August Catalog 2018

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A Family Owned and Operated Livestock Video Auction WWW.MACSVIDEO.COM

AUGUST 8, 2018

Start Time: 9:30 AM est. / 8:30 AM cst. Marcus Harward: 704-322-0840 Office: 704-463-5828


Video sales are a marketing mechanism that have grown in popularity due to the opportunities they present to producers who deal in large numbers of stocker and feeder cattle. Cattle are generally marketed in trailer-load lots weighing approximately 48,500 pounds; however, we can also sell “partial loads” if there are not enough cattle to make a full trailer-load. Before the sale, a representative from MACS goes to the farm to record video of the cattle while also documenting important information about the cattle including breed, frame, muscling, and fleshing as well as health and nutrition programs. The following catalog provides this information from our consignors and contractors to assist with marketing the consigned cattle. If you have any questions regarding the stated information, please contact a MACS representative listed throughout this catalog.

SALE DATE & TIME: AUGUST 8, 2018 - Wednesday 9:30 am est. | 8:30 am cst. CONTACT:

Office .....................................704-463-5828 Marcus Harward ....................704-322-0840 Bruce Shankle .......................704-694-8686 Brooke Harward ...................704-322-9770


Bidding Options

We want to offer you the best opportunities we can to participate in our sales each month. Below are three options for bidding on the sale.

1. Conference Call / Tel-o-Auction

The most common resource used is our nationwide tel-o-auction. Contact Marcus or Brooke prior to the sale to receive a buyer’s number. After 9:15 est. on sale day, you can call the auction number to listen and bid on the sale. Please keep background noise to a minimum as we will have multiple people on the line.

CALL-IN NUMBER: 1-866-906-9888 PASSCODE: 9461720 # View catalog, videos, and additional When asked for your name, you may state your name OR updates online on our website. simply press the # sign to enter the call. To mute your phone, press *6. To un-mute, press *6 again. All videos of sale cattle are posted directly on our YouTube channel listed above. 2. Internet Viewing & Bidding To view the sale or bid online, visit You ANNOUNCEMENTS: must access the sale from a computer (not through a tablet or Announcements made on sale day will smart phone) to watch the sale. Find the “Mid-Atlantic Cattle take precedence over what is stated in the Sales (Richfield, NC)” sale and click on “Details.” From this page catalog. you can view the catalog, videos, or log in to watch the sale. If you have an account, log in and view the sale. If you do not, you must create an account under the “Create New Account” TERMS & CONDITIONS: • Most loads have weight stops at 25-50 tab in the upper left hand corner of the screen. You will need to lbs. over the base weight. The individual confirm this account through your e-mail. It is best to do this at least a day before the sale. weight stops are posted on each lot. • Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per You DO NOT have to be approved just to watch the sale but you will still need to create an account with DVAuction. day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last To register for a buyer’s number, call Brooke at 704-322-9770 prior to the sale to be approved to bid online. stated delivery date. • Payment by Buyer is due to Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales at such times as the value of 3. Absentee Bidding the cattle is determined based on weight For people who can not view the sale at sale time, we have inde(subject to condition), price (subject to pendent contractors who can assist you with absentee bidding. condition), and any other conditions stat- Contact Marcus at 704-322-0840 for more information. ed at time of sale. All payment due will be MID-ATLANTIC CATTLE SALES in accordance with USDA P & S prompt pay policy. 28978 Misenheimer Rd • Richfield, NC 28137

Office: 704-463-5828 • Fax: 704-463-5861

Family owned and operated since 2010

TABLE OF CONTENTS August 8, 2018 Video Sale Information Call-In and Online Information Table of Contents Gordon Brothers Farms Angus Dispersal Sale

Page 2 Page 4 Page 3-4 Page 5

Central Carolina Livestock Alliance - Pages 6-7

* All-Natural, Source And Age Verified, Gap 4 Certified through IMI Global *

Lot 8108 1 Load


860 lbs.

CCLA **All-Natural**

Page 7

Lot 8109 1 Load


650 lbs.

CCLA **All-Natural**

Page 7

Lot 8110 1 S. Load Steers Heifers

695 lbs. 670 lbs.

