुरुब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु: गुरुर्दे वो महे श्वर: |
गुरु: शाऺात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः:||
FROM THE SATSANGS OF SAIBANISA JI Necessity to Serve Shri Sai God is giving every thing to all the people. What is the necessity of service to Him? Sai does not need our service for His work. He always consistently does His duties with perfection. He at the same time always tests his devotees, to check their attitude of sincerity and sacrifice towards humanity. Based on this reality we should not withdraw our help to Him and humanity. This method of Shri Sai can be compared to the duty of an examiner. When the examiner is testing a student, the student should not think that the examiner is unaware of the answer to the question and is in search of the answer from the student. Nor the student should keep quiet thinking that there is no need of giving an answer to the examiner since he already knows the answer. Both these views are not going to be fruitful to the student. Similarly, Shri Ram did not need the help of the monkeys in the battle, nor did the monkeys stay without helping Shri Ram thinking that Shri Ram does not require any help in the battle with Ravana. The reality is that Shri Ram did not require any help and that the Vanaras helped Him to the best of their ability to prove their real interest in God. In Baba's kingdom we all have a place, a purpose, a role and a function to fulfill. This gives our life the significance and value. We always try to think "Who is going to meet my needs ?". But we should start thinking "Whose needs can I meet ?" Shri Sai wants to work through us and also wants to make sure that we attain salvation as we fulfill our duties. He likes to use each one of us in His service and He will definitely use each one of us, if we stop making excuses. So on this Thursday we have to enlighten ourselves with the blessings of Shri Sai to serve wholeheartedly to Him and humanity and promise to make Baba's dreams come true.
SAI’S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE To keep My words, I would sacrifice My life, I would never be untrue to
October 15, 1918: On Vijaya Dashmi, Saibaba left His mortal coil at about 2:30 p.m. Few minutes before, He gave Rs.9/- as charity to Laxmibai Shinde. October 16,1918: Early morning Baba appeared to Laxman Mama in dream and said," Get up quickly, Bapusaheb Jog thinks that I am dead and he won't come, so you do My worship and Kakada Arati".
My words -- Shirdi Sai Baba
NAVAVIDHA BHAKTI (Source: Sai Leela Magazine July-Aug 2004)
Seventh Step – Dasya Bhakti Radhakrishnamai The tradition of the service was continued after him by Radhakrishnabai. She was excellent in this work. By caste a Brahmin, respected by all, she never in her innocent heart had the wicked thought that this was a lowly task. Getting up early in the morning, taking the broom in her hand, she would sweep all the paths used by Baba. Blessed was her service ! Her work was clean and quick, who else would be able to compete with her ? After some time, Abdul came forward. Abdul Baba Baba said : “Nana is mad. Remove the bandage, otherwise you will die. Now a crow will come and peck. Then you will get well.” Enough. While this conversation was in progress, Abdul came up immediately, to pour oil in the lamps. See what happened all of a sudden. Abdulla was concentrating on his work and had his attention on the lamps. Thereby, he did not notice Pillai. Something unusual happened ! What could Abdulla do ? What is destined to happen will happen. Unknowingly his foot fell on the leg which Pillai had stretched out. “Did he not already come ? He is the same one who trod on your leg. He is the crow who pecked and ran away. He squeezed out the worms.” ll84ll What crow ! It had only been a figure of speech ! Whatever had to happen was got done in front of all. He fulfilled the prediction. Will be continued…. Jai Sai Ram
SHRI SAI NATH STAVAN MANJARI (A Humble Tribute of praise by Dasganu Maharaj)
(Translated from the marathi by Smt.Zarine Taraporevala and edited by Dr. Smt.Indira Kher, Ex.Executive Editor, Shri Sai Leela Magazine)
A HUMBLE TRIBUTE OF PRAISE TO SHRI SAINATH I bow down to Shri GANESH. Oh,MAYURESHWARA ,You are the one on whom we depend, Oh,son of GAURI, the all-knowing. Oh,You inconceivable one. You with an immeasurable belly. Protect me,oh,Shri GANAPATI
You are the first and foremost of all the Ganas' and of all the deities; Therefore, you are called "GANESH" You are acknowledged by all the "SHASTRAS" [sacred books] You of sacred countenance, oh, BHALACHANDRA!
