TRIM TAB BASICS....John Raguso, Page 6 .COM Website Listings Updated Daily! Scan Me

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Visit our website at: Contents HOME OFFICE 516- 695-6884 REGIONALREPRESENTATIVES NYC, Nassau, Westchester, Western 516-695-6886Suffolk PAGE 11 POWER BBOATS PAGE 9 PERSONALEPAGEWWATERCRAF36NGINESPAGE 10 SAIL BBOATS Published & Distributed by BOATS4SALE LLC, 4108 Merrick RD, Massapequa, NY 11758 BOATS4SALE is published monthly by BOATS4SALE LLC Advertisers purchase space only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by BOATS4SALE Magazine shall remain the property of BOATS4SALE Magazine. No such advertisement may be reproduced or assigned without the written consent of BOATS4SALE, Magazine BOATS4SALE Magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any advertisement for publication in BOATS4SALE Magazine. Designed by Mike Stromberg, Email: Phone: 631-255 -7372 SEPTEMBER 2022 PHOTOADS 516-695-6884 MARINE SERVICE DIRECTORY CANVAS . . . . . . 35 CARPET. . . . . . . 35 DOCKS. . . . . . . 35 ELECTRONICS. . 35 ENGINES. . . . . . 36 FIBERGLASS. . . . 49 INSURANCE. . . . 49 LETTERING. . . . . 49 MARINAS. . . . . . 51 PROPS. . . . . . . . 63 SCHOOLS. . . . . . 63 SUPPLIES. . . . . . 65 TANKS. . . . . . . . 71 TRANSPORT. . . . 71 Eastern 516-819-1318Suffolk

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By Capt. John N. Raguso
One attribute that practically every boat over 20-feet in length shares with its captain is the need for an occasional attitude adjustment. Shifting winds, rough seas, passengers moving around on-deck and changing load conditions can all play havoc on your vessel's entry angle into opposing headseas while underway, making for a potentially rough, wet and fuelish journey. However, the prescription to cure these maladies on most planing hulls is frequently as easy as adding just a touch of trim tab, where a minor adjustment can often go a long way to improving the efficiency and comfort of your boat's ride.
But trim tabs are not the panacea or cure-all for a boat that is improperly designed, loaded or powered. Trim tabs will not bring up the stem of a vessel that runs inherently "bow heavy". In contrast, tabs normally operate by lifting a vessel's stern, affording the operator the ability to keep the chines level in a crosswind to reduce spray and pounding and to keep the bow down in a tight chop. Trim tabs also help the vessel to run on a level keel, allowing the operator to plane off at lower engine rpm for improved fuel economy. If you’re an offshore fisherman, trim tabs can also help to create more white water in your vessel's wake when on the troll, to bring more fish into your spread of baits or lures. Although trim tabs haven't changed too much since Charles Bennett invented them back in the late 1950s, they are still one of the best investments you can make on your sportfishing rig to improve its riding characteristics, whether it’s a 19-foot runabout or a substantial yacht in the 65-to-75 foot range.
September 2022 Monthly Column T R I M TT A B BB A S I C S - P A R T 11 .
Trim tabs are two independently operated, adjustable hinged metal afterplanes attached to the bottom edge of your vessel's transom corners. When the tab’s helm control is pressed, electrical current is sent via the wiring harness to either electric gears or a hydraulic power unit situated somewhere in the stern. These mechanisms move the actuating cylinders to deflect the trim tabs either downward or upward via mechanical or hydraulic pressure, redirecting water flow at the transom corner junction. When a tab is moved downwards, the water flow creates an upward pressure under the plane, raising that corner of the stern. As the stern rises, the bow on the opposite side is lowered. This opposing or "crossed-X" effect is a normal trim tab operating procedure. Describing trim tab operation in a simple "real world" scenario, the starboard control button usually affects the port trim tab, which lifts or lowers the port stern corner, subsequently moving the starboard bow in the opposite direction. Conversely, the port tab button controls the angle of the starboard trim tab, causing the pressure of redirected water flow at the starboard transom corner to impact the attitude of the port bow in a similar manner. With properly installed trim tabs, you should not be aware of this ostensible reverse function, as the operation of the helm control is usually based on the direction you wish to move the bow (port/starboard bow up; port/starboard bow down). Simply press the control buttons, rocker switch or joystick in the direction that you'd like to trim your boat, based on the control's indicator arrows, and let the trimming begin
In this month’s column, we’re going to take a look at trim tab basics, taking a deeper dive into what they are, how they work and why you might need them. In next month’s column, we’ll talk more on how to size your boat for a pair of tabs, or maybe a next-gen product like Zipwake Interceptors.

WIRING HARNESSprovides a 12-volt electrical current which connects the control switch to the hydraulic power unit and operates the trim planes on user command.
TRIM PLANESare usually manufactured from stainless steel or some other non-corrosive material (such as polymer or anodized aluminum) and are mounted in each corner of the vessel's transom via a coupling hinge which is typically secured by stainless steel screws. These flat planes can range in size from a rather diminutive 12-inches wide by 9-inches deep (a.k.a. chord) up to a massive 60-inches wide by 12-inches deep or more
HYDRAULIC POWER UNITis a small, sealed plastic box that mounts somewhere in the bilge or transom area of the boat and usually employs a pair of solenoids to direct the flow of hydraulic fluid to the actuators. The operator can usually check the fluid level by sighting it through a translucent plastic cover, or via an oil dipstick.
isACTUATOR-thestrong-but-flexible transom-mounted nylon/fiberglass cylinder that is bolted to the aft section of each trim plane. For electro-hydraulic systems (like the legacy Bennett or Boat Leveler brands), a brass fitting concealed in the top section of each actuator introduces hydraulic fluid into a ram which moves the tab plate up and down, typically across a 15-to-20-degree arc. For Electric tabs like those manufactured by Lenco, the nylon/composite cylinder set at the rear topside of the metal tab controls a gear that raises or lowers the steel plate on demand directly from the wiring harness. Some heavy duty installations can employ a pair or even a trio of actuators per side to offer more precise control of the larger sized trim planes.
Trim tabs consist of a number of individual moving parts that work in concert to provide extra lift at either corner of your boat's transom, which in turn controls the angle of attack at the bow. The following are the primary components of an electric or an electro-hydraulic trim tab system: CONTROL SWITCHusually installed within convenient reaching distance of the helmsman's position, this is one of the most conspicuous indicators that the vessel is equipped with tabs. The control switch can be in the form of a single lever joystick, dual rocker switches, or a quartet of racing buttons. .

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11' KAWASAKI2003STX12F With its design based on the Ninja ZX12R, one of the world's highest performance sportbikes. $4,999(a47677) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 11' YAMAHA2014FXHO Well maintained with only 167 hours. Includes trailer. $9,500(h47979) (631)Vinny327-8097ContactDirect 11' RXTSEADOO2014AS260 The speed says plenty, but the abundance of high-performance features says it all. $11,999(a48689) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 11' SEA DOO2009 GTI SE 130 You're well on your way to an unforgettable day. All aboard a watercraft that offers more engine options $3,999 (a47529) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 11' SEA DOO2016 WAKE PRO 215 WAKE PRO 215 is the premier tow sport watercraft, with a supercharged engine for maximum towing power and our S³ Hull for greater stability. $9,999 (a48969) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 11' VXYAMAHA2011CRUISER Performance, affordability, spacious new seating and a larger swim platform can all be found with the VX $5,999(a47681)Cruiser. Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 9 LONG ISLAND’S EZ DOCK DEALER LONG ISLAND’S EZ DOCK DEALER The First Dock of It’s ThLtDkKind, PERSONAL WATERCRAFT631.728.0286

10 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 42' WHITBY YACHTS1980 CENTER CONSOLE KETCH Ideal cruising boat or liveaboard for the shallow waters. She has a good-sized center cockpit and is $59,900(c48210)comfortable. Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 36' CALCAL196736 Oldie But a Goody . Fairly new upholstery Excellent sails recently professionally leaned and inspect. shows like new., updated electronics $25,000 (a49008) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 36' CATALINA198736SLOOP Very well maintained. Ready for next sailing trip. Seller very motivated. Repowered with 36 HP Westerbeke diesel at a cost of 25K with only 376 $30,000(a48670)hrs. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 36' COLUMBIA1969— Running Atomic 4 Gas Motor (rebuilt in 2005). Sails included. Last sailed 2 years ago $5,000(a33515) Center Yacht Club (631) CenterYachtClub.com874-2200 35' MORGAN197235 Absolutely beautiful renovated salon. Solid go anywhere, liveaboard deep sea well rigged solid boat. Many upgrades. Drop keel 4'6". 25 hp $12,000(h48200)diesel. (917)Mladen567-6837ContactDirect 34' PEARSON198434 Comfortable accommodations for a family with easy handling. Universal engine 21hp. $29,000(c48209) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 32' HUNTER2001320 Well-equipped Hunter ready to go sailing. $39,900(c48208) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 30' CATALINA198430 Rebuilt 24hp Universal diesel. Sails in good shape. Good condition. Teak finish. Sistership Photo. $24,000 (h48398) Dick (516) Contact551-6158Direct SailBoats

27' ERICKSON197727 The ERICSON 27 was one of this builders most popular models with more than 1200 built. $8,750(b47054) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 23' O DAY1982 DAY SAILER 2009 Tohatsu 4 stroke OB like new. Rigging and sails have been well maintained so she is ready for a fresh bottom paint and launch. $7,500(a47621) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 22' TANZER198322 Award Winning. Clean Excellent bay boat. Swing keel. Many upgrades and new items. Includes 5hp Merc outboat long tail. 6 sails and so much, much more. $1,800(h49025) Don (516) Contact779-8824Direct 52' SEA RAY2007 52 SEDAN BRIDGE By far this is the nicest 528B on the market. The care to the engines and interior is above anything I have ever seen. $549,995(a49005) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 48' SEA RAY2000 480 SEDAN BRIDGE This boat was maintained to the highest standards by a knowledgeable boat owner. $299,500(b48428) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 46' SEA RAY2001 460 SUNDANCER ONE OF SEA RAY'S MOST ROOMY BOATS EVER MADE. WITH ITS BEAUTIFUL LINES SHE IS A SHOW STOPPER. $224,995(a49006) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 46' AFTDYNA1988CABIN Caterpillar Diesels 3208 375hp low hour's 485. Excellent shape. Large double queen island guest cabin forward and aft. Great storage $119,500(c31737)throughout. City Island Yacht Sales (718) CityIslandYacht.com885-2300 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 11 POWER BOATS

12 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 45' FORMULA200745YACHT Volvo Diesel IPS 600 435 HP Joystick drives installed new in 2020 and still under warranty with only 130 hours. Joystick docking system. $399,500 (a48667) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 42' SEA RAY1990 420 SUNDANCER Twin rebuilt Cat 3208 in place, Needing final hookup, "0" hours. New A/C, full canvas with camper top, Many Extras, GREAT DEAL!!! $35,000(b44947) Als Mobile Marine (631) Contact244-0253Direct 42' SEA RAY2005 42 SB THE OWNER HAS HAD THE BOAT 7 YEARS AND HAS TAKEN EXTREMELY GREAT CARE IN HER APPEARANCE AND $279,995(a48668)MECHANICALS. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 42' MONK1989 42 TRAWLER Monk Trawlers are the seaworthy, comfortable and beautiful boats designed by naval architect Ed Monk. $89,999 (a48693) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 41' 411MERIDIAN2007SEDAN Cummins QSB 5.9 425 HO's with 300 hrs. owner just spent 20k in 2021 getting the boat up to date $249,999 (a49007) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 41' SILVERTON2005 410 SPORT BRIDGE Great traditional motor yacht for daily or long range cruising. Diesel Caterpillar engines, Updated Garmin $249,000(c48185)electronic's Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 41' FORMULA199841PC Exceptional like new condition 450 Cummins diamond series and only 1000 original hours. Topline $99,995(a47828)electronics Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 40' SILVERTON1985 Aft cabin, Generator, 2 full baths, bridge encl, sleeps 8. twin 454 Crusaders 1100hrs, well maintained by 2nd owner for 30+yrs $34,900 (h48412) Artie (631) 848-7962 (631) 567-4870 Contact Direct 40' SEA400RAY1998 Very clean and well cared for. Only 466 Hours on 3116 Cats and only 265 hours on gen set. Used mostly as vacation home on the water. $97,900(a48669) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 STATEN ISLAND, 718-447-2020NY 2022 255 XD FX LIMITED SVHO HAMPTON BAYS, 631-728-8060NY