CCLA **All-Natural**

Page 7

Lot 8111 1 S. Load Steers Heifers

845 lbs. 750 lbs.

CCLA - Lassiter Farm **All-Natural**

Page 7

Lot 8112 Lot 8113 Lot 8114 Lot 8115 Lot 8116 Lot 8117 Lot 8118 Lot 8119 Lot 8120

575 lbs. 625 lbs. 700 lbs. 750 lbs. 775 lbs. 795 lbs. 850 lbs. 800 lbs. 850 lbs.

Hidden Valley Farm **All-Natural** Donald Chriscoe Farm Bowman Farms **All-Natural** Donald Chriscoe Farm Hill Creek Farm **All-Natural** 2 C Cattle Virginia Land & Cattle **All-Natural** Bowman Farms **All-Natural** Bowman Farms **All-Natural**

Page 8 Page 8 Page 9 Page 9 Page 10 Page 10 Page 11 Page 11 Page 12

1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 2 Loads 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load

Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers

Continued on next page...

Most loads have weight stops at 25-50 lbs. over the base weight. The individual weight stops are posted on each lot. Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. Page -3-

TABLE OF CONTENTS August 8, 2018 Lot 8121 Lot 8122 Lot 8123 Lot 8124 Lot 8125 Lot 8126 Lot 8127 Lot 8128

1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 S. Load

Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Steers Heifers

600 lbs. 600 lbs. 700 lbs. 750 lbs. 750 lbs. 750 lbs. 785 lbs. 610 lbs. 600 lbs.

Bowman Farms **All-Natural** Donald Chriscoe Farm Donald Chriscoe Farm Virginia Land & Cattle **All-Natural** K Farms **All-Natural** Bowman Farms **All-Natural** Ridgecrest Farms Grady Jones & Family Partnership **All-Natural**

Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16

Lot 8129 1 S. Load Steers Heifers Lot 8130 1 S. Load Steers Heifers Lot 8131 1 S. Load Steers Heifers Lot 8132 1 S. Load Steers Heifers

650 lbs. 600 lbs. 725 lbs. 650 lbs. 750 lbs. 700 lbs. 775 lbs. 725 lbs.

Son Rise Plantation **All-Natural**

Page 16

Joe & Al McIntyre Farms **All-Natural** Page 17 William Brigman Farms **All-Natural**

Page 17

Circle T Farm **All-Natural**

Page 18

2018 Auction Schedule Feeder Calf Sale Information

Page 19 Page 19

“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” Jeremiah 17:14 (NIV)

Most loads have weight stops at 25-50 lbs. over the base weight. The individual weight stops are posted on each lot. Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. Page -4-


Angus Dispersal Sale


Special consignments from guest

SATURDAY • AUGUST 25 12 noon • turnersburg, nc • 50 Spring Pairs - Calves at side & bred back • 65 Fall Bred Cows • 15 Open Heifers • Offering includes embryo calves and RAMPAGE recipient cows carrying high-quality embryos!


1 8 S0ell!


Cattle will work great for commercial cattlemen or Registered Angus breeders!

Head to

Sale Book, pictures, and videos available online at






Selling progeny from these breed leading AI sires and more!

SALE LOCATION: HARWARD BROTHERS LIVESTOCK MARKET, TURNERSBURG, NC Sale Books mailed by request only: Bruce Shankle - (704) 694-8686 Brooke Harward - (704) 322-9770 or

Sale Managed by MACS Marcus Harward Office (704) 463-5828 Cell (704) 322-0840 Page -5-

Lots 8108-8111:

Central Carolina Livestock Alliance

Burlington, NC 20 miles east of Greensboro, NC Alliance Manager: Frank Bell (336) 260-8190 or (336) 584-7607 The Central Carolina Livestock Alliance producers have come together to market their home-raised, performance driven calves together on truckload lots. All calves follow the same vaccination, nutrition, and genetic programs found on this page. Additionally, the alliance members are all GAP 4 certified through IMI Global.

Load Out DATE: AUGUST 9 - 13 Calves are hauled 5-30 miles to the Alamance County Cattlemen’s barn, sorted, and weighed on the ground. No Shrink. $5/cwt slide topside only.

