January 4, 2025
January 4, 2025
Dear Fellow Cattle Producer,
Thank you for attending the 2025 EBS Farms Select Sale. We appreciate your support of our program over the years and are excited to bring you this set of bulls and females from EBS Farms and our other consignors. Our goal has always been to offer you bulls and females that will produce high-quality, fast-growing feeder calves and replacement quality females. We believe the bulls and females represented in this sale can help you accomplish that and more.
All EPDs are correct as of November 25, 2024. Any EPD changes are available on the American Angus Association web page. The majority of the bulls offered in this year’s sale have been tested with an Angus genetic DNA test, providing genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs). The DNA information, when combined with Angus EPDs, provides the most accurate and complete picture of the animal’s genetic potential. All the cattle in this sale have been vaccinated with modified live vaccines according to BQA guidelines. The cattle will have USDA approved identification ear tags in addition to lot tags, tattoos, and/or brands.
Again this year, the sale will be available online through DV Auction for online bidding. Videos of all sale bulls and several of the females will be available prior to the sale. Bulls are also available to be viewed prior to the sale at EBS Farms. If you have any questions about viewing the bulls or using the online platform, please give us a call.
We appreciate all of our customers, past and present, and will do all that we can to assist you before and after the sale. We look forward to seeing everyone on January 4th in Norwood!
This past Summer EBS MISS DIAMOND 070R-422, an October 2023 daughter of Connealy Craftsman, won Reserve Grand Champion Phenotype and Genotype female at the 2024 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show in Harrisburg, PA. This heifer not only looks good but excels on paper with all of her $Values in the top 10% or better. You will find bulls and females throughout the sale that follow this same philosophy, breeding for both excellent genetics on paper and in person.
Congratulations Maddie Carpenter!
JANUARY 4, 2025 | 12:00 NOON EST
Selling 63 bulls, 45 open heifers, 65 bred heifers, and 15 bred cows & cow/calf pairs.
Stanly County Livestock Market 13215 Indian Mound Rd. Norwood, NC 28128
Will Thompson - (704) 616-8553
Bruce Shankle - (704) 694-8686
Barn Office - (704) 474-7681
Brooke Harward - (704) 322-9770
Marcus Harward - (704) 322-0840
Neil Bowman, NCDA - (919) 270-7094
Billy Lewis, NCDA - (252) 717-4529
Doug Rowell - (704) 787-6819
Join us on sale day for a complimentary lunch. Bruce’s famous “Angus Chili” will be served starting at 11:00 am.
A supplemental sheet will be available sale day with any updated information. All announcements made sale day from the auction block will take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Any updated breeding information will be available on females if needed.
All purchases are to be settled for at the conclusion of the sale prior to loading. Terms are cash or check. Please make checks payable directly to each seller/consignor. Please bring more than one check with you in the event that you purchase animals from more than one consignor.
Real-time internet bidding and a live broadcast of the sale will be available through DV Auction. The sale book and videos on all bulls and several females will also be available online. View the information block on page 31 for more online bidding details.
Cattle will sell live in the ring in sale book order.
Cattle sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association. All animals will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. The auctioneer will settle any dispute as to bids. A certificate of registration will be transferred and mailed to the buyer of each registered lot.
EPDs are current as of November 25, 2024. Updated EPDs can be viewed at www.angus.org for Angus animals or the respective breed association website for the other breeds. Most of the bulls and several females have had a genomic test performed on a DNA sample and are noted with a GE-EPD symbol on their pedigree. Cattle that were potential carriers of genetic defects were tested and any carriers are so noted.
All bulls have passed a Breeding Soundness Exam and are guaranteed breeders for the first breeding season or for 6 months after the sale. Bulls are not guaranteed to pass additional BSE after breeding your cows because of environmental conditions beyond our control. All heifers are guaranteed breeders. Satisfactory adjustments will be made should any animal fail to be a breeder. This guarantee does not cover injury, death, or neglect.
Load out will be after the conclusion of the sale. Every effort will be made to get your cattle loaded as soon as possible. There will be delivery assistance available if needed. Please make arrangements with Bruce or Marcus to leave your purchases in the barn until Sunday if needed. Hay and water will be provided free of charge.
