99 LANGBROOK ROAD SE3 8RA 07572409454
EXT. OUTSIDE OF A CLUB. NIGHT FRED an unattractive 23 year old and SHAWN a 27 year old with tattoos on his arms are standing in a queue outside of a night club. They are both wearing suits. SHAWN So his wife cut his legs off and then five months later out of revenge he hired someone to cut her legs off. FRED They sound like a very unstable couple. Fred and Shawn get to the front of the queue. They turn to look at the front of the club and are surprised to notice CLIFF a hip confident 23 year old is one of the doormen. He wearing the doorman standard all black clothing and has a security badge around his neck. FRED Is that you Cliff? SHAWN What are you doing? Haven’t I always told you if you’re gonna stand outside any door in a night club make it the ladies changing room? FRED Are you a doorman Cliff? CLIFF Yeah blood, it’s just a part time job. A job is a job you know how it goes. You don’t always know if you’re gonna make sales you know what I mean man. At least this is a definite cheese blood. SHAWN But you couldn’t win an arm wrestler against a Paralympics swimmer. How are you gonna rough someone up. CLIFF What you talking about. Some Breda steps up to me I’ll waste him, no joking. FRED Right, well can we get in.
CLIFF Yeah sure. Cliff lets Fred and Shawn into the club. His boss a big fat man in a suit looks on with an annoyed expression on his face as he shakes his head. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM. DAY Fred is in the conference listening to JOHNSON a 35 Australian giving another wearing suits except some wearing other very formal
room with the rest of the employees year old always enthusiastic motivational speech. Ever one is of the female employee’s who are business cloths.
JOHNSON You got to look on the positives. In this job you will have a lot of rejections and things to feel negged about. But you just to look at all the positives in life. For example last year mi Larry died in a plane crash. Yeah he had his brains splattered over the seat in front of him but at least he didn’t die alone. Now get out there, and make the Red Cross some serious money. Oh yeah remember tomorrow is Friday so the nationwide sector leader competition ends tomorrow, so two days to sell for all you sector leaders. Now go out there and kick some arse. Hadec is your profession. Everyone woos three times and then grows. Everyone then starts to leave the room. As Fred goes to leave he walks past Isaac a fellow Australian who is similarly always enthusiastic and larger than life. Isaac stops him Fred. ISAAC Alright mate how’s it dangling. FRED I’m fine. You okay Isaac. ISAAC Yeah no dramas, no dramas. Could just you tuck your shirt in for me mate. FRED Yeah sure. Fred tucks his shirt in and Isaac pats him on the back.
ISAAC Great stuff. Go out there and make me some sales. INT. INSIDE OF TRAIN. DAY Fred, SOPHIE a stunningly attractive 21 year old business woman, VICTOR a 25 year old attractive expressionless Russian, Cliff and Shawn are all on an over ground train. SHAWN I always said to him if you listen to music on your headphones you’ll go death. And look what happened. CLIFF He never did listen did he? SHAWN Well he couldn’t hear me because his music was on too loud. FRED Why does Isaac want me to tuck my shirt in for? SOPHIE Makes you look more professional. FRED No it doesn’t it makes me look like a nerdy looser. SHAWN You crossed that bridge a long time ago. SOPHIE I always tuck my shirt in. SHAWN Yeah but you’re a woman no one cares what you wear. It’s what you don’t wear that people care about. CLIFF My man Cliff Richard tucks his in so I’m down with that. FRED
You know that even though I have to walk through the area we’re selling in today on my way home, I still have to go to the office to deliver my papers at the end of the day. CLIFF Church. That happened to me last week blood. It’s a messed up system. SHAWN Yeah. SOPHIE So Fred how did your date go last night? INT. FRED’S FLAT. NIGHT Fred is at home watching Babestation in his small one room flat. He is speaking to the girl onscreen Charlie over the phone. Charlie is wearing underwear so she’s not nude. CHARLIE (She’s surprised) You got a date. FRED It’s nice you said that with such surprise. CHARLIE But you were talking with me last night. FRED Yeah it took place in the afternoon. And it wasn’t really a date. CHARLIE What do you mean? FRED Well somehow she got the idea I was a plumber because I met her in a club a few days ago and described my job as going round to people’s houses and providing a service. You know cause I didn’t wanna tell her that I made money working for a charity because people don’t react well to that for some reason. And she drunk and took that to mean I did odd jobs one of which was plumbing. So she gave me