Genetic Program

Calves are predominantly Angus-Simmental half-blood calves, typically out of half-blood SimAngus cows and sired by Angus or SimAngus bulls. Extensive Artificial Insemination work has been used for many years. All bulls used are performance tested and come from reputable purebred breeders. These bulls include sons sired by PVF Rookie, GAR Predestined, RCR Stetson, and PVF Black Joker.

Management Protocols

FEED: Cattle are fed a commodity soyhull ration with grass, hay, and a chelated mineral program. All calves are bunk broke and broke to waterers.

VACCINATIONS: Calves are triple vaccinated according to the SelectVac program as listed below. First Round: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 UltraChoice 8 Dectomax

Second Round: Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot UltraChoice 8 *No implants!*

Third Round: Enforce 3

BACKGROUND: Calves are home-raised. They have been weaned for 45+ days and backgrounded at each producer’s farm.


All of these calves qualify as ALL-NATURAL. The calves will be SOURCE-AND-AGE verified and tagged. Producers are BQA CERTIFIED and follow all BQA guidelines. Producers are GAP 4 CERTIFIED* and all calves qualify for the GAP program. *Producers are independently GAP Certified through IMI Global. The certification information will be transferred to the buyer at time of delivery.

This Month’s Alliance Producers:

Leo Boswell, Ken Culberson, Doug Gilliam, Tony Isley, Eric McPherson, Barton Mitchell, & David Lassiter* *Lot 8111 contains only David Lassiter’s calves Page -6-

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 LOT 8108 STEERS 1 LOAD - 60 HEAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 200 lbs. 860 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840 Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

98% 2% -

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 #11/2

100% -


Flesh 100%

LOT 8109 HEIFERS 1 LOAD - 75 HEAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 200 lbs. 650 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840 Heifers Guaranteed Open Blk/BWF Frame 98% Ch-X Medium 2% 100% Red Large #1 #11/2

100% -

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Flesh Medium 100%

LOT 8110 Avg. Wt:

STRS/HFRS 1 SPLIT LOAD Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________ 55 Strs: 695 lbs. Variance: 200 lbs. 20 Hfrs: 670 lbs. Variance: 200 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840 Heifers Guaranteed Open Heifers sell $.06 back. Blk/BWF Frame 98% Ch-X Medium 2% 100% Red Large #1 Flesh 100% #11/2 Medium 100% Single Producer Load: David Lassiter LOT 8111 STRS/HFRS 1 SPLIT LOAD Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________ Avg. Wt: 32 Strs: 845 lbs. Variance: 250 lbs. 26 Hfrs: 750 lbs. Variance: 250 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840 Heifers Guaranteed Open Heifers sell $.06 back. Blk/BWF Frame 100% Ch-X Medium 100% Red Large #1 Flesh 100% #11/2 Medium 100% Calves sired by sons of RB Tour of Duty 177, GAR Objective 8128, and HA Image Maker 0415 from Smith Angus Farm and New Morning Angus. Also had LongRange dewormer. Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. Page -7-

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 LOT 8112 STEERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 150 lbs. 575 lbs. Contractor: David Landreth 864-444-8214

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Hidden Valley Farms 8 miles south of Abbeville, SC 40 miles south of Greenville, SC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

96% 3 hd.

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 100% 1/2 #1 Medium 100% Delivery Date: August 20 - 24 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 10 miles and weighed on the truck. Nutrition: 2-3# 13% CPC Grower feed with baleage, rye grass, and free choice minerals. Vaccinations: Inforce 3 (1x), Bovi-Shield One Shot (1x), Bovi-Shield Gold FP5 VL5 (1x), Vision 7 som. w/ spur (1x), Dewormer: Inject. Dectomax, Valbazen Drench Cavalry 9 (1x). NO IMPLANTS COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified. An excellent set of steers that are all-natural and home-raised. Calves are under an excellent vaccination program and weaned 45+ days at shipping. Calves are out of Angus cows and sired by high-performing Simmental and SimAngus bulls, 50-65% are AI-sired. They are bunk broke. There are 3 reds but the load may be all black/bwf. They were banded at weaning. A very good set of all-natural steers. LOT 8113 STEERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 625 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Donald Chriscoe Farm Asheboro, NC 40 miles south of Greensboro, NC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