All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise, for their safety and for the behavior of the animals. The owners, consignors, sale staff, and sale facility owners assume no liability for property loss or any accident that may occur.
Bruce & Carla Shankle
3665 Plank. Rd. Wadesboro, NC 28170
Bruce: (704) 694-8686 ebsfarms@windstream.net
Brooke, Marcie, & Mattie Harward 28978 Misenheimer Rd. Richfield, NC 28137
Brooke: (704) 322-9770
Marcie: (704) 322-5201
Mattie: (704) 322-0831 www.HarwardSisters.com
LOTS 21-23 | ALLEN FARMS Scotty & Hayden Allen Norwood, NC - (704) 475-0005
LOTS 29-32 | 3J ANGUS Carl Blanton Shelby, NC - (704) 472-2500 - carlblanton0@gmail.com
LOTS 49-50 | DOUBLE CREEK ANGUS Doug Rowell Indian Trail, NC - (704) 787-6819
The bulls in the EBS Select Sale are developed on a feed test using the Performance Livestock Feed Company’s PLF 13% Bull Grower R27. This feed is specifically designed to maximize growth and allows them to express muscling without becoming overly conditioned. These bulls are ready to work and perform for your herd.
All cattle will be available to view at the sale facility Friday afternoon and starting at 8:00 am on Saturday morning.
When you buy a bull from any of the consignors in the Select Sale, you can be sure that every decision has been made with you, our customers, in mind. From breeding selection to herd health to feed and nutrition and more, our goal is to make sure these bulls are of the highest quality and in the right condition to be ready to succeed for you. The following are just a few of the items we believe in doing right so that you can have the most accurate data to make your purchasing decisions and have bulls that are ready to go to work.
Breeding soundness guaranteed - all bulls have passed a complete BSE and have been inspected by a veterinarian prior to the sale
DNA Genomic Tested with Genomic-Enhanced EPDs
Ultrasound data collected & provided in the sale book
Born, raised, & developed in large pastures, not a feed lot
Complete AHIR performance records
Strong herd health vaccination & management program
• All bulls are current on vaccinations
• All bulls have been BVD-PI tested negative
We would appreciate the opportunity to help market and promote your calves sired by Select Sale bulls. We assist in marketing thousands of feeder calves a year through our auction market partnerships and have buyers that are interested in purchasing these calves. Just let us know when you are ready to sell and we will work with you and our partners to help market your calves. We look forward to working with you! MID-ATLANTIC CATTLE SALES WWW.MACSVIDEO.COM GRADED FEEDER CALF SALES WWW.NORWOODFEEDERCALF.COM STANLY COUNTY LIVESTOCK MARKET WWW.NORWOODSTOCKYARDNC.COM
Sire: GB Fireball 672
GB Anticipation 432
CoX Excaliber 8590 Dam: EBS Ms Bummermaid 8590-217
Ebs MS Bummermaid 074-401
Sitz Resilient 10208
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
SydGen Bonus 8084
Dam: EBS Miss Key 8084-165
Ebs Miss Key 177-659
Sire: LAR Man in Black
JMB Maxine TG 2131
Granger Great Falls 053
Dam: Musgrave Lady Barbara 293
MA Lady Barbara 453
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
SydGen Fate 2800
Dam: HS Miss Key’s Faith C34
HS Miss Key B12
Sitz Resilient 10208
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
