Selection Tool Definitions
Each bull with a logo on their pedigree has updated genomic-enhanced EPDs and Indexes. Actual genomics are available by request.
Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform in various measurable production and carcass traits relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. Depending on the trait, EPDs are expressed in actual pounds, square inches, or centimeters , plus or minus. While EPDs express similar traits across breeds, EPDs can only be compared to other animals of the same breed, not in between breeds. $Value indexes is an economic selection index that allows multiple change in several different traits at once pertaining to a specific breeding objective. The $Value is an es timate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.
Percentile Rankings for EPDs and Indexes are listed under each value that is in the top 40% or better. These rankings allow you to see how the cattle in this sale offering rank up to any other bull or female in their respective breed, not just within this sale group. These rankings can only be used within each breed (Angus, Simmental, SimAngus, Balancer), not across breeds.
Calving Ease (CE) or Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers.
Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.
Docility (Doc), expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves.
Claw Set EPD (Claw), is expressed in units of claw-set score, with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire will produce progeny with more ideal claw set. The ideal claw set is toes that are symmetrical, even and appropriately spaced.
Foot Angle EPD (Angle), is expressed in units of foot-angle score, with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire will produce progeny with more ideal foot angle. The ideal is a 45-degree angle at the pastern joint with appropriate toe length and heel depth.
Calving Ease Maternal (CEM) or Maternal Calving Ease (MCE), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.
Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mother ing ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.
Stayability (STAY), predicts the genetic difference, in terms of percent probability, that a bull’s daughters will stay productive within a herd to at least six year of age.
Hair Shed EPD (HS), expressed in units of hair shed score, with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire should produce progeny who shed their winter coat earlier in the spring.
Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences from conception to weaning with the underlying breeding objective assuming that individuals retain their own replacement females within herd and sell the rest of the cull female and all male progeny as feeder calves. The model assumes commercial producers will replace 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% of their breeding females in each subsequent generation. Traits included are as follows: calving ease direct, calving ease maternal, weaning weight, milk, heifer pregnancy, docility, mature cow weight, claw set and foot angle.
Weaned Calf Value ($W), expressed in dollars per head, to predict profitability differences in progeny due to genetics from birth to weaning. The underlying objective being producers will retain 20% of the female progeny as replacements and sell the rest of the cull females and their male counterparts as feeder calves. Traits included are as follows (in no particular order): birth weight, weaning weight, milk, and mature cow weight.
Beef Value ($B), expressed in dollars per carcass, is to predict profitability differences in progeny due to genetics for postweaning and carcass traits. This terminal index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot phase and market these animals on a carcass grid. Traits included in the index are as follows: yearling weight, dry-matter intake, marbling, carcass weight, ribeye area and fat.
Combined Value ($C), expressed in dollars per head, which includes all traits that make up both $M and $B with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid.
Terminal Index (TI), is the dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. TI evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield.
All-Purpose Index (API) evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield.
Total Maternal (TM) is an index that combines growth and milk information as a prediction of the weaning weight performance of calves from a sire’s daughters. As an index, this value is not reported with an accompanying accuracy. A greater TM value means a mother that returns comparatively higher weaning weights on her calves. TM Index = MK EPD + ½ WW EPD.
Feeder Profit Index (FPI™), is an economic selection index designed to aid producers in selecting sires whose progeny will perform in the feedlot and are sold on a grade and yield standpoint. Well ranking sires for FPI have higher marbling and carcass weight than their contemporaries. As a terminal index, little emphasis is put on maternal traits such as stayability and calving ease.
Page 5 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 6 LOT 1 // GENTRY GAVEL 2106 LOT 2 // GENTRY GAVEL 2112 LOT 3 // GENTRY GAVEL 2114 1 Gentry Gavel 2106 Birth Date: 9/12/21 BULL AAA 20227885 Tattoo: 2106 ANGUS • PUREBRED Baldridge Colonel C251 ULTRASOUND % IMF 5.51 REA 13.4 Rib Fat .40 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 912 Off Test Wt 1,306 Test ADG 3.26 SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 KCF Miss Fortress B398 KCF Bennett Southside Gentry Blackcap 1701 Gentry Home Blackcap 1003 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +83 10% $W +74 10% $B +157 25% $C +287 10% +5 +2.2 +91 +161 +1.40 +32 +15 +21 1% 1% 20% 3% 2% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.45 +.44 +.54 +67 +.65 +.37 -.034 30% 30% 10% 5% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 59 ADJ. WW 682 ADJ. YW 1,351 FRAME 6.2 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus • Top 1% WW and YW EPDs. • Top 5% or better for RADG, YH, CEM, MH, and Doc EPDs. • Top 30% for 19 EPD traits and $ Values. Lot 2 Gentry Gavel 2112 Birth Date: 9/17/21 BULL AAA 20227891 Tattoo: 2112 ANGUS • PUREBRED Baldridge Colonel C251 ULTRASOUND % IMF 5.46 REA 14.8 Rib Fat .44 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 986 Off Test Wt 1,386 Test ADG 3.31 SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 KCF Miss Fortress B398 SydGen Black Pearl 2006 Gentry Blackcap 1606 Gentry Blackcap 962G EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +79 15% $W +84 2% $B +179 10% $C +311 3% +10 -.7 +76 +139 +.59 +29 +9 +39 20% 15% 15% 10% 10% 2% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.38 +.48 +.40 +64 +.96 +.69 -.035 10% 25% 15% 15% 