14 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 39' SEA RAY1986 390 SEDAN SPORTFISH Twin 454 Crusaders counter rotating. A very clean boat. Sistership $19,999(A40541)Photo. Center Yacht Club (631) CenterYachtClub.com874-2200 38' SONIC USA2001 386 STS Powered by triple Mercury 700hp engines. Total 2100hp. $89,999 (a47966) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 38' SEA RAY2001 380 SUNDANCER Diesel Cat's 340hp engines. New electronics. $139,900(c45923) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 38' MONTEREY2020385SS Triple 300HP White Mercury Engines. JPO Joystick. $395,000(b48276) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 38' 380WELLCRAFT1986SCARAB Call for complete details. $57,500 (b48430) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 38' MARES2002 38 HIGH PERFORMANCE (New in 2015) Custom 572 racing engines with Merlin blocks total of 1500 hp. Garmin map 182 GPS, Humminbird 160 fishfinder, Seafire fire $98,000(c35491)system. Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 37' BAYLINER19983587MY Twin Diesel Engines, Generator, (2) A/C's with Heat, (3) Staterooms, (2) Heads, New Refrigerator, 13' Beam, LOA 37', Radar, (2)GPS, $71,000(h43121)Fishfinder Tom (347) Contact242-1809Direct 37' SOUTHVOYAGERBAY1988 Awesome boat for weekend $65,000(b48431)trips. Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 37' EGG HARBOR1985 37 SEDAN More cruiser than serious fishing machine. Wide 14'5" beam provides interior space of a larger $150,499(b47783)boat. Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686

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16 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 37' FORMULA2007 370 SUPER SPORT A BEAUTIFUL 350 HOUR LIFT KEPT BOAT W/ BRAVO 3 X DRIVES AND BOW THRUSTER. FULLY LOADED BOAT $169,000(B47655) Riteway Marine Solutions (631) RitewayMarineSolutions.net669-2628 36' UNIFLITE1977 36 DOUBLE CABIN Diesel power and 2 staterooms with 2 heads, she has all you need. The boat had been used on a regular basis until recently due to health $24,000(a47822)reasons. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 36' DEEP 36IMPACT2008 2000 Quad 350 warrantied Mercury Verados 40hrs, Every Available Option. Pristine. Stored in a Climate Controlled garage. Trailer not included. $325,900(b45154) Riteway Marine Solutions (631) RitewayMarineSolutions.net669-2628 36' GRADY EXPRESSWHITE2006360 Triple Yamaha F250s. Complete Electronics Package 2-Screens. Open Array Radar $209,900(a49004) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 35' 35MIDDLETON2009EXPRESS Rare Cold molded Carolina build. Owned by a well known Marina owner. Gone through from the running gear to soft goods to electronics, engines & more. $389,999(a49035) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 35' SILVERTON1999 351 SEDAN CRUISER LOTS OF SPACE BOTH INSIDE AND OUT. SHOWS VERY WELL ON THE INSIDE . THE BRIDGE HAS AN UPDATED GARMIN $55,995(a49010)CHARTPLOTTER. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 35' FORMULA1985357SR1 2015 Twin Mercruiser 502 MAG MPI (approx 40 hrs) with Flush kits. 2019 New Manifolds & Risers. 2015 New Bravo drives. $26,500(b45643) East Shore Marine (631) Contact225-5656Direct 35' CHRIS CRAFT1983 350 CATALINA In Stock $10,500(b48427) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 35' FORMULA2020 350 CROSSOVER BR Original Owner, Full ceramic Coating inside and out done when $499,999(a49009)new!! Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 2552022ID Long Island’s Exclusive Scarab Dealer

18 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 35' SEA RAY2015 350 SLX Twin Mercruiser 350 MAG DTS and Joy Stick controller with only 414 hours with NEW risers and manifolds, The boat is loaded $179,900(c48188) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 35' VIKING CONVERTIBLEYACHTS1990 Boat is a must see. Well maintained and updated. Ready for its new owner today. Many new updates. $80,000 (b46396) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 35' OCEAN YACHT1989 35 SUPER SPORT Owner is very motivated and will accept any reasonable offer do not wait and step right up today… $34,500 (b49039) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 35' YOUNG DOWNEASTBROTHERS1999EXPRESS New Cummins QSC 600--ZF305-3A Transmission, WESCO repower. Great tuna boat, hull just painted. Westerbeke 5KW generator. $200,000(h47665) Bill (516) Contact480-6654Direct 35' VIKING1988 35 CONVERTIBLE Full bridge enclosure. There is air, reverse-cycle heat, salon furniture included, TV/DVD and CD $39,999(a47001)stereo. Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 34' SEA RAY2008 340 SUNDANCER Powered by T-VD-8.1 S Horizon MerCruiser® (T-370 hp - 276 $125,500(b48429)kw) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 34' SEA RAY2001 340 SUNDANCER Two newly built engines. Options also include a cockpit table, cockpit cushions, camper canvas, bimini top and swim platform. $74,995(b47939) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 34' SEA RAY2006 340 SUNDANCER Mr. OCD OWNS THIS BOAT. BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR AND LIGHT MAPLE CABINETRY SHE IS STUNNING. $134,995(a48426) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 34' 34FORMULA2005CRUISER Very clean Cruiser. Owner has serviced this boat with an open check book and it shows. $114,999(a48694) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751

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20 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 34' SEA RAY1988 EXPRESS CRUISER Pristine & very well maintained. Twin Crusader 350's. Runs and looks great. New interior. A/C, gen, full galley, canvas and much more. $17,300 (h43633) Pat (516) Contact380-2074Direct 34' LUHRS1989 342 TOURNAMENT Twin 454 Crusaders with approximately 700 hrs. Kohler generator, A/C, heat, dinette, enclosed head, Hot/Cold water system, radar, DF/GPS. $32,990 (c39092) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 34' BARTEL BOATS BOATS & MOLDS Boats and molds available. Give us a call or stop by our office at 42 Dock Road- Remsenburg, NY(a46703) Remsenburg Marina (631) RemsenburgMarina.com325-1677 34' SEA RAY1985 SEDAN BRIDGE 600 hours on twin 7.4L Merc's Fresh Water Cooled. Arch, Bimini Top, Dash cover, VHF, Garmin GPS, Stereo w/blue-tooth, Windlass anchor, Generator $19,900(c48696) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 34' SEA RAY2003 340 SUNDANCER HERE IS A NICE 2003 34 SUNDANCER. THE CAMPER CANVAS IS A YEAR OLD AND THE EXTERIOR VINYL IS IN GREAT $104,995(a48671)CONDITION. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 33' 33PROFILE2004VEECC 33 center console twin 350 MPI Mercruiser Bravo one drives with stainless props Engines rebuilt All new exhaust manifolds $49,000(h48684) Todd (917) 723-5802 (718) 492-2700 Contact Direct 33' BLACKFIN2022332CC Powered by Twin White Mercury 400XXL Verado DTS JPO. Winner of a Miami Innovation Award, the 332CC is proven innovational design at its best. (b48076) Great Bay Boats (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 33' GRADY WHITE2002 330 EXPRESS Rare Find with Marlin Tower double spreader riggers. Shows like new. Updated and re-powered 2017 250F Yamahas and only 550 $105,000(a47969)hours. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 33' LARSON2001330 Twin Volvo 5.7 GSI FWC engines with recent risers and manifolds 500 Hrs, Newer Kohler Genset with 138 $39,999(a49011)hrs Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751

Dockage / Storage / Fishing Station / Fuel DockParts Store / Fiberglass Repair ALL ISLAND MARINE 480 Reina Road, Oceanside, NY 11472 516-764-3300 ext.103 Call For Used Boats, Motors, and Brokerage Listings• USED BOAT BROKERAGE SERVICE ON SITE • See the New Liner Series, JLS, & Ultra Elite “It’sSeriesNot Your Grandfathers Skiff” SEE US AT THE TOBAY BEACH BOAT SHOW 516-764-3300 ext.103 All Carolina Skiffs Available With Mercury's In Stock 115 HP / 90 HP 50 HP / 40 HP Plus Portable Outboards Hondas in stock 2.3 HP to 250 HP “If a new boat is not in your budget, upgrade your old outboard for an new fuel efficient, quiet, dependable, outboard with factory warranty” Call For Information and Get an Estimate “On my way to All Island to put a deposit on that 250 HP, I can’t believe they have one in stock !” 23 Ultra Elite178 JLS 19 LS “The Last Of The 2022 Models are going FAST. Deduct the “WORKING CLASS DISCOUNT” starting at $600.00

22 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 33' 33PALMENTTO2005ADVENTURE This is the best equipped, best priced Center Console on the market today!! Survey completed 8/1/22 $104,999 (a49012) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 33' GRADYCANYONWHITE2022336 2022 Grady White Canyon 336 with Dual Yamaha F425 Full Maneuverability(a47484) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 33' SEA SUNDANCERRAY1997 Twin Mercruisers 7.4 Mpi FWC sunpad, full electronics, sleep six, full galley with stove, refridgerater/freezer, convertible dinnette, Westerbeke 4.5 $51,900 (C32330) City Island Yacht Sales (718) CityIslandYacht.com885-2300 33' GRADYEXPRESSWHITE2001 Twin 2006 Yamaha F-250's, Boat is loaded Air/Heat, Generator, Full electronics, New Raymarine Hybrid Touch, and much more. $139,000(c48776) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 33' SEA RAY2011 330 SUNDANCER This is a must see for the pickiest of buyers, Loaded with all the right options. Twin Mercruiser 350 300hp MAGS. $149,999(a48672) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 33' EGG HARBOR1973 SPORT FISHERMAN Own a legend. Twin 270 Crusaders FWC, 2 df, galley, clean, Onan gen, new flybridge, full enclosure. Fiberglass hull. $5,000(h36529) (631)Steve929-6455ContactDirect 32' SEA RAY2004 320 SUNDANCER New engines with under 10 hrs risers and manifolds water pumps all new. 400 hrs! Trailer Triple axel $99,000(c45341)included. Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 32' STAMAS2003 320 EXPRESS CRUISER Twin YanMar 315 Diesel engines. Generator/AC, auto-pilot, radar, and outriggers. $64,990(b48246) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 32' TROJAN197732F Well loved and cared for and is ready for her new home. The dock is available in Lindenhurst. The engines were replaced not long ago. $12,500 (a48405) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751

Riteway Marine Solutions, Inc 12 Post Place, Babylon, NY 11702 631 669-2628 State of the FacilityArt •Factory Certified Mechanic •50 Ton Travel Lift •Boat Hauling/Storage •Fiberglass & Painting•Factory Sea Dek Installer •Brokerage •Factory Awlgrip Facility •Spring Commissioning LARGEST SELECTION OF “MINT” USED BOATS ONLY THE FINEST QUALITY MARINE PRODUCTS •FINANCING AVAILABLE •MARINA SERVICES BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS FULL SERVICE MARINA

