Crimes inspired by films/tv shows/ books • • •
Batman Killings Columbine killings Natural Born killers
Batman killings: 12 people shot dead, 58 wounded by James Holmes, 24 years old, premier of the batman film in cinema in Aurora Colorado July 2012. He met with three mental health professionals. Natural Born Killers: This Oliver Stone film has been the one that has inspired the most crimes. As one of the most violent movies, the irony in this is that the main characters are inspired by real life characters, Mickey and Mallory Knox. The most heinous crime was committed by Sarah Edmonson and Benjamin Darrus, who saw the movie prior to killing 2 people. Other victims included a 13-yearold girl, by the hands of a 14-year-old who dreamt of being as famous as the 'Natural Born Killers' characters. Nathan Martinez, killed his mother after he obsessed over the film, Angus Wallan and Kara Winn killed their roommate and Eric Tavulares killed a person while they watched the movie. Clockwork orange: example of self censorship. The columbine killings: • April 20th 1999, columbine high school in columbine, an incorporated area of Jefferson County, Colorado, United states. 12 students and one teacher were murdered and was 24 people were injured. • They were believed by the FBI to be clinical depressives. •