90% 5% 5%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: ASAP by August 17 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be weighed on the ground on Certified Scales. Need a 24 hour notice. Nutrition: Haylage and DDG TMR with access to mineral, grass, and hay. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (2x), Vision 7 20/20 (1x), Nuplura (1x), Occuguard Pinkeye Implants: Dewormer: Ivomec Inject (2x) None COMMENTS Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified. A fancy load of reputational steers from Donald Chriscoe. They are weaned, are bunk broke, broke to Ritchie waters, and under a good health program. They were purchased as 4-weights from local producers, mainly using high-quality Angus bulls on Angus-X cows. An excellent set of growthy type steers ready to go to grass or feed. Page -8-

Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date.

LOT 8114 STEERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 150 lbs. 700 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Bowman Farms - William Bowman Iva, SC 45 miles southwest of Greenville, SC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

50% 35% 15%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: November 12 - 16 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 15 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: 10-12# of 13% TMR and haylage after weaning. Free choice minerals, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vira Shield 6 VL5 HB (1x), Vista Once (1x), Cavalry 9 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Eprinex (1x), Safeguard (1x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified A fancy set of home-raised, all-natural steers from Bowman Farms. Steers are Angus-based, sired by registered Angus bulls (Yon, Bricton, & Clemson genetics), Charolais bulls (only bred to black cows), or a couple Red Angus bulls. Most calves will be at least 50% Angus. 5% of calves have a touch of ear. They will be double vaccinated and weaned over 45 days at delivery. They are bunk broke and broke to waters. The red calves are out of Red Angus genetics. An excellent load of reputational cattle. LOT 8115 STEERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 750 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Donald Chriscoe Farm Asheboro, NC 40 miles south of Greensboro, NC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

90% 5% 5%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: ASAP by August 17 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be weighed on the ground on Certified Scales. Need a 24 hour notice. Nutrition: Haylage and DDG TMR with access to mineral, grass, and hay. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (2x), Vision 7 20/20 (1x), Nuplura (1x), Occuguard Pinkeye Implants: Dewormer: Ivomec Inject (2x) None COMMENTS Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified. Another good set of reputational yearling steers from Donald Chriscoe. They have been weaned for over 100 days, are bunk broke, broke to Ritchie waters, and under a good health program. They were purchased as 4-weights from local producers, mainly using high-quality Angus bulls on Angus-X cows. An excellent set of growthy type steers ready to go to feed. Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. Page -9-

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 LOT 8116 STEERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 150 lbs. 775 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Hill Creek Farms - John Rogers Hartsville, SC 20 miles NW of Florence, SC off US Hwy 15 Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

75% 20% 5%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: August 27 - 31 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 10 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: Grazing pasture crabgrass with just a little feed and free choice mineral and hay. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (1x), Bovi-Shield One Shot (1x), Ultrabac 7 w/ som (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Safeguard (2x), LongRange (1x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified. A nice set of home-raised steers. They are out of Angus based cows and Angus bulls and will be weaned for 60+ days. They are under an excellent vaccination program with complete records. They are broke to waterers and a hot wire fence. They are carrying a medium grass flesh and getting just a little feed. A fancy set of reputation type steers ready to go to feed. LOT 8117 STEERS 2 LOADS - 119 HEAD Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________ Avg. Wt: Variance: 150 lbs. 795 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840 2 C Cattle - Dale Casstevens Dobson, NC 35 miles northwest of Winston-Salem, NC Blk/BWF Frame 100 hd Ch-X Medium 14 hd. 100% Red Large 3 hd. Char. 2 hd. #1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: August 22 - 23. Need a 48 hr. notice. Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 5 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: Grazing fescue and clover with 15# TMR and free choice mineral and hay. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield One Shot (1x), Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (1x), Ultrabac 7 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: LongRange (1x) Ralgro (1x) COMMENTS Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified. A very good set of yearling, backgrounded steers that have been weaned for over 100 days. Steers were purchased as 4-weights from local farmers and backgrounded at the farm. Steers are docile. There are 2 pink-nosed Charolais calves on the loads. A good set of well-managed, double vaccinated, reputational steers ready to go to feed. There are 119 head for right at 2 loads. Page -10-

Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date.