40% 4% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 70 ADJ. WW 786 ADJ. YW 1,420 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus • Heifer bull prospect with power, frame and growth. • Top 30% or better for 14 EPD traits and and top 15% or better on ALL $Values. • His dam posts a 107 weaning ratio and 115 yearling ratio on her production. Lot 3 Gentry Gavel 2114 Birth Date: 9/18/21 BULL AAA 20227893 Tattoo: 2114 ANGUS • PUREBRED Baldridge Colonel C251 ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.88 REA 15.3 Rib Fat .45 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 908 Off Test Wt 1,298 Test ADG 3.22 SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 KCF Miss Fortress B398 Connealy Reflection Gentry Homeplace Edella 988G Gentry Homeplace Edella 753G EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +55 $W +66 25% $B +147 35% $C +246 +11 -.7 +63 +118 -.39 +24 +12 +32 15% 15% 35% 25% 15% 15% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.38 +.43 +.34 +52 +.62 +.43 +.023 10% 25% 15% 40% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 70 ADJ. WW 696 ADJ. YW 1,363 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus • Heifer bull prospect with +11 CED and -.7 BW EPD. • Top 35% or better for 14 EPD traits and $Values. Lot BULLS
Page 7 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon LOT 4 // GENTRY GAVEL 2117 LOT 5 // GENTRY GAVEL 2118 LOT 6 // GENTRY GAVEL 2122 4 Gentry Gavel 2117 Birth Date: 9/18/21 BULL AAA 20227895 Tattoo: 2117 ANGUS • PUREBRED Baldridge Colonel C251 ULTRASOUND % IMF 4.77 REA 16.6 Rib Fat .40 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 966 Off Test Wt 1,414 Test ADG 3.7 SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 KCF Miss Fortress B398 Gentry Home Product 1431 Gentry Homeplace Zara 1636 Gentry Homeplace Zara 1219 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +75 20% $W +84 2% $B +162 20% $C +285 15% +9 +1.4 +84 +155 +1.80 +21 +13 +37 30% 4% 2% 10% 40% 10% 3% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.38 +.41 +.49 +71 +.53 +.83 +.026 10% 15% 40% 10% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 71 ADJ. WW 734 ADJ. YW 1,460 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus• This bull is the total package. He has low birth genetics with growth and performance and an in herd index of 110. • Top 5% or better for WW, YW, RADG, YH, Milk, and $Wean. • Top 30% or better for 21 EPD traits and $Values. Lot 5 Gentry Gavel 2118 Birth Date: 9/20/21 BULL AAA 20227896 Tattoo: 2118 ANGUS • PUREBRED Baldridge Colonel C251 ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.62 REA 17.6 Rib Fat .46 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 934 Off Test Wt 1,302 Test ADG 3.04 SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 KCF Miss Fortress B398 HA Program 5652 Gentry Homeplace Edella 1021 Gentry Homeplace Edella 677G EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +54 $W +72 15% $B +154 30% $C +254 35% +7 +.2 +69 +131 +.30 +20 +8 +37 30% 30% 15% 3% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.41 +.45 +.31 +69 +.28 +.94 -.022 15% 35% 15% 10% 10% 10% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 69 ADJ. WW 753 ADJ. YW 1,364 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus • Largest adjusted ribeye measurement of the entire sale at 17.6. • Top 35% or better for 19 EPD traits and $Values. • His dam post 103 weaning ratio of her prior 10 calves. Lot 6 Gentry Gavel 2122 Birth Date: 9/22/21 BULL AAA 20227900 Tattoo: 2122 ANGUS • PUREBRED Baldridge Colonel C251 ULTRASOUND % IMF 6.07 REA 16.7 Rib Fat .45 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 964 Off Test Wt 1,356 Test ADG 3.24 SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 KCF Miss Fortress B398 Connealy Impression Gentry Blackcap 1214 Gentry Home Blackcap 1003 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +60 $W +69 20% $B +177 10% $C +290 10% +4 +2.3 +83 +145 +.89 +25 +7 +20 5% 5% 20% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.51 +.47 +.27 +69 +.87 +.90 -.005 10% 10% 25% 15% 30% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 77 ADJ. WW 750 ADJ. YW 1,406 FRAME 6.1 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus • High carcass bull with the largest IMF/Marbling of the entire sale at 6.07 and a large ribeye measurement at 16.7. • Top 4% WW and top 5% YW. • Top 35% or better for 19 EPD traits and $Values. Lot BULLS
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 8 LOT 7 // GENTRY SCALE HOUSE 2124 LOT 8 // GENTRY BLACK PEARL 2102 LOT 9 // GENTRY BLACK PEARL 2104 7 Gentry Scale House 2124 Birth Date: 9/24/21 BULL AAA 20227902 Tattoo: 2124 ANGUS • PUREBRED MCC Daybreak ULTRASOUND % IMF 4.18 REA 16.8 Rib Fat .30 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 922 Off Test Wt 1,298 Test ADG 3.11 GAR Scale House GAR 5050 New Design 1039 RB American Made 197 Gentry Homeplace Edella 1719 Gentry Homeplace Edella 1505 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +47 $W +85 2% $B +159 25% $C +253 40% +3 +2.4 +76 +124 +.79 +11 0 +44 15% 25% 1% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.66 +.51 +.62 +64 +.43 +1.26 -.011 15% 1% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 87 ADJ. WW 750 ADJ. YW 1,363 FRAME 6.7 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus• Top 35% or better for 17 EPD traits and $Values. • Large ribeye bull with a large actual REA and a top 1% RE EPD. • Excellent choice for one marketing cattle through retained ownership. Lot 8 Gentry Black Pearl 2102 Birth Date: 9/5/21 BULL AAA 20227881 Tattoo: 2102 ANGUS • PUREBRED SydGen Black Pearl 2006 ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.37 REA 14.6 Rib Fat .45 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 824 Off Test Wt 1,200 Test ADG 3.11 Gentry Black Pearl 1718 Gentry Rosebud 1405 Gentry Southside 1716 Gentry Blackcap 1923 Gentry Blackcap 1614 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +48 $W +64 30% $B +165 15% $C +262 30% +8 +1.1 +68 +125 +.84 +14 +7 +29 35% 30% 25% 30% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.45 +.51 +.76 +64 +.80 +.47 +.038 30% 15% 30% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 66 ADJ. WW 688 ADJ. YW 1,280 FRAME 5.9 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus • A very good heifer bull prospect with a solid EPD profile. • Top 35% or better for 15 EPD traits and $Values. • Top 15% $Beef and top 30% $Wean and $C. Lot 9 Gentry Black Pearl 2104 Birth Date: 9/9/21 BULL AAA 20227883 Tattoo: 2104 ANGUS • PUREBRED SydGen Black Pearl 2006 ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.64 REA 15.6 Rib Fat .42 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 848 Off Test Wt 1,328 Test ADG 3.97 Gentry Black Pearl 1718 Gentry Rosebud 1405 Ebs 377 CC&7 074 Gentry Homeplace Zara 1832 Gentry Homeplace Zara 1219 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +83 10% $W +79 4% $B +167 15% $C +300 5% +9 +2.5 +85 +151 +1.67 +25 +7 +31 30% 4% 3% 10% 20% 20% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.45 +.46 +.32 +68 +.47 +1.06 -.023 30% 35% 15% 10% 4% 10% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 78 ADJ. WW 665 ADJ. YW 1,398 FRAME 5.9 Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus • Combination bull with top 30% CED up to top 4% for WW and top 3% for YW. • Top 5% or better for 8 EPD traits and $Values. • Top 30% or better for 23 EPD traits and $Values. • Highest in herd index bull at 121. Lot BULLS
