Peniel New

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New Thinking Welcome Here

Ada Lovelace Ahead of Babbage

PENIEL NEWS Bob Dylan talks Centrifuges & Dyes on Genes Tech

The unconventional habits of original thinkers, they are sometimes late to the party. Think Leornado, he spent 16 years before he could finalise the “Monalisa". Martin Luther King Jnr wrote his most famous speech right up to the podium. The hallmark words “I have a dream” were not in the original speech. Quick to start but late to finish. The failure rate is 47% for first movers, and 7% for improvers. Look at Facebook who waited for years for MySpace and Google who backtracked on Yahoo and alterVista.

New Possibilities

The Neo-Cortex was expanded by the near extinction event of 1 million years ago, when Dinosaurs went extinct. The Neo-Cortex started growing rapidly. You will notice its curvy shape, which signals the process of expansion and space optimisation. If stretched out it is almost the same length as the table cloth. Creativity comes from it, and also from the thumb.


New Thinking Welcome Here

Ada Lovelace Ahead of Babbage

To be original you don’t have to be first, you have to be different and better.

His imaginative leaps were instinctive, unexpected, and at times magical. He was, indeed, an example of what the mathematician Mark Kac called a magician genius, someone whose insights come out of the blue and require intuition more than mere mental processing power. Like a pathfinder, he could absorb information, sniff the winds, and sense what lay ahead. Steve Jobs thus became the greatest business executive of our era.

Please don’t try to understand or rationalise some headings on the newsletter, the issue numbering is in binary code. The pictures sometimes……,maybe somethings are better left unsaid. And the number 2024 next to the name bk, its ( x + 11 + 29) solve for x, its not the earth year six years from now. So help me please, I am trying to

win a Nobel Prize in


“ Most things are not worth preserving. We follow dogma or reason so we can belong and be right, there is nothing to be right about, to belong is death. Its the behaviour of consumption, preservation and adherence ” - CICADA 3301 - LIBER PRIMUS

New Possibilities

After the singularity we will have computronium. We will saturate the universe with computronium by sending nano bots throughout the universe through warm holes. Expanding our intel to the rest of the universe. Through intel we can alter the course of our universe.

P bk ngejane 2024 TITLE: INTUITION PATHFINDER @ PENIEL GA +2782 998 7879 Floating Office (coming soon)


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