Welcome to the 2015
Salute To The Oregon
Military in honor of
the Brigadier General
James B. Thayer Oregon
Military Museum. We
are honored to be a part
of this amazing project. We are looking forward to seeing all
the hard work, dedication and contributions come to fruition.
It’s not just a museum to commemorate Oregon’s rich
military history; it is also a beautiful facility to celebrate the
individual stories and personal journeys of Oregon’s finest. The
Brigadier General James B. Thayer Oregon Military Museum
will be a destination for Oregonians, as well as visitors from
around the world.
We want to personally thank each and every one of you for
taking part in the future success of this amazing project. It’s with
the support of individuals such as yourselves, and with the
same spirit of volunteerism and selflessness of our past, present,
and future service members, that the Brigadier General James
B. Thayer Oregon Military Museum will stand as a legacy to
all Oregonians who served.