Realistic tools and practical skills for businesses April 7–8, 2016 Illinois state university | normal, Illinois
THURSDAY, April 7 - Schedule
Illinois state University - Bone Student Center, prairie room 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Registration - Prairie room
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Keynote address - Prairie Room The 5 Biggest Social Media Myths: How to Bust Them for Business - Chris Moloney, CEO, GremIn
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
beverage break - Prairie room
CONCURRENT SESSION 1 - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Session a - Prairie north
Crafting Meaningful Communication - Kim Bahrens Kaufman
Session B - Prairie center Tracking Location with WiFi - Matt Christiansen
Session C - Prairie south Social Media Analytics & Assessment on a Shoestring Budget - Nathan Carpenter
CONCURRENT SESSION 2 - 3:35 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Session A - Prairie north
Level Up Your Marketing: Utilizing Gamification to Enhance Your Marketing Campaigns - Mitch Canter
Session B - Prairie center The Founders’ Code: Protect Your Assets - Shara Kamal, Esq.
Session C - Prairie south Live Streaming with Periscope - Joanna Zarach
Friday, april 8 - Schedule
Illinois state University - state farm hall of business 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Keyonote address - Caterpillar Auditorium (SFHOB 139) Social Media Analytics: How to Drive Chatter and Listen in on Social Conversations Joseph Mazer, Associate Professor & Associate Department Chair of the Department of Communication Studies; Director, Social Media Listening Center, Clemson University
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
continental breakfast break - SFHOB atrium
CONCURRENT SESSION 3 - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Session A - Caterpillar Auditorium (SFHOB 139) The Marketing Trifecta - Brian Basilico
Session B - SFHOB 357 Personal Branding on Social Media - Katie Eades
Session C - SFHOB 366 60 Ways to Grow Your List - Stephanie Walters
CONCURRENT SESSION 4 - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Session A - Caterpillar Auditorium (SFHOB 139) How Do I Create a Fun, Integrated Video Strategy for my Business? - Sue Koch
Session B - SFHOB 357 How to Break Through All the Noise (Without Looking Fake) - John Cordray
Session C - SFHOB 366 Creative Writing for Social Media - Bernia Wheaton
CONCURRENT SESSION 5 - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Session A - Caterpillar Auditorium (SFHOB 139) How to Adapt to a Perpetually Evolving Gen Z - Elizabeth Kerns
Session B - SFHOB 357 Build a Monthly Promotional Calendar and Measure Your Success - Rebecca Wardlow
Session C - SFHOB 366 Prepping for and Participating in Live Social Media Chat - Fetesha Downs
3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Keynote Address - Caterpillar Auditorium (SFHOB 139) Connecting the Digital Dots - Rob Kass, Vice President, Digital Audio - Nielsen
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THURSDAY, April 7 - SESSIONS Keynote - prairie room The 5 Biggest Social Media Myths: How to Bust Them for Business Chris Moloney, Chief Executive Officer - Gremln Social media is a dominant force in daily life, but how much time should your business (and you personally) dedicate to it? Most businesses know there is massive opportunity to leverage new digital tactics to drive customer growth and loyalty, but where should you focus? This presentation from an industry expert will entertain and educate with some funny, fortunate, and flawed examples of social media for business. You will walk away with a fresh perspective on how social media has changed the rules for business success.
Concurrent sessions Crafting Meaningful Communication - Kim Bahrens Kaufman In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with messages from dawn till dusk, this presentation explores how to craft meaningful communication that makes people want to care. The secret is through storytelling. Stories promoted through social media can increase loyalty, excitement, and sales for your brand. But how does one tell a good story? In this vivacious and energetic talk, we’ll explore how to find, create, and enterprise meaningful stories that keep audiences coming back for more. This includes examining the reasons people are drawn to certain content--while sharing basic lessons that carry big creative impact. After all, a person can have the flashiest website, and several social media accounts —but without meaningful, engaging content to fill each space, attention spans waiver. The art of storytelling is powerful. Done correctly, it can motivate and inspire more people to take action for your cause. Attendees should walk away feeling empowered, excited, and better prepared to write and share stories
Tracking Location with Wi-Fi - Matt Christensen Everyone these days has a WI-FI enabled device on them. Sometimes more than one. I will demonstrate how that devices (and essentially you) can be tracked using your device’s WI-FI signal even when not connected to a network. I’ll explain how it works, the benefits, and dangers/drawbacks. Uses include:
• Attendance (knowing who is at a conference, or job site) • Disaster recovery/emergency response (identify people in need of rescue or location of rescue personal) • Connection to social media (tweeting at people at an event/meeting/etc.) • Messaging your coworkers when the boss is close during March Madness”
Social Media Analytics & Assessment on a Shoestring Budget Nathan Carpenter Social media managers who are just starting out are often intimidated by the concept of social media analytics. They often assume that analytics requires extensive training or expensive tools. This session seeks to demystify social media analytics by discussing the purpose of analytics, explaining the process of collecting and analyzing data, and by sharing ideas for integrating analytics into your own social media plan. This session will demonstrate free or inexpensive analytics tools to help you get started.
Level Up Your Marketing: Utilizing Gamification to Enhance Your Marketing Campaign - Mitch Canter Ask anyone who’s played World of Warcraft or a similar game for a while, and you’ll usually hear the same thing: ”I’m hooked!” WoW has been around for nearly 12 years, and other games online garner similar sized - and just as fanatical - fan bases. How is it that a game - with “imaginary” achievements and bragging rights - can grab someone’s attention, keep it, and even bolster it for long periods of time? Mitch is a gamer and digital strategist from Nashville, TN. In this session, he’ll go over a few of the top games on the market today - World of WarCraft, Final Fantasy XIV, and Destiny - and will look under the hood to see what marketing and psychological methods they use to attract customers. We’ll look at real case studies and observations that we can distill down into actionable points that you can do now to turn your marketing campaigns around. Finally, we’ll look at how those companies interact with their customers - even when they’re not logged on - to keep themselves in mind and in focus.
The Founders’ Code: Protect Your Assets - Shara Kamal, Esq. So many business owners pour themselves into their business and they literally lose themselves (and their personal assets) along the way as a result of the failure to seek legal counsel and put the appropriate protections in place. In this session, you will be able to answer these questions and more...
1. What is intellectual property? 2. How can I protect my brand? 3. How can I protect my social media content? 4.How much is too much to share online? 5.Can I use content found on the internet?
Live Streaming with Periscope - Joanna Zarach As you may know Periscope was launched March 2015 and has since been the largest growing livestreaming platform. As someone who started on Periscope this past October with a daily broadcast, I am now a huge advocate of live streaming as “the” engagement tool to use with existing, new, and potential customers. Few social media platforms will have a bigger impact than livestreaming. I will give an overview of the livestreaming landscape, provide instructions on how to get started on periscope as a broadcaster or viewer, and discuss how to incorporate livestreaming into your social media strategy.
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FRIDAY, April 8 - SESSIONS Morning Keynote - CATERPILLAR AUDITORIUM (SFHOB 139) Social Media Analytics: How to Drive Chatter and Listen in on Social Conversations - Joseph Mazer This presentation will outline best practices in social analytics and highlight the development and implementation of Clemson University’s Social Media Listening Center initiative. As one of the first facilities of its kind on a college campus, Clemson’s Social Media Listening Center allows faculty, students and staff to conduct research and interact with external partners through social media data collection and analysis. The centers themselves feature large screens, similar to small network operations centers, which display the collected data in an engaging graphical format. Salesforce Radian6 provides the software to listen, discover, measure and engage in conversations across the Web by drawing from more than 650 million sources, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs and other online communities. Radian6 sifts through this stream of data and makes it possible to show such information as sentiment, share of voice, trending topics, geo-location metrics and much more. The presentation will highlight client-based projects and share practical tips for building a social presence and listening in on social conversations.
Afternoon Keynote - CATERPILLAR AUDITORIUM (SFHOB 139) Connecting the Digital Dots - Rob Kass We live and work among an extraordinary amount of data. While having access to all this data has many benefits, it also creates a lot of noise and confusion. Determining which data and digital channels are meaningful to your digital strategy can be overwhelming. Learn how to go from having just a digital presence to having a digital strategy and how to best use data to measure the effectiveness of your digital strategy.
concurrent sessions The Marketing Trifecta - Brian Basilico
1. A Home Base - A Killer Website 2. Measurement - Tools to measure interaction and conversions 3. Content - You need a strategy and content that drives people back to the home base and is measurable.
That is the most effective and proven system that leads to pre-qualified traffic that really wants and needs what you have. There are only two ways to really get traffic on the internet..
1. Pay Google 2. Content Marketing.
This system has been proven to work and has helped people double and even triple their business in short periods of time. How do I know? I have done it for myself first and worked with dozens of clients who have proven it time and time again!
Personal Branding on Social Media - Katie Eades Why should you care about your personal brand? Because you have one whether or not you choose to nurture it. Your words, actions, and images paint the picture of who you are – and you can choose how you want that picture to turn out. Join this session to learn the importance of personal branding both on and off-line, as well as how to shape your brand into the painting you want the world to see.
60 Ways to Grow Your List - Stephanie Walters Having an interested and qualified list of contacts, that you can stay top of mind with, is vital to every business. Continuing to grow that list is just as important. In this session we will show you 60 easy ways to grow your contact list. You’ll leave with ideas and strategies to capture new contacts, grow your list and take action to help move your business forward.
How Do I Create a Fun, Integrated Video Strategy For My Business? - Sue Koch The word is out! According to Cisco, video will account for 80% of internet traffic by 2019. So why isn’t everyone on board? There are many reasons business owners are not yet embracing and implementing a social media video strategy.
1. Overwhelmed and perfectionism. 2. Fear of a big investment, or lack of knowledge about how to successfully use the tools they have at hand. 3.Uncertainly around distribution of content across social channels. 4.Fear of negative feedback and responding to those evil trolls.
In this session, we’ll zone in on this truth: “”You already have everything you need to start today This workshop helps people get beyond the excuses holding them back. From fun content brainstorming and confidence building, to top do’s, don’ts & implementation tactics, people will leave this session ready and eager to launch a visually stimulating and educational video series.
How to Break Through All the Noise (Without Looking Fake) - John Cordray You have a message, you have a product - great, but how to you reach an active audience with your brand? How to you become known in such a noisy and competitive online world? Do you shout louder? Talk faster? Work longer? Discover the key ingredients to effectively break through all the noise without looking fake.
Creative Writing for Social Media - Bernia Wheaton If you’ve ever posted an important message that fell flat and didn’t garner any attention, this hands on session in creative writing for social media might be for you. If you want your call to action to actually generate ACTION, then join Bernia Wheaton, published author and award winning social media specialist, to learn tips and tactics for writing posts that get noticed.
How to Adapt to a Perpetually Evolving Gen Z - Elizabeth Kerns What do businesses need to do in order to cater to the rapidly changing social media usage trends of Generation Z. This presentation covers the following topics:
• Generational differences between Gen Y (Millennials) and Gen Z • Social media usage trends yesterday, today and tomorrow • Business best practices of leveraging social media to reach Gen Z through multiple platforms
Build a Monthly Promotional Calendar and Measure Your Success Rebecca Wardlow 1. Build a Monthly Promotional Calendar and Measure Your Success 2. Social Selling: How to Generate Leads & Sales from Social Media 3. Build or Grow any Business With Just $10 a Day in Paid Traffic 4. Boost Sales with Facebook Re-targeting
Prepping for and Participating in a Live Social Media Chat - Fetesha Downs In this presentation, I will walk attendees through the phases of prepping for and/or participating in a live social media chat, along with why it’s so useful for networking with brands, other industry professionals and fans alike. I will pay particular attention to how users can quickly quote content while simultaneously taking the subject matter in. This will be an interactive session as participants will be encouraged to post online with me and watch how I prioritize content. The discussion will conclude with ways this can be used in a daily setting (business or personal branding). By the end of the session, participants should have a better grasp of staying relevant/authentic in a digital chat with speed, using those chats to network online/offline, and have some new mobile applications to make this entire process easier.
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Sponsors We want to give a special thank you to the following people, organizations, and companies that made @Midwest 2016 possible.
Corporate sponsors WGLT Heartland Bank and Trust Company
Organizing sponsors Illinois State University School of Communication
Venue sponsor Illinois State University /atMidwest
Search: @Midwest
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