Oh, SHARADA,Goddess of Speech ! You are the mistress of the realm of words; Because of your existence, All wordily transactions are carried on.
You are the deity revered by all authore; You are eternally the pride of this nation; Your infinite power prevails everywhere. I bow to you, JAGADAMBE.
You are the Supreme Spirit and beloved of the saints ! incarnation in human form of PANDHARIRAYA You are the ocean of kindness and infinite compassion; Oh Pandurang Narahari !
You, who control the world like a puppeteer with his strings, You are omnipresent. All the sciences and scared books are still delving To plumb the essence of your nature.
Those who are pedagogues, To them, you are not revealed, Oh CHAKRAPANI ; All those foolish people Only indulge in the jugglery of words.
7 Will be continued......
THE DREAMS TRAIN (Dreams Of Saibanisa after Undergoing Bypass Surgery on 17-5-1996) Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury
If one devotes their entire time to me and rests in me, need fear nothing for body
Before going to bed, I prayed Sai with folded hands to show me a way out from the injustice to which I was subjected and help me in overcoming the difficulties. Sai has shown me a boat trapped in inclement weather. He called the sailor and asked him to unfurl the flag titled „Vishnu sahasranama‟. Later, the boat was on smooth sail as the bad weather got subsided. The boat owner then started reciting the 1008 names of the Lord Srimaha Vishnu in celebration of his birthday in the boat itself. He received blessings from God as well as his forefathers standing in the sky. I concluded that Vishnu sahasranama parayan is the best way to overcome the difficult times in one‟s life. Praying for God’s mercy will certainly be answered.
and soul.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram,
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My devotion towards Baba began at a phase when I was so fed up with the failures in life. My younger sister is a great devotee of Shirdi Sai. For months I turned down her requests to accompany her to the temple on Thursdays. She always had and still has immense faith in Baba and attributed every thing in her life to Saibaba .She told me that the murti of Baba was so peaceful that I would find solace in Baba . One Thursday she and my mother begged me to go with her , I agreed to accompany her only be coz she had been requesting me for so many weeks. I went to the Temple with no faith and thought I would spend my time waiting outside and maybe watching how the other devotees prayed. As we went inside the premises there was a huge crowd in the temple being a Thursday there was hardly any place for me to stand outside so I decided to accompany my sister to the main temple which had the Murti of Baba. As I entered I looked at Baba and suddenly felt as if he was looking at me and smiling, I turned around to see if there was someone else behind me for whom Baba seemed to be beckoning, the devotees behind me were closing their eyes and praying , they did not seem to be the ones, I looked back again it seemed to me as if Baba's eyes were with full of love and affection, looking at this defeated child of his, that was the moment when my tremendous faith in my Baba began it was 6 years back, I went through a lot but kept my faith in my Baba.