some overalls and I’m finishing the job Saturday morning. CHARLIE (She’s perplexed) And why did you think it was a date? FRED Because she gave me her number. I didn’t really too much about the fact that it was on a business card. CHARLIE Sorry to hear that. FRED Well you know a job is a job. At least I get to see her again. That’s further than I got with any woman I’ve dated. INT. INSIDE OF TUBE. TRAIN Fred, Cliff, Sophie, Shawn and Victor are sitting again on the inside of a tube train. FRED We just wanted different things. CLIFF Well there’s plenty more vaginas in the sea. SOPHIE So you gonna try and win that sector leader competition Shawn. SHAWN I couldn’t give a toss about that. Do you know what the prize is a trip to Manchester for a conference. VICTOR But all owners will be at meeting. SHAWN I would rather listen to Yoko Ono do a duet with a broken fax machine that go to one of those boring cooperate things. SOPHIE
You know the RSPCA will also be competing. SHAWN Those bustards must be crushed. EXT. FRONT OF RESIDENT’S HOUSE. DAY Shawn knocks on the front door of someone’s house. The person who lives there opens the door. He has a beard. Shawn is wearing a Red Cross bib. SHAWN Hello are you having a nice day. We’re from the British Red Cross. RESIDENT 1 I’m sorry I don’t do things at the door. The resident closes the door and Shawn begins to walk away. SHAWN You clearly don’t do things in the bathroom mirror either. Shawn arrives at the front door of the house next to it. Shawn knocks on the door. An elderly woman opens the door. SHAWN Hello I hope your having a nice day. I’m from the British Red Cross, I’m sure you’re familiar with our work. OLD WOMAN Yes I am. My husband used to donate to them. Since he died I myself have always been meaning to donate. Come in. Shawn begins to give a reason not to come in but she is already half way to the kitchen so he reluctantly comes in. EXT. FRONT OF RESIDENT’S HOUSE. DAY Fred is at the front of someone’s house. The person who lives there opens the door. Fred is also wearing a Red Cross bib. FRED Alright? We’re from the British Red Cross. We’re just running around the local area. Can I ask you, do you know first aid?
RESIDENT 2 No I don’t sorry. FRED Well you see that’s a common problem. Only 17% percent of the nation know first aid and we’re losing one hundred and forty thousand lives each year in circumstances in which first aid could actually save their life. What we’re trying to do is introduce firs aid into every school across the UK. Surely you think it’s a good idea. RESIDENT 2 I’m sorry I don’t have much time because I’m busy at the moment so can you get to the point. FRED Ok sure. I won’t patronise your on our international work, or our work with the elderly. I just wanna say we’re looking for a simple 2 pound a week donation. Surely we can count on your support. RESIDENT 2 Yeah that seems alright. Have you got a form you want me to fill out. Fred gets a form out of his back pack and in the process he reveals to the resident that he has shirt untucked. RESIDENT 2 I think your shirt is loose. Fred looks down and tucks his shirt in. FRED Sorry I forgot to tuck my shirt in today. RESIDENT 2 Sorry I think I’ll donate online instead. The resident then closes the door in Shawn’s face. INT. OLD WOMAN’S LIVING ROOM. DAY Shawn is sitting on a sofa in the woman’s living room. He is wearing a woollen sweater vest over his suit. There are loads