Page 9 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon LOT 10 // TRIPLE L SOUTHSIDE - 144 LOT 11 // TRIPLE L QUANTUM - 174 LOT 12 // TRIPLE L REGIMENT - 180 10 Triple L Southside - 144 Birth Date: 9/20/21 BULL AAA 20367333 Tattoo: 144 ANGUS • PUREBRED Nichols Extra K205 ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.72 REA 13.9 Rib Fat .24 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 948 Off Test Wt 1,430 Test ADG 3.95 KCF Bennett Southside KCF Miss 208 S11 SAV Priority 7283 Triple L Priority 14116-144 Triple L Exacto 1175-116 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +78 15% $W +77 10% $B +168 15% $C +296 10% -1 +4.6 +95 +167 +1.01 +30 +11 +28 1% 1% 40% 5% 25% 35% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.52 +.44 +.58 +78 +.47 +.87 -.012 30% 2% 15% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 76 ADJ. WW 822 ADJ. YW 1,392 FRAME 6.4 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 20% of the Angus breed for 16 EPD traits and $Values. In herd index 108. • 3/4 Brother to the Triple LLL Trapper bull which sold to Select Sires in 2018. Lot 11 Triple L Quantum - 174 Birth Date: 9/28/21 BULL AAA 20367344 Tattoo: 174 ANGUS • PUREBRED GAR Momentum ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.56 REA 14.1 Rib Fat .23 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 908 Off Test Wt 1,320 Test ADG 3.38 GAR Quantum GAR In Sure 1524 KCF Bennett Southside Triple L Southside 1770-174 Triple L Brushpopper 0736-70 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +72 30% $W +74 10% $B +180 10% $C +305 4% +9 +1.3 +77 +134 +2.13 +27 +14 +29 30% 15% 15% 2% 15% 4% 30% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.52 +.67 +.40 +64 +1.10 +.88 -.003 25% 15% 10% 15% 30% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 79 ADJ. WW 795 ADJ. YW 1,313 FRAME 6.5 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 20% or better for 18 EPD traits and $Values. • High $B and $C values with $B top 10% and $C top 3%. Lot 12 Triple L Regiment - 180 Birth Date: 10/1/21 BULL AAA 20367347 Tattoo: 180 ANGUS • PUREBRED WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.17 REA 12.3 Rib Fat .20 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 820 Off Test Wt 1,295 Test ADG 3.89 Wilks Regiment 9035 Vintage Chloe 6137 KCF Bennett Southside Triple L Southside 18140-180 Triple L War Party 14101-140 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +61 $W +72 15% $B +204 1% $C +326 1% +4 +4.0 +89 +162 +1.48 +29 +9 +30 2% 1% 15% 10% 25% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.48 +.54 +.68 +86 +.99 +.72 -.018 40% 1% 15% 35% 15% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 76 ADJ. WW 814 ADJ. YW 1,353 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus• No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Excellent combination of both high growth and carcass bull. • Top 2% or better for 9 EPD traits and $Values. Top 1% for both $B and $C. • Top 20% or better for 17 EPD traits and $Values. In herd index 106. Lot BULLS
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 10 LOT 13 // TRIPLE L TRAPPER - 165 LOT 14 // TRIPLE L TRAPPER - 156 13 Triple L Trapper - 165 Birth Date: 9/28/21 BULL AAA 20367339 Tattoo: 165 ANGUS • PUREBRED KCF Bennett Southside ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.39 REA 13.8 Rib Fat .33 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 896 Off Test Wt 1,375 Test ADG 3.93 Triple L Trapper Triple L Exacto 1175-116 Werner War Party 2417 Triple L War Party 16123-165 Triple L Density 12417-123 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +63 $W +69 20% $B +153 30% $C +261 30% -1 +3.7 +76 +139 +1.30 +28 +7 +36 15% 10% 25% 10% 4% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.62 +.49 +.28 +71 +.31 +.91 -.007 10% 10% 15% 25% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 85 ADJ. WW 817 ADJ. YW 1,351 FRAME 6.8 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 20% of the Angus breed for 13 EPD traits and $Values. In herd index 107. • Sired by the high-selling bull of the 2018 sale which sold to Select Sires. Lot 14 Triple L Trapper - 156 Birth Date: 10/3/21 BULL AAA 20367337 Tattoo: 156 ANGUS • PUREBRED KCF Bennett Southside ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.37 REA 12.8 Rib Fat .14 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 874 Off Test Wt 1,285 Test ADG 3.37 Triple L Trapper Triple L Exacto 1175-116 Connealy Impression Triple L Impression15115-156 Triple L Upward 1151-115 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +77 15% $W +70 15% $B +166 15% $C +292 10% -2 +3.3 +82 +147 +1.43 +26 +7 +25 5% 5% 20% 15% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.62 +.55 +.57 +75 +.46 +.74 -.013 4% 30% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 83 ADJ. WW 791 ADJ. YW 1,269 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 5% for both WW and YW as well as CW. • Top 20% or better for 14 EPD traits and $Values. Lot Sire of lots 13-17 TRIPLE L TRAPPER Purchased by Select Sires from Triple LLL Angus in the 2018 Union County Bull Sale and sire of several lots. BULLS