24 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 32' AFTCARVER1985CABIN Twin Mercruiser 5.7, AC/Heat, Gen, Windlass Much More, AS IS $15,000 (c47963) Toms Point Marina (516) Contact883-6630Direct 31' 310CHAPARRAL2010SIGNATURE Powered by Twin Mercruiser 5.0MPI Engines with ONLY 75 $129,995(b48566)HOURS!! Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 31' SPORTSMAN2020 312 CENTER CONSOLE Twin Yamaha 300 hp outboards. Beautiful one owner. White hull and deck. Black bottom and white motor boat. This is fully loaded. $259,900 (b48664) Riteway Marine Solutions (631) RitewayMarineSolutions.net669-2628 31' CONTENDER200431CUDDY Twin Yamaha 300 HPDI (2Strokes) with 742 Hrs, meticulously serviced and running perfect, 5 sided isinglass enclosure with side wings. $89,999(a48673) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 31' SEA RAY2008 310 SUNDANCER Here is a very nice esample of a clean 310 Sundancer. The boat has all the options you could think of and it has been well maintained. $119,995 (a48674) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 31' RAMPAGE1990 31 SPORTFISHER Newer Volvo. Re-powered and brought up to date in 2007. Upgrades included Volvo D6 310 hp Diesels now with approx 1500 hrs and $35,999(a48406)Transmission Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 31' PROLINE2005 31 WALKAROUND Twin 250 HP Mercury Verado fur stroke outboard engines. includes canvas TTop with enclosure, enclosed head, windlass anchor, trim tabs, plus $52,900(c47536)more All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 31' 310STAMAS2001EXPRESS Twin Yanmar Diesel engines, about 500 hours. Windlass, radar, Furuno depth finder, AM/FM radio. Marina maintained, new interior cushions. (b48023)$74,990 Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 31' CONVERTIBLESILVERTON1984 Twin 318's, ONLY 450 orig hrs, twin station, full galley, full head, everything works. Very clean. You will be plesantly surprised. Fiberglass dingy. $17,500 (h33388) Paul (212) Contact861-7238Direct

ALL BOATS INCLUDE FULL 2 YEAR SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE AND GARMIN GPS AND VHF! 2022 Pioneer 222 Sportfish with Suzuki 300HP Powder CoatedT-Top Call For a Quote 2022 Pioneer 202 Sportfish with Suzuki 200HP Powder CoatedT-Top Call For a Quote Sportfish202 2022 Pioneer 202 Islander with Suzuki 200HP Powder CoatedT-Top Call For a Quote 2022 Pioneer 180 Islander with Suzuki 140HP Powder CoatedT-Top Call For a Quote Islander202 Islander180 LIMITED 2022 PIONEER BOATS IN-STOCK... HURRY & RESERVE YOURS BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE! Sportfish222

26 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 31' JC COSCO BAY1987 31 2 (New) Ford 460 Gas Engines. Complete Makeover bow to $59,900(b47474)stern Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 31' SEA RAY2000 310 SUNDANCER Twin 5.7 L Bravo III MCM, The weekends are all too short, so to help pack in all the recreation and relaxation anyone can handle $59,999(a47800) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 30' CROWNLINE2012305SS Twin 5.7 MerCruiser engines with a Bravo 3 Outdrive. About 300 hours, radar arch, canvas $64,990(b48528)enclosures. Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 30' RINKER1995 300 FIESTA VEE THIS IS A WELL CARED FOR RINKER 300EC. THE EXHAUST HAS BEEN DONE, TRANSOM HOUSINGS HAVE BEEN DONE . $29,995(a49014) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 30' GRADYCANYONWHITE2022306 Come by and take a test ride on this stunning 306 Canyon. It is RARE to have this model in stock so you know it won't last long!(a49001) Port Of Egypt (631) PoeMarine.com765-2445 30' SEA RAY1986 SEDAN BRIDGE New Twin MerCrusier 5.0 50Hrs, Canvas, Very clean, Owner moved up has two boats. MUST SELL RELOCATING. $9,800(b46137) Arnotts Boat Yard (631) Contact581-5808Direct 30' GRADY FREEDOMWHITE2016307 Twin Yamaha F300XCA. Helm Master Joystick Harbor Blue Hull $279,900(a48666)Color. Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 30' BLACK WATCH1990 30 FLYBRIDGE Powered by twin 300HP Cummins with very light use since last overhaul total hours on the hull are 1150. $69,000 (c48697) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 30' SEA RAY1977 300 EXPRESS Fixer upper. Running boat looking for a loving home. 30' Sea Ray with inboard Mercruiser straight drive gasoline engines. Teak swim platform. $5,000 (c40954) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300

30' GRADYMARLINWHITE2005300 Twin Yamaha F250TXRD. Updated 2017 hardtop enclosure, bow thruster and more. $109,000(a48402) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 30' CHRIS TOURNAMENTCRAFT1976 Twin Crusader 454, Many Extras, In the water MAKE AN OFFER AS $10,000(c47962)IS Toms Point Marina (516) Contact883-6630Direct 30' 3070PURSUIT2002OFFSHORE Yamaha 225 4 stroke, new exhaust, new fuel & water pumps, internal filters - redone to new standards. New Garmin HD Touch screen. Excellent $110,000(h48729)Condition Pete (631) 495-4455 (631) 403-4967 Contact Direct SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 27 FIVE GREAT BAY LOCATIONS ISLIP TERRACE 2937 Sunrise Hwy Islip Terrace, NY 11752 (631) 859-0654 BELLPORT 99 Bellport Ave Bellport, NY 11713 (631) 803-6633 LINDENHURST 565 W Montauk Hwy Lindenhurst, NY 11757 (631) 991-3855 FLANDERS 1110 Flanders Rd Flanders, NY 11901 (631) 204-0034 BABYLON 24 Post (631)Babylon,PlaceNY11702661-5366 #1 FishingSellingBoat In The Country

28 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 30' CRUISERS YACHTS1999 3075 ROGUE/EC Twin 5.0 Mercury Alpha with anchor winch, air conditioner, VHF radio, stereo, SIMRAD GPS, Furuno Radar, canvas, enclosed head and $36,490(c48704)more All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 30' MAINSHIP200430PILOT HAS SEEN VERY LITTLE USE. YANMAR 315 DIESEL ENGINE THATS BARELY BROKEN IN. THE BOAT HAS NICE ELECTRONICS $84,995 (a49034) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 30' CRUISERS YACHTS1998 3075 ROGUE IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE THIS BOAT IS A 1998. SHE SHOWS EXTREMELY NICE BOTH INSIDE AND OUT. THE BILGE ALSO SHOWS VERY $34,995(a48154)NICELY. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 30' BLACKFIN2022302CC Powered by Twin 300XXL Verado DTS White Engines. The 302CC offers one of the smoothest and most efficient rides in its class.(b48173) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 29' WORLD CAT2008 290 DC TWIN HONDA BF225AKX- 212 HRS. CUSTOM HARDTOP MADE FOR 8FT BRIDGE CLEARANCE. HYDRAULIC STEERING W/ POWER $125,000(a48718)ASSIST Southold Marine Center (631) Contact765-3131Direct 29' SEA RAY2001 290 SUNDANCER T/ 2001 Merc 5.0L EFI, Raytheon electronics, ac, boarding ladder, windlass, enc head/pumpout, micro, radar arch. Well appointed well maintained. MAKE OFFER $48,500(a32036) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 29' BLACKFIN1990COMBI29 Many upgrades including new fuel tanks and recently installed new turbos. 2500 hours on Cummins 315 with complete service records from day $32,900(a48407)one. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 29' SEA RAY2001 290 AMBERJACK Twin MerCruiser 5.0 MPI's. Extremely clean, low hours. Boat has been Fully serviced. Freshly Bottom painted. New manifolds, risers and $45,000(a45787)electronics. Orchard Creek Marina (631) Contact878-9400Direct 29' MONTEREY2018298SS Twin 4.5L Mercruiser. Bow and Cockpit Cover, Arch w/Bimini, Marine $109,995(b45374)Head. Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654

29' COMMODOREREGAL20012960 Twin Volvo 57 V, SX outdrives, ac. Loaded with extras and updates. Nice clean boat. Very Low, Low price because Port engine needs $19,000(h49031)rebuild. (631)Angela487-4352ContactDirect 29' SEASLXRAY2008 New Mercruiser Engines T/383 MAG Bravo III Outdrives.(c44603) Reed Channel Marina (516) Contact764-2552Direct 29' CLASSICTIARA200429OPEN Twin crusaders with 760 hours. New canvas from hardtop. $119,995 (b48879) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 29 (631)926-4753 (631)806-2751 Kevinwww.yachtfindersonline.comBruce YACHT FINDERS MATCHING BUYERS AND SELLERS PRE-QUALIFIED BUYERS WAITING ’07 Sea Ray 52 Sedan Bridge’97 Sea Ray 280 Sun Sport ’01 Sea Ray 460 Sundancer’08 Sea Ray 280 Sundancer ’07 Formula 45 Yacht ’00 Century 2800 Center Console ’89 Monk 42 Trawler’17 Cobalt R7 ’05 Sea Ray 42 Sedan Bridge’19 Sailfish 275 DC ’98 Formula 41 PC ’09 Chaparral 275 SSI ’07 Meridian 411 Sedan’18 Sea Ray SDX 270 ’98 Sea Ray 400 ’17 Cobalt R7 ’77 Uni-flight 36 Double Cabin’10 Chaparral 276 SSX ’99 Silverton 351 Sedan Cruiser’06 Sea Ray 270 Sun Deck ’20 Formula 350 Crossover BR’17 Proline 26 Super Sport ’05 Formula 34 Cruiser’03 Chris Craft Constellation ’06 Sea Ray 340 Sundancer’02 Regal 2665 Commodore ’03 Sea Ray 340 Sundancer’07 Sea Ray 250 Select EX ’08 Sea Ray 330 Sundancer’07 Chaparral 250 Signature ’05 Palmetto 33 Adventure’78 Wellcraft Airslot ’01 Larson 330'04 Glastron 249 GS ’02 Grady White 330 Express’06 Rinker 232 Captiva ’11 Sea Ray 330 Sundancer’06 Crownline 235 CCR ’77 Trojan 32F’78 Robalo 230 Walk Around ’08 Sea Ray 310 Sundancer’99 Regal 23 Bowrider ’04 Contender 31 Cuddy’19 Sportsman 232 Console ’90 Rampage 31 Sport Fisher’02 Grady White 223 Tournament ’95 Rinker 300 Fiesta Vee’09 Chaparral Sunesta ’98 Cruiser Yachts 3075 Rogue’99 Bayliner 2252 Ciera Express ’06 Sea Ray 29 AJ’19 Regal 1900 Bowrider ’90 Blackfin Combi 29’67 Cal Cal 36 ’90 Rampage 28 Sportsman’87 Catalina Sloop ’14 Chaparral 287 SSX’82 Oday day Sailor PARTIAL LISTING....MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM We are a full Service Marine Brokerage House NOTHING BUT MARINE BROKERAGE! We are dedicated to selling your boat not our own inventory HONEST AND PERSONNEL SERVICE More Than 25 Years Experience Yachts • Cruisers • Bow Riders Walk Arounds • Center Consoles We promote your boat everywhere! YachtWorld•Boat Trader• •Boats4sale•Social Media Looking forBrokersExperiencedtoJoinOurTeam WANTWEYOURBOATTOSELL! • Free Market Evaluations • PreSale Inspections • Checklist • All Offers Presented We are looking for experienced Brokers on the East Coast to join our team. Run your own business,Very generous commission splits!! Call Captain Kevin Graffagnino at 631-926-4753

30 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 29' WELLCRAFT2007COASTAL Twin 250 hp four stroke Yamaha's, a/c, new $9,000 Garmin Twin Screen electronics, outriggers. All new exterior upholstery. Super Clean $105,000(h48413)Condition. Tom (516) Contact445-4400Direct 29' MONTEREY2019295SY Powered by a 6.2L Mercruiser 350HP with 217 Hours. Bow Thruster, cockpit enclosure, electronics package, ac and heat package. $139,995(b46636) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 29' SEA RAY2001 290 SUNDANCER Twin inboard outboard Mercruiser engines, air conditioning, heat, and Garmin Chartplotter with new canvas and seats as well as all Sea Ray Options. $39,500(h48400) Jeff (718) Contact395-4718Direct 29' SEA RAY2006 29 AJ THE 29AJ;s are well known for their versatility as a cruiser and fishing $64,995(a49015)boat. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 28' FORMULA1986PC25 Cleanest well kept & maintained boat available. Beautiful. Camper top. FWC V8, low hrs, a/c, Gen, Inverter, full galley & head, in water, trailer. $19,900 (h43380) John (631) 331-6344 (631) 355-4773 Contact Direct 28' AQUASPORT1988281COHO Mercruiser 350MPI inboard fresh water cooling system. 2950 hrs. tri tabs, Garmin GPS, ICOM VHF, Hard Top, pot hauler, set up for double $9,300(c48226)anchor. All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 28' SEA SUNDANCERRAY1989 Marina maintained. Twin New 357 Mercruisers, port new motor 2019, starboard new motor 2021. Everything works perfectly. Turn key and $20,000(a43997)enjoy. (516)Mike410-5822ContactDirect 28' BOSTON WHALER2000 280 OUTRAGE Twin Evinrude 300HP E-TEC G2 TWO STROKES (Around 700HRS). Windlass, Canvas Enclosure, Full Cabin. $59,995(b44139) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 28' COBALT2017R7 Very well kept Cobalt 27ft R7 Bowrider. Originally used in Fresh water and kept as so by the new owner on a trailer its upkeep shows. $124,999(a48408) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751

Telling people, who are looking to buy a boat, that your boat is for sale is easy and inexpensive. 516-695-6884 or Go Online@GetsLowOnePriceYouAllThis! Web Mobile *Your Boat Will Be Featured in Our Printed Edition and Our Website Until It is Sold, Maximum of Three Issues Y O U R A D N P R I N T & O N T H E N T E R N E T ISSUE St e to Live Your Dream! St e to Your Print Tablet TheFastest Way to Sell Your Boat for Just $99* Y O U R A D I N P R I N T & O N T H E I N T E R N E T .COM APR L 25 MAY 22 2016 Y O U R A D N P R N T & O N T H E N T E R N E T .COM FREE ISSUE M UNE 19 6 BOATING BRINGS FAMILIES TOGETHER... Y O U R A D I N P R N T & O N T H E I N T E R N E T .COM JUNE 0 JU Y 17 2 16 If You Want A Great Summer.....