I was then in a phase when anything that could go wrong went wrong. I went through sickness, separation from my dear one , ill treatment and harassment. Through all that I called out for My Baba, quite often I wondered why my Baba never hears my prayers and whether anyone could undergo a worse hell than me. Now for the past 2 years I have settled in terms of peace of mind and I realize that Baba gave me much more than I had asked for. I truly believe that in spite of all hardships Baba is there for his devotees, he waits for the right moment and Baba NEVER FAILS. I have realized that as I have gone through life and request all Sai Devotees especially those who are in a phase where they find that they are losing Hope to cling on to the greatest Savior of Life Baba. Baba is omnipresent, many small incidents have shown me that. I am a very staunch devotee of Baba, at the moment I am in a stage where I need Baba's help the most. With so much of negativity around me Baba is my only Beacon of Light. My fellow devotees, have Faith and Patience those are Baba's words, he will carry each one of us across when our time comes. Surrender to the Almighty, he will take care of us, because he knows best what is good for us. Om Sri Sai Jaya Sai ~ Sai Devotee **** I would like to quote this -"My eye is ever on those who love me, whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear in mind that I'm always aware of everything you do." This is what Baba said his instant presence is felt and experienced by all of us the moment we think about him. On this context I would like to share this with all. I have recently experienced Baba in my life and I can immensely feel his presence. There is a Sai temple that has recently started close to our residence. I've started attending the bhajans every Thursday and Sunday. I love listening to the bhajans sung by devotees and feel great pleasure hearing Baba's praises (Bhajans). One Thursday when attending this bhajan in the temple, I was deeply moved by the bhajans sung by people and felt that I should be also able to sing bhajans like others. I closed my eyes and felt as though I was talking to Baba, "Baba you have given me such a strong and deep voice, what is the use of this voice if I don't sing bhajans in your praise?". This thought crossed over my mind several times during the bhajans. But I have never sung any bhajan all my life. With the same thought I slept that night and to my great pleasure Baba appeared in my dream. I could literally experience someone teaching me to sing. I was sitting with this person trying to sing. I'm sure that this person is Baba because he is the only one I had shared my desire of singing his glories and there he was teaching me the same. I was immensely happy with this experience. I made up my mind to sing bhajan at the following pooja in the temple. I was very confident that Baba would help me sing the bhajan well. The first bhajan I sang after this experience is "...........". The very same pooja that I sang the bhajan for the first time, to my great delight I was invited to take the Aarti for Baba as the first devotee. I was moved by this and really felt great pleasure that BABA is always with me and anyone who thinks of him, from a true heart. ~Kuldip athwal
This pertains to my totally unexpected selection as an Ammunition Supervisor in the newly -formed Directorate o Naval Armament Inspection of the Royal Indian Navy in 1949 in the face of normally insurmountable obstacles. To begin with, I was already 43, an age, as a rule, a disqualification for fresh entrants to a brand - new Government department. Further, I had not touched ammunition even with a bargepole till then. So, I was pleasantly surprised to find my name topping the list of successful candidates. No doubt, it was in accordance with Baba's "aagna".
My treasury is open but no one brings carts to take from it. I say, “Dig!” but no one bothers.
Presently, I came to know that we would be required to go to U.K. for training. My immediate reaction was against it for reasons of health. It was quite baffling to me why, in His Inscrutable wisdom, Baba had led me on to this job not withstanding my inability to go abroad of which, as 'Sarvantaryaami', He must be fully aware. I was, however, sustained by a blind faith. IS NOT "FAITH TO BELIEVE WHAT YOU DO NOT SEE AND THE REWARD OF THAT FAITH IS TO SEE WHAT YOU BELIEVE", IN THE GOLDEN WORDS OF ST.AUGUSTINE. About two years passed thus. It chanced that the British Technical Assistant, one Mr. Mordy, was invalided and flown to the U.K. Usually, they call for a replacement from the Admiralty. To my surprise, I found myself as the defacto. Tech. Asst. and being tacitly accepted as such by my immediate boss, a dyed-in-the-wool Britisher named Smith.