Page 11 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon LOT 15 // TRIPLE L TRAPPER - 145 LOT 16 // TRIPLE L TRAPPER - 115 LOT 17 // TRIPLE L TRAPPER - 114 15 Triple L Trapper - 145 Birth Date: 10/12/21 BULL AAA 20367335 Tattoo: 145 ANGUS • PUREBRED KCF Bennett Southside ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.81 REA 13.5 Rib Fat .20 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 908 Off Test Wt 1,395 Test ADG 3.99 Triple L Trapper Triple L Exacto 1175-116 Boyd Forword 6025 Triple L Forward 14115-145 Triple L Upward 1151-115 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +60 $W +62 35% $B +171 15% $C +282 15% +2 +2.9 +74 +145 +1.24 +22 +10 +28 15% 5% 30% 35% 30% 35% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.62 +.59 +.31 +73 +.41 +.73 -.036 15% 5% 35% 4% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 84 ADJ. WW 857 ADJ. YW 1,404 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • High growth and large carcass bull with top 5% YW and CW. • Top 35% or better for 20 EPD traits and $Values. In herd index 109. Lot 16 Triple L Trapper - 115 Birth Date: 10/13/21 BULL AAA 20367357 Tattoo: 115 ANGUS • PUREBRED KCF Bennett Southside ULTRASOUND % IMF 1.58 REA 13.5 Rib Fat .29 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 882 Off Test Wt 1,310 Test ADG 3.51 Triple L Trapper Triple L Exacto 1175-116 Sitz Upward 307R Triple L Upward 1151-115 Triple L trav 004 5417-517 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +80 15% $W +72 15% $B +139 $C +260 30% +4 +1.9 +81 +146 +1.40 +27 +13 +26 10% 5% 20% 15% 10% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.45 +.44 +.54 +66 +.32 +.59 +.023 30% 30% 15% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 81 ADJ. WW 829 ADJ. YW 1,344 FRAME 6.8 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 30% or better for 17 EPD traits and $Values. • Top 15% or better for several maternal traits including HP, CEM, $M, and $W. Lot 17 Triple L Trapper - 114 Birth Date: 11/2/21 BULL AAA 20367356 Tattoo: 114 ANGUS • PUREBRED KCF Bennett Southside ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.55 REA 12.8 Rib Fat .17 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 788 Off Test Wt 1,225 Test ADG 3.58 Triple L Trapper Triple L Exacto 1175-116 Sitz Upward 307R Triple L Upward 1137-114 Triple L Neutron 377 0307 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +65 10% $W +71 $B +171 15% $C +287 10% -3 +4.6 +95 +169 +2.62 +28 +11 +26 1% 1% 1% 10% 25% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.51 +.33 +.37 +83 +.32 +1.06 -.051 2% 20% 1% 4% 1% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 80 ADJ. WW 811 ADJ. YW 1,312 FRAME 7.1 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 1% for 8 EPD traits and $Values - WW, YW, YH, SC, MW, MH, CW, and Fat. • Top 25% or better for 20 EPD traits and $Values. Lot BULLS
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 12 LOT 18 // TRIPLE L BLACKHAWK - 197 LOT 19 // TRIPLE L BLACKHAWK - 162 LOT 20 // TRIPLE L ENTICE - 184 18 Triple L Blackhawk - 197 Birth Date: 10/7/21 BULL AAA 20367328 Tattoo: 197 ANGUS • PUREBRED Connealy Armory ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.74 REA 12.6 Rib Fat .21 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 828 Off Test Wt 1,190 Test ADG 2.97 Connealy Blackhawk 6198 Precious of Conanga 380X NCC Bushwacker 41-93 Triple L Bushwacker 0969-97 Triple L Trav 004-0647 69 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +58 $W +63 35% $B +117 $C +210 +1 +1.7 +69 +113 +1.20 +23 +3 +25 30% 30% 30% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.53 +.45 +.41 +40 +.45 +.52 -.016 35% 25% 15% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 81 ADJ. WW 779 ADJ. YW 1,203 FRAME 6.0 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Out of an easy keeping, 13 year old dam who has been a consistent producer. • Top 35% or better for 11 EPD traits and $Values. Lot 19 Triple L Blackhawk - 162 Birth Date: 10/10/21 BULL AAA 20367417 Tattoo: 162 ANGUS • PUREBRED Connealy Armory ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.81 REA 13.3 Rib Fat .29 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 902 Off Test Wt 1,315 Test ADG 3.39 Connealy Blackhawk 6198 Precious of Conanga 380X KCF Bennett Southside Triple L Southside 1692-162 Triple L Clara 09712-92 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +72 30% $W +75 10% $B +145 40% $C +260 30% +3 +3.2 +89 +155 +.69 +32 +10 +29 2% 2% 3% 30% 30% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.49 +.48 +.35 +56 +.91 +.32 +.003 15% 30% 20% 40% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 84 ADJ. WW 855 ADJ. YW 1,309 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 2% for WW and YH and top 3% for YW, HP, and Docility. • Top 30% or better for 16 EPD traits and $Values. Lot 20 Triple L Entice - 184 Birth Date: 10/10/21 BULL AAA 20367351 Tattoo: 184 ANGUS • PUREBRED SydGen Enhance ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.74 REA 14.8 Rib Fat .35 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 850 Off Test Wt 1,280 Test ADG 3.52 MOGCK Entice MOGCK Erica 2255 Connealy Blackhawk 6198 Triple L Blackhawk 18114-184 Triple L Upward 1137-114 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +57 $W +82 3% $B +174 10% $C +283 15% -2 +4.0 +96 +173 +1.83 +34 -6 +33 1% 1% 5% 1% 10% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.55 +.44 +.20 +73 +.80 +.82 +.012 30% 4% 5% 30% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 84 ADJ. WW 784 ADJ. YW 1,328 FRAME 6.0 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus• No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 1% for WW and YW. Top 5% or better for 9 EPD traits and $Values. • Top 30% of the breed for 21 EPD traits and $Values. • Power bull with great carcass numbers. Lot BULLS
Page 13 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon 21 Triple L Goalkeeper - 161 Birth Date: 10/7/21 BULL AAA 20367340 Tattoo: 161 ANGUS • PUREBRED SydGen Enhance ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.07 REA 14.5 Rib Fat .29 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 774 Off Test Wt 1,395 Test ADG 5.09 Baldridge SR Goalkeeper Baldridge Isabel E030 Connealy Irish 0204 Triple L Irish 16141-161 Triple L War Party 1451-141 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +43 $W +70 15% $B +177 10% $C +273 20% +2 +3.3 +82 +157 +2.24 +14 +6 +36 5% 2% 2% 4% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.48 +.36 +.04 +70 +.77 +.83 -.014 40% 5% 1% 10% 35% 20% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 72 ADJ. WW 750 ADJ. YW 1,491 FRAME 6.3 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus• No feed prior to weaning, bucket fed a limited ration daily while on test. • Top 20% or better for 18 EPD traits & $Values, including top 1% for the new Hair Shed EPD. In herd index 139. • Gained over 5 lbs. per day on test with limited feed. Lot 22 Double Creek Gavel 2101 Birth Date: 10/13/21 BULL AAA 20457454 Tattoo: 2101 ANGUS • PUREBRED Baldridge Colonel C251 ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.78 REA 14.6 Rib Fat .36 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 712 Off Test Wt 1,270 Test ADG 4.85 SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 KCF Miss Fortress B398 Connealy Final Product Double Creek Edella 1401 Gentry Homeplace Edella 753G EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +64 $W +82 3% $B +190 3% $C +310 3% +0 +3.0 +95 +176 +1.79 +18 +8 +31 1% 1% 10% 20% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.32 +.44 +.30 +85 +.69 +.80 -.013 3% 30% 10% 1% 40% 25% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 80 ADJ. WW 662 ADJ. YW 1,312 FRAME 6.3 Consigned by Double Creek Angus • Top 1% for WW, YW, RADG, and CW EPDs. • Top 5% or better