32 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 28' SEA RAY1997 280 SUN SPORT All systems in perfect working order. 300 hours on NEW 2006 re-powered MerCruisers 5.7 275 HP. $23,900 (a47688) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 28' CHAPARRAL2018287SSX Marina maintained with all of the mechanical records. Runs on a Mercruiser 8.2 MAG H.O. with a Bravo X Stern Drive. Mooring cover is included. $179,950(B46725) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 28' RAMPAGE1990 28 SPORTSMAN Good condition. Fully equipped for offshore/inshore fishing. Plenty of room for weekend cruising and $18,900(a47316)over-nighting. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 28' MARINERCARVER19832897 Twin engine and 0 hours on new remanufactured starboard engine. She's in great condition with all the extras. Health forces sale. $10,000(h47857)Negotiable Jeff (516) Contact456-2434Direct 28' NORTHERN DOWNEASTERBAY2000 2008 steyr motor turbo 230hp, 800hrs. Cruises 16-19knots 2.5gph. Rigged for fishing 2 gps,2 vhfs,2 fish finders, livewell, radar,hauler,and many $65,000(h48189)more. Perry (631) 680-7337 (631) 759-6579 Contact Direct 28' STEIGER CRAFT2020 28 CHESAPEAKE Powered by Twin 300HP Suzuki Engines with 1000 hours. Bow $185,000(b48175)Thruster. Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 atoNeedSellBoat ? SeeCanPeopleWhereHerePutSimple...It’sItit! (516) 695-6884

28' BERTRAM1980 28 FLYBRIDGE CRUISER Mercruiser inboard, 350 small block, fresh water cooled, New fuel tank and head system updated (2) two seasons ago. $44,900(c48168) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 28' CAROLINA CLASSIC2000 28 Great boat, twin 8.1 Volvo Penta 375 hp out drives. ac/heat , radar, gps, fridge, enclosure much more. $38,000 (h46157) (917)Richie453-3936ContactDirect 28' SEA RAY2008 280 SUNDANCER THE MERCRUISER 4.3'S HAVE PLENTY OF POWER TO MOVE THIS BOAT ALONG. THERE IS A CHARTPLOTTER ALSO ON THE BOAT. $69,995 (a48676) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 28' CHAPARRAL2003280 Powered by Twin Mercruiser 5.0L Engines. Mercury Gen II Control $48,000(b48880)Box. Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 28' SEA SUNDANCERRAY2004 Twin Merc's, 4.3 MPI, Alpha Drives, 9'5" beam, sleeps 6, head, shower, cockpit wetbar & carpet. Full camper enclosure. Excellent Condition. Must see (h48746)$55,000 Mike (516) 526-7612 (516) 996-1316 Contact Direct 28' 285SCARAB2022WAKEID TWIN ROTAX 300 PT/ST $187,200(a48690)1.6L. Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 28' PARKER20062820XL Twin Yamaha 250's. Four Stroke. 1025 hours. Professionally maintained. Full electronics. Excellent $64,900(h48688)condition. Tom (516) Contact972-9258Direct 28' MARINERCARVER1985 Powered by twin 350's. Engines professionally maintained. Everything in very good condition. Full $19,900(h48750)enclosure. Gregory (917) 693-9609 (718) 290-3909 Contact Direct 28' CENTURY2000 2800 CENTER CONSOLE GREAT RUNNING AND PERFORMING CENTER CONSOLE. IT HAS THE YAMAHA 66OX ENGINES THAT HAVE BEEN WELL MAINTAINED. $45,000 (a48675) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 33

34 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 28' CHAPARRAL2014287SSX It is loaded with all the options, Mercruiser 8.2 MAG with DTS throttle control with under 300 hrs, Radar arch with bimini top $89,999(a49017) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 27' CHAPARRAL2009275SSI MERCRUISER 496 STERN DRIVE ENGINE IT IS A GREAT PERFORMER. WITH PLENTY OF ROOM FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. $59,995(a49016) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 27' BLACKFIN2020272CC Twin 250 white Mercury’s approx 100 hours. Mercury warranty until 3/30/15. JPO joystick piloting for outboards. 2018 EZ Loader bunk trailer. $225,000(b46150) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 27' CROWNLINE2013275SS Mercruiser 350 MAG, Bow & Cockpit Covers, Wakeboard Tower, Wet Bar, Cockpit Table, Porta Pottie,Transom Seating Filler Cushion, Snap In Carpeting $54,995(b45137) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 27' GRADY TOURNAMENTWHITE2007275 Twin Yamaha F150 TXR Outboards With Only 178 Engine Hours! Dealer Maintained Since It Was Purchased, New, This Boat Is In Terrific $89,500(a49002)Condition Port Of Egypt (631) PoeMarine.com765-2445 27' SEA RAY2007 270 SUNDECK New listing. Brokered boat. Call for updated information. $38,495 (b45782) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 27' SEA RAY2001 270 SUNDANCER MerCruiser 7.4L MPI III, 310hp, 316 hours. Exceptional low hours on this boat. $34,900(c47155) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 27' BLACKFIN2023272DC This versatile dual-console boat is the ultimate vessel for reaching your favorite fishing grounds, cruising the open waves or gathering with friends. (B48894) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 27' SEA RAY2018 SDX 270 BY FAR ONE OF THE ROOMIEST 27' BOWRIDERS OUT THERE. EXTREMELY WELL $99,995(a48679)EQUIPED Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751

CANVASCARPET Call Direct Michael’s Marvelous Carpets *Layout *Measure & Sales *Custom Installation By Appointment All Types of Installations MARINE&HOME 516-410-5822 DOCKS ELECTRONICS 631.728.0286 LONG ISLAND’S EZ DOCK DEALER LONG ISLAND’S EZ DOCK DEALER The First Dock of It’s Kind, The Last Dock You Will Need!Ever EZ Docks are nearly indestructable and have a long list of accessories to customize the docks to fit your business or home. YEAR ELECTRONICSENDSALE!ALLBRANDS&MODELS 4108 Merrick Road Massapequa, NY 11758 516-557-2510 SUPPLIESWHILELAST! •New Installations •Trouble shooting •Repairs •Free Estimates: Call, Text or Email for Appointment JAMES TTARPEY Electrical Engineer (631)553-0969

NEW ENGINES 2020 Mercury 150 Four Stroke NewRebateIncludes $11,000 2020 Suzuki 140HP OB Jensen Marine 631 226-9739 2020 Suzuki 150HP OB In NewCrateThe $13,450 Kehl's Family Boating 631 226-4747 Shaft25” $13,500 2020 Suzuki 200HP OB Jensen Marine 631 226-97392NewAvailableIncludesRebate$15,400 5yr Warranty Use PurchaseatProgramsAnyControlsCompatibleExistingRebateTimeof $18,500 2020 Evinrude G-2 200HO OB 2020 Evinrude G-1 60HO OB 3yr Warranty Any PurchaseTimeProgramsRebateatof $7,795 3yr Warranty Any PurchaseTimeProgramsRebateatof $6,895 2020 Evinrude G-1 50HP OB 2020 Evinrude G-1 25HP OB 3yr Warranty Any PurchaseTimeProgramsRebateatof $4,195 Remsenburg Marine 631 325-1677 ArgoBoat/George718-527-9870ArgoBoat/George718-527-9870 ArgoBoat/GeorgeArgoBoat/George718-527-9870718-527-9870 2020 Evinrude G-2 150HO OB 5yr Warranty Use PurchaseTimeProgramsAnyControlsCompatibleExistingRebateatof $17,000 ArgoBoat/George718-527-9870 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD $16,200Lastone$7,45020222023 NEW 3 andPowerWarrantyYearTrimTilt $7,850 ArgoBoat/George718-527-9870 New 2019 Evinrude G-1 50HP OB APX3 $23,500 ControlsMechanical $13,700 ControlsMechanical Jensen Marine 631 226-9739 2022 Suzuki 300HP OB SOLDSOLD $16,500 INWarranty5DXRA-XBFT250yrSTOCK! $24,000 Winter631-581-5808Brothers 2021 Tohatsu 250Hp OB

25" ControlsWith 2008 Suzuki 250 HP OB 2012 Evinrude 150 E-tec OB Long Shaft $6,500 Remsenburg Marine 631 325-1677 Twin 2006 Mercury Verado 275HP Southbay Marine Service 6631 587-0000 2014 Evinrude G-1 150HP OB MerCruiser 350Mag Catalyst Al's Mobile 631 244-0253 Evinrude 88HP OB 20” andPowerLowShaftHoursTrimTilt $3,995 Evinrude 115HP OB 20" andPowerLikeRebuiltShaftNewTrimTilt $3,995 1998 Mercury EL 20HP OB 20" Seaborn/PatrickElectricShaft,Start631665-0037110 ReadyFullyHoursServicedToGo $9,500 Bay Park/Brett 516 764-2552 2016 Mercury 4 Stroke OB ArgoBoat/GeorgeAvailableReportEngineServicedRecently718-527-9870 ArgoBoat/George718-527-9870 SOLD SOLDSOLD231 Hours Needs Elbows $6,500 30" Shafts 430 Hours Includes Control Box & Vessel View or$12,500BestOffer 2 STROKE $5,750 2008 EVINRUDE E-tec 175HP Moriches Boat & Motor (631) Remsenburg878-0023Marine631325-1677 2008 Mercury 200HP Optimax Lindenhurst Outboard (631) 225-0077 2018 YAMAHA 4 F115 In-line 97 Yamaha 250HP HPDI OB ENGINESUSED 25" LowShaftHours $8,000 09 Evinrude 225HP G-2 E-Tec OB 20" ReadyFourShaftstroketoGo $10,000 20" PerfectRunsTwoShaftStroke $8,000 2009 Evinrude E90DPL OB 2 STROKE $3,750 Moriches Boat & Motor (631) 878-0023 30" SeriesSaltwaterTwoShaftStroke $5,000 Lindenhurst Outboard (631) 225-0077 1995 Yamaha 250HP OX66 OB 25" Shaft $8,995 Moriches Boat & Motor (631) Lindenhurst878-0023Outboard(631)225-0077 Lindenhurst Outboard (631) 225-0077 2015 Evinrude DE200PX 200HP 25” Shaft $9,000 Moriches Boat & Motor (631) 878-0023 2012 Evinrude 150 E-tec OB Long Shaft $6,500