LOT 8118 STEERS 1 LOAD - 58 HEAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 150 lbs. 850 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Virginia Land and Cattle Marion, VA 30 miles southwest of Wytheville, VA Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

100% -

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 100% 1/2 #1 Medium 100% Delivery Date: ASAP by August 17 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be weighed on the ground on Certified Scales. Nutrition: 15# TMR corn and ground hay. Grazing pasture grass with free choice mineral and hay. Vaccinations: Vista 5 (1x), Vista Once (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Dectomax Inject. None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified. A fancy set of home-raised, northern-type steers. They are almost straight Angus, out of Angus based cows and Angus bulls and weaned for 60+ days. They are under the Merck PrimeVac vaccination program. They are getting a little feed each day as well as grazing some pasture. A fancy set of reputational steers ready to go to feed. LOT 8119 STEERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 800 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Bowman Farms - William Bowman Iva, SC 45 miles southwest of Greenville, SC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

50% 35% 15%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: October 29 - November 2 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 15 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: 10-12# of 13% TMR and haylage after weaning. Free choice minerals, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vira Shield 6 VL5 HB (1x), Vista Once (1x), Cavalry 9 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Eprinex (1x), Safeguard (1x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified A fancy set of home-raised, all-natural steers from Bowman Farms. Steers are Angus-based, sired by registered Angus bulls (Yon, Bricton, & Clemson genetics), Charolais bulls (only bred to black cows), or a couple Red Angus bulls. Most calves will be at least 50% Angus. 5% of calves have a touch of ear. They will be double vaccinated and weaned over 45 days at delivery. They are bunk broke and broke to waters. The red calves are out of Red Angus genetics. An excellent load of reputational cattle. Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. Page -11-

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 LOT 8120 STEERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 850 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Bowman Farms - William Bowman Iva, SC 45 miles southwest of Greenville, SC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

50% 35% 15%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: October 29 - November 2 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 15 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: 10-12# of 13% TMR and haylage after weaning. Free choice minerals, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vira Shield 6 VL5 HB (1x), Vista Once (1x), Cavalry 9 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Eprinex (1x), Safeguard (1x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified A fancy set of home-raised, all-natural steers from Bowman Farms. Steers are Angus-based, sired by registered Angus bulls (Yon, Bricton, & Clemson genetics), Charolais bulls (only bred to black cows), or a couple Red Angus bulls. Most calves will be at least 50% Angus. 5% of calves have a touch of ear. They will be double vaccinated and weaned over 45 days at delivery. They are bunk broke and broke to waters. The red calves are out of Red Angus genetics. An excellent load of reputational cattle. LOT 8121 HEIFERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 600 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Bowman Farms - William Bowman Iva, SC 45 miles southwest of Greenville, SC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

50% 35% 15%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: November 5 - 9 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 15 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: 10-12# of 13% TMR and haylage after weaning. Free choice minerals, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vira Shield 6 VL5 HB (1x), Vista Once (1x), Cavalry 9 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Eprinex (1x), Safeguard (1x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified A fancy set of home-raised, all-natural heifers from Bowman Farms. They are Angus-based, sired by registered Angus bulls (Yon, Bricton, & Clemson genetics), Charolais bulls (only bred to black cows), or a couple Red Angus bulls. Most calves will be at least 50% Angus. 5% of calves have a touch of ear. They will be double vaccinated and weaned over 45 days at delivery. They are bunk broke and broke to waters. The red calves are out of Red Angus genetics. An excellent load of reputational cattle. Page -12-

Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date.

