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PENIEL NEWS Humanities & Science Collision Shaping Africa
Imagine taking a time machine back to 2018 from 2050 (going backwards in time), a time when Africa was in poverty, with unemployment rates as high as 46% in the Congo, electrification rates of only 42% across the continent, infrastructure backlog of an estimated $ 89 billion per annum, with leadership struggling to resolve what seems so mundane as land reform issues.
A music and dance rhythm with Fibonacci embedded on its notes, I kid you not.
When you arrive there, you onboard onto the time machine a fellow and bring him to 2050, and then walk him around and watch him react to everything. There would be, the obvious lack of empathy for his perplexity you know, something like a village boy from rural Congo visiting Cape Canaveral on Falcon heavy launch day. New Possibilities