38 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 27' YAMAHA2022275SD With DRiVE® control, 500 horsepower, advanced technology and innovative design. $150,000(a48691) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 27' SAILFISH2014270CC TWIN MERCURY 150 HP 4 STROKES. FULLY LOADED BLACK HULL W/ 980 HRS. ALWAYS MAINTAINED BY MERCURY PLATINUM DEALER. $95,900(b48178) Riteway Marine Solutions (631) RitewayMarineSolutions.net669-2628 27' MONTEREY2022275SS Powered by a White Mercury 400XXL Verado DTS. The 275SS is a new addition to the Super Sport series(b48080) GreatBayBoats.comGreatBayBoats(631)859-0654 27' SEA STRIPERSWIRL19972100 Powered by a 175HP Johnson Oceanrunner. Bimini Top. Transom bench. $11,495(b48171) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 27' WORLD CAT2004 270 HT Twin 225 HP Honda BF225A4XXA. Package includes Garmin flush mount GPS/DF, Radar, VHF, outriggers, and more. Engines have 1698 $69,990(c48703)hrs. All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 27' ROBALO2022R272 R272 is primed to tackle any fishing adventure. Combine a Kevlar-reinforced hull with a Lifetime Limited Hull warranty and 5-year component warranty. $183,689(B48899) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 27' SEA RAY2006 270 SUNDECK VERY NICE BOAT WITH LOW HOURS. NEW EXHAUST , BELLOWS AND YOKE IN 2020. PLENTY OF ROOM FOR FAMILY AND $44,995(a48157)FRIENDS. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 27' CHAPARRAL2010276SSX A NEW 8.2 L MERCRUISER ENGINE WITH ONLY 260 HOURS ON $79,995(a48677)HER. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 27' 270CHAPARRAL2018SIGNATURE Powered by a Mercury 6.2L Bravo 3 300HP Catalyst Engine with Only 135 Hours & Warranty until $109,995(b47137)2023!! Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654

ENGINES Call Direct Deer Park, New York 631•242•5757 Dealers Protected EXCHANGETRANSMISSIONBENCHTESTED$150UNITSAVAILABLE L ONG I SLAND Marine MarineTransmissionEngineInc.LONGISLANDEngineTransmissionInc.ANDAND LocationOurVisitNew DEBIT Call Direct SERVICEInc.OUTBOARDMARINEOUTBOARDMARINESERVICEInc. FactorySALES/SERVICE/PARTSCertifiedTechnicians 24 Cottage Ave. Bayshore, NY 11076 631.665.3885 • Repower Specialists • Tune Ups • Warranty Work • Transporting Travel Lift Service StorageWinter WinterizationSpecialists 631-587-0000•WinterStorage•Winterizing&Shrinkwrapping•TwotravelliftsUpto50’•AllSternDrives/Outboards/Inboards•RepowerSpecials 203 South Ketcham Ave., Amityville, NY 11701 FULL SERVICEFULLMARINAMARINASERVICE Call Direct EPMEPMARINEARINE FACTORY TRAINED MASTER TECHNICIANS OUTBOARD SPECIALISTS REBUILT POWERHEADS & GEAR CASES AVAILABLE N E W && UU S E D MM O T O R S • Yamaha • Mercury CALL WINTERIZINGFORSPECIALS CALL ERIC 631-563-6277 2200 ARCTIC AVENUE,BOHEMIA, NEW YORK 11716 Manufacturers of Wet or Dry Exhaust Systems for Over 35 Years 134 Verdi St.Farmingdale NY 11735 631-694-0714 • RISERS • MANIFOLDS • EXHAUST ACCESSORIES Replacement•Manifolds&Risers• Manufacturers of Custom Wet or Dry Exhaust Systems Since 1955

40 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 27' ROBALO2019R272 Powered by Twin 200HP Yamaha Engines (850 Hours) $139,995 (b48874) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 27' BAHA277CRUISERS2006GLE Volvo 5.7 OSI composite duo prop stern drive. Windllass anchor winch, trim tabs, hard top with spreader lights and more.. $29,990(c48223) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 27' GRADYCANYONWHITE2015271 Twin Yamaha F300 Four Strokes with 1007 Hours. Garmin Electronics. Very well maintained. $165,000(a47296) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 27' CROWNLINE2005270CR Merc 350 MAG MPI fwc Bravo III. Gps, radar combo, radio, a/c, windlass, anchor, trim tabs, full galley kitchen, dockside power, dual batteries, battery charger $42,900(b43310) Riteway Marine Solutions (631) RitewayMarineSolutions.net669-2628 27' FOURVISTAWINNS2022275 Volvo 350hp. A great day and weekend boat with luxury throughout. Included are Bow thruster, A/C, Generator, and underwater lights. $232,500(c48777) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 27' MAXUM2008 2700SE EXP CRUISER Great boat, one owner, fully loaded. Garmin 5208 GPS FF DF Radar Stereo. Sleeps 4, stove, frig sink head. Repowered in 2020, 30 hrs, new camper enclo $38,000(h47836) Ed (516) Contact835-6626Direct 27' PIONEER2022PELAGIC 2022 Pioneer 270 Pelagic Center Console with twin Suzuki engines(a47640)DF250APXW Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 27' SAILFISH2019275DC This is a highly optioned 275 DC with many upgrades. The owner has the offshore bug and is going $159,999(a49018)bigger!! Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 26' CHAPARRAL2003SIGNATURE Powered with 5.7 350 MAG MPI with Bravo III sterndrive. Navy top with side curtains. $24,900(c49038) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300

Al Grover High & Dry Marina Certified Verado Installer 500 South Main Street Freeport, NY 11520 Sales: 516-771-7020 Marina: 516Certifiedwww.algroversmarine.com546-8880RemsenbergMarineVeradoInstaller42DockRoadRemsenberg, Precision Marine Certified Verado Installer 2936 Arrowhead Place Seaford, NY Certified516-785-301311783PearlGreyMarineVeradoInstaller247SKetchamAveAmityville,NY11701631-598-3928www.pearlgreymarine.comSeaborn Marina Certified Verado Installer 87 Ocean Avenue Bayshore, NY www.seabornmarinas.com631-665-003711706 Seaside3 Marina Certified Verado Installer 842 South Wellwood Avenue Lindenhurst, NY www.seaside3ny.com631-574-881111757 Ocean Bay Marina 2976 Whaleneck Dr Merrick , NY www.oceanbaymarina.com516-378-640011566 DISCOVER MORE AT MERCURYMARINE.COM/V12 Al's Mobile Marine Certified Verado Installer 131 Atlantic Avenue West Sayville, NY www.alsmobilemarine.net631-244-025311796 MERCURY V8 & V6 ENGINES DELIVER WHAT BOATERS ONCE THOUGHT WAS IMPOSSIBLE: EVERYTHING N O S ACRIFICES , N O C OMPROMISES, N O A POLOGIES

42 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 26' SEA RAY2011 260 SUNDECK Mercruiser 350 MAG DTS B-3 which provides great performance for water sports. Risers and Manifolds done 2 seasons ago. $49,500(c47011) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 26' PURSUIT2018 DC 265 DUAL CONSOLE Twin Yamaha F200s. Hard Top Coated White with Rocket $183,900(a48422)Launchers Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 26' SEASTRIPPERSWIRL1997 Evinrude 175 Negotiable $13,500 (c48419) (516)Anthonys840-2344ContactDirect 26' AQUASPORT1983266XF Closed transom and a bracket with a pair of 2003 Yamaha 250 HPDI engines. The boat has a huge rear fishing deck, and boasts a huge $29,995(a47943)fishbox Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 26' SEA RAY2008 260 SUNDANCER 350 Magnum® MPI Bravo® III MCM Sterndrive (300 hp - 224 kw). Excellent condition. $55,585(b46393) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 26' MONTEREY2023M65 Sleek, refined, luxurious, and powerful are just a few words that will come to mind when you first step on the M-65. (B48896) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 26' PROLINE2017 26 SUPER SPORT Twin 150 Suzuki Outboards that are not even broken in, less than 40 hrs, Very well optioned boat, $79,999(a49020) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 26' 250AQUASPORT2005EXPLORER Yamaha 225 4 stroke. Everything works, runs perfect, Tip Top condition , super clean, boat slip paid for season, included. Many updates! $34,950 (h48552) (516)Frank815-6765ContactDirect 26' CHRIS CRAFT2003 26 CONSTELLATION New Volvo 8.1 GXI engine in 2014 (320 hrs on new engine, 756 hrs on boat) along with transom assembly, Risers and manifolds in 2021 $23,999 (a49019) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751

JENSEN MARINE SERVICE 1234 Merrick Rd.,Copiague, NY 11726 631www.jensenmarine.com957-2424 LEEWARD COVE MARINA 327 River Ave., Patchoque, NY 11772 www.leewardcovemarina.com631-654-3106 MORICHES BOAT & MOTOR 200 Atlantic Ave., E. Moriches, NY 11940 www.morichesboatandmotor.com631-878-0023 OUTBOARD MARINE SERVICE 74 Cottage Ave., Bayshore, NY 11706 631www.outboardmarineservice.com665-3885

44 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 26' STRIPERSEASWIRL20002600 Powered by a 2005 Evinrude 225HP. Trailer included. $27,500(b47791) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 26' REGAL2002 2665 COMMODORE A NEW LONG BLOCK ENGINE WAS INSTALLED LAST YEAR AND HAS VERY LITTLE HOURS ON HER. THEY DID INJECTORS AND FUEL PUMP ALSO. $24,995(a48159) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 26' ROBALO2004R260 Powered by Twin 225HP Yamaha Engines (1140 Hours). Rod holders, Newer Electronics Package. $50,000 (b48280) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 25' 252WELLCRAFT2004COASTAL This package includes a 250 HP Yamaha with 385 hrs.. Also included is a E-Z loader dual axle trailer. $36,900 (c46775) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 25' 250CHAPARRAL2007SIGNATURE MERCRUISER 5.0 ENGINE AND SHE RUNS GREAT. DO NOT PASS UP THIS WELL MAINTAINED $34,995(a48410)BOAT Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 25' SCARAB2017 255 H O PLATINUM 76 HOUR TWIN ENGINE 500 HP JET BOAT W/ GALVINIZED BUNK TRAILER. ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS FRESH WATER BOAT WITH EVERY FACTORY OPTION $75,900(b48133) Riteway Marine Solutions (631) RitewayMarineSolutions.net669-2628 25' MONTEREY2018 258 SUPER SPORT Mercruiser 6.2L producing 300hp and mated to a Bravo III outdrive. This boat only 96 engine hours and is ready to $84,900(c48760)go. Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 25' FORMULA1996252SS MERC 383 STROKER BRAVO 1. THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL WELL MAINTAINED 350 HOUR BOAT. BOAT HAS NEWER MOTOR. $25,900(b47280) Riteway Marine Solutions (631) RitewayMarineSolutions.net669-2628 25' MONTEREY2022255SS Introducing the 255SS OB. Loaded with an abundance of standard features amenities.(B48893)and Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654

Factory AAuthorized VV12 Response CCenter AND BBE RREADY FFOR SSUMMER 22022! OUTBOARDS 6600 HHP -- 22.5 HHP I/Os AAND IINBOARDS

46 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 25' STEIGER CRAFT2021 255 MIAMI Powered by Twin Yamaha 200HP Engines (33 Hours). Includes 2021 Tandem Axle Trailer $155,000 (b48706) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 25' 25STEIGERCRAFT2016CHESAPEAKE Powered by a 250HP Yamaha Engine. Minnkota Trolling Motor, Second $84,995(b47580)Station Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 25' BLACKFIN2023252CC Designed for everyday performance and fishability, the 252CC’s unique hull design offers a smooth, dry, top performing ride.(B48895) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 25' CENTERDUSKY1981CONSOLE 2003 225 HP Yamaha HPFDI 2 stroke 30" transom/shaft, SST prop. Forward berth, T-Top, hydraulic steering, anchor pulpit, bow rail, etc. $12,500(c47533) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 25' CROWNLINE2005250CR 2005 Crownline 250CR, great boat to spend a weekend on or just day trip with family and friends! $36,995(b47468) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 25' STEIGER CRAFT2017 255 DV BLOCK ISLAND Powered by 300HP Yamaha Engine. Bimini Top $115,000(b48565) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 25' STEIGER CRAFT2019 255 DV MIAMI Powered by Twin 150HP Yamaha Engines (256 Hours). Aluminum Tandem Axle Trailer. $144,900 (b48433) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 25' GLASTRON2008GS259 Powered with Volvo Penta 5.0 GXi Duo prop. With hot water , dual batteries, VHF, D/F, compass, stereo with cockpit speakers, cockpit sink. $24,900 (c33353) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 25' SEA SELECTRAY2007 Only 330 hrs on optional Mercruiser 350 300 hp MAG engine paired to a Bravo III Drive. $44,999(a49021) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751