~ Baba Yet, I was not out of the Woods At long last, Maj. Priestly; of the Royal Marines, the Director, had managed to obtain the sanction of the Govt. of India to send the first batch of four candidates to the U.K. and one fine day, erelong my passport arrived. As Mr. Smith took and reached it across the table with congratulations, I involuntarily recoiled from it. I somehow managed to blurt out, "I am not touching it, Mr. Smith!" He was stunned. I added, "You see, the fact is I never wanted to go to the U.K. and am not going. I have been guilty of an act of dishonesty in not having confessed it at the beginning. It is high time you wrote and told the Director everything, come what may!" He looked bewildered. He seemed to think I was talking through may hat. So, in a gentle manner he told me, "Listen, don't say anything to me now. Take the car and go home. We shall talk over it tomorrow." "Look here Mr. Smith", I replied "This is not a sudden decision. Only, I am two years late
in announcing it." I felt greatly relieved, as if a heavy burden weighing me down had been taken off; but I felt more insecure about my position. Only the undercurrent of my faith in Baba sustained me. The next day when Mr.Smith saw me reiterating my refusal, he set about much against his will to write and explain the predicament to Maj. Priestly, rather going out of the way to safeguard my position. He wrote that I already knew the ropes and my not going to the U.K. should not be allowed to come in the way of may future prospects. I, no doubt, knew in my heart of hearts that Baba was behind all this, though nothing could yet be said how things would finally turn-out. Maj. Priestly was wild with rage. He wrote a stinker addressed to me saying that "In spite of the uniformly glowing tribute to the brilliant record of your work in the department, I shall most regretfully, be obliged to downgrade you in view of your unwillingness to go to the U.K. for training. If you are not prepared for this, you may seek your future elsewhere." I felt overwhelmed. After reaching home, as I went in still in a daze and my eyes fell upon Baba, I broke down and began sobbing out my heart to Him. My wife; Kamala, whose single-minded devotion to Him is like a steady flame in the face of all the winds that blow" came near and said, "what has happened that you are crying like this? My woman's instinct tells me that nothing untoward will be fall us. Why fear when Baba is with us?" I read out and explained the letter of Maj. Priestly to her. To my astonishment she stood her ground without being perturbed in the least by the letter nor by my gloomy forebodings of impending doom. Rather, she turned round and pooh-poohed the very idea. "After all, who is Priestly to make or mar us?" she demanded to know. "It is the prerogative of Baba only and Baba alone. Priestly has only held out a threat. How long will it take for Baba to make him change his mind? We know how the District Magistrate of Ahmednagar, an Englishman, not knowing he was acting under the inspiration of Baba whom he had never seen, scrapped his earlier judgment even without looking at the appeal memo and orally pronounced a fresh order acquitting the appellants falsely implicated at first. What Baba Himself has given, no power on earth can take away." These, indeed, were inspired words now being uttered by one by nature given to just a few mild words of assent and quite foreign to dialectics or harangue. They stirred my blood and revived my dying hope. Here I may add that I have had ample proof, since, as on so many previous occasions (as, for example, when he granted 'Saakshaatkaaraa' and revived my dead son, coming again the next day, being Thursday, conferring unique good fortune on my wife Kamala of serving a full to Him; similarly, upholding her firm faith when He made my dumb son speak in a split second) that He has always been specially gracious to her and, incidentally, to me, a doubting Thomas. Will be continued….. सत्सङ्गत्वे ननस्स्ङ्गत्वं ननस्सङ्गत्वे ननमोहत्वम ् | ननमोहत्वे ननश्चलतत्त्वं ननश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मक्ु तः ||
Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. ( Temple is open on Thursdays and Sundays after 2:00 pm. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities. For more event info please visit SHRI SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN, CANADA (Toronto) Cordially Invites all to particiapte and receive Baba‟s Blessings on Mahasamadhi Divas on Sunday, Oct 17 2010 at Shri Sai Dwarkamai 147 Winston Castle L6C 2N4 Mangal Sanaan 9am - Darshan 10am Onwards - Satsang 3:00Pm to 5:00Pm To Volunteer for Naivedaya Offerings Call: 416-294-4804 PS: Now devotees can request to receive Baba's UDI by mail in Canada. Devotees living in and around Greater Toronto Area can receiving UDI by visiting Baba's Darbar.