of photos of the old woman’s husband littered around the room and stuck on the walls. The old lady is out of the room so Shawn has to shout for her to hear him. SHAWN (Shouting) I really appreciate this sweater vest but I should be going. OLD WOMAN (O.S.) I’ll be with you in just one minute. SHAWN Can I quickly ask are you under the age of 75. The old woman comes into the room wearing a bathrobe. OLD WOMAN I don’t know you tell me. Jesus you look like so much like my husband. EXT. OUTSIDE OF CLUB. NIGHT Shawn and Fred are standing at the front of a queue to get inside the same night club as before. SHAWN She said I looked like her husband. Apparently he was a mechanic back in the 70s and he looks like me. FRED So she was stark naked. SHAWN Yeah completely naked. I always dreamed this would happen on the job. But I just thought that when it did the woman’s breasts wouldn’t be drooping so much they cover my other favourite lady part. Fred and Shawn get to the front of the queue. Cliff sees them. CLIFF You guys out two nights in a row. SHAWN You work here five days a week right? CLIFF
Yeah. SHAWN So you’ve been out five times a week so don’t judge us. FRED Can we go in Cliff. CLIFF Yeah sure bruv. Cliff opens the door for Fred and Shawn to go in. Cliff’s boss power walks up to him with an angry facial expression. BOSS Cliff. CLIFF What’s up bruv? BOSS You gotta stop letting people in. CLIFF I thought that was the point of being a door man Harry. BOSS Yeah but you’re not meant to let everybody in. Only the attractive, rich or fashionable looking ones. I mean look at the last two you let in. One had his shirt tucked in for goodness sake. CLIFF Ok man, don’t sweat it. I’ll be more selective from now on. Cliff’s boss walks away and then Cliff goes back to being a doorman. An attractive woman dressed nicely walks to the front of the queue. CLIFF You’re looking fine. Get yourself in there. The attractive woman goes in. A nerd called Bill wearing glasses, jeans and a star Treck T shirt gets to the front of the queue. CLIFF
I’m sorry bruv you’re not coming in. BILL Why. CLIFF Sorry we’re very selective up in here. BILL Yeah but why I am not allowed in. CLIFF Look man, I’ll just say you’re not dressed properly. BILL What do you mean not dressed properly? CLIFF Chill man. I got no beef with you it’s just you’re not dressed like the people we normally let in. BILL What. CLIFF Sorry mate. Have a nice evening though. The homeless man walks away annoyed. INT. STREET CORNER. DAY Sophie, Fred, Cliff, Shawn and Victor are on a street corner all looking at their highlighted maps. CLIFF So we meet here at about 5 for sector. SOPHIE Yeah that sounds good. CLIFF Right let’s bounce. FRED Everyone look out for an old mad naked lady. Everyone puts their maps away and walks off. Shawn walks up a road and sees the smug RSPCA man NIGEL.
NIGEL How’s it going Shawn? SHAWN Hello you overgrown piece of bacteria. NIGEL Bacteria is that one of the crises the Red Cross covers. SHAWN No it’s something your rabies infected animals spread. NIGEL So did you hear about the sector leader competition? SHAWN Yes I did. NIGEL Did you pass it on to your sector leader then? The RSPCA man gloatingly laughs. SHAWN I’m going to destroy you. NIGEL You can try but you won’t stand a chance. EXT. OUTSIDE RESIDENT’S HOUSE. DAY A man with a sort sleeved T shirt and jeans speaking in a cockney accent called STEVE comes to the door. STEVE Alright mate. FRED Hello sir are you have a nice day. STEVE Beautiful mate. FRED We’re here from the Red Cross I’m sure you’ve heard of us.
STEVE Yeah of course mate. FRED We of course do a lot of work in international crisis relief and help the elderly by getting their medicine and just providing someone to talk to. Another thing we’re focusing on is first aid. Can I ask do you know first aid? STEVE Well I’ve had to pump a few geezers chests in my day you could say that. FRED Great. Well only seven percent of the population know first aid which is a big problem. An estimated one hundred and forty... STEVE (INTERUPTS) I’m sorry mate but I’m a little busy at the moment. Can you wait inside for me. FRED Yeah sure. Steve opens the door for Fred to come in. Steve points to the living room. STEVE Just wait in there for me mate. Fred walks to the living room as Steve walks to the kitchen. STEVE Tony I think we have the answers to all our problems. EXT. FRONT OF SOMEONE’S HOUSE. DAY Shawn is waiting at the front door of someone’s house. The person who lives there opens the door. SHAWN Hello sir I hope you’re having a nice day.
