tri-county cattlemens association sale STEERS: Lots 9550, 9552, 9554, 9556, 9558, & 9563 HEIFERS: Lots 9565, 9566, 9572, & 9575 The Tri-County Cattlemen’s group has been marketing load lots of feeder calves for over 40 years. This year’s selection includes single and two producer loads as well as composite loads. All loads have 5 farms or less on them and all come from the Chester and tri-county area. These are excellent, reputational cattle that are backed by good management and health programs as well as high-quality genetics. The following is the base information for these loads. Complete information can be found on each lot.
◊ All producers are BQA Certified and follow BQA guidelines ◊ All lots are completely preconditioned for at least 45 days ◊ Health Program (given no less than 2 weeks and no more than 60 days before the sale) VACCINES • Vista Once (1x) • Vista 5 (1x) • Vision 7 (2x)
Ivermectin or white drench dewormer plus external parasite control
◊ Sired by quality Angus, Simmental, SimAngus, Gelbvieh, Balancer, or Charolais bulls. For more information on the cattle or the Tri-County Program, contact Brian Beer (area livestock agent) at 803-320-9360.
tri-county cattlemens association sale Look for the orange Tri-County box in the comments of each lot!
Tuesday - September 1, 2020 1:00 pm edt. | 12:00 pm cdt. CONTACT:
Marcus Harward ....................704-322-0840 Brooke Harward ...................704-322-9770 Bruce Shankle .......................704-694-8686
WEBSITES: View catalog, videos, and additional updates online on our website. All videos of sale cattle are posted directly on our video page listed above.
Announcements made on sale day will take precedence over what is stated in the catalog.
1. Conference Call
• Most loads have weight stops at 25-50 lbs. over the base weight. The individual weight stops are posted on each lot. • Cattle that are picked up after the stated delivery dates will be subject to a 2# per day increase on the base weight and any weight stops for each day late after the last stated delivery date. • Payment by Buyer is due to Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales at such times as the value of the cattle is determined based on weight (subject to condition), price (subject to condition), and any other conditions stated at time of sale. All payment due will be in accordance with USDA P & S prompt pay policy.
Bidding Options
Nationwide conference call in available. Contact Marcus or Brooke prior to the sale to receive a buyer’s number. After 12:45 edt. on sale day, you can call the auction number to listen and bid on the sale. Please keep background noise to a minimum as we will have multiple people on the line.
CALL-IN NUMBER: 1-866-906-9888
PASSCODE: 9461720 #
When asked for your name, you may state your name OR simply press the # sign to enter the call. To mute your phone, press *6. To un-mute, press *6 again.
2. Internet Viewing & Bidding
To view the sale or bid online, visit Find the “Mid-Atlantic Cattle Sales (Richfield, NC)” sale and click on “Details.” From this page you can view the catalog, videos, or log in to watch the sale. If you have an account, log in and view the sale. If you do not, you must create an account under the “Create New Account” tab in the upper left hand corner of the screen. You will need to confirm this account through your e-mail. It is best to do this at least a day before the sale. You DO NOT have to be approved just to watch the sale but you will still need to create an account with DVAuction.
“For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” Jeremiah 31:25 (ESV)
TUES DAY - SEPT EMBER 1, 2020 Lot 9549 Lot 9550 Lot 9551 Lot 9552 Lot 9553 Lot 9554 Lot 9555 Lot 9556 Lot 9557 Lot 9558 Lot 9559 Lot 9560 Lot 9561 Lot 9562 Lot 9563 Lot 9564 Lot 9565 Lot 9566 Lot 9567 Lot 9568 Lot 9569 Lot 9570 Lot 9571 Lot 9572 Lot 9573 Lot 9574 Lot 9575
1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 /2 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 2 Loads 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 /2 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 Load 1 /2 Load
Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Steers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers Heifers
600 lbs. 620 lbs. 650 lbs. 695 lbs. 700 lbs. 715 lbs. 730 lbs. 735 lbs. 740 lbs. 760 lbs. 775 lbs. 800 lbs. 800 lbs. 825 lbs. 835 lbs. 600 lbs. 625 lbs. 620 lbs. 650 lbs. 660 lbs. 700 lbs. 700 lbs. 700 lbs. 715 lbs. 720 lbs. 750 lbs. 765 lbs.