t i on c e S n e r d Chil
Learn and Participate
Story for this Week: “ Concentration� When Pandavas and the Kauravas were learning archery from Dronacharya, one day the Acharya arranged a demonstration of test shooting by his disciples. The parents, visitors and lovers of archery all gathered to see how the princes were progressing. Dronacharya placed a wooden bird in the branches of a tree which was half a mile away. The visitors were sitting on either side and the pupils were standing in one line facing the tree on which the bird was kept. In fornt of the pupils a line was drawn and a bow and an arrow were lying by the side of the line. The pupils were eagerly looking at the teacher to know what the test was going to be. They were itching to show off their skill. Then the teacher came forward and explained. "Listen, princes. On the yonder tree, see a wooden bird on the left branch. You have to stand upon this line in front of you and shoot the head of the bird with this bow and arrow. Are you ready?" All of them nodded their heads. "Good," the teacher said, "first, let Dharmaraja come forward and shoot." Dharmaraja stood upon the line, took up the bow and arrow and aimed. "Sir, may I shoot?" he asked Acharya. Acharya scrtinised the position in which Dharmaraja was standing holding the bow. "Dharmaraja, can you see me?" Dharmaraja nodded his head and said, "Yes, teacher, I see you clearly." Dronacharya smiled and said softly, "Dharmaraja, put down the bow and go back. You can not hit the bird." Dharmaraja flushed with shame. He put down the bow and went back to his place. Then it was Bhimasena's turn. He came forward, lifted up the bow and aimed. Dronacharya asked, "Bhima, can you see the visitors on either side?" Bhima said "Yes, Sir, I can see them all though not very clearly." Dronacharya shook his head. "Bhima, go back. You can not shoot the bird." Bhimasena was puzzled. Yet an order was an order. So he put down the bow and walked back. Next to him Duryodhana was standing. He came forward and took up the bow. He aimed at the bird and then turned towards Acharya and asked, "Acharya, may I shoot?" Acharya shook his head and said, "Don't, it will be a waste. Go back to your place." Duryodhana's face became red with indignation. He put down the bow and angrily walked back. One by one all the princes came forward and prepared to shoot. The Acharya would ask a question, listen to the answer and send them back. Every one was surprised and stared mumbling. "The Acharya is very stiff. He is not satisfied with any one at all. Will there be a single one who can please him?" Last, it was Arjuna's turn to aim. He came forward, stood upon the line and fixed up the arrow. Dronacharya keenly observed how Arjuna was aiming. He asked, "Arjuna, are you ready to shoot?" "Yes, Sir, I am ready." replied Arjuna.
"Arjuna, do you see me?"
"No, Sir."
"Do you see your brothers and the visitors?"
"No, Sir."
"Do you see the yonder tree and the branch on which the bird is kept?"
"No, Sir."
Dronacharya smiled happily. "Arjuna, do you see the bird?" "No, Sir." The visitors and the princes were all surprised. If Arjuna did not see the bird, how can he ever hit it? But Acharya's smile widened. He asked eagerly: "Arjuna, what do you see?" Arjuna replied, "Acharya, I see the head of the bird which has to be shot." Dronacharya nodded his head appreciatively and said, "Good, Arjuna, shoot." Arjuna pulled the string of the bow very hard until it touched his ear and shot. The bow shot forward in a straight flight without wavering and hit the head of the bird. There was a thunderous applause from the visitors. Then all the princes knew how much of concentration is needed in order to learn or do a thing properly. ————————————————————————————————————————————-
So what is concentration? It is the ability to focus the attention on one single thought or subject, excluding everything else from the field of awareness. A good ability, which can be gained through proper exercises, enables one to focus the mind on anything at will, without being distracted by thoughts, noises or anything else.