RESIDENT Yeah it’s alright. SHAWN Weather’s good, that’s always a positive isn’t it. RESIDENT 2 You’re looking for a donation. SHAWN Yes can we quickly tell you about what work you’re doing trying to get First Aid taught in schools all across the UK? RESIDENT 2 Look I’m not going to waste your time we’re not interested. The resident shuts the door and Shawn starts to walk away. EXT. FRONT OF SOMEONE’S HOUSE. DAY Cliff standing at the front door of someone’s house. He is shaking the resident’s hand. CLIFF You’re donation really will change people’s lives. Have a good one. Cliff starts to walk off as the resident closes the door. CLIFF Two sales before sector I’m gonna be balling. Cliff puts the forms in his folder as he walks out of the person’s front garden. As Cliff gets out of the person’s front garden and just gets onto the pavement his folder is taken by a homeless man who runs off with it shoving Cliff down in the process. The homeless man runs down the road and turns off the first possible turning. Cliff then gets up and starts to chase the homeless man. EXT. STEVE’S LIVING ROOM. DAY Fred is sitting down on Steve’s sofa drumming a tune on his thighs. He then checks his watch and sighs. He then sits with his chin resting on his first. Steve then walks into the room with a tall scary looking man wearing a black leather jacket
with jelled hair called TONY. Tony also speaks in a heavy cockney accent. Fred stands up. STEVE Alright mate thanks for waiting. This is Tony. Fred and Tony shake hands. FRED Nice to meet you. Now can I quickly tell you about our plan to get first aid taught in schools all across the UK? STEVE Yeah go on then. Let’s do it sitting down mate. Fred sits in the middle of the sofa and Steve and Tony sit either side of him. FRED Well as I was saying before, an estimated one hundred and forty thousand people are dying each year in incidents in which first aid could have saved their life. Now what we’re trying to do is to teach first aid in schools all across the UK so future generations can be able to stop these deaths, as well as preventing these deaths among young people today. Surely you think that’s a good idea. Tony looks over at Steve and nods his head. TONY Yeah he is perfect. STEVE See what I told you. No one would suspect him. No one clock anything. FRED Suspect me of what. TONY No one would even think he’s carrying. I mean he’s even got his shirt tucked in. STEVE Look mate, I didn’t catch your name.
FRED Fred. STEVE Look Fred we really love the Red Cross and we wanna sign up. FRED Great. STEVE However we have a bit of a cash flow problem at the moment. And in order for us to feel safe that we have the money spare to give to your very respectable charity, you may need to help us out. FRED Well I do have other paces to be. Tony puts his face right up to Fred in an intimidating fashion and doesn’t blink. TONY (Interrupts) We’d really appreciate it. STEVE It won’t take long. EXT. OUTSIDE RESIDENT’S HOME. DAY Shawn is standing outside a resident’s home as they answer the door. SHAWN Hello, and how are you doing today. RESIDENT 3 I’m fine. SHAWN I’m here on behalf of the Red Cross. RESIDENT 3 Sorry I’m not interested. The resident slams the door in Shawn’s face. Shawn then walks out of the man’s front garden and looks over the road at Nigel shaking someone’s hand as he closes a sale. Shawn looks over
at the Nigel smiling as he walks out of the person’s front garden. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET. DAY The homeless man runs down the road soon followed by Cliff. CLIFF (Shouting) Jam bruv. INT. STEVE’S GARAGE. DAY Steve is talking to Fred in a garage filled with beakers, Bunsen burners and gas masks. Fred is looking very uncomfortable. FRED You guys love your chemistry. STEVE Right you remember what we told you. FRED Yeah I’ve got to the bench put my bag down, then sit down, talk to the man for five minutes or so and then leave with the bag furthest away from me. STEVE Yeah mate. Beautiful INT. FRED’S FLAT. NIGHT Fred is still talking to Charlie. CHARLIE So what was in the bags. FRED (Swiftly interrupts) Socks. CHARLIE Socks. FRED Yep perfectly legal socks. CHARLIE (She’s perplexed)
Why did he ask you to give someone a bag of socks? FRED Well socks are, a very valuable commodity. Everyone uses them. CHARLIE Well I’m sure you’re using at least one right now. INT. STEVE’S GARAGE. DAY Fred is still talking with Steve in the garage. FRED So just to get this clear. You’re defiantly gonna make a donation with me, I mean the Red Cross. Tony walks in and hands Steve a gun which he puts in his pocket. STEVE Yeah course mate. I’ve always supported the kind of work the Red Cross does. Tony and Steve walks to the van and Fred follows close behind. EXT. FRONT GARDEN OF SOMEONE’S HOUSE. DAY Shawn is talking to a resident at the front of their house. RESIDENT 5 Sorry all my money I give to charity goes to Battersy dogs home or the RSPCA. SHAWN Couldn’t you squeeze us in there? RESIDENT 5 No I’m sorry I just can’t. SHAWN Not to worry mate have a nice day. The resident closes the door as Shawn walks away. SHAWN I hope you get herpes.