for 13 EPD traits and $Values. • Top 30% or better for 21 EPD traits and $Values. Lot 23 Double Creek Gavel 2102 Birth Date: 10/20/21 BULL AAA 20468254 Tattoo: 2102 ANGUS • PUREBRED Baldridge Colonel C251 ULTRASOUND % IMF 4.32 REA 15.1 Rib Fat .37 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 802 Off Test Wt 1,230 Test ADG 3.72 SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 KCF Miss Fortress B398 44 Conveyance 0X52 Double Creek Edella 1507 Gentry Homeplace Edella 1020 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +64 $W +75 10% $B +186 4% $C +305 4% +11 +1.0 +79 +150 +1.28 +33 +12 +33 15% 10% 4% 25% 2% 15% 10% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.39 +.48 +.70 +77 +.72 +.88 -.017 15% 3% 40% 15% 15% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 72 ADJ. WW 755 ADJ. YW 1,265 FRAME 6.6 Consigned by Double Creek Angus • Calving ease bull with excellent growth and carcass genetics. • Top 10% or better for 14 EPD traits and $Values. • Top 25% or better for 22 EPD traits and $Values. Lot LOT 21 // TRIPLE L GOALKEEPER - 161 SYDGEN KCF GAVEL 8361 // SIRE OF LOT 22 LOT 23 // DOUBLE CREEK GAVEL 2102 BULLS
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 14 24 Double Crk Growth Fund 2104 Birth Date: 11/3/21 BULL AAA 20457455 Tattoo: 2104 ANGUS • PUREBRED Basin Payweight 1682 ULTRASOUND % IMF 4.25 REA 14.4 Rib Fat .40 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 764 Off Test Wt 1,270 Test ADG 4.40 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 KCF Bennett Southside Double Creek Rosebud 1613 Gentry Rosebud 1110 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +64 $W +76 10% $B +152 30% $C +261 30% +2 +3.8 +83 +150 +.94 +20 +10 +35 5% 4% 30% 10% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.49 +.56 +.87 +76 +.44 +.51 +.055 3% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 78 ADJ. WW 741 ADJ. YW 1,354 FRAME 6.4 Consigned by Double Creek Angus• Top 5% or better for WW, YW, and Milk. • Top 30% or better for 13 EPD traits and $Values. • 1/2 Brother was a past top seller in the 2020 Union County Bull Sale. • Growth Fund sons are topping sales across the country Lot 25 Double Crk Growth Fund 2105 Birth Date: 11/3/21 BULL AAA 20457453 Tattoo: 2105 ANGUS • PUREBRED Basin Payweight 1682 ULTRASOUND % IMF 5.03 REA 13.4 Rib Fat .37 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 690 Off Test Wt 1,150 Test ADG 4.00 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 44 Conveyance 0X52 Double Creek Edella 1510 Gentry Homeplace Edella 778G EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +66 $W +79 4% $B +149 35% $C +259 30% +12 +0 +82 +145 +1.13 +27 +16 +28 10% 25% 5% 5% 35% 15% 1% 35% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.38 +.38 +.87 +68 +.42 +.62 +.037 10% 10% 10% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 60 ADJ. WW 687 ADJ. YW 1,225 FRAME 5.5 Consigned by Double Creek Angus • Combination bull - calving ease, heifer bull with high growth. • Top 5% for WW and YW EPDs with top 10% CED and 25% BW. • Top 35% for 20 EPD traits and $Values. Lot 26 Fence Row Black Hawk Birth Date: 9/17/21 BULL AAA 20358077 Tattoo: 97J ANGUS • PUREBRED Connealy Armory ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.74 REA 13.8 Rib Fat .20 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 755 Off Test Wt 1,249 Test ADG 4.15 Connealy Blackhawk 6198 Precious of Conanga 380X BCC Bushwacker 41-93 Triple L Bushwacker19161-197 Triple L Irish 16141-161 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +58 $W +67 25% $B +131 $C +228 +4 +2.7 +77 +132 +.98 +28 +2 +26 15% 15% 10% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.57 +.49 +.33 +45 +.56 +.64 -.040 15% 3% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 72 ADJ. WW 711 ADJ. YW 1,244 FRAME 6.2 Consigned by Fence Row Farms • No feed prior to weaning. • Top 15% or better for WW, YW, YH, and Docility. • Top 35% or better for 10 EPD traits and $Values. Lot LOT 24 // DOUBLE CRK GROWTH FUND 2104 LOT 25 // DOUBLE CRK GROWTH FUND 2105 LOT 26 // FENCE ROW BLACK HAWK BULLS
Page 15 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon 27 WPH Growth Fund- J134 Birth Date: 9/21/21 BULL AAA 20458431 Tattoo: 134 ANGUS • PUREBRED Basin Payweight 1682 ULTRASOUND % IMF REA Rib Fat TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 860 Off Test Wt 1,250 Test ADG 3.25 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 H&D GAR Expectation 4915 H&D3008 Cedar Bay Polly E329 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +59 $W +63 35% $B +144 40% $C +246 +8 +1.5 +69 +121 +.60 +12 +13 +27 35% 30% 30% 10% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.51 +.49 +.81 +57 +.38 +.46 +.037 30% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 65 ADJ. WW 776 ADJ. YW 1,301 FRAME 5.9 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • Genomic data and updated EPDs available sale day. • Ultrasound data available on sale day.. Lot 28 WPH Growth Fund- J125 Birth Date: 10/4/21 BULL AAA 20457859 Tattoo: J125 ANGUS • PUREBRED Basin Payweight 1682 ULTRASOUND % IMF REA Rib Fat TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 835 Off Test Wt 1,240 Test ADG 3.37 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 SAV Net Worth 4200 WPH Miss Blackberry Z27 WPH Daigger P25 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +63 $W +61 40% $B $C +8 +1.3 +69 +127 +12 +29 35% 30% 20% 15% 30% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 68 ADJ. WW 754 ADJ. YW 1,298 FRAME 5.6 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • Genomic data and updated EPDs available sale day. • Ultrasound data available on sale day.. Lot 29 WPH Magnitude- J127 Birth Date: 9/25/21 AAA 20478138 Tattoo: J127 ANGUS • PUREBRED KCF Bennett Southside ULTRASOUND % IMF REA Rib Fat TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 750 Off Test Wt 1,240 Test ADG 4.08 Mead Magnitude Mead Primrose N198 ICC Pay Raise 4886 WPH Miss Pay Raise F31 WPH New Level S28 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M $W +62 35% $B $C +9 +.9 +68 +127 +12 +32 30% 30% 20% 15% 15% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 70 ADJ. WW 702 ADJ. YW 1,361 FRAME 6.2 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • Genomic data and updated EPDs available sale day. • Ultrasound data available on sale day.. Lot LOT 27 // WPH GROWTH FUND- J134 LOT 28 // WPH GROWTH FUND- J125 LOT 29 // WPH MAGNITUDE- J127 BULLS