Musgrave Sky High 91E
Dam: HSCC Lady Barbara H4
Musgrave Lady Barbara 293
Sire: Deer Valley Growth Fund Deer Valley Rita 36116
EBS Forward 623 351 Dam:
Sire: T/D Doc Ryan 049
T/D Ruby of Tiffany 824
Sire: S Architect 9501
TEX Playbook 5437
Mill Brae Benchmark 9016
Baldridge Colonel C251
Sire: Deer Valley Brigade 81247 Deer Valley Rita 36142
Sire: GB Fireball 672
CC&7 074-876
G A R Sure Fire 6404
Sire: GB Fireball 672 GB Anticipation 432
Sitz Stellar 726D Dam: EBS Miss Ella 209 EBS Miss Key W198-925
G A R Sure Fire 6404
Sire: GB Fireball 672
GB Anticipation 432
Sire: EBS
Ebs 377 CC&7 074
Dam: Ebs MS Bernadette 074-483
EBS Miss Bernadette ST-766
Sire: EBS Mark 1812-124
EBS MS Bernadette 177-848
G A R Quantum
Dam: EBS Misss Wendy 5526-228
EBS Miss Wendy 5209-008
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
PA Safeguard 021 Dam: EBS MS Enchantress 021-442 EBS MS Enchantress 074-206
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521 G
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
SydGen Fate 2800
Dam: HS Miss Key’s Faith C34
HS Miss Key B12
Sire: Double Creek Gwth Fund 2104
Sire: Double Creek Gwth Fund 2104
Sitz Resilient 10208
Sire: Connealy Craftsman
Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
SydGen Enhance
Dam: EBS Miss Jennie 5209-163
Ebs Miss Jennie R525-648
Sire: EBS
Sire: EBS Know How 143 Ebs MS Bernadette 177-621
SydGen Enhance Dam: EBS Miss Key 5209-012 EBS Miss Key 177-747
Sire: Ebs CC&7 074-876
Sire: EBS Mark 1812-124
EBS MS Bernadette 177-848
V A R Power Forward 9111
Dam: EBS Ms Traveless 9111-236
EBS Ms Traveless 1X74-702
ANGUS • BULL AAA 20934335 [RDF] • DOB:
Sire: URF Gavel J016
SIMANGUS • BULL ASA 4424653 • DOB: 10/27/23 • TAT: L65
Musgrave Big Sky
Sire: Musgrave Sky High 1535 Flag Queen W 00649
CWT Burn Notice Y12
Dam: Circle A Lila 522C
Circle A Miss Lila
Sire: CDI/NF Honor Guard 267H
The open heifers will come into the ring in groups of 3-5 head per group. Winning bidder will have the option to select the number of heifers he or she wants or can sweep the ring. Open heifers are sold as guaranteed breeders providing proper health and nutrition management. All heifers are up to date on vaccinations. In addition, all EBS, Double Creek, and HSCC heifers are BVD-PI tested negative.
G A R Sure Fire 6404
Sire: GB Fireball 672 GB Anticipation 432
CoX Excaliber 8590
Dam: EBS Miss Wendy 8590-233
Ebs Miss Wendy 074 372
E W A Peyton 642
Sire: Ebs CC&7 074-876
Ebs Miss Wendy 021-410
Ebs Hemisphere 453
Dam: EBS Miss Traveless 453-792
Ebs MS Diamond Traveless 324
Sire: Ebs CC&7 074-876
Sire: GB Fireball 672 GB Anticipation 432 CoX Excaliber 8590
Dam: EBS Ms Bernadette 8590-232
Ebs MS Bernadette 6099-439
Ebs Hemisphere 453
Sire: Ebs CC&7 074-876
Ebs Miss Wendy 021-410
Sire: Ebs CC&7 074-876
Jindra Acclaim
Dam: EBS MsTraveless 134-934
Ebs Miss Traveless 074-487
Ebs Miss Wendy 021-410
Tehama 944 R525
Dam: Ebs MS Bernadette R525-653
Ebs MS Bernadette 074-483
Sire: EBS Know How 143 Ebs MS Bernadette 177-621
SydGen Enhance Dam: EBS Miss Key 5209-014
EBS Miss Key W198-839
Ebs 377 CC&7 074
Sire: Ebs CC&7 074-876
Ebs Miss Wendy 021-410
R B Tour Of Duty 177
Dam: Ebs Miss Key 177-696
Ebs Miss Key 6099-153
Sire: EBS Power 258
SydGen Enhance Dam: EBS Miss Wendy 5209-016
Miss Wendy 177-765
Sire: Ebs CC&7 074-876