Shawn is leaving someone’s front garden. He has an angry expression on his face. When he gets on the pavement of the road he sees the Nigel across the road from him closing another sale. Nigel walks over to Fred. Nigel is being cocky as usual. NIGEL Have you ended the Syria crisis yet? SHAWN Have you got your test results yet? NIGEL So how many sales have you done today. SHAWN Well it... NIGEL (Interrupts) I’ve made 3 already. And it’s not even prime time yet. SHAWN Well it doesn’t matter how many sales you have today it’s about the week in total. NIGEL Well you don’t wanna know how many sales I have this week. And I don’t even like cats or dogs. I make this many sales and I’m not even an animal lover. SHAWN I’m sure you are mate how else did you lose your virginity. NIGEL Keep up the jokes, you’re gonna need to yourself amused when you’re waiting in the unemployment line. Nigel walks away and waves goodbye to Shawn with a big smug grin on his face. Fred then looks down at the ground for a second and then up at the sky and a smile appears on his face. INT. VAN. DAY Fred is in a transit van with Steve and Tony. Fred has a form on his clip board which he is filling in for Tony.
FRED So what’s your name again? TONY Put Barbara. Barbara Kensit. Fred writes it down on the form. FRED And what bank are you with at the moment. TONY Well most of my money’s kept in Switzerland these days. STEVE Fred we just gotta pick up a friend first. TONY Is it alright if I fill this in after the job mate? FRED Yeah sure. The van stops and tony opens the side down of the van and Steve opens the door on the passenger seat. A man walks in carrying a gun. The man is called Jeff. Another man also comes in carrying a gun he is called Frank. Fred quietly swears under his breath out of fright. STEVE Alright Jeff you keeping well. JEFF Yeah mate. As usual you the missus is bending me ear hole, but then again she did let me bend something else last night if you know what I mean. They all laugh. INT. FRED’S FLAT. NIGHT Fred is still talking to Charlie CHARLIE I think it’s some reference to a sexual act.
FRED Oh right. INT. OLD WOMAN’S LVING ROOM. DAY Victor is sitting on the sofa in the living room in the house of the old lady from earlier. The old lady is in her robe again. VICTOR Yes was mechanic back home. You make donation now. EXT. OUTSIDE BUTCHURS SHOP. DAY Fred is just coming out of a butchers shop carrying a blue plastic bag. Fred stares at a blind man with a guide dog. The blind man momentarily lets go of his dog’s lead to get out his Oyster Card. Fred gets a bit of meat out of his blue bag and waves in front of the dog’s nose. The dog then starts to follow Shawn as he backs away with the meat. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET. DAY The homeless man stops and leans up against a wall to regain his breath then starts running away again. Cliff then does the same thing a few seconds later and continues chasing the homeless man. CLIFF (Shouting) I’m proper switching blood. I’m not even joking. INT. PARK. DAY Fred is walking up to a bench carrying a backpack. The park has a few people in but not many. Fred sits down with the bag next to him. A short man with glasses, jeans and a t-shirt sits next to him and puts his identical backpack down. Fred turns to him and starts speaking. FRED Nice weather isn’t it. DRUG DEALER Yeah it is. Watch the game last night. FRED No.
INT. INSIDE OF VAN. DAY Tony, Steven and Jeff are all in the van looking through the windows at Fred. Tony and Steven are in the front of the van and Jeff is in the back. TONY He’s doing a good job so far. STEVEN He’s doing well. JEFF What’s he doing now? TONY He seems to be getting out some kind of paper. EXT. PARK. DAY Fred is on the bench trying to get the drug dealer to fill in a donation form. FRED So would you like to sign up for the 8 pound a month or a 10 pound a month donation? INT. INSIDE OF VAN. DAY Steve, Tony and Jeff are all still watching Fred. Jeff is assembling his sniper rifle. TONY He’s probably just trying to get donations for old the Red Cross. JEFF He’s not one of those charity cold callers is he? They make me sick. Jeff then mounts his riffle on the back window. JEFF Right let’s do this. You told him to carry grab both bags right. STEVE Not exactly mate.