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 16 LOT 30 // FENCE ROW JOSIAH LOT 31 // FENCE ROW CALEB LOT 32 // FENCE ROW ABEDNEGO 30 Fence Row Josiah Birth Date: 9/24/21 BULL AMGV 1532654 Tattoo: 07J BALANCER • 44% GV, 56% AN VAR Discovery 2240 ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.36 REA 13.59 Rib Fat .22 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 784 Off Test Wt 1,352 Test ADG 4.77 JKGF Civil War E92 JKGF Lottie C92 RB Tour of Duty 177 FRFG FenceRow Candy Stripper 807F JBGF Candy Kane 607W EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY CEM MILK TM +63 10% FPI +91.58 10% +13 +1.0 +87 +141 +13 +8 +19 3% 3% 30% DOC SC CW MARB REA FAT +14 +.76 +51 +.46 +.50 -.03 15% 30% 10% 25% 5% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 77 ADJ. WW 660 ADJ. YW 1,293 FRAME 6.1 Consigned by Fence Row Farms • No creep feed prior to weaning. • Top 3% for WW and YW, top 10% Total Maternal, CW, and FP, top 15% Docility. • Top 30% or better for 11 EPD traits and Index Values. In herd index of 111. Lot COLOR HOMO BLACK HORNED POLLED 31 Fence Row Caleb Birth Date: 10/3/21 BULL AMGV 1532647 Tattoo: 82J BALANCER • 36% GV, 64% AN Basin Payweight 1682 ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.50 REA 15.33 Rib Fat .23 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 821 Off Test Wt 1,297 Test ADG 4.00 Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36113 Lazy TV Sam U451 FRFG Fence Row TV Sam’s Bell 582C Miss Southern Bell 082A EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY CEM MILK TM +69 2% FPI +98.67 1% +16 +.1 +92 +153 +11 +10 +23 15% 1% 1% 10% 25% DOC SC CW MARB REA FAT +18 +.85 +60 +.52 +.82 -.02 1% 20% 2% 14% 3% 14% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 75 ADJ. WW 680 ADJ. YW 1,211 FRAME 6.4 Consigned by Fence Row Farms• No creep feed prior to weaning. • Top 1% for WW, YW, Docility, and FPI. • Top 5% or better for Total Maternal, CW, REA, and MARB. • Top 25% or better for 15 out of 18 EPD traits and Values. In herd index of 104. Lot 32 Fence Row Abednego Birth Date: 10/8/21 BULL AMGV 1532644 Tattoo: 02J BALANCER • 33% GV, 67% AN WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.49 REA 13.48 Rib Fat .32 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 830 Off Test Wt 1,363 Test ADG 4.48 Wilks Regiment 9035 Vintage Chloe 6137 EGL Tenderloin N407 FRFG Tender Glory 502C FRFG Miss Morning Glory R025A EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY CEM MILK TM +71 1% FPI +103.65 1% +11 +.3 +99 +171 +14 +7 +22 1% 1% 30% DOC SC CW MARB REA FAT +12 +78 +.62 +.79 +0 1% 10% 4% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 81 ADJ. WW 691 ADJ. YW 1,295 FRAME 6.5 Consigned by Fence Row Farms • No creep feed prior to weaning. • Top 1% for WW, YW, CW, Total Maternal, and FPI. • Top 30% or better for 9 EPD traits and Index Values. In herd index of 111. Lot BULLS
Page 17 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon LOT 33 // FENCE ROW ISAIAH LOT 34 // FENCE ROW LINUS 33 Fence Row Isaiah Birth Date: 10/9/21 BULL AMGV 1532652 Tattoo: 70J BALANCER • 44% GV, 56% AN Sandpoint Butkus X797 ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.85 REA 14.52 Rib Fat .20 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 774 Off Test Wt 1,252 Test ADG 4.02 JKGF Ditka C85 JKGF Ladybug A012 WHS Limelight 64V FRFG Candy Kane 670D JBGF Candy Kane 607W EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY CEM MILK TM +67 3% FPI +86.38 20% +13 +1.2 +92 +146 +12 +8 +21 1% 2% 30% 40% DOC SC CW MARB REA FAT +15 +.23 +50 +.16 +.56 +.01 5% 10% 35% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 82 ADJ. WW 669 ADJ. YW 1,191 FRAME 6.1 Consigned by Fence Row Farms • No creep feed prior to weaning. • Top 1% WW, top 2% YW, and top 5% or better for Total Maternal, and Docility. • Top 40% or better for 10 EPD traits and Index Values. In herd index of 102. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 34 Fence Row Linus Birth Date: 10/18/21 BULL AMGV 1532657 Tattoo: 83J BALANCER • 38% GV, 62% AN JKGF Civil War E92 ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.65 REA 14.49 Rib Fat .33 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 707 Off Test Wt 1,221 Test ADG 4.32 FRFG Taliaferro 70G FRFG Candy Kane 670D FRFG Fence Row Nehemiah 02D FRFG Fence Row Ms Tamar 833F FRFG Prophet Mistress 633D EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY CEM MILK TM +64 10% FPI +96.09 2% +12 +1.6 +90 +150 +11 +7 +19 2% 1% DOC SC CW MARB REA FAT +15 +.68 +55 +.58 +.73 -.01 5% 40% 4% 10% 10% 30% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 77 ADJ. WW 656 ADJ. YW 1,236 FRAME 6.3 Consigned by Fence Row Farms • No creep feed prior to weaning. • Top 1% for YW, top 2% for WW and FPI, and top 5% or better for Docility & CW. • Top 40% or better for 11 EPD traits & Index Values. In herd index of 104. Lot Thank you! • Carolina Farm Credit and Farm Bureau for their continued support and assistance. • Union County Cattleman’s Association for starting the sale 47 years ago. • North Carolina Cooperative Extension Livestock Agents for their help in providing bull screenings, sale order, and sale advice. • All the agribusinesses that provide support for the sale and during the year. And finally to all of the bidders and buyers who support the Union County Performance Tested Bull Sale, THANK YOU! We would like to extend a special thank you to the following people: BULLS
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 18 LOT 35 // JBB POWER STAR J3 LOT 36 // JBB NO DOUBT J7 LOT 37 // JBB ALL LOGIC J15 COLOR HOMO BLACK HORNED HOMO POLLED 35 JBB Power Star J3 Birth Date: 9/29/21 BULL ASA 3998902 Tattoo: J3 SIMANGUS • 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN HC Power Drive 88H ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.14 REA 16.72 Rib Fat 0.30 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 842 Off Test Wt 1,390 Test ADG 4.31 Kenco/MF Powerline 204L SAFN Glamour 11J SydGen Rock Star 3461 JBB Anita F801 NER Anita 5206 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +110.1 TI +67.7 +9.7 +2.5 +77.8 +123.1 +17.5 +6.7 +25.1 40% 30% 30% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +10.1 +32.4 -.04 +.84 -.018 25% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 75 ADJ. WW 718 ADJ. YW 1,277 FRAME 6.3 Consigned by Jeff Broadaway, DVM• Large ribeye measurement at 16.7 and top 25% REA EPD. • Top 40% or better for 6 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED HOMO POLLED 36 JBB No Doubt J7 Birth Date: 10/2/21 BULL ASA 3998893 Tattoo: J7 SIMANGUS • 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN Mogck Bullseye ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.57 REA 16.36 Rib Fat 0.26 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 848 Off Test Wt 1,425 Test ADG 4.54 Hoover No Doubt Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 JF Milestone 999W JBB Miss Knight A14 BAR15 Miss Knight78E-51G EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +121.8 TI +76.0 +7.2 +2.4 +76.2 +127.9 +13.3 +8.4 +17.3 30% 25% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +10.5 +61.3 +.39 +.82 -.004 2% 40% 25% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 88 ADJ. WW 734 ADJ. YW 1,295 FRAME 7.0 Consigned by Jeff Broadaway, DVM• A good carcass option bull with a ribeye measurement at 16.3 and top 2% CW and top 25% REA EPDs. • Top 40% or better for 6 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR HOMO BLACK HORNED HOMO POLLED 37 JBB All Logic J15 Birth Date: 10/19/21 BULL ASA 3998890 Tattoo: J15 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.33 REA 15.64 Rib Fat 0.30 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 812 Off Test Wt 1,210 Test ADG 3.13 SFG Cowboy Logic D627 SFG Queen B01 WS All-Around Z35 JBB Ms All Around F11 ES A85 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +169.5 4% TI +99.2 2% +15.1 -1.1 +94.7 +147.2 +18.7 +7.4 +20.9 10% 10% 10% 5% 30% 25% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +17.4 +53.6 +.43 +1.05 -.064 3% 2% 10% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 69 ADJ. WW 782 ADJ. YW 1,222 FRAME 6.3 Consigned by Jeff Broadaway, DVM• An excellent combination bull with a very good EPD profile. • Top 5% or better for YW, Doc, CW and both API and TI. • Top 30% or better for 15 EPD traits and indexes. Lot BULLS
Page 19 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon LOT 38 // JBB PROCLAMATION J16 LOT 39 // K&G J136 JASON LOT 40 // K&G J143 JACK COLOR HOMO BLACK HORNED HOMO POLLED 38 JBB Proclamation J16 Birth Date: 10/23/21 BULL ASA 3998901 Tattoo: J16 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z ULTRASOUND % IMF 1.82 REA 14.90 Rib Fat 0.20 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 830 Off Test Wt 1,365 Test ADG 4.21 WS Proclamation E202 WS Miss Sugar C4 SRS Right-On 22R JBB Right Lady A16 JBB Classy Lady W10 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +151.8 15% TI +86.9 20% +8.5 +2.7 +88.3 +136.1 +23.9 +4.6 +38.2 15% 15% 1% 1% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +16.1 +34.3 +.25 +.76 -.071 10% 30% 25% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 87 ADJ. WW 839 ADJ. YW 1,355 FRAME 6.5 Consigned by Jeff Broadaway, DVM• Top 1% for Milk, MWW, and Stay EPDs. • Top 30% or better for 12 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 39 K&G J136 Jason Birth Date: 10/2/21 BULL ASA 4051920 Tattoo: J136 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED BDV True Grit 11X ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.41 REA 15.05 Rib Fat 0.37 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 768 Off Test Wt 1,270 Test ADG 3.9 BBS True Justice B10 BBS Miss Justice Z7 GW Comfort Zone 651Y K&G F10 Felicity K&G D48 Desire EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +147.3 20% TI +86.4 20% +12.7 -.2 +85.3 +131.9 +19.7 +7.2 +30.9 25% 20% 25% 20% 20% 25% 10% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +14.4 +32.9 +.13 +1.11 -.106 15% 35% 15% 15% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 73 ADJ. WW 692 ADJ. YW 1,284 FRAME 6.5 Consigned by Gene Price K & G Farms • A very good combination bull with a balanced EPD profile for calving-ease, growth, and carcass merit. • Top 25% or better for 16 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 40 K&G J143 Jack Birth Date: 10/21/21 BULL ASA 4051913 Tattoo: J143 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED W/C Executive Order 8543B ULTRASOUND % IMF 1.75 REA 14.76 Rib Fat 0.34 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 752 Off Test Wt 1,250 Test ADG 3.9 Ellingson Ultimate F830 Ellingson CptMorgan C572 Hart Eclipse 510Y K&G Miss Eclipse C42 K&G Zandra EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +120.7 TI +80.4 40% +7.2 +3.9 +95.8 +153.8 +17.4 +4.6 +24.2 5% 3% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +9.7 +54.1 -.09 +1.04 -.073 2% 20% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 80 ADJ. WW 678 ADJ. YW 1,235 FRAME 6.2 Consigned by Gene Price K & G Farms • Top 5% or better for WW, YW, ADG, and CW EPDs. • Top 20% or better for 6 EPD traits and indexes. Lot BULLS
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 20 LOT 41 // WPH BOULDER-J132 LOT 42 // WPH BROAD RANGE-J130 LOT 43 // WPH UPGRADE-J127 COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 41 WPH Boulder-J132 Birth Date: 10/7/21 BULL ASA 4108710 Tattoo: J132 SIMANGUS • 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN Hoover Dam ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.01 REA 14.83 Rib Fat 0.34 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 860 Off Test Wt 1,185 Test ADG 2.8 CCR Boulder 1339A CCR Ms L Taylor 1339Y Yon Full Force C398 SFS Anne XF47 SFS Anne Z62 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +137.9 40% TI +86.0 25% +13.7 +1.0 +85.5 +134.8 +14.2 +7.5 +25.4 35% 20% 20% 40% 30% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +9.8 +44.9 +.37 +1.17 -.076 15% 40% 2% 15% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 57 ADJ. WW 758 ADJ. YW 1,202 FRAME 5.8 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • Very good combination of growth and carcass. • Top 2% for REA and top 15% for CW. • Top 35% or better for 11 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 42 WPH Broad Range-J130 Birth Date: 10/18/21 BULL ASA 4108709 Tattoo: J130 SIMANGUS • 3/4 SM, 1/4 AN CCR Wide Range 9005A ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.17 REA 16.21 Rib Fat 0.41 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 800 Off Test Wt 1,200 Test ADG 3.33 Gibbs 7382E Broad Range SSF Blk Louise Y534 KCF Bennett Fortree SFS Anne XF43 SFS Anne D26 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +146.6 25% TI +86.1 25% +13.3 -1.7 +84.4 +133.6 +18.4 +8.7 +20.6 40% 20% 25% 20% 20% 20% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +13.4 +43.3 +.32 +1.24 -.017 35% 20% 1% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 69 ADJ. WW 743 ADJ. YW 1,275 FRAME 7.0 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • Good low birthweight to high weaning weight and yearling weight spread. • Top 1% for REA and top 25% for both API and TI. • Top 35% or better for 12 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 43 WPH Upgrade-J127 Birth Date: 10/21/21 BULL ASA 4108713 Tattoo: J127 SIMANGUS • 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.75 REA 13.76 Rib Fat 0.31 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 810 Off Test Wt 1,270 Test ADG 3.83 WPH B10 WPH Miss Beef R46 Tokach Update 9009 WPH Wildwood Lady Y30 WPH N28 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +132.4 TI +88.0 20% +9.0 +2.6 +95.7 +151.4 +14.1 +6.3 +21.0 4% 4% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +10.7 +33.5 +.39 +.28 -.047 40% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 73 ADJ. WW 740 ADJ. YW 1,353 FRAME 6.2 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • Top 4% for both WW EPD and YW EPD. • Top 20% or better for 5 EPD traits and indexes. Lot BULLS
Page 21 | December 3, 2022 at 12:00 noon LOT 44 // WPH UPGRADE-J124 LOT 45 // WPH UPGRADE-J2127 LOT 46 // WPH UPGRADE-J120 COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 44 WPH Upgrade-J124 Birth Date: 11/1/21 BULL ASA 4108712 Tattoo: J124 SIMANGUS • 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.77 REA 15.43 Rib Fat 0.25 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 840 Off Test Wt 1,265 Test ADG 3.54 WPH B10 WPH Miss Beef R46 SydGen Enhance WPHD24 EBS Miss Jennie 945-198 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +125.7 TI +85.6 25% +9.7 +2.0 +90.9 +147.8 +11.4 +5.4 +22.7 10% 5% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +11.4 +56.0 +.35 +.69 -.032 3% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 73 ADJ. WW 802 ADJ. YW 1,365 FRAME 6.0 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • Top 3% for CW EPD and top 5% for YW EPD and ADG EPD. • Top 25% or better for 6 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 45 WPH Upgrade-J2127 Birth Date: 11/3/21 BULL ASA 4108714 Tattoo: J2127 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 ULTRASOUND % IMF 2.55 REA 15.57 Rib Fat 0.33 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 820 Off Test Wt 1,175 Test ADG 2.95 WPH B10 WPH Miss Beef R46 HTP/SVF Packin Heat W339 BV Packin Heat Swain Penny 426P EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +146.2 25% TI +88.0 15% +9.7 -0.3 +85.3 +132.7 +18.0 +5.2 +27.1 20% 25% 20% 40% 25% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +6.8 +22.7 +.25 +.68 -.074 25% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 74 ADJ. WW 800 ADJ. YW 1,277 FRAME 6.0 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • Both API and TI in the top 25% or better. • Top 25% or better for 9 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 46 WPH Upgrade-J120 Birth Date: 11/10/21 BULL ASA 4108711 Tattoo: J120 SIMANGUS • 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 ULTRASOUND % IMF 6.40 REA 14.48 Rib Fat 0.38 TEST INFORMATION On Test Wt 770 Off Test Wt 1,285 Test ADG 4.30 WPH B10 WPH Miss Beef R46 SS Niagara Z29 Ogeechee Niagara 729 GAR Prophet 1764 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +143.3 30% TI +95.2 4% +9.2 +2.5 +96.6 +149.6 +12.5 +4.7 +21.0 3% 5% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +11.7 +48.6 +.63 +.81 -.052 10% 10% 25% 35% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 79 ADJ. WW 773 ADJ. YW 1,457 FRAME 6.0 Consigned by W. Parks Helms • An excellent combination of growth and carcass merit. • Top 3% WW EPD, top 5% YW EPD, and top 10% for both CW and Marb EPDs. • Top 35% or better for 10 EPD traits and indexes. Lot BULLS
47th Annual Union County Bull & Female Sale | Page 22 47 Triple L Regiment 21810-12 Birth Date: 9/28/21 COW AAA 20367914 Tattoo: 12 ANGUS • PUREBRED WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 ULTRASOUND % IMF 3.98 REA 10.8 Rib Fat 0.25 Wilks Regiment 9035 Vintage Chloe 6137 Bon View New Design 1407 Triple L ND 1407- 0869- 810 Triple L Trav 004-0647 69 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +67 40% $W +79 4% $B +162 20% $C +277 15% +11 +.2 +74 +141 +1.48 +18 +10 +40 15% 30% 15% 10% 15% 30% 1% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.42 +.47 +.46 +62 +.54 +.96 -.032 20% 35% 20% 10% 10% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 63 ADJ. WW 667 ADJ. YW 904 FRAME 6.2 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, developed slowly on forage & hay since weaning. • Top 20% or better for 16 EPD traits and $Values. Lot 48 Triple L Regiment 21141-119 Birth Date: 9/19/21 COW AAA 20367916 Tattoo: 119 ANGUS • PUREBRED WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 ULTRASOUND % IMF 4.31 REA 10.1 Rib Fat 0.19 Wilks Regiment 9035 Vintage Chloe 6137 Werner War Party 2417 Triple L War Party 1451-141 Triple L trav 004 5417-517 EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM MILK $M +65 $W +87 1% $B +174 10% $C +291 10% +7 +.3 +85 +161 +1.20 +21 +12 +39 30% 3% 1% 30% 40% 15% 1% CLAW ANGLE HS CW MARB RE FAT +.69 +.57 +.62 +76 +.66 +.86 -.001 4% 20% 35% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 57 ADJ. WW 614 ADJ. YW 932 FRAME 6.2 Consigned by Triple LLL Angus • No feed prior to weaning, developed slowly on forage & hay since weaning. • Top 20% or better for 15 EPD traits and $Values. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 50 K&G J96 Jorgiana Birth Date: 10/8/21 COW ASA 4051919 Tattoo: J95 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED BDV True Grit 11X BBS True Justice B10 BBS Miss Justice Z7 SAS Big Bruzer Y131 K&G G43 Gloria K&G Zinna EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +132.3 TI +80.6 40% +10.4 +2.0 +81.3 +122.4 +17.0 +6.9 +30.6 35% 35% 30% 10% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +14.0 +24.5 +.13 +.87 -.112 20% 5% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 75 ADJ. WW 515 ADJ. YW 776 FRAME Consigned by Gene Price K & G Farms • Top 40% or better for 11 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 49 K&G J92 Jenga Birth Date: 10/3/21 COW ASA 4051922 Tattoo: J92 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED Hooks Shear Force 38K Triple C Bettis S72J Lucas Josie 19K IR Expedition W413 K&G G46 Guinevere K&G Kate EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +128.8 TI +79.5 +11.7 +1.6 +81.8 +116.2 +15.4 +6.3 +21.8 40% 35% 40% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +13.8 +25.9 +.10 +.89 -.099 25% 30% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 75 ADJ. WW 516 ADJ. YW 794 FRAME Consigned by Gene Price K & G Farms • Top 40% or better for 7 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 51 K&G J97 Jaxy Birth Date: 10/9/21 COW ASA 4051932 Tattoo: J97 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED BDV True Grit 11X BBS True Justice B10 BBS Miss Justice Z7 SAS Big Bruzer Y131 K&G E89 Trudy K&G Ace of Spades EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +133.3 TI +79.1 +11.8 +.5 +78.0 +115.4 +17.1 +7.1 +26.7 40% 30% 25% 25% DOC CW MARB REA FAT +13.8 +21.1 +.09 +.76 -.113 25% 5% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 67 ADJ. WW 460 ADJ. YW 755 FRAME Consigned by Gene Price K & G Farms • Top 35% or better for 8 EPD traits and indexes. Lot COLOR BLACK HORNED POLLED 52 K&G J13 Josephine Birth Date: 11/4/21 COW ASA 4051938 Tattoo: J13 SIMMENTAL • PUREBRED Jass on the Mark 69D VPI On the Mark G973 ET LLSF Keepsake W194 K&G Zates K&G B22 Bernadette K&G Kate EPDS & INDEXES CED BW WW YW STAY MCE MILK API +112.8 TI +66.5 +9.8 +2.3 +67.8 +94.1 +15.9 +4.5 +23.5 DOC CW MARB REA FAT +9.1 +23.9 -.03 +.76 -.095 30% PERFORMANCE DATA ACT. BW 69 ADJ. WW 465 ADJ. YW 764 FRAME Consigned by Gene Price K & G Farms Lot Registered Open HeifersHEIFERS