Ebs Miss Wendy 021-410
BUBS Southern Charm AA31
Dam: EBS Miss Charm AA31-017
Ebs Miss Traveless 074-487
Sire: URF Gavel J016 Springfield Blackcap 1156
Hoover Know How Dam: EBS Miss Jennie R67-148
Ebs Miss Jennie 074-405
Ebs 377 CC&7 074
Sire: Ebs CC&7 074-876
Ebs Miss Wendy 021-410
Sire: Ellingson Deep River
A & B SpotLite 3065
Dam: EBS Missy Key Wee 3065 820
EBS Miss Key Wee 177 649
EA Primrose 5083
Connealy Blackhawk 6198
Dam: Double Creek Edella 1809
Double Creek Edella 1507
SydGen KCF Gavel 8361
Sire: URF Gavel J016
Blackcap 1156
Sire: Double Crk Growth Fund 2104
Double Creek Rosebud 1613
E W A High Weigh 3123
Dam: Double Creek Edella 1705
Gentry Homeplace Edella 1020
Musgrave Sky High 1535
Sire: Musgrave Sky High 91E
Musgrave Lady Barbara 213
A & B SpotLite 3065
Dam: EBS MS Bernadette 3065-851
Ebs MS Bernadette 177-621
Sire: URF Alpha G138
URF Sarah 1514
PVF Insight 0129
Dam: PVF Proven Queen 8193
PVF Proven Queen 3044
Sire: Ebs CC&7 876-274
EBS Miss Key 134-958
Ebs Destiny 540
Dam: EBS Miss Key 540-786
Ebs Miss Key 957L-477
Sire: HSCC Emerald J54
HS Miss Key’s Faith C34
SAV Iron Mountain 8066
Dam: BluQ Primrose 1679
44 Primrose 7059
SydGen Enhance
Sire: MOGCK Entice
MOGCK Erica 2255
Colburn Primo 5153
Dam: HSCC Miss Key F50
HS Miss Key Y105
Ebs CC&7 074-876
Sire: Ebs CC&7 876-274
EBS Miss Key 134-958
Byergo Boomer 6351
Dam: HSCC Blackbird G37
HS Blackbird C6
Sire: Hoffman Thedford HA Rito Lady 3839
TJ Franchise 451D
Dam: HSCC Ms Swag J51
GBC Ms Swag 71SD
Connealy Emerald
Sire: HSCC Emerald J54
HS Miss Key’s Faith C34
CRA Bextor 872 5205 608
Dam: Yon Witch X587
YON Witch S310
Bar R Jet Black 5063
Sire: Hoffman Thedford HA Rito Lady 3839
Connealy Emerald
Dam: HSCC Lucy J63
Musgrave Lucy 5253-7360
Sire: Ebs CC&7 876-274
EBS Miss Key 134-958
Ebs 377 CC&7 074
Dam: EBS Miss Key 074-095
Ebs Miss Key 630-519
An updated sale listing will be provided on sale day for all of the bred heifers. The heifers will come into the ring in groups of 3-5 head per group. Winning bidder will have the option to select the number of heifers he or she wants or can sweep the ring.
The Silver Springs heifers were born September 2023. They have been AI bred and then pasture exposed to a bull. These heifers will sell as exposed but will not be confirmed bred or open. These heifers are sold as guaranteed breeders providing proper health and nutrition management.
AI bred on 11/26/24 & 11/27/24 to BIGK/WSC IRON HORSE 025F (AAA 19415015)
Commercial Angus and Charolais-X bred heifers due January-March 2025. These heifers are sired by AI bulls or Harward Sisters herd sires born late Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Heifers are bred to calving-ease Angus bulls from EBS Farms. Heifers are up to date on vaccinations and BVD-PI tested negative.
Pasture exposed from 3/1/24 to 4/10/24 to EBS BONUS 140 (AAA 20058584) and EBS BONUS 104 (AAA 20058554)
Pasture exposed from 4/10/24 to 9/1/24 to EBS MARK 1812-124 (AAA 20058570)
LOTS 126-155
Commercial Angus-based heifers due to start calving 2/8/2025 for 60 days. There are 28 black heifers, 1 BWF, and 1 Smoke heifer. Heifers are bred to calving-ease Angus bulls from EBS Farms and Harward Sisters with CED EPDs of +10 and +15 and BW EPDs of +0.3 and +0.1 respectively. Heifers are up to date on vaccinations and BVD-PI tested negative.