JEFF Why not mate. It kind of defeats the purpose a bit if you don’t tell him. STEVE Look mate if he knew we were doffing this geezer, he would most probably get scared and tell him. EXT. PARK. DAY Fred is still talking to the drug dealer. Fred is just putting his forms away. FRED Thanks for your donation today. The Red Cross certainly appreciates this very much. DRUG SELLER Anything that can go to help my mates in Columbia. Right now I think it’s time to make the exchange. FRED Yeah sure. Fred gets up as the drug dealer gets up. They both go for each other’s backpacks as planned. Fred then starts to walk back to the van. He hears a gun shot and then starts running to the van. More gun shots follow. He gets to the van. He see’s Jeff and Frank shooting out of a window in the back and Tony shooting out of a window on the front. Fred is very shocked. FRED (Panicking) That man just got shot. TONY (Shouting) Get the other bag! FRED (Shouts) What? TONY (Shouts) Go get the other bag!
FRED But they’re shooting. Fred runs back and grabs the other bag that was dropped by the drug dealer was shot but puts the one he’s carrying down in it’s place. He runs back to the van. STEVE (Shouts) Get both of them you idiot! FRED (Shouts) I have to go out there again. Tony clutches his arm. TONY I’ve been hit. STEVE (Shouts) Pass me that bag and go get the other one! Hurry up! Jeff get Tony lying down there in the back. Fred runs back where the bag is, picks it up and runs back to the van with it. EXT. FRONT OF RESIDENT’S HOUSE. DAY Shawn waits behind a parked car clutching the dog leash of the stolen dog. He watches as Nigel walks up to the door of another home and rings the door bell. The car is very near by the house the Nigel is at. A man comes to the door and Nigel pitches to him. SHAWN (Says screamingly) So you don’t like animals then. Shawn then waves a massive cut of meat in front the dog’s nose. He throws the meat on the man’s front doorstep. Shawn then releases the leash and the dog runs straight for the meat. This makes Nigel jumps back out of fear. The resident looks at Nigel’s reaction and then closes the door. Nigel starts to walk away. He passes the parked car Shawn is crouched down behind. Shawn shoves a bit of meat in his open back pack, waits for him to walk on a few steps and whistles to get the dog’s attention.
INT. INSIDE OF VAN. DAY Steve is driving really fast. Jeff is in the front seat with Steve. Tony, Fred and Frank are in the back. Tony is lying bleeding profusely clutching his arm. Fred is sitting next to Tony. Fred is shacking with terror. STEVE Why did they bring a shooter and how did they know where we were. FRED Can I ask what’s in the bags? EXT. SUBURBAN STREET. DAY Shawn is walking down a suburban street smiling. Nigel walks up to him. Nigel is still looking and acting smug and confident. The sun is starting to go down. SHAWN Alright Nigel still not fond of dogs then. NIGEL Don’t know Shawn. You still not fond of making money. I found the meet you put in my bag. SHAWN Good. I thought I’d put it in there, because if the dog just eat your nob and bollocks it wouldn’t be very filled up would it. NIGEL I’d just like to say that even though you dented my sales today you still have no chance of winning the competition. I’ve made twelve’s sales this week. SHAWN I’m on eleven sales just so you know. NIGEL Yeah but it’s not twelve though is it. And today is the final day. SHAWN
I can make one more sale today. Or even oven two so I can over take your smug arse. NIGEL (Checks his watch) But its 8:30 you’ve only got half an hour to sell. You make two sales in half an hour, who do you think you are, me. SHAWN I’ll make the sales don’t worry NIGEL I suppose with a face like that you have to be optimistic in life. Anyway I’m off home now so I can get a good rest before the owners conference tomorrow. But eleven sales that’s really good. That kind of salesmanship will really come in handy when you’re selling the big issue. Nigel walks off. Shawn goes to the next house and knocks on the door. The person comes to the door. SHAWN Hello sir, are you having a nice day. RESIDENT 6 Yeah I’m alright. SHAWN I’m here from the British Red Cross. RESIDENT 6 Ah yes I’ve been thinking about donating with you recently. I really like your work with the homeless. SHAWN Oh that’s great. Cliff is chasing the homeless man in the middle of the road behind Shawn. He is in plain sight of the resident who’s eyes are fixed on this incident, which as a result makes Shawn turn around. Cliff is still wearing his British Red Cross bib. CLIFF (Shouting) I’m gonna mess you up. I’m not even lying blood.
