Peniel News

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New Thinking Welcome Here

Date: 2m Light Years Ahead

PENIEL NEWS William Kantridge paints time travel

A friend has a beautiful Pond, a natural basin on an estate-his farm as he always calls it, and its called Peniel. Our friend is a man, nay more, a God-man, a lover of his kind, and as a consequence no

Conscious unity of the son (man) in spirit and purpose with the Farther has brought us the Pond.

notice bearing such words as “Private grounds, no trespassing allowed,” or “Trespassers will be prosecuted,” stands in his estate. But at the end of a beautiful by-way that leads through the wildwood up to this enchanting spot, stands a notice bearing words “All are welcome to the Pond.” All love our friend. Why? They cant help it. He so loves them, and what is his is theirs.

New Possibilities


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