CONGRATULATIONS Roy Ostroski & Isabel Van Vladricken 2010 Adult Good Samaritan Heroes!
Newsletter for supporters of the Southwest Chapter Newsletter for supporters of the Southwest Washington AmericanWashington Red Cross Serving. Serving. Clark,Clark, Cowlitz, Pacific and Wahkiakum Counties Cowlitz, Klickitat, Pacific, Skamania and Wahkiakum Counties
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SAFE AND WELL….SHOULD A DISASTER STRIKE HERE Tidewater is Proud to Support our Communit y’s Heroes
It is with great pleasure and appreciation we announce our newest
member to the Corporate Council, Tidewater. Tidewater has been a longtime supporter of the local Red Cross by training employees in basic first aid and CPR, purchasing AEDs for their barge fleet, being an Award Sponsor at the annual Real Heroes event, providing funds that purchased and outfitted three emergency shelter trailers, and making outright gifts of funds to enhance our disaster relief efforts. Tidewater has made a three year commitment to Corporate Council, thereby providing strategic operating funds that allow the chapter to support the effort of our volunteers in servicing our six county area of operations. Founded in 1932, Tidewater is headquartered in Vancouver and its operations area spans 465 miles of the Columbia and Snake River systems from the Port of Astoria, Oregon to the inland Port of Lewiston, Idaho. Both employees and management stress service, pride and integrity in their dealings, which makes them much more than a barge line. We are honored to have Tidewater as our newest corporate supporter and look forward to what we can accomplish as partners.
American Red Cross Responds to Deadly Midwest Tornadoes
The American Red Cross continues its response across the Midwest where dozens of tornadoes ripped through communities over several nights, destroying buildings and downing power lines. Red Cross workers operated shelters and provided meals, with more help on its way to the affected areas. The National Weather Service Storm Protection Center reported at least 97 tornadoes blew across Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Oklahoma. Particularly hard hit were the towns of Woodward and Norman Oklahoma, the towns of Creston and Thurman in Iowa and areas in and around Wichita, Kansas. Since the storms, hundreds of relief supplies have been moved to the affected area. Supplies include comfort kits, tarps, coolers, rakes and other cleanup supplies. Blistering hot weather now has settled throughout the Midwest and has added to the already painful results the storms first brought to the area. This has been a historical season for disasters for the United States.
The Red Cross encourages people to register on the Red Cross Safe and Well website to let loved ones know they are safe by visiting or calling 1-800-REDCROSS. From a smart phone, visit and click on the “List Yourself as Safe and Well” or “Search for Friends and Family” link. People in an affected area can let loved ones know their status on the site as well. Friends and family outside the disaster area can then search for messages from their loved ones by using a pre-disaster phone number or complete address. Safe and Well also enables disaster survivors to update their Facebook and Twitter status through the website.
Officials said the severe weather may continue from Texas to the upper Midwest and Great Lakes regions of the country. Information about what to do if tornadoes threaten is available on the Red Cross web site. The Red Cross reminds people who live in areas hit by the overnight storms that they should not return to their neighborhoods until authorities say it is safe to do so. Other safety steps include: • Stay out of damaged buildings. • Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts and sturdy shoes when examining homes for damage. • Watch out for fallen power lines or broken gas lines and report them to the utility company immediately. • Use battery-powered flashlights when examining buildings—do NOT use candles. • If someone notices a gas smell or hears a hissing noise, they should open a window and get everyone out of the building quickly. They should also call the gas company or fire department. • Keep animals under control. • Clean up spilled medications, bleaches, gasoline or other flammable liquids that could become a fire hazard. Resident surveying damages from Iowa tornado that destroyed most of the town.
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