Shawn turns back around to the resident and tries to capture his attention. SHAWN We also do a lot of work with the elderly you know providing care in the home with household chores or just being someone they can talk to. The old woman from earlier runs down the pavement chasing Victor behind Shawn. This similarly catches the resident’s and then Shawn’s attention. Victor is also still wearing his British Red Cross bib. VICTOR (Shouts) You leave me alone now. Please. OLD WOMAN But I miss my husband I just want some affection. Shawn turns around to the resident to try and capture his attention. SHAWN We also do some work with the disabled and victims of international disasters. But what we’re currently focusing on now is trying to teach first aid in schools all across the UK. The resident and Shawn’s attention is again captured this time by the blind man who Shawn stole the dog from. He is wondering into the street and gets run over by a car. A bystander runs to the blind man. BYSTANDER (Shouts) This man needs help, does anyone know first aid. Shawn stands in front of the resident as they look at each other awkwardly. SHAWN Ah sod this competition, I’m off to home to watch porn. Shawn walks off.
INT. INSIDE OF VAN. DAY Everybody is still where they were last time. Jeff is in the front seat with Steve, Tony, Fred and Frank are in the back. Steve pulls over and stops the van. STEVE Oi you two Fred and Frank can you come help me with something outside quickly. Jeff mate you stay there with Tony. Make sure he’s alright. Steven, Fred and Frank all get out of the van and step away from it a few meters. STEVE I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I think Jeff grassed us up to those lot up south. Now you two fellas wait here, I’m gonna sort him. FRED Wait Steve. Let me go in and talk to him, see if I can confirm if you’re right or not. STEVE Alright mate be quick. Fred goes back to the van and steps inside and sits down opposite Jeff. FRED Jeff would you been interested in making a donation to the British Red Cross today. JEFF Naugh I’ll me put me money in the charity buckets when I see em. FRED What if I told you the British Red Cross was trying to get first aid taught in schools all across the UK. JEFF (Slightly aggressive) As I said mate, I’ll make donations in the charity buckets when I see em.
FRED Alright no worries. Fred gets out of the van and walks back to Steve and Frank. FRED Yeah he’s definitely a grass. STEVE Right. Steve loads his gun and starts to walk towards the van. EXT. OUTSIDE OF HOMELESS SHELTER. DAY Cliff chases the homeless man to a homeless shelter. The volunteer door man moves out of the way as the homeless man as he runs into the homeless shelter. Cliff tries to do the same but he is stopped by the doorman who stands in the door way and outstretches his arms. DOORMAN Sorry mate you can’t get in. CLIFF Why. DOORMAN We’ll you’re just not dressed right. CLIFF Come again. DOORMAN Well you’re just not dressed like the people we would normally let in. INT. INSIDE OF THE VAN. NIGHT Steve is driving, Frank is in the passenger seat and Fred is in the middle back seat with Jeff’s dead body on a seat to one side of him and Tony’s body on a seat the other side of Fred. Fred looks really scared. STEVE We’re gonna have to spend the night in the lock up till things die down. Sorry about that lads. FRED
Yeah whatever you say Steve. I just gotta go somewhere tomorrow morning. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET. DAY Steve’s van pulls up to a house on a suburban street. Fred gets out of the back of the van wearing over alls. He stops and speaks to Steve through the driver’s seat window. FRED Thanks again for the lift and the overalls. Fred walks towards a house in which a woman is standing the door way. She is called Jane. JANE Ah you’ve come prepared this time. You even brought your van. INT. FRED’S FLAT. DAY Fred is still taking to Charlie. FRED I wonder if axe murders would be less as angry and not kill as many people if they just used guns instead. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET. DAY Fred on his way home wearing dirty overalls. He unknowingly walks past the house of the old woman from earlier. The old woman is standing in the doorway and see’s Fred walking past. OLD WOMAN He’s got overalls on just like my husband. The old woman runs out after Fred in her robe. Fred stops and accepts her invitation to come into her house.