ENGINES Call Direct WINTER BROTHERS SHIPYARD 15 Athasca Rd.Islip, NY 631-581-580811751 If You Don't Buy From Us We Are Both Losing Money! 2.5HP - 250HP 2 & 4 Stroke Outboards Call for "Best Prices" & Deep Discounts Winter Storage Available KING OF THE BAY CALL DIRECT SPECIALISTSSPECIALISTSOUTBOARDOUTBOARD R E P O W E R N O W ! ! ! R E B U I L T && TT R A D E II N E N G I N E S AA V A I L A B L E &WinterizingShrinkwrapSpecials FACTORY TRAINED MASTEREXPERTTECHNICIANSRIGGING 631-589-5502 2200 Arctic Avenue, Bohemia, New York MUSEDOTORS 2HP to 200 HP Many To Choose From Text Anthony 516 840-2344 Alpha Exchange* Alpha’s $750-$1050(Warr. with Acceptable Exchg) Int Assys & Trim Cyls Trim Pumps $95 used (516)*SubjecttoAvailability MossRepairs,MarineInc. 42 DOCK RD., REMSENBURG, N.Y. 631-325-167711960 CALL NOW INMERCURYFORSTOREPRICING Gas Diesel& Octane93

48 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 25' RINKER2003 250 FIESTA VEE Mercruiser 5.0 engine. Cuddy cabin, head and canvas covers! $21,990 (b48529) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 25' 2570PURSUIT2005OFFSHORE Yamaha F250 With Only 419 Engine Hours. This Well Kept Beauty Is In The Water And Ready To Go! Brand NEW Cushions And Bolsters In $57,000(a49003)2021. Port Of Egypt (631) PoeMarine.com765-2445 25' ADMIRALDEFIANCE2008250EX NEW 2020 Yamaha twin 150hp 4Stroke, Garmin Radar and GPS, Simrad fish/finder. Click on Details for features and options. $64,900 (c45922) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 25' STEIGER CRAFT2022 255 DV MIAMI Powered by Twin 150HP Suzuki Engines. This boat is the perfect daytrip fishing boat.(b48568) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 25' SEA RAY1995 250 SUNDANCER Turn Key. Really runs grest! Sleeps 4 in AC/Heat. Hot water heater for showers. New electric head with macerator. New electronics and much more. $18,995 (h46295) (516)Scott819-1318ContactDirect 25' CHRISCORSAIRCRAFT2004 Absolutely Beautiful. Like new. Meticiously professionally maintained. Volvo 8.1 with low hours. Every available option. Original owner. $64,000 (h48397) (516)Maria238-5515ContactDirect 25' AVALON2017 LSZ QUAD LOUNGER MERCURY 150 O/B FOURSTROKE. BEAUTIFUL ONE OWNER 90 HOUR QUAD LOUNGE PONTOON BOAT. FULLY LOADED $45,900(B47656) Riteway Marine Solutions (631) RitewayMarineSolutions.net669-2628 25' 255SCARAB2019OPENID Through a desire to showcase new adventure, those memorable moments, and each smile, Scarab was destined to design a highlight reel of a $84,995(a48965)boat. Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 25' STEIGERMIAMICRAFT2021 New to the market loaded and only 50 hours on the 300hp Yamaha 4-Stroke ! Simrad Radar and GPS, Stereo, Spotlight, Windlass and much $139,000(c48186)more. Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 631-957-7878 M ARINE F IBERGLASS C ORPORATION REFURBISHINGSPECIALIST For Over 30 years REFINISHEDREPAIRED,we nowFinestLongCUSTOMIZED&someofIsland’sBoats.OurshopislocatedonthewateratBergenPointYachtBasininWestBabylon,NewYork FIBERGLASS INSURANCE 8 Broadway Rocky Point, NY 631-744-120011778 S HORE L INE I NSURANCE A GENCY ,I NC S PECIALIZINGIN A LL F ORMSOF M ARINE & Y ACHT I NSURANCE y YOUR OONE-STOP TICKET PPROVIDER •SPORTS •THEATER •CONCERTS 516-Jackass522-5277 LETTERING ThSiShI 1946 149 Pennsylvania Ave. Lindenhurst, NY 11747 631.226.4145

50 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 24' SEA RAY2001 245 WEEKENDER 5.0 MerCruiser. About 750 hours, GPS, full canvas and mooring covers. Includes life jackets, new batteries and porta potty. $21,990(b48248) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 24' GRADY EXPLORERWHITE199324WA 2013 250Hp Evinrude ETEC installed new April 2014. Never bottom painted or kept in the water. New axles, hubs, bearings, wheels, and tires in $23,000(h48165)2020 (631)Mike433-8883ContactDirect 24' CRUISERS YACHTS1996 2420 ARIA Nice day boat runs great with 7.4L Mercruiser with only 420 hours risers and manifolds done last $9,950(c48456)season. Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 24' ROBALO2022R247 If you want a family sport boat that can operate where stern drive rivals dare not tread and is also a serious fishing machine. $144,785(B48898) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 24' YAMAHA2020242SE COMES WITH COVER, NO TRAILER. BOAT IS BOTTOM PAINTED. 30 DAY WARRANTY ON ENGINE $69,999 (a49032) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 24' GLASTRON2003GS249 Volvo 5.0L V-8 engine with only 360 hours. Bimini Top, Cockpit cover, Lowrance GPS/Fish-finder, Stereo, Windlass, Remote spot, and much more. $25,000(c48759) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 24' LYMAN1962 24 SLEEPER HARDTOP Only 155 hours since the restoration was finished, the Lyman is essentially brand new. It has always been boathouse kept $75,000(c48758) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 24' BLACKFIN2019242CC Powered by a 300HP White Mercury. PC Hardtop with Rod $119,995(b48278)Holders. Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 24' 2400MAXUM2001SCR Typically used for overnight-cruising, day-cruising and saltwater-fishing. These boats were built with a fiberglass modified-vee $17,500(b48169) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 86 Foster Ave., Hampton Bays, NY 631-728-226411946 Full Repair Restorationand Painting / Waxing /Propspeed Media blasting / Barrier Coating / Shaftline repair Shrinkwrap / Crane Services Complete Refit and Repair Paintwork / Antifouling / Waxing Metalwork / Fabrication / Welding Fiberglass Repairs / Engine Repairs & Repowers Haulouts Service and Storage Facilities Transient & Seasonal Dockage On Land Storage Year Around 600 feet of Protected waterfront 8 Acres of Property P PONQUOGUE ONQUOGUE MARINA C LOSEST F ULL S ERVICE M ARINA L OCATED L ESS T HAN 1 M ILEFROMTHE S HINNECOCK I NLET Winter Storage & SummerAvailableDockage Large VVessels UUp TTo 665ffeet 50TTon aand330TTon TravelLLifts MARINAS

52 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 24' MAXUM2001SCR Built for those who want a craft with agility of a sport boat plus style and range of a cruiser. Trailerable for convenience. $22,500(h48477) (516)Michael790-8184ContactDirect 24' 242YAMAHA2013LIMITED The 242 Limited is a breathtaking craft designed for the enthusiast who also appreciates unprecedented $44,999(a48118)luxury. Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 24' SEA RAY2008 240 SUNDANCER Equipped with a Mercruiser 5.0 single I/O engine, head in spacious cabin. Garmin electronics. $39,990(b47076) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 24' SEA SUNDECKRAY2006 MINT CONDITION. Mercruiser 5.0 Bravo 3 I/O. Two Boat Covers. Toilet. Sink. Trailer Available. $38,000 (h48702) Al (516) Contact661-1914Direct 24' 242YAMAHA2014LIMITED Yamaha-exclusive innovations. Fuelefficient twin High Output 1.8 liter Yamaha Marine engines deliver smooth acceleration. $39,999(a48966) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 24' CHECKMATE1996CONVINCOR Excellent Condition. Merc 502 CI, Bravo One, New SS exhaust system, New Transom assembly, interior reupholstered. Very well maintained. $18,500 (h48817) Joe (516) Contact225-5754Direct 24' GLASTRON2004249GS Dealer owned, this boat is very nice. There is a new volvo long block just installed with 5 hours on it. It's a 5.7 engine and this boat runs $24,995(a46594)awesome. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 24' DENALIPURSUIT20012460 Mercury 5.7 EFI 350 cid. New 6 year old manifold. Low hours. Bimini. $30,000 (h46998) Don (516) Contact313-1726Direct 24' SAILFISH2018241CC Yamaha F200XB Outboard With Less Than 200 Engine Hours. Freshly Commissioned, Bottom Painted And Waxed $89,900(a48389) Port Of Egypt (631) 765-2445 (800) PoeMarine.com244-8765


54 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 24' NORTH COAST1989 24 FISHERMAN Repowered in 2014 With Twin Evinrude ETEC 150 2-Stroke Outboards With Only 200 Engine Hours, This Boat Is Ready To Go! $28,800(a48663) Port Of Egypt (631) 765-2445 (800) PoeMarine.com244-8765 24' WELLCRAFT1978AIRSLOT24 VERY RARE FIND. RE-POWERED 357 MerCruiser with only 250 hours. FLOAT ON dual axle trailer $9,900(a47499)included. Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 24' SEA SUNDANCERRAY2001240 Repowered in 2017 w/Mercruiser 5.7. New Bravo ll outdrive in 2017. Runs great. Looks great. New canvas mooring cover. In water, ready to test $20,000(h48731)drive! Ted (347) Contact513-9515Direct 23' GRADY GULFSTREAMWHITE2003232 Twin Yamaha Z150 HPDI. Boat is detailed 2 times a season to preserve gel coat. Water pumps & thermostats replaced in spring 2020. $52,000 (a49033) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 23' SEA ERA2000 CENTER CONSOLE 200 hp Johnson. t-top, rod holders, rocket launchers, Garmin 9, GPS, VHF, Transon door, forward cooler with cushion, new batt, just bottom $10,900(h49027)painted. Bill (631) Contact903-0769Direct 23' CROWNLINE2006235CCR Very lightly used and very low $19,900(a49022)hours Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 23' SEASWIRL20032301WA Volvo 5.0 GIXI sterndrive, freshwater cooled, 1609 hrs., fiberglass T-Top with enclosure and electronics box, compass, VHF radio, Garmin GPS & $23,900(c46776)more. All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 23' STEIGER CRAFT2013 23 DV MIAMI Yamaha Four Stroke 200HP (280 hours). Rocket Launcher on hardtop. Portside Couch with Storage. (b48876)$74,995 Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 23' CENTERMAKO1973CONSOLE Hull Only Collapsible T-Top, Bimini Top 20" Transom with Bracket Handles up to 25" Outriggers, GPS $5,500 (c43659) Argo Boat (718) Contact527-9870Direct

23' 232RINKER2006CAPTIVA THE ENGINE HAS RECENTLY HAD THE HEADS REDONE AND NEW EXHAUST DONE TO IT, AND IT RUNS GREAT. $24,995(a49023) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 23' FORMULA1997232LS Mercruiser 310hp. New interior, new batteries, new trim tabs and detailing. A twin axle trailer is included in the price. This boat is ready to go $19,000 (c48757) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) 23WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 ' CHAPARRAL2000235SSI Powered by Mercruiser 250. Great On Fuel. Runs Great. In Water And Ready To Go. Great Condition. $12,999 (h48713) (914)Rich498-2342ContactDirect SEPTEMBER 2022 55 MARINAS Sales/Service/Docking 1110 Flanders Rd., Flanders, NY 11901 631-204-0034 NOW AVAILABLE Boat Rentals • DockSlips NewandUsed BoatSales Service • Hauling&GasDockStorage NEW BOAT SALES FOR

56 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 23' ROBALO1978230WA Second owner. Hull sound solid glass and built like a tank . Recently re-powered 5.7 FWC MerCruiser 260 HP. Out drive serviced. $9,900(a47951) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 23' CAROLINA SKIFF2022 ULTRA ELITE Powered with 2022 225 HP Honda IST electric shift in white BF250DXDAWT with digital Honda gauge.(c48221) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 23' DIAMANTEVIAGGIO202223B The best party on the water! Our classy bar top comes with bottle and can holders, along with all the amenities standard on our Diamante series. $78,713 (B48570) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 23' WORLD CAT2022 235 CC Twin Yamaha F150XB. Fiberglass Hard Top with Powder Coated Aluminum Frame. Forward Seating Back Rest (a47487) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 23' SPORTSMAN2019 232 CENTER CONSOLE THE YAMAHA OUTBOARD IS THE GREAT RUNNING 250HP WITH APPROXIMENTLY 461 HOURS ON HER $79,995(a48161) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 23' BOWRIDERREGAL1999 Mint condition Re-powered 5.7 only 200 Hours. Duel prop out drive serviced this year. Full covers for cockpit and bow seating. $19,000(a48680) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 23' SEA RAY1998 240 SUNDANCER Package includes port-a-potty, stereo system, 110 dockside power with battery charger, alcohol stove. repowered 2016. $18,500(c47971) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 23' 230CHAPARRAL2021SUNCOAST Yamaha 200HP Four Stroke 35 Hrs, Head, Cockpit Table, Canvas, Radar Arch with Bimini, Warranty. Much More Spotless!!! $75,500(b48317) Kehls Family Boating (631) Contact226-4747Direct 23' SEA OX1987 23 WALKAROUND 250E-Etec 280 hrs & trailer, Simrad DWN & Side scan, Northstar 951 GPS, Simrad radar, hardtop, windless anchor, well maintained & loaded. $18,900 (h47717) (631)Mike766-3127ContactDirect

MARINAS (Rt 25A) Northport Phone: 631-261-5600 Fax: 631-261-5654 Call Today to Discover The Modern Yachting Center at Britannia and Enjoy Service With Confidence! LONG ISLAND’S PREMIER YACHT FACILITY... •55 Ton Cornell Marine Hoist •Shell Starport •310 Boat Slips to 65 feet •Marine Insurance •Gas & Diesel Repairs •Yacht Brokerage •Hull Painting •Gourmet Snack Bar •Fiberglass Repair •Full Marina Service •Transient Slips •Complete Repair Service •Discount Chandlery •(Certified O/B-I/B Mechanics,Certified Diesel) •Winter Wet/Dry Storage Full Service Facility Authorized Warranty For ONANCummins Marine Marine Marine STORAGEWINTER DriveSTORAGEWINTERFullServicethruPackagesShrinkWrap 100 yards from Great South Bay In House FreeBrokerageBoatStorageWithListing Summer2023Dockage17'to47'

58 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 23' SPORT231CRAFT1999 Boat has been marina maintained for many years. $10,500(b48769) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 23' CHAPARRAL2003SSI230 Beautiful boat ready for its next owner. Brand new interior in 2022. Must $35,000(b48768)see! Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 22' FOUR WINNS2003 225 SUNDOWNER Every detail - the storage, the seating, everything inside and out - has been thoughtfully engineered and meticulously built. $18,990(b48712) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 22' GRADYSEAFARERWHITE1997 Yamaha 200 Salt Water Series. Great Condition $15,000(h48686) Contact(917)Teddy704-5411Direct 22' SEA RAY2010 220 SUNDECK Equipped with a MerCruiser 3.0 engine, bimini top, mooring cover, $29,990(b48240)head. Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 22' FOUR WINNS 225 SUNDOWNER Volvo Penta 5.0L GXI rated @ 270HP. There are two batteries for the engine and the room is insulated, providing a quiet ride. $26,750(b46394) Babylon Marine (631) 587-0333 (631) BabylonMarine.com525-3686 22' 22CASTINE2005CRUISER Powered by a 20HP Diesel Yanmar 3YM20 Inboard Engine. 2005 Road King Bunk Trailer. $17,500(b48435) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 22' ROBALO2022R222 It had to happen. Parlaying the gamechanging success of the R180 and the R200, Robalo takes its center console offerings up a notch for 2022. (B48897)$82,454 Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 22' MONTEREY2022M225 Masterfully crafted, and innovatively designed, Monterey’s M225 offers uncompromising performance with elegant styling.(b48077) Great Bay Boats (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654

22' GLASTRON2016GTS225 V-8 MerCruiser 5.7L with low hours. Includes covers and Custom $44,900(c47815)Trailer. Westchester Yacht Sales (914) 22WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 ' COBALT2002226 Volvo 5.7 250 8 Cylinder engine, freshwater cooled. Exhaust done 2019, freshwater boat though 2012, complete canvas & cockpit covers, $15,990(b46840)lines.... Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 22' GRADY WHITE1995 222 SEAFARER Yamaha 200 Saltwater Series Carbureted two stroke with a SS prop. In good shape, needs some upholstery work on the seat cushions. $14,995 (a46615) Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 SEPTEMBER 2022 59 MARINAS Full Service Marina & Warranty Center ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED WE DO IT ALL LARGE & SMALL WE DO IT ALL LARGE & SMALL • Factory Certified Technicians in All Emission Control Products WE SERVICE ALL MAJOR BRANDS • Inboard, Outboards & Inboard/Outboard COMMISSIONINGSPRING & SUMMER DOCKAGE 516-764-2552 3346 ROYAL AVENUE, OCEANSIDE, NY 11572 Service Credit with All New CustomersDockage Family Owned & Operated

60 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 22' GRADY WHITE2002 223 TOURNAMENT Yamaha 200 HP HPDI with only 225 hours.,(not 4 stroke) Boat needs some TLC but hull is sound and it is fast with great fuel economy. No trailer. (a48692)$15,900 Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 22' GRADY WHITE2022 232 GULFSTREAM A solid, safe, feature-rich walkaround fishing boat that performs like a much larger boat and can more than hold its own in big water.(a47268) Port of Egypt (631) 765-2445 (800) PoeMarine.com244-8765 22' CHAPARRAL2003215SS MerCrusier 5.0 Alpha, Cuddy Cabin. Great Condition, Sleeps 2. $10,990 (b48432) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 22' SEA PRO1992 220 WALKAROUND Volvo Penta 4.3 L Stern drive duo prop. Aluminum T-Top with canvas. Remanufactured long block 2018, low hours. $8,500(c47531) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 22' ROBALO2019R222 Powered by a Yamaha 200HP Engine. Flip Down Transom Bench. $67,995 (b48875) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 22' SEA WEEKENDERRAY2002 Powered by a Mercury MerCruiser 5.0L EFI. Bimini Top. Cuddy cabin. (b47470)$22,495 Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' GRADY FREEDONWHITE2018215 Yamaha F200 Four Stroke in Seaport Blue $99,900(a47660) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 21' SEA210KING2009CC Garmin electronics, t-top, fishbox, sirius radio, 150hp Yamaha 4-stroke outboard, 140 hours, runs like new, includes 2017 tidewate trailer (h48414)$21,000 (917)Larry414-8592ContactDirect atoNeedSellBoat ? SeeCanPeopleWhereHerePutSimple...It’sItit! (516) 695-6884

21' BOSTONVENTURAWHALER2002210 Powered by a 2002 Honda 225HP Engine. Trailer included. $32,500 (b48174) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' CAROLINA SKIFF2022 ULTRA ELITE 150 HP HP Honda in white BF150DXRA WT 25" shaft. Package includes fiberglass hard top and more.. (c48222) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 21' TIDEWATER2021 210 CC ADVENTURE Want to talk about a dream boat? ... you'll be in heaven as soon as you step on board! $59,990(b48526) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 SEPTEMBER 2022 61 MARINAS 631-874-2200 FULL IdealSummerCallMARINASERVICENowFor2023DockageFisherman'sLocation! • Winter Storage • Summer Dockage • Gas and Diesel • Bait, Ice and Tackle • 35 Ton Open End Lift • Maintenance and Repair Service on Site • Floating Docks with Electric and Water • Fast Access to Moriches Inlet Call Direct 631-587-0333 156 Ceder Lane, Babylon, NY 11702 •Winter Storage •Repowers •Fiberglass Work •Stern Drives/Inboards •Winterizing • FullShrinkwrappingServiceMarina •Winter Storage •Repowers •Fiberglass Work Drives/Inboards ••WinterizingShrinkwrap 42 DOCK RD., REMSENBURG, N.Y. 631-325-167711960 CALL NOW INMERCURYFORSTOREPRICING Gas Diesel& Octane93

62 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 21' STEIGER CRAFT1997 21 LONG BEACH 3.0L Volvo Penta Engine with SX outdrive. The boat sits on a dual axle bunk trailer. There is a VHF radio in the dash, and dual battery system. $6,990 (a46616) Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 21' CHAPARRAL2010215SS Powered by Mercruiser 5.0TKS Engine. Bimini, portside lounger, canvas enclosure. $34,995(b48279) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' 214STINGRAY2019LROB The outboard version of our popular 215LR sport deck model, featuring a wide body cockpit for optimal passenger space $49,990(b48782) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 21' LAUNCHMARTINI2007 Doubles as a Pumpout Boat. Yanmar 30HP Diesel Engine w/under 20Hrs.Stereo, GPS, Refrigerator, Dual Batteries W/Switch, Battery $30,000(c31754)Charger City Island Yacht Sales (718) CityIslandYacht.com885-2300 21' SEA HUNT2004 215 VICTORY Powered by a 140HP Evinrude Engine. Bimini top, cuddy cabin. $19,995 (b48436) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' PURSUIT19932150DC Dual Console powered with 1993 150 HP 2 stroke. Hydraulic steering and bimini top. $12,500(c47463) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 21' STRIPERSEASWIRL20032101 Dual console with Yamaha 200 hp engine trailer electronics boat ready to go fishing or cruising call for more $11,500(h48460)info (516)Scott819-1318ContactDirect 21' BOSTON WHALER2005 210 OUTRAGE Mercury 200hp 4-stroke. Interior cushions were re-done in 2020. T-Top, GPS, VHF, Dual battery's, Live well, NEW Garmin fish finder and much $34,900(c48756)more! Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 21' SAVANNAH2021SS21 150HP Mercury 4 Stroke. hybrid boat that could be inshore and offshore, family or fishing, and affordable. $42,995 (b45139) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654

PROPELLERS Bossler & Sweezey inc. Since1960 1 5 4 0 MM o n t a u k HH i g h w a y , BB e l l p o r t , NN Y 631-286-0458 Find us Facebookon After Before •Propeller Sales & Reconditioning Mil-Spec••Rudders,Struts&Shafting•CustomPropModificationsCustomStainlessSteelRudders•HandPoured,ZincAnodes PERFORMANCEIMPROVEBOAT CELEBRATING 76 YEARS From 1946 to 2022 10 South End Place, Freeport, NY 11520 516-379-3311 FREE PROPELLER ANALYSISMEMBEROF ASSOCIATE MEMBER Saves Gas & LessBurnMoneyFuel JOHNSON PROPELLER BALANCINGDYNAMICSINCE1952 Community Since 1946. Top Ten Distributer Award from Michigan Wheel Corp. Over 3,000 Propellers in Stock LineofManufacturesaCompleteofMarineFittings! The Best Value From The #1 School! Locations in NY, NJ, CT, VA, MA, MD RESERVETODAY BoatingNYSSafetyCoursesAvail. O F M ARITIME L 631-226-7300ICENSING SCHOOLS

64 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 21' SPRIPERSEASWIRL19972100 Powered by a 175HP Johnson Oceanrunner. Transom Bench. $11,495(b48282)Bimini Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' SEA RAY1999 215 EXPRESS CRUISER MerCruiser 5.7 Canvas, GPS, VHF, Refrig. Includes Winter $12,500(b44963)Storage Arnotts Boat Yard (631) Contact581-5808Direct 21' BLACKFINMONTEREY2016217 Powered by a 200HP Yamaha Engine. Bimini top, livewell $39,995(b48877) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' DIAMANTEVIAGGIO202121U Yamaha 150XB, SeaStar Hydraulic Steering, Simrad GO7 $61,808(b45375)Display. Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' JERSEY2008SKIFF 2018 75HP Tohatsu 4 Stroke 50Hrs, Trim Tabs. Trailer Available $8,700 (b42684) Arnotts Boat Yard (631) Contact581-5808Direct 21' STEIGER CRAFT2019 23 DV MIAMI Yamaha 300HP (900 Hours) WARRANTY UNTIL 3/22/25. $94,995(b48277) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' STEIGER CRAFT1997 BLOCK ISLAND Volvo Penta 4.3 GL I/O. $14,995 (b43452) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' SAVANNAH2021SS21 Hybrid boat that could be inshore and offshore, family or fishing, and affordable $42,995(b45144) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 21' 210FANAUTICSTAR2012SPORTDECK A serious fishing machine in the morning and a versatile water sports boat later in the afternoon. $27,999 (a48967) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060

SUPPLY NEW OWNERSHIP • SAME GREAT SERVICE Name Brands At Discount Prices ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR ALL YOUR BOATING/FISHING NEEDS NEW ITEMS IN EVERY DAY! 4108 Merrick Rd, Massapequa, NY 11758 516 557-2510 See Us at the Tobay Boat Show. End of Specials!Season 15% OFF WHILE SUPPLIES LAST15% OFF WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

66 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 20' RELEASE2016208RX Yamaha F150XB four stroke fuel injected outboard engine on the back. The boat has a hardtop, and full electronics at the dash. $51,995(a48650) Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 20' ISLANDERPIONEER2022202 With more seating, featuring a full transom seat, wrap-around bolsters throughout the boat, and a step-down porta potty under the console.(a46690) Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 20' GRADY FREEDOMWHITE2016205 Yamaha F150XB in Sea Glass Green Hull Color. $79,900(a48423) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 20' SEA PRO1994 206 WA 2010 Suzuki DF140 Fuel Injected Four Stroke engine on the back. Boat sits on a trailer as well. Cockpit cover protecting the dash and helm area. $12,995 (a48982) Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 20' SPORTFISHPIONEER2022202 Suzuki DF150ATXW Outboard Engine. White Powdercoated T-Top with Spreader Lights. Two Years Maintenance.(a47254)Scheduled Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 20' BOSTONREVENGEWHALER1986 2010 200hp Suzuki 4 stroke, only 600 hrs, gps, depthfinder. Good Condition with a great engine. Tandem trailer included. $9,900(h47863) (516)Steve428-2355ContactDirect 20' ANGLER2006204FX Powered by a Yamaha 150 HP V6 2 Stroke Engine. Aluminum T-Top with Rocket Launcher. $18,995(b48878) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 20' ROSSITER2020 20 COASTAL CRUISER 200HP Yamaha 4-stroke, only 5 hrs, Cockpit cover, Bimini top and Cockpit table, Venture trailer included. This boat is ready to go !!! $94,000(c48755) Westchester Yacht Sales (914) WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 20' MONTEREY2020M205 Powered by a 200HP Mercury Engine (83 Hours). Perfectly designed seating arrangements provide you with a spacious entertainment setting. $54,999 (b48873) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654

20' GRADY WHITE2005 208 ADVENTURE 150 HP Yamaha with 1132 hrs, Includes trailer. Package includes canvas top, DF/FF, VF radio, AM/FM stereo, windlass anchor, swim platform and $36,500(c48705)more All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 20' KEY203WEST2022FS The Family Sportsman Series has a model to fit the needs of any modern active family. $59,869(b47464) American Marine (631) Contact543-6433Direct 20' ROBALO2022R207 Powered by an F150XB 150HP Yamaha Engine. Standard Trailer Included $64,555(b48708) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 SEPTEMBER 2022 67 SUPPLY Call Direct ENDBAY

68 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 19' REGAL2013 1900 BOWRIDER 137 hrs of use, clean boat, these were selling in the upper 20's to low 30's. Owner is moving and wants it gone, his move, your gain!!! $20,999(a49024) Yacht Finders (631) 926-4753 (631) YachtFindersOnLine.com806-2751 19' CHAPARRAL201319H20 Bimini top, depthfinder, stereo (b46598)$17,995 Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 19' YAMAHA2012SX190 Powered by a reliable and fuel-efficient 1.8 liter Yamaha Marine engine. And with plenty of room for your family and friends $24,999(a47802) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 19' CHAPARRAL201419SPORT Exceptional value joins quality and style in the widely popular 19 Sport. Stainless steel hardware, non-skid flooring, a battery on-off switch $27,990(b48711) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 19' CHAPARRAL202019SSIOB 115HP Yamaha (53 Hours). Bow and Cockpit Cover. Bimini Top. $44,995 (b46923) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 19' SAVANNAH2022SS19 Built with the family and fisherman in mind. Versatility is key. We offer a full cushion package. $34,995(b47477) Great Bay Marine (631) GreatBayBoats.com859-0654 19' MAYCRAFT20031900CC Mercury 125 HP two-stroke outboard and sits on a single axle roller trailer. The boat package comes with a bimini top and a fishfinder. $9,995(a48651) Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023 19' MAKO1977 19 CENTER CONSOLE 1994 125 HP Mercury EXLPTO two stroke. Fuel tank replaced, transome raised for 25" outboard. $6,900 (c48167) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 19' ISLANDERPIONEER2019202 Suzuki DF175ATXW Fuel Injected Four Stroke Outboard Engine. Load Rite Aluminum I-Beam Bunk $54,995(a48126)Trailer Moriches Boat & Motor (631) MorichesBoatAndMotor.com878-0023

18' ISLANDERLYMAN1952 Antique boats take you back to a simpler time, clean lines and beautiful craftsmanship. The engine is original and has been professionally $18,000(c48754)rebuilt. Westchester Yacht Sales (914) 18WesterchesterYachtSales.com844-4492 ' ANGLER2002180 MerCruiser outboard engine, 90HP, 4 Stroke. Includes a coast guard package. $10,990(b48247) Blue Marlin Boats (516) BlueMarlinBoats.net679-2121 18' ANGLER1999 180 CENTER CONSOLE Brand New Yamaha F90LA 4-Stroke. Brand New Garmin GPS/FF/DF, High Bow Rail, Twin Bucket Helm $22,900(a45269)Seats. Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 SEPTEMBER 2022 69 YEAR ELECTRONICSENDSALE!ALLBRANDS&MODELS 4108 Merrick Road Massapequa, NY 11758 516-557-2510 SUPPLIESWHILELAST! SUPPLIES Call Direct Since 1928 BURCK’SDISCOUNTMARINESUPPLY & HARDWAR E 718.885.1559 526 City island Ave., City Island NY 10464 WINTERIZINGSUPPLIES.DO-IT-YOURSELF,DO-IT-RIGHTandSAVEMONEY Ample Parking * 400’ From The Huntington Launch Ramp *DEKA MARINE BBATTERIES *NEW EENGLAND RROPES *ABLATIVE PPAINTS SPECIALSSPRING • MerCruiser Parts • Acco(USA) Mooring Chain • Mooring Hardware • Anchor & Dock Lines • Quicksilver Oil & Fuel Filters • Cleaners • Sealants • Waxes • Taylor Fenders • Mooring Hardware • West System Products • Collinite Cleaners • B & S Zincs Come In & Check Out Our Monthly Specials Interlux & Petit Botttom Paints On Sale! SPRINGISHERE!

70 SEPTEMBER 2022 SELL YOUR BOAT - VISIT BOATS4SALE.COM 18' BAYLINER2009— Powered by Mercury I/O. Complete with trailer. $12,500(h44001) (516)Scott819-1318ContactDirect 18' FXLARSON20141850DC Mercury 150L 4-stroke. Never in salt water. $31,900(a48143) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 18' GRADY FISHERMANWHITE2022180 STILL TIME TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR OPTIONS! The best center console boat under 20-feet(a48166) Port Of Egypt (631) 765-2445 (800) PoeMarine.com244-8765 18' SEA DOO2007 180 CHALLENGER Powered by a 215 supercharged, intercooled horses, with as much onboard space as most 20-foot (6.09 meter) boats at a much lower cost. $7,499 (a48968) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 18' GLASTRON2011185 On the water, the promise of performance made by its sporty exterior styling is delivered on, thanks to our exclusive SSV® hull design. $14,999(a45509) Mariners Cove (631) MarinersCoveMarine.com728-8060 17' 170BAYLINER2018BOWRIDER Boat used in fresh water, powered with 115 HP Mercury 4 stroke. Trailer included. $26,500(c48224) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 17' GLASTRON2009MX-175 3.0 Volvo Penta 175HP, Bimini with Camper, Mooring Cover, Trailer Negotiable $13,900(c49041) Argo Boat (718) Contact527-9870Direct 17' BOSTON WHALER1974 17 MONTAUK 2011 Yamaha F70LA. The perfect package for the novice & seasoned boater alike. $14,500(a47299) Spellmans Marine (631) SpellmansMarine.com728-9200 16' BOSTONDAUNTLESSWHALER2000 Hull Only! New and Used Engines available at discounted $10,000(b46138)prices. Arnotts Boat Yard (631) Contact581-5808Direct

16' DONZI1966— 4.3 Mercruiser Alpha 1. A timeless classic. Since 1964, Donzi has set the standard for the discriminating speedboater. Make offer.(a36457) Remsenburg Marina (631) RemsenburgMarina.com325-1677 15' BOSTON WHALER1996 15 DAUNTLESS Powered with 1990 75 HP Mercury 2 cycle outboard. Includes BiminiTop, (red), console and seat covers, bow cushion and more.. $11,500(c48225) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 14' SUNDANCE2001K14CC 1984 Suzuki 30 HP, includes 1998 Load Rite bunk trailer. Engine has Stabalizer fin for better planning. $3,990 (c47535) All Island Marine (516)allisland.com764-3300 SEPTEMBER 2022 71 TANKS 32 years of personalizedserviceALL ISLAND TRANSPORT MARINE 631-589-3030 •Prompt, Affordable & Reliable •4 Hydraulic Trucks & Trailers •Licensed, Insured & Authorized US DOT 539564 ICC MC 268260 NY DOT 12963 M ARINE F UEL ••••FABRICATEDTANKSFreeEstimatesAllWorkisDonetoCoastGuardSpecsFreeDisposalofOldTankAllTanksAreMarineGradeAluminum WMALLOYETALORKS 146 Verdi Street, Farmingdale, NY 631-694-8163Fax:631-694-1213 All CreditMajorCardsAccepted .NCI M ARINE F UEL ••••FABRICATEDTANKSFreeEstimatesAllWorkisDonetoCoastGuardSpecsFreeDisposalofOldTankAllTanksAreMarineGradeAluminum WMALLOYETALORKS 146 Verdi Street, Farmingdale, NY 631-694-8163Fax:631-694-1213 All CreditMajorCardsAccepted .NCI MarCeeJay Sport Fishing Capt John N Raguso Light Tackle Specialist 3-angler trips on my 228 Edgewater CC/Mercury 250 V8 Fishing the Peconic Bay, Shinnecock Inlet & Ocean Sailing out of Jamesport, NY USCG 100-ton Master mobile: 631-774-9519 email: Boating Lessons on Your Vessel Learn How to Fish! Book Your Trip Today TRANSPORT Your Full Service Marina Handling All Engine Makes & Models Authorized Dealer & Certified Service Mercury, Mercruiser & Volvo Penta 87 Ocean Ave.Bay Shore, NY 631.665.003711706 • Fully Stocked Parts Department, Carrying Most Make and Model Parts •State of the Art Facility •Short and Long Haul/Emergency Service •Service Department Open 8AM to 5PM Tuesday - Saturday •Electronic Installations •75 Ton Travel Lift •Fiberglass Repairs •Gated Entry and Security Cameras •GAS (93 Octane) & DIESEL OPEN 7 DAYS 7AM - 7PM IN SEASON Factory Authorized Service