Pasture exposed from 5/1/24 to 7/1/24 to EBS REGIMENT 304 (AAA 20625091) and HSCC JET BLACK K44 (AAA 20752881)
Commercial Angus and Hereford-X heifers due to calve February-April 2025. There are 12 black and BWF heifers and 3 Hereford and RWF heifers. Heifers are bred to calving-ease Angus and Hereford bulls.
Bred to SM PAYTON 088 (AAA 20161805), TPH BIG MAN 567 (AHA 43546691), and JC L1 DOMINO 727E 047H (AHA 44207394)
SydGen Black Pearl 2006
Sire: Gentry Black Pearl 1718
Gentry Rosebud 1405
Sire: MOGCK Entice
K C F Bennett Southside
Dam: Double Creek Witch 1616
Gentry Homeplace Witch 774G
MOGCK Erica 255 EBS Hemisphere 476
Double Creek Edella 1516
Gentry Homeplace Edella 1009
Jindra 3rd
Sire: Jindra Acclaim
Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111
WAR Alliance 9126 6006
Dam: Gentry Homeplace Edella 753G
Gentry Homeplace Edella 360G
Sire: Connealy Blackhawk 6198
Precious of Conanga 380X
44 Conveyance 0X52
Dam: Double Creek Edella 1507
Gentry Homeplace Edella 1020
Sire: MOGCK Entice MOGCK
Sire: Double Creek Journey 1612
Double Creek Edella 1401
C R A Bexter 872 5205 608
Dam: Double Creek Miss Lass 110 D D 383T 878
Registered Angus bred heifers due to calve to a registered Angus bull in January. More information available sale day.
Bred to EBS MARK 1812-124 (AAA 20058570)
ANGUS • COW AAA 20625166 [RDF] • DOB: 11/15/22 • TAT: 375
Bar R Jet Black 5063
Sire: LAR Man in Black JMB Maxine TG 2131
Sire: BUBS Southern Charm AA31
EBS 377 CC&7 074
Dam: EBS Miss Wendy 074-894
EBS Miss Wendy NL-914
Hickory Hill Erica 009
EBS 377 CC&7 074
Dam: EBS Miss Traveless 074-487
EBS Miss Traveless NL-925
PASTURE EXPOSED TO EBS CC&7 074-876 FROM 12/1/2024 TO 1/3/2025. OBSERVED BRED ON 12/2/2024.
Sire: CoX Excaliber 8590 RB Lady Reserve 167-522
SydGen CC&7
Dam: EBS MS Bernadette 6099-439 EBS MS Bernadette 376-947
PASTURE EXPOSED TO EBS CC&7 074-876 FROM 12/1/2024 TO 1/3/2025. OBSERVED BRED ON 12/1/2024.
Commercial Angus cows that are 4 and 5 years old with fall calves at side. Cows have been exposed back to a bull since 11/20/24 to sale day. More information available sale day.
PASTURE EXPOSED TO EBS CC&7 074-876 FROM 12/1/2024 TO 1/3/2025. OBSERVED BRED ON 12/2/2024.
CAN’T MAKE THE SALE? Watch and bid online with DV Auction’s real-time internet bidding service. Complete the following steps by going to WWW.DVAUCTION.COM
1. Sign in to your account or create an account under the “Register” tab.
2. Apply for bidding approval by clicking the “Details” tab. A DVAuction representative will notify you once you have been approved. We encourage you to apply for bidding at least 24-hours prior to the auction to ensure you are approved in time for the sale.
3. Watch and bid online and make your purchases!
After the sale, please contact the sale staff to arrange transportation and payment. Please note that high speed internet is required to be able to bid successfully during the sale. If you have questions regarding your internet status, contact 402-316-5460 or support@dvauction.com.
If you are having troubles watching or bidding during the auction, you can type a message to the operator in the auction at any time or contact the DVAuction full-time support team at 402-316-5460. www.dvauction.com/events/227990