Donald Chriscoe Farm * Tri-County Cattlemen Donald Chriscoe Farm * Tri-County - Lewis Farms *GAP Rosenbaum Feeder Cattle Tri-County - McDonald & Beer * Hy-Hope Farms *GAP Tri-County - Mike Scales D.A. Hill Farms *GAP Tri-County Cattlemen Setzler Farms *GAP Greg Beer Farms *GAP High Shoals Farm & Taylor Farms *GAP Overbridge Farms *GAP Tri-County - Lewis Farms *GAP Donald Chriscoe Farm * Tri-County - Lewis Farms *GAP Tri-County Cattlemen Donald Chriscoe Farm * Rosenbaum Feeder Cattle Greg Beer Farms *GAP Hy-Hope Farms *GAP Setzler Farms *GAP Tri-County - Lewis Farms *GAP Overbridge Farms *GAP High Shoals Farm & Taylor Farms *GAP Tri-County - Wheeler Farm
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Lots 9550, 9552, 9554, 9556, 9558, 9563, 9565, 9566, 9572, & 9575 Look for the orange Tri-County box in the comments of each lot!
= All-Natural
GAP = GAP Certified
VNB = Verified Natural
Lot 9550
1 Load of STEERS (79 head)
Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Tri-County Cattlemen Sharon, SC - 45 miles southwest of Charlotte, NC Home-Raised, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified Base Weight: 620 lbs. Wt. Stop: 655 lbs. Variance: 160 lbs. Pickup Date: September 17, 18, 21, or 22 (Thurs-Tues) Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $6/cwt slide topside only Hauled 15-30 miles to central location and Weigh:
weighed on the ground on Certified Scales Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 98% Blk/BWF, 1-2 hd Ch-X (no pink noses) Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 90% #1 - 10% #1 /2 Frame: 90% Medium - 10% Large Nutrition: 10# per head per day of commodity blend with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Safeguard or Ivomec (2x), Pour-On (1x) Implants: Some with Ralgro (2x) Genetics: Angus X Continental. Sired by Angus, SimAngus, Simmental, Balancer, and Gelbvieh bulls. Comments: Weaned 45+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. 5 farms with cattle on this load, all following the same program. Will load at 2390 Thomson Quarter Rd. Sharon, SC. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Lot 9552
1 Load of STEERS (70 Head)
Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Lewis Farms - John Lewis Chester, SC - 35 miles southwest of Charlotte, NC Home-Raised, All-Natural, GAP Certified, Backgrounded, Weaned Base Weight: 695 lbs. Wt. Stop: 730 lbs. Variance: 165 lbs. Pickup Date: September 7 - 11 Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $5/cwt slide topside only Weighed on the ground at the farm on Certified Weigh:
Scales, some hauled in 15 miles and weighed Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 90% Blk/BWF, 3% Red, 7% Ch-X (no pink noses) Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 90% #1 - 10% #1 /2 Frame: 90% Medium - 10% Large Nutrition: 10# per head per day of commodity blend with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Implants: None Safeguard (1x), Iver. Pour-On (1x) Genetics: Most are 50-65% Angus. Sired by Angus, SimAngus, and Simmental bulls. Comments: Weaned 45+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. BQA Certified. Seller will sign All-Natural affidavits. GAP-4 Certified - GAP Certificate can transfer with cattle at no cost to buyer. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360 Programs:
Certified NATURAL
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Lot 9554
1 Load of STEERS (68 Head)
Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Keith McDonald & Allen Beer Blackstock, SC - 50 miles south of Charlotte, NC Home-Raised, All-Natural, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified Base Weight: 715 lbs. Wt. Stop: 750 lbs. Variance: 180 lbs. Pickup Date: September 7 - 9 Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $5/cwt slide topside only Weighed on buyers truck on certified scales, Weigh:
scales 12 miles from farm Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 100% Blk/BWF Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 95% #1 - 5% #1 /2 Frame: 95% Medium - 5% Large Nutrition: 10# per head per day of commodity blend with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (2x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Implants: None Safeguard (1x), Ivomec (1x) Genetics: 50-75% Angus. Sired by Angus, SimAngus, and Simmental bulls. Comments: Weaned 55+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. BQA Certified. Cattle born November-December, castrated at birth, and individual birthdates on all calves. Seller will sign All-Natural affidavits. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360 Programs:
Lot 9556
Certified NATURAL
tri-county cattlemens association sale
1 Load of STEERS (67 head)
Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Mike Scales Jonesville, SC - 20 miles southeast of Spartanburg, SC Home-Raised, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified Base Weight: 735 lbs. Wt. Stop: 770 lbs. Variance: 200 lbs. Pickup Date: September 9 - 11 Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $5/cwt slide topside only Weighed on buyers truck on certified scales, Weigh:
scales 5 miles from farm Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 95% Blk/BWF, 5% Red or Ch-X (no pink noses) Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 90% #1 - 10% #1 /2 Frame: 95% Medium - 5% Large Nutrition: 13-15# per head per day of 13% CPC R medicated feed with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Safeguard or Ivomec (2x), Pour-On (1x) Implants: Some with Ralgro (2x) Sired by Yon Angus bulls meeting CAB targeting the brand with high $Beef, Marbling, and yearGenetics: ling weights. Out of 95% black cows, all raised on Scales Farm. Comments: Weaned 60+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. High quality growth and feeding genetics. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360 Programs:
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Lot 9558
1 Load of STEERS (65 head)
Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Tri-County Cattlemen Sharon, SC - 45 miles southwest of Charlotte, NC Home-Raised, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified Base Weight: 760 lbs. Wt. Stop: 795 lbs. Variance: 175 lbs. Pickup Date: September 17, 18, 21, or 22 (Thurs-Tues) Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $5/cwt slide topside only Hauled 15-30 miles to central location and Weigh:
weighed on the ground on Certified Scales Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 86% Blk/BWF, 8% Red, 6% Ch-X (no pink noses) Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 90% #1 - 10% #1 /2 Frame: 90% Medium - 10% Large Nutrition: 10# per head per day of commodity blend with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Safeguard or Ivomec (2x), Pour-On (1x) Implants: Some with Ralgro (2x) Genetics: Angus X Continental. Sired by Angus, SimAngus, Simmental, Balancer, and Gelbvieh bulls. Comments: Weaned 45+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. 5 farms with cattle on this load, all following the same program. Will load at 2390 Thomson Quarter Rd. Sharon, SC. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Lot 9563
1 Load of STEERS (58 Head)
Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Lewis Farms - John Lewis Chester, SC - 35 miles southwest of Charlotte, NC Home-Raised, All-Natural, GAP Certified, Backgrounded, Weaned Base Weight: 835 lbs. Wt. Stop: 870 lbs. Variance: 155 lbs. Pickup Date: September 7 - 11 Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $5/cwt slide topside only Weighed on the ground at the farm on Certified Weigh:
Scales, some hauled in 15 miles and weighed Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 75% Blk/BWF, 10% Red, 15% Ch-X (no pink noses) Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 90% #1 - 10% #1 /2 Frame: 90% Medium - 10% Large Nutrition: 10# per head per day of commodity blend with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Implants: None Safeguard (1x), Iver. Pour-On (1x) Genetics: Most are 50-65% Angus. Sired by Angus, SimAngus, and Simmental bulls. Comments: Weaned 45+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. BQA Certified. Seller will sign All-Natural affidavits. GAP-4 Certified - GAP Certificate can transfer with cattle at no cost to buyer. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360 Programs:
Certified NATURAL
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Lot 9565
1 Load of HEIFERS (77 Head)
Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Lewis Farms - John Lewis Chester, SC - 35 miles southwest of Charlotte, NC Home-Raised, All-Natural, GAP Certified, Backgrounded, Weaned Base Weight: 625 lbs. Wt. Stop: 660 lbs. Variance: 190 lbs. Pickup Date: September 14 - 16 Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $5/cwt slide topside only Weighed on the ground at the farm on Certified Weigh:
Scales, some hauled in 15 miles and weighed Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 86% Blk/BWF, 8% Red, 6% Ch-X (no pink noses) Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 90% #1 - 10% #1 /2 Frame: 90% Medium - 10% Large Nutrition: 10# per head per day of commodity blend with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Implants: None Safeguard (1x), Iver. Pour-On (1x) Genetics: Most are 50-65% Angus. Sired by Angus, SimAngus, and Simmental bulls. Comments: Weaned 45+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. BQA Certified. Seller will sign All-Natural affidavits. GAP-4 Certified - GAP Certificate can transfer with cattle at no cost to buyer. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360 Programs:
Lot 9566
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Certified NATURAL
Partial Load of HEIFERS (49 head) Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Tri-County Cattlemen Sharon, SC - 45 miles southwest of Charlotte, NC Home-Raised, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified Base Weight: 620 lbs. Wt. Stop: 655 lbs. Variance: 200 lbs. Pickup Date: September 17, 18, 21, or 22 (Thurs-Tues) Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $6/cwt slide topside only Hauled 15-30 miles to central location and Weigh:
weighed on the ground on Certified Scales Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 98% Blk/BWF, 1-2 hd Ch-X (no pink noses) Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 90% #1 - 10% #1 /2 Frame: 90% Medium - 10% Large Nutrition: 10# per head per day of commodity blend with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Safeguard or Ivomec (2x), Pour-On (1x) Implants: Some with Ralgro (2x) Genetics: Angus X Continental. Sired by Angus, SimAngus, Simmental, Balancer, and Gelbvieh bulls. Comments: Weaned 45+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. 4 farms with cattle on this load, all following the same program. Will load at 2390 Thomson Quarter Rd. Sharon, SC. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360 Programs:
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Lot 9572
1 Load of HEIFERS (68 Head)
Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Lewis Farms - John Lewis Chester, SC - 35 miles southwest of Charlotte, NC Home-Raised, All-Natural, GAP Certified, Backgrounded, Weaned Base Weight: 715 lbs. Wt. Stop: 750 lbs. Variance: 155 lbs. Pickup Date: September 14 - 16 Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $5/cwt slide topside only Weighed on the ground at the farm on Certified Weigh:
Scales, some hauled in 15 miles and weighed Notice: Need a 48 hour notice to load Colors: 81% Blk/BWF, 6% Red, 13% Ch-X (no pink noses) Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 90% #1 - 10% #1 /2 Frame: 90% Medium - 10% Large Nutrition: 10# per head per day of commodity blend with mineral, pasture, and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (1x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 (2x) Dewormer: Implants: None Safeguard (1x), Iver. Pour-On (1x) Genetics: Most are 50-65% Angus. Sired by Angus, SimAngus, and Simmental bulls. Comments: Weaned 45+ days at delivery. Bunk broke. BQA Certified. Seller will sign All-Natural affidavits. GAP-4 Certified - GAP Certificate can transfer with cattle at no cost to buyer. Contractor: Marcus Harward • 704-322-0840 / Tri-County Coordinator: Brian Beer • 803-320-9360 Programs:
Lot 9575
tri-county cattlemens association sale
Certified NATURAL
Partial Load of HEIFERS (31 head) Price: $ ______________ Buyer # _______________
Wheeler Farms - David Wheeler Gaffney, SC - 20 miles east of I-85 outside of Gaffney Home-Raised, Backgrounded, Weaned, BQA Certified Base Weight: 765 lbs. Wt. Stop: 800 lbs. Variance: 185 lbs. Pickup Date: September 14 - 16 Slide/Shrink: 2% shrink and $5/cwt slide topside only Weighed on the ground at the farm on certified Weigh:
scales Notice: Need a 48-72 hour notice to load Colors: 100% Black/BWF Flesh: Medium 1 Muscling: 30 hd. #1 - 1 hd. #1 /2 Frame: Medium Nutrition: 10# per head Southern States PowerStroke feed with pasture and free choice minerals and hay. Vaccinations: Vista Once (2x), Vista 5 (1x), Vision 7 w/somnus (1x), Vision 7 (1x) Dewormer: Implants: Synovex C as young calves Ivermec & Safeguard Sired by Angus bulls out of high % Angus cows. Angus sires meet CAB target requirements. Sires high Genetics: Marb., $G, & $B. PA Safeguard, Southside, Tehama R525, Tour of Duty, CC&7, Journey, etc. genetics. Comments: Weaned 95+ days (weaned on May 21). Born last fall with complete records. Grazing and fed in bunks once a day. Very docile. Would make an excellent set of replacement heifers to breed. Contractor: Bruce Shankle • 704-694-8686 Programs:
tri-county cattlemens association sale