] River Bend Library 1010 Meredith Willson Blvd. River Bend, Iowa 51234
Your attention, please.
Don't forget to Vote! November 8, 1996
Non-profit organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #123
Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Public 1776 Live Free or Die Ave. River Bend, Iowa 54321
(See ot her side.)
VOTE! FOR A NEW LIBRARY! If You Love River Bend
It is your duty to VOTE! to BUILD! a NEW! River Bend Librar y! for the children of the 21st Centur y! We need your VOTE! Ever y VOTE! counts! Tell your friends to VOTE!
November 8, 1996 VOTE! YES! Intiative #1
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Intiative #1: Shall River City bond for $20 million dollars to build a
21st Century Library?
o your duty and vote YES! If not for yourself then think of your kids and the kids they hang out with, gee whiz, I mean...remember hanging out at the library on lazy afternoons? It was the middle of July, hot as blazes, and you could catch crawdads up Mill Creek, rollerskate to the Natatorium, or play desolute endless games of 500-Up with whomever showed up at the park that day; but failing these and national holidays, you know, you always knew, you always knew in the back of your mind. that somewhere the Library waited patiently.
Coming Soon to River City:
The 21st Century Library 60,000 square feet of natual light Glass walls with cool projected imagery Open design: highly adaptable to rapid change 100 KEYCO速 computer stations 5 levels above ground Below grade parking Cafe al Fresco Gift Shop
The library is the place where, when there's no place else to go, they have to take you in. Didn't Robert Frost say something like that once? Hey--You could go to the library and look it up. Maybe discover something new there, too. You just never know.
or die. Initiative #1 November 8, 1996
The future of River Bend depends on you. 1010 Meredith Willson Ave., River Bend, Iowa, 51234 Vote4YourLibrary@www.riverbendlibrary.org