LOT 8122 HEIFERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 600 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Donald Chriscoe Farm Asheboro, NC 40 miles south of Greensboro, NC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

90% 5%. 5%

Medium Large

Frame 95% 5%

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: ASAP by August 17 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be weighed on the ground on Certified Scales. Need a 24 hour notice. Nutrition: Haylage and DDG TMR with access to mineral, grass, and hay. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (2x), Vision 7 20/20 (1x), Nuplura (1x), Occuguard Pinkeye Implants: Dewormer: Ivomec Inject (2x) None COMMENTS Backgrounded, Weaned, Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified. A nice set of backgrounded northern-type heifers. Heifers are weaned and are under a good health program. They were purchased as 4-weights from local farmers and are Angus-based, sired by mainly Angus bulls. Heifers are bunk broke and broke to Ritchie waters. They will be preg-checked and guaranteed open. A fancy set of heifers ready to go to feed. LOT 8123 HEIFERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 700 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Donald Chriscoe Farm Asheboro, NC 40 miles south of Greensboro, NC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

90% 5%. 5%

Medium Large

Frame 95% 5%

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: ASAP by August 17 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be weighed on the ground on Certified Scales. Need a 24 hour notice. Nutrition: Haylage and DDG TMR with access to mineral, grass, and hay. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (2x), Vision 7 20/20 (1x), Nuplura (1x), Occuguard Pinkeye Implants: Dewormer: Ivomec Inject (2x) None COMMENTS Backgrounded, Weaned, Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified. Another good set of backgrounded, northern-type heifers. Heifers are weaned and are under a good health program. They were purchased as 4-weights from local farmers and are Angus-based, sired by mainly Angus bulls. Heifers are bunk broke and broke to Ritchie waters. They will be preg-checked and guaranteed open. A fancy set of heifers ready to go to feed. Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. Page -13-

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 LOT 8124 HEIFERS 1 LOAD - 55 HEAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 150 lbs. 750 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Virginia Land and Cattle Marion, VA 30 miles southwest of Wytheville, VA Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

54 hd. 1 hd. -

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 100% 1/2 #1 Medium 100% Delivery Date: ASAP by August 17 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be weighed on the ground on Certified Scales. Nutrition: 15# TMR corn and ground hay. Grazing pasture grass with free choice mineral and hay. Vaccinations: Vista 5 (1x), Vista Once (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Dectomax Inject. None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified. A fancy set of home-raised, all-natural, northern-type heifers. They are almost straight Angus, out of Angus based cows and Angus bulls and weaned for 60+ days. They are under the Merck PrimeVac vaccination program. There is one black-nosed Ch-x heifer with tipped horns and one black skunk tail heifer. A fancy set of heifers ready to go to feed. LOT 8125 HEIFERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 150 lbs. 750 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

K Farms Turnersburg, NC 10 miles north of Statesville, NC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

85% 10% 5%

Medium Large

Frame 95% 5%

#1 Flesh 90% 1/2 #1 Medium 10% 100% Delivery Date: ASAP by August 17. Need 48 hour notice Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled into the barn and weighed on the ground on Certified Scales. TMR of corn silage, DGs, cotton, and soyhulls and also grazing bermuda grass with free choice mineral and hay Nutrition: Vaccinations: Vista 5 (1x), Vista Once (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Ivermectin None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified. A very good set of all-natural heifers from K Farms that are located in Turnersburg. These heifers are Angus-based with a little Simmental in them. They are bunk broke and broke to waterers. They have been sleeved by a vet, guaranteed open. A very good set of all-natural, backgrounded heifers ready to go as soon as possible. Page -14-

Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date.

LOT 8126 HEIFERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 750 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Bowman Farms - William Bowman Iva, SC 45 miles southwest of Greenville, SC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

50% 35% 15%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: November 5 - 9 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 15 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: 10-12# of 13% TMR and haylage after weaning. Free choice minerals, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vira Shield 6 VL5 HB (1x), Vista Once (1x), Cavalry 9 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Eprinex (1x), Safeguard (1x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified A fancy set of home-raised, all-natural heifers from Bowman Farms. They are Angus-based, sired by registered Angus bulls (Yon, Bricton, & Clemson genetics), Charolais bulls (only bred to black cows), or a couple Red Angus bulls. Most calves will be at least 50% Angus. 5% of calves have a touch of ear. They will be double vaccinated and weaned over 45 days at delivery. They are bunk broke and broke to waters. The red calves are out of Red Angus genetics. An excellent load of reputational cattle. LOT 8127 HEIFERS 1 LOAD Avg. Wt: Variance: 125 lbs. 785 lbs. Contractor: Mark Bray 276-952-5630

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Ridgecrest Farms Lawsonville, NC 35 miles north of Winston-Salem, NC Blk/BWF Ch-X Red

80% 15% 5%

Medium Large

Frame 100% -

#1 Flesh 95% 1/2 #1 Medium 5% 100% Delivery Date: August 9 - 17 Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be weighed on the farm on Certified Scales. Nutrition: Corn silage, wet corn gluten, and soyhulls with pasture, hay, and minerals. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (1x), Inforce 3 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Ivermectin Pour-On (2x), Safeguard Ralgro (110+ days ago) COMMENTS Backgrounded, Weaned, Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified A very nice load of backgrounded heifers from Ridgecrest Farms. These heifers have been weaned and backgrounded here for 60+ days. They are thick-muscled, medium framed cattle.We will have a very accurate weight on sale day. A very good load of reputation type heifers ready to go to feed. They have all been sleeved, guaranteed open by a vet from Rocky Creek Vets. Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. Page -15-

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 LOT 8128 Avg. Wt:

STRS/HFRS 1 SPLIT LOAD 60% Strs: 610 lbs.Variance: 150 lbs. 40% Hfrs: 600 lbs.Variance: 150 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Grady Jones & Family Partnership Dillon, SC 30 mi. north of Florence, SC - 4 mi. east of Dillon Blk/BWF Frame 100% Char-X Medium 100% Red Large #1 Flesh 95% Medium #11/2 5% 100% Heifers sell $.08 back.Shrink: Delivery Date: August 27 - 31 Slide: $8/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 5 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: 8-10# Southern States 14% commodity and oats with free choice minerals, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (2x), One Shot Ultra 8 (1x), Ultrabac 7 (1x) Implants: Dewormer: Ivomec Pour-On (1x); Valbazen (1x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Heifers Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified. A good split load of home-raised, all-natural steers and heifers. They will be weaned for 45+ days. They are Angus-based with some Ultrablack or Brangus breeding (Cow Creek). They will have 1/16 to 1/8 ear. They are out of Angus & Ultrablack genetics with good muscle and medium frame. They are bunk broke. A very good set of calves that can go to feed anywhere. LOT 8129 Avg. Wt:

STRS/HFRS 1 SPLIT LOAD Variance: Strs: 650 lbs. 125 lbs. Hfrs: 600 lbs. Variance: 125 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Son Rise Plantation - Alton Johnson Warrenton, GA 45 miles west of Augusta, GA Blk/BWF Frame 96% Char-X Medium 3 hd. 100% Red Large #1 Flesh 100% Medium #11/2 100% Delivery Date: ASAP by August 15 Heifers sell $.08 back. Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Need a 48 hour notice to load. Nutrition: Handfed TMR (cracked corn, soyhull pellets, corn gluten) with free choice mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield Gold FP5 L5 (2x), One Shot Ultra (1x) Implants: Dewormer: LongRange (1x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Heifers Guaranted Open, BQA Certified. A real fancy load of home-raised, all-natural calves. They are majority Angus, sired by high performing $B Angus bulls by Deer Valley All In, GAR Sunrise, and GAR Composure. A few have some Hereford influence. Calves are weaned 60+ days and have been double vaccinated. Calves are bunk broke, getting hand fed just a little feed a day. An excellent set of steers and heifers that are ready to go to feed and qualify as all-natural. Page -16-

Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date.

LOT 8130 Avg. Wt:

STRS/HFRS 1 SPLIT LOAD Strs: 725 lbs. Variance: 150 lbs. Hfrs: 650 lbs. Variance: 150 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Joe & Al McIntyre Farms Marion, SC 23 miles east of Florence, SC Blk/BWF Frame 90% Char-X Medium 10% 100% Red Large #1 Flesh 95% Medium #11/2 5% 100% Delivery Date: August 27 - 31 Heifers sell $.06 back. Shrink: Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Hauled 15 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Nutrition: Free choice pasture, hay, and mineral. Vaccinations: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 (1x), Bovi-Shield One Shot (1x), Ultrabac 7 (1x) Implants: Dewormer: Eprinex (2x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Heifers Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified. An excellent set of all-natural, Angus-sired steers and heifers. They are thick-muscled and will carry good hair in the winter time. They have been weaned 45+ days and just running on grass, no feed. Mainly grass cattle carrying just a medium flesh. All calves are sired by Angus bulls and all ch-x have black noses. An excellent set of calves ready to go to feed anywhere. LOT 8131 Avg. Wt:

STRS/HFRS 1 SPLIT LOAD 28 Strs: 750 lbs.Variance: 150 lbs. 40 Hfrs: 700 lbs. Variance: 150 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

William Brigman Farms Latta, SC 15 miles northwest of Florence, SC Blk/BWF Frame 65 hd. Char-X Medium 3 hd. 100% Red Large #1 Flesh 95% Medium #11/2 5% 100% Heifers sell $.06 back.Shrink: Delivery Date: August 21 - 23 Slide: $5/CWT topside only 2% Conditions: Hauled 2 miles and weighed on the truck on Certified Scales. Need a 24 hour notice. Nutrition: 5-7# per head per day of 14% commodity pellets with free choice mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: CattleMaster Gold FP 5 (2x), One Shot Ultra (1x), Ultrabac 7 (1x) Implants: Dewormer: Dectomax Pour-On (2x) None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Heifers Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified. An outstanding set of all-natural, Angus-based steers and heifers. They are very docile and are thick-muscled. They are 60+ days weaned. They are out of an excellent set of SimAngus genetics, many sired by Yon bulls. They have been very well managed and are under a good vaccination program. These calves can be fed anywhere. An excellent set of calves ready to go to feed late August. Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. Page -17-

Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales - August 8, 2018 LOT 8132 Avg. Wt:

STRS/HFRS 1 SPLIT LOAD Strs: 775 lbs. Variance: 150 lbs. Hfrs: 725 lbs. Variance: 150 lbs. Contractor: Marcus Harward 704-322-0840

Price: $ _______________ Buyer # _______________

Circle T Farm Asheboro, NC 40 miles south of Greensboro, NC Blk/BWF Frame 90% Char-X Medium 3% 100% Red Large 7% #1 Flesh 95% Medium #11/2 5% 100% Heifers sell $.06 back.Shrink: Delivery Date: August 13 - 23 Slide: $5/CWT topside only 1% Conditions: Cattle will be hauled 10 miles to Donald Chriscoe’s barn and weighed on ground scales. Nutrition: A little silage along with pasture, minerals, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista 5 (1x), Vista Once (1x), Cavalry 9 (2x) Implants: Dewormer: Ivomec None COMMENTS Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, Heifers Guaranteed Open, BQA Certified. A good set of home-raised, Angus-based calves. Calves are out of Angus-X cows and sired by Angus bulls. They are 10-25% continental with the rest being Angus. Calves are bunk broke, getting just a little silage and mainly running on pasture grass. Heifers have been sleeved by a vet and are guaranteed open. They are a good, stout, growthy set of calves ready to go to feed.

Visit our website at for more sales information

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Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 3# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date.

2018 Auction Schedule

All regular sales will be the first Wednesday of the month starting at 9:30 am est. (8:30 am cst.) unless noted with an (*). Sales are the first Wednesday of the month unless the first Wednesday is the 1st day of the month, then the sale will be the following Wednesday.

September 5 October 3 November 7 December 5

3 More Graded Feeder Calf Sales! Stanly County Livestock Market, Norwood, NC




• Steers or heifer calves 300+ lbs. (400+ lbs. for BQA sale). • Calves will be weighed and graded upon arrival. Calves will be sold in graded groups. • Vaccinations: One dose of Blackleg vaccine and one dose of modified live respiratory vaccine with pasteurella. BQA SALE: One booster dose of blackleg and one booster dose of MLV. • Tagging: Calves will be ear tagged with a sale ear tag prior to sale day (no back tags will be used) • Weaning: BQA calves are weaned for 45+ days. If you are interested in bidding on a graded feeder calf sale, please contact Marcus at 704-322-0840 for more information! Page -19-

28978 Misenheimer Rd • Richfield, NC 28137 Office: 704-463-5828 • Marcus Harward: 704-322-0840

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