NEW Question for you …. What makes you proud to be a Hindu ? share your thoughts with your other friends Send it to With a subject line: Children Section
What Makes me proud to be a Hindu? I'm proud to be a Hindu because it's another reason that makes my life special. It is simply amazing how the internal religion inspires me in life. All the traditions and festivals are so holy and they touch everybody in an unique way. I am also proud to be a Hindu because living half way across the globe, in Canada I still keep in touch to my native land and customs by going to temple, attending festivals, or even just by saying "Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai" during the day. Hinduism has taught me how to lead a successful life wherever I live. It also guides me to follow good deeds and to be respectful to elders and follow tradition in a humble way. It also teaches me how to be thankful for the luxury and other things I have in my life. I will always be taking care of my family and support them in every way possible. As I am growing I also am able to understand the importance of meditation, yoga and contentment in life. I at anytime will be willing to share my time for volunteering to help less fortunate human beings. LASTLY I ALWAYS WILL BE FOLLOWING THE GUIDELINES GIVEN BY SHRI SAI ~ Shravan Vijayabaskaran
Construction of the Samadhi-Mandir
..My eye is
ever on those who love me‌ ~ Baba
Baba never talked, nor ever made any fuss about the things which He wanted to accomplish, but He so skillfully arranged the circumstances and surroundings that the people were surprised at the slow but sure results attained. The construction of the Samadhi-mandir is an instance in point. Shriman Bapusaheb Booty, the famous multi-millionaire of Nagpur lived in Shirdi whith his family. Once an idea arose in his mind that he should have a building of his own there. Sometimes after this, while he was sleeping in Dixit's Wada, he got a vision. Baba appeared in his dream and ordered him to build a Wada of his own with temple. Shama who was sleeping there, got also a similar vision. When Bapusaheb was awakened, he saw Shama crying and asked him why. The latter replied that in his vision Baba came close to him and ordered distinctly - "Build the Wada with the temple. I shall fulfill the desires of all. Hearing the sweet and loving words of Baba, I was overpowered with emotion, my throat was choked, my eyes were overflowing with tears, and I began to cry." Bapusaheb was surprised to see that both their visions tallied. Being a rich and capable man, he decided to build a Wada there and drew up a plan with Madhavarao (Shama). Kakasaheb Dixit also approved of it. And when it was placed before Baba, He also sanctioned it immediately. Then the construction-work was duly started and under the supervision of Shama, the ground floor, the cellar and the well were completed. Baba also on his way to and from Lendi suggested certain improvements. Further work was entrusted to Bapusaheb Jog and when it was going on, an idea struck Bapusaheb Booty's mind that there should be an open room or platform and in the centre the image of Murlidhar (Lord Krishna with the flute) be installed. He asked Shama to refer this matter to Baba and get His consent. The latter asked Baba about this when He was just passing by the Wada. Hearing Shama, Baba gave His consent saying, "after the temple is complete I will come there to stay" and staring at the Wada He added - "after the Wada is complete, we shall use it ourselves, we shall live, move and play there, embrace each other, and be very happy." Then Shama asked Baba whether this was the auspicious time to begin the foundation-work of the central room of the Shrine. The latter answered in the affirmative. Shama got a coconut broke it and started the work. In due time the work was completed and an order was also given for making a good image of Murlidhar. But before it was ready, a new thing turned up. Baba became seriously ill and was about to pass away. Bapusaheb became very sad and dejected, thinking that if Baba passed away, his Wada would not be consecrated by the holy touch of Baba's Feet, and all his money (about a lakh of rupees) would be wasted away. But the words "Place or keep Me in the Wada" which came out of Baba's mouth just before His passing away, consoled not only Bapusaheb, but one and all. In due time Baba's holy body was placed and preserved in the central shrine meant or designed for Murlidhar and Baba Himself became Murlidhar and the Wada thus became the Samadhi -mandir of Sai Baba. His wonderful life is unfathomable. Blessed and fortunate is Bapusaheb Booty in whose Wada lies the holy and the pure body of Baba. Sai Ram. Yes, indeed Bapusaheb Buti is blessed since the Wada is not known as Buti Wada but as Samadhi Mandir. Samadhi is stillness of the mind and lakhs of devotees from all over the world visit that place to get Samadhi! In true saranagati, there is no ego or identity left and Buti can be proud that Baba has accepted him fully and accepted his surrender. Baba prepared that place much earlier when he planted and watered hundreds of flower bearing plants (see Sai Satcharitra, Chapter 5, Baba's dress and daily routine). Sai Ram. Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all
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There is a path of joy and there is the path of pleasure. Pondering on them, the wise (one) chooses the path of joy; the fool takes the path of pleasure. ~~Katha Upanishad 1:2:1
Sai devotees may continue to write about their Sai-related activities, essays, articles or poetry and send to the email id We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the upcoming newsletter. Unless the author of the articles explicitly instructs not to publish his/her email id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. JAI SAI RAM
Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Sneha Narasimhan Email: