Thank you for your interest in the 49th Annual Union County Performance Tested Bull Sale. As always, our goal is to offer you bulls and heifers that will produce high-quality, fast growing feeder calves for Southeast beef producers. This sale offering is packed full of bulls bred to perform in many environments that offer high growth as well as superior carcass genetics. The bulls were tested on the farms of the consignors and were all fed a similar bull ration. The test data as well as the performance data and ultrasound information are available in this sale book. Bulls have also been DNA tested and have genomic-enhanced EPDS listed in the sale book or will be available on sale day. The Union County Bull Sale consignors are committed to bringing you their best bulls and believe providing this extra data ensures you have the best information possible to select the bull that will benefit your operation the most. Contact any of the consignors with any questions you may have regarding the bulls or test information.
We are excited to once again be hosting the sale at the Simpson Special Events Center located at 307 Cultivation Circle, Monroe NC 28112, directly behind the Union County Agricultural Center. This Center is a state of the art facility and we look forward to showcasing it again during this year’s sale. Cattle will be available to view Friday evening in the barn and Saturday before the sale.
We hope you can join us on December 7, 2024 in Monroe for this year’s sale; however, if you cannot be here in person, we will have online bidding available again this year on DV Auction. View page 23 for more information on online bidding. We thank you in advance for your consideration of the sale and hope to see you on December 7th!
Double Creek Angus • Doug Rowell 5808 Rocky River Rd N. Indian Trail, NC 28079 704-787-6819
Fence Row Farm Gelbviehs • Scott Baucom 2718 Tarlton Mill Road Marshville, NC 28103 704-622-3434
Gentry Homeplace Angus • Howard Gentry 1622 Gentry Farm Rd. King, NC 27021 336-413-6698
JBB Simmentals • Jeff Broadaway, DVM 1326 Ridge Rd. Monroe, NC 28110 704-221-0997
K&G Farm • Gene Price 1336 Sikes Mill Rd Monroe, NC 28110 704-572-2689
Triple LLL Angus • Edd, Greg, & Kevin Little 4828 Vander Lane Monroe, NC 28110
Jeff Broadaway • 704-221-0997
Greg Little • 704-219-1294
Col. Will Thompson • 704-616-8553
Simpson Events Center
307 Cultivation Circle, Monroe, NC 28112
A complimentary meal will be served at 11:00 am sale day.
Please bring your sale book with you on sale day. Bulls are lotted in the catalog based on breed, consignor, and birth date. Animals will not sell in direct catalog order. An update sheet and sale order will be provided on sale day.
All sale animals have been screened by an independent selection committee to ensure that only the highest quality animals are offered for your appraisal.
All bulls have passed a Breeding Soundness Exam and are guaranteed breeders for the first breeding season or for 6 months after the sale. All heifers will be guaranteed breeders. Satisfactory adjustments will be made should any animal fail to be a breeder. This guarantee does not cover injury or death due to neglect.
Neither the sale manager nor any person connected with the management of the sale assumes any liability, legal or otherwise. The sale committee acts as an agent only and will not be responsible for contracts. All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. Neither the sale manager nor any person connected with the general management of the sale assumes any responsibility for the safety of the building or premises or for the behavior of the animals.
Friday, December 6, 2024
• 5:00 pm - Cattle on Display
Saturday, December 7, 2024
• 9:00 am - Cattle on Display
• 11:00 am - Complimentary Lunch Served
• 12:00 noon - 49th Annual Union County Sale
All animals will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. The terms of the sale are cash. Please make checks payable directly to each seller/consignor. Please bring more than one check in the event that you purchase animals from more than one consignor. The auctioneer will settle any dispute as to bids. Cattle will remain property of owner until sold. Each animal becomes the property of the purchaser as soon as sold, but will not be released until settled for. The auctioneer will call any changes or corrections to the information in the catalog and these will take precedence and supersede any other statements.
All bulls in the sale are tested PI-BVD negative, they have been vaccinated with modified live vaccines according to BQA guidelines, and examined by accredited veterinarians.
Load out will be after the conclusion of the sale. Purchases must be settled for in the office before loading out. Every effort will be made to get you loaded as soon as possible. Delivery assistance is available if needed.
This sale book and videos of the bulls selling are available online at www.dvauction.com and www.angus.org.
The sale will be broadcast live online on DV Auction with online bidding available. More information about bidding on DVAuction is listed on page 23.
All bulls are listed in the catalog by breed, consignor, and birthdate. Bulls will not sell in sale book order. The sale order will be available on sale day.
About the Union County Bull Test
The main purpose of the test and sale is to provide high quality, performance-oriented bulls to commercial cattlemen and women that will not only add pounds to your calf crop and replacement heifers to your cow herd but will inevitably add dollars to your bottom line. The seed stock producers involved with this group are highly aware of the fact that if you as a commercial producer are not successful and profitable then we are not doing our jobs correctly.
It is the goal of the producer’s group to provide as much information as possible to enable you, the commercial producer, to identify the bulls that will best fit and add to your operation. You can be assured that this rigorous testing environment has brought to the surface any structural problem that a bull may have and those bulls have been removed from the sale offering. The Union County Performance Tested bulls are structurally sound and ready to go to work in any environment.
Selection Tool Definitions
Each bull selling has passed strict performance standards including weaning weights, yearling weights, and test records in order to be in the sale. Performance data is listed on each bull as explained below.
Bulls were all scanned for carcass information. Measurements were adjusted to 365 days of age to provide comparable information.
Bull’s Registered Name
Actual bull weight when put on test
Actual bull weight when pulled off test
Average daily gain of the bull while on test
The CAB icon will appear on the pedigree of those bulls that meet the criteria for tareting the Certified Angus Beef Brand which measures Marbling and $G Carcass Index. This icon only applies to purebred Angus bulls.
days of
Yearling frame score based on hip height measured in inches adjusted to 365 days of age
**EPDs and Indexes are current as of November 1, 2024.
Selection Tool Definitions
Each bull with a logo on their pedigree has updated genomic-enhanced EPDs and Indexes. Actual genomics are available by request.
Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform in various measurable production and carcass traits relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. Depending on the trait, EPDs are expressed in actual pounds, square inches, or centimeters, plus or minus. While EPDs express similar traits across breeds, EPDs can only be compared to other animals of the same breed, not in between breeds. $Value indexes is an economic selection index that allows multiple change in several different traits at once pertaining to a specific breeding objective. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.
Percentile Rankings for EPDs and Indexes are listed under each value that is in the top 40% or better. These rankings allow you to see how the cattle in this sale offering rank up to any other bull or female in their respective breed, not just within this sale group. These rankings can only be used within each breed (Angus, Simmental, SimAngus, Balancer), not across breeds.
Calving Ease (CE) or Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers.
Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.
Docility (Doc), expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves.
Claw Set EPD (Claw), is expressed in units of claw-set score, with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire will produce progeny with more ideal claw set. The ideal claw set is toes that are symmetrical, even and appropriately spaced.
Foot Angle EPD (Angle), is expressed in units of foot-angle score, with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire will produce progeny with more ideal foot angle. The ideal is a 45-degree angle at the pastern joint with appropriate toe length and heel depth.
Calving Ease Maternal (CEM) or Maternal Calving Ease (MCE), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.
Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.
Stayability (STAY), predicts the genetic difference, in terms of percent probability, that a bull’s daughters will stay productive within a herd to at least six year of age.
Hair Shed EPD (HS), expressed in units of hair shed score, with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire should produce progeny who shed their winter coat earlier in the spring.
Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences from conception to weaning with the underlying breeding objective assuming that individuals retain their own replacement females within herd and sell the rest of the cull female and all male progeny as feeder calves. The model assumes commercial producers will replace 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% of their breeding females in each subsequent generation. Traits included are as follows: calving ease direct, calving ease maternal, weaning weight, milk, heifer pregnancy, docility, mature cow weight, claw set and foot angle.
Weaned Calf Value ($W), expressed in dollars per head, to predict profitability differences in progeny due to genetics from birth to weaning. The underlying objective being producers will retain 20% of the female progeny as replacements and sell the rest of the cull females and their male counterparts as feeder calves. Traits included are as follows (in no particular order): birth weight, weaning weight, milk, and mature cow weight.
Beef Value ($B), expressed in dollars per carcass, is to predict profitability differences in progeny due to genetics for postweaning and carcass traits. This terminal index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot phase and market these animals on a carcass grid. Traits included in the index are as follows: yearling weight, dry-matter intake, marbling, carcass weight, ribeye area and fat.
Combined Value ($C), expressed in dollars per head, which includes all traits that make up both $M and $B with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid.
Terminal Index (TI), is the dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. TI evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield.
All-Purpose Index (API) evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield.
Total Maternal (TM) is an index that combines growth and milk information as a prediction of the weaning weight performance of calves from a sire’s daughters. As an index, this value is not reported with an accompanying accuracy. A greater TM value means a mother that returns comparatively higher weaning weights on her calves. TM Index = MK EPD + ½ WW EPD.
Feeder Profit Index (FPI™), is an economic selection index designed to aid producers in selecting sires whose progeny will perform in the feedlot and are sold on a grade and yield standpoint. Well ranking sires for FPI have higher marbling and carcass weight than their contemporaries. As a terminal index, little emphasis is put on maternal traits such as stayability and calving ease.
Gentry Deep River 2303
AAA 20853353
Ellingson Three Rivers 8062
Ellingson Deep River EA Primrose 5083
KCF Bennett Homestead
Gentry Rosebud 1619
Gentry Rosebud 1405
8/30/23 Tattoo: 2303
Gentry Deep River 2305
Consigned by Gentry Homeplace Angus
Gentry Deep River 2307
Gentry Deep River 2308
Ellingson Three Rivers 8062
Ellingson Deep River
EA Primrose 5083
RB Tour of Duty 177
Gentry Blackcap 1614
Gentry Home Blackcap 1026
Gentry Craftsman 2311
Gentry Craftsman 2318
Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
CTS Remedy 1T01
Gentry Homeplace Zara 2110
Gentry Homeplace Zara 1915
Gentry Craftsman 2319
Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
Connealy Impression
Gentry Homeplace Edella 1104
Gentry Homeplace Edella 983G
Gentry Deep River 2320
Gentry Craftsman 2324
Triple L Iconic - 377
Triple L Iconic - 374
Triple L Iron Horse -
Triple L Surpass - 318
Triple L Craftsman - 341
Connealy Craftsman Black Cathy of Conanga 8521 Werner War Party 2417 Triple L
Triple L Craftsman - 347
Triple L Goalkeeper - 385
Baldridge SR Goalkeeper
Triple L Craftsman - 386
Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
Connealy Blackhawk 6198 Triple L Blackhawk 18116-186 Triple L Exacto 1175-116
Consigned by Triple LLL Angus
NO feed prior to weaning; bucket fed a limited ration of bull developer daily for long term development. Extremely deep bull with no holes EPD (high growth, great marbling, top 2% $M, and very slick). This bull can be used on hiefers and definitely keep daughters out of him. His grand dam was our Trapper bull’s dam.
Triple L Wildcat - 307
AAA 20946234
Triple L Craftsman - 362
Triple L Wildcat - 300
Triple L Trapper - 370
KCF Bennett Southside
Triple L Trapper
Triple L Exacto 1175-116
SydGen Black Pearl 2006 Triple L Pearl 17140-170
Triple L War Party 14101-140
Triple L Iconic - 305
Consigned by Triple LLL Angus NO feed prior to weaning; bucket fed a limited ration of bull developer daily for long term development. Moderate framed, high growth bull (top 1% WW and top 2% YW) who also has top 10% EPDs for docility, Marbling, $B, and $C. In fact, this bull has 12 EPD or $ Values in the top 10% of the breed.
Driving the science of better breeding
There’s little room for error in the cattle business. Producers need the most advanced information to make smart selection decisions, and Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) provides it through genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs).
EPDs that traditionally contained all pedigree, performance and progeny information now also include results from available genomic, or DNA, tests. Breeders who use genomic technology give buyers access to AGI-generated GE-EPDs that provide:
Increased predictability and decreased risk for young and unproven animals due to enhanced accuracy of EPDs
Better characterization of genetics for difficult-to-measure performance traits (such as carcass traits, maternal traits and feed efficiency)
The ability to make more rapid progress for traits that are important to you, due to:
· more accurate selection
· easier identification of genetic outliers
· the ability to propagate young animals with confidence earlier in their lives
In fact, GE-EPDs on unproven animals have the same amount of accuracy as if they have recorded an average of 15 progeny, depending on the trait. That’s valuable insight, offered regularly through the breed’s weekly national cattle evaluation at www.angus.org.
How do you know if EPDs are genomic-enhanced?
Ask your breeder, refer to the registration paper, or look for the AGI GE-EPD logo, Angus GS
Double Creek Deep River 2307
Double Creek Deep River 2306
Fence Row Teamwork
Fence Row Growth Fund 20L
Fence Row Sterling Pacific 30L
JBB Resilient L1
Sitz Stellar 726D
Sitz Resilient 10208
Sitz Miss Burgess 1856
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
JBB Primrose C502
Trowbridge Primrose 702
Consigned by Jeff Broadaway, DVM
JBB Resilient L7
Sitz Resilient 10208
Sitz Miss Burgess 1856
Sitz Rainmaker 11127
Sitz Emma E 1665
SITZ Emma E 1861
JBB Resilient L9
Fence Row Silas 01L
Fence Row Daniel 02L
Fence Row Naphtali 06L
Jindra 3rd
Jindra Acclaim
Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111
Connealy Blackhawk 6198
FRFG Casey’s Blackhawk 906G
FRFG Fence Row Ms Casey 806Y
Fence Row Rueben 25L
Fence Row Matthew II 52L
Fence Row Joseph 60L
K & G L162 Logan
L168 Large
JBB Sure Fire L11
JBB Lucky Dice L14
JBB Country Bounty L16
JBB True Justice L17
JBB Cowboy Cut L20
All open heifers are consigned by Union County bull producers or cattlemen that have utilized genetics from the Union County bull sale and all follow similar genetics as the bulls. These heifers are consigned by reputable family farms and are guaranteed open. Lot information and sale order will be provided the day of the sale.
K & G L11 Lydia
BBS True Justice B10
SFS Ellie G77
SFS Ellie X65
Consigned by W. Parks Helms
A fancy group of open heifers that will include 4 SimAngus, 1 purebred Simmental, and 1 purebred Angus. Heifers were born last fall and are open, ready to breed to the bull of your choice.
Consigned by Larry Love
A stout set of open heifers sired by a Simmental bull, Powerline, out of SimAngus based cows.All heifers have been vet-checked and are ready to breed to the bull of your choice.