Show title: Fashion Show 2013 Total duration: 90 Minutes
Director: Julius Roy-Macauley
Date: 26/03/13 – 27/03/13
Camera/ Shot Type/ Camera Action/ Duration
Long shot of front of stage – 3 seconds
Shot No.
Script/ Screen Action/ Additional information
Models are standing posing at the front of the catwalk.
Quick Fade 2 seconds 21 Long angle tracking shot of models walking down catwalk – 5 seconds
Long shot of front of catwalk – 10 seconds High angle medium long shot of band – 5 seconds Close up of guitar tracks up to head shot of lead guitarist – 7 seconds Head shot of guitarist – 3 seconds Mid shot of base player – 7 seconds Long shot of lead singer – 5 seconds Mid shot of lead singer – 13 seconds Close up of lead guitar -3 seconds
The model walks down the catwalk 22
Models walk to the front of the stage stop and pose
Band play second verse
Lead guitarist plays guitar
Lead Guitarist sings backing vocal into the mic ‘London Calling’
Base player plays base and then sings backing vocal into the mic ‘London Calling’ 27 28 29 30
Lead singer sings into the mic ‘and we aint no high.... Lead singer sings chorus into the microphone Lead guitarist strums the lead guitar Drummer beats drumming pattern
Close up of drummer -3 seconds Slow fade 5 seconds Play VT – 10 seconds
31 32
VT plays on screen graphic that correspond with the theme of the show Models walk to the front of the catwalk
High angle shot of catwalk – 3 seconds Slow fade 5 seconds Long shot of front of catwalk – 10 seconds Close up of lead guitar – 3 seconds VT superimposes over the close up of the lead guitarist – 10 seconds Long shot of front of catwalk - 3 seconds Low angle tracking shot of models walking to the front of catwalk – 3 seconds Mid shot of models – 7 seconds
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Models get to the front of the catwalk and stand and pose Lead guitarist plays a solo On screen graphics play over lead guitar while the lead guitarist plays a solo Models pose at the front of the catwalk Models walk to the front of the catwalk
Models get